Experiment No: 1
Aim: To determine resistivity of two wires by plotting a graph for potential difference
versus current.
According to the Ohm’s law the current flowing through a conductor is directly
proportional to the potential difference across its ends provided the physical conditions
(temperature, dimensions, pressure) of the conductor remains the same.
Circuit diagram
1. Cut the resistance wire at the points where it leaves the terminals, stretch it and
find its length by using a metre scale. Do the same with all the wires
2. Measure the diameter of the wires with the help of screw gauge.
3. Record your observations.
Observation table
Sources of error
Experiment No: 2
A metre bridge (slide wire bridge), Battery eliminator, a galvanometer, a resistance
box, a jockey, a one-way key, a resistance wire, a set square, connecting wires and a
piece of sand paper.
(i) The unknown resistance X is given by
Observation table
Experiment No: 3
A metre bridge, battery eliminator, a galvanometer, a resistance box,a jockey, two
resistance wires or two resistance coils known resistances, a set square, sand paper
and connecting wires.
where R is the resistance from the resistance box in the left gap and l is the length of
Circuit diagram
1. Mark the two resistance coils as r1 and r2.
2. Find r1 and r2 using meter bridge, individually.
3. Connect the two resistors r1 and r2 in series as shown in the circuit in the right gap of
metre bridge and find the resistance of this combination. Take at least three sets of
4. Record your observations as follows.
Table for length (1) and unknown resistance (X)
Experimental value of Rs = ……
Theoretical value of Rs = r1 + r2 = ……
Difference (if any) = ……
Within limits of experimental error, experimental and theoretical values of Rs are same.
Hence, law of resistances in series is verified.
Experiment No: 4
To determine the resistance of a galvanometer by half-deflection method and to find
its figure of merit.
Galvanometer, a voltmeter, battery eliminator, two (10,000 Ω and 200 Ω) resistance
boxes, two one-way keys, a rheostat, a screw gauge, a metre scale, an ammeter of
given range, connecting wires.
Circuit diagram
1. Mak
connections as in diagram.
2. Take out the high resistance (say 2000 Ω) from the resistance box R and insert
the key K1 only.
3. Adjust the value of R so that deflection is maximum, even in number and within
the scale.
4. Note the deflection. Let it be θ.
5. Insert the key also and without changing the value of R, adjust the value of S,
such that deflection in the galvanometer reduces to exactly half the value
obtained in step 4
6. Note the value of resistance S.
7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 three times taking out different values of R and adjusting S
every time.
2. Ta
figure of merit
Activity No: 1
Aim: To assemble a household circuit comprising three bulbs, three (on/off) switches, a
fuse and a power source.
Material required:
Three bulbs (6 V, 1W) each, fuse of 0.6 A, main switch a power supply (battery .
eliminator), three (on/off) switches flexible connecting wire with red and black plastic
covering, a fuse wire.
Supplementary: Main electric board with a two-pin socket and main switch.
1. Connect the bulbs B1, B2 and B3 in series with switches S1, S2 and S3 respectively
and connect each set of B-S in parallel with each other.
2. Connect main supply to a step-down transformer (battery eliminator) to get
required voltage from 0 to 10 V (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 V).
3. Connect the mains fuse M.S. in series with the power supply (battery eliminator).
4. Connect an A.C. ammeter in series with the B-S set.
5. Connect one end of power supply to one end of B-S set.
6. Check the circuit one again to ensure that household circuit is complete.
7. Gradually increase the current to 0.75 A, the fuse must bum off at about 0.6 A.
Activity No: 2
Aim: To assemble the components of a given electrical circuit.
Apparatus and material
Apparatus: A voltmeter and an ammeter of appropriate range, a battery, a rheostat, one way
Material: An unknown resistance or resistance coil, connecting wires, a piece of sand paper.
1. Connect the components (Resistors, inductors etc.) in series with each other as
shown in diagram and then in series with the battery.
2. Connect the ammeter in series with the circuit, to measure the current.
3. Connect the voltmeter in parallel to the resistor, to measure the potential
4. Connect the switch in series with the battery.
5. Assembly of the electrical components in electric circuit is complete.
It is used for measuring an unknown resistance
Activity No: 3
Aim: To draw the diagram of a given open circuit comprising at least a battery,
resistor/rheostat, key, ammeter and voltmeter. Mark the components that are not
connected in proper order and correct the circuit and also the circuit diagram.
