Work and jobs
Work and jobs
Work and jobs
One of my main responsibilities is to make sure that new mode! designs are finished on cime.
l'm also in charge of design budgets.
I deal with a lot of different people in the company. I'm responsible for co-ordination between
design and production: I work with managers at our manufacturing plants.'
in charge of } noun
responsible for + verb + -ing
responsibility + infinitive or -ing
One of my responsibilities is to make sure ...
One of my responsibilities is ma king sure ...
• I get to / arrive at work at about nine. \ of people out of work has fal]en ..,
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• l'm usually at work rill six.
• Luckily, I don't get ill very much so l'm not
often off work.
You don't say, for example, l'ffl a.t the '#efk or l'ffl geiHg te tae 1111odc.