Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Plugs Embedded in Tubular Steel Piles
Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Plugs Embedded in Tubular Steel Piles
Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Plugs Embedded in Tubular Steel Piles
ABSTRACT In the pull out case, the reverse is expected to occur. That is, near the
base of the concrete plug, the steel tube contraction is much higher than
This study presents an evaluation of the nonlinear response of concrete that of the concrete core, causing it to grip the concrete plug. Near the
plugs embedded in the steel tubular piles subjected to an axial pull-out top part of the plug, the tension force is transferred to the concrete
force. An axisymmetric finite element model was developed for this through the reinforcing bars embedded in the concrete core and in the
purpose. Evidence of non-linearity and deviation from the classical pile cap. The tensile stresses that develop in the concrete core result in
linear elastic theory led to a more complex numerical solution to contraction of the concrete, while the steel tube contraction is relatively
simulate the experimental behavior. The software DIANA was used small. This should result in separation to occur between the steel tube
for the nonlinear finite element analysis. The elasto-plastic model of the and the concrete. Considering the fact that deformed bar are used as
concrete plug was based on Drucker-Prager yield criterion. The finite reinforcement, the ribs on the bars tend to impart wedge pressure on the
element model was then calibrated against the experimental results. outer concrete layer, causing dilation of this layer. This dilation
Satisfactory agreement was achieved between the recorded (test results) enhances the frictional stresses between the steel tube and the concrete
and computed (numerical analysis) load-slip responses, ultimate pull- along of length equal to embedment of the longitudinal reinforcement
out strength and longitudinal and hoop strain distributions along the from the top of the specimen.
steel tube.
While there have been many experimental studies of bond strength
KEY WORDS: Tubular steel piles, reinforced concrete plugs, non- between the concrete core and steel tube, There have been a few
linear finite element analysis, offshore structures, bond strength and published numerical work modeling the load transfer between the
slip concrete plug into the steel tubular pile. The purpose of this research
was to study the nonlinear response of the reinforced concrete filled
INTRODUCTION steel tubes subjected to axial pull-out force through a detailed finite
element model.
Many offshore platforms, coastal structures and bridges are founded on
tubular steel piles through reinforced concrete pile caps. Wave, wind RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
and earthquake loads tend to induce compressive and uplift forces in
the legs that in turn subject the piles to compression and tension. Bond This study is intended to provide tools to predict the structural
between concrete core and the steel pile is an important factor in the characteristics of the load transfer between the concrete plug and the
load transfer from superstructure to foundations. steel tube, such as strength, stiffness, ductility and shear transfer. This
will lead to efficient use of the concrete partially filled steel tube in
The bond strength is a function of both chemical adhesion of the steel- structural systems. In view of the advantages and opportunities for
concrete interface and mechanical interlock between the concrete core innovation that this kind of connection provide for load transfer
and the steel surface. To overcome mechanical interlock a small between concrete caps to the piles, the detailed description of nonlinear
dilation of the tube occurs as it rides over the asperities of the interface, response of concrete plugs embedded in the steel tubes under the axial
generating radial contact pressure, which enhances frictional resistance. pull-out certainly advances the state-of-the-art in design.
In push-out, dilation of the concrete plug at the top of the connection
due to the Poisson’s effect, where the compression in the concrete is
high, and in the steel small enhances radial pressure and therefore
frictional resistance. At the base, contact pressure between concrete
An axisymmetric model was developed by revolving a plane figure
and the steel is reduced, due to the Poisson’s effect, and effective bond
about the centerline of the concrete plug. In this case geometry,
is therefore reduced at this location.
material properties, loads and supports are axisymmetric. Thus the