Flood Frequency Analysis of Osse River Using Gumbel's Distribution

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Civil and Environmental Research www.iiste.

ISSN 2224-5790 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0514 (Online)
Vol.3, No.10, 2013

Flood Frequency Analysis of Osse River Using Gumbel’s Distribution

Okonofua Solomon* and Ogbeifun Prince
Jeffa Geosurveys and Technical Services Limited, P.O.Box 10017, Benin City, Nigeria
Email: ehiz_zono@yahoo.com

This paper shows the result of the study carried out on Osse River with flow measurements carried out at
Iguoriakhi. Flood frequency analysis was carried out on the river (Osse river) using Gumbel’s distribution which
is one of the probability distribution used to model stream flow. This was necessitated by the need to protect
lives and property at the downstream of the catchment area. Gumbel’s distribution was used to model the annual
maximum discharge of the river for a period of 20years (1989 to 2008). The measurement was carried out by
Benin Owena River Basin Development Authority .From the trend line equation, R2 gives a value of 0.954
which shows that Gumbel’s distribution is suitable for predicting expected flow in the river. From the Gumbel’s
distribution using return periods (T) of 2yrs, 5yrs,10yrs, 25yrs, 50yrs, 100yrs, 200yrs and 400yrs; the expected
estimated discharges obtained are: 2156.61m3/s, 2436.24m3/s, 2621.38m3/s, 2855.31m3/s, 3028.85m3/s,
3201.11m3/s, 3372.74m3/s and 3544.05m3/s respectively. These values are useful for storm management in the
Keywords: flood frequency analysis, probability, Gumbel’s distribution, return period, flow measurement.

Flow discharge which are relatively high and which overflow the natural or manmade banks in any reach of a
river maybe called a flood. When the water carrying capacity of a river has been over stretched, the river
channels becomes inadequate to carry off the unusual quantity of runoff arising from heavy precipitation causing
the river to overflow its banks and inundates the low-lying area. When this happens, water overtop the bank,
spread over the flood plain especially low lying regions and come in the activities of man (Reddy 2008).
Apart from the overflows of Rivers, floods maybe caused by the failure of some hydraulic structures such as
dams or sudden release of huge amount of water (as in the case of Adamawa state flood in August 2012 cause by
water released from Cameron dam), causing considerable damage to lives and properties. The flood later went
on and twenty three other states in the country were submerged as a result of this release.
Since man do a lot of it activities on the flood plain, it becomes important for him to protect it against flood.
Some of the structures used by man to control flood are leaves, reservoir and channel improvement. For an
economic and efficient design of these measures, flood has been estimated with some level of accuracy. Once an
estimate of maximum or peak flood which occur in a particular site can be estimated, an ideal solution can then
be proffered by a hydraulic Engineer (Haan, 1977).
The flood discharge adopted for the design of hydraulic structures while putting economic and hydrological
factor into consideration is known as design flood and as it (design flood increases), the cost of the structure
decreases but there will be a reduction in the probability of yearly damage. It is of great importance to select a
design flood, which is unlikely to occur during the design life of a hydraulic structure, and as such the difference
between the design return period and the estimated life of the structure should be quite large. This is why the
return period of hydraulic structure (spillway of dams) is taken very long so as to reduce risk of failure (Izinyon
and Igbinoba, 2011).
Annually, a lot of funds are spent on flood effect reduction and protection using either structural (achieved by
river training, storage dam, weir, reservoir, drainages and culverts) or non-structural (achieved by flood
forecasting, catchment enrichment, channel development and rescue operations) measures. Meteorological data
can only provide short forecast in an accurate form, which may allow time to reduce the effects of flood events
(Madamombe, 2005). The inaccuracy of meteorological forecast has raised so many false alarms that people no
longer take forecast seriously. It is as a result of inaccuracy of flood forecasting using rainfall data that lead to
the use of statistical methods (Normal, Extreme Value Type I, Log Normal, Log Pearson Type III e.t.c.) to
predict flood.
The use of probability model on the sample of annual flood peak recorded over a given period of time
(observation), for a particular watershed, region or catchment is known as Flood Frequency Analysis. From the
results of the findings, forecast of the extreme events of large recurrence interval can be ascertained (Pegram and
Parak, 2004). Reliable flood frequency estimates are essential for flood plain management, protection of public
infrastructure, cost reduction of food related matters to government and private enterprises, for assessing hazards
related to the development of flood plains and epidemic control (Tumbere, 2000).
In order to ensure safety and economic hydrologic design in the catchment area, the Gumbel distribution, a
stochastic generating structure that produce random outcomes was used to model the annual peak discharge data