An open circuit is the combination of primary components of electric circuit in such a manner
that on closing the circuit no current is drawn from the battery.
Circuit Diagram
Ammeter: It should be connected in series, with the battery eliminator.
Voltmeter: It should be connected in parallel to the resistor.
Rheostat: It should be connected in series (in place of resistance coil) with the battery
Resistance coil: It should be connected in parallel (in place of rheostat).
One way key: It should be connected in series to the battery eliminator.
Correct circuit diagram: (Components connected in proper order)
Experiment No: 5
Aim: To find the focal length of a convex lens by plotting graphs between u and v or
between 1/u and 1/v.
An optical bench with three uprights (central upright fixed, two outer uprights with
lateral movement), a convex lens with lens holder, two optical needles, (one thin, one
thick) a knitting needle and a half metre scale.
f = focal length of convex lens
u = distance of object needle from optical centre of the lens
v = distance of image needle from optical centre of the lens.
Ray diagram
10. Adjust height of the object needle to make its tip lie on horizontal line
through the optical centre of the lens.
11. Note the position of the index mark on the base of the object needle
To set the image needle
12. With left eye closed, see with the right open eye from the other end of the
optical bench. An inverted and enlarged image of the object needle will be seen.
Tip of the image must lie in the middle of the lens.
13. Mount the thick optical needle (image needle) in the fourth upright near the
other end of the optical bench.
14. Adjust the height of the image needle so that its tip is seen in line with the
tip of the image when seen with right open eye.
15. Move the eye towards right. The tips will get separated. The image tip and
the image needle tip have parallax.
16. Remove the parallax tip to tip.
17. Record the position of the index marks on the base of upright of the lens,
the object needle and the image needle in the table against observation 2.
To determine index correction
18. Find the index correction for distance between optical centre of lens and tip
of the object needle and also for distance between optical centre of lens and tip
of the image needle as described.
To get more observations
19. Move object needle upright towards mirror in steps of 1 cm to get
observation 2 and 1. Repeat the experiment.
20. Move object needle upright away from mirror (from position of observation
2) in steps of 1 cm to get observations 4, 5 and 6. Repeat the experiment.
21. Note the position of the index mark on base of the image needle upright.
(i) u-v Graph. Select a suitable but the same scale to represent u along X’-axis
and v along Y-axis. According to sign conventions, in this case, u is negative and v
is positive. Plot the various points for different sets of values of u and v from
observation table second quadrant. The graph comes out to be a rectangular
hyperbola as shown in graph between u and v.
Draw a line OA making an angle of 45° with either axis (i.e., bisecting ∠YOX’) and
meeting the curve at point A. Draw AB and AC perpendicular on X’- and Y-axes,
The values of u and v will be same for point A. So the coordinates of point A must
1. Tips of the object and image needles should lie at the same height as the centre
of the lens.
2. Parallax should be removed from tip to tip by keeping eye at a distance at least
30 cm away from the needle.
3. The object needle should be placed at such a distance that only real, inverted
image of it is formed.
4. Index correction for u and v should be applied.
Sources of error
Experiment No: 6
Aim: To determine angle of minimum deviation for a given prism by plotting a graph
between angle of incidence and angle of deviation.
Materials Required
A drawing board, a white sheet of paper, a prism, drawing pins, pencil, a half-metre
scale, office pins, protractor, graph paper
Refraction takes place when a light ray travels from one medium to another resulting in
deviation of the emergent ray from that of the incident ray. Following is the refractive
index of the material used in the prism:
Ray diagrams
1. Place the white sheet of paper on the drawing board and fix it with the help of
drawing pins.
2. XX’ is the straight line which is drawn parallel to the length of the paper such that
it is in the middle of the paper.
3. Mark points Q1, Q2, Q3…… on the straight line XX’ at a distance of 5 cm each.
4. N1Q1, N2Q2,… are the normals that are drawn on the points Q1, Q2,… as shown in
the ray diagram.
5. Make angles of 35°, 40°,….,60° by drawing straight lines R1Q1, R2Q2,…….. With
respect to the normals.
6. To take one edge of the prism for all the observation, mark any corner of the
prism as A.
7. Place the prism with its refracting face AB on the line XX’ and on the point Q1 and
also in the middle of AB.
8. Mark the boundary of the prism.
9. On the line, R1Q1, fix office pins vertically and mark them as P1 and P2. the
distance between these pins should not be less than 10mm.
