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QuickStart II

Wojciech Buliński (Order #41806746)

Wojciech Buliński (Order #41806746)
quickstart II












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Wojciech Buliński (Order #41806746)

Wojciech Buliński (Order #41806746)
QuickStart Part II

The Terminator RPG

QuickStart part II
You were swallowed by light—the air grew thick The QuickStart II
and everything you knew is now in the future.
The mission presented here, ‘One Step Forward’
Now, the brightness is blinding. You scream, can be played on its own but can also be
soundlessly. Shapes coalesce. The smell of hot adapted as a follow-up to ‘Two Steps Back’, the
metal, tar and blood burns your nostrils.
mission presented in the Quickstart PDF.
You feel rain on your naked flesh, a chill in the
darkness. You have arrived in the past… This mission is designed for 3-6 players.
The Player Characters (PCs) from the first
What is a roleplaying
Quickstart can carry over into this one—those
who survive it, anyway—and the experience of
At its most basic premise, a roleplaying game, this game is greatly enhanced by having made it
or RPG, is a tabletop game in which players through ‘Two Steps Back’ first.
assume the roles of different characters
The mission presented here should be used as a
in a fictional setting. These characters are
springboard, but don’t be afraid to switch things
represented by a range of statistics unique
up, the players are likely to come up with all
to each. The game, and actions within it,
sorts of interesting and novel ways around the
are resolved either through discussion and
problems you present...that is the game.
storytelling, or with the use of dice. The Director
(often called the GM or Games Master in many What do I need to play?
roleplaying games) is a critical part of an RPG, You will need access to a number of 10-sided
as it is their responsibility to lead the story. dice (d10). Ideally, each player should have
In many respects they are analogous to the access to 6 of these dice (6d10), though it is
director of a movie and the players are all the possible to pass a single set around. One die
actors; between them, they develop and drive should be a different color to the others (we
the story and what happens. suggest one black and the rest as you see fit).
As well as dice, some paper and pencils for
About The Terminator
making notes, a copy of this document and a
copy of ‘The Terminator RPG’ Quickstart are all
This game is licensed from STUDIOCANAL that is needed to enjoy this introduction to The
and includes The Terminator movie and its Terminator RPG.
associated Dark Horse comics.
The full game includes rules and scenarios to To play this mission you need to have a copy of
play in both the future and the ‘present’ day of the ‘Quickstart I’ PDF document. It would also
the movie, as well as the ability to play in any be very useful to have the ‘The Terminator RPG’
other time point the Director wishes to use. It core rulebook. Without the latter, you will need to
substitute in a few weapons from the former.
will include mechanics to allow time travel and
will explore all the different Terminators, enemy
types, and characters seen in the movie and
comic books.

DIRECTOR’S NOTE: Use the QR code here to

learn more about the full range of products for the
'The Terminator RPG'.

The Terminator Role Playing Game [.005]

Wojciech Buliński (Order #41806746)

TIMELINE TAG: malfunctioned—exploding and sending all the PCs

back together.
PRE-JUDGMENT DAY (circa 1980s)
Alternatively, any PCs who died defending the TDE in
Some of you made it to the Time Displacement Two Steps Back can materialize along with the PC that
Equipment. Yes, you lost friends and comrades in the was sent back. They are from different timelines, and in
process, but that’s the nature of fighting Skynet. That’s each one, they were the single time traveler sent back
the nature of the Resistance. You fulfilled your mission, to the past. If you are adapting this mission to another
you made it. You were sent back in time and arrived campaign where the PCs are already back in time, they
to find… what exactly? What do you do? Better check must either somehow receive information on Bertram
that briefing real quick, soldier. A squad of 700 Series Hollister’s involvement in Skynet from a contact or just
Terminators is on the hunt—their programming knows become aware of Terminators protecting him when they
where to send them and who they need to kill when stake out Cyberdyne. If playing the mission series in the
they get there. So, on your feet, soldier! The mission Terminator Campaign Book, add the Hollister mission
isn’t over yet—it’s just beginning. And you better info to the laundry list the PCs are given by Captain
believe it’s going to get real messy. Wisher (see Campaign book: page 26).

