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Question-Answer Book

(1) There are two parts (A and B) in this paper. All candidates
should attempt ALL tasks in Part A. In Part B, you should
attempt either Part B1 (easier section) OR Part B2 (more
difficult section). Candidates attempting Parts A and B2 will
be able to attain the full range of levels, while Level 4 will be
the highest level attainable for candidates attempting Parts A
and B1.
(2) Write your Candidate Number on the appropriate pages of the
Part A Question-Answer Book and both Part B Question-
Answer Books.
(3) Write your answers clearly and neatly in the spaces provided
in the Question-Answer Books. Answers written in the
margins will not be marked. You are advised to use a pencil
for Part A.
(4) For multiple-choice questions, you are advised to blacken the
appropriate circle with a pencil and make sure that wrong
marks are completely erased with a clean rubber. Mark only
ONE answer to each question. Two or more answers will
score NO MARKS.
(5) All listening materials will be played ONCE only.
(6) Supplementary answer sheets will be supplied on request.
Use separate supplementary answer sheets for Part A and
Part B. Write your Candidate Number and mark the question
number box on each sheet.
(7) The rough-work sheets provided are for you to take notes.
They will be collected separately and will not be marked.
(8) No extra time will be given to candidates for filling in the
question number boxes after the ‘Time is up’ announcement.
(9) The two Question-Answer Books attempted by candidates
(one for Part A and one for Part B) will be collected together
at the end of the examination.
(10) The other unused Question-Answer Book for Part B will be
collected separately at the end of the examination. This will
not be marked. Do not write any answers in it.

(S6) MT 65-DSE-ENG LANG 3-A–1 1 © Oxford University Press

Written by Jen Neale (6.1/2022-23)
This mock test may be adapted by teachers. OUP accepts no responsibility for changes made to original materials.
Part A

Natalie, Shaun and Daisy are members of their school’s Cooking Club. The club has decided to hold a
pie baking competition to raise money for charity. You will hear several conversations related to the pie
baking competition.

In Part A, you will have a total of four tasks to do. Follow the instructions in the Question-Answer Book
and in the recording to complete the tasks. You will find all the information you need in the Question-
Answer Book and the recording. You now have two minutes to familiarize yourself with Tasks 1–4.

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Please stick the barcode label here.

Task 1 (13 marks)

Natalie, Shaun and Daisy are meeting about the details of the pie baking competition. Listen to their meeting
and complete the information in the spaces below. The first one has been provided as an example. You now
have 30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will have one minute to tidy up your answers.

Competition details

Date: 13 December (example)

Location: (1)

Maximum number of competitors: (2)

Room layout
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.


Write the letter (A–F) by the correct area.

(3) ‘Cook’s cupboard’ (6) Ovens

(4) Cooking stations (7) Seating area

(5) Judges’ table

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

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How the competition will work

Contestants will have (8) to make their pies. They must use (9)
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

from the ‘Cook’s cupboard’. The judges will decide which pie has the best (10) ,

(11) and (12) .

(13) Ways we will raise money (tick all that apply)

Contestants getting sponsors

Donations from businesses

Audience buying slices of the pies

Participants paying an entry fee

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Task 2 (14 marks)
Natalie and Shaun are talking to their teacher, Ms Chang, about what charity to donate to. Listen to the
discussion and complete the information in the spaces below. The first one has been provided as an example.
You now have 30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will have one minute to tidy up your

Charity choices

Name of charity What the charity does

Heart at Home (example) (14)
Option 1
(15) (16)
Option 2
(17) (18)
Option 3

(19) Final choice: Option 1

Option 2

Option 3
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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Reason: It (20)

Complete the flow chart for getting the charity involved.

(21) that includes Send it to (22) of the charity.

a description of the event.

Arrange a time to give (24)

to the charity. Bring the
the event.

