MT82_Paper 3_SE_2425_6.2

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Question-Answer Book

(1) There are two parts (A and B) in this paper. All candidates
should attempt ALL tasks in Part A. In Part B, you should
attempt either Part B1 (easier section) OR Part B2 (more
difficult section). Candidates attempting Parts A and B2 will
be able to attain the full range of levels, while Level 4 will be
the highest level attainable for candidates attempting Parts A
and B1.
(2) Write your Candidate Number on the appropriate pages of the
Part A Question-Answer Book and both Part B Question-
Answer Books.
(3) Write your answers clearly and neatly in the spaces provided
in the Question-Answer Books. Answers written in the
margins will not be marked. You are advised to use a pencil
throughout Part A.
(4) For multiple-choice questions, you are advised to blacken the
appropriate circle with a pencil and make sure that wrong
marks are completely erased with a clean rubber. Mark only
ONE answer to each question. Two or more answers will
score NO MARKS.
(5) All listening materials will be played ONCE only.
(6) Supplementary answer sheets will be supplied on request.
Use separate supplementary answer sheets for Part A and
Part B. Write your Candidate Number and mark the question
number box on each sheet.
(7) The rough-work sheets provided are for you to take notes.
They will be collected separately and will not be marked.
(8) No extra time will be given to candidates for filling in the
question number boxes after the ‘Time is up’ announcement.
(9) The two Question-Answer Books attempted by candidates
(one for Part A and one for Part B) will be collected together
at the end of the examination.
(10) The other unused Question-Answer Book for Part B will be
collected separately at the end of the examination. This will
not be marked. Do not write any answers in it.

(S6) MT 82-DSE-ENG LANG 3-A–1 1 © Oxford University Press

Written by Magnus Norberg (6.2/2024–25)
This mock test may be adapted by teachers. OUP accepts no responsibility for changes made to original materials.
Part A

In Part A, you will have a total of four tasks to do related to the theme of careers. Follow the instructions
in the Question-Answer Book and in the recording to complete the tasks. You will find all the information
you need in the Question-Answer Book and the recording. You now have two minutes to familiarize
yourself with Tasks 1–4.

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Please stick the barcode label here.

Task 1 (14 marks)

Amy Lam and Winston Chow are interviewing a guest on their podcast. Listen to their conversation and
complete the information in the spaces below. The first one has been provided as an example. You now have
30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will have one minute to tidy up your answers.

What is the name of the podcast? A Hard Day’s Work (example)

Who is the guest? (1)

What is her profession? (2)

Which year did she start working in this field? (3)

Why did she choose this profession? (Give TWO reasons)

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.



(6) What she does for her clients:

She helps them … (Tick () THREE)

get hired for a new job
choose a profession
identify their interests and skills
understand the job market
deal with workplace conflicts
set career goals

What personality traits are needed in her profession?



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What university degrees does she hold?
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

● a (9) degree in social work

● a Master of Social Sciences degree in (10)

Story of why she started her own company

She was working for (11) , but she felt that she could not give

her colleagues (12) . Using (13) ,

she founded her own company so that she could be (14) .

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Task 2 (15 marks)

Barney and Jade are university students. They are discussing a new job-hunting app. Listen and complete the
information in the spaces below. The first one has been provided as an example. You now have 30 seconds
to study the task. At the end of the task, you will have one minute to tidy up your answers.

Name of app: SavvySeekr (example)

Number of versions: (15)

Cost of the Pro version: (16)

Discount for full-time students: (17)

How the app works

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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

You simply … The app will …

Step 1 choose your (18) Step 4 show you job offers tailored to your


Step 2 (19) Step 5 (22)

to improve your CV

Step 3 (20) Step 6 compose the perfect (23)

to describe your dream job for your application

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How do Barney and Jade feel about the app?

Positive things Negative things

(24) (26)
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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

(25) (27)

Will they use the app?

(28) Barney: , because he .

(29) Jade: , because she .

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Task 3 (14 marks)

Listen to a podcast interview with Wendy, Oscar and Eileen, who are talking about important changes they
have recently made in their professional lives. Complete the information in the spaces below. You now have
30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will have one minute to tidy up your answers.

What the interviewees have in common:

(30) They have all .

