Keywords: In multi-girder composite bridges, the concrete slab is designed as a one-way slab spanning transversely. To
Bridge engineering determine the positive and negative moment distribution coefficients in the transverse direction, finite element
Composite girder models of 2-, 3- and 4-girder composite bridges were established, and the effects of girder quantity and the
Concrete slab
restraints from stiffeners and crossbeams were investigated. Theoretical models of the steel girder system were
Transverse moment distribution
Theoretical analysis
developed for the most unfavorable cross-section, and the moment distribution coefficients for positive and
Parametric analysis negative bending moment were derived based on the force method. Parametric analyses were conducted to
calibrate the proposed equations, and the moment distribution coefficients were compared with current speci-
fications. Results show that negative moment of slab reaches the maximum at the cross-section with crossbeams,
while is minimum at the cross-section without stiffeners and crossbeams. With increases in the relative stiffness
ratio of steel girder to the concrete slab, the negative moment coefficient increases and the positive moment
coefficient decreases. The proposed method can predict the transverse moment distribution with better accuracy
by incorporating the girder geometries.
1. Introduction spanning in the transverse direction. In such case, the slab should be
designed mainly based on its transverse behavior so that the transverse
Steel-concrete composite girder bridges have been increasingly used moments become essential load effects. The typical transverse-moment
owing to the advantages on life-cycle cost efficiency, large applicability, distributions of slab in composite girder bridges under a line load P in
and convenience of manufacture and erection [1–5]. This type of bridges the longitudinal direction are depicted in Fig. 1. When loaded at the
is made up of the concrete slab and the steel girder system. The latter transverse midspan, the slab, steel girder, and crossbeams or cross
comprises several main girders that are interconnected by crossbeams or frames form a frame structure. The steel girders participate in moment
cross frames. transfer due to the considerable transverse bending stiffness, and the
It has been well recognized that the flexural strength of concrete slab cannot rotate freely due to the rotational constraints from the steel
slabs can be greatly increased due to the restraints from the main girder system. As a result, the maximum negative moments M1 and M3
girders, which is known as “arching action” [6–8] (or “frame action” occur over the support (the top flange of steel girder) and the maximum
[9]). Due to the arching action, the concrete slabs of bridges are more positive moment M2 develops in the mid-span. The magnitude and dis-
likely to fail in punching shear mode, therefore many existing studies tribution of M1, M2 and M3 are affected by the rotation constraints on the
have been conducted on the punching shear behavior of concrete slabs. slab from steel girders.
Nevertheless, the arching action only impact the behavior near failure, Many standard specifications, such as former AASHTO specifications
when the deformation is large [10]. As for the cracking load and fatigue [11], Japanese Code [12] and Chinese Code [13], suggest that the
calculation, the effect of arching action is rather limited, and the con- transverse design moment of a continuous slab be calculated as the
crete slabs can be regarded as a one-way slab subjected to flexural loads. product of the maximum moment of an equivalent simply supported
For typical composite girder bridges with multiple steel girders, the slabs with the same span (M0) and a moment distribution coefficient
crossbeams or cross fames are not connected to the concrete slab, and (also referred to as continuity factor). The moment distribution co-
the girder spacing is small, therefore the concrete slab is a one-way slab efficients in these specifications were mainly developed based on
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y. Liu).
Received 5 June 2024; Received in revised form 22 July 2024; Accepted 2 August 2024
Available online 13 August 2024
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