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AEE 207 Aircraft Electronic Instrument Systems

ECAM-Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitoring EFIS-

Electronic Flight Instrument System GPS-Global
Positioning System TCAS-Traffic Alert Collision
Avoidance System Integrated Modular Avionics Cabin
Systems Information Systems.

2024-2025 Fall Semester


❑ ECAM-Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitoring

❑ EFIS-Electronic Flight Instrument System
❑ GPS-Global Positioning System
❑ TCAS-Traffic Alert Collision Avoidance System
❑ Integrated Modular Avionics Cabin Systems
❑ Information Systems.


• ECAM is a version of EICAS, developed by Airbus Industries, and forms

part of the Electronic Instrument System (EIS).
• EIS is an avionic system connected with most of the aircraft systems to
perform the EFIS and ECAM functions.
• With ECAM, the aircraft's systems and their flight operational status are
continually monitored.
• The function of ECAM is to collect, display and store information on failed
and suspect components, mainly LRUs, but it can also initiate component
and system test functions and monitor the integrity of all system inputs.
• If configured, this information can then be transmitted by the ACARS so that
troubleshooting of some systems can be initiated before the aircraft arrives
at its destination.
• Modern EICAS Systems have similar capabilities.

ECAM System Operation

• The aircrafts EFIS, displays all the flight, navigation and engine parameters
from data received from the aircrafts systems and the ECAM provides
system and warning information.
• The Electronic Instrument System, given in the following Figure, comprises
seven computers:

• Three identical Display Management Computers (DMCs)

• Two identical Flight Warning Computers (FWCs)
• Two identical System Data Acquisition Concentrators (SDACs) .

• The DMCs comprise two independent parts: one for the EFIS function and
one for the ECAM function.

Typical EIS
ECAM System Operation

• The EFIS part of the DMCs decodes and processes data from the aircraft,
systems in such a way to generate images on PFDs and NDs. The three
DMCs receive identical information, in normal EFIS operation DMC 3 is in
• The ECAM part uses aircraft system data which is processed by the System
Data Acquisition Concentrators (SDACs), Flight Warning Computers
(FWCs) and DMCs before being presented on the Primary (Upper) and
Secondary (Lower) Displays . The SDACs digitize aircraft system data and
transmit it to the FWCs and DMCs. The DMCs then generate the relevant
information for display.
• Flight Warning Computers
• Two Flight Warning Computers (FWCs) are used to acquire information on
the serviceability of the aircraft s All of the critical failure warnings are
passed to both FWCs with the remaining warnings being split between the
two computers. A cross talk bus provides for the exchange of information
between the two computers. The FWCs generate the aural warnings,
warning light control signals, stickshaker control signals, the AFCS warning
signals and data for the aircraft instrument display system. 6
Typical ECAM FMS Display Page 7
ECAM Display Units

• The upper unit (Warning Display) is dedicated to information on the status of

the system; warnings and corrective action in a sequenced checklist format,
while the lower unit (System or Synoptic Display) is dedicated to associated
information in pictorial or synoptic format, see following Figure.

ECAM Displays
ECAM Control Panel
• The ECAM control panel allows the crew to select the various ECAM
Functions, next Figure, and is on the ground by engineers for maintenance
operations and fault analysis.

ECAM Control Panel

ECAM Display Modes

• There are four display modes which determine the information shown on the
lower display, three of which are automatically selected:

• Flight Phase-related
• Advisory
• Failure-related mode.

• Flight Phase Related Mode

• In normal operation the automatic flight phase-related mode is used, and
the displays will be appropriate to the current phase of aircraft operation, i.e.
• Take-off, Climb, Cruise, Descent, Approach, and post landing. Next Figure,
shows the lower display in Cruise.
• The upper display will always display Primary Engine information and alert
messages in the same manner as EICAS.

ECAM Lower Display in Cruise 12
Advisory Mode

• If a monitored parameter starts to drift outside the normally expected

operating range the FWCs will automatically display the associated systems
page on the lower display unit.
• An Advisory message will appear in the Lower Right hand memo box on
the upper display to show that the display is for advice, as given in the
following Figure.
• This mode enables the crew to take remedial action to cure the problem
• a failure situation occurs.
• Take off or landing information, or failure messages and actions to be
performed are displayed in the lower left memo area of the upper display.
• For example next Figure details an electrical failure, which is associated
with an action to be performed. As soon as a failure is detected, the memo
messages are replaced by Warning/Caution messages.