(26) What does Ms Chang hope that the Cooking Club achieves with this event?
A raises as much money for charity as possible
B gets more students interested in cooking
C shows students that charity work can be fun A B C D
D gets more media attention for the Cooking Club    

(27) What do Natalie and Shaun want to achieve with this event?
A gain experience with charity event planning
B form connections with local charities
C plan a perfect event where nothing goes wrong A B C D
D break a fundraising record at the school    

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

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Task 3 (15 marks)
Daisy is interviewing some students about the pie baking competition. Listen to the interview and make notes
in the note sheet below. One has been provided as an example. You now have 30 seconds to study the task.
At the end of the task, you will have one minute to tidy up your answers.

Accommodating dietary needs

Dietary restriction How to accommodate

Gluten intolerant (example) • (28)

(29) • (30)

(31) • (32)
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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

(33) • (34)

• (35)

Different kinds of pies

Give an example from the discussion of each of the kinds of pies below.

• Fruit pie, e.g. (36)

• Savoury pie, e.g. (37)

• Sweet pie, e.g. (38)

• Custard pie, e.g. (39)

Students’ thoughts and concerns

Larry is worried that (40)

Sydney hopes that (41)

Tina thinks it is important to (42)

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Task 4 (13 marks)
To get more information about pies, Natalie, Shaun and Daisy are listening to a radio interview with an
author. Listen to the radio interview and answer the questions below. Please note that you do not need to
answer in complete sentences. You now have 30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will
have three minutes to tidy up your answers.

Why did Poppy want to write about pies?


What were some important moments in the history of pie?

5th century: (44)

14th century: (45)

16th century: (46)

What is the origin of egg tarts?

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.


How did egg tarts become popular in Hong Kong?


Answer the following questions about bisteeya, Poppy’s favourite pie from her travels.

Country of origin: (49)

Description: (50)

Reason it is her favourite: (51)

Why does Poppy believe pies have been so popular throughout history?




What does Poppy plan to write about next? Why?


Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

End of Part A
Now go on to Part B

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Do not write on this page.
Answers written on this page will not be marked.

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(1) Refer to the General Instructions on Page 1 of the Question-Answer Book for Part A.


(1) The Question-Answer Book for Part B1 is inserted after this Data File.
(2) For Part B, attempt EITHER those tasks in Part B1 (Tasks 5–7) OR those in Part B2 (Tasks 8–10).
(3) You are advised to use a pen for Part B.
(4) The Data Files will NOT be collected at the end of the examination. Do NOT write your answers in
the Data Files.
(5) Hand in only ONE Question-Answer Book for Part B, either B1 or B2.

Not to be taken away before the

end of the examination session

(S6) MT 65-DSE-ENG LANG 3-B1-DF–1 9 © Oxford University Press

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Part B


You are Timothy Chiu. You are an intern working for a podcast called True Crime Hong Kong. The
podcast’s producer, Charlene Tam, has asked you to do some tasks.
You will listen to a meeting between yourself, Charlene, and the podcast’s host, Candy Chang. Take notes
under the appropriate headings.
Before the recording is played, you will have five minutes to study the Question-Answer Book and the
Data File to familiarize yourself with the situation and the tasks.
Complete the tasks by following the instructions in the Question-Answer Book and on the recording. You
will find all the information you need in the Question-Answer Book, the Data File and on the recording.
As you listen, you can make notes on Page 3 of the Data File.
You now have five minutes to familiarize yourself with the Question-Answer Book and the Data File.


1 Listening note-taking sheet for meeting between Timothy, Charlene and Candy ............................ 3

2 Email from Charlene Tam to Timothy Chiu ..................................................................................... 4

3 List of upcoming episodes ................................................................................................................. 5

4 Interview with Candy Chang ............................................................................................................. 6

5 Memo to researchers ......................................................................................................................... 7

6 Image of crime scene ......................................................................................................................... 7

7 Email from Watson Hui .................................................................................................................... 8

8 Anonymous note for Watson Hui ...................................................................................................... 8

(S6) MT 65-DSE-ENG LANG 3-B1-DF–2 10 © Oxford University Press

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Listening note-taking sheet for meeting between Timothy, Charlene and Candy

Listen to the recording of the meeting between Timothy Chiu, Charlene Tam and Candy Chang.

