Zoology PRACTICALS_2023-24
Zoology PRACTICALS_2023-24
Zoology PRACTICALS_2023-24
1. Amoeba
Systemic position:
2. Hydra
Systemic position :
Kingdom :. Animals. Phylum. :. Coelenterata
Class. :. Hydrozoa. Type. :. Hydra
Important features are as follows :
1)Hydra is a fresh water form, attached to submerged object.
2)Body is elongated and cylindrical.
3) Anterior end has hypostome which consists of mouth.
4)Mouth is surrounded by 6-8 tentacles.Tentacles bear nemtocyst (stinging cells).
5)The testis is found towards oral end and ovary towards basal end.
Experiment No. 2 :
Test for detection for carbohydrates
Aim : To detect the presence of carbohydrates like glucose, sucrose and starch.
Principle : Carbohydrates with free aldehyde or ketone group reduce copper sulphate of Benedict's
and Fehling's reagent to cuprous oxide forming a yellow or brownish - red coloured precipitate
depending on the concentration of sugar.
Requirements : Test tubes, Benedict's reagent, Fehling's solution A and B, Con. Hcl, NaOH
solution, Iodine solution, spirit lamp water bath etc.
Test tubes, 40% NaOH, 1% CuSO4, solution, Con. HNO3, 20% NaOH solution, etc.
A. Biuret Test
Test Observation Inference
Take 2 ml of sample in a test Violet colour is seen Protein is present
tube. Add 1 ml of 40% NaoH
solution and 1-2 drops of 1%
CuSO4 solution (Biuret
2. Xanthoproteic Test
Test Observation Inference
Add 1 ml of con. HNO3 to 2 ml Orange colour is seen Indicates the presence of
of protein solution. White aromatic amino acids in the
precipitate formed as boiled. given protein sample
Solution turns yellow. Now
cool the test tube and add 2
ml of 20% NaOH to make it