Profiles of the interviewees

Wendy Oscar Eileen

Current job: Chef Author Organic farmer

Previous job: Actor Kindergarten teacher Investment banker

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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Reason for (31) (32) (33)
the change:

How they (34) (35) Leased an unused plot of

made it farmland

The (36) Missed being around (37)

difficulty other people
they faced:

How they (38) (39) (40)

overcame it:

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Write each person’s message in the correct speech box:

(41) (42) (43)

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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Wendy Oscar Eileen

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.


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Task 4 (12 marks)

Listen to a talk by Dr Agatha Wong and answer the questions below. Please note that you do not need to
answer in complete sentences. You now have 30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will
have three minutes to tidy up your answers.

What is Dr Wong’s profession?


What is the name of Dr Wong’s organization?

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

What is its primary aim?


What are the three statistics Dr Wong gives to illustrate the problem?




Why is it important to solve this problem?

Reason 1: (50)

Reason 2: (51)


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What the organization does and why

Complete the table by summarizing the desired outcome of each of Dr Wong’s organization’s

Initiative 1 Desired outcome

After-school (52)
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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

programmes for
girls aged 13–18

Initiative 2 Desired outcome

Talks by female (53)


What are the two encouraging developments Dr Wong has witnessed over the last few years?



Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

End of Part A
Now go on to Part B

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(1) Refer to the General Instructions on Page 1 of the Question-Answer Book for Part A.


(1) The Question-Answer Book for Part B1 is inserted after this Data File.
(2) For Part B, attempt EITHER those tasks in Part B1 (Tasks 5–7) OR those in Part B2 (Tasks 8–10).
(3) You are advised to use a pen for Part B.
(4) The Data Files will NOT be collected at the end of the examination. Do NOT write your answers in
the Data Files.
(5) Hand in only ONE Question-Answer Book for Part B, either B1 or B2.

Not to be taken away before the

end of the examination session

(S6) MT 82-DSE-ENG LANG 3-B1-DF–1 11 © Oxford University Press

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Part B


You are Ali Wang. You work for Person Power Ltd, an employment agency that helps job seekers find
work and companies find suitable employees. You are the assistant to Mr Calvin Leung, the manager of
Person Power Ltd. Mr Leung has asked you to complete some tasks.
You will listen to a Zoom meeting between Person Power Ltd CEO Ms Lisa Lai, Person Power Ltd
founder Ms Tracy Kong and Calvin Leung.
Before the recording is played, you will have five minutes to study the Question-Answer Book and the
Data File to familiarize yourself with the situation and the tasks.
Complete the tasks by following the instructions in the Question-Answer Book and on the recording. You
will find all the information you need in the Question-Answer Book, the Data File and on the recording.
As you listen you can make notes on Page 3 of the Data File.
You now have five minutes to familiarize yourself with the Question-Answer Book and the Data File.


1 Listening note-taking sheet for the Person Power Ltd Zoom meeting ........................................... 3

2 Email from Calvin Leung to Ali Wang .......................................................................................... 4

3 Comments on the Person Power Ltd website ................................................................................. 5

4 Hong Kong Daily News online advertisement .............................................................................. 5

5 Email exchange between Yuki Lam and Calvin Leung ................................................................. 6

6 Results from Person Power Ltd employer survey (extract) ........................................................... 7

7 Contract between Person Power Ltd and Mr Oscar Hung (extract) ............................................... 7

8 SMS messages between Calvin Leung and Lisa Lai ...................................................................... 8

9 Person Power Management Committee group chat ....................................................................... 9

10 Email from Oscar Hung ................................................................................................................. 10

(S6) MT 82-DSE-ENG LANG 3-B1-DF–2 12 © Oxford University Press

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Listening note-taking sheet for the Person Power Ltd Zoom meeting

Listen to the recording of a Zoom meeting between Person Power Ltd CEO Ms Lisa Lai, founder Ms Tracy
Kong and manager Mr Calvin Leung.

Hong Kong Daily News competition

Upcoming event

Oscar Hung

Ellen Chen

Office dos & don’ts

Letter to the editor

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Email from Calvin Leung to Ali Wang

To: Ali Wang Sent: Fri 29 November 10.08 AM

From: Calvin Leung
Subject: List of things to do

Good morning Ali,

Apologies, but I’ve got a few urgent tasks that I’ll need your help with today.

First, could you please complete the advertisement for the Hong Kong Daily News competition? Check
my email exchange with Yuki Lam to begin with, and also refer to the newspaper’s online ad and the
recent Management Committee group chat.

