Co marks Question
1 4 write a script that reads an integer and displays whether it is a prime number or not
1 2 State the use of dot syntax in JavaScript with the help of suitable example.
Write syntax of and explain prompt method in JavaScript with the help of suitable
1 4 example.
1 4 Write a JavaScript that displays all properties of window object. Explain the code .
1 4 Write a JavaScript function that checks whether a passed string is palindrome or not.
KAZI A S M-9765645688
1 2 Write a JavaScript that displays first 20 even numbers on the document window.
1 4 Write a program to print sum of even numbers between 1 to 100 using for loop.
Write a JavaScript program which compute, the average marks of the following students
Then, this average is used to determine the corresponding grade.
Student Marks
Advait 80
Anay 77
Manyata 88
Saanvi 95
Saachi 68
Range Grade
<60 F
<70 D
<80 C
<90 B
<100 A
1 4
2 2 what is string?
2 4 write a javascript to call a function with argument for addition of two numbers
2 2 Define array
KAZI A S M-9765645688
2 4 what is difference between group of checkbox buttons and group of radio button
2 4 Write a JavaScript that find and displays number of duplicate values in an array.
2 4 Develop JavaScript to convert the given character to Unicode and vice versa.
3 2 what is event?
KAZI A S M-9765645688
4 2 Enlist and explain the use of any two Intrinsic JavaScript functions.
Write the syntax of and explain use of following methods of JavaScript Timing Event.
4 4 setTimeout() setInterval()
4 2 what is cookies?
5 2 what is frame ?
KAZI A S M-9765645688
5 2 whta is rollover?
5 4 What are the methods used most commonly during the rollover?
5 4 Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value is valid IP value or not
Write a script for creating following frame structure :
5 6
KAZI A S M-9765645688
Fruits, Flowers and Cities are links to the webpage fruits.html, flowers.html, cities.html
respectively. When these links are clicked corresponding data appears in “FRAME3”.
5 2
6 4 List ways of Protecting your webpage and describe any one of them.
6 6 Develop a JavaScript Program to Create Rotating Banner Ads with URL Links.
Create a slideshow with the group of four images, also simulate the next and previous
6 6 transition between slides in your JavaScript.
6 4 Write a JavaScript program that create a scrolling text on the status line of a window.
Prepared By –P.S.Dungarwal