About Candy Chang

Stolen identity episode

How True Crime Hong Kong has grown

Amateur sleuths, pros and cons



Up and Vanished podcast

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Email from Charlene Tam to Timothy Chiu

To: Timothy Chiu Sent: Mon 19 August 10.01 AM

From: Charlene Tam
Subject: Some tasks for the week

Dear Timothy,

I need your help with a few items this week.

First, I’d like you to create a new updated web page for True Crime Hong Kong. Under the heading,
be sure to include our tagline, which you’ll find in any of our ads. Then, write the ‘About’ section,
including how often the podcast airs, what types of cases we look at and the three methods we use for
researching crime cases. I’ll send you an interview with Candy that will help. Then, write about
Candy as the host (her background, book, and the book’s success). We talked about that in our

Second, please email James So to set up an interview. In the introduction, explain why we want to
interview him. Then give a couple of details about the crime case covered in the episode such as the
number of victims and the amount of money stolen to emphasize the severity of the case. Remember
to give three reasons why Mr So should appear on our podcast. Finally, tell him his options for
appearing, i.e. whether his identity would remain hidden and how he would be compensated. For the
details, refer to the notes from our meeting, the episode descriptions, the interview with Candy and
the recent memo to researchers.

Finally, I’d like you to take a stab at writing the introduction script for Episode 8. Start by describing
the scene when the grandson found his grandparents missing such as people involved, exact locations
and things he noticed. Then give basic details of the case since then and what clues police shared.
Finally, mention the very odd thing the grandson received on his birthday. Also tell who he thinks the
sender is and quote the sentence which implies that. You can look at the episode descriptions, image
of the crime scene and the email from the grandson.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Yours truly,

Charlene Tam
Producer, True Crime Hong Kong

(S6) MT 65-DSE-ENG LANG 3-B1-DF–4 12 © Oxford University Press

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List of upcoming episodes

Episode # Title Description

It was an ordinary morning when Cynthia Li arrived at

Episode 5 An artful crime
Mallock Gallery to start her day, but when she opened the
door, she discovered something terrible. Every single piece
of artwork was gone. The alarm had never been triggered.
She went through the security footage, but the thief is
nowhere to be found. It seemed as if the artwork just
disappeared in the blink of an eye. What happened?

A bag of jewellery was found in Hong Kong Park one

Episode 6 Diamond heist
dewy morning. Nearby, a note saying, ‘I’m sorry’. One
piece of jewellery was inscribed with the name ‘Beatrice
Wong’ … What does that imply? Does it mean Beatrice
Wong is the thief?

A terrible case of identity theft … the mysterious online

Episode 7 Stolen identity
figure with the handle Shad0w_1 wreaked havoc on the
lives of many victims, stealing their identities and
ultimately their fortunes. Will this cybercriminal ever be

An elderly couple mysteriously vanished from their flat one

Episode 8 Gone, but not forgotten
night ten years ago. The police could not find any evidence
in their flat, which suggested that it was a violent crime. In
addition, the couple’s bank accounts have been monitored
but no suspicious activities were found. Just when everyone
thought this cold case would remain unsolved, … a strange
new clue was found in their grandson’s mailbox.

A successful business in Hong Kong is burnt down one

Episode 9 From cash to ash
morning. Was it faulty wiring … or arson? After the police
investigation, shocking details began to emerge of what
that business was truly up to and how that led to the fire.

