Proposal Paper
Proposal Paper
Proposal Paper
1.1 Background of the Study
The word performance is derived from the word ‘parfourmen’ , which means
‘to do’ to carry out ‘or’ to render. It refers the act of performing, execution,
accomplishment, fulfilment etc. In broader sense, performance refers to the
accomplishment of a given task measured against preset standards of
accuracy, completeness, cost and speed. In other words, it refers to the
degree to which an achievement is being or has been accomplished
performance is used to indicate firm’s success, conditions and compliance.
(Shodhganag inflibnet. ac).
performance analysis is the process of selection, relation and evaluation.
(Shodhganga –inflibnet. ac)
1.2 Background of the Organization
The major customers of the products are Agents, Retails and End users that
constitute 70%, 10% and 20% of the total sale respectively.
Business Vision
Business Mission
Organizational Set up
Repi soap and detergent S.C under the supervision of Board of Director’s
organized with a general manager, vice general manager, three departments
and two services namely:-
Business Goals
1.3 Statement of the Problem
1) The firm able to earn income and sustain growth in both short term
and long term? (Profitability).
2) Up to what extent the firm able to pay its obligation to creditors and
other third parties in the long term? (Insolvency).
3) The firm able to maintain in positive cash flow, while satisfying
immediate obligations? (Liquidity).
1.4 Objectives of the Study
1.4.1 General Objectives
The overall objective of this study is to assess the financial performance and
evaluate financial healthiness of Repi soap and Detergent S.C by using
different analytical tool
The study under the title assessment of financial performance of Repi soap
and Detergent S.C try to show the current position of the company, identify
the company current strength and weakness, gives information for the
creditors for their investment decision and help the management to take
corrective actions for the problem faced relating to the profitability, the
solvency, the liquidity and the stability. Ingenral i am quiently shure that the
manager of the company will find it useful in overcoming the problem that
face related to the frinancial performance of the company. The last but not
least, this study also help for other researchers who conduct their research
on the same title.
1.6 Scope of the Study
This paper is composed of five chapters. The first chapter present the
introduction part of the study which includes background of the study,
statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study
and scope of the study. The second chapter presents review of literatures.
Then the third chapter details with methodology such as methods of data
collection and tools for analysis. Finally the last chapter contain summary of
findings, conclusion and recommendations.
Literature Review
The Balance Sheet shows the financial position (condition) of the firm at a
given point of time. It provides a snapshot and may be regarded as a static
picture. “Balance sheet is a summary of a firm’s financial position on a given
date that shows Total assets = Total liabilities + Owner’s equity.”
The income statement (referred as the profit and loss statement) reflects the
performance of the firm over a period of time. “Income statement is a
summary of a firm’s revenues and expenses over a specified period, ending
with net income or loss for the period.” However, financial statements do not
reveal all the information related to the financial operations of a firm, but
they furnish some extremely useful information, which highlights two
important factors profitability and financial Soundness. Thus analysis of
financial statements is an important aid to financial performance analysis.
The analysis of financial statements is a process of evaluating the
performance analysis includes analysis and interpretation of financial
statements in such a way that it undertakes full diagnosis of the profitability
and financial soundness of the business. Relationship between component
parts of financial statements to obtain a better understanding of the firm’s
position and performance.
capital performance, fixed assets performance, fund flow performance and
social performance.
Interest of various related groups is affected by the financial performance of
a firm. Therefore, these groups analyze the financial performance of the firm.
The type of analysis varies according to the specific interest of the party
Trade creditors: interested in the liquidity of the firm (appraisal of firm’s
Bond holders: interested in the cash-flow ability of the firm (appraisal of
firm’s capital structure, the major sources and uses of funds, profitability
over time, and projection of future profitability)
Investors: interested in present and expected future earnings as well as
stability of these earnings (appraisal of firm’s profitability and financial
Management: interested in internal control, better financial condition and
better performance (appraisal of firm’s present financial condition,
evaluation of opportunities in relation to this current position, return on
investment provided by various assets of the company, etc)(Pamela P,2010)
Financial performance analysis can be classified into different categories:-
1. External analysis
This analysis is undertaken by the outsiders of the business namely
investors, credit agencies, government agencies, and other creditors who
have no access to the internal records of the company. They mainly use
published financial statements for the analysis and as it serves limited
2. Internal analysis
This analysis is undertaken by the persons namely executives and
employees of the organization or by the officers appointed by government or
court who have access to the books of account and other information related
to the business.
