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Activating Codes - Lemuria, Atlantis, Ancient Egypt

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Activating Codes

✨ Lemuria ✨ Atlantis ✨ Egypt

with Sabah Tahilramani

Dear Beloved,

I am super excited about this offering.

It was a transmission I received a few months ago and with the

help of our Beloved SiStar Freya, I have turned it into a
workshop so that everyone can benefit from it.

This is an opportunity to gain all the insights and wisdom from

lifetimes in the ancient past. Remembering our origins, our
cosmic memory, the origin of the earth and the beginning of
recorded human history.
Starseeds often face issues of abandonment because we feel
different. Abandonment programming can come from
conditioning in this life. It can come through a rejection by the
bloodlines. It can come from other lifetimes. This began with
the descent in frequency in Lemuria from 5D to 4D and
continued with the fall of Atlantis where humanity fell from 4D
to the density of a 3D earth.
We are in an accelerated period of ascension at this time.
Many on the planet are moving from a 3D density to a 5D

A simpler way of putting it is, this planet is going from

separation to unity consciousness.

This shift has been planned for some time. Many starseeds and
Lightworkers have incarnated Here and Now to help with this
shift. This is not an easy mission as many of you may have
gathered. starseeds come from a higher density dimension and
are here as critical instruments in this shift. Some starseeds
have been here for many lifetimes and some are here for the
first time. And many amongst us were the emissaries of Light
during the age of Lemuria, Atlantis and Ancient Egyptia.
Which one do you feel most connected to? Which one would
you like to explore? Chances are you have always felt drawn to
this time, place or culture. Accidentally coming across
literature, art, music, documentaries that evoke a sense of
nostalgia or home. An ancient soul based remembering.


The legend of Lemuria is a long and complex one. The

Lemurians are thought of as a peaceful, highly attuned race of
people that existed millions of years ago. In Lemuria, life
worked in harmony, all beings were seen as equal and we were
deeply reverent to Mother Earth. Lemuria was a high vibrational
civilisation situated in the continent of Mu in the Pacific Ocean.
Lemuria experienced a long Golden Age before its eventual
decline. This was part of the collective descent from a more
feminine 5D consciousness to our present more masculine
dominated dense material world.

The Lemurians had less dense bodies than we now have on this
earth-plane. They were very attuned with the Goddess energy
of the Earth and the Elemental Kingdom. They had an extensive
understanding of the many healing properties of the earth,
especially crystals.

Many understood that the civilisation of Lemuria would end

with a great flood or cataclysm which brought about the end
and sinking of Lemuria. Some went into the ocean and
shapeshifted into whales, dolphins and the Mer (Mermaids).
Others went underground into tunnels deep in the earth. Others
became the stone people. And others fled to other lands. Those
that survived went on undercover attempting to integrate with
the rest of the planet. It is thought that the Lemurians became
the shamans and healers of the globe, sharing their healing
gifts and passing them on. This may be why so many of the
world's religions, lineages and healing modalities are so similar
when you break them down in essence, because they came
from the same place, Lemuria. I believe that the first wave of
Starseeds to come to Earth lived on the continent of Lemuria.
Many souls' memories of Lemuria are of crystal-clear waters
and crystal mountains. A paradise, garden-of-Eden type of
feeling. Where we were at one with nature and saw everything
around us as sentient beings. We communicated with trees,
flowers and animals.

Perhaps you too believe that heaven really can be a place on

Earth. Perhaps you are part of the transition team who at soul
level are devoted to creating this kind of harmony on the planet
now. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the state of affairs on the
planet right now, but you are being encouraged to keep holding
a clear vision of the future; it is closer than you think.

As the light increases on the planet, many starseeds are

remembering lifetimes in Golden Lemuria. This is all part of the
awakening process and bringing heaven once again to this
earth-plane. This transmission will assist you in remembering
your participation in Golden Lemuria. This in turn will assist you
in stepping more gracefully into the higher frequencies of light
in this time of transition from dark to light on the planet.

