Zoology PRACTICALS_2023-24

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PU I Biology Practical Experiments






Experiment No. 1 : Study of Animal specimens

1. Amoeba
Systemic position:

Kingdom : Protista. Phylum. : Protozoa.

Class. : Rhizopoda. Type. : Amoeba
Important features are as follows :
1)Amoeba is a microscopic, unicellular, fresh water protozoan.
2)Body is irregular shaped covered by plasma membrane enclosing cyoplasma.
3) Cytoplasm is differentiated into outer ectoplasm and inner endoplasm.
4)The body bears pseudopodia for locomotion.

2. Hydra
Systemic position :
Kingdom :. Animals. Phylum. :. Coelenterata
Class. :. Hydrozoa. Type. :. Hydra
Important features are as follows :
1)Hydra is a fresh water form, attached to submerged object.
2)Body is elongated and cylindrical.
3) Anterior end has hypostome which consists of mouth.
4)Mouth is surrounded by 6-8 tentacles.Tentacles bear nemtocyst (stinging cells).
5)The testis is found towards oral end and ovary towards basal end.

3. Fasciola hepatica (Liver fluke)

Systematic position :
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Platyhelminthes
Class : Trematoda
Type : Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke)
1. It is an endoparasite living in the bile duct of sheep.
2. Body is thin, flat and leaf like ..
3. Mouth is situated in the middle of oral sucker.
4. Behind oral sucker cup shaped ventral sucker is present.
5. Posterior end has an excretory pore.
4. Ascaris lumbricoides (round worm)
Systematic position :
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum : Aschelminthes
Class : Nematoda
Type : Ascaris lumbricoides (round worm)
1. Ascaris is commonly called as roundworm. It is an endoparasite
living in the intestine of man.
2. Body is long, cylindrical and pointed at both the Ends.
3. Body is covered with a tough cuticle.
4. Mouth is present at anterior end. Anus is present at posterior
5. Sexes are separate and sexual dimorphism is present. Female is longer than male. The male
has a curved posterior end, a pair of penial setae present near cloaca.

5. Hirudinaria granulosa (Leech)

Systematic position :
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Annelida
Class : Hirudinea
Type : Hirudinaria granulosa (Leech)
1. Leech is an ectoparasite found in freshwater tanks and lakes. It is
sangivorous in nature.
2. Body is soft, elongated, dorsoventrally flattened and is made up of 33
3. Anterior sucker surrounds the mouth with three jaws.
4. Five pairs of eyes present dorsally in the first five segments.
5. Anus lies on the dorsal side just in front of posterior sucker.

6. Penaeus species (Prawn)

Systematic position :
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Arthropoda
Class : Crustacea
Type : Penaeus species (Prawn)
1. Prawn is a marine, free swimming arthropod.
2. Body is differentiated into an anterior cephalothorax
and posterior abdomen.
3. Cephalothorax is covered by chitinous carpace.
Cephalothorax is formed by the fusion of head and
4. Head bears two pairs of antennae, a pair of mandibles and two pairs of maxillae and a pair
of compound eye.
5. Thorax bears three pairs of maxillipeds and five pairs of walking legs. segment has
appendages called telson and uropod.
7. Pila globosa (Apple snail)
Systematic position
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum : Mollusca
Class : Gastropoda
Type : Pila globosa (Apple snail)
1. Pila is a common-fresh water snail and commonly called as apple snail.
2. Body is soft-covered by single-hard, spirally coiled calcarious shell.
3. Wide opening at the end of the last whorl of shell closed by operculum.
4. The body is divisible into head, foot, mantle and visceral mass.
5. Foot is flat, muscular and used for creeping.

8. Asterias species (Star fish)

Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Echinodermata
Class : Asteroidea
Type : Asterias species (Star fish)
1. Starfish is found in the sandy and rocky part of the Sea.
2. Body is star like with a central disc and five aboral
radiating arms. Body is differentiated into upper aboral and lower oral surface.
3. Mouth is present in the centre of oral surface and anus is located on the aboral surface.
4. Ambulacral groove extends from the mouth along each arm. Tube feet are arranged in rows
in the ambulacral grooves.
5. Body is covered with short spines and pedicellariae.

9. Scoliodon species (Shark)

Systematic position :
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Chondrichthyes
Type : Scoliodon
Species : (Shark)
The external features of Scoliodon are as
follows :

1. Shark is a marine cartilaginous fish commonly known as Dog fish.

2. Body is long, spindle shaped with tapering ends. It is divisible into head, trunk and tail.
3. Head is dorsoventrally compressed and produces snout in front. It also contains mouth, a
pair of nostrils on ventral side.
4. A pair of eyes and 5 pairs of gill slits are present on the lateral sides.
5. It has paired pectoral and pelvic fin, unpaired two dorsal, one ventral and heterocercal
caudal fin.
10. Labeo rohita (Rohu)
Systematic position
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class : Osteichthyes
Type : Labeo rohita (Rohu)

External features are as follows :

1. It is freshwater bony fish commonly called rohu.
2. Body is differentiated into head, trunk and tail.
3. Head contains terminal mouth, paired eyes nostrils and an operculum enclosing gills.
4. Body is covered by cycloid scales.
5. Body has paired pectoral and pelvic fins. Unpaired dorsal, ventral and homocercal caudal fin.