3. Horizontal Analysis
In this type of analysis financial statements for a number of years are
reviewed and analyzed. The current year’s figures are compared with the
standard or base year and changes are shown usually in the form of
percentage. This analysis helps the management to have an insight into
levels and areas of strength and weaknesses. This analysis is also called
Dynamic Analysis as it based on data from various years.
4. Vertical Analysis
In this type of Analysis study is made of quantitative relationship of the
various items of financial statements on a particular date. This analysis is
useful in comparing the performance of several companies in the same
group, or divisions or departments in the same company. This analysis is not
much helpful in proper analysis of firm’s financial Analysis as it based on
position because it depends on the data for one period. This analysis is also
called Static data from one date or for one accounting period.
An analysis of financial performance can be possible through the use of one
or more tools / techniques of financial analysis. One of the most common
techniques is accounting techniques. It is also known as financial techniques.
Various accounting techniques such as Comparative Financial Analysis,
Common-size Financial Analysis, Trend Analysis and Ratio Analysis may be
used for the purpose of financial Analysis.(Modern corporate finance, 1994)
2.6.1 Ratio Analysis
In order to evaluate financial condition and performance of a firm, the
financial analyst needs certain tools to be applied on various financial
aspects. One of the widely used and powerful tools is ratio or index. Ratios
express the numerical relationship between two or more things. This
relationship can be expressed as percentages (25% of revenue), fraction
(one-forth of revenue), or proportion of numbers (1:4). Accounting ratios are
used to describe significant relationships, which exist between figures shown
on a balance sheet, in a profit and loss account, in a budgetary control
system or in any other part of the accounting organization. Ratio analysis
plays an important role in determining the financial strengths and
weaknesses of a company relative to that of other companies in the same
industry. The analysis also reveals whether the company's financial position
has been improving or deteriorating over time. Ratios can be classified into
four broad groups on the basis of items used: (1) Liquidity Ratio, (ii) Capital
Structure/Leverage Ratios, (iii) Profitability Ratios, and (iv) Activity Ratios.
(Pamela P, 2010). Liquidity Ratios
Liquidity ratios provide information about a firm’s ability to meet its short-
term financial obligations. These ratios are calculated to comment up on the
short-term paying capacity of a concern or the firm’s ability to meet its
current obligations. Two frequently used liquidity ratios are the current ratio
(or working capital ratio) and the quick ratio cash ratio is the most
conservative liquidity ratio.
A. Current Ratio
Current ratio may be defined as the relationship between current assets and
current liabilities. This ratio is also known as ‘working capital ratio’. It is a
measure of general liquidity and is most widely used to make the analysis for
short term financial position or liquidity of a firm. It is calculated by dividing
the total of the current assets by total of the current liabilities.
Current Liabilities
A relatively high current ratio is an indication that the firm is liquid and has
the ability to pay its current obligations in time and when they become due.
On the other hand, a relatively low current ratio represents that the liquidity
position of the firm is not good and the firm shall not be able to pay its
current liabilities in time without facing difficulties. An increase in the current
ratio represents improvement in the liquidity position of the firm while a
decrease in the current ratio represents that there has been deterioration in
the liquidity position of the firm. A ratio equal to or near 2:1 is considered as
a standard or normal or satisfactory. The idea of having doubled the current
assets as compared to current liabilities is to provide for the delays and
losses in the realization of current assets. However, the rule of 2:1 should not
be blindly used while making interpretation of the ratios. Firms having less
than 2:1 ratio may be having a better liquidity than even firms having more
than 2:1 ratio. This is because of the reason that current ratio measures the
quantity of the current assets and not the quality of the current assets.
Current Liabilities
C. Cash Ratio
The cash ratio is the most conservative liquidity ratio. It excludes all current
assets except the most liquid cash and cash equivalents.
Formula: - Cash Ratio = Cash + Marketable securities
Current Liabilities
Long term solvency or leverage ratios convey a firm’s ability to meet the
interest costs and payment schedules of its long term obligations.
Total Equity
B. Debt Ratio
The debt ratio compares total liabilities from total asset. It shows the
percentage of total funds obtained from creditors. Creditors would rather see
low debt ratio because there is a great cushion for creditor’s losses if the
firm goes bankrupt. It tells the amount of other people’s money being used
in attempting to generate profits. A high ratio indicates more of firms asset
are provided by creditors relative to owner.
Total Asset
C. Time Interest Earned
This ratio serves as one measure of firm’s ability to meet its interest
payment and thus avoid bankruptcy. In geranial the high the ratio, the great
the probability that the company could cover its interest payment without
difficulty. It also shows light on the firm’s capacity to take on new debt.