Second, we have received an email from a client, Mr Oscar Hung, who is unhappy with the service we
provided. I’ll need you to write an email in response, explaining why his complaints are unfounded.
Make sure you keep your language polite, however. You can refer to Mr Hung’s contract with us to
help you, as well as to my SMS exchange with Lisa.

Third, it seems some recent graduates have had difficulty settling into the jobs we’ve found for them.
I’d like you to write a post on our blog for them, listing some office dos and don’ts. Refer to the results
of our recent employer survey and the comments on our website to help you. Also take another look at
the Management Committee group chat.

Finally, please note that I discussed all of the above with Lisa and Tracy in our recent Zoom meeting.
Have a listen to the recording to help you with the tasks.


Calvin Leung
Person Power Ltd Manager

(S6) MT 82-DSE-ENG LANG 3-B1-DF–4 14 © Oxford University Press

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Comments on the Person Power Ltd website

Just a quick question to my fellow employers out there: what is the number one thing you wish your
employees wouldn’t do? In other words, what is the worst possible type of behaviour an employee could
engage in?
Well, I guess there are no limits to the worst possible behaviour an employee could engage in … But
if we’re talking about things I see on a regular basis, I’d say the behaviour that bugs me the most is
when employees gossip about their colleagues and superiors. That’s something I always put a stop
to as soon as it comes to my attention.
Couldn’t agree more, Roger_M—that’d be right at the top of my list as well. Also, I have a lot
of employees who have a very negative attitude, and that’s clearly not helpful in any way. I
mean, I’m not expecting them to be constantly smiling or anything, but when they always have
a negative attitude no matter what the situation is, that’s clearly no way to behave in an office
environment. Please stop it!
Yes, that’s excellent advice, for sure! Just wish my recent hires would take it …

Hong Kong Daily News online advertisement

Do you want to write news reports for the Hong Kong Daily News?
Do you want to make HK$21,000/month?
Then keep your eyes peeled for our upcoming competition, organized in collaboration with
Hong Kong’s most reputable recruitment agency, Person Power Ltd!
This competition will be open to anyone who has a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism.
Full details will be available soon.

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Email exchange between Yuki Lam and Calvin Leung

To: Calvin Leung Sent: Tue 26 November 11.42 AM

From: Yuki Lam
Subject: Re: Competition

Hi Calvin,

Good to hear the ad’s coming out soon! Re your first question, no, it’s not permanent, just for one year.
Sorry, should have made that clearer. Re the working hours, they’ll probably vary quite a bit, so might be
best not to mention them at all. But it’s a five-day working week—feel free to include that. And no, you
didn’t imagine it—that is indeed one of the duties.

Oh, and one other thing. We could really use someone to help out with the lifestyle section of the paper,
so could you please add that to the list of topics?


Yuki Lam
Marketing Manager
The Hong Kong Daily News

To: Yuki Lam Sent: Tue 26 November 11.26 AM

From: Calvin Leung
Subject: Competition

Morning Yuki,

Just a few questions regarding the competition—we’re just about to put out the ad and I want to make sure
we get our facts straight. First, I know you said you’re offering the winner a contract, but is it permanent
or just for a certain period of time? Also, what are the working hours like? Finally, I seem to recall you
saying that one of the duties of the winner will be to research stories. Is that correct, or did I imagine it?
Best wishes,

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Results from Person Power Ltd employer survey (extract)

Q9: Of the behavioural traits listed below, which one do you regard as the single most important in your
2% 4%
1 being honest with everyone 13% 9%
2 being respectful of colleagues
3 being willing to learn
4 dressing appropriately
5 helping co-workers whenever possible 37%
6 listening carefully
7 staying organized 23%
8 taking time to get to know colleagues

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Contract between Person Power Ltd and Mr Oscar Hung (extract)

3.2 Probation
The undersigned acknowledges that there is a one-month probation period for this
position. The decision whether or not to retain the undersigned as an employee at the
end of this period rests solely with the employer, 123 Accounting Ltd. Person Power
Ltd’s responsibilities should be considered fulfilled upon the signing of this contract.

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SMS messages between Calvin Leung and Lisa Lai

Wednesday 27 November

Calvin Leung 4.16 pm

Re the email from Mr Hung, we’re not going to say yes to his request, right?

Lisa Lai 4.18 pm

No, obviously not! Thought we agreed on that already. It’s not our problem that he sucked at
his job!

