21102024_IDP Delhi Uni

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1. Preface ii

2. Message from the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor iii

3. Vision and Mission of the University iv

4. List of Abbreviations v-vi

5. Governance Enablers 1-4

6. Financial Enablers and Funding Models (Resource Generation) 5–7

7. Academic Enablers 8 – 26

8. Research and Intellectual Property Enablers 27 – 43

9. Human Resource and Supportive – Facilitative Enablers 44 – 47

10. Networking and Collaboration Enablers 48 – 56

11. Physical Enablers 57 – 62

12. Digital Enablers 63 – 64

13. Concluding Notes 65

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 i


The University of Delhi, established by an Act of the Central Legislature in 1922, has consistently
strived for excellence, navigating both the pre and post-independence eras with impeccable grace,
utmost dignity, and unwavering academic integrity.

To equip students with academic competencies for their growth and meaningful contribution to society,
the University has always accorded the highest priority to quality teaching and innovative research,
while steadfastly upholding the values and ethics of education. Grounded in the mission and values of
the University, the Institutional Development Plan (IDP) outlines a clear pathway for enhancing
academic excellence, research capabilities, governance, and infrastructure, while fostering an inclusive
and dynamic educational environment. It has emphasized the importance of extracurricular activities
and social outreach programs, enriching the development of well-rounded individuals.

The University endeavours to lead in enabling our nation - that is Bharat - in reaping its demographic
advantage and therefore contribute to the Sankalp of Viksit Bharat@2047 by aligning its vision with this
much revered clarion call by the Hon’ble Prime Minister through empowering the youth of our country
for this mission.

Aligning with the millennial priorities outlined in the National Education Policy 2020, the University,
through this strategic blueprint, seeks to drive holistic growth, cultivate innovative approaches, and
implement transformative plans in a phased manner, categorized into short, mid, and long-term
objectives across key operational areas. By addressing critical Enablers, the IDP establishes a solid
foundation for sustainable progress and resilience in an ever-evolving academic landscape. This
visionary plan positions the University to enhance its leadership role in both society and the global
educational arena.

The University rmly believes that its IDP will serve as a beacon for the University community,
encouraging reection on contemporary realities both in national and global higher education spheres.
By doing so, it aims to carve out a distinctive niche, allowing the University to shine even brighter on the
global stage. Conceived as a dynamic and evolving document, the IDP will undergo continuous
monitoring and updates to align with the University’s operational needs and administrative priorities.
Developed in a perspective plan format, the IDP will enable the University to consistently strive for new
heights and provide a dened roadmap for future progress.

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 ii

Message from the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor

The University of Delhi is proud of its rich historical legacy, spanning over a century where teaching-
learning, research and social outreach have always been accorded highest priority. The fact that the
University has been conferred with the status of Institution of Eminence by the Government of India is an
attestation of its rigour in knowledge production and dissemination.

It gives me immense pleasure to introduce the Institutional Development Plan (IDP) which stands
testament to the fact the University of Delhi is aware of its role and responsibilities in fullling the true
spirit of our revered motto - Nishtha Dhriti Satyam.

I am condent that this IDP will serve as a benchmark for the University in all spheres of its activities
including academic and administrative pursuits. Each initiative in the IDP has been synchronised with
the University’s Strategic Plan (2024- 2047) and concurs with our national priorities geared towards
Viksit Bharat @ 2047.

I feel that, with the implementation of this progressive IDP, the University will further enhance its
national and international standing while focusing on contemporary priorities of our country and its
future prospects in a global context.

I take this opportunity to congratulate everyone who has constructively contributed in conceptualisation
of this IDP for the University. I hope this document acts as a guiding light to inspire us in taking the
University of Delhi to greater heights.

Best wishes,

Prof. Yogesh Singh

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 iii


To be an internationally acclaimed University, recognised for excellence in teaching, research, and

outreach; dedicated to serving humanity through the creation of knowledgeable, skilled, enterprising
and socially responsible citizens.


To impart high-quality education and research experience to students to nurture their talent, promote
their intellectual growth, shape their professional and personal development, thereby enabling them to
achieve their full potential;

To foster an equitable, inclusive, and collaborative environment that supports the overall well-being of
students, and promotes institutional growth and development;

To extend academic and research outcomes to support and create sustainable solutions for
transformative development;

To instill love, devotion, and national pride, fostering loyalty and sincerity in alignment with the
principle of “Rashtra Pratham” (Nation First);

To broaden international perspectives and prepare students for initiatives and leadership.

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 iv

List of Abbreviations
ACC Alumni Connect Cell
AEC Ability Enhancement Course
AI Articial Intelligence
ANRF Anusandhan National Research Foundation
API Academic Performance Indicators
AR Augmented Reality
ASSOCHAM Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
BGP Hkkjrh; Kku ijEijk (Indian Knowledge System)
BGPK kkjrh; Kku ijEijk dsUnz
BRS Board of Research Studies
CAS Career Advancement scheme
CCLSD Centre for Curricular & Life Skills Development
CERT Computer Emergency Response Team
CETA Centre for Emerging Technologies and Applications
CFD Centre for Faculty Development
CMDS Centre for Multi-disciplinary Studies
CoC Committee of Courses
CPC Central Placement Cell
CSIR Council of Scientic and Industrial Research
CSO Central Statistical Ofce
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
CTO Chief Technology Ofcer
DBT Department of Biotechnology
DoPT Department of Personnel and Training
DPI Digital Public Infrastructure
DRC Departmental Research Committee
DSC Discipline Specic Core
DSE Delhi School of Economics
DSE Discipline Specic Elective
DST Department of Science and Technology
DUCC Delhi University Computer Centre
DULS Delhi University Library System
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
FHEI Foreign Higher Educational Institute
FICCI Federation of Indian Chambers and Commerce of India
FMS Faculty of Management Studies
GeM Government e-Marketplace
GFR General Financial Rules
HEI Higher Education Institution
HPC High-Performance Computing
ICCR Indian Council for Cultural Relations
ICMR Indian Council of Medical Research
IIC Institute of Informatics and Communication
ILLL Institute of Lifelong Learning
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
IQAC Internal Quality Assurance Cell
IRG Internal Revenue Generation
IRO Industry Relations Ofce
KPI Key Performance Indicator

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 v

LAN Local Area Network
LMS Learning Management System
MIS Management Information System
MOOC Massive Open Online Course
MoU Memorandums of Understanding
MMTTC Malviya Mission Teachers Training Centre
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
NAAC National Assessment and Accreditation Council
NBT National Book Trust
NCTE National Council for Teacher Education
NCVET National Council for Vocational Education and Training
NEP National Education Policy
NFTs Non-Fungible Tokens
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
NKN National Knowledge Network
NMS Network Management System
NSQF National Skills Qualication Framework
OBE Open Book Exams
OTCs Ofcer Training Centres
PFMS Public Financial Management System
PIP Principal Internship Program
R&D Research and Development
SAML Security Assertion Markup Language
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SEC Skill Enhancement Course
SOL School of Open Learning
SOP Statements of Purpose
SSO Single Sign-On
STP Sewage Treatment Plant
TLC Teaching Learning Centres
ToT Training of Trainers
TTO Technology Transfer Ofce
UGC University Grants Commission
UGCF Under graduate Curriculum Framework
ULLAS Understanding Lifelong Learning for All in Society
URP Under-graduate Research Programs
USIC University Science Instrumentation Centre
UTM Unied Threat Management
VAC Value Addition Course
VCIS Vice-Chancellor Internship Scheme
VPN Virtual Private Network
VR Virtual Reality
WASH Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
XR Extended Reality

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 vi

1. Governance Enablers
Governance enablers are vital for promoting transparency, accountability, and determinative decision-
making. They ensure that policies and processes are aligned with the mission of the University, fostering
effective leadership and active participation from all stakeholders. By driving quality assurance and
continuous improvement, these enablers create an environment that supports innovation, academic
excellence, and sustainable growth. Their role is essential in maintaining compliance with regulatory
standards and ensuring the long-term success of the University.
1.1. University Court, Executive Council, Academic Council, Finance Committee & Other
Statutory Bodies
The University functions through a documented hierarchical structure, via Statutory Bodies –
University Court, Executive Council (EC), Academic Council (AC), Finance Committee, having
representation of diverse stakeholders. The University envisions the following goals:
Short-term Goals
· The University is committed to advancing complete digitisation of all administrative departments,
building on the progress already initiated to streamline operations and enhance efciency.
· The University shall strengthen different help desks with appropriate helpline numbers to enhance
the administration’s accessibility to the students.
· The University shall gradually shift towards paperless administration by making the existing ERP
’Samarth’ portal a centralized data control ofce, wherein ling and paperwork related to all
academic, administrative, and nancial matters shall be processed.
· The Samarth Portal shall be extended to all the constituent colleges for seamless integration and
interaction between the University and the colleges
· In accordance with the guidelines of the UGC and the Ministry of Education, the Institutional
Development Plan (IDP) of the University is being developed. Keeping in view the dynamic nature
of IDP and the need to regularly review the progress made towards achieving the targeted goals, a
committee may be constituted to periodically review the IDP.
Mid-term Goals
· Utilise the intellectual expertise from organisations and prestigious institutions of national and
international repute.
· Regular monitoring of the IDP initiatives through periodical reviews ensuring alignment with
stakeholder needs and timely adjustments based on progress and feedback.
Long-term Goals
· As the University grows in size, the administrative processes shall be strengthened to ensure the
smooth functioning of different campuses.
· The University shall assess overall impact of the IDP on institutional growth, ensuring sustained
alignment with strategic goals, and meeting regulatory standards.
1.2. Quality Assurance
Short-term Goals
· The University shall augment its already established HR section to oversee the recruitment,
mentoring, and training of teaching and non-teaching staff.
· The University shall establish a mechanism for training mid-ranked administrative ofcers,
particularly in the areas of leadership, technology, digitalization, and communication.
· The trained mid-ranked ofcers shall be entrusted with the responsibility of training junior and
entry-level ofcers.
University of Delhi: IDP 2024 1
· The University shall collaborate with national and international Centres of Eminence, to offer
refresher and orientation training for ofcials and ofcers of the University.
· The University shall assess the admission process to determine the vacant seats across programs and
the relevance of new courses to encourage more students.
· The University shall conduct an Academic and Administrative Audit, Transparency Audit, Social
Audit, Green Audit, Diversity and Inclusion Audit, Accessibility Audit, and Technology Adoption
Audit once in every two/three year.
· All the Departments of the University shall have a designated Committee to facilitate the IQAC of
the University.
· The University shall endeavour to ll all vacancies in teaching and non-teaching posts.
Mid-term Goals
· The University shall focus on inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary courses along with single-
discipline UG and PG courses.
· The University shall further strengthen the quality of publications compulsory for all Ph.D.
· The University shall foster inclusive decision-making processes involving campus fraternity to
enhance governance aligning institutional goals with stakeholder needs.
Long-term Goals
· Devise a mechanism to strengthen the governance structure in all Academic and Administrative
· Complete automation of administrative processes through constant addition of new modules for
quality purposes.
1.3. Financial Sources and Management
Short-term Goals
· The University shall approach relevant bodies/ organizations/ individuals/ foundations/ entities to
establish sponsored Chairs that align with the University’s Act, Statutes and Ordinances.
· The University shall partner with industries for sponsored research, innovation, and consulting
projects and provide students with practical experience.
· The University of Delhi Foundation shall be strengthened to leverage Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) funds.
· The University shall have a designated Consultancy ofce to map and handle consultancy services
rendered by its employees.
· Endowment fund of the University shall be further strengthened.
Mid-term Goals
· Cost-Effective Sustainability Measures such as Green Campus Initiative, which includes solar
power, water conservation, and waste recycling projects leading to cost-saving shall be encouraged.
· The University shall design Executive education and Executive programmes for professionals to
attract mid-career learners.
Long-term Goals
· The University shall devise various mechanisms to enhance enrolment of international students.
1.4. Leadership

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 2

Short-term Goals
· Leadership Development Programs for the training of Department Heads, Senior Professors,
Professors, and Principals on Leadership, Management, Strategic Thinking and Conict
· Implement formal Mentorship and handholding programs within departments and administrative
units to identify potential leaders from faculty.
· An outcome-based approach be devised to encourage branch heads to present their Annual Plan and
Targets at the start of the Calendar Year.
Mid-term Goals
· Open-house or periodic meetings of the employees with University administration for addressing
different concerns and inclusive decision-making/ crisis management.
· The University shall enter into MoUs with leading management institutions in India and other
prestigious international institutions to offer periodic leadership training programs for senior
academic and administrative personnel.
Long-term Goals
· A Leadership Training Institute may be established in collaboration with the Parliament Secretariat,
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), Associated Chambers of
Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), and DoPT, Govt. of India.
1.5. IT/ Web-based Management Information System (MIS)
Short-term Goals
· There shall be a centralized portal to collect Feedback from all stakeholders (Students, Faculty,
Non-Teaching Staff, Alumni, and Parents) and analyse it using appropriate software.
· The number of CCTV cameras shall be increased for safety and security in campus.
Mid-term Goals
· Smart Cards shall be issued to all University employees and students to access different services,
such as Health Centres, IT Services and the Library.
Long-term Goals
· Deployment of new age security systems.
· Supplementing classroom teaching with technology assistance in virtual space.
1.6. Risk Management Analysis
Short-term Goals
· The University shall carry out comprehensive risk assessment, analysis, and management
throughout the institution and its constituent colleges.
· The University shall conduct periodic workshops on cyber-security awareness.
· The University shall also conduct workshops on green awareness to mitigate environmental risks.
Mid-term Goals
· Policy formulation for risk assessment.