Civil and Environmental Research www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-5790 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0514 (Online)
Vol.3, No.10, 2013

of Osse river at Benin City from 1989 to 2008 obtained from the measurements carried out by the Benin Owena
River Basin Development Authority (BORBDA).
The main aim of the paper is to carry out flood frequency analysis of the river catchment using annual peak flow
or maximum discharge data obtained from the river from 1989 to 2003. The objectives are:
• Use Gumbel distribution to analyze the annual peak discharge data of Osse River from 1989-2008.
• Predict flood design for return period of 2yrs, 5yrs, 10yrs, 25yrs, 50yrs, 100yrs, 200yrs, and 400yrs.

The results of the analysis generated from the study gives detailed information of likely flow discharge to be
expected in the river at the various return periods based on the observed data. This information will be very
useful for engineering purposes such as when designing structures in or near the river that may be affected by the
flood as well as in designing the flood structure to protect against the expected events. (Izinyon, 2011). This may
include the design of dam, bridges and flood control structures which will reduce flood disaster in the catchment
or assist considerably in storm water management in the region.
The study area were the flood frequency study was carried out is Benin-Owena, River Basin catchment Area in
Edo-State situated within the Western Littoral Hydrological Area HA-6 which is one of the eight hydrological
area into which Nigeria is subdivided. The gauge station at which the hydrometric measurements were made is
located at Osse River at Iguoriahki. Some important details of the river are list in Table 1.

Table 1: Osse River Gauging Station Details.

Station Location State Basin Latitude Longitude Drainage Area (hectares)
Osse River at Iguoriakhi Edo Osse Lat. 60 29’ N Log. 50 28’ E 755
Source: (BORDA, 2010)


Gumbel’s distribution is one of the statistical approaches that is mostly used to analyze flood data. It is also used
to predict hydrological events such as flood. According to Gumbel, the probability of occurrence of an event
equal to or longer than value is expressed as (Shaw, 1983):
P( X ≥ X O ) = 1 − e −e

Where y is another dimensional variable given as;
y = α (X − β ) (2)
Sx (3)
= − 0.45005 (4)
Sx =
Standard deviation for X
= − + 0.577 (5)
For any given data, the value of for a given probability (p) is required; therefore Equation (1) is transpose as:
Y(p) = value of variate y for a given probability (p) and taking logarithms on both sides to base two, we now have
= − ln[− ln(1 − p )] (6)
Using ,
 T 
Y(T ) = − ln . ln
 T − 1  (7)
Also, Equation (2) will now become:
− + 0.577 (8)
Where X(T) = value of X for a return period of T, therefore;
= + . (9)

Civil and Environmental Research www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-5790 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0514 (Online)
Vol.3, No.10, 2013

Y(T ) − 0.577
Where; 1.2825 (10)
K is known as frequency factor. Where N is smaller and it’s of finite value, K can be modified as:
! " # !$
= (11)
Where & and '& are reduced mean and reduced standard deviation having maximum value of 0.577 and
1.2825 respectively. The tables showing these values are referred to as Gumbel’s Extreme value distribution.

