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Fields marked asterix (*) are mandatory. Please �ll up in BLOCK letters only and use black ink for signature
(For o�ce use only) Date d d m m y y y y

First Applicant Customer ID

Second Applicant Customer ID Bank / Branch to a�x rubber stamp of

name and code no.

Account No.

I/We request you to open my / our deposit account with your branch / bank as under: (Tick (√) relevant type of account)

1 Type of Account

Savings Bank Account BSBDA BSBDA Small Account Current Account Fixed Deposit / MOD / RD Cap Gain (SB)

2 Mode of Operation

Self Either or Survivor Former or Survivor Any one or Survivor Jointly Operated Other____________

3 Services Required

1 ATM-CUM-DEBIT CARD Name as would appear on the card

1st Applicant Yes No

2nd Applicant Yes No

(Mobile no. is mandatory for services 2 to 8)

4. SMS ALERTS (Charges Applicable)

2. CHEQUE BOOK Yes No Yes No
SMS Alerts on Registered Mobile Number
(Only for Regular SB/Current Accounts/Caps Gain(SB)
(Not available for Regular BSBD/Small Accounts) 5. PHONE BANKING SERVICES: Yes No
Transaction rights required
1st Applicant Yes No
(For Savings Bank Account) Yes No
2nd Applicant Yes No

(Available only for singly operated accounts and joint accounts operated by Either or Survivor mode. 8. e-Statement (at monthly intervals),
In case of accounts operated as Former or Survivor mode INB facility is available to1st applicant only) in lieu of paper copy: Required Not Required

4 Fixed Deposit : For the following products/facilities, please furnish options/details:


Amount: Rs. ……………………………… Rs. (in words)…………………………………………………………………………………….

Name of Depositor(s), Amount and Period of
Initials of Cash
Deposit authenticated by Cash O�cer in case
of Illiterate Depositor
Period: …….………….. Year(s) …………….. Month(s) …………… Days

In case of Term Deposit, interest payable Monthly Quarterly Calendar Quarter Half Yearly Yearly

Maturity instruction Auto renew* principal & payback interest Auto renew* principal & interest Pay principal & interest Auto Renew* with part amount for Rs…………

* (Auto Renewal will be done for the similar term at the prevailing interest rate on the date of renewal.)
Payment instruction (Maturity Proceeds/Residual amount):

By credit to my Bank Account No. Issue Banker's Chq / Draft


Type of Deposit Term Deposit Term Deposit (Reinvestment) Period of Deposit ……….. Year(s) …………….. Months

I/We hereby give consent for debiting my/our account for recovering service charges as normally applicable to Savings Bank and Current Account.
I/We hereby give consent for debiting my/ our Savings Bank/ Current Account for creating MODS/AUTO SWEEP as per the Terms and Conditions.

Linked Saving Bank/Current Account No.

Under reverse sweep facility for breaking the MOD, the MOD to be broken by:* Last in �rst out First in �rst out

(* In case the applicant does not opt for any option, Last in �rst out will be the default option.)


Monthly / Core Monthly installment: Rs. Rs. (In words) Period: Years: Month(s)

Standing instruction (if any) Debit Account No.

On Maturity, credit proceeds to Account No.

Issue Banker's Chq /Draft Issue STDR for a period of _____________

For the above Term Deposit Account, please deduct applicable TDS from (SB/CA Account No.)


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7 Nomination (If required, �ll Form DA-1)

FORM DA-1 (Nomination Form)

Details of Nomination:
Registration No.
Nomination under section 45ZA of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and Rules 1985 in respect of Bank Deposits.
I/We ……………………………………………… nominate the following person to whom in the event of my / minor's death the amount of this deposit, particulars of which are given
below, may be returned by the State Bank of India, ……………………………………………………………………………………………....(Name & address of the branch /o�ce in which the deposit is held.)

I/We want the name of the nominee to be printed on the passbook

Details of Deposit
Type of Deposit: ……………………………………………………………………………………. Account Number:
Details of Nominee


Mobile Number of the Nominee

Relationship with the Depositor……………………….. Age………Years Date of Birth of nominee (in case of minor) d d m m y y y y

As the nominee is a minor on this date, I appoint Shri / Smt / Kum………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Age Years

Address…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………to receive the amount of deposit on behalf of the nominee in the event of my / minor's death during the minority of the nominee

(Signature of the Applicant/Thumb impression of the Applicant) (Signature of the Applicant/Thumb impression of the Applicant)

Signature of the �rst witness Signature of the second witness

Name:………………………………………………………. Signature : ………………………………………… Name:………………………………………………………. Signature : …………………………………………

Address ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………................ Address ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………................

