January 2018
Pearson Edexcel
International Advanced Subsidiary
In Mechanics M3(WME03)
Paper 01
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January 2018
Publications Code WME03_01_1801_MS
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2018
General Marking Guidance
2. The Edexcel Mathematics mark schemes use the following types of marks:
M marks: Method marks are awarded for ‘knowing a method and attempting to
apply it’, unless otherwise indicated.
A marks: Accuracy marks can only be awarded if the relevant method (M)
marks have been earned.
B marks are unconditional accuracy marks (independent of M marks)
Marks should not be subdivided.
3. Abbreviations
These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the
mark schemes.
5. For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or materially simplify
it, deduct two from any A or B marks gained, in that part of the question affected.
Rules for M marks: correct no. of terms; dimensionally correct; all terms that need
resolving (i.e. multiplied by cos or sin) are resolved.
DM indicates a dependent method mark i.e. one that can only be awarded if a previous
specified method mark has been awarded.
Any numerical answer which comes from use of g = 9.8 should be given to 2 or 3 SF.
Marks must be entered in the same order as they appear on the mark scheme.
In all cases, if the candidate clearly labels their working under a particular part of a
question i.e. (a) or (b) or (c),……then that working can only score marks for that part of
the question.
Misreads – if a misread does not alter the character of a question or materially simplify it,
deduct two from any A or B marks gained, bearing in mind that after a misread, the
subsequent A marks affected are treated as A ft
Mechanics Abbreviations
HL Hooke’s Law
Scheme Marks
1. cone cylinder S
1 2 13 2
Mass r 4h r 2 3h r h B1
3 3
4 9 13
Dist h h x B1
4h h 13x M1A1ft
x h 0.73h or better A1
29.4 y 1.2
y 2 3.12 y 1.44 0
M1 Attempt an energy equation with a GPE term and a single EPE term of the form k
A1 Either term correct
A1 Both terms correct
DM1 Obtain a 3 term quadratic and attempt its solution. Formula to be correct (if shown). This
mark can only be awarded for a calculator solution if final answer is correct.
A1cao Correct distance AB. Second solution for quadratic need not be shown.
29.4 x 2
ALT: 0.9 9.8 x 1.2 etc (solves to 1.356...) M1A1A1
2 1.2
Second M mark here requires completion to distance AB
If SUVAT (or energy) used to natural length, the first M mark is for the
energy equation with a single EPE term, a KE term and a GPE term.
Award A1 for any 2 terms correct and A1 for third term correct.
The second M mark is for solving and completing to required distance
Scheme Marks
dv 8
3 (a) 0.4 M1
t 4
v dt
t 4
v c DM1A1
t 4
t 0, v 10 10 5 c, c 5 DM1
v 5 * A1cso (5)
t 4
x 5 dt
t 4
x 20ln t 4 5t c M1A1
t 0, x 0 0 20ln 4 c c 20ln 4 A1
v6 1 t 16 B1
By definite integration:
(a) M1 DM1 as above A1 as above but limits not needed here
DM1 Substitute correct limits A1 cao no errors seen
Scheme Marks
4a r 2 8a r , Radius 3a
2 2
4 M1,A1
T cos mg R M1A1
M1 Attempt to obtain the radius, probably using Pythagoras. Can be done by justifying eg
3 + 5 = 8 so 3,4,5 triangle
A1 Correct radius seen here or used providing the M mark has been awarded.
M1 Resolve vertically, 3 forces in the equation with T resolved
A1 Correct equation with cos or
M1 Equation of motion along the horizontal radius, T must be resolved, their radius or r allowed,
acceleration in either form. Allow if TA and TB used
A1 Forces correct, sin or Both tensions to be the same
A1 Acceleration correct in form shown, their radius or r
DM1 Eliminate T and replace trig functions with their values if not done earlier. This is a M mark,
so trig functions need not be correct. Depends on 2nd and 3rd M marks but not the first.
M1 Use R 0 to obtain an inequality for 2
A1 Correct inequality Must use r 3a now or later.
DM1 Use period to obtain an inequality for S (or different letter if used). Direction of the
inequality must change. Depends on previous M mark.
