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CSS 22519 Question BANK

Computer science (Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering)

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Downloaded by Onkar Talekar (onkartalekar0@gmail.com)

Client Side Scripting Languages Question Banks

Co marks Question

1 2 what are arithmetic and logical operator used in java script

1 4 write a script that reads an integer and displays whether it is a prime number or not

1 4 Explain the use of continue statement with the help of example

1 2 Explain the feature of javascript

1 2 what is conditional operator in javascript

1 4 Explain the terms-propery,method,dot syntax

1 4 Explain six types of values in javascript

1 4 Write a javascript to display welcome message in javascript

1 6 Develop a javascript to generate armstrong numbers between the range 1 to 100

1 2 State the use of dot syntax in JavaScript with the help of suitable example.

1 2 List and explain Logical operators in JavaScript.

1 2 Write a JavaScript that identifies a running browser.

Write syntax of and explain prompt method in JavaScript with the help of suitable
1 4 example.

1 4 Write a JavaScript that displays all properties of window object. Explain the code .

1 4 Write a JavaScript function that checks whether a passed string is palindrome or not.

Describe all the tokens of the following statements : document.bgColor

1 2 document.write()

1 2 Differentiate between prompt() and alert() methods.

KAZI A S M-9765645688

Downloaded by Onkar Talekar (onkartalekar0@gmail.com)


Client Side Scripting Languages Question Banks

1 2 State use of getters and setters

1 2 Write a JavaScript that displays first 20 even numbers on the document window.

1 4 Write a program to print sum of even numbers between 1 to 100 using for loop.
Write a JavaScript program which compute, the average marks of the following students
Then, this average is used to determine the corresponding grade.
Student Marks

Advait 80

Anay 77

Manyata 88

Saanvi 95

Saachi 68

The grades are computed as follows :

Range Grade

<60 F

<70 D

<80 C

<90 B

<100 A
1 4

2 2 how will you define function?

2 2 what is string?

2 4 write a javascript to call a function with argument for addition of two numbers

2 4 write a javascript to convert a string to number

2 2 Define array

KAZI A S M-9765645688

Downloaded by Onkar Talekar (onkartalekar0@gmail.com)


Client Side Scripting Languages Question Banks

2 4 Explain the use of push and pop functions

2 4 what is difference between group of checkbox buttons and group of radio button

2 6 write a short note -object as associative array in javascript

2 2 State and explain any two properties of array object

2 4 Write a JavaScript function to insert a string within a string at a particular position

2 4 Write a JavaScript function to count the number of vowels in a given string.

2 4 Write a JavaScript that find and displays number of duplicate values in an array.

2 4 Develop JavaScript to convert the given character to Unicode and vice versa.

2 4 Differentiate between concat() and join() methods of array object.

3 4 Generate college Admission form using html form tag

3 4 State the use of following methods. charCodeAt() fromCharCode()

Give syntax of and explain the use of “with” statement/clause in JavaScript using suitable
3 2 example.
Write HTML Script that displays textboxes for accepting Name, middlename, Surname of
the user and a Submit button. Write proper JavaScript such that when the user clicks on
submit button all texboxes must get disabled and change the color to “RED”. and with
respective labels.Constructs the mailID as <name>.<surname>@msbte.com and displays
mail ID as message. (Ex. If user enters Rajni as name and Pathak as surname mailID will
3 6 be constructed as rajni.pathak@msbte.com) .
Write HTML Script that displays dropdownlist containing options NewDelhi, Mumbai,
Bangalore. Write proper JavaScript such that when the user selects any options
corresponding description of about 20 words and image of the city appear in table which
3 6 appears below on the same page.

3 2 what is event?

3 2 what is the used of text component?

3 4 explain -form objects and elements

KAZI A S M-9765645688

Downloaded by Onkar Talekar (onkartalekar0@gmail.com)


Client Side Scripting Languages Question Banks

3 4 write a javascipt to illustrate keyboard event.

3 2 Explain the uses of forms

3 4 how to create password field in html form?

3 4 Explain the scope of variable with the help of programming example

write a javascript to create three categories -fruit ,flower,and color .based on the the
3 6 selection of category ,the items in the option list must get changed

4 2 Enlist and explain the use of any two Intrinsic JavaScript functions.
Write the syntax of and explain use of following methods of JavaScript Timing Event.
4 4 setTimeout() setInterval()

4 2 State and explain what is a session cookie ?

Write a function that prompts the user for a color and uses what they select to set the
4 4 background color of the new webpage opened .

4 2 what are the attribute s are used to set position of window

4 2 give syntax for opening a windoe

4 2 what is the method of setting expiry date of cookies?

4 4 Write javascript to open a new window

4 2 what is cookies?

4 4 Explain how to create cookies in javascript?

4 4 Explain the syntax for opening window?

4 6 what is the use of setTimeout () function ?write a javascript to illustrate it

State what is a regular expression? Explain its meaning with the help of a suitable
5 4 example.

5 2 what is frame ?

KAZI A S M-9765645688

Downloaded by Onkar Talekar (onkartalekar0@gmail.com)


Client Side Scripting Languages Question Banks

5 2 whta is rollover?

5 4 how will you make the rollover more effiecient?

5 4 Explain how to set the frame bordersinvisible

5 2 Define term regular expression

5 4 Explain any four commonly used methods in regular expression

5 4 What are the methods used most commonly during the rollover?

5 4 Explain frame set tag along with the arrtibutes used in it

write a java script in which when user rollover the name of fruit,the corresponding image
should be display .along with the appropriatote image display ,additional window should
5 6 pop up display ing the benefit of each fruit.
Write a webpage that accepts Username and adharcard as input texts. When the user
enters adhaarcard number ,the JavaScript validates card number and diplays whether card
number is valid or not. (Assume valid adhaar card format to be nnnn.nnnn.nnnn or
5 4 nnnn-nnnn-nnnn).
Write a webpage that diplays a form that contains an input for Username and password.
User is prompted to enter the input and password and password becomes value of the
cookie. Write The JavaScript function for storing the cookie . It gets executed when the
5 6 password changes.
Construct regular expression for validating the phone number in following format only
5 2 :(nnn)-nnnn-nnnn OR nnn.nnnn.nnnn
Write a JavaScript that creates a persistent cookies of Itemnames. Write appropriate
5 4 HTML script for the same.

5 4 Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value is valid IP value or not
Write a script for creating following frame structure :





5 6

KAZI A S M-9765645688

Downloaded by Onkar Talekar (onkartalekar0@gmail.com)


Client Side Scripting Languages Question Banks

Fruits, Flowers and Cities are links to the webpage fruits.html, flowers.html, cities.html
respectively. When these links are clicked corresponding data appears in “FRAME3”.

Design the frameset tag for following frame layout :




5 2

6 4 List ways of Protecting your webpage and describe any one of them.

6 6 Develop a JavaScript Program to Create Rotating Banner Ads with URL Links.
Create a slideshow with the group of four images, also simulate the next and previous
6 6 transition between slides in your JavaScript.

6 2 State the method to put message in web browser status bar?

6 4 Write a JavaScript program to create rollover effect for three images.

6 4 Write a JavaScript program that create a scrolling text on the status line of a window.

6 2 what is banner ad?

6 2 what is dynamic menu?

6 4 write a javascript to create a simple pulldown menu

6 4 Explain – sliding menu and scrollable menu

6 2 what is the use of status bar in web application

6 4 write a javascript to create and display banner.

write a program that disable the right click button and displays the message right click
6 6 button is disabled

Prepared By –P.S.Dungarwal

Downloaded by Onkar Talekar (onkartalekar0@gmail.com)

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