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Interview with Candy Chang

The editor-in-chief of Hong Kong Crime Magazine, Quentin Nguyen, recently interviewed the host of
True Crime Hong Kong, Candy Chang.
Quentin Nguyen: Hi Candy, thanks for taking the time to talk to me today.
Candy Chang: Hi Quentin, the pleasure is all mine.
QN: So, could you tell us a bit about True Crime Hong Kong?
CC: Well, True Crime Hong Kong is a weekly podcast. It examines different crime cases in Hong
QN: Oh I see. Are there any particular local crime cases that the podcast focus on?
CC: We talk about all kinds of local crime cases in our podcast, but we mainly focus on cold cases.
Task 6 QN: What do you mean by cold cases?
CC: Cold cases are crime cases that have not been solved due to a lack of evidence.
QN: Oh, that certainly sounds interesting. So why did you start doing this podcast?
CC: First of all, my background was in criminology. So it inspires me to find out the truth behind
these crime cases and that was how I came up with the slogan ‘Scratching below the surface of
Hong Kong’ in our advertisement.
QN: I can see your passion and dedication. Now, how do you get to the bottom of things?
CC: There are three methods. First of all, we have witness, investigator and victim interviews. Really,
we try to interview anyone who was involved in the case any way. We also include any recently
discovered clues. Finally, we do our best to use new forensic technology to look at old evidence.
QN: My other question is … how do you convince people to appear on the podcast?
CC: Well, there are a few reasons, actually. It gives them a chance to tell their side of the story. That’s
better than someone else telling it! Also, it raises people’s awareness of the crime. Finally, their
sharing may actually provide important insights about the crime.
QN: Fascinating! Are some interviewees just in it for the money, though?
CC: Definitely not! People don’t get paid for coming on the podcast. Ever. That’s a rule we must
strictly follow since it’s possible that people may lie and tell fake stories when money is
QN: Well, I can’t wait to tune in to the next episode. It’s been a pleasure speaking with you today.

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Memo to researchers

Attn: True Crime Hong Kong researchers
Date: January

Several reminders to researchers:

• All persons appearing on the podcast should be given the opportunity to remain anonymous.
• Please remember our rule about payment. You can provide food and accommodation for the
interviewees instead.
• Interview Room 3B must be booked prior to use.
• Researchers are asked to cease discussing their theories about crimes with the general public,
Task 6
as this has the potential to lead to misinformation and incorrect accusations of innocent

Image of crime scene

Broken window, sixth floor

Sunny day

Broken glass


Johnston Road

The above image shows the crime scene on the day that Mr and Mrs Hui were found to be missing from
their flats. This is the scene as discovered by their grandson.

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Email from Watson Hui

To: Charlene Tam Sent: Sat 17 August 9.57 PM

From: Watson Hui
Subject: Details and corrections

Dear Charlene,

I really appreciate you getting in touch with me about the podcast, and I would definitely be keen to have
the story of my grandparents talked about on your programme. I really feel like I need to get to the
bottom of this, and if there’s the slightest chance of that happening by appearing on the podcast, then I’m
definitely up for it. Who knows … maybe one of your listeners knows something!
So, I sent you the image of the crime scene from when I found my grandparents missing, but you should
note that there are a couple of errors and omissions. First of all, it was most definitely not sunny outside.
In fact, it was a very rainy night. I remember that because I was soaking wet by the time I got there and I
couldn’t wait to get inside and have a nice cup of tea. Another thing is that it wasn’t just broken glass on
the sidewalk that I noticed. My grandfather’s favourite watch and my grandmother’s knitted sweater
were also lying next to the broken glass. When I ran up to the floor where they lived, the door of their flat
was open and they were gone.
In the past year, I almost lost hope that they could ever be found. But then, an anonymous note which I
received on my birthday this year got my hopes up again. The note is attached to the email as well.
I was very close to my grandparents, so it would mean the world to me if you could help me find out the
truth of what really happened on the night that they went missing.

All the best,


Anonymous note for Watson Hui

My dear Watson,

Happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful

birthday. We have been thinking of you.


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Candidate Number Please stick the barcode label here.


Question-Answer Book

Task 5: Web page (15 marks)

Complete the web page below using information from the B1 Data File and your notes. Write around 100

True Crime Hong Kong




Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.




Your host, Candy Chang





Answers written in the margins will not be marked.


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Task 6: Email (19 marks)

Write an email to James So using information from the B1 Data File and your notes. Write around 120

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

20 _________________________________________________________________________________

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.