The PCs need to find themselves some clothes, get
some weapons, and gain access to the Cyberdyne
complex. They’ll need to remain one step ahead of the
Terminators sent to stop them and eliminate any threat
posed by their target. The PCs know the following:
THE TARGET: The PCs are after renowned research
scientist Bertram Hollister. As his work at Cyberdyne
Systems will directly contribute to the evolution of
Skynet and/or its Terminators, he needs to be dealt
with—even killed if necessary. An arrogant and
narcissistic prick, Hollister isn’t going to be missed
MISSION BRIEFING by many (see his bio on page 08).
A group of Resistance fighters managed to break into THE WORK: Gaining access to Hollister’s research is
a Skynet compound, utilizing the Time Displacement vital; it must be found and destroyed.
Equipment to travel back in time with the aim of BODYGUARDS: A squad of three 700 Series
assassinating a senior member of Cyberdyne’s Terminators has been time-displaced here to
research team. The problem, of course, lies in the fact defend and assist Hollister. 700s have a signature
that a trio of Terminators has been dispatched with the weakness: their flesh begins to degrade after a
express purpose of protecting the same scientist—so week without a rejuvenating nutrient bath. While
everything is set for a particularly ugly battle through they will have set up a makeshift bath with stolen
the streets and research labs of LA. human blood in Hollister’s house (see page 11), they
will still start to show signs of decay within a few
GETTING THERE days. They have already arrived in the past and are
If they are coming from the future, make use of the likely already in position.
Getting There: Arriving In A New Era (see Core CART BEFORE THE HORSE: But let’s not get ahead
Rulebook: page 26). If you are using this as a sequel of ourselves. The PCs need to set up a base of
to the Quickstart mission Two Steps Back and only operations and plan their next move (see the Core
sent one PC to the past (see Mission Briefing below), Rulebook: page 29 for more suggestions on this).
you can state that the Time Displacement Equipment

[.006] The TerminAtor Role Playing Game

Wojciech Buliński (Order #41806746)


This mission deliberately gives you three STR DEX KNOW CONC
Terminators—two burly T-700 bodyguards
named Sneakers and Sweater, alongside a T-750 5 3 3 5
Facilitator called My Neighbor. CHA COOL FATE INITIATIVE
Sneakers: This T-700 is a hulking figure with a 1 7 0 9
blonde mullet. It is dressed in a brown corduroy WILL
business suit —and oddly wears a pair of blue HIT POINTS
sneakers with pristine white soles. Sneakers is
45 n/a 2 5
armed with a Heavy Submachine Gun.
Sweater: This T-700 is a female Infiltrator
dressed in business casual and a red cardigan. Detect: 2 Diplomacy: 1
Its hair is pulled back with a red bow that Intimidate: 3 Persuasion: 1
matches its sweater. Sweater carries a makeshift Melee Weapons: 3 Pistol: 3
plasma pistol built on the housing of a large-
caliber automatic pistol (see below). The pistol Rifle: 3 Stealth: 3
is capable of tearing through brick, cement, and Support Weapons: 3 Tactics: 1
steel—but is also unstable and could explode in Technical: Electrical: 1 Technical: Mechanical: 1
use. Technical: Weapons: 1 Unarmed Combat: 3
My Neighbor: This lean T-750 wears a friendly
smile, a button-up shirt and tie, and a tan fleece EQUIPMENT
jacket. Its hair is parted to the side. My Neighbor
Light Titanium Chasis (PV4, Resistance 10),
carries an experimental Temporal Anomaly
Weapons as noted in Terminators Three. Heavy
Sensor and when encountered will be heavuily
Submachinegun or Jury Rigged Plasma Pistol
armed with two Assault Rifles and a belt of Frag


1d10+3 6 2
5 3 5 5
1/3/10 0/2/2 500m 30
WILL SKILL Pistol or Rifle
55 n/a 2 5 1d10+1 4 1
Detect: 2 Diplomacy: 1 3/10 1/2 80m 32
Intimidate: 3 Persuasion: 1
Lock Pick: Electrical: 1 Lock Pick: Mechanical: 1
SKILL Pistol
Melee Weapons: 3 Pistol: 3
Rifle: 3 Stealth: 3 DMG MIN DMG AD
Support Weapons: 3 Tactics: 2 1d10+4 5 2
Technical: Electrical: 1 Technical: Mechanical: 1 ROF RECOIL RANGE CLIP
Technical: Weapons: 1 Unarmed Combat: 3 1/3 0 45m 15
Light Titanium Chasis (PV4, Resistance
10), Twin Assault Rifles.