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 3

Long-term Goals
· The University shall reduce its environmental footprint by becoming single-use Plastic-free
1.7. External Advisory Boards
Short-term Goals
· Departmental Committees shall endeavour to co-opt members/experts from organizations and
institutions of national and international repute.
Mid-term Goals
· Nationally and internationally renowned academicians and representatives from regulatory bodies
shall be involved in the Advisory capacity at various levels.
Long-term Goals
· An Advisory Council comprising representatives from government, education, industry and social
sectors shall be established to offer diverse perspectives, enabling the University to address the
evolving societal and economic challenges.
1.8. Student Feedback
Short-term Goals
· The University shall conduct workshops and sensitization programmes to educate students and
faculty members on the importance of feedback and help them understand how it can lead to
tangible effects.
· A systematic institutionalized mechanism for taking students’ feedback periodically to ensure the
satisfaction of students and improved quality.
Mid-term Goals
· A dedicated feedback analysis committee shall be established to monitor and analyse the pertinent
points emerging out of the student feedback to address such issues.
· Student feedback shall be used to strengthen the teaching-learning and administrative process.
Long-term Goals
Student feedback shall be thoroughly analysed using advanced software, facilitating the University to
identify the areas for further improvement prioritizing the interests and needs of the students.

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 4

2. Financial Enablers and Funding Models
Recognizing the continuous nancial support from the Government of India, the University of Delhi, as
a premier Institution of Eminence, is committed to its overall development through optimum utilisation
of its resources. The University proposes a comprehensive framework for achieving long-term nancial
ow and resource management.
2.1. Financial Policies
Short-term Goals
· Formulate policies to support various academic initiatives, cutting-edge research endeavours,
commensurate development of the physical infrastructure to adequately support the academic
activities of the University.
· Expansion of academic activities shall require more space in the form of class rooms and similar
such facilities. It shall require development of physical infrastructure where nancial shall play a
key role.
· Set up a dedicated Alumni Relation Ofce to strengthen the alumni network and motivate them to
donate for students’ scholarships and infrastructural development.
Mid-term Goals
· Enhance capital investment in the mid-term for supporting its ongoing infrastructure demands.
· Organize fundraising campaign in the major cities of India and abroad through alumni network to
strengthen Endowment Fund.
· University shall formulate policies to promote start-ups in emerging elds of Science and
Technology, aimed at attracting external funding.
Long-term Goals
· University shall focus on creating new ways of fund raising through University of Delhi Foundation
to ensure resource mobilisation.
· Encourage high net worth alumni and philanthropists to create named Chairs, research fellowships
and scholarship programs.
2.2. Action Plan and Budgets
Short-term Goals
· Maintenance and Audit of the assets shall be done on a regular basis. Auditing mechanism is to be
aligned with budgeting.
· Stock management exercise shall be aligned with budget planning to reduce wastage and
environmental impact from acquisition of new assets.
· Incorporate the social responsibility factor in the nancial action plans such as resale, donation and
re-use of end-of-life assets or depreciated assets.
Mid-term Goals
· To align the funding sources with the institutional goals to address the additional expenses arising
from internationalization, inclusivity, research and innovation initiatives.
· Identify and dispose of redundant assets in alignment with broader concepts of sustainability, the
circular economy, and the SDGs.

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 5

Long-term Goals
· Guidelines for identication of wasteful/non-fungible sources of expenses and targeted reduction in
such expenses.
2.3. Harnessing Different Sources of Revenue
Short-term Goals
· Regular workshops be conducted to raise awareness of existing government funding schemes.
· Invite ideas to identify new sources of funding.
· Encourage faculty members to focus on research and academic consultancies.
· Faculty members and research scholars shall be encouraged and rewarded for actively contributing
to the advancement of research activities.
· The University shall regularly publish an Information Bulletin featuring abstract or brief overviews
of ongoing research projects and consultancy activities. This initiative shall enhance visibility and
attract additional research grants.
· Ramping up Alumni Funds, Endowment Funds, CSR funding etc.
Mid-term Goals
· To generate external funds, the University shall focus on strengthening foreign collaborations in
research activities.
· Formulate policies to develop future strategic partnerships with industries.
· Establish a dedicated ofce for Patents, IPR and technology licensing for faster processing and
monetization of Patents.
Long-term Goals
· The research labs shall be made available for specic use of other organisations.
2.4. Close Liaison with GOI Ministries/ Agencies and others for Funding and Access to External
Grants and Funding
Short-term Goals
· University shall collate a common repository for International and National funding agencies by
respective departments.
· Conduct a mentoring programme to guide the proposer of the project funded by various funding
· University language experts may provide translation services to national institutes and departments
for preparing their academic as well as administrative documents.
· Department-specic awareness programme shall be conducted to ensure active participation of
· Initiate the process of building a network with empanelled private companies and industry
associations for joint and collaborative research projects.
Mid-term Goals
· Provide training to government and corporate executives by establishing Ofcer Training Centres
Long-term Goals
· Target large-scale research grant from various government ministries and other agencies for the
development of infrastructure with latest cutting- edge technology.
University of Delhi: IDP 2024 6
2.5. IRG Scheme in each Department
Short-term Goals
· Formulate strategies for generation of additional funds.
· Department-specic workshops, training programs and certicate courses to be conducted.
· The department shall activate social media platforms (YouTube Channel, Applications etc.) to post
good practices evaluated by the internal committee.
Mid-term Goals
· The scalability of in-house start-ups can be enhanced by establishing the University’s e-commerce
venture routed through Udhmodya Foundation.
· Need to promote publication and dissemination of knowledge products such as Patents and IPRs for
income generation.
Long-term Goals
· Allow individual departments to generate their endowment funds through grants received from
alumni, philanthropists and industry.
2.6. Financial/ Investment Committee
An Investment Committee shall be set up to look after and evaluate all the nancial plans.
2.7. Staff Providing Financial Services
The following strategies and action plans shall be adopted:
· Provision of trained administrative staff for an efcient and seamless functioning of University’s
nancial activities.
· Develop appropriate guidelines and mechanisms (e.g., prepare a checklist tree for procurements and
associated relevant details) through which faculty/ research scholars can access the research grant
without any hassle.
· There must be strong coordination between the Research Council and the University’s nance

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 7

3. Academic Enablers
Through a rigour of 100 years of academic excellence, the University has made noteworthy national and
international impact in the eld of teaching-learning, research and innovations. The University strives to
create an enabling and conducive teaching-learning environment for holistic development of the
3.1. Courses Catering to Professional/Future Requirements
The University has a well-dened structure and fully functional academic bodies that play a pivotal role
in overseeing the academic curriculum, ensuring that the courses offered align with educational
standards and the University’s institutional objectives. An indicative ow chart is provided below.

Academic Council

Standing Committee on Academic matters of the AC

Faculty level Committee of Courses

Departmental level Committee of Courses

With the implementation of the Undergraduate Curriculum Framework (UGCF) 2022, the University
aims to promote holistic development by emphasizing skill enhancement, value addition, and overall
capacity building through the creation of new courses. These initiatives underscore the University’s
commitment in making the students as professional achievers and informed citizens through active
participation in a complex world.
Short-term Goals
· The University’s primary aims to extend the NEP 2020 framework to its postgraduate programs,
including Ph.D. courses, by developing a comprehensive curricular framework.
· Committees responsible for creating Skill Enhancement Courses and Value Addition Courses shall
identify essential courses designed to cultivate life and soft skills in collaboration with industry and
societal experts.
· Departments shall develop a owchart outlining the academic pathways for each program, along
with potential employment opportunities, enabling students to make informed choices when
selecting courses.
· The employability potential of these courses shall be communicated to students through workshops
and seminars conducted in collaboration with industry and societal leaders.
· The effectiveness of the mentor-mentee system shall be evaluated through student satisfaction
surveys and feedback.
· Leverage the expertise of Teaching Learning Centres (TLCs), Malviya Mission Teacher Training
Centres (MMTTCs), Institute of Life-long Learning (ILLL) and School of Open Learning (SOL) to
accelerate the design and development of courses, with a focus on meeting current academic and
industry demands. Encourage these institutions to actively create new MOOCs (Massive Open
Online Courses) that focus on enhancing student employability and skill development in high-
demand sectors.

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 8

· Develop more courses on Hkkjrh; Kku ijeijk

Mid-term Goals
· Conduct regular reviews and evaluations of all academic programs to ensure continuous
improvement and alignment with industry standards. Seek accreditation from relevant national and
international bodies to enhance the credibility of programs.
· Develop and introduce interdisciplinary programs that combine multiple elds of study, enabling
students to gain diverse skill sets and perspectives that are increasingly valued in the job market.
· Establish partnerships with a broader range of industries and organizations to facilitate internships,
placement opportunities, and collaborative research projects, ensuring that students gain practical
experience and exposure to real-world challenges.
· Implement ongoing professional development programs for faculty members, focusing on
innovative teaching methodologies, curriculum development, and research initiatives that align with
emerging trends and technologies.
· Develop comprehensive student support services, including career counselling, mental health
resources, and academic advising, to assist students in navigating their educational journeys and
achieving their career goals.
· Integrate MOOCs developed by these institutions (TLCs, MMTTCs, ILLL, and SOL) at one
platform of the University and enable students to supplement their in-person learning with these.
Expand the role of ILLL and SOL by offering a wider range of courses catering to working
professionals and life-long learners, enabling them to upskill or reskill in new areas of expertise.
Long-term Goals
· Transform the University into a leading research and innovation hub by establishing research centres
that focus on key societal challenges and fostering collaboration among faculty, students, and
industry partners.
· Embed sustainability and social responsibility into the curriculum and institutional practices,
encouraging students and faculty to engage in initiatives that address environmental and social
· Fully integrate digital technologies into teaching, learning, and administrative processes, creating a
smart campus environment that enhances the overall educational experience and operational
· To enhance the learner centric experience in the digital era, the University shall engage professors
/superannuated faculty members to develop a bank of recorded video lectures and compendiums of
academic materials. The repository shall be developed using the latest technological innovations
(such as AR/VR/XR) to make them more interactive and user friendly.
· Position the University’s MOOCs, as and when developed, on global platforms, offering high-
quality, internationally recognized online courses that attract students from across the world,
enhancing the University’s global reach and reputation. Foster a culture of continuous innovation in
course design and content development across all institutional centres, ensuring the University
remains at the forefront of educational trends and industry requirements.
3.2. Curriculum Aligned with Industry Requirements
The University of Delhi has made signicant progress in aligning its curriculum with the evolving
demands of industry. The University has revamped its courses to focus on skill development, value
addition, and employability. Committees dedicated to Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) and Value
Addition Courses (VAC) are collaborating closely with industry professionals to design programs
that emphasize essential life skills, soft skills, and relevant industry knowledge. Additionally, the

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 9

University also is working to incorporate digital learning opportunities.
NEP 2020 presents multiple opportunities to strengthen the link between academia and industry,
bridging existing gaps. The curriculum integrates research, innovation, and extension activities,
fostering critical and innovative thinking among students. The University is committed to using the
insights gained from industry collaborations to reshape the curriculum and introduce new
opportunities for students and faculty alike.
Short-term Goals
· Collaborate with industry experts to identify gaps in the current curriculum and make timely updates
to address immediate market needs.
· Launch new SEC and VAC that focus on specialized industry-relevant knowledge.
· Create relevant skill course modules to provide students with the digital skills necessary for the
modern workplace.
· Organize workshops, guest lectures, and seminars led by industry professionals to offer students
practical insights into current market trends and expectations.
· Encourage colleges to establish Principal Internship Programs (PIP/S) similar to the Vice-
Chancellor Internship Scheme (VCIS), allowing students to earn while they learn and contribute
towards activities such as but not limited to admissions, ofce and library management, faculty-led
projects and events beneting both students and institutions.
Mid-term Goals
· Conduct a comprehensive review of all programs across departments, ensuring the curriculum
remains relevant to long-term industry needs by incorporating emerging elds like AI, data
analytics, and sustainability.
· Introduce interdisciplinary courses that combine technical skills with industry knowledge, allowing
students to explore cross-cutting areas such as business and technology or health and data sciences.
· Strengthen partnerships with companies to provide more internships, real-world projects, and
industry-based research opportunities embedded in the curriculum.
· Implement continuous professional development programs for faculty to ensure that they stay
updated with industry trends and integrate this knowledge into their teaching.
Long-term Goals
· Establish centres of excellence dedicated to research and innovation in key industries, promoting
collaboration between academia, industry, and government on projects that inuence the future of
various sectors.
· Develop and offer lifelong learning programs, including advanced certications and diplomas,
enabling alumni and professionals to return to the University to upskill and remain competitive in
their elds.
· Position the University’s programs for global recognition, ensuring that graduates are prepared for
both local and international markets while adapting the curriculum to global industry trends.
· Implement a system of continuous curriculum revision, conducted in consultation with industry
experts, to ensure that programs remain dynamic, responsive to technological advancements, and
aligned with shifting market conditions.
3.3. Curriculum Embedded with Employability Skill
University of Delhi has integrated employability skills into its curriculum through a variety of
initiatives aimed at enhancing the practical application of knowledge. By adopting an
interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach, the University equips students with diverse skill