(Witnesess are required only in case of applicant is illiterate and if a�xing thumb impression) Date d d m m y y y y Place ………………………..............

I/We do not want to nominate any person in this account

(Signature of the Applicant/Thumb impression of the Applicant) (Signature of the Applicant/Thumb impression of the Applicant)


1. I/We have read the copy of Terms and Conditions of the Account Opening given to me / us. The Terms and Conditions have been explained to me/us and having understood, I / we accept the same.
2. (In case of Minor Accounts)
I hereby declare that date of birth of the minor who is my ………………………. is ……………………………and I am his/her natural and lawful guardian/guardian appointed by court order dated…………………………..(copy enclosed)
I shall represent the said minor in all future transactions of any description in the above account until the said minor attains majority. I indemnify the bank against the claim of the above minor for any
withdrawal/transactions made by me in his/her account).
3. (Applicable in case of Term Deposit Accounts-(Strike out if not required))
I/We undertake that in case of term deposits with operating instructions "Either or Survivor", or "Former or Survivor" in line with the operating instructions of the application-cum-deposit slip, premature
termination/payment will be allowed to the survivor in event of the death of the either of the depositors or former as the case may be on submission of the death certi�cate of the deceased depositors along with
application without obtaining consent of the legal heirs of the deceased depositors.
4 I hereby declare that I do not maintain a Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA) with any other Bank/Branch (Applicable in case of BSBD Account)

Place: ……………………………………………..…………..

(Signature of the Applicant/Thumb impression of the Applicant) (Signature of the Applicant/Thumb impression of the Applicant)
Date: d d m m y y y y