ECAM Advisory Mode
Electrical System Failure and Required Action
ECAM Failure Mode
• When a failure is detected by the Flight Warning Computers the relevant
message is generated and displayed on the upper display unit, if an
associated systems page is available the lower display will automatically
display it.
• The systems diagram enables the crew to cross check the failure and to see
what systems are unserviceable, it also provides a means of monitoring any
corrective action that is taken.
• The failure -related mode takes precedence over the other modes.

• Failures are classified in 3 levels:

• Independent Failures: Failures that affect an isolated piece of equipment

or system.
• Primary Failure: The failure of an item of equipment or a system that
causes the loss of dependent equipment or systems.
• Secondary Failure: A secondary failure is the loss of an equipment or a
system as the direct result of a primary failure. These failures could well be
cleared after the necessary remedial action has been taken. Different
combinations of failures may occur sequentially or simultaneously.

• The fourth mode is Manual mode, which allows the selection of synoptic
diagrams related to any one of 13 of the aircraft's systems for routine
checking, and also the selection of status messages provided no warnings
have been triggered for display.
• Selection is achieved using the control panel.
• The displays for "Fuel" and" Flight Control" systems are shown in the
following Figures.
• The ALL pushbutton allows the 13 system pages to be successively
displayed at 1 second intervals.
• The ALL function remains active after a complete failure of the ECAM
control panel.

Examples of ECAM Displays

Examples of ECAM Displays 19
RADAR General Information

• Introduction
• Radar was originally developed for the purpose of detecting the presence of
aircraft during the Second World War, and for obtaining their range and
• It uses higher frequencies than those generally used for communication.
• The word radar is an acronym derived from the phrase RAdio Detection
And Ranging and applies to electronic equipment designed for detecting
and tracking objects (targets) at considerable distances.
• Since the discovery of radar development has been rapid.
• Radar today has many purposes in addition to detection of aircraft or ships,
e.g. aircraft and marine navigation, weather detection, landing aids for
aircraft, aircraft traffic collision avoidance systems, etc. The majority of radar
eguipments are now very sophisticated and often work in conjunction with
high power computers.
• The basic principle behind radar is simple - extremely short bursts of radio
energy (travelling at the speed of light) are transmitted, reflected off a target
and then returned as an echo.

Basic RADAR Principle

RADAR General Information

Calculating the Range

• A transmitter sends out a very short high-powered pulse of radio waves of
very short wavelength.
• This pulse of radio energy travels through space and soon reaches the
target, such as an aircraft.
• Part of the energy is reflected in all directions from the aircraft, and some of
this reflected energy returns to the radar receiver.
• The time interval between transmission of the pulse and receipt of the echo
is measured; then, since the speed of radio waves is known, the range of
the target can be calculated.
• The form of electromagnetic signal radiated by the radar depends on the
type of information needed about the target.
• Many radar systems transmit short bursts of radio waves (pulses) separated
by relatively long time intervals, see the following Figure.

Radar Pulses

Primary Radar
• Primary Radars work using the well-known 'Battle of Britain' principle in
which the radar transmitter sends out a pulse of radio energy, of which a
very small proportion is reflected from the surface or structure of the target
aircraft back to the radar receiver.
• The azimuth orientation of the radar antenna provides the bearing of the
aircraft from the ground station, and the time taken for the pulse to reach
the target and return provides a measure of the distance of the target from
the ground station.
• The bearing and distance of the target can then be converted into a ground
position for display to the Air Traffic Controller.
• The advantage of Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) is that it operates
totally independently of the target aircraft - that is, no action from the aircraft
is required for it to provide a radar return.
• These radars receive no co-operation from the target and rely upon
reflection only.
• The disadvantages of Primary Radar are that, firstly, enormous amounts of
power must be radiated to ensure returns from the target.
• This is especially true if long range is desired. Secondly, because of the
small amount of energy returned at the receiver, returns may be easily
disrupted due to such factors as changes of target attitude or signal
attenuation due to heavy rain. 24
Primary Radar

• This is especially true if long range is desired. Secondly, because of the

small amount of energy returned at the receiver, returns may be easily
disrupted due to such factors as changes of target attitude or signal
attenuation due to heavy rain.
• This may cause the displayed target to 'fade'.
• Thirdly, correlation of a particular radar return with a particular aircraft
requires an identification process.
• When Primary Radar was the only type of radar available, this was typically
achieved by the ground Controller instructing an aircraft to turn and
observing this turn on their display, or by correlating a DME distance report
by the aircraft with the position of a particular return along a known track.
• Applications for Primary radar include: weather radar, tnterception radar,
search radar, mapping radar.