The TerminAtor RPG Campaign Book [.007]

Wojciech Buliński (Order #41806746)
are always near Hollister, My Neighbor is intended
In the mid ‘80s, Bertram Hollister is the lead research
to brutally ambush the PCs in Scene 3 and then
scientist in computer sciences at Cyberdyne Systems.
disappear, to be used as you see fit later. It may be
that you want the final fight to be harder or that a BACKGROUND: Hollister has been brought in
Terminator gets taken out earlier in the mission and by Cyberdyne to advise on integrated circuit
you need to replace it. If you want a Terminator left technologies. He’s been working directly with the
alive as a hook for a future mission—My Neighbor is company’s most coveted asset—an advanced
your machine. CPU chip of undisclosed origins.
The technology was remarkably advanced—
THE APPROACH suspiciously so. Only able to get so far without
The PCs know who they’re looking for but don’t context, Hollister soon hit a roadblock. With
know where he lives. Unlike Sarah Connor, Bertram funding running low, he feared the project
Hollister’s not listed in the phone book. His house is would be abandoned by the “short-sighted
large but private—it’s not on any maps of the local imbeciles” running Cyberdyne. Then he was
area. Still, there are several potential ways the PCs can privately approached by a government dummy
locate their quarry. If they want to find his address, the corporation called Raven Technologies. They
most straightforward approach is to keep a watch on offered to not only save the project, but to
the only place they know he’ll be dropping by—his job. expand it. In exchange for covert access to
Cyberdyne’s secrets, Raven Tech allowed
WHAT IF THE PCS GO A DIFFERENT WAY?: Hollister to examine their Holy Grail—the
Let them! The PCs are in a big city, and there are salvaged remains of an advanced robot.
a number of ways they could achieve their goal. It soon became evident to Hollister that both
Don’t panic if they disappear off in another direction sets of assets were from the same unidentified
entirely—just make sure they get the key information source—the Phonebook Killer (Core Rulebook:
from each place. If they decide to surveil Hollister at page 208). Soon, he was approached by
his home, instead of at Cyberdyne, the same events Terminator Infiltrators who offered to protect him
happen, and the PCs receive the same information. at all costs as long as he continued his work.
The only difference is the location.
Hollister is in truth, no more exceptional than
others in his field—only the unprecedented
CYBERDYNE SYSTEMS access he’s had to advanced materials have
Cyberdyne occupies a mid-sized building in allowed him to accelerate this emerging
Sunnyvale, California. It’s hardly isolated, but it’s also technology far beyond the most conservative
not surrounded by easy vantage points. The place estimates.
has a manned guard post at the front desk in the
lobby. Getting past the lobby requires a security pass PERSONALITY: Widely recognized in the
unless accompanied by a member of the Cyberdyne scientific community as a man of brilliance,
staff. Rent-a-cops, the guards are armed with donuts, Hollister’s also notoriously difficult. His intense
pistols, and nightsticks. There are four on duty during focus and unwillingness to compromise have
the day and two at night, always equally-split between ensured that very few continue to work with
the front desk, patrolling the grounds, and chilling in him for more than six months. Hollister is quite
the breakroom. While Hollister believes everything he open about preferring computers to humans. “A
touches is gold, Cyberdyne doesn’t yet know the value computer,” he says, “recognizes its place.”
of the technology they’re working on. The PCs can tell
all of this via a Difficulty 5 Detect (CONC) Skill Test.

[.008] The TerminAtor Role Playing Game

Wojciech Buliński (Order #41806746)