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 10

set that transcends traditional learning methods. This innovative teaching strategy, which extends
beyond the classroom, directly enhances students’ employability, preparing them for future
challenges. Through these efforts, the University is continuously working to align its programs with
the evolving demands of the job market, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for professional
Short-term Goals
· Expand interdisciplinary courses that merge multiple elds of study to sharpen critical thinking and
adaptability, addressing immediate industry demands.
· Strengthen collaborations with industries for guest lectures, short-term projects, and workshops that
offer students real-world insights into evolving job markets.
· Introduce skill-based workshops focused on practical applications in areas like data analytics,
coding, entrepreneurship, and digital marketing to boost employability.
· Encourage faculty to implement innovative teaching methods such as case-based, ipped class
room, project-based learning, and simulations to foster real-world problem-solving abilities.
Mid-term Goals
· Conduct a thorough review of all courses to ensure employability skills are integrated at every level,
keeping all programs aligned with the latest industry trends.
· Establish formal partnerships with businesses to provide more structured internships and
apprenticeships as well as hands-on industry experience.
· Create an institutional framework guiding departments to embed essential employability skills like
communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and digital literacy into their curricula.
· Introduce new courses in emerging elds such as AI, machine learning, sustainability, and data
science, preparing students for future technological advancements and industry shifts.
Long-term Goals
· Make employability skills a core component of all academic programs, with continuous revisions to
ensure alignment with changing global and local job market demands.
· Establish a dedicated centre for fostering collaboration between industry and academia, focusing on
research, skill development, and innovation that directly impacts curriculum design and student
· Partner with international universities and industries to align curriculum standards globally,
providing students with skills that are recognized and valued worldwide.
· Develop lifelong learning programs for alumni, enabling them to return to the University for
upskilling and reskilling, ensuring that University graduates continue to meet industry demands
throughout their careers.
3.4. Curriculum Embedded with Skill Enhancement Courses
The University of Delhi has actively integrated SECs into its curriculum under the UGCF 2022, in
alignment with NEP 2020. These courses are designed to provide students with practical skills that
enhance their employability and adaptability in a rapidly changing job market. SECs focus on hands-
on training in areas like communication, data analysis, digital literacy, entrepreneurship, and other
industry-relevant elds. The University collaborates with industry experts to ensure these courses
address current workforce demands, equipping students with skills that extend beyond traditional
academic knowledge. By combining classroom instruction with projects, internships, and
workshops, students are better prepared to excel in their profession.

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Short-term Goals
· Introduce new SECs in emerging elds like AI, data science, digital marketing, and entrepreneurship
to address immediate industry needs.
· Build stronger partnerships with industry to keep SECs updated with the latest trends and ensure
students acquire skills that are in demand.
· Provide students with short-term certication programs and workshops that complement their SECs,
helping them strengthen their professional proles.
· Promote the use of appropriate platforms within SECs to provide students with critical digital
literacy and workplace skills.
· Each department shall identify specic skills required for their students and offer skill courses
aligned with the National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET) and the National
Skills Qualication Framework (NSQF). The number of courses shall be designed to encourage a
multidisciplinary approach.
Mid-term Goals
· Conduct a detailed review of all SECs to ensure they remain relevant to both local and global
industry trends, striking a balance between soft and technical skills.
· Integrate mandatory internships or industry-based projects within SECs, allowing students to gain
practical experience for academic credit.
· Develop SECs that combine technical skills with industry-specic knowledge, such as blending data
analysis with business management or health sciences with technology.
· Offer continuous professional development programs for faculty to ensure they stay current with
industry standards and can effectively teach emerging skills.
· Departments shall collaborate with industry-leading institutions to certify skill enhancement
courses, allowing students to earn industry-recognized certications alongside academic credits.
Long-term Goals
· Establish centres dedicated to enhancing employability through skill development, research, and
industry collaboration, ensuring SECs evolve with emerging technologies.
· Partner with international institutions and industries to offer SECs that are globally recognized,
preparing students for both local and international job markets.
· Create opportunities for alumni to engage in SECs for upskilling and reskilling, ensuring that
University graduates remain competitive in their elds throughout their careers.
· Develop a system for regularly updating SECs based on industry feedback, alumni experiences, and
technological advancements, ensuring courses remain relevant to the evolving workforce.
3.5. Curriculum Embedded with Emerging Technologies to be Integrated with Future of Work
University of Delhi has started embedding emerging technologies into its curriculum in response to
the evolving demands of the workforce. With the implementation of the Undergraduate Curriculum
Framework (UGCF) 2022, the University is actively incorporating areas like Articial Intelligence
(AI), data analytics, blockchain, cybersecurity, and digital marketing into its programs. Courses
focused on these technologies are taught in the University/Colleges, which were developed in
collaboration with industry experts to ensure students are equipped with skills relevant to the future
of work. The University is encouraging students to study such courses that align with global industry
trends. The goal is to prepare students not only for the current job market but also for future roles
shaped by technological advancements.

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Short-term Goals
· Introduce more courses focused on AI, blockchain, data science, machine learning, and
cybersecurity to address immediate workforce needs.
· Strengthen the curriculum to ensure students acquire cutting-edge skills in emerging technologies.
· Establish partnerships with leading tech companies and start-ups to deliver guest lectures, seminars,
and practical workshops focused on real-world applications of emerging technologies.
· Incorporate hands-on learning experiences like coding boot camps, hackathons, and short-term
projects to provide students with practical knowledge of these technologies.
· Offer certication programs in emerging technologies to fast-track students’ employability and
prepare them for immediate workforce demands.
· Encourage students to apply their learning by developing applications for the institution, potentially
leading to revenue-generating initiatives, intellectual property, or patents.
Mid-term Goals
· Develop interdisciplinary programs that combine emerging technologies with elds like business,
healthcare, and environmental science to create well-rounded professionals capable of addressing
complex, cross-industry challenges.
· Conduct periodic reviews to ensure the curriculum remains aligned with technological
advancements, integrating elds like robotics, quantum computing, and sustainability.
· Implement mandatory internships or industry-led projects focused on emerging technologies,
allowing students to gain practical experience and solve real-world problems.
· Establish Centre for Emerging Technologies and Applications (CETA) to focus on the application
and integration of new technologies through multidisciplinary interaction. CETA shall work in
collaboration with leading tech companies alongside various faculties and centres within the
· Invest in continuous professional development programs for faculty, ensuring that faculty remain
informed on the latest technological advancements and can teach emerging technologies effectively.
· Partner with international institutions and companies for student exchange programs, joint research
initiatives, and cross-border collaborations in emerging technology elds.
Long-term Goals
· Plan and design twinning programs and dual degrees with foreign universities and top national
institutions in technology-related disciplines to provide students with global exposure and skills.
· Create dedicated Centres of Excellence focused on cutting-edge research and development in AI,
machine learning, quantum computing, and renewable energy. These centres shall promote
collaboration between academia, industry, and government.
· Implement a system of continuous curriculum updates, informed by industry feedback, new
research, and technological developments, to ensure courses remain relevant to future workforce
· Position the University as a global leader in tech education by aligning its programs with
international standards, ensuring that graduates are recognized worldwide for their technological
· Develop lifelong learning opportunities for alumni, enabling them to return to the University for
upskilling and reskilling in emerging technologies, thus staying competitive in the ever-evolving job

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3.6. Centre for Curricular & Life Skills Development (CCLSD)
Institute of Lifelong Learning (ILLL) at the University of Delhi plays a pivotal role in fostering
continuous learning, both for students and faculty, by offering a variety of programs and resources
designed to enhance educational experiences. ILLL was established with the aim of providing
innovative educational materials, integrating technology in education, and promoting lifelong
learning opportunities in line with global educational standards. Its primary focus is on curriculum
enhancement, digital content creation, and capacity building through various initiatives.
Short-term Goals
· University shall establish a Centre for Curricular & Life Skills Development (CCLSD) which would
aim to enhance both curricular knowledge and life skills among students. CCLSD’s core focus would
be to provide students with essential life skills, including communication, leadership, critical
thinking, and emotional intelligence, alongside technical and academic competencies. Each
college/department shall have a dedicated Centre with prime responsibility of exploring mechanisms
of inculcating required skills of the 21st century to all stakeholders. A separate post may be
sanctioned for running such Centres and hired personnel shall be himself/herself equipped with the
desired skill-set.
· Work with various University departments to integrate life skills training into existing courses and
identify skill gaps that CCLSD can address through specialized programs.
· Start workshops and training sessions focused on critical life skills, such as communication,
teamwork, and leadership, tailored to complement the existing curriculum.
· Engage professionals from industries to deliver short-term workshops on life skills such as problem-
solving, adaptability, and emotional intelligence.
· Develop short-term certicate programs focused on specic life skills, allowing students to enhance
their employability by acquiring credentials alongside their degree.
· Launch peer-mentoring programs and student-led activities that focus on personal growth, public
speaking, and other critical life skills.
Mid-term Goals
· Collaborate with academic departments to embed life skills development directly into the curriculum
across programs, ensuring all students receive training as part of their coursework.
· Strengthen partnerships with industries to create real-world projects, internships, and experiential
learning opportunities where students can apply life skills in a practical setting.
· Develop interdisciplinary programs that combine life skills with academic knowledge, fostering
critical thinking, adaptability, and problem-solving in various real-life contexts.
· Offer continuous training programs for faculty members to incorporate life skills teaching into their
courses, ensuring a holistic approach to student development.
· Organize University-wide competitions focused on leadership, communication, and innovation to
encourage the practical application of life skills.
Long-term Goals
· Position the CCLSD as a national hub for curricular and life skills development by partnering with
governmental bodies, industries, and other educational institutions.
· Partner with international institutions to exchange best practices and integrate global standards in life
skills development, ensuring DU students are globally competitive.
· Create a dedicated research centre within CCLSD focused on life skills education, developing new
methodologies and frameworks for skill-building that can be implemented across higher education

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· Implement a continuous feedback mechanism where CCLSD works with industry partners to revise
and update life skills programs in alignment with evolving job market trends and societal needs.
3.7. Faculty/ Teaching Staff
The Faculty at the University of Delhi play a pivotal role in shaping students’ academic and holistic
development. With the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and the
Undergraduate Curriculum Framework (UGCF) 2022, the University emphasizes enhancing
faculty skills, promoting inter and multi-disciplinary research, and fostering industry-academia
collaborations. The University provides supports through Faculty Development Programs (FDPs),
conferences, and research opportunities, while they contribute to curriculum design, digital content,
and initiatives like Skill Enhancement Courses (SECs), Value Addition Courses (VACs), and
MOOCs. As workforce and educational demands evolve, the University is prioritizing faculty
upskilling to meet modern pedagogical and research standards.
Short-term Goals
· Each department shall actively engage in creating detailed lesson plans, assessment modules, and
reading lists for new courses, with these plans made available on institutional websites for student
· Each faculty member shall organize or participate in at least one FDP in a ve-year span, promoting
discipline-specic expertise.
· Foster inter-institutional faculty visits under existing MoUs for collaborative curriculum
development, research projects, and knowledge exchange. Institutions shall hold weekly guest
lectures by faculty from allied departments to encourage a multidisciplinary educational approach.
· Organize FDPs and workshops on the integration of technologies like AI, data analytics, and digital
teaching tools, enhancing classroom engagement.
· Encourage faculty to undertake training in platforms such as MOOCs to integrate them into their
teaching practices, supporting NEP 2020 goals.
· Encourage faculty to adopt diverse instructional strategies such as blended learning, project-based
learning, and case studies to keep pace with global educational trends.
· Provide faculty with greater incentives for engaging in research, including access to grants and
opportunities for national and international collaborations.
Mid-term Goals
· Strengthen partnerships with industry to ensure faculty are well-versed in current trends and can
bring real-world applications into the classroom
· Encourage faculty to take part in industry-led projects, internships, and consultancy work, helping
bridge the gap between academic knowledge and professional practice.
· Establish global partnerships for faculty exchange programs, collaborative research, and
participation in international conferences and seminars.
· Create Centres of Excellence in areas such as AI, sustainability, and interdisciplinary studies to
provide faculty with platforms for high-impact research and industry collaboration.
· Ensure faculty have the resources and training to integrate new technologies into their teaching
practices, preparing students for future industry needs.
· Implement faculty mentorship programs where senior faculty guide junior staff on research
methodologies, curriculum innovation, and publication.
· Introduce incentive-based schemes for faculty who engage in activities like content creation, student
projects, and start-up incubation.