(for o�ce use only) Queue No. Initials

Open Account Account

Date: d d m m y y y y (Authorised signatory) CIF Linking

i) Internet Banking (INB) Kit No.:………………………………………………………….. Personalised Cheque

ii) INB Viewing rights Transaction rights given on: RINB

iii) ATM Card data transmitted on: MBS

iv) Nomination Serial No.: SMS Alert

v) Threshold (KYC) limit: Removal of Posting

vi) Phone Banking Scanning


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1. I a�rm and declare that I have read over and understood the rules and regulations of the “Bank” and those relating to various services o�ered by the Bank including but not limiting to debit card/internet
banking/SMS banking/Tele-Banking/Mobile Banking/Virtual Banking and any other facilities. I agree to abide by the same as amended/modi�ed from time to time by the Bank/Regulator/Government
published through circulars, noti�cations, notice board/websites/newspaper publications, etc. I waive the rights, if any, to have personal notice in respect of such amendments/modi�cations. I agree
that the transactions and requests executed in my account(s) through internet, mobile, tele-banking or virtual banking under my User ID and password/PIN/OTP will be legally binding on me & I am
responsible for the maintenance of secrecy and con�dentiality of the authentication credentials and any other information/details/OTP/PIN, etc., in such matters. I agree that Bank has got all the rights
to debit my account for any service charge, expenses or other dues which the Bank is entitled/ liable to recover from me. I also authorise the Bank and agree to close/discontinue my account without
any notice to me. I hereby undertake to inform the Bank on any change in my communication address or constitution.
2. In respect of accounts opened on the basis of Aadhaar details, I hereby declare that I have submitted the Aadhaar Card issued by UIDAI voluntarily for identi�cation and /or address proof towards the
compliance of KYC norms under the PMLA, 2002 and I hereby consent that the Bank may verify the same with the UIDAI and authorise the UIDAI expressly to release the identity and address through
biometric authentication to the Bank. I wish to seed this account with NPCI mapper to enable me to receive Direct Bene�tTransfer (DBT) including LPG subsidy from Govt of India (GOI) in this account.
I understand that if more than one bene�t transfer is due to me, I will receive all the bene�t transfers in this account.
3. I con�rm and declare that I am not prevented/prohibited/restricted by any applicable legal/regulatory/contractual or other provisions from opening and/or maintaining the accounts or to transact with
the Bank in any other way.
4. I agree that my personal KYC details may be shared with Central KYC registry or any other competent authority. I hereby consent to receive information from the Bank/Central KYC Registry/ GoI/RBI
or any other authority through SMS/e-mail on my registered mobile number/ e-mail address. I also agree that the non-receipt of any such SMS/e-mail shall not make the Bank liable for any loss or
damage whatsoever in nature.
5. I hereby certify that I have declared my status as per the rules applicable under section 285BA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 as noti�ed by Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) vide Noti�cation No. S.O.
2155(E) dated 7 August 2015 and RBI Circular Ref No. DBR.AML.BC.No.36/ 14.01.001/2015-16 dated 28 August 2015 in the matter including any subsequent modi�cation/amendment thereof.
6. I understand, acknowledge and authorize that as per the provisions of Income Tax Act, Rules made thereunder and the guidelines issued by the Government/RBI in the matter,depending upon the
residential status and/or other criteria stipulated therein, the Bank may have to report the details in respect of my account(s) as per the prescribed format to the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT)or
other Government Agencies to comply with the obligations as per the Inter - Governmental Agreements (IGA) in respect of Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting
Standards (CRS) and / or any other similar arrangements.
7. I certify & declare that the information provided by me for opening loan account and availing other services herein or through website/electronically as applicable to me signed/authenticated by me as
well as in the documentary evidence provided by me for opening loan account and availing other services are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete and that I have not
withheld any material information that may a�ect the assessment/categorization of my account as a U.S. Reportable Account or Other Reportable Account or otherwise. In case any of the information
or details provided by me is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held liable for it.
8. I undertake the responsibility to declare and disclose immediately and in no case beyond 30 days from the date of change, any changes that may take place in the information provided herein/or
otherwise, as well as in the documentary evidence provided by me or if any certi�cation becomes incorrect or undergoes a change. I further undertake to provide fresh and valid self–certi�cation along
with documentary evidence as and when so required; nevertheless all declaration and undertaking given herein will also be applicable to all such modi�ed/amended document/information provided by
me unless revised self–certi�cation as above is provided to the Bank.
9. I also agree that my failure to disclose any material fact/information known to me now or in future or my failure to remedy any de�ciency in documents/information/other details within the stipulated
period, may invalidate me from transacting in the account and the Bank would be within its right to put restrictions in the operations of my account or to close it or to report to any regulator and/or any
authority designated by the Government of India (GoI)/RBI for the said purpose or take any other action as may be deemed appropriate by the Bank under the guidelines issued by CBDT/ RBI/GoI from
time to time.
10. I also agree to furnish and intimate to the Bank any other particulars that are called upon me to provide on account of any change in law either in India or abroad in the above matter or otherwise.
11. I shall indemnify the Bank from any loss/damage that may be caused to the Bank on account of any defect/mistake in the details provided herein or on account of providing incorrect or incomplete
information by me.
12. I undertake to submit data/information together with fresh KYC documents for updation of KYC details at periodical intervals as may be required by the Bank.
13. I understand that the account will be activated and debits will be allowed only after completion of Customer Due Diligence relating to KYC by the Bank.
14. In case the account is opened without PAN, I undertake to submit PAN on or before such date as may be noti�ed by the Government of India, failing which the account shall cease to be operational till the
time PAN is submitted, as per Prevention of Money -Laundering (Maintenance of Records ) Rules 2005.
15. In case, deemed OVDs are submitted for Current Address at the time of Account opening, I undertake to submit Aadhaar or any of the OVD having Current Address within 3 months from the date of
account opening, failing which I understand that my account may cease to be operational as per GOI guidelines at the material time.
16. I have received the Welcome Kit containing INB Kit and ATM card/cheque book and understand that in case of any misuse/misplacement of the contents of the Kit, the Bank will not be liable for any
17. I hereby certify that the Savings Bank Account would be used by me to route transactions of only non-business/non-commercial nature.In the event of occurrence of such transactions or any such
transactions that may be construed as commercial/business/dubious or undesirable, the Bank reserves the right to unilaterally freeze operations in such accounts and /or close the account.
18. I have been advised of Average Monthly Balance (AMB) requirement for the account to be opened and given to understand that these requirements are subject to revision/changes and such revision/
changes will be uploaded in the Bank's site which will be acceptable to me as a notice to that e�ect.
19. I con�rm that the product features of BSBD account have been explained to me (applicable to BSBD account applicant)
20. I acknowledge receipt of rules and regulations of Savings Bank Account.
21. I have been advised that if I do not provide my mobile number, I will not be eligible for any facility of electronic transactions other than ATM cash withdrawals.
22. (Applicable for accounts opened for credit of Social Welfare Bene�ts) I understand that this account will be opened under BSBD category. I also understand that, in case, I do not wish to continue in this
BSBD account, and switch over to Regular Savings Bank account, I will have to maintain the Average Monthly Balance (AMB) applicable for Regular Savings Bank Account. I therefore undertake to
maintain AMB in the account if I switch over to Regular Savings Bank Account from BSBD.
23. (Applicable for accounts opened in the name of Minors) I understand that the requirements of Average Monthly Balance (AMB) and penalty for non-maintenance will be applicable in this account once
the applicant becomes Major. I therefore undertake to maintain Average Monthly Balance (AMB) from the date of attaining majority.
24. I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I undertake to inform you of any changes therein, immediately in case any of the above
information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held liable for it.
25 I/We con�rm that the product features of the account have been explained to me