Interest Expense
Gross profit ratio is the ratio of gross profit to net sates expressed as a
percentage. It expresses the relationship between gross profit and sales.
Net sales
Net profit ratio is the ratio of net profit (after taxes) to net sales. It is
expressed as percentage.
Net sales
C. Return on Equity Capital (ROEC)
Shareholder equity
Total assets
Asset turnover ratios indicate of how efficiently the firm utilizes its assets.
They sometimes are referred to so efficiency ratios, asset utilization rations,
or asset management ratios. Two commonly used asset turnover ratios are
receivables turnover and inventory turnover.
A. Receivables Turnover
Formula:- Receivable Turnover = Annual credit sales
Accounts receivable
Inventory Inventory
Fixed assets turnover ratio is also known as sales to fixed assets ratio. This
ratio measures the efficiency and profit earning capacity of the concern.
Higher the ratio, greater is the intensive utilization of fixed assets. Lower
ratio means under utilization of fixed assets.
1. Simplifies financial statements: It simplifies the comprehension of
financial statements. Ratios tell the whole story of changes in the
financial condition of the business
2. Facilitates inter-firm comparison: It provides data for inter-firm
comparison. Ratios highlight the factors associated with successful and
unsuccessful firm. They also reveal strong firms and weak firms,
overvalued and undervalued firms.
concepts. Personal judgment plays a great part in determining the
figures for financial statements.
2. Comparative study required: Ratios are useful in judging the efficiency
of the business only when they are compared with past results of the
business. However, such a comparison only provide glimpse of the past
performance and forecasts for future may not prove correct since
several other factors like market conditions, management policies, etc.
may affect the future operations.
3. Ratios alone are not adequate: Ratios are only indicators; they cannot
be taken as final regarding good or bad financial position of the
business. Other things have also to be seen.
4. Problems of price level changes: A change in price level can affect the
validity of ratios calculated for different time periods. In such a case
the ratio analysis may not clearly indicate the trend in solvency and
profitability of the company. The financial statements, therefore, be
adjusted keeping in view the price level changes if a meaningful
comparison is to be made through accounting ratios.
6. Limited use of single ratios: A single ratio, usually, does not convey
much of a sense. To make a better interpretation, a number of ratios
have to be calculated which is likely to confuse the analyst than help
him in making any good decision.
7. Personal bias: Ratios are only means of financial analysis and not an
end in itself. Ratios have to interpret and different people may
interpret the same ratio in different way. (Www.accounting for
management. Com)
2.8 Limitations of Financial Statement Analysis:
Comparison of one company with another can provide valuable clues about
the financial health of an organization. Unfortunately, differences in
accounting methods between companies sometimes make it difficult to
compare the companies' financial data. For example if one firm values its
inventories by LIFO method and another firm by the average cost method,
then direct comparison of financial data such as inventory valuations and
cost of goods sold between the two firms may be misleading. Sometimes
enough data are presented in foot notes to the financial statements to
restate data to a comparable basis. Otherwise, the analyst should keep in
mind the lack of comparability of the data before drawing any definite
conclusion. Nevertheless, even with this limitation in mind, comparisons of
key ratios with other companies and with industry average often suggest
avenues for further investigation.
In addition to ratios, other sources of data should be analyzed in order to
make judgment about the future of an organization. The analyst should look,
for example, at industry trends, technological changes, changes in consumer
tastes, changes in broad economic factors, and changes within the firm
itself. (www.accounting for management. Com)
For this research project descriptive design type of the research will be use
because the research conduct in order to describe the existing financial
performance of Repi Soap and detergent S.C.
For this study, the researcher will be used both primary and secondary
source of data. From primary method of data collection unstructured
interview will be use rather than other method of data collection with those
individuals that are worked on the finance department of the company
inorder to overcome some draw backs of secondary data. On the other hand
the secondary data will be collected by reviewing the company annual
audited financial statement and audit report.
After the relevant data collected from the company financial statement, in
order to describe the real financial performance of the company the
researcher will be use different accounting tools such as ratio analysis
including liquidity ratio, debt ratio, profitability ratio and asset managemtn
ratio, Horizontal analysis and vertical analysis.
Finally, the analysis will be present in the form of tables, percentages and
graphs in order to compare the financial performance of the company in
different year.
No Activity Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb Mar. April May June
1 Topic Selection x x
2 Preparation of proposal x x
3 Collection of useful x
4 Data Collection x x
5 Data Analysis and x x x
writing of final research
6 Submission of research x
7 Presentation of final x
Contingency - - 450.00
Weston J.F and Brigham E.F Managerial Finance 7th edition 1981.