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Long-term Goals
· Position University as a global leader in higher education by nurturing world-class faculty expertise,
encouraging international research collaborations, and promoting active participation in global
academic networks
· Establish a system for lifelong learning where faculty regularly undergo advanced training,
certication, and upskilling programs to stay updated on global trends and advancements in
education and technology
· Foster long-term partnerships with government and private sector organizations for research
funding, consultancy services, and the practical application of research ndings.
· Train faculty to take on leadership roles within the University and contribute to national and
international policy-making in the higher education sector.
· Create platforms for faculty to participate in the development of educational policies, curriculum
reform, and planning, ensuring that University remains at the forefront of academic innovation.
3.8. Continuous Faculty Development
The University through Malviya Mission Teacher Training Centres (MMTTCs) facilitates
continuous learning and development for teaching staff. These centres play a critical role in
enhancing the skills, knowledge, and pedagogical techniques of faculty members. The University
envisions to align with the evolving demands of education and industry. The University aims to
expand its faculty development initiatives through increased engagement with industry experts and
other professional networks.
Short-term Goals
· The University plans to leverage its connections with industry by involving experts from various
disciplines in FDPs and workshops organized by MMTTCs. This shall allow faculty to learn
industry-relevant skills, modern technologies, and emerging trends to ensure their teaching aligns
with workforce demands.
· MMTTCs shall organize more frequent FDPs, with an emphasis on multidisciplinary approaches,
digital literacy, and modern pedagogical tools, ensuring that faculty are equipped to teach in the
evolving higher education landscape.
Mid-term Goals
· MMTTCs shall establish an advisory body composed of industry leaders, academic experts, and
policymakers to ensure that the faculty development programs are aligned with current industry
needs and trends. This body shall provide insights into curriculum updates, training needs, and
emerging skills, helping faculty members stay relevant and prepared for the changing educational
· Develop specialized FDPs tailored for different faculties and departments based on the latest
developments in their respective elds, ensuring that each department receives focused training
relevant to their discipline.
Long-term Goals
· The University envisions positioning itself as a leader in faculty development by collaborating with
international institutions and accrediting bodies, ensuring that its faculty development programs
meet global standards. The CFD shall offer global teaching certications, encouraging faculty
members to participate in international exchanges and advanced leadership training.
· Establish a system for continuous faculty learning and development, including ongoing assessment
of their skills and teaching methods, to ensure that faculty members are constantly updating their
knowledge and expertise in line with technological and pedagogical advancements.

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3.9. Non-Teaching Staff
The non-teaching staff at the University of Delhi are vital to its functioning, playing a crucial role in
administration, support services, and overall institutional operations. The University is committed to
enhancing their skills and professional development to ensure the smooth operation of academic and
administrative activities. This effort aligns with the evolving needs of modern educational
institutions, where administrative efciency, digital literacy, and communication skills are key. At
present, the non-teaching staff at the University includes a diverse range of roles, from administrative
ofcers to support staff, each contributing to the institution’s day-to-day operations. However, with
the increasing digitalization of processes and the growing complexity of educational administration,
there is a recognized need to upskill non-teaching personnel in areas such as digital literacy,
communication, and the implementation of new government regulations.
Short-term Goals
· The University shall conduct periodic training programs for administrative staff. These programs
shall focus on updating staff with the latest government by laws, institutional regulations, and
University procedures. Additionally, training shall be provided on using digital tools and platforms
for efcient management of University operations.
· Organize workshops to familiarize staff with new or updated government policies, ensuring that the
University’s administrative practices comply with legal and regulatory changes.
Mid-term Goals
· Implement training modules that focus on enhancing soft skills, human resource management, and
conict resolution, particularly for staff who interact with students and the public, improving the
overall University experience.
Long-term Goals
· Develop career progression pathways for non-teaching staff, including leadership development
programs for those in middle and senior administrative roles. This shall create opportunities for
professional growth and help retain talented staff within the University.
3.10. Session Wise Teaching Plan
Many faculty members already provide teaching plans at the beginning of the semester, though the
depth and format of these plans can vary. While some departments require faculty members to share a
detailed syllabus with citations and references, others may offer only broad outlines. A more uniform
and structured approach to sharing detailed monthly plans with appropriate study materials is still
Short-term Goals
· Though there is some progress towards better planning and transparency in teaching plans, but a
more standardized system is needed.
· Standardizing session wise teaching plan across all departments, ensuring consistency, and making
sure study material links are easily accessible for all students
· Regular communication between departments, continuous training for faculty, and enforcing
deadlines for submitting teaching plans shall likely enhance consistency.
Mid-term Goals
· Incorporating continuous feedback from students into session plan during the mid-semester shall be
highly useful.
· Creating a digital system to improve the quality of study materials and session plans.

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Long-term Goals
· The University shall strive towards rationalizing the sessions plans of departments across Central
Universities (CUs). The University shall take the lead of streamlining the academic calendar across
all central universities which is desirable for promoting the multiple exits and multiple entry scheme
among CUs.
· A centralized initiative to streamline academic planning across central universities is a larger goal
that requires signicant coordination, and the University is in a strong position to take leadership in
this regard.
3.11. Comprehensive Learning Resources for Students
Students at the University often rely on external textbooks and publications, with many
recommended by faculty at the start of the semester. Some departments provide their own study
material in the form of syllabus booklets, lecture notes, or reading lists. These are usually curated by
the faculty and sometimes made available through the department library or online portals. Many
faculty members upload lecture notes, presentations, and additional reading materials on Google
Classroom or other Learning Management Systems (LMS). Additionally, platforms like Swayam
and e-PG Pathshala, developed by the Ministry of Education, are utilized by some students. The
University has a well-established library system with access to physical and digital resources,
including journals and e-books. The Delhi University Library System (DULS) offers access to
databases like JSTOR, ScienceDirect, and Oxford University Press, giving students access to
academic journals and books.
Short-term Goals
· The University shall reach out to collaborate with established organisations to ensure efcient
production and distribution of books for undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
· Each department shall establish a content development committee to create learning material,
including question banks, lecture notes, and multidisciplinary study guides. Faculty teams within
departments shall begin compiling comprehensive study materials aligned with the current
· Improve access to digital resources and learning materials through the University’s digital portals
like Google Classroom or Learning Management Systems (LMS).
· Encourage faculty to regularly upload course materials, reading lists, and supplementary notes on
these platforms.
· Each department shall create a repository of question papers from the last ve years for each course
and publish them on their website for ease of access.
Mid-term Goals
· The University shall come up with its own curriculum-based study material for national circulation
and adoption, especially on new subjects. The faculty members shall create reading lists for each
course (at least at the PG level), which shall be updated annually, with exceptions for necessary
classics, contemporary works, or fundamental readings. Collaboration with the University Grants
Commission (UGC) and other central universities can also be pursued.
· Ensure that reading lists for all courses, especially at the postgraduate level, are updated annually to
include recent developments and publications. Faculty members shall work with department
committees to revise and enhance the reading lists every academic year while maintaining key
classical texts.
· Create a centralized digital repository of question banks, compendiums, and previous years’ exam
papers accessible to all students. Departments shall collaborate to digitize and upload these resources
to a University-wide portal.

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· Each department shall create a probable set of diverse questions every year to benet slow learners.
Long-term Goals
· The University shall establish a peer review system for rationalizing its study material once every
three years, which shall involve national and international subject experts. Each department shall
identify a list of experts in their respective sub-disciplines and domains.
· Work with the UGC and other academic bodies to align curricula and study materials, ensuring that
University produced books and resources can be adopted nationwide.
· Transition towards digital publishing of textbooks and study materials, offering open-access content
for all students, not just those enrolled in the University.
3.12. Assignments and Assessments
Assignments and assessments at the University are governed by the process laid down by the
Departmental Council (DC). Many courses require students to submit assignments throughout the
semester, often in the form of written essays, project reports, or presentations. Assessments usually
include mid-term exams, end-semester exams, and internal assessments such as quizzes, practical, or
viva voice. Some departments also employ continuous assessment techniques, where students are
evaluated based on their participation, presentations, or regular submissions. While many faculty
members follow standard assessment patterns, the overall structure and implementation vary across
Short-term Goals
· Standardize Assignment Guidelines across departments. Faculty members shall follow uniform
guidelines for structuring assignments, clearly stating objectives, evaluation criteria, and deadlines.
These guidelines shall be made available to students at the beginning of each semester.
· Create a centralized portal for assignment submissions. This portal shall allow students to submit
assignments online, track deadlines, and receive feedback from faculty members in a structured
manner. Departments can integrate this portal with existing LMS platforms and Google Classroom.
· Diversify assessment formats to include a mix of written assignments, presentations, group projects,
and multimedia submissions. This shall help in catering to different learning styles and give students
the chance to showcase a range of skills.
· Each department shall compile and provide students with sample assignments from previous years,
available on the department’s website or the University’s LMS platform, to give students a clear idea
of expectations.
Mid-term Goals
· Teaching skills shall be made part of assignments under Ph.D. course work. The research scholars
shall provide support to faculty members as Teaching Assistants for tutorials and evaluation of
assignments along with remedial lectures.
· Introduce a system of continuous assessment to reduce reliance on traditional exams. Each
department shall develop a system where students are assessed regularly through quizzes, projects,
and participation throughout the semester, which contributes to their nal grade.
· Feedback Mechanism: Implement a formalized feedback system for assignments. Faculty members
shall provide constructive feedback on each submission, detailing areas of improvement and
achievements. Feedback shall be provided within a set timeframe (e.g., two weeks after submission).
· Establish a repository of assessments across different courses. Departments shall compile past
question papers and sample assignments from a range of courses, which can serve as a reference for
students when preparing for future assessments.

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· Peer Review Assignments: Introduce peer-reviewed assignments where students are encouraged to
review and provide feedback on each other’s work under faculty supervision. This shall foster
collaboration and improve critical thinking skills.
Long-term Goals
· Develop rubric-based assessment tools to ensure transparent and objective grading across
assignments. Faculty members shall be trained to use these rubrics, which shall provide clear grading
parameters and minimize subjectivity.
· Transition towards online assessments, using tools that allow students to take quizzes, submit
assignments, and undergo online exams securely. Invest in proctoring technologies and other digital
tools to ensure the integrity of the assessment process.
· Align assessments closely with the course curriculum and learning outcomes. Each department shall
revise their assessment methods every three years to ensure that assignments and assessments are
relevant, modern, and encourage the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
· Collaborate with international institutions to develop global assessment standards for key subjects,
ensuring that the assessment system at University of Delhi aligns with global best practices.
3.13. Value added skills enhancement courses
Value-added skills enhancement courses at the University are offered through certain courses and
departments that aim to provide students with interdisciplinary skills beyond their core curriculum.
These courses focus on soft skills, technical prociency, and industry-specic knowledge to enhance
employability and overall competency. Further, value education in the form of Value Addition
Courses are also provided to nurture youths to become good citizens, rooted in the Indian culture,
understand and take pride in the Hkkjrh; Kku ijEijk and be willing to perform social service. While
some departments offer certication programs, workshops, or seminars on these topics, the
availability and structure of such courses vary across the University. There is potential to expand
these offerings and standardize their integration into the academic framework to ensure that all
students can benet from them.
Short-term Goals
· Each department shall introduce at least one skills enhancement course per year. These course(s)
shall focus on industry-relevant skills, such as communication, data analysis, digital literacy, and
entrepreneurship. Departments can collaborate with industry experts to design these courses,
ensuring relevance and applicability.
· Collaborate with platforms like Swayam, Coursera, or edX to offer free/affordable online courses
that students can take to develop additional skills.
· Establish short-term certicate programs that focus on specic skill sets such as public speaking,
leadership, or advanced Excel, which are essential for workplace readiness. These programs can be
offered during semester breaks or as electives.
· Offer workshops and seminars that focus on soft skills development like teamwork, time
management, and critical thinking. These workshops shall be made available to students of all
departments to ensure comprehensive skills enhancement.
· The University shall make efforts towards introducing Indian Traditional Skill courses so that such
skills are promoted and preserved from being lost in future.
· Develop more value addition courses to strengthen value education.
Mid-term Goals
· Develop interdisciplinary value-added courses that allow students from different departments to
collaborate on projects, encouraging knowledge exchange and the development of multi-