Secondary Radars

• The disadvantages of Primary Radar led to the employment of another

aspect of wartime radar development.
• This was the Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system, which had been
developed as a means of positively identifying friendly aircraft from enemy.
• The system which became known in civil use as Secondary Surveillance
Radar (SSR), or in the USA as the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System,
relies on a piece of equipment aboard the aircraft known as a 'transponder'.
• The transponder is a radio receiver and transmitter operating on the radar
• The target aircraft's transponder responds to interrogation by the ground
station by transmitting a coded reply signal, see the following Figure.

Primary and Secondary Radar Comparisons 27
Secondary Radars

• There are three great advantages of SSR:

• firstly, because the reply signal is transmitted from the aircraft it is much
stronger when received at the ground station, thus giving the possibility of
much greater range and reducing the problems of signal attenuation;
similarly, the transmitting power required of the ground station for a given
range is much reduced, thus providing considerable economy; and
• thirdly, because the signals in each direction are electronically coded the
possibility is offered to transmit additional information between the two
• The disadvantage of SSR is that it requires a target aircraft to carry an
operating transponder.
• Thus SSR is a 'dependant' surveillance system. For this reason, Primary
Radars will operate in conjunction with SSR in for the foreseeable future so
that 'non-cooperating' targets, such as some light aircraft, can be detected.

Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS)

• The safety of passengers, aircraft and crew depends on the ability of air
traffic controllers to locate aircraft within their controlled airspace.
• The Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System ATCRBS, see following
Figure, is a secondary surveillance radar system developed for use within
the air traffic control system for more precise position reporting of aircraft. It
is used in conjunction with the primary radar, which is used to determine the
presence of aircraft in the airspace.
• A TCRBS supplements this positional information with positive identification
and altitude information, allowing controllers to track each aircraft more
precisely and efficiently.
• Air traffic controllers use the coded identification replies of transponders to
differentiate between the targets (aircraft) displayed on their radar screens.
• Being able to identify the aircraft aids the controller in maintaining aircraft
separation, collision avoidance, and distinguishing types of aircraft.
• The primary radar provides the ground station operator with a symbol on his
surveillance radarscope for every aircraft in his area. It is a reflection type of
radar system not requiring any response from the aircraft.

Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS)

• The secondary radar system uses what is called an "ATC Transponder" in

the aircraft.
• The transponder is a transmitter/ receiver, which transmits in response to an
interrogation from the ground station secondary surveillance radarsystem.
• The IFF system was developed and used by the Royal Air Force during
WWII in the air defence of the British Isles.
• The primary purpose of the system was to distinguish between hostile and
friendly targets on radar.
• The basis for the system was a ground-based transmitter, the interrogator,
which broadcast a radio signal to the aircraft, and a transponder on the
aircraft that could receive and reply to this signal.
• Interrogations within IFF used very specific types of signals, or modes.
Aircraft participating in IFF would be equipped to recognize and respond
correctly in these modes.
• If a plane did not respond correctly to the IFF interrogation, the system
determined that the target was an enemy aircraft.

ATCRBS Schematic
Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS)

• The ATCRBS system operates with many of the same principles and
components as IFF.
• It is also an interrogation-based system that is comprised of a ground-based
interrogator and an on-aircraft transponder.
• ATCRBS also uses signals that are modelled closely on those used in the
IFF system, and shares the same frequency bands.
• The transponder can also transmit the aircraft's altitude, which can be
displayed to the ground controller.
• The ground station transmits its interrogation pulses on an "uplink"
frequency of 1030 MHz, and the transponder replies on a "downlink"
frequency of 1090 MHz.
• The ground station may send a Mode A interrogation to request the
transponder code or a Mode C interrogation to request the aircraft altitude.
• The Mode A code is assigned to the aircraft by the A TC handling the
aircraft, the pilots sets this code on the Control Panel.

PPI Information

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