Daily maximum discharge data of Osse river at Iguoriakhi, Benin city from 1989-2008 (20 years flood data)
were obtained from the measurement carried out by the Benin Owena River Basin Development Authority
(BORBDA) and were subjected to flood frequency analysis applying the Gumbel’s distribution. According to
Mujere (2006), Gumbel’s distribution is usually applied when;
a. The river is less regulated i.e. not affected by human water demand such as reservoir, diversions and
b. Maximum flow data are homogenous and independent.
c. Observed flow data was more than 10 years with good quality
The steps to estimate the design flood for any return period using Gumbel’s distribution as given by VenTe
Chow (1988) is presented below:
Step I: Annual peak flood data for the river was assembled from 1989 -2008.
Step II: From the maximum flood data for n years, the mean and standard deviation ' are computed using:
1 n
( )

(n − 1) ∑
∑ xi
i =1
σx =
i =1
y σ
Step III: From n, the value of n and n are obtained from Gumbel’s Distribution Reduced Extreme Table
(shown in Table 4).
Step IV: From the given return period Tr, the reduced variate Y(T), is computed using Equation (7).
y σ Y
Step V: From n , n and (T ) obtained, the frequency factor, KT is computed using Equation (11).
Step VI: With the use of Equation (9), the magnitude of flood is computed.

It is of great importance to confirm if the observed flood data collected in the catchment follows Gumbel’s
distribution or not. In order to achieve this, the observed data is arranged in descending order (the highest
coming first) and assigning the return period for each flood; the reduced variate corresponding to each flood is
computed using Equation (7). A plot of the reduced variate and magnitude of flood is made on ordinary graph
paper. If an eye fits to this plot suggest a straight line, then it is reasonable to conclude that the Gumbel’s
distribution is a good fit for the observed flood data.


The annual peak flow data for Osse River for the period of years obtained from the daily discharge measurement
carried out from 1989 – 2008 by Benin Owena River Basin Development Authority are presented in Table 2
Table 2: Annual Peak Flow Data for Osse River (1989 – 2008)
Water Year Stream Flow Annual Water Year Stream Flow Annual Maximum
Maximum (m3/s) (m3/s)
1989 1980 1999 2150
1990 1982 2000 2210
1991 1948 2001 2211
1992 1836 2002 2365
1993 1842 2003 2310
1994 1978 2004 2442
1995 2009 2005 2547
1996 2010 2006 2539
1997 2101 2007 2661
1998 2136 2008 2650

Civil and Environmental Research www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-5790 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0514
0514 (Online)
Vol.3, No.10, 2013

Table 3: Computation Table

Year Flood Flood Peak in Order Return Reduced Variate,
S x = (n − x) 2
Peak Descending (m) Period, Tr
(m3/s) order (m3/s) n +1 Y = − ln ln
Tr = Tr − 1
1989 1980 2661 1 216829.9225 21 3.02022654
1990 1982 2650 2 206706.6225 10.5 2.301750855
1991 1948 2547 3 123657.7225 7 1.869824714
1992 1836 2539 4 118095.3225 5.25 1.554433319
1993 1842 2442 5 60836.2225 4.2 1.302196935
1994 1978 2365 6 28781.1225 3.5 1.08923964
1995 2009 2310 7 13144.6225 3 0.902720456
1996 2010 2211 8 244.9225 2.625 0.734858987
1997 2101 2210 9 214.6225 2.333333 0.580504824
1998 2136 2150 10 2056.6225 2.1 0.435985403
1999 2150 2136 11 3522.4225 1.909091 0.29849048
2000 2210 2101 12 8901.9225 1.75 0.165702981
2001 2211 2010 13 34354.6225 1.615385 0.035543351
2002 2365 2009 14 34726.3225 1.5 -0.094047828
2003 2310 1982 15 45518.2225 1.4 -0.225351487
2004 2442 1980 16 46375.6225 1.3125 -0.36122375
2005 2547 1978 17 47241.0225 1.235294 -0.505749609
2006 2539 194
1948 18 61182.0225 1.166667 -0.665729811
2007 2661 1842 19 124856.2225 1.105263 -0.855000373
2008 2650 1836 20 129132.4225 1.05 -1.113344054
SUM 43907 1306378.55
AVERAGE 2195.35
S.D 262.215
S.D is Standard Deviation



