Laboratory Syllabus

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Laboratory Syllabus

Laboratory information
Body Fluids Manual (0202402) – 7th semester, Fall 2024
Course instructors’; Mr. Mohamad Qabajh (
Lab instructors’; Ms. Mai AbuDeiab (
Lab Schedule; (Sec-I: Tue11:00-13:50, Sec-II: Tue14:00-16:50, Sec-III: Sun08:00-10:50
, Sec-IV: Sun11:00-13:50, lab place; HC218).

Week PLO Laboratory Experiment Lab.Task

1 Lab no#1: Laboratory Safety Safety certificate
Lab no# 2: Urine Specimen Types,
2 lab activity 1, Group discussion
Collection, and Handling
Lab no# 3: Physical Examination of
3 lab activity 2, Quiz
6&10 Urine: Part (1) &Part (2)
Lab no# 4: Chemical Examination of
4 Pre-lab, lab activity 3
Lab no# 5: Urine Confirmatory Tests
5 lab activity 4, Quiz
for Reagent Strip Analytes
Midterm Exam
Lab no# 6: Urine Microscopic Pre-lab, lab activity 5, Practical
Examination: Part (1) &(2) exam,
9 Lab no# 7: CSF Examination lab activity 6, Group discussion
10 Lab no# 8: Seminal fluids analysis lab activity 7, Quiz
Lab no# 9: Fecal Analysis, Occult
11 lab review, Practical quiz
Final Exam

Learning Goals
1.Demonstrate adequate knowledge and application of laboratory safety and regulations.
2.Demonstrate adequate knowledge and application of microscopy, quality assurance, specimen
types, urine collection, and specimen handling.
3.Demonstrate adequate knowledge of the physical properties of urine.
4.Perform a physical exam of urine.
5.Demonstrate adequate knowledge of the components of a chemical evaluation of urine.
6.Perform a chemical exam of urine including confirmatory testing using manual and automated
7.Demonstrate adequate knowledge of the components of a microscopic evaluation of urine.
8.Perform a manual microscopic exam of urine.
9.Demonstrate adequate knowledge and application of fecal analysis.
10.Demonstrate adequate knowledge and application of CSF testing.
11.Demonstrate adequate knowledge and application of Seminal analysis.
12.Demonstrate problem-based learning capabilities and critical thinking using case studies and
interpreting lab data.
13.Perform 3 complete urinalysis in 15 minutes with ≥70% accuracy.
Grade Distribution (20 of points total course grade)
•Midterm Practical Exam: 6%.
•Final Practical Exam: 8%.
•Lab Activity Worksheets and Quizzes, Affective Behavior: 6%
Laboratory Participation
•Participation/Lab reports will be worth ~ 2%of your grade. Students must be present in lab and
complete each exercise to get credit. Make-up labs will only be permitted with prior arrangement
or certified medical excuse.
•Affective behavior is determined by the students’ adherence to safety regulations, punctuality.
•Pre-Labs (if applicable) must be completed prior to lab each week. Pre-Lab questions are found
in this manual. Hand in your pre-lab assignment at the beginning of lab.

Quiz Average
•About 4 quizzes will be given. The average of these quiz grades will be used in the final grade
calculation. The quizzes will be comprehensive, and the questions will build on each other as the
course progresses. Make-up quizzes will only be permitted with prior arrangement or certified
medical excuse.
Clinical Case Discussions
•Students will be given a number of real urinalysis case studies. Students must examine and
interpret the reports. Case studies will be discussed in groups.
Practical Exams
•Mainly One / Two practical exams will be given during the semester. The first one will cover
urinalysis, and the final will be comprehensive for the entire course. Students will be expected to
demonstrate their knowledge of the material as well as satisfactorily perform 3 complete
urinalysis exams in 15 minutes.
Extra Credit
•There may be an opportunity for optional extra credit during the course. In this instance an
appropriate assignment will be given to replace the student’s lowest quiz grade.
Required Textbook
- Urinalysis and Body Fluids. Strasinger SK, and Di Lorenzo Ms. 7th ed., 2021. FA Davis,
- Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluids Analysis. Brunzel, NA. 5th ed., 2023. Elsevier,
Introduction to this Manual
You are required to print this manual, complete the exercises, and keep it in a three-ring binder
(or other acceptable binding). It contains instructions for your weekly activities but is a useful
study guide as well. Each week generally contains several parts. These mainly include:
Introduction, Instructional Unit, Pre-Lab questions, Laboratory Activity.
Some weeks may contain extra thought questions, case studies, and learning references. Be ready
to complete these if requested.

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