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disciplinary skills. For example, courses that combine technology and humanities or management
and science could be introduced.
· Introduce a system where value-added papers are reviewed annually and updated to reect emerging
trends in the job market and industry requirements. Departments shall engage with industry
professionals, alumni, and subject matter experts to ensure that the courses are aligned with current
· Collaborate with companies and organizations to offer skill-enhancement internships that align with
value-added courses. These internships shall provide practical, hands-on experience in areas related
to the skills covered in the courses.
· Organize University-wide competitions and hackathons related to innovation, entrepreneurship,
and technology skills. These events can encourage students to apply what they have learned in value-
added courses to real-world problems and develop their problem-solving skills.
Long-term Goals
· The University shall channelize its MoUs and collaborations with industry and societal institutions
of importance for initiating skill enhancement and value-added courses which shall be taught by
skill equipped faculty as well as industry/society experts.
· Make it mandatory for students to take a certain number of value-added skill enhancement courses to
graduate. These courses shall cover both technical and soft skills relevant to each eld of study. A
structured pathway shall be created for students to progressively build these skills over their
academic years.
· Collaborate with global certication bodies to provide students with internationally recognized
certications in elds such as project management, data science, and cybersecurity. This shall
ensure students’ skills are recognized worldwide, enhancing their employability on a global scale.
3.14. Pedagogical Teaching Methods to be Employed
The University has transformed its pedagogical methods by supplementing it with online and
blended learning approaches, providing resources like lecture notes, solved problems, videos, and
study materials through platforms such as Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams. Interactive
sessions, including quizzes, discussions, presentations, and group activities, foster self-assessment
and critical thinking skills. Faculty members and industry professionals lead workshops, debates,
and seminars to enhance students’ skills. Departments employ various strategies to improve learning
outcomes, prioritizing technology, practical approaches, and diverse teaching methodologies.
Teachers utilize ICT-enabled tools and multimedia resources to create engaging lectures, while
online assessments and feedback mechanisms track student progress. With increased access to
digital tools and evolving educational paradigms, the University aims to implement diverse teaching
strategies that cater to different learning styles and enhance student engagement and outcomes.
Short-term Goals
· Introduce a blended learning model where online learning materials are combined with in-person
instruction. Faculty shall be encouraged to create video lectures, online quizzes, and reading
material for students to access through LMS platforms like Google Classroom or Moodle. These can
complement face-to-face classes, allowing students to review material at their own pace.
· Promote the use of active learning techniques such as group discussions, case studies, and problem-
solving activities during class sessions. Faculty shall include more in-class assignments that
encourage students to apply what they’ve learned, rather than passively absorb information.
· The ipped classroom model be used in all the departments to enable effective use of classroom time
for discussion, application, and problem-solving. To this end, the different pedagogies, including
ipped classroom shall form part of the modules for teachers’ training/FDP/Capacity Building.

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· There shall be a periodic assessment of the teaching skills of every faculty member with the help of a
peer review system to improve their skills. The mechanism for this shall be developed with the help
of Central Institute of Education of the University.
· Invest in educational technology tools such as smartboards, classroom response systems, and virtual
labs. These tools can enhance interactive learning, enabling real-time assessments and deeper
engagement with course content.
Mid-term Goals
· The departments/colleges shall organize workshops and training programmes to upgrade the faculty
pedagogical skills to disseminate the various strands of BGP with the assistance of MMTTCs once
in 5 years.
· University can incorporate Problem-Based Learning (PBL) across more departments, where
students learn by working on real-world problems that require them to research, collaborate, and
apply concepts to nd solutions. This method can enhance critical thinking, creativity, and
collaborative skills.
Long-term Goals
· Implement a full-edged Outcome-Based Education (OBE) system where each course is designed
with clear learning outcomes. Faculty shall align their teaching methods and assessments to ensure
that students achieve these outcomes by the end of the course. Regular review of these outcomes
shall help ensure that teaching methods remain effective.
· Establish comprehensive faculty development programs to train teachers in modern pedagogical
methods, including digital learning tools, problem-based learning, and ipped classrooms.
Continuous professional development shall help faculty stay updated with the latest teaching
strategies and technologies.
3.15. Other Activities as Part of Learning
University engages students in various extracurricular activities that complement their academic
learning, including cultural events, sports, workshops, and seminars. While these activities are
valuable for holistic development, they often operate independently of the formal curriculum. There
is a lack of integration between academic studies and extracurricular activities, which limits
opportunities for students to apply their learning in real-world contexts. Enhanced collaboration and
structured involvement in other activities can signicantly enrich the educational experience.
Short-term Goals
· Encourage departments to integrate co-curricular activities into their academic programs. Faculty
shall plan activities such as debates, workshops, guest lectures, and eld trips related to course
content, allowing students to connect theoretical knowledge with practical applications.
· Incorporation of one physical activity in a student’s daily routine to reduce stress and sedentary
lifestyle. Also, to alleviate the risk of rising lifestyle diseases amongst youth, there shall be goal-
based reward for maintaining basic lifestyle achieving milestones.
· Introduce community service projects that encourage students to apply their skills in real-world
settings. Departments shall collaborate with local organizations for students to participate in
volunteering activities, which can enhance their understanding of societal issues while developing a
sense of social responsibility
Mid-term Goals
· Organize University wide competitions and cultural festivals that celebrate student talent in various
elds, including academic competitions, art shows, and sports events. These events shall be aligned
with learning objectives and provide opportunities for students to showcase their skills and
University of Delhi: IDP 2024 22
· Encourage students to engage in research projects outside of their regular coursework. Departments
shall provide mentorship and support for students interested in pursuing research, enhancing their
analytical skills and fostering a culture of inquiry.
· Students at Ph.D. level shall be encouraged to take up Teaching Assistantship under the guidance of
the faculty members of the department and support them for remedial lectures/tutorials.
Long-term Goals
· Develop an alumni mentorship program that connects current students with alumni who can share
insights from their experiences and provide guidance on career paths. Regular alumni events and
talks can enhance networking opportunities and expose students to different career trajectories.
· Implement a system to regularly evaluate and gather feedback on extracurricular activities and their
impact on student learning. This mechanism shall help in rening and enhancing the programs
offered, ensuring they meet the needs and interests of students.
3.16. Earn while Learn Facility & Flexibility
Currently, the University offers limited opportunities for students to engage in part-time work while
pursuing their studies. Some departments have informal arrangements for research assistantships or
internships. Enhancing the earn while learn facility can signicantly improve students’ nancial
independence and professional experience.
Short-term Goals
· Each department shall initiate MoUs with relevant agencies for promoting paid internship
programmes. The University shall also encourage the PM Internship Scheme launched under-
privileged students.
· Collaborate with local businesses, organizations, and campus facilities to create a range of part-time
job opportunities specically designed for students. These jobs shall accommodate students’
schedules and provide exible hours to ensure they can balance work and study.
· Develop structured on-campus employment programs that allow students to work in various
departments, such as library services, administrative support, or event management. These positions
shall be designed to be exible and adaptable to students’ academic commitments.
· Enhance career services to assist students in nding suitable part-time employment. This includes
workshops on resume building, interview skills, and job search strategies tailored to help students
secure jobs that align with their academic goals.
Mid-term Goals
· The Principal Internship Schemes shall incorporate stipend for students engaged in such internships.
· Expand internship and cooperative education programs that provide students with real-world work
experience while they study. These programs shall be developed in collaboration with industry
partners to ensure relevance and effectiveness.
Long-term Goals
· Each department shall establish a corpus through collaboration with listed agencies, industries and
embassies for supporting students as interns to earn stipend. It shall further incentivize the interns for
having advantage in prospective placements.
· The University shall create a mechanism to provide stipend to students undertaking teaching
assistantships to the economically weaker candidates. The rewards shall also be in the form of fee
waivers for such candidates working as assistants.
· Implement a system for evaluating the effectiveness of the earn while learn initiatives. Feedback
from students, employers, and faculty shall be gathered regularly to rene and improve the programs
offered, ensuring they meet the evolving needs of students and the job market.
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3.17. Flexibility and Multi-Disciplinarity
The University follows a more traditional discipline-based structure, which may limit students’
ability to explore courses outside their primary elds of study. With the introduction of UGCF a
multidisciplinary approach has been introduced at the undergraduate level. Similar program in line
with NEP 2020 at post graduate level would enhance exibility and multi-disciplinarity for students.
Increasing exibility in course selection and promoting a multidisciplinary approach can enhance
learning and prepare students for the interconnected nature of modern challenges.
The University promotes interdisciplinary research by establishing several multidisciplinary
research centres, such as Agricultural Economics Research Centre, Centre for Global Studies, Centre
for Interdisciplinary Studies of Mountain and Hill Environment, Centre for Hindu Studies, Centre
for Tribal Studies etc.
Short-term Goals
· Implement a more exible course registration process that allows students to enrol in courses from
other departments or faculties without excessive prerequisites. This shall encourage students to
explore interests outside their primary eld of study and promote a broader academic experience.
· Introduce interdisciplinary minor programs that allow students to pursue additional studies in
complementary elds. For example, a major in Environmental Science could offer a minor in Policy
Studies or Sustainability, enabling students to blend knowledge from different areas.
· Organize cross-departmental workshops and seminars where faculty can present research and topics
that intersect various disciplines. This shall encourage students to see connections between elds and
foster collaborative learning.
· Develop exible learning pathways that guide students in selecting courses and experiences that
align with their career goals and interests. Advisors shall be trained to help students navigate these
pathways effectively.
Mid-term Goals
· Create formal interdisciplinary programs to address real-world issues, such as climate change or
public health, drawing from the expertise of various departments.
· Encourage collaborative projects between different departments where students from diverse
disciplines can work together on research or community service initiatives.
· The University shall devise a mechanism to allow student candidates to train under faculty members
across other departments to gain inter-disciplinary knowledge during their Ph.D. programme.
Long-term Goals
· Establish partnerships with other universities and research institutions to create collaborative
programs that allow students to take courses across disciplines. This could include joint degrees or
exchange programs that enhance students’ educational experiences.
· Strengthen the existing transdisciplinary research centres and develop further more research centres
focused on address complex societal challenges. These centres provide opportunities for students
and faculty to engage in collaborative research, facilitating innovation and knowledge-sharing.
· Implement a comprehensive evaluation system to assess the effectiveness of multidisciplinary
initiatives and exible learning options. Regular feedback from students, faculty, and industry
partners shall be essential for continuous improvement and ensuring the relevance of programs
3.18. International Exposure to the Students
The University offers limited opportunities for students to gain international exposure, primarily
through exchange programs and study abroad initiatives. Some of the departments facilitate

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partnerships with foreign institutions, but these programs are not universally accessible to all
students. There is a need for a structured framework to support international collaborations, to
engage students in global learning experiences. Increasing international exposure can enhance
students’ cultural competencies and better prepare them for the global job market.
Short-term Goals
· Enhance existing student exchange programs by establishing partnerships with a broader range of
international universities. Departments shall identify institutions that offer complementary programs
to facilitate student mobility and cross-cultural experiences.
· Develop short-term study abroad options, such as summer schools or winter internships, that allow
students to experience international education without committing to a full semester or year. These
programs shall focus on specic skills or topics relevant to students’ elds.
· Introduce Twinning programmes with Foreign Higher Education Institutions (FHEI) by developing
the requisite modalities for the same.
Mid-term Goals
· The University shall establish a mechanism to promote an exchange programme for selecting
students to undergo training and academic tutoring from international institutions with whom the
University holds MoUs.
· Promote exchange of ideas through Joint Ph.D. degree programmes in collaboration with
international institutions and universities by establishing specic MoUs.
· Facilitate internships with international organizations or multinational companies, providing
students with hands-on experience in diverse work environments. Departments shall work to
establish connections with organizations willing to host students.
Long-term Goals
· Develop a comprehensive Global Education Strategy that outlines the University’s commitment to
enhancing international exposure for students. This strategy shall include clear objectives, resources,
and action plans for fostering global learning experiences.
· The University shall introduce joint degree programmes in collaboration with Top 500 Universities.
· The University shall systematise the mobility of students and credit transfer through Twinning
· Implement a systematic evaluation process for international exposure programs to assess their
effectiveness and impact on student learning outcomes. Regular feedback from participants shall be
crucial for continuous improvement and relevance.
3.19. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The University of Delhi, through the establishment of the Section 8 company, Udhmodya
Foundation, has made signicant strides in promoting innovation, incubation, and start-ups. The
foundation has successfully incubated numerous start-ups, contributing to the entrepreneurial
ecosystem. An impressive amount of funds has already been released to support and incubate various
ideas and ventures through a transparent and structured process.
Looking ahead, the Foundation seeks to enhance its impact and outreach through the following
strategic actions:
Short-term Goals
· Expand awareness programs across the University and partner institutions to attract more students
and young entrepreneurs.
· Establish mentorship opportunities by connecting start-ups with experienced industry professionals.