A1cso Correct inequality as shown in the question obtained from correct and complete working
NB Candidates who assume a 3,4,5 triangle without showing any working or
justification will lose the first 2 marks and this one.
Scheme Marks
Alternative, combines second and fifth M marks
4a r 2 8a r , Radius 3a
2 2
T cos mg M1(5th on e-
3a 6a
S 2 , * DM1,A1cso
2g g
M1 Attempt to obtain the radius, probably using Pythagoras. Can be done by justifying eg
3 + 5 = 8 so 3,4,5 triangle
A1 Correct radius seen here or used providing the M mark has been awarded.
M1 Resolve vertically, using R 0 Allow with inequality in the wrong direction.
M1 5th on e-PEN Correct direction for inequality
A1 Correct inequality with cos or
M1 Equation of motion along the horizontal radius, T must be resolved, their radius or r allowed,
acceleration in either form. Allow if TA and TB used
A1 Forces correct, sin or Both tensions to be the same
A1 Acceleration correct in form shown, their radius or r
DM1 Eliminate T and replace trig functions with their values if not done earlier. This is a M mark,
so trig functions need not be correct. Depends on 2nd and 3rd M marks but not the first or
A1 Correct inequality Must use r 3a now or later.
DM1 Use period to obtain an inequality for S (or different letter if used). Direction of the
inequality must change. Depends on previous M mark.
A1cso Correct inequality as shown in the question obtained from correct and complete working
NB Candidates who assume a 3,4,5 triangle without showing any working or
justification will lose the first 2 marks and this one.
Scheme Marks
5(a) Vol = 2 y 2dx 2 sin 2 xdx M1
0 0
2 1 cos 2 x dx M1
0 2
1 2
x sin 2 x
2 2 0 4 * (4)
(b) y x dx 2 x sin 2 x dx
2 2 M1
0 0
1 x 2 2 2
x 1 cos 2 x dx x cos 2 x dx
0 2 2 2 0 2 0
1 2 2 1 3
x sin 2 x sin 2 x dx, M1,B1
2 2 0 2 0 2 16
0 cos 2 x DM1
2 4 0 16
3 3
1 1 A1
8 16 16 4
3 4 22 4
x M1A1cso (7)
16 4 4
ALT(b) 2 y 2 x dx 2 x sin 2 x dx M1
0 0
x 1 2 1 1
x sin 2 x x sin 2 x dx M1
2 2 0 2 2
3 1 2 x2
, cos 2 x B1,DM1
8 22 4 0
3 2 1 1 3
8 2 8 4 4 16 4
3 4 22 4
x M1A1cso (7)
16 4 4
Scheme Marks
NB: Beware of incorrect signs for trig functions which become 0 on substitution of the
Forming the required integral, limits not needed. needed for this mark but may be seen at
end (see NB below)
M1 Using sin 2 k 1 cos 2 with k or 2 limits not needed, not needed
M1 Integration of their function and substitution of correct limits. may be missing. Must have
used sin 2 k 1 cos 2 or sin 2 k 1 sin 2 with any value of k
A1cso Correct given result with no errors in the solution.
NB: If missing, but appears suddenly at the end with no explanation given, only M0M1M1A0
available. If explanation for inc. is given, all marks are available. Look for V y 2dx
somewhere if missing initially.
(b) The first 5 marks are available for the integration w/wo
M1 Use y 2 x dx limits not needed
Attempt integration by parts (first stage) for any multiple of x cos 2 x or x sin 2 x or by using
M1 their result for sin 2 x dx from (a), limits not needed
1 1
cos 2 x sin 2 x or sin 2 x cos 2 x
2 2
3 2
B1 For (or if working the integration without )
16 16
3 2
Using the result from (a) gets this mark for or
8 8
DM1 Completing the integration. Depends on the second M mark. Same condition on integration
of trig function.
3 2 1
A1 Substituting the correct limits to obtain + or
16 4 16 4
M1 Using x y 2 x dx y 2dx . must be included for both integrals or neither.
Denominator: to be the result given in (a).