Join us for a live workshop on Saturday, 18th March,

2023 at 6:00 pm IST


Atlantis went through several periods from primitive beginnings

to genuine sophistication spanning vast stretches of time, far
greater than the entire recorded history of modern civilization.
Atlantis was not an isolated civilization. It was part of a world
Originally Atlantis was a continent that filled the area where the
Atlantic Ocean now lies. During this period the Intergalactic
Council tried five times in different ways to make Atlantis work.

The purpose of each experiment was to see if beings could take

a human body, go through the Veil of Amnesia and forget who
they truly were, yet still maintain their connection to Source.
Each time it was terminated and flooded because the humans
that populated it failed to live in love. And every time the test
was reconfigured less of the landmass surfaced, so by the fifth
time there were only five islands strung across the Atlantic
Amazingly, during the fifth and final experiment an
extraordinary thing happened. The GOLDEN ERA OF ATLANTIS
arose and lasted for 1,500 years.

Its eventual demise along with natural geological cataclysms

has been a major reason why knowledge of Atlantis has been
reduced to legend.

Yet long before its decay, Atlantis had a golden age. Science,
spirituality and society blended together in magnificent ways.
Most of all, the veil between the spiritual and the material was
not so great and there was a natural understanding and
cooperation with the divine. Challenges and trials were still
there, but without question it was a marvellous time for

The inhabitants were fifth dimensional and had twelve fully

operational chakras. Their twelve strands of DNA were all
connected, with the 64 codons switched on. This allowed them
to enjoy amazing psychic and spiritual gifts. Everyone,
including small children, went through special training in order
to enhance their natural talents. When they grew up they did
what they most enjoyed doing and were good at. This was the
foundation for a happy, relaxed, contented and fulfilled society.

Clairvoyance, telepathy, healing and levitation were considered

normal everyday skills. Many of the highly trained priests had
extraordinary gifts. But one of their most legendary
achievements was the mastery of Crystal Technology.

History is knowledge and knowledge is power. The significance

of Atlantis is its eventual resurfacing will reawaken the
recognition of our own potential and collective abilities.
Eventually, our society will have to come to terms with its own
past so it can take its biggest leap forward into a modern
golden age. If you are one of the hundreds of thousands of
souls that came in the first waves of creation of Atlantis, you
might remember the goal for all was to bring healing advances
of our ancient technologies to expedite the learning, healing
and acceleration of humanity. If you feel a calling to participate
in this reawakening…
Join us for a live workshop on Saturday, 25th March,
2023 at 6:00 pm IST

Ancient Egyptia

Most of the advanced technology found in ancient Kemet or

Egypt as it is known now came from the Sirian and Orion beings
that either visited or incarnated to assist a thriving new world.
In the time after the Atlantis cataclysm, the goal was to
preserve knowledge from ancient Atlantis in several parts of
the Earth, where it would be accessible for future generations
to recover if we were to forget who we are, where we came
from, and what our skills and abilities are. And the cradle of this
was Kemet.

If you have had vivid dreams of the vast temples with large
columns inscribed with ancient script and beautiful gardens and
pyramids then you were amongst those of us who were part of
that wave that came here to remember, preserve and
disseminate that ancient knowledge.

The monuments of ancient Egypt like temples of Luxor, like

that of Dendera, the Temple of the Goddess Hathor, especially
the pyramids of Giza still continue to fascinate us.
We have a deep remembrance to unify sacred science, magic,
spiritual technology and the mystery of consciousness which
were all explored in Ancient Egypt. The key concept of Gods,
Goddesses, Deities like Asar, Aset, and Heru known better now
by the names the Greeks gave them: Osiris, Isis, and Horus was
so different from our concept of GOD. The ancient Egyptians
experienced their gods not as remote beings but rather as
psychic and natural forces, transpersonal energies that played
a part in everyday life. This direct experience of the gods
shaped the Egyptian concepts of human development, healing,
magic, and the soul's journey through the Underworld.
For many of us who feel a profound connection with Ancient
Egypt, it is so because we built it, we thought it, we were the
scholars who brought the written and academic wisdom in our
own higher souls, in our own minds, and then so studiously
scribed it so that this wisdom and knowledge would be
available in these ancient libraries for future generations.