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· Host regular pitch events and innovation challenges to encourage idea generation and early-stage
Mid- term Goals
· Create a dedicated seed fund and resources for start-ups transitioning from the incubation stage to
market entry.
· Build strategic partnerships with industry leaders, investors, and government bodies to provide
additional support to incubated start-ups.
· Implement skill development workshops, focusing on critical areas like product development,
marketing, and nancial management to equip entrepreneurs with the necessary tools to scale.
Long-term Goals
· Set up a robust alumni network of successful start-ups that can give back through mentoring and
funding future cohorts.
· Expand the scope of incubation to a broader range of sectors, including social entrepreneurship, green
technologies, and digital transformation.
· Work towards positioning Udhmodya Foundation as a national leader in innovation and
entrepreneurship, fostering a culture of long-term sustainability and impact.
With this structured approach, Udhmodya Foundation aims to continuously foster innovation and
contribute to the growth of a dynamic start-up ecosystem.

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4. Research and Intellectual Property Enablers
The University of Delhi through its legacy of cutting-edge research and innovation has made a
signicant impact in addressing the challenges faced by the society at large. The University, through its
Research Council, encourages researchers to engage in collaborative initiatives in diverse elds. With a
multi-disciplinary approach to research, the University fosters an environment of generating ground-
breaking ideas which yield valuable intellectual property.
4.1. Quality Research Programmes to be introduced
The University shall look into the development of several innovative and quality research initiatives in
all programs, driven by global trends, societal needs, and advances in technology. These programs shall
align with the University’s goal to remain a leader in education, research, and collaboration. Here are
some potential research programs the University might focus upon in the coming years:
Implementation of a Research-Based Curriculum: Implementing a research-based curriculum and
increasing student intake closely aligns with the newly introduced Undergraduate Curriculum
Framework (UGCF) under the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.This framework promotes a
multidisciplinary approach, equipping students for advanced academic and professional careers. To
enhance the academic and research experience, the project work integral to both undergraduate and
postgraduate programs need a more streamlined and effective process. There is an urgent need to develop
and strengthen research facilities in colleges.
Short-term Goals
· Upgrade and expand research infrastructure at the undergraduate level, ensuring access to basic
research tools, laboratories, and facilities to promote early-stage research engagement.
· With increasing global focus on climate change, student projects at both undergraduate and
postgraduate levels may focus on climate resilience, sustainable agriculture, and water resource
· Embedding interdisciplinary projects shall empower students to translate theoretical knowledge
into real-world challenges, enhancing problem-solving and critical thinking.
· Strengthen the mentorship programs where senior researchers and faculty provide guidance to
students on research topic selection and methodology, fostering early-stage involvement in
research activities.
Mid-term Goals
· Strengthen research infrastructure within departments by modernizing labs, acquiring advanced
equipment, and providing dedicated research spaces for faculty and students to support ongoing
and interdisciplinary projects.
· Research on solar, wind, and alternative energy sources, with a focus on energy-efcient
technologies shall be a critical area for postgraduate and Ph.D. exploration. Incorporating live
projects and case studies into courses shall give students hands-on experience in research
methodologies, fostering a research mindset early on.
· Promote interdisciplinary research by strengthening collaborations between departments and
external institutions, while ensuring the continuous upgrading and maintenance of infrastructure
and resources to support innovation in areas addressing national and societal challenges.
· Expand the mentorship programs by formalizing structures for ongoing support, including
assistance with grant writing, publication strategies, and research collaborations, ensuring a robust
pipeline for student researchers.

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Long-term Goals:
· Establish a comprehensive, state-of-the-art research ecosystem across all academic levels, from
undergraduate to departmental, positioning the University as a hub of innovation and research
excellence both nationally and internationally.
· Establish colleges and departments as a centre of excellence in research and innovation, producing
high-impact scholarly work and patented technologies, while maintaining and enhancing
infrastructure to support sustained academic and industrial advancements.
· Research on smart city infrastructure, waste management, and urban biodiversity shall be
undertaken which shall be essential to address the challenges of India’s rapid urbanization.
· Institutionalize mentorship programs across all departments, creating a sustained culture of
research excellence where students receive continuous mentorship from experienced faculty,
positioning them for success in securing grants and contributing to impactful research.
Undertaking quality research projects: Carrying out high-quality research projects requires a structured
approach that aligns with University’s existing strengths, resources, and goals. The University of Delhi
has a solid research foundation across diverse disciplines. In addition to its teaching mission, its
departments are actively involved in research, utilizing both internal and external resources. Moving
forward, the University must develop a clear funding plan by directly investing in priority research areas.
The thrust research areas identied by the University of Delhi are aligned with the mission of the
Government of India, particularly through the newly established Anusandhan National Research
Foundation (ANRF). The University has outlined the following major research themes for the coming
· Quantum Technologies, Articial Intelligence & Machine Learning
· Climate Change, Sustainable Practices and development
· Technologically Advanced Materials
· Bhartiya Gyan Parampara
· Language, Translation and Literary Studies
· Heritage, Culture, Music and Arts
· Entrepreneurship and Technology Incubators
· Geopolitical and Transnational Studies
· Social Justice and Community Engagement
· Global Trade and Supply Chain Management
· Informatics, Communications and Media
· Leadership and Governance
· Corporate Governance and Finance
· Contemporary Law and Justice System
· Peace and Conict Resolution
· Research leading to Food Security vis-a-vis Agricultural Sciences
· Health and Medical Sciences
· Scientic and Technological interfaces with Humanities and Social Sciences

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Short-term Goals
· Future work shall focus on emerging research areas such as Articial Intelligence (AI), Data
Science, Biotechnology, Genomics, and Nanotechnology, alongside policy research and cultural
preservation. Integrating the traditional Bhartiya Gyan Parampara (BGP) into modern agricultural
practices, like precision farming and smart systems, is crucial. The University may also support in
these cutting-edge research areas.
· To support research, the University shall regularly update and disseminate clear research guidelines
and conduct workshops on proposal writing, grant applications, and ethical compliance.
· Access to scientic instruments at the University Science Instrumentation Centre (USIC), North
Campus and Central Instrumentation Facility, South Campus shall be enhanced through training
sessions for researchers and students.
· Strengthening ethical and compliance frameworks, including creating an ethics ofce and updating
the intellectual property (IP) guidelines, shall ensure adherence to international standards and
protect research innovations.
· Conduct a comprehensive audit of existing research facilities, equipment, and labs to assess current
capabilities, strengths, and immediate needs, establishing a baseline for future improvements
Mid-term Goals
· Future plans shall include establishing Centres of Excellence in key areas like Quantum
Computing, AI-Driven Social Science, Industrial Biotechnology, Techno-Humanities Research,
and Cultural Heritage Preservation to foster interdisciplinary research and attract fundings from
various agencies. A Faculty of Design, including Departments of Industrial and Architectural
Design, can further enhance innovation.
· Investing in research infrastructure, including new labs and advanced technology, is essential to
support cutting-edge research. Analyse the audit ndings to identify gaps in research infrastructure
and prioritize upgrades or expansions of facilities and equipment based on current and projected
research needs.
· Additionally, community-driven, mid-scale projects shall be initiated to address regional
challenges and demonstrate the University’s societal impact.
Long-term Goals
· The University shall implement a Longevity Research Program, focusing on extending human
lifespan, improving health-span, and enhancing quality of life through interdisciplinary research in
biology, medicine, technology, and social sciences. This would position the institution as a leader in
longevity research with signicant societal and healthcare benets.
· Establishing the institution as a hub for advanced research in emerging elds like AI, Genomics,
and Advanced Materials shall drive transformative discoveries.
· Sustaining long-term research funding is crucial, with efforts to secure national and international
grants and create a dedicated fund for cutting-edge projects.
· Integrating ethical research practices and intellectual property (IP) protection shall ensure
compliance with international standards and cultivate a strong culture of innovation.
· Develop a strategic plan for ongoing evaluation and enhancement of research facilities, ensuring
that infrastructure remains aligned with emerging research trends and institutional goals, ultimately
fostering a robust research environment.
4.2. Targeted and Collaborative Research
The University research community envisions a system prepared to take up future research and
developmental challenges. The current research aphorism is ‘Research for Societal Use, National

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 29

Interest & Global Signicance’. The University aims to augment inter-, intra-, and trans-disciplinary
centres for multi-disciplinary research by making disciplinary boundaries permeable. This necessitates a
tripartite collaboration among the University, government agencies, and the private sector, aimed at
revitalizing efforts to skill and equip students and researchers to keep pace with and drive technological
advancement. To succeed in the mission, we need to unshackle our research resources and approach
government agencies and the private sector for funding opportunities, which are important in achieving
this task.
Over the past ve years, several research-oriented collaborations have been established, with the
potential for further expansion based on future needs as mentioned in the Figure 4.1.

Source: Compiled using the SCOPUS database

Figure 4.1: The graph depicts collaborations in terms of Research Publications of University of
Delhi with other select Research Institutes from 2018 till date.

The University of Delhi has contributed signicantly towards research in various disciplines. As per
Scopus data, the University has more than 71,280 articles including research documents published by
various Departments of the University and its colleges. The major contribution of research documents
(Source: SCOPUS) is in the following areas as shown in the Figure 4.2:

Source: Compiled using the SCOPUS database

Figure 4.2: Percentage of SCOPUS articles is in the mentioned areas
The University identies emerging elds across various disciplines and supports its skilled faculty in
conducting research, publishing papers, and ling patents. The University is also committed to
advancing sustainable development goals, with pioneering work already being carried out by faculty
across departments and colleges, as highlighted in Figure 4.3.

Source: Compiled using the SCOPUS database

Figure 4.3: Number and percentage of articles published in areas of sustainable goals
The University is actively engaged in identifying and supporting new elds of research across various
disciplines. With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, it is working towards enhancing its research
infrastructure, including providing necessary resources such as laboratories, equipment, and research
assistants. Faculty members are encouraged to explore emerging elds, and the institution regularly
analyses trends in research funding and industry needs to prioritize high-potential areas. In terms of
partnerships, the University has considerable connections with industry and other research institutions
for joint projects. However, there is a growing need to strengthen these collaborations further to increase
both the scope and impact of research initiatives.
Short-term Goals
· Identify key areas for targeted research by analysing current trends and institutional strengths and
collaborative with different departments to undertake such projects.
· Conduct workshops or brainstorming sessions with faculty to identify emerging elds in various
disciplines. Analyse trends in research funding and industry needs to pinpoint high-potential areas.
· Foster partnerships with industry and other research institutions to enhance collaborative research
efforts, securing joint funding for targeted projects that align with strategic goals.
Mid-term Goals
· Establish the University as a leader in targeted and collaborative research by creating a framework
that promotes sustained partnerships, facilitates resource sharing, and showcases impactful
research outcomes both nationally and internationally.

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 31

· Encourage interdisciplinary collaboration by forming teams that include faculty from different
departments. Facilitate partnerships with industry and other research institutions for joint research
Long-term Goals
· Position the University as a leader in the newly identied research elds, recognized both nationally
and internationally.
· Ensure ongoing funding and resources for research initiatives through grants, partnerships, and
endowments. Establish a long-term plan for the growth and evolution of the identied research
4.3. Research-Oriented Experienced Faculty Members
Research-oriented faculty are essential to a university’s mission of advancing knowledge and
fostering innovation. The University boasts a distinguished faculty pool, many of whom have
received prestigious awards and serve on key government advisory committees. Recent extensive
recruitment has further strengthened the teaching and research environment across the University
and its constituent units. Faculty who are inclined towards research can be nurtured and supported
to become pioneers in their elds, with a focus on long-term growth and contribution.
Short-term Goals
· Implement a process to identify faculty with strong research inclinations using performance metrics
like publications, grant applications, and ongoing projects. Engaging adjunct/expert faculty in
research to enrich research environment.
· Establish a mentorship program pairing junior research-focused faculty with experienced
researchers to enhance their skills and ideas.
· Create incentive programs to promote faculty participation in research, including funding
opportunities, research leave, and reduced teaching loads for active researchers.
Mid-term Goals
· Implement targeted training programs to enhance faculty research skills in areas such as grant
writing, data analysis, and project management.
· Encourage collaboration among research-oriented faculty, both within the institution and
externally, to promote joint research projects and resource sharing.
· Provide leadership opportunities for faculty members with research inclinations, empowering them
to play a signicant role in shaping the University’s research agenda.
Long-term Goals
· Foster an academic environment where research is integral to the University’s identity and mission,
inspiring faculty members to engage in impactful research.
· Support research-inclined faculty in becoming thought leaders in their elds, enabling them to gain
global recognition through ground-breaking contributions to academia and industry.
· Build a research ecosystem that aligns research-inclined faculty contributions with the University’s
long-term strategic goals, inuencing the trajectory of both academic and applied research on a
global scale.
Undertake Basic and Applied Research: Faculty members shall engage in both basic and applied
research to enhance theoretical knowledge while providing practical solutions to real-world
problems. This dual focus enables ongoing work in these critical areas.