has written a number of books—dense, highly
scientific tomes peppered with a smattering The 700s have some advanced equipment that
of dark humor. His writing demonstrates a they brought back in time with them— courtesy
peculiarly pessimistic view of humanity and his of a sack of flesh—quite literally a pouch made
perception of its ultimate fate. from the flayed and sculpted skin and pulp of
dead humans.
The bag is “kept alive” by a simple pacemaker
in order to generate the bioelectric field needed
DIRECTOR’S NOTE: Hollister is as close to a to enable time-displacement. Inside it, they’ve
parent as Skynet can get, essentially an anti-John managed to time displace the rarer components
Connor. His loss would be a serious blow to Skynet, necessary for constructing plasma weapons, as
so it puts as much importance on his survival well as an external Temporal Anomaly Sensor,
as John’s demise. Threats to Hollister’s life are enabling them to track the residual energy
prioritised accordingly. clinging to those who’ve been time-displaced.
The PCs may find this still-living shredded sack
at the site of the Terminators’ arrival—a place
SEVERAL OTHER SCIENTIFIC to be determined solely by you as the Director.
MINDS OF THE 1980S AND 90S, A successful Difficulty 14 Lore: Skynet (KNOW)
BERTRAM HOLLISTER IS ONE OF or Difficulty 11 Time Science (KNOW) Skill Test
THE HUMANS RESPONSIBLE FOR enables a PC to identify the flesh sack, and work
out that its been used to transport equipment
Thanks to this sack, Sneakers, Sweater, and My
HIS PART IN OUR CREATION. Neighbor are well equipped. My Neighbor carries
the experimental sensor. While My Neighbor
actively trails the PCs, Sneakers likes to walk the
perimeter of Hollister’s surroundings. Sweater
STR DEX KNOW CONC has the make-shift plasma pistol (see page 07)
and is always no further than the next room from
1 2 6 4
him, in his house and/or office.
HIT POINTS CLOSING RUSHING The PCs can surveil Cyberdyne, waiting for Hollister
to arrive. This requires a successful Difficulty 5 Stealth
16 18 2 5 (DEX) Skill Test to avoid attracting attention. Should
SKILLS the guards be alerted, a Difficulty 8 Persuasion (CHA)
Skill Test can persuade them that the PCs are here for
Athletics: 1 Computer: 4 another reason. If the Persuasion Skill Test fails, the
Detect: 2 Diplomacy: 1 PCs are going to have the Rent-a-cops—and likely the
Drive: Car: 2 Education: Academic: 4 police—to deal with.
Education: Natural: 2 Forensics: 1 If the PCs manage to keep a sufficiently low profile,
Medical: 1 Persuasion: 3 their efforts are rewarded. Hollister arrives at work
promptly at 6:15 am—as he does every workday. He
EQUIPMENT arrives in a plain sedan, accompanied by an extremely
A black budget and beyond next well-built large man and an equally-statured woman
generation computers and robotics carrying poorly concealed Uzi 9mm submachine guns
(this is Sneakers and Sweater). PCs can determine
these two are T-700 Terminators via an Advanced
Difficulty 11 Lore: Skynet (KNOW) or a Difficulty 14
Detect (CONC) Skill Test. As Hollister leaves the car,
the two flank him like personal bodyguards. They
aren’t trying especially hard to conceal their nature—

The TerminAtor RPG Campaign Book [.009]

Wojciech Buliński (Order #41806746)
they aren’t aware the PCs are here yet, though they MAKE A NEW FRIEND...
anticipate some form of attack.
If the PCs are feeling particularly amicable, they
Any PC observing Hollister and the Terminators may might want to try and cultivate the company of one of
attempt a Difficulty 14 Detect (CONC) Skill Test. A Hollister’s research assistants. Hollister is notoriously
Success reveals that Sweater is sometimes carrying private and querulous, so his assistants are far from
a jury-rigged plasma pistol (see page 07)—advanced loyal. A particularly skillful negotiator might be able to
Skynet weaponry of the kind the PCs are entirely win over one of the cleaning staff, one of Hollister’s lab
without. How did they bring it through the time portal assistants, or even the head of another of Cyberdyne’s
with them? There is no sign of My Neighbor. departments, with a successful Difficulty 14
Persuasion (CHA) or Bribery (COOL) Skill Test, gaining
Should the PCs attempt to deal with Hollister now,
access to the building. Of course, getting some
they are likely to be in considerable trouble. The
information about Hollister might not require quite as
Terminators are briefly surprised by the attack, but
much effort as being let into the building—securing his
are soon able to respond. Sweater covers Hollister
address is much easier and reduces the difficulty of
with its body, moving him quickly into the Cyberdyne
this Skill Test to 11.
building. Sneakers will close on the PCs, unleashing
a devastating bombardment of heavy fire. The guards
soon join them, leaving the PCs seriously outgunned.
The other option, of course, is kidnapping. Hollister
SCENE 2: LATE might be highly protected, but that doesn’t mean
NIGHT BREAK-IN those surrounding him are. Hiding in an employee’s
car would require some sneaking into the parking lot,
They can attempt to break into the laboratory, either to via a Difficulty 11 Stealth (DEX) Skill Test, but beyond
lie in wait there, or else find something with Hollister’s that, it should be straightforward. What the PCs do
address. Security at night is light. A successful from there is up to them. Do they order their captive
Difficulty 8 Stealth (DEX) Skill Test enables the PCs to get them into the building, or do they just get some
to get in the building without being noticed by the key details? The choice is theirs.
CCTV cameras or the patrolling guard. Getting into
Cyberdyne itself, though, is more complex. The door A FRIEND INDEED
needs either a magnetic key card or to be hacked. A
card can be acquired from a guard or a scientist, or If you are planning on taking this campaign
the PCs can try and break in with a Difficulty 11 Lock further after this mission, you could consider
Pick: Electronics (CONC) Skill Test. bulking out the background and details about
the new ‘recruited’ friend. It could be in time,
Stealing through the dimly lit Cyberdyne corridors that this character becomes a PC—especially if
at night requires a Difficulty 11 Stealth (DEX) Skill one or more of the current PCs don’t survive this
Test, though the main risk of detection is from CCTV. mission.
Guards routinely sweep the place, but they’re much
less thorough than they are when the sun is up.
Once the PCs are inside the facility, they can gain NEXT STEPS
information from the computers via a successful hack There are several other approaches the PCs can take,
of the Cyberdyne personnel system. but the key factor here is finding Hollister, realizing he’s
It’s entirely possible the PCs might want to do a little already protected by Terminators, and that this mission
more than simply obtain Hollister’s address. Wiping really won’t be easy. From there, the choice is one of
out the Cyberdyne mainframe or otherwise attempting approach. How do they take out Hollister? How do
to delete or compromise their research might also they deal with the Terminators? They’ll need a plan.
appear to be a good move. Unfortunately, Cyberdyne So, let them plan. Give the players some time to
has its files backed up elsewhere, so this move will not come up with a strategy, to work out what their PCs
have the desired effect. Any overt corporate sabotage are going to do, and how they’re going to do it. But
will result in greatly increased security in and around set a time limit: don’t let them procrastinate or simply
Cyberdyne, and, likely, around Hollister (double the disappear into endless arguments over minutiae. It
number of human guards the PCs faces). If the PCs do might be useful to set up a visible timer on the table
decide to try and cause some mayhem with the hack, at this point. And then, when they’re nearly finished,
think about any repercussions and when you want to throw in the following scene just to cause some chaos.
implement them.