Our hieroglyphs were translations of our ancient light

languages, our ancient light languages that our intergalactic
allies, including our Pleiadians and other allies, are still

Explore the ancient mysteries of Egypt, stir and encourage the

rediscovery of yourselves to illuminate the way.
During this heart-opening journey we will dream our own
spiritual transcendence just as the ancient mystery school
initiates did thousands of years ago through ceremony,
meditation, and group process.

Let this workshop open your mind to all the possibilities you
possess inside yourself through the power of ancient gateways.

Join us for a live workshop on Saturday, 8th April, 2023

at 6:00 pm IST

Dear Beloved,

All the beautiful souls and friends here now, you have such
beautiful soul remembrance that YOU are ALL of the wisdom
across the ages.

The same higher souls, here in the present, in the 2023 earth
timeline, are the same higher souls that seeded Lemuria, that
created Atlantis, that civilized Ancient Egypt, and other Ancient
Sacred areas of Gaia..

Our ancient souls have multi-billion-year-old, intergalactic

origins; of the Pleiadians, of the Sirians, of the Arcturians, and
the Lyrans, among many, which is why, in our current
incarnations, we often feel these alignments. If you feel called
please join us of these “activations”
Workshop Includes:

 The recordings from all 3 days of the event.

 An activation meditation in English and
 All 3 full-length Breathwork journeys from the live event
which you can be guided by as often as you please.

 And bonus material - Freya - Light language ( Freya please

feel free to add whatever feels right for you in alignment
with this offering.)

This workshop program will help you:

 Activate ancient codes encoded in your DNA.

 Break the cycle of trauma that may be silently sabotaging


 Learn to find trust in the Source of where you originate

from, rather than experiencing the heaviness of the
current inverted 3D matrix.

 Discover how to be free of the 3D matrix implants through

quantum fieldwork and encoded activations.

 Step into your power and reawaken the higher

consciousness of the Golden Age.
 Many starseeds on the planet here now were connected to
Atlantis, Lemuria and Ancient Egypt. If you were part of
this group it will help to reawaken skills and abilities
developed and honed in those lifetimes.

 It will help to clear any trauma, fear, shock or guilt

generated during the period leading to the final
destruction of these Golden Ages.

 Uncover and discover what you need to live in alignment

with your soul's higher purpose for incarnating in this

 Cultivate a strong sense of worthiness and belonging, and

break down the barriers that keep you from trusting
yourself, your own abilities and why YOU are HERE NOW.

Some FAQ’s
What is the duration of each workshop?

Each workshop is a combination of learning, practical

application and activation. The live workshop is 3 hours and the
recorded package is at your own pace.

.If you’d like to understand more about your options, feel free
to drop a note.

What are the prices?

The price structure is ….

How do I know which workshop is right for me?

Every person’s needs are different. So all of these might all
appeal to your journey. If you’re confused about which program
to take I would suggest trying all or the one that you are most
intuitively drawn to. Chances are that it gets you excited and
it's something that has sparked curiosity in you before. Or you
have inklings of memories from past lives. If you are still
confused…let’s talk about it! Drop me a note and we can chat

How can I trust that this will help me?

Our journeys are unique, so there is no one size fits all

approach to healing. I can’t “guarantee” how using these tools
could transform your life, but I do have personal and
professional experience with what I’m delivering. Over the past
years, I have been working closely with people from different
parts of the world and it has brought me to a deeper
understanding of learning, teaching and sharing to ensure that
the quality you receive only gets better with time.

Here is some of the feedback I get, and the highlights:

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