We acknowledge receipt of nomination made by you in favour of:

Name of the Nominee................................................................................................................................Age:.................... Years:..................... Yours faithfully

With respect to your Account Number

Registration No. Signature of Bank O�cial with Seal


Know Your Customer Guidelines

Any person ful�lling account opening requirements may, upon agreeing to comply with the prescribed rules, open a Savings Bank Account, provided she/he furnishes proof of identity and proof of address as
required by the Bank.

Nomination & Survivorship Facility

The nomination facility is available on Savings Bank Accounts and the account holders are advised to avail of this facility for smooth settlement of claim by legal heirs in unforeseen circumstances. Nomination
can be made in favour of only one nominee. In case they do not wish to make a nomination, the fact should be recorded on the account opening form under their full signature. Joint account with survivorship
bene�t can be operated by the survivor, in such circumstances.


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Types of Accounts, Balance Stipulation & Service Charges

The applicants can open an account either with chequebook facility or without chequebook. The current monthly average balances prescribed for SB accounts and the charges prescribed for non-
maintenance of minimum balance, are available at the Banks website and Contact Centre. The information can also be obtained from Branches. There is no ceiling on maximum balance in Savings Bank
account, except for Minors account.

Minors Accounts
Minors who can adhere to uniform signature and are not less than ten years old can open accounts in their single name and maintain therein a maximum balance of Rs. 10,00,000/ (Rs. Ten lacs only). Minors
may open joint accounts with their guardians.

How To Open An Account?

In ordinary course, applicant(s)should attend the Bank personally for completion of formalities for opening the account. They will duly �ll in and sign the prescribed application form. Applicant(s) should submit
KYC documents, declaration as applicable for RBI/CBDT and two copies of his/her/ their recently taken passport size photographs. Applicants can also apply for opening an account online. Account holders
signatures must be legible and well formed. Signatures should not be in capital or block letters. Each account will be given a distinctive account number. While dealing with the Bank,this number should be
invariably quoted by the account holder(s). The account holders, in their self-interest, are expected to adhere to uniform signature as per specimen recorded with the Bank while operating the accounts and
addressing any correspondence to the Bank.

Pass Book
The pass book and cheque book supplied to the account holder should be kept in a safe place. The Bank will not be responsible for any loss or incorrect payment attributable to the account holders’ neglect in
this regard. For withdrawing cash by means of a withdrawal form, the pass book must be presented. Withdrawals using cheque forms and Debit card can be e�ected without pass book. Deposits may be made
without production of the pass book. Pass book should be got updated regularly. The pass book will be returned to the account holder immediately after completion of the transaction duly updated. In case
it is not collected within a week‘s time, it will be returned to them by Registered A.D. post/ Courier at their cost. The account holders should carefully examine the entries in their pass books and draw the
Bank’s attention to errors or omissions, if any. Duplicate in lieu of the lost or mutilated pass book may be issued on receipt of a written request from the account holder after necessary enquiries, completion
of formalities and recovery of prescribed charges. The current charges prescribed for this are available at the Bank’s website and Contact Centre. This information can also be obtained from Branches.