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Short-term Goals
· Launch small-scale applied research initiatives to assess feasibility and motivate faculty to address
pressing societal and technological challenges.
· Foster intra- and inter-departmental collaborations to enhance diverse research perspectives and
drive cross-disciplinary innovation.
Mid-term Goals
· Emphasize projects that connect basic and applied research, ensuring that theoretical ndings are
effectively translated into practical applications.
· Foster partnerships with national and international research institutions to leverage expertise and
share resources for applied research initiatives.
Long-term Goals
· Position the University as a leader in both basic and applied research, earning recognition for
pioneering work and ground-breaking discoveries.
· Leverage applied research outcomes to shape government policy and industry standards,
establishing the University as a vital contributor to societal advancement.
A self-sustaining research model is crucial for fostering continuous growth in academic research
without depending solely on external funding. This involves establishing structures and initiatives
that enable research activities to be self-supporting over time.
Short-term Goals
· Establish a dividend-based incentive scheme to promote a research-oriented environment for
faculty engaged in research projects.
· Identify research projects with potential to generate revenue and attract external funding.
· Implement systems to track research progress and outputs, ensuring efcient resource utilization
and achievement of goals.
Mid-term Goals
· Actively seek additional research funding from government and private agencies while
establishing partnerships for joint research ventures.
· Create programs for research groups focused on applied sciences that address industry challenges,
fostering long-term partnerships.
· Encourage faculty to le patents and create spin-offs from research outcomes to commercialize
innovations, enhancing the institution’s nancial stability.
· Foster researcher independence by leveraging intellectual property and technology transfer
revenues, creating a self-sustaining research model that reinvests into future projects.
Long-term Goals
· Utilize generated revenue to establish endowments for ongoing research funding, ensuring the
University’s long-term nancial sustainability.
· Foster strong, lasting relationships with industries that support and benet from the University’s
research outcomes.
Career enhancement based on academic performance shall enhance individual faculty
development and also strengthen the University’s research culture and intellectual property (IP)

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Short-term Goals
The University can dene robust measures to ensure performance through a gradient approach:
· Teaching
· Research outcome
· Administrative engagements and contributions.
Mid-Term Goals
· Create monetary and non-monetary rewards linked to quality research, encouraging faculty to
engage more in research activities.
· Encourage collaboration among faculty, both within and outside the University, to promote
interdisciplinary research.
· Conduct annual evaluations to assess faculty performance, rening metrics where needed for
improved fairness and effectiveness.
Long-term Goals
· Create a thriving academic environment where research and publications become central to faculty
activities for career progression.
· Develop a system where faculty are rewarded not just for national publications but also for
contributions to globally recognized journals, conferences, and IP generation.
4.4. Student Involvement in Research
Students are the University’s greatest asset. With proper guidance, they can drive innovation
through patented inventions and produce scholarly, publishable research outcomes.
Short-term Goals
· Develop undergraduate and postgraduate courses that incorporate research-based learning,
encouraging students to undertake small-scale research projects under faculty supervision.
· Implement mentorship programs where faculty guide students in exploring innovative research
topics, providing early exposure to research methodologies.
· Organize workshops on innovation, patenting, and intellectual property rights (IPR) to educate
students on the importance of protecting their ideas.
· Encourage student participation in conferences by assigning them to specic sessions, engaging
with presenters, and writing summaries of their experiences. This assignment can contribute to their
internal assessments.
Mid-term Goals
· Mandate research components in curricula, especially for nal-year projects, enabling students to
conduct original research with the potential for publications or patents.
· Establish research partnerships with industry stakeholders, allowing students to tackle real-world
challenges under industry mentorship, which may lead to patentable inventions.
· Offer funding and institutional backing for students seeking to publish their research in journals or
present at conferences.
· Motivate students to present their research at national and international conferences, facilitating
knowledge sharing and expert feedback, which enhances their communication skills and promotes
academic and professional development.

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Long-term Goals
· Create student-led research labs or innovation centres that foster interdisciplinary projects with
commercialization potential.
· Develop opportunities for students to engage in international research programs and conferences,
broadening their global perspectives and enhancing their innovations.
· Introduce formal procedures for students to patent and commercialize their innovations, enriching
the University’s intellectual property portfolio and providing nancial rewards for student
· Provide extra credits for students attending conferences or presenting their research, with
established criteria for earning these credits through such activities.
4.5. More Ph.D. & Post-Doctoral Research Scholars
Increasing the number of Ph.D. and post-doctoral research scholars is essential for strengthening
the University’s research capacity. Over the past ve years, the University has supported more than
4,000 Ph.D. scholars, with 80% receiving scholarships through UGC, CSIR, or Non-NET from the
Short-term Goals
· Maximize the intake of Ph.D. scholars and post-doctoral scholars based on the available
infrastructure, faculty, and funding sources.
· The University shall provide scholarships for Ph.D. scholars to expand its research base and retain
talented students who might otherwise join other prestigious institutions.
· Foster opportunities to enhance the number of Ph.D. scholars having funding through
Government-led scholarships. Initiate Research Associateships in the University as this would
enable hand-holding of newly inducted Ph. D. scholars.
Mid-term Goals
· Invest in expanding laboratory space, library resources, and other facilities to accommodate a
higher number of research scholars.
· Recruit new faculty dedicated to research supervision, ensuring that the University has adequate
faculty for the growing number of Ph.D. scholars.
· Begin offering structured post-doctoral programs in key research areas to retain top Ph.D.
graduates and further contribute to ongoing research.
Long-term Goals
· Develop full-edged, funded post-doctoral research programs that attract international scholars
and create new opportunities for collaboration and innovation.
· Establish partnerships with global universities to co-supervise Ph.D. and post-doctoral scholars,
enhancing the University’s international prole.
4.6. Faculty Encouragement for Book Publications, Research Publications and Patents
The purpose is to build a robust intellectual property rights (IPR) infrastructure, fostering
innovation and academic growth across various levels—students, researchers, and faculty
members. The University shall implement a policy to promote contributors to intellectual property
rights (IPR), including undergraduate and postgraduate students, research scholars, and faculty
members, to enhance the University’s IPR portfolio.

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Short-term Goals
· The University shall enhance the existing Institutional Publication Fund by increasing resource
allocation for publication fees and ensuring that all researchers have access to this support, thereby
fostering a culture of scholarly publishing.
· Create small funding pools to support promising research that can lead to publications or patents.
These grants shall prioritize feasibility and immediate impact.
· Organize awareness programs on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), publishing ethics, and patent
ling processes for undergraduate and post graduate students, research scholars, and faculty.
· Provide targeted training on intellectual property rights for students and faculty, enabling them to
understand the legal and technical aspects of patenting and IP protection. Invite IPR professionals
to provide practical insights into the process of securing intellectual property (patents, copyrights,
· IPR Clubs: Initiate University-level IPR clubs where students and faculty can collaborate on
intellectual projects and research ideas.
Mid-term Goals
· Interdisciplinary Research Centres: Form interdisciplinary research centres that focus on cutting-
edge research, fostering collaboration between departments for impactful research outcomes that
can lead to patents or book publications.
· Institutional Repository: Create a digital platform where all the research output (theses,
dissertations, publications, patents) of the University is stored and accessible.
· Monetary Incentives for Publications and Patents: Provide enhanced nancial support for research,
specically directing resources to award those who successfully secure patents.
· Dedicated IPR Cells: Strengthen the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell in the University to
assists students, faculty, and research scholars with patent ling, copyright issues, and research
publication requirements.
Long-term Goals
· Centres of Excellence: Establish centres of excellence in key research areas that can drive long-
term innovation, producing high-quality publications, patents, and potentially books on ground-
breaking subjects.
· National and International Collaborations: Pursue long-term partnerships with international
research organizations and universities for joint research publications, books, and patents. This can
enhance the University’s global standing and increase its intellectual property.
· IPR Endowment Fund: Create an IPR endowment fund that continually generates resources to
support research, publication costs, and patenting efforts at the University.
· Government and Private Sector Grants: Apply for sustained research funding through government
programs and private sector contributions, ensuring the long-term viability of the institution’s IPR
· Patent Commercialization Policy: Implement a clear policy for patent commercialization, enabling
faculty, students, and the University to benet nancially from patents through licensing or product
· Sabbaticals for Book and Research Writing: Institutionalize sabbaticals for faculty members to
write books, conduct research, and engage in long-term projects that contribute to the University’s
academic and IPR output.
· Publishing Houses or Journals: In the long run, the University can consider establishing its own
academic publishing house or peer-reviewed journals to support the publication of student and
faculty research.
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4.7. Organizing more Structured and Purposeful Conferences
Conferences plays a crucial role in fostering a vibrant research and academic culture within the
university system. The University can enhance its research visibility, encourage collaboration, and
make research outputs more accessible, including integrating AR-VR technology for greater
engagement. Research scientists, faculty members, and students remain engaged through regular
conferences for presenting research papers. Students are encouraged to present their research at
these conferences and workshops hosted by the University or external bodies. The University
facilitates participation by providing travel grants and other forms of support.
Short-term Goals
· Organize smaller, regular conferences centred on emerging research areas, particularly modern
technologies like AR-VR, to maintain ongoing engagement among research scientists, faculty, and
· Conduct thematic workshops during these conferences, allowing participants to explore specic
aspects of their research in depth. Topics may include AR-VR applications, digital storytelling, and
the integration of technology with traditional research methods.
· Align project submission processes with conference participation by requiring each student or
research group to present their work in a structured format as part of their nal project submission,
making conferences integral to the academic process.
· Encourage students and faculty to develop storyboards or visual presentations of their research,
especially in Augmented Reality (AR) – Virtual Reality (VR) formats, to enhance accessibility for a
wider audience, including non-experts.
· Initiate conferences led by students, where undergraduate and postgraduate students, and research
scholars can present their work, with awards, for the best presentations and contributions to
motivate participation.
· Conduct competitions where students present their research using AR-VR elements, fostering
innovation in research communication methods.
Mid-term Goals
· Expand conference themes to encompass interdisciplinary research, fostering collaboration among
various departments. For example, an AR-VR conference could engage elds like computer
science, humanities, psychology, and education to showcase diverse applications.
· Organize national conferences that invite participants from other universities and research
institutions, providing students and faculty with opportunities to interact and network within a
broader academic community.
· Partner with industries and research organizations to co-host conferences, such as an AR-VR event
sponsored by tech companies, which can provide funding and exposure for University researchers.
· Apply for government and private-sector grants to support conferences, especially those focused on
cutting-edge research and innovation, reducing nancial strain on the University while ensuring
high-quality events.
· Develop an online portal for uploading conference papers, presentations, and videos of key
sessions. This shall help archive materials and make them accessible to a global audience, with AR-
VR components enhancing the experience through virtual walkthroughs and 3D models.
· Start publishing conference proceedings through collaborations with reputed academic journals.

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Long-term Goals
· Establish an annual international conference series in key research areas, positioning the
University as a recognized hub for academic exchange. These conferences can attract global
scholars, enhance the University’s reputation, and create collaborative research opportunities.
· Aim to establish dedicated “Centres of Excellence” focusing on specic research elds such as AR-
VR, articial intelligence, and biotechnology. These centres can host annual conferences, drawing
international participants and showcasing the University’s leadership in these domains.
· Organize events aimed at making research accessible to the general public. These conferences shall
feature simplied presentations, AR-VR demonstrations, and interactive sessions, allowing
community members to engage with research outputs and fostering a culture of science
· Create long-term thematic conferences that tackle pressing societal issues like sustainability,
climate change, and healthcare, integrating technologies such as AR-VR for immersive data
· Partner with international universities and research organizations to co-host conferences,
facilitating global academic exchange and attracting high-prole researchers to present their work
and establish long-term collaborations.
· In the long term, aim to create peer-reviewed journals associated with the University’s conferences,
providing researchers with a high-quality platform for publishing and disseminating their work.
4.8. Industry and Institutional Collaboration & Consultation
At the University of Delhi, industry and institutional collaborations are crucial in driving research,
innovation, and experiential learning. While existing partnerships have laid a strong foundation,
there is signicant potential to further formalize and expand these collaborations to enhance their
impact. The University of Delhi has established key collaborations with both national and
international institutions, including prestigious organizations like the Indian Council of Medical
Research (ICMR), Council of Scientic & Industrial Research (CSIR), Indian Institutes of
Technology (IITs), and global universities. These partnerships facilitate joint research, student
exchanges, and co-authored publications.
The University has a Placement Cell dedicated to connecting students with potential employers,
providing resources for resume building, interview preparation, and job search strategies. The Cell
helps in developing partnerships with local and national Industries to organize job fairs,
networking events, and recruitment drives, enhancing visibility for students and improving
placement rates.
Short-term Goals
· Strengthen collaborations with industries that can invest in student-led innovations, facilitating
faster IP creation and commercialization of inventions.
· Strengthen the Placement Cell to facilitate ongoing partnerships with industries, ensuring a steady
pipeline of qualied graduates while adapting educational programs to meet the evolving demands
of the job market.
· Establish Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with industry partners, outlining clear
objectives for joint research initiatives. This shall enable effective collaboration and foster the
creation of intellectual property (IP) through shared expertise.
· Host industry-led workshops, seminars, and technical sessions to equip faculty and students with
knowledge of the latest industrial research trends and technologies. This shall bridge the gap
between academic research and practical application.