10. Through prism face, AC, look for the images of the points P1 and P2.
11. Close your left eye and with the right eye open bring it in line with the two
12. Fix the other two office pins vertically and name them as P3 and P4. These
pins should be 10cm apart from each other. P3 and P4 should be in one straight
with respect to the images of P1 and P2.
13. Encircle the pricks of pins P3 and P4.
14. For points, Q2, Q3,…. for angle 35 ͦ , 40°, 45°,…..55°, repeat the steps 7 to
1. To get emergent rays S1T1, S2T2,….. draw straight lines through P4 and P5.
2. Inward the boundary of the prism to produce T1S1, T2,S2….. so that they meet
incident rays R1Q1, R2Q2,…. at points F1, F2,…
3. To obtain the angle of deviation D1, D2,…. measure the angles K1F1S1, K2F2,S2,…….
4. Note these angles.
To measure angle A
1. To get angle A, measure the angle BAC in the boundary of the prism.
2. Record the observations.
The angle of prism, A =……
To plot the graph between the angle of incidence ∠i and the angle of deviation ∠D,
take ∠i along the x-axis and ∠D along the y-axis. Minimum deviation Dm can be found
from the graph which would be corresponding to the lowest point in the graph.
The angle of minimum deviation, Dm = ………
The graph indicates that the angle of incidence increases, the angle of deviation first
decreases to attain the minimum value of Dm and then increases as the angle of
incidence increases.
35°-60° is the angle of incidence that needs to be maintained.
The placement of the pins must be vertical.
The placement of two pins should be such that the distance is not more than
To represent incident and emergent rays, arrowheads must be marked.
The angle of prism used should be the same for all the observations.
Sources of Error
The pricks made by the pins might be thick.
Angles might go wrong while measuring them.
Materials Required
3 glass slabs of different thickness but the same material, a travelling microscope,
Lycopodium powder
When a glass slab is placed on a horizontal surface, and its bottom surface is viewed from the
top, due to refraction, it appears to be elevated. The apparent thickness of the slab is
determined from the distance between the apparent bottom and the top of the glass slab. The
refractive index with respect to the medium and air is given as:
Adjustment of travelling microscope
1. Place the travelling microscope (M) on the table near a window so that sufficient
light falls on it.
2. Adjust the levelling screws so that the base of the microscope becomes
3. Make microscope horizontal. Adjust the position of the eye piece so that the cross
wires are clearly visible.
4. Determine the vernier constant of the vertical scale of the microscope.
Other steps
5. Make a black-ink cross-mark on the base of the microscope. The mark will serve
point P. ,
6. Make the microscope vertical and focus it on the cross at P, so that there is no
parallax between the cross-wires and the image of the mark P.
7. Note the main scale and the vernier scale readings (R1) on the vertical scale.
8. Place the glass slab of least thickness over the mark P.
9. Raise the microscope upwards and focus it on the image P 1 of the cross-mark.
10. Note the reading (R2) on the vertical scale as before (Step 7).
11.Sprinkle a few particles of lycopodium powder on the surface of the slab.
12.Raise the microscope further upward and focus it on the particle near S.
13.Note the reading (R3) on the vertical scale again (Step 7).
14.Repeat above steps with other glass slab of more thicknesses.
15.Record observations in tabular form as given below.
Sources of error
Experiment No: 8
Aim :To draw the I-V characteristic curve for a p-n junction diode in forward bias and
reverse bias.
A p-n junction (semi-conductor) diode, a 3 volt battery, a 50 volt battery, a high
resistance rheostat, one 0-3 volt voltmeter, one 0-50 volt voltmeter, one 0-100 mA
ammeter, one 0-100 μA ammeter, one way key, connecting wires and pieces of sand
The junction is said to be forward biased when the p-section of the diode is connected
to the positive terminal of the battery and the n-section of the diode is connected to the
negative terminal of the battery. With an increase in the voltage, the current also
increases. For Si diode, at 0.7 V the current increases suddenly.
The junction is said to be reverse biased when the p-section of the diode is connected
to the negative terminal of the battery and the n-section of the diode is connected to
the positive terminal of the battery. With an increase in the voltage, there is a small
change in the current but the reverse current increases to a higher value with an
increase in the voltage.