Cheque Book
The Bank will issue the �rst cheque book after completion of all formalities with regard to opening of the account. Bank shall issue Cheque Book subject to recovery of charges as applicable. The current
charges prescribed for this are available at the Banks website and Contact Centre.This information can also be obtained from Branches. The account holders must use only the cheques from the cheque
books issued to them by the Bank. The Bank reserves the right to refuse payment of any cheques drawn otherwise. Ordinarily, Bank will not issue more than one cheque book at a time or before exhausting
all or nearly all cheque leaves issued previously. Cheques must be written legibly. Stop payment instructions in respect of cheques issued or lost can be registered with the Bank on payment of a prescribed
service charge. The current charges prescribed for this are available at the Bank’s website. This information can also be obtained from Branches.

Savings Bank account is essentially a facility to build up savings and hence must not be used as a Current Account. Bank may close an account should it have any reason to believe that the account holder has
used her/his account for a purpose for which it is not allowed.

Only three cash deposit tranactions are allowed free of cost in a month. No restrictions on cash deposit at Non Home branch. No deposit in cash for less than Rs 10/- will be accepted. Cheques, drafts or other
instruments drawn only in favour of the account holder will be accepted for credit of the account. Third party instruments endorsed in favour of the account holder will NOT be accepted. No drawings against
accepted instruments will be normally permitted until these are realized. In satisfactorily conducted accounts, immediate credit will be a�orded for outstation/ local instruments up to the value laid down
from time to time. The normal collection and out-of-pocket charges will be recovered. The current limit and charges prescribed for this are available at the Bank’s website and Contact Centre. This
information can also be obtained from Branches. Overdue interest will be recovered for instruments subsequently returned unpaid.

The account holder can withdraw money personally from her/his ordinary Savings Bank Account by using Bank’s standard withdrawal form. The pass book must accompany the withdrawal form. The
withdrawal form can be used only for receiving payments by the account holder himself/ herself. ATM cum Debit card can also be used in ATMs for cash withdrawal. The account holder cannot withdraw an
amount less than Rs. 50/-. All withdrawals must be in round Rupees only. Third party payments through withdrawal forms are not permitted. A letter of authority as per the prescribed format, along with the
pass book should be sent to the Bank through an authorized representative to receive payment in case the account holder is unable to attend personally to withdraw cash from her/his account. The minimum
drawing permitted per cheque form is limited to Rs. 50. The maximum number of free debit entries permitted in an account depends on the AMB in the account or as decided by the Bank from time to time.
Charges prescribed for exceeding this limit are available at the Bank’s website and Contact Centre. This information can also be obtained from Branches. Cash withdrawal can be made from the accounts of
the sick, old or incapacitated account holders who are unable to attend the Bank and/or also not able to put their signature or thumb impression for withdrawing cash by completing the laid down formalities.

Overdrafts in Savings Bank accounts may be permitted under exceptional circumstances with prior arrangements only. Cheques drawn in excess of the balance in the account will be returned unpaid. Service
charge will be recovered each time a cheque is returned unpaid for want of su�cient funds. Charges prescribed for this are available at the Bank’s website and Contact Centre. This information can also be
obtained from Branches.

Inoperative Accounts
Account holders are advised to operate their accounts regularly. Accounts not operated are classi�ed as Inoperative after the stipulated time period of 24 months since last operation. The current prescribed
charges in this regard are available at the Bank’s website and Contact Centre. This information can also be obtained from Branches.

Standing Instructions
The account holder can request the Bank for e�ecting periodical payment of insurance premium, membership fees, etc. by debit to her/ his account on payment of service charges. The current prescribed
charges for Standing Instruction are available at the Bank’s website. This information can also be obtained from Branches.

Payment of Interest
As per RBI guidelines applicable from time to time. Interest will be calculated on a daily product basis. Interest will be credited to the account at quarterly intervals. Interest will be paid only if it works out to Re
1/-or more. Thereafter �fty paise and more will be rounded o� to the next higher rupee and anything less will be ignored. In case of accounts frozen by the enforcement authorities, Bank shall coutinue to
credit the interest to the account on a regular basis.