(S6) MT 65-DSE-ENG LANG 3-B1–2 18 © Oxford University Press

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Task 7: Script (20 marks)

Write a script for the introduction of Episode 8 using information from the B1 Data File. Write around 150

5 ______________________________________________________________________________
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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

10 ______________________________________________________________________________
15 ______________________________________________________________________________
20 ______________________________________________________________________________
25 ______________________________________________________________________________

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

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30 _________________________________________________________________________________
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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

35 _________________________________________________________________________________
40 _________________________________________________________________________________
45 _________________________________________________________________________________

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.


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(1) Refer to the General Instructions on Page 1 of the Question-Answer Book for Part A.


(1) The Question-Answer Book for Part B2 is inserted after this Data File.
(2) For Part B, attempt EITHER those tasks in Part B1 (Tasks 5–7) OR those in Part B2 (Tasks 8–10).
(3) You are advised to use a pen for Part B.
(4) The Data Files will NOT be collected at the end of the examination. Do NOT write your answers in
the Data Files.
(5) Hand in only ONE Question-Answer Book for Part B, either B1 or B2.

Not to be taken away before the

end of the examination session

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Part B


You are Timothy Chiu. You are an intern working for a podcast called True Crime Hong Kong. The
podcast’s producer, Charlene Tam, has asked you to do some tasks.
You will listen to a meeting between yourself, Charlene, and the podcast’s host, Candy Chang. Take notes
under the appropriate headings.
Before the recording is played, you will have five minutes to study the Question-Answer Book and the
Data File to familiarize yourself with the situation and the tasks.
Complete the tasks by following the instructions in the Question-Answer Book and on the recording. You
will find all the information you need in the Question-Answer Book, the Data File and on the recording.
As you listen, you can make notes on Page 3 of the Data File.
You now have five minutes to familiarize yourself with the Question-Answer Book and the Data File.


1 Listening note-taking sheet for meeting between Timothy, Charlene and Candy ............................ 3

2 Email from Charlene Tam to Timothy Chiu ..................................................................................... 4

3 True Crime Hong Kong mission statement ....................................................................................... 5

4 Blog entry about true crime ............................................................................................................... 5

5 Letter from Jane Lung ....................................................................................................................... 6

6 Memo from True Crime Hong Kong researchers .............................................................................. 7

7 Editorial about true crime in the Hong Kong Times .......................................................................... 8

8 Listicle about true crime podcasts ..................................................................................................... 8

9 Blog entry about the podcast Up and Vanished ................................................................................ 9

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Listening note-taking sheet for meeting between Timothy, Charlene and Candy

Listen to the recording of the meeting between Timothy Chiu, Charlene Tam and Candy Chang.

About Candy Chang

Stolen identity episode

How True Crime Hong Kong has grown

Amateur sleuths, pros and cons



Up and Vanished podcast

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Email from Charlene Tam to Timothy Chiu

To: Timothy Chiu Sent: Mon 19 August 10.01 AM

From: Charlene Tam
Subject: Some tasks for the week

Dear Timothy,

I’m so glad to have you on the team! I’ve got a few tasks for the week. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with
anyone on the team for assistance.
Task 5

First, I’d like you to write an introduction for a speech that Candy is giving at the third annual Podcasters
Festival. Begin with a mention of the event. Then, talk about how far True Crime Hong Kong has come
(i.e. what season we’re on now, how many crime cases we’ve covered, how much the team has grown).
Please note that the mission statement is outdated, and we now have one more researcher. Then, discuss
how the genre of true crime has changed. What did true crime used to be like? What is the focus these
days? Candy’s talk will be on that topic, so your introduction should lead into it nicely. We talked about
a lot of this in our meeting.

We received an email from a fan, Ms Lung, who claims she has discovered some errors with our
reporting in Episode 9. Take a look at what she’s saying. Address each supposed error she mentioned in
her letter. Then, give evidence about whether or not she is correct. Finally, give her some pros and cons
Task 7
about being an amateur sleuth … it’s good to be aware of these things!