[.010] The TerminAtor Role Playing Game

Wojciech Buliński (Order #41806746)

This is The Terminator RPG—things get ugly quick. MY NEIGHBOR ATTACKS

The well-armed T-750 called My Neighbor has been
SCENE 3: THE TWIST waiting for the chance to strike. Caught unaware, the
– WELCOME TO THE PCs could be in real trouble here; they are going to get
NEIGHBORHOOD hit hard. The PCs can fight their way out, of course, or
just run for it, but the Terminator is going to pursue.
Remember the missing Terminator—the one who
wasn’t with Hollister? Escaping results in a chase (see the chase rules
on page 76 of the Core Rulebook), as the T-750
It’s coming through the door, right now. Armed and relentlessly pursues the PCs. Gunfire on the streets
deadly. No warning, no respite. soon attracts the attention of the police, further
This Terminator has been tracking the PCs since the complicating things—should you feel an additional
moment they arrived. Unlike the others, it’s a 700 challenge is needed!
Series T-750 Facilitator (see page 07). Dubbed My After a tense, vicious gun battle and chase, allow the
Neighbor, this slim T-750 is equipped with two assault PCs to lose My Neighbor. If they believe it destroyed,
rifles and a belt of grenades (see Core Rulebook use the I’ll Be Back rules (Core Rulebook: page 172)
pages 129 and 134). Not as obviously bulky or robotic to reinstate it later. Broken and bruised, the PCs are
as T-700 base units, this cyborg is more difficult to left with little but their mission. This scene is harsh, but
immediately detect (except for the belt of grenades deliberately so. It shakes everything up; the PCs are
and the two assault rifles, of course). without their base, they’re being hunted, and they still
My Neighbor also has a piece of future tech with need to complete their mission.
it, brought back in time in a flesh sack that the
Terminators left at their arrival site (see page 08). This SCENE 4: KILL BOX
experimental Temporal Anomaly Sensor enables these So, things are finely balanced. The PCs know who and
Infiltrators to track anyone and anything that has been where Hollister is. They’ve got a plan to take him out.
time-displaced (see Core Rulebook page 122). An But the Terminators know they’re coming… and one of
Exceptional Difficulty 11 Detect (CONC)Skill Test will them is on their trail. So what are they going to do?
reveal the existence of the sensor—and the fact the
Terminators are going to be able to track the PCs no They might try to bed down for a little while, but My
matter where they go. If the PCs get their hands on Neighbor’s experimental sensor is going to reveal their
this, however, they can track the Terminators as well—a location sooner rather than later. If they were lucky,
useful device to have in any 1980s campaign setting. they’ve gotten their hands on it so they can see when
someone is coming for them instead. And the mission
KEEPING WATCH has to be completed. Going through with their plan
likely remains their best option.
Depending on the nature of their safehouse,
the PCs may have only a limited view of their DIRECTOR’S NOTE: Here are some suggestions to
surroundings. My Neighbor will approach from guide the events of this final, climactic scene.
stealth so that anyone watching for enemy forces
will have to make a Solid Difficulty 11 Detect WHERE ARE THE PLAYERS PLANNING ON
(CONC) Skill Test to see it coming. ATTACKING HOLLISTER?
The PCs will only have enough time to grab their HOME: If it’s at his home, Sneakers is patrolling the
meager possessions and get to the fire escape grounds while Sweater waits inside. PCs attempting
(if there is one) as My Neighbor crashes through to detect Sneakers receive a +1 modifier thanks
the door. On an Excellent Success, the PCs will to the swooshing of his corduroy pants as he
have been able to get out of its immediate line of patrols the grounds. Hollister’s house is large, with
sight. A Messy Success means that the PCs are a substantial garden filled with bushes, trees, and
spooked by the sudden barking of a dog. They hedges. This garden allows the PCs to maintain
have time to grab their guns but are still sitting cover between the perimeter fence and the house
at the table when My Neighbor kicks through the itself. Within, Hollister is working at his 1980s era
door. home computer (it’s all the man does). Rooms
within the house include a garage with a stolen EMT
vehicle and a covered jacuzzi tub full of blood and
plasma (a rejuvenation bath for the 700s).