Transfer & Closure Of Account

Accounts may be transferred between branches of the Bank at the request of the account holder(s). Request for closure of account should state the reason for closure. The pass book must accompany such
request. Joint accounts can be closed only at the request of all such joint signatories. Service charge at prescribed rate will be recovered if an account is closed after 14 days up to one year of its opening. The
current charges prescribed for this are available at the Bank’s website. This information can also be obtained from Branches. Accounts can be transferred ONLINE also.

Change in Rules
The Bank reserves the right to alter, delete or add to any of these Rules and service charges for which the customer will be duly noti�ed through Bank's website and/or branch notice board.

Features of BSBD account.

i. The deposit of cash at bank branch as well as ATMs/CDMs
ii. Receipt / credit of money through any electronic channel or by means of deposit / collection of cheques drawn by Central / State Government agencies and departments.
iii. No limit on number and value of deposits that can be made in month.
iv. Minimum 4 withdrawals including ATM withdrawals
v. ATM Card or ATM-cum-Debit Card


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Income-tax Rules, 1962
[See second proviso to rule 114B]
Form for declaration to be �led by an individual or a person (not being a company or �rm) who does not have a permanent
account number and who enters into any transaction speci�ed in rule 114B
1 First Name Middle Name Surname
2 Date of Birth / Incorporation of declarant
3 Father’s Name (in case of individual)
4 Flat No./Floor No.
5 Name of premises / Block Name & No.
6 Road / Street / Lane
7 Area / Locality
8. Town/District/State
9 Pin code
10 Telephone Number (with STD code)
11 Mobile Number
12 Amount of Transaction (Rs.)
13 Date of Transaction
14 In case of transaction in joint names,
number of persons involved in
the transaction
15 Mode of transaction Cash Cheque Card Draft/Banker’s Cheque Online transfer Other
16 Aadhaar Number issued by UIDAI (if available) :
17 If applied for PAN and it is not yet generated, enter date of application and acknowledgement number: __________________
____________________________________________________________________________________ Date :_______________
18 If PAN not applied, �ll estimated total income (including income of spouse, minor child, etc., as per section 64 of Income-tax
Act, 1961) for the �nancial year in which the above transaction is held (a) Agricultural income (Rs.)_______________________
(b) Other than Agr. Income (Rs.) _________________________________________________
19 Details of document being produced in Document Document Name and address of the
support of identify in Column 1 (Refer code identi�cation authority issuing
Instruction overleaf) number the document
20 Details of document being produced in Document Document Name and address of the
support of identity in Column 4 to 13 code identi�cation authority issuing
(Refer Instruction overleaf) number the document
I, _______________________________________________________________________ do hereby declare that what is stated
above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further declare that I do not have a Permanent Account Number and
my / our estimated total income (including income of spouse, minor child etc., as per section 64 of Income Tax Act, 1961)
computed in accordance with the provisions of Income tax Act, 1961 for the �nancial year in which the above transaction is
held will be less than maximum amount not chargeable to tax.
Veri�ed today the ___________________________ day of________________20 ____________
Place : (Signature of declarant)
Note: Before signing the declaration, the declarant should satisfy himself that the information furnished in this form is true,
correct and complete in all respects. Any person making a false statement in the declaration shall be liable to prosecution
under section 277 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and on conviction be punishable:
(i) in a case where tax sought to be evaded exceeds twenty-�ve lakh rupees, with rigorous imprisonment which shall not be
less than six months but which may extend to seven years and with �ne;
(ii) in any other case, with rigorous imprisonment which shall not be less than three months but which may extend to two
years and with �ne.
2. The person accepting the declaration shall not accept the declaration where the amount of income of the nature referred to in
item 22b exceeds the maximum amount which is not chargeable to tax, unless PAN is applied for and column 21 is duly �lled.