11. Rana tigrina (Frog)

Systematic position
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Amphibia
Type : Rana tigrina (Frog)
1. Frog is living both in water and on land.
2. Body is divisible into head and trunk.
3. The skin is soft and slimy.
4. Head bears pair of nostrils, pair of eyes and pair of tympanium.
5. Trunk bears pair of fore limbs and hind limbs.
6. Hind limbs have 5 digits and are joined by web, helps in swimming.

12. Calotes versicolar (Garden lizard)

Systematic position
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Reptilia
Type : Calotes versicolar (Garden lizard)
1. Calotes is commonly called garden lizard.
2. Body is long and covered by rough scale.
3. Body is divisible into head, trunk and long tail.
4. Head bears snout with wide mouth, pair of nostrils
and eyes.
5. Two pairs of pentadactyl limbs with claws.
13. Columba livea (Pigeon)
Systematic position
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Aves
Type : Columba livea (Pigeon)
1. Pigeon is a flying bird. The body is differentiated into
head, neck, trunk and tail.
2. The body is covered by feathers.
3. Head is having a pair of eyes, pointed beak and a pair
of nostrils.
4. Forelimbs are modified into wings. The hind- limbs
having clawed digits.
5. Tail is short with tail feathers.

14. Oryctolagus lagomorpha (Rabbit)

Systematic position
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Type : Oryctolagus lagomorpha (Rabbit)
1. It lives in burrows and herbivorous animal.
2. Whole body is covered by short, soft hair or
3. Body is divisible into head, trunk and tail.
4. Head consists of mouth, nostrils, eyes and movable funnel like pinnae. Long whiskers are
present on either side of upper lip.
5. Neck is short and connects head and trunk. Trunk has 2-pairs of limbs. Female posses 4-5
pairs of mammary glands on ventral surface.
6. Tail is short and bushy.

Experiment No. 2 :
Test for detection for carbohydrates
Aim : To detect the presence of carbohydrates like glucose, sucrose and starch.
Principle : Carbohydrates with free aldehyde or ketone group reduce copper sulphate of Benedict's
and Fehling's reagent to cuprous oxide forming a yellow or brownish - red coloured precipitate
depending on the concentration of sugar.
Requirements : Test tubes, Benedict's reagent, Fehling's solution A and B, Con. Hcl, NaOH
solution, Iodine solution, spirit lamp water bath etc.

Test for Glucose

A. Benedict’s Test
Test Observation Inference
Take 2 ml of sample in a test Brick red colour is seen Reducing sugar (glucose) is
tube. Add 2 ml of Benedict’s present
reagent to it and boil

Result : Reducing sugar (glucose) is present in the given sample

Fehling’s Test
Test Observation Inference
Mix equal volume of Fehling’s Brick red colour is seen Reducing sugar (glucose) is
solution A and B in a Test present
Tube. Add equal volume of
sample and place it in boiling
water bath

Result : Reducing sugar (glucose) is present in the given sample

2. Test for Sucrose

A. Benedict’s Test and Fehling’s test
Test Observation Inference
Take 2 ml of sample in a test No change in colour Reducing sugar (glucose) is
tube. Add 2 ml of Benedict’s absent
reagent to it and boil

Experiment No. 3 : Test for detection for Proteins

Aim : To detect the presence of proteins.
Principle : proteins respond to some colour reactions due to the presence of one or more radicals
or groups of the complex protein molecule. All proteins do not contain the same amino acids and
hence they do not respond to all colour reactions.
Nitrogen atoms in the peptide chain form a complex (violet colour) with copper ions in the Biuret
test. Xanthoproteic test is specific for protein containing aromatic amino acids. The benzene ring in
the amino acids in nitrated by heating with nitric acid and forms yellow nitro-compounds which turns
to orange colour with alkali.

Test tubes, 40% NaOH, 1% CuSO4, solution, Con. HNO3, 20% NaOH solution, etc.

A. Biuret Test
Test Observation Inference
Take 2 ml of sample in a test Violet colour is seen Protein is present
tube. Add 1 ml of 40% NaoH
solution and 1-2 drops of 1%
CuSO4 solution (Biuret

Result : Protein is present in the given sample

2. Xanthoproteic Test
Test Observation Inference
Add 1 ml of con. HNO3 to 2 ml Orange colour is seen Indicates the presence of
of protein solution. White aromatic amino acids in the
precipitate formed as boiled. given protein sample
Solution turns yellow. Now
cool the test tube and add 2
ml of 20% NaOH to make it

Result : The given protein sample contains aromatic amino acids.

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