Numerator: Some attempt to obtain (by algebraic integration) a value for this integral must
have been made and their value used here.
A1cso 2 4 / 4 any equivalent (in terms of ) accepted
Scheme Marks
1 1
6 (a) mv 2 m 2lg mgl cos M1A1
2 2
T mg cos m M1A1A1
T mg cos 2mgl cos 2mgl DM1
(b) T 0 cos B1
v2 gl cos or v2 2 gl cos 2 gl
2 gl 2 gl
v2 , v M1,A1 (3)
3 3
2 gl 2
(c) Horiz speed at B = v cos M1A1ft on v
3 3
1 2 gl 1 4 2 gl
Energy: m m mgh M1
2 3 2 9 3
h A1
5l 5l 2l 23l
Height above O l cos 180 (0.85l or 0.852l) A1 cao (5)
27 27 3 27
2 gl 5
ALT(c) Vert speed at B v cos 90 v sin M1A1ft on v
3 3
2 gl 5
0 2 gs M1
3 9
s A1
5l 5l 2l 23l
l cos 180
A1 (5)
Height above O
27 27 3 27
Scheme Marks
M1 Forming an energy equation from start to the general position. 2 KE terms needed and a
change in PE (with 1 or 2 terms)
A1 Correct equation
Attempting an equation of motion along the radius at the general position. Weight must be
resolved. Acceleration can be in either form.
A1 Correct difference of forces
A1 Acceleration as shown
DM1 Eliminate v2 between the 2 equations. Depends on both previous M marks. Working must be
A1cso Obtain the given expression for T with no errors in the solution.
B1 cos (at point where string becomes slack)
M1 Obtaining v2 or v in terms of g and l
A1 Correct expression for v, any equivalent form
M1 Resolve their speed at B to obtain the horizontal component
A1ft their speed
M1 Attempting an energy equation from B to the highest point, 2 non-zero KE terms needed
A1 Obtain the correct height above B
A1cao Complete to the correct height above O
M1 Resolve their speed at B to obtain the vertical component
A1ft their speed
M1 Use v2 u 2 2as with their (non-zero) u and v = 0 to obtain the height above B
A1 Obtain the correct height above B
A1 Complete to the correct height above O
Scheme Marks
20e 15 1.5 e
1.8 0.9
2e 4.5 3e e 0.9 A1
AO 2.7 m * A1cso (4)
(c) xx
1.8 10
50 5
18 3
a 0.2 m B1
vmax a 0.2 M1
5 10
(i) J 10 0.2 3.3... 3.3 or better M1A1
3 3
x 0.1
(ii) 0.1 0.2sin t M1
3 3 7 7
t sin 1 0.5 2.199... s (accept 2.2 or better inc ) M1A1 (8)
5 5 6 10
Scheme Marks
M1 Attempt an equation equating 2 tensions. Tensions to be obtained using Hooke's Law. The
two extensions must add to 1.5
A1 Correct equation
A1 Correct extension for either string
A1cso Correct completion to length AO
M1 Form an equation of motion with the difference of 2 tensions with different variable
extensions. Tensions must be of the form k . Acceleration can be x or a.
NB: x can be measured in either direction.
A1 A1 Deduct one per error (Award A1A0 for one deduction.)
Allow if a used instead of x provided the direction of a is the same as that of x
M1 Attempt to simplify their equation to the standard form for SHM. Acceleration must be x
now. Equation must simplify to x 2 x
A1cso Correct equation with conclusion.
Correct value of , seen explicitly or used. Follow through from their equation of the form
x or a 2 x If equation has been left in the form mx or ma ... in (b) but RHS divided
by m here to obtain this mark is available (but no extra marks for (b)).
B1 Correct amplitude, seen explicitly or used
M1 Attempt the maximum speed with their a and
(i)M1 Use an impulse-momentum equation with their max speed to obtain a value for J
A1 Correct value for J
(ii)M1 Use x a sin t or x a cos t with x 0.1, their and a
M1 Solve their equation and use a correct method to find the required time. Must use radians
A1 Correct time 2.2 or better