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(1) Documents which can be produced in support of identity and address (not required if applied for PAN and item 20 is �lled): -
Sl. Nature of Documents Document Proof of Proof of
Code Identity Address
A For Individuals and HUF
1 AADHAAR card 01 Yes Yes
2 Bank/Post o�ce passbook bearing photograph of the person 02 Yes Yes
3 Elector’s photo identity card 03 Yes Yes
4 Ration/Public Distribution System card bearing photograph
of the person 04 Yes Yes
5 Driving License 05 Yes Yes
6 Passport 06 Yes Yes
7 Pensioner Photo card 07 Yes Yes
8 National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) Job Card 08 Yes Yes
9 Caste or Domicile certi�cate bearing photo of the person 09 Yes Yes
10 Certi�cate of identity/address signed by a Member of Parliament
or Member of Legislative Assembly or Municipal Councillor or a
Gazetted O�cer as per annexure A prescribed in Form 49A 10 Yes Yes
11 Certi�cate from employer as per annexure B prescribed in Form 49A 11 Yes Yes
12 Kisan passbook bearing photo 12 Yes No
13 Arm’s license 13 Yes No
14 Central Government Health Scheme/ Ex -Service men
Contributory Health Scheme 14 Yes No
15 Photo identity card issued by the Government/Public Sector Undertaking 15 Yes No
16 Electricity bill (Not more than 3 months old) 16 No Yes
17 Landline Telephone bill (Not more than 3 months old) 17 No Yes
18 Water bill (Not more than 3 months old) 18 No Yes
19 Consumer gas card/book or piped gas bill (Not more than 3 months old) 19 No Yes
20 Bank Account Statement (Not more than 3 months old) 20 No Yes
21 Credit Card Statement (Not more than 3 months old) 21 No Yes
22 Depository Account Statement (Not more than 3 months old) 22 No Yes
23 Property registration document 23 No Yes
24 Allotment letter of accommodation from Government 24 No Yes
25 Passport of spouse bearing name of the person 25 No Yes
26 Property tax payment receipt (Not more than one year old) 26 No Yes
B For Association of persons (Trusts)
Copy of trust deed or copy of certi�cate of registration issued
by Charity Commissioner 27 Yes Yes
C For Association of persons (other than Trusts) or Body of Individuals or Local
authority or Arti�cial Juridical Person)
Copy of Agreement or copy of certi�cate of registration issued by Charity 28 Yes Yes
Commissioner or Registrar of Cooperative Society or any other competent
authority or any other document originating from any Central or State
Government Department establishing identity and address of such person.
(2) In case of a transaction in the name of a Minor, any of the above-mentioned documents as proof of Identity and Address of
any of parents/guardians of such minor shall be deemed to be the proof of identity and address for the minor declarant,
and the declaration should be signed by the parent/guardian.
(3) For HUF any document in the name of Karta of HUF is required.
(4) In case the transaction is in the name of more than one person, the total number of persons should be mentioned in Sl. No.
18 and the total amount of transaction is to be �lled in Sl. No. 16.
In case the estimated total income in column 22b exceeds the maximum amount not chargeable to tax, the person should apply
for PAN, �ll out item 21 and furnish proof of submission of application.


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Details of Related Person (To be filled for minor)

Customer ID: CKYC No.:

Account No.:


Addition of Related Person Deletion of Related Person

KYC of Related Person (If Available)*

Related Person type* Guardian of Minor Assignee Authorised Representative

(If KYC Number and name are provided, below details are optional)







G-OTHERS (Any Document noti�ed by the Central Government/RBI)

Document No/Identi�cation Number*

Issue date*: Expiry Date(If Applicable)*:

Remarks : _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

FATCA Declaration Form

Customer ID: CKYC No.:

Account No.:


Citizenship*: IN-India Others Country Name:

Place/City of Birth*: Country of Birth*:


City/Village*: District*:

State*: Pin*:

Multiple Tax Residency: Details of Country of Tax Residence in India, and/or in USA@ and /or In any other Country or Territory Outside India as Under:

Country of Tax Residence# Tax Identi�cation number or equivalent if issued by jurisdiction Identi�cation type (TIN or Other, please specify)

@ * A citizen of US including individual born in US but resident in another country (who has not given up US citizenship)
* A person residing in US including US green card holder
* Certain persons who spend more than 180 days in US each year

Address in the Jurisdiction/Country - where the Applicant is Resident outside India for Tax Purposes


City/Village*: District*:

Sub-District: State*:

Country Name*: ZIP/Post Code*:


Signature/thumb inpression of the Applicant/Applicants


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