Finally, I’d like you to draft a letter to the editor in response to that recent editorial by Daniel Wong.
Mention what his main stance is (which we obviously disagree with!) and the reason for his belief. Give
the example of the crime story covered in the podcast Up and Vanished, which had a positive outcome.
In the introduction, give details of the crime story such as when it was covered, who the victim was and
what she was known for. Then address the two claims that Wong made in his editorial with relevant
examples. In the conclusion, talk about how true crime stories can be produced to achieve positive

Thank you for handling these tasks, and feel free to reach out for assistance.

Yours truly,

Charlene Tam
Producer, True Crime Hong Kong

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True Crime Hong Kong mission statement

Our mission
True crime is a genre that has gone through significant change in the last decade, and True Crime Hong
Kong aims to be at the forefront of this transition. Unlike true crime novels, TV programmes, radio
programmes and podcasts of the past, we refuse to sensationalize crime.

With our team of fourteen researchers, we aim to discover the truth behind each crime case. We care
about what happened and why it happened, not about the gruesome or gory details. At the centre of all
our stories are real people.

Blog entry about true crime

On the spooky side

On a deeper level

I’m one of those people who takes in as much true crime as I can. I’ve always been like that. I’ve read
hundreds of books about famous robberies, murders and other cases. To me, it’s fascinating to get inside
the mind of a criminal … It’s not that I’m interested in being one! In fact, I’m one of the most strait-
laced people I know! Honestly, I think it’s because I’m the polar opposite of a criminal, so I really want
to find out why someone could do such immoral things.

However, as I’ve grown older and matured, I think my taste in true crime has matured as well. I’ve
noticed that true crime is changing with me, and it’s quite exciting to see what’s happening with the
genre. In particular, I’ve noticed that there is a lot more in-depth reporting now. It’s definitely a good
thing that they look at the minor details of a crime. Books and podcasts are doing more research, which
means that the information and clues they use are more accurate and reliable. I think that makes true
crime a lot more interesting!

Has anyone else’s opinion of true crime changed over the years? Tell me about it below! I’d love to hear
your thoughts.


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Letter from Jane Lung

Dear staff at True Crime Hong Kong,

I have been a fan of the podcast since you started it so long ago. I get caught up in all of the tales and
when the episodes are over, I can’t help but hop on the Internet and try to solve some of these cold cases
myself. If I could live my life again, I might choose to be a detective instead of an accountant! Both jobs
require an eye for detail, but being a detective is obviously a lot more exhilarating!

Now, that brings me to an important point. My amateur sleuthing has made me come to realize that there
were a couple of errors in Episode 9, about Yang and Tin. I’m not sure that these details will change
anything, but you never know! It’s better to have the record straight, after all.

Now, first of all, you’d given the age of Jeremy Yang as 50 years old, but in the course of my online
snooping, I’ve discovered that his true age is actually 46. I’m not sure whether your reporting is
incorrect or Yang has a lie published, but either way, let’s work together to get to the bottom of it … the
sooner the better! I’d hate to see anyone get away with something based on such a minute detail.

Another, perhaps more significant issue, is that I believe Erika Tin was lying when she said she was at
Seaside Restaurant on 12 March. I have carefully reviewed security footage from that entire night, and
she is nowhere to be found! Now, why would Tin, the victim of the crime, lie about such a thing? Is
there any chance that she played a role? Wouldn’t that absolutely turn this crime on its head?

I would greatly appreciate your team looking into this, especially if it means that someone might be
brought to justice! Imagine … my name could be mentioned on your podcast as a contributor! I suppose
you get messages from amateur sleuths like me all the time. Anyway, I hope to hear back from you!

Yours faithfully,

Jane Lung

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Memo from True Crime Hong Kong researchers

Re: Ms Lung’s letter and ethical reporting

Hi Timothy,
Thanks for getting in touch about Ms Lung’s letter and your other questions about the podcast’s ethical
• We did provide the accurate age of Yang in the podcast. This information was confirmed after
we checked his birth certificate, which is a lot more reliable than anything Ms Lung may have
stumbled across online.
• On the other hand, her information about Tin was correct. We went over the security footage
again and I’ve confirmed what she said about the footage. You’ll have to let her know that was a
good tip. It looks like we have some work to do.
• Some true crime programmes and podcasts do not produce stories in an ethical manner. It is
important that we get consent from victims and their families before we start working on a story.
That’s part of our ethical reporting.
• In true crime, it sometimes happens that not everyone involved in a story is given a chance to
speak. With True Crime Hong Kong, we always, always make sure that everyone has a chance to
tell their side of the story. If we didn’t, we could end up with a one-sided flawed story.