Calvin Leung 4.19 pm

😂😂 Probably shouldn’t use those exact words in our response …

Lisa Lai 4.21 pm

Perhaps not … 😜😜 I don’t know, talk about expectations not met, or whatever. But in any
case, we fulfilled our part, as the contract makes very clear.

Calvin Leung 4.22 pm

Yeah, but we obviously want all our clients to secure a good job. Given what happened at
123 Accounting, what we agreed to in the Zoom meeting might not be enough. We’ve got
the new course—could we let him join that?

Lisa Lai 4.23 pm

You mean for free?

Calvin Leung 4.24 pm

Yeah, is that OK?

Lisa Lai 4.26 pm

Sure. But please explain to him why we’re being so helpful.

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Person Power Management Committee group chat

Thursday 28 November

Gina: Just got off the phone with Yuki from the HKDN—she wants us to tell contestants that
they need to have quotes from interviewees in their articles.

Calvin: Really, why?

Gina: Well, conducting interviews will be one of their duties if they get the job, so I guess
they want to make sure they can do it.

Calvin: Oh, right. BTW, have you set up an email address for competition submissions yet?

Gina: Yes, Is there a deadline?

Calvin: 13 Dec?

Lisa: Too short—let’s give them another week. BTW, re the blog post for new office
workers, I think it’d be good to start by congratulating them on their first job and then
explaining that the point of the post is to give them a smooth transition from classroom to
office, or sth like that. And then we present some office dos & don’ts. Three of each
should be enough.

Calvin: OK, sure. So the Zoom meeting ones + the top dos from the survey and the don’ts
from the forum on our website? And of course, we’ll be launching our one-week course for
new office workers soon. Would be good to end by telling them to join that if they want to
learn more.

Lisa: 👍👍

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Email from Oscar Hung

To: Person Power Ltd Sent: Wed 27 November 2.29 PM

From: Oscar Hung
Subject: Refund

Dear Sir/Madam,

As a client of Person Power Ltd, I am writing to let you know that I am thoroughly disappointed with the
service you provided.

Just to remind you, Person Power ‘helped’ me find a job with 123 Accounting, which I assumed would be
a permanent position. Imagine my surprise, then, when my new employer let me go on 22 November, a
mere month after I started.

I paid you HK$4,900 to find me this job. I clearly would not have done that if I thought it was just a
temporary position. I therefore demand that you refund me the full amount.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Oscar Hung


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Candidate Number Please stick the barcode label here.


Question-Answer Book
Task 5: Advertisement for competition (17 marks)
Complete the advertisement for the Hong Kong Daily News competition. Use the information from the B1
Data File and your notes.

Do you want to be a 1. for the Hong Kong Daily News?

You can make that dream a reality by joining our competition

—all you need is a 2. !

Details of the job Duties

Length of contract: 3. 6.
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Salary: 4. 7.

Working week: 5. 8.

To participate in the competition, simply write an article that meets the following criteria:

● It must be 9. long.

● It must include 10. .

● It must be on one of the following topics:




N.B.: Make sure to send your article to 14. before

15. .

Good luck!

The team at Person Power Ltd

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

END OF TASK 5 Go on to the next page

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Task 6: Email to Oscar Hung (18 marks)
Complete the email to Oscar Hung using information from the B1 Data File and your notes. Write around
150 words.

Subject: Re: Refund

5 ______________________________________________________________________________
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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

10 ______________________________________________________________________________
15 ______________________________________________________________________________
20 ______________________________________________________________________________
25 ______________________________________________________________________________

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.


Task 7: Blog post (18 marks)

Write a blog post for new office workers using information from the B1 Data File and your notes. Write around
120 words.

5 _________________________________________________________________________________
10 _________________________________________________________________________________

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

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15 ______________________________________________________________________________
_______________ _______________________________________________________________
20 ______________________________________________________________________________
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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

25 ______________________________________________________________________________
30 ______________________________________________________________________________
_______________ _______________________________________________________________
35 ______________________________________________________________________________
40 ______________________________________________________________________________
45 ______________________________________________________________________________

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.


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(1) Refer to the General Instructions on Page 1 of the Question-Answer Book for Part A.


(1) The Question-Answer Book for Part B2 is inserted after this Data File.
(2) For Part B, attempt EITHER those tasks in Part B1 (Tasks 5–7) OR those in Part B2 (Tasks 8–10).
(3) You are advised to use a pen for Part B.
(4) The Data Files will NOT be collected at the end of the examination. Do NOT write your answers in
the Data Files.
(5) Hand in only ONE Question-Answer Book for Part B, either B1 or B2.