For forward-bias
For forward bias
For reverse-bias
Range of voltmeter = …..V
Least count of voltmeter = …..V
Zero error of voltmeter = …..V
Range of micro-ammeter = …..μA
Forward bias
For reverse-bias
Plot a graph between reverse-bias voltage VR (column 2) and reverse current
IR (column 3) taking VR along X-axis and IR along Y-axis.
This graph is called reverse-bias characteristic curve of a junction diode.
The I V characteristics is drawn on a graph.
Activity No: 4
Aim: To identify a diode, an LED, a resistor and a capacitor from a mixed collection of
such items
For identification, appearance and working of each item will have to be
1. A diode is a two-terminal device. It conducts when forward biased and does not
conduct when reverse biased. It does not emit light while conducting. Hence, it
does not glow.
2. A LED (light emitting diode) is also a two-terminal device. It also conducts when
forward biased and does not conduct when reverse biased. It emits light while
conducting. Hence, it glows.
3. A transistor is a three-terminal device. The terminals represent emitter (E), base
(B) and collector (C).
4. An IC (integrated circuit) is a multi-terminal device in form of a chip. [See figure
(UM 3482 IC Tone Generator)]
5. A resistor is a two-terminal device. It conducts when either forward biased or
reverse biased. (Infact there is no forward or reverse bias for a resistor). It
conducts even when operated with A.C. voltage.
6. A capacitor is also a two-terminal device. It does not conduct when either forward
biased or reverse biased. When a capacitor is connected to a D.C. source, then
multimeter shows full scale current initially but it decays to zero quickly. It is
because that initially a capacitor draws a charge.
The components to be identified are shown in figure.
1. If the item has four or more terminals and has form of a chip, it is an IC
(integrated circuit).
2. If the item has three terminals, it is a transistor.
3. If the item has two terminals, it may be diode, a LED, a resistor or a capacitor.
To differentiate proceed as ahead.
4. Put the selector on resistance R of multimeter for checking the continuity. The
probe metal ends are inserted in terminal marked on the multimeter as common
and P (or + ve).
5. If pointer moves when voltage is applied in one way and does not move when
reversed and there is no light emission, the item is a diode.
6. If pointer moves when voltage is applied in one way and does not move when re-
versed and there is light emission, the item is a LED.
7. If pointer moves when voltage is applied in one way and also when reversed, the
item is a resistor.
8. If pointer does not move when voltage is applied in one way and also when
reversed, the item is a capacitor.
Activity No: 5
Aim: To observe refraction and lateral deviation of a beam of light incident obliquely on
a glass slab.
Glass slab, drawing board, white paper sheet, drawing pins, office pins, protractor.
When a ray of light (PQ) incident on the face AB of glass slab, then it bends towards the
normal since refraction takes place from rarer to denser medium. The refracted ray
(QR) travel along straight line and incident on face DC of slab and bends away from the
normal since refraction takes place from denser to rarer medium. The ray (RS) out
through face DC is called emergent ray.
From the following diagram
Fix a white paper sheet by drawing pins on a drawing board.
Take a glass slab and put it symmetrically in the middle of the paper and mark its
boundary ABCD.
Draw a normal at point Q on face AB and draw a line PQ making an angle i with the
normal. PQ will represent an incident ray.
Fix two pins at points 1 and 2 on the line PQ at distances 1 cm or more between
See images of these pins through face DC and fix two more pins at points 3 and 4 (1 cm
or more apart) such that these two pins cover the images of first two pins, all being
along a straight line.
Remove the glass slab. Draw straight line RS through points 3 and 4 to represent
emergent ray. Join QR to represent refracted ray.
Draw normal at point R on face DC and measure angle e. It comes to be equal to angle
i. Produce PQ forward to cut DC at T. Draw TU perpendicular to RS. TU measures lateral
displacement d.
Now take another set for different angle of incident and measure the lateral
Activity No: 6
Aim :To study the nature and size of the image formed by a (i) convex lens, (ii) concave
mirror, on a screen by using a candle and a screen (for different distances of the candle
from the lens/mirror).
An optical bench with three uprights, a convex lens with holder, a burning candle, a card-board
As the object (burning candle) is moved from infinity towards the convex lens, its image
(position of screen) moves from lens focus towards infinity.
For candle distance less than focal length, image becomes virtual and does not come on
10. As the candle reaches the focus of the lens, the screen may not be able to get its
image which will be at infinity i.e. beyond the ends of the optical bench.
This change in position, nature and size of the image is according to theoretical