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Editorial about true crime in the Hong Kong Times

Put an end to true crime

by Daniel Wong

These days, it seems that everywhere I look, there’s a new book, podcast or documentary about
a serial killer. It seems like people’s appetites for these stories are insatiable. I wish that weren’t
the case, and that audiences’ eyes would be opened to the damage caused by the true crime
genre. It’s my humble opinion that everything related to true crime should be banned.
You may be surprised that I have no issue at all with horror or thrillers. It’s not gore and
violence that I have a problem with. In fact, I enjoy a dark and gruesome tale. Rather, the reason
that I am dead set against true crime as a genre is because it exploits victims for entertainment.
The fact that we have fictional stories about crime proves that we do not need true crime as a
genre. We can get the same enjoyment without bothering the victims’ families.
Many true crime stories have ruined the lives of victims’ families causing them pain and stress,
when all they really want and need is some calm and peace. Imagine going through something
so awful, such as losing a loved one to murder, and then having to watch the world enjoy it as
entertainment? Where is our empathy?
Now, I don’t expect that the government is going to step in and actually take action, so that
leaves it up to us. People need to be more aware of the damage that true crime genre does to the
victims’ families and stop supporting the true crime genre.

Listicle of true crime podcasts

Three true crime podcasts you need to tune into NOW

Fans of true crime know that there are great podcasts and … well … not-so-great ones. Here’s a
list of five fabulous true crime podcasts that you should tune into.
3. Up and Vanished
This thrilling podcast was first released in 2015, and now has three seasons to its name. In the
podcast, Lindsay investigates cold cases, thereby drawing new attention to forgotten crimes. The
memorable podcast about the pageant queen, Tara Grinstead was aired in 2016 and gained the
host, Payne Lindsay, a great deal of attention. This season has a shocking and satisfying end.
2. The Shrink Next Door
This bizarre tale of a missing psychotherapist is not to be missed. The New York Times
journalist Joe Nocera takes listeners on a journey they won’t soon forget.
1. Missing and Murdered
In the two seasons of Missing and Murdered, host Connie Walker examined the disappearance
of some Indigenous women in Canada. Connie, who is Indigenous herself, uses these stories to
explore important issues and bring closure for the missing women’s families.

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Blog entry about the podcast Up and Vanished

On the lam
Jenny Lam’s blog
Twisted ending!
OK, OK, I think I’ve written on here a few times now about Up and Vanished. I’ve been
absolutely bingeing this podcast, and haven’t been able to get it off my mind. Well, I finally got
to the last episode, and … it was mind blowing!
At this point, I need to say SPOILER ALERT! Don’t read on if you haven’t listened to the last
episode yet!
Now that’s out of the way … can you believe what happened?! A man actually ended up
confessing to the crime after the episode was aired! He said that it made him feel guilty of what
had done! After the mystery was solved, Tara Grinstead’s family thanked the podcast team for
giving them a sense of closure. I know a lot of people dislike the true crime genre, but this goes
to show that there are positive aspects of the genre. Who knows if they ever would have caught
the murderer otherwise? The case had gone cold for many, many years.
Now, excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor.
Oh, and also, it looks like I need a new true crime podcast to listen to now. Any suggestions?
Let me know in the comments!


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Question-Answer Book
Task 8: Speech introduction (17 marks)

Write a speech introduction for Candy Chang using information from the B2 Data File and your notes.
Write around 150 words.

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Task 9: Email (19 marks)

Respond to Ms Lung’s letter using information from the B2 Data File and your notes. Write around 180

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Task 10: Letter to the editor (18 marks)

Write a letter to the editor to the Hong Kong Times using information from the B2 Data File and your notes.
Write around 160 words.

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