Flood Peak




-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Reduced Variate

Figure 1: Plot of Osse River Discharge

Civil and Environmental Research www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-5790 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0514 (Online)
Vol.3, No.10, 2013

Table 4: Computation of Expected Flood along Osse River

Return Period (T) in Reduced Variate, Frequency factor, Expected flood,
years T Y −Y X T = x + K T .S x
Y = − ln ln r
K (T ) = T n
Tr − 1 σn
2 0.366512921 -0.147753714 2156.6067
5 1.499939987 0.918669954 2436.239042
10 2.250367327 1.624735214 2621.379944
25 3.198534261 2.516850542 2855.305965
50 3.901938658 3.178672655 3028.84565
100 4.600149227 3.835607978 3201.103946
200 5.295812143 4.490146253 3372.7337
400 5.990213243 5.143497307 3544.052146
Based on the methodology described above, the important parameters needed for the analysis were computed in
Table 2 while Table 3 shows the various discharges expected alongside their return periods. The results from the
table shows that the expected stream discharge for return periods of 2yrs, 5yrs, 10yrs, 25yrs, 50yrs, 100yrs,
200yrs and 400yrs are 2156.61m3/s, 2436.24m3/s, 2621.38m3/s, 2855.31m3/s, 3028.85m3/s, 3201.11m3/s,
3372.74m3/s and 3544.05m3/s respectively.

From the flood frequency analysis carried out for Osse River using 20 years annual peak flow data, figure 1
shows a plot of the flow of the river using the observed data. From the trend line equation, R2 gives a value of
0.954. The value r = 0.954 shows that the pattern of the scattered is narrow and that Gumbel’s distribution is
suitable for predicting expected flow in the river. The plot (figure 1) also gives the relationship between the
anticipated flow (discharge) and return period as: 225.5x + 2100. From here, other values not shown in chart can
be extrapolated. These and other values obtained will be useful in the Engineering design of hydraulic structure
such as storm water drains, culverts and reservoirs with a view to protecting lives and properties at the
downstream of the river.

BORBDA (2005), “Benin Owena River Basin Development Authority Hydrological year Book”, 1989 to 2008
Hann, C. T. (1977), “Statistical Methods in Hydrology”, Iowa State University Press, Iowa
Izinyon, O. C. and Igbinoba E. (2011), “Flood Frequency Analysis of Ikpoba River Catchment at Benin City
using Log Pearson Type III Distribution”, (JETEAS) 2 (1): 50-55
Madamombe, E.K. (2005), “Flood Management Practices, Selected Flood Prone Areas of Zambezi Basin,
Zimbabwe National Water Authority”, Harare, Zimbabwe
Mujere, N. (2006), “Impact of River Flow Changes on Irrigation Agriculture”. A case Study of Chimanimani
district. MPhil Thesis, University of Zimbabwe, Harare.
Pagram, G. and Parak, M. (2004), “ A Review of the Regional Maximum Flood and Rational Formula using
Geomorphologic Information on Observed Floods”, Water SA 30 (3) 377-388
Reddy, J.A.(2006), “A textbook on hydrology”.Laxmi Publications, New Delhi India
Shaw, E.M. (1983), “Hydrology in Practice”. Van Nostrand Reinhold, UK
Tumbare, M. J. (2000), “Mitigating Flood in South Africa”, paper presented at the 1st WARSFA/water Net
Symposium: sustainable use of water Resources, 1-2 November, Maputo
Chow, V. T., Maidment, D.R., Mays, L. W. (1988), “Applied Hydrology”. McGraw Hill Book Company,

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