The TerminAtor RPG Campaign Book [.011]

Wojciech Buliński (Order #41806746)
OFFICE: If the attack is planned for the office, WHAT HAPPENED TO MY NEIGHBOR?:
bypassing security is, again, a central focus. Depending on the circumstances, My Neighbor
Sneakers is walking guard, covering each floor of could still be pursuing the PCs. It could turn up to
the building by accessing the stairwell. Armed with increase the intensity of the firefight, leaving them
the makeshift plasma pistol in the house, Sweater no choice but to kill Hollister and die gloriously
maintains focus on Hollister alone. It remains with doing so. If you’re looking for this to be a bleak, yet
him at all times, occasionally completing sweeps hopeful, finale in the true Terminator-style mold, this
of the nearby corridors. A 1980s era server farm is the way to do it.
of magnetic tape computers runs AI tests here.
Given Hollister’s unpopularity in the building and Alternatively, My Neighbor could make a good
the intimidating presence of the Terminators, few central nemesis for a continuing campaign. The
employees draw near the robotics lab—except for T-750 may still be hunting for them elsewhere or
those who work directly with Hollister. A low-level has been dispatched on some other mission. The
lab assistant or one of the cleaning staff could be objectives of that mission are up to you.
coerced into getting the PCs in.
THEIR ATTACK?: All hell breaks loose. If they HOLLISTER? : Fulfilling their mission leaves the PCs
manage to get a shot off on Hollister and bring victorious and the Terminators in a state of failure.
him down, Sweater immediately closes on the They continue to fight, but back off, moving towards
PCs nearest or who shot at Hollister, drawing its Hollister’s corpse, surrounding it, collecting it, and
makeshift plasma pistol (see page 07). then seeking to escape. What they plan to do with
the corpse is up to you and for the PCs to discover!
Sweater aims to take the PCs out as quickly as
possible; things like collateral damage, or even
leveling the building they’re standing in, don’t matter
to them. The plasma pistol the Terminators have Most likely, things will end in a hail of bullets, plasma
built is massively destructive and they aren’t using it fire, and the glinting red eyes of the Terminators. Of
with care or precision. course, precisely what happens in your game might be
entirely different. All that matters is ensuring that the
If the PCs manage to bypass Sneakers to get
mission is dark, gritty, bleak—but with a glint of hope
to Hollister they will have to deal with it later. If
against Skynet’s inevitable rise.
Sweater is losing in a battle with the PCs, Sneakers
arrives to assist. This scene should be mayhem. The PCs have done that. But have they done enough?
Who knows how many PCs are going to make it out
of this alive?

[.012] The TerminAtor Role Playing Game

Wojciech Buliński (Order #41806746)

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