Not to be taken away before the

end of the examination session

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Part B


You are Ali Wang. You work for Person Power Ltd, an employment agency that helps job seekers find
work and companies find suitable employees. You are the assistant to Mr Calvin Leung, the manager of
Person Power Ltd. Mr Leung has asked you to complete some tasks.
You will listen to a Zoom meeting between Person Power Ltd CEO Ms Lisa Lai, Person Power Ltd
founder Ms Tracy Kong and Calvin Leung.
Before the recording is played, you will have five minutes to study the Question-Answer Book and the
Data File to familiarize yourself with the situation and the tasks.
Complete the tasks by following the instructions in the Question-Answer Book and on the recording. You
will find all the information you need in the Question-Answer Book, the Data File and on the recording.
As you listen you can make notes on Page 3 of the Data File.
You now have five minutes to familiarize yourself with the Question-Answer Book and the Data File.


1 Listening note-taking sheet for the Person Power Ltd Zoom meeting ........................................... 3

2 Email from Calvin Leung to Ali Wang .......................................................................................... 4

3 Comments on the Trade Talk forum website ................................................................................. 5

4 All staff weekly email from Lisa Lai ............................................................................................. 6

5 Draft storyboard for the YouTube advertisement, with Lisa Lai’s comments ............................... 6

6 SMS messages between Tracy Kong and Calvin Leung ................................................................ 7

7 Frequently Asked Questions on the Person Power Ltd website ..................................................... 8

8 Person Power Ltd’s file on Ellen Chen (extract) ............................................................................ 8

9 Management Committee group chat .............................................................................................. 9

10 Email exchange between Hanna Hui and Tracy Kong ................................................................... 10

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Listening note-taking sheet for the Person Power Ltd Zoom meeting

Listen to the recording of a Zoom meeting between Person Power Ltd CEO Ms Lisa Lai, founder Ms Tracy
Kong and manager Mr Calvin Leung.

Hong Kong Daily News competition

Upcoming event

Oscar Hung

Ellen Chen

Office dos & don’ts

Letter to the editor

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Email from Calvin Leung to Ali Wang

To: Ali Wang Sent: Fri 29 November 10.08 AM

From: Calvin Leung
Subject: List of things to do

Good morning Ali,

Things are getting kind of hectic, so I’m going to need your help with a few urgent tasks today.

First, could you please draft a script for a YouTube advertisement promoting our upcoming recruitment
event? Make sure to make it sound fun and exciting! Start by referring to the draft story board, and
please pay attention to Lisa’s comments.

Second, I’ll need you to write an email to Ellen Chen, telling her about the job offer we have for her.
Start by explaining why you’re writing, of course, and then outline the details of the job and the reasons
why she was picked. End by informing her of what the next step would be. Refer to the screenshot of
my SMS exchange with Tracy to help you.

Third, there was a letter to the editor published in the Hong Kong Daily News recently that was highly
critical of recruitment agencies. I’d like you to write a response, addressing the complaints made by
the writer. Make sure to provide as much supporting information as possible to back up your arguments.
We spoke about this in the Management Committee group chat yesterday, so start by referring to the
screenshot I’ve forwarded to you.

Finally, please note that I discussed all of the above with Lisa and Tracy in our recent Zoom meeting.
I’d strongly recommend having a listen to the recording to help you with the tasks.


Calvin Leung
Person Power Ltd Manager

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Comments on the Trade Talk forum website

Recruitment agencies: Any good?

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Jim_B Posted: October 26, 05:21 PM

I’m a small business owner looking to expand by employing a couple more members of
staff. I’ve been thinking about getting a recruitment agency to help out with the hiring
process, but I’m not really sure whether it’d be worth it. Would greatly appreciate any info
you could give me regarding recruitment agencies, whether positive or negative.

Ria_X Posted: October 26, 05:29 PM

In my personal experience, the main pro of using a recruitment agency is that it saves time.
As far as cons go, the most obvious one is of course that it costs money.

Aaron_99 Posted: October 26, 05:33 PM

True, but as we all know, time is money—especially when you run your own business. I’d
say go for it, Jim_B, but make sure you find a reputable firm—not all recruitment agencies
are created equal.

Ted_C Posted: October 26, 05:37 PM

I’ll second Aaron_99’s comment re time. Recruitment agencies have vast talent databases
and networks, meaning they can find suitable candidates virtually immediately. So well
worth the cost, IMHO.

Aaron_99 Posted: October 26, 05:41 PM

Yeah, definitely. Also worth keeping in mind that a (good) recruitment agency will handle
all the admin work involved in hiring, e.g. scheduling interviews and communicating with
candidates, both successful and unsuccessful ones.

Jim_B Posted: October 26, 05:43 PM

OK, I’m sold! Thanks everyone for your help!

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All staff weekly email from Lisa Lai

To: All staff Sent: Fri 29 November 9.14 AM

From: Lisa Lai
Subject: Weekly email

Happy Friday, everyone!

Got some good news for you all regarding our upcoming recruitment event. Interest has been more intense
than we initially expected, so we’ve now decided to extend the event by one hour, to ensure all attendees
have enough time to familiarize themselves with all the available employment opportunities. The
enthusiasm among employers has also been phenomenal, as evidenced by the fact that an additional three
companies have joined in the last couple of days.
Please be reminded that the event will take place at the Tangerine Oriental Hotel in Tuen Mun. If you have
any family members, friends or acquaintances who want to attend, simply tell them to sign up at

Thanks and best wishes,

Lisa Lai
CEO, Person Power Ltd

Draft storyboard for the YouTube advertisement, with Lisa Lai’s comments

1. Introduce the event 2. When and where? 3. Who will be there?

- For ppl who are TBD X number of tech

getting a degree in a companies will be
tech-related field in the represented
next six months
We have all the Check the
details now— number!
include them!
Make this a
rhetorical question
(‘Are you …? Then
come to …!’)

4. What’s on offer? 5. How to sign up

Can get a job! Visit our website

Yes, of course! give the
But how? address

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SMS messages between Tracy Kong and Calvin Leung

Thursday 28 November

Tracy Kong 10.25 am

Just checking: have we sent out an email to Ms Chen yet?

Calvin Leung 10.26 am

Not yet, no. I was hoping to get Ali’s help with that tomorrow.

Tracy Kong 10.26 am

OK, no worries. Just make sure to tell her we’re writing on behalf of our client.

Calvin Leung 10.27 am

Will do. Can we give her the name?

Tracy Kong 10.28 am

Yeah, of course. I’m guessing she’ll want to do her own research into the company before she
even considers the offer. Try to make them sound as good as possible in the email, though—
they REALLY want her to take them up on their offer, and it’s our job to ensure she does.

Calvin Leung 10.30 am

Well, I don’t think it’d be an exaggeration to refer to them as Hong Kong’s most successful
robotics start-up—that should go some way towards convincing her, don’t you think?

Tracy Kong 10.31 am

Yeah, that should do it. Also, I spoke to the CEO, Hanna Hui, again yesterday and she asked
us to tell EC that if she accepts the offer, she’ll play an important role in inventing the future.
Think you can squeeze that in?

Calvin Leung 10.32 am

Wow, sounds a bit overblown to me, if I’m honest. But of course, the client is always right …

Tracy Kong 10.33 am

Indeed. Final thing: re her degree, I just found out that she passed with distinction—none too
surprisingly—so make sure you point that out as one of the reasons they’re so keen to have her.

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Frequently Asked Questions on the Person Power Ltd website

Person Power Ltd FAQ | Employment | Recruitment

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where is your office located?
A: The address of our head office is Unit 5D, 5/F, Golden Profit Plaza, 318 King’s Road, North Point.
Q: Can I visit without an appointment?
A: Yes, but we would prefer it if you made an appointment. You can do so here.
Q: When was Person Power Ltd founded?
A: The company was founded by Tracy Kong in 2009.
Q: Is Person Power Ltd primarily an employment or a recruitment agency?
A: We are both, equally. We help job-seekers find their dream jobs and companies find their dream
Q: As an employer, how can I trust the candidates Person Lower Ltd recommends?
A: Every candidate we recommend is pre-screened and uniquely suited for the position our client is
attempting to fill.
Q: Do you offer a money-back guarantee if an employee resigns or is dismissed?
A: No, what we offer is an even better guarantee. If the employee resigns or is dismissed—for whatever
reason—within 90 days, we will find a replacement for the client entirely free of charge.

Person Power Ltd’s file on Ellen Chen (extract)

Academic qualifications
● 2017: Passed the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education examination with three 5** grades
in the core subjects of Chinese, English and Mathematics.
● 2020: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, University of Kowloon
● 2024: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, University of Kowloon
Extracurricular achievements
● 2016–present: Volunteer with the non-governmental charity Hong Kong Food Rescue. Was named
‘Volunteer of the Year’ in 2018 and 2023.
● 2018: Won Best Invention in the Field of Automation at the International Under-20 Engineering
Expo in Singapore
● 2019: Passed the Grade 8 Associated Board of the Royal Music Schools (ABRMS) piano
● 2021–2024: Won the Asian Robot Combat Championships four years in a row. This is a competition
in which contestants design and build their own combat robots and then attempt to incapacite
challengers in one-on-one or team battles.

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Management Committee group chat

Thursday 28 November

Lisa: Right, so I finally found that HKDN letter I told you guys about. The name of the
writer is Alfred Choi—not sure what sort of connection he has to the recruitment industry,
though, as there was no mention of that in the letter.

Calvin: Doesn’t really matter, I suppose. We’ll need to respond in any case.

Tracy: Yes, and when you do, don’t forget to properly reference the letter we’re
responding to. The author name certainly helps with that, so thanks for checking, Lisa.

Lisa: No problem! Must say, though, that it was far from a pleasure re-reading that stupid
letter—it honestly made me kind of angry. The underlining message of the whole thing
seems to be that companies can do a better job with recruitment themselves. But that’s a
pretty ridiculous argument, of course, given that companies DO use recruitment agencies. I
mean, they wouldn’t do that if they thought they could do it better … Calvin: 13 Dec?

Tracy: Yeah, good point, and also strikes me as an excellent way to end our response.

Lisa: Sure, sounds good! But should we perhaps phrase it as a rhetorical question? Would
definitely make it snappier than the way I expressed it just now …

Calvin: OK, will do—good idea! Now, I realized I misspoke somewhat in the Zoom
meeting when I was talking about the hiring process at the recruitment event. Turns out
contestants will need to pass a brief interview as well, so it’s not quite as easy as I made
it sound.

Lisa: But that also takes place at the venue, though, right? So it’s still pretty
straightforward. I’m sure there’ll be loads of job seekers who’ll want to attend when the
potential reward is so significant.

Calvin: Oh yeah, for sure! And speaking of attending, we need to have an idea of the
numbers before the event actually starts, so I’d suggest giving a deadline for signing up.
What do you think?

Tracy: Makes sense. The day before the event at the latest?

Calvin: 👍👍

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Email exchange between Hanna Hui and Tracy Kong

To: Tracy Kong Sent: Wed 27 November 3.15 PM

From: Hanna Hui
Subject: Re: Ellen Chen

Dear Tracy,

Thank you for sending me Ellen Chen’s file. Having perused it, I can certainly see why she was your top
recommendation. As you mentioned, she would indeed be a perfect fit for TFI and we’d absolutely love
to have her join our company. To that end, in your communication with her, make sure you stress that
we’re prepared to offer her a highly competitive salary and benefits package.

I’d also appreciate it if you could let her know why we’re interested in hiring her. And yes, her degree is
of course worth a mention, but as far as we’re concerned, it’s honestly more about her non-academic
achievements. Some of them are highly relevant to the type of work we do here at TFI and therefore make
her the ideal candidate for this position. Please explain that to her.

Thanks for all your help. I look forward to hearing from you soon, hopefully with good news!


To: Hanna Hui Sent: Wed 27 November 2.26 PM

From: Tracy Kong
Subject: Ellen Chen

Dear Hanna,

To follow up on our phone conversation this morning, I’m sending you Person Power Ltd’s internal file
on Ellen Chen, our top recommendation for the position you’re trying to fill at TFI. Let me know what
you think once you’ve had some time to look it over. And, naturally, if you have any questions, please
don’t hesitate to contact me, either by phone or email.
Thanks and best wishes,


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Please stick the barcode label here.
Candidate Number


Question-Answer Book

Task 8: Script for YouTube advertisement (16 marks)

Write a script for a YouTube advertisement about the upcoming event using information from the B2 Data
File and your notes. Write around 120 words.

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Task 9: Email (19 marks)

Write an email to Ellen Chen using information from the B2 Data File and your notes. Write around 180


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Task 10: Letter to the editor (18 marks)

Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Daily News using the information from the B2 Data File and
your notes. Write around 200 words.

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