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Mid-term Goals
· Strengthen partnerships with industries to secure funding for joint research in elds like
biotechnology, AI, and applied sciences. These initiatives shall increase the likelihood of
generating patentable innovations.
· Implement structured internship and job placement programs in collaboration with industry
partners, providing students with practical experience and enhancing their employability while
gathering feedback from employers to rene educational offerings.
· Create industry-supported research centres on campus, fostering collaboration between University
faculty, students, and industry experts on real-time projects. These centres shall drive intellectual
property (IP) creation and enable shared patent ownership.
· Develop mentorship programs where industry professionals guide University research teams,
helping align projects toward commercial and patentable outcomes.
Long-term Goals
· Create a comprehensive career development framework that includes continuous training,
mentorship programs, and alumni networks to support graduates in their career paths, while
fostering long-term collaborations with industries to ensure alignment between academic programs
and workforce needs.
· Create consortia that include multiple industry partners, government agencies, and academic
institutions. These consortia shall focus on high-impact research projects aimed at developing and
commercializing breakthrough, patentable technologies.
· Implement a streamlined IP policy that outlines clear guidelines for joint patenting and revenue-
sharing between University and its industry collaborators. Establish a dedicated IP management
ofce to handle patent lings and commercialization efforts efciently.
· Position University as a global research leader by forging partnerships with multinational
companies, gaining access to cutting-edge facilities and driving international patentable
4.9. University Incubation Centres
At the University of Delhi, Incubation Centres play a growing role in fostering innovation and
entrepreneurship, though their development is still in its nascent stages compared to some other
leading universities.
Short-term Goals
· Initiate structured pre-incubation programs to support students interested in entrepreneurship.
These programs shall offer workshops, entrepreneurship boot camps, and access to mentors who
guide students through idea validation, market research, and business planning.
· Conduct University-wide awareness campaigns to inform students of the available resources,
incubation support, and the benets of starting their own business post-graduation.
· Develop a pool of industry experts and successful entrepreneurs who can mentor students through
the process of turning ideas into start-ups. Mentorship shall be available to students from all
· Organize University-wide start-up competitions to encourage students to turn their project ideas
into business plans. These competitions could be aligned with ongoing internships or research
projects, with the best ideas receiving incubation support and seed funding.
· Formalize entrepreneurship into internship programs by creating a framework where students can
work on industry challenges or problems during their internships and present these as potential
business opportunities upon completion.

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Mid-term Goals
· Establish additional incubation centres across more University colleges, and not just at the
University level. Each centre can specialize in certain areas (e.g., biotechnology, social
entrepreneurship, IT start-ups among others) depending on the strengths of the faculty and
resources available at each college.
· Formalize incubation support as part of the academic curriculum by integrating entrepreneurship
courses, incubation electives, and credit-based start-up development programs. This shall ensure
that students develop business skills while pursuing their degrees.
Long-term Goals
· Position the University as a leader in university incubation by creating a highly developed
incubation network with centres of excellence, specialized labs, and access to national and global
markets. The University could become a key player in India’s start-up ecosystem, attracting
entrepreneurs, investors, and industry partners.
· Develop a University Alumni Angel Network where successful alumni can provide mentorship and
nancial support to student-led start-ups. This network would serve as a long-term funding source
and ensure ongoing support for new ventures emerging from University incubation centres.
· Establish partnerships with international universities and global incubation centres to provide
University students access to global markets, cutting-edge technologies, and international
mentorship. This would help University start-ups scale beyond local markets and become globally
4.10. University Publications & Citation Service
At the University of Delhi, academic publications and citation services are critical for research
development, faculty recognition, and institutional ranking. The University has implemented
several measures to support academic publications and citation growth. As of date, more than
71000 articles have been published in various international and national journals.
Support for Research and Publications: The University of Delhi offers various research grants,
fellowships, and initiatives like the Non-NET fellowship for Ph. D. scholars to encourage scholarly
output. The University also promotes collaborations and participation in conferences to foster the
exchange of ideas and increase publication quality.
Citation Databases: The University faculty often rely on platforms like Google Scholar, Scopus,
and Web of Science for citation tracking and metrics. The University encourages researchers to
register on these platforms to increase their research visibility and track citation performance.
Publication Ethics: The University has set guidelines for ethical publishing, with a focus on
avoiding predatory journals and encouraging publication in UGC Care and Scopus indexed
Suggestions for improving and leveraging academic publications and citation services at the
University of Delhi include:
Short-term Goals
· Train all faculty members and students on the use of citation databases like Google Scholar, Scopus,
and Web of Science, including setting up proles and managing citations.
· Encourage all departments and faculty to consistently upload research papers and projects to the
institutional repository, such as the Samarth Portal. Specic metrics can be established to
categorize and evaluate departments based on their contribution and engagement with the

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Mid-term Goals
· Improve the repository’s accessibility and functionality by integrating it with global databases like
Google Scholar and Open Access platforms. Implement an internal tracking system for citation
metrics to monitor and improve the University’s academic ranking.
· Increase the availability of research grants and expand initiatives like the Vice-Chancellor’s
Internship Scheme to include more research-driven projects.
Long-term Goals
· Position the University’s repository among the top institutional repositories globally, with
enhanced digital access and international partnerships.
· Foster an environment of innovation and interdisciplinary research with consistent funding and
recognition, positioning the University as a leader in global academic research.
4.11. Target Patent Claim for Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Projects in Professional Subject
The Research and Developmental Cell of the University serves as a central hub for all IP-related
activities. In order to create awareness of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and the patent ling
process for the undergraduate and post-graduate students, the University has organized three short-
term. These courses are designed to equip participants with essential knowledge on IP protection
and guide them through the steps involved in securing patents for their innovations. The University
is in the process of developing a more comprehensive ethical and compliance framework to
streamline research activities, which could eventually promote a culture of patent ling and
intellectual property management among students and faculty members.
While the University has several collaborations with research institutions, these are not being fully
utilized to drive patentable innovations from student projects. There is potential for the University
of Delhi to leverage these partnerships to increase the number of patent claims. To improve the
status of patent claims, the University could specify the following goals:
Short term Goals
· Research and Developmental Cell of the University serves as a central hub for all IP-related
activities. It shall guide students and faculty on the patenting process, help assess the patentability
of inventions, and provide an assistance in ling patent applications.
· The University would organize regular training sessions, led by IP experts, to teach students the
practical aspects of IP protection, patent drafting, and how to assess the commercial potential of
their innovations.
· Allocate a dedicated budget to cover the cost of patent ling for students and faculty. This shall help
ease the nancial burden of securing patents, which can often be costly.
Mid-term Goals
· The University shall upscale the Research and Developmental Cell to ensure broad access to IP-
related services.
· Evolve the intellectual property and patent-related training programs into more advanced
programmes. Incorporate Intellectual Property Law, patent ling processes, and IP management
into existing professional courses, especially in science and business programs.
· The University shall introduce incentives for faculty and students who successfully le patents or
engage in research projects with commercial potential. Recognize and reward innovations that lead
to revenue generation or societal impact through licensing or technology transfer agreements.

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· Establish more incubation centres within the University to support the development of student and
faculty innovations into marketable products and technologies. These centres can also offer
mentorship, funding, and access to resources for start-ups and spin-offs emerging from research
Long-term Goals
· Position the University of Delhi as a national and international leader in intellectual property
development by consistently generating patents, licensing agreements, and commercialised
technologies. Build a self-sustaining ecosystem where research continuously feeds into IP
generation, patent lings, and monetisation efforts.
· Aim to develop multiple successful start-ups or spin-offs, and license technologies to industries that
shall bring substantial nancial returns to both the University and its researchers.
· Establish global innovation hubs, attracting international collaborations and investments in
research areas with high patent potential. These hubs would serve as centres for interdisciplinary
research, fostering continuous breakthroughs in technology and innovation.
4.12. Fostering Innovation through a University-Wide Research Fair: A Pathway to Global
The University regularly organizes national and international workshops, conferences, and
seminars on emerging research areas, providing students and researchers with the opportunity to
present their work, collaborate with peers, and learn about the latest trends in their eld. Some of the
student organizations and societies also organize innovation challenges, debates, and research
symposiums, which offer a platform for students to explore innovative ideas in a collaborative
Short-term Goals
· Annual Doctoral and Research Fair shall act as a platform for departments to exhibit ongoing
research and completed projects. Organizing such events would provide exposure to the research
output of students and faculty.
· Initiate an online platform to display research papers and summaries for public and academic
· Initiatives may be undertaken to communicate the University’s research in a simplied and
accessible language, presented in the form of engaging stories.
Mid-term Goals
· The University shall collaborate with other Central Universities to hold an Inter-University
research fair once every few years. This would create an excellent opportunity for knowledge
sharing between institutions and showcase India’s research advancements.
· Partner with educational media platforms and public broadcasters to feature the University research
in short documentaries, podcasts, or articles, enhancing public engagement and awareness.
· Initiatives shall be taken to train faculty and students to transform complex research ndings into
simplied formats such as articles, podcasts, or videos, making them accessible to both academic
and non-academic audiences.
Long-term Goals
· The University shall aim to elevate this fair to a biennial global event, inviting participants from the
top universities globally, particularly those with existing MoUs and strategic partnerships. This
would position the University as a global hub for research exchange and innovation.

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· Create a dedicated department within the University focused on translating academic research into
accessible content for the public and media, fostering a deeper connection between research and
· Develop an international platform in collaboration with partner universities to showcase research
papers, multimedia summaries, and simplied versions of research, allowing global access and
cross-institutional engagement.
In conclusion, by streamlining the access to research resources, enhancing collaboration across
disciplines, and providing targeted support for researchers at all levels, we are poised to unlock the full
potential of our academic community. As we move forward, it is essential to cultivate an environment
that encourages research, innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration. We must engage with industry
partners and stakeholders to ensure that our research outputs translate into real-world solutions that
benet society at large.

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5. Human Resource and Supportive – Facilitative Enablers
The University recognises that its greatest strength lies in the Human Resource Development. By
fostering a culture of continuous professional development and skill enhancement, the University is
committed to capacity building and knowledge creation. It aims to create a dynamic and inclusive
environment to empower its faculty, staff and students for continued excellence in their respective
elds. To full the objectives stated above, the University enlists the following measures:
5.1. Student and Learner Empowerment: Holistic Admission, Inclusivity, and Comprehensive
Support System
Short-term Goals
· Strengthen the existing admission portal to provide clear and real-time updates on application
status, selection criteria, and seat availability.
· The University leverages the diversity and inclusion dashboard on the Samarth e-Gov portal to
monitor key metrics. To enhance its effectiveness, the University aims to strengthen data tracking
to improve diversity and inclusivity efforts.
· Conduct targeted outreach programs to underrepresented regions, communities, and economically
weaker sections, promoting awareness about University’s admission policies and scholarships.
· The University shall augment various scholarship and endowment programs to support
economically disadvantaged and marginalized students.
· The University shall strengthen the Mentor - Mentee programme as per the UGC guidelines.
· Develop internship and job-focused counselling strategies, and hire career advisors in select
departments to pilot the initiative.
· Implement a system where leadership skills shall be considered to enable involvement of the
students into assignment concerning team building and making teaching-learning a more
meaningful experience.
Mid-term Goals
· Create partnerships with schools and educational organizations to identify talented students from
diverse backgrounds, offering them preparatory guidance for admission process.
· Create specic scholarships or support systems aimed at promoting diversity by providing
additional incentives to applicants from under-represented backgrounds.
· Hold periodic data reviews to monitor progress toward diversity goals.
· Launch of new scholarship programs and expansion of nancial aid to include merit-cum-means
· Identify and reach out to alumni to mentor students.
· Provide career advisors and organise workshops on interdisciplinary career paths, resume
building, and networking.
Long-term Goals
· Implement data analytic tools to assess students’ holistic proles, identifying potential candidates
who excel in both academics and extracurriculars, while also promoting diversity.
· Assess students’ progression in academics and extracurricular activities to measure the
effectiveness of holistic admissions and continuously rene selection criteria.
· Expand admissions to include a greater number of international students from diverse cultural
backgrounds, enriching the global experience for students.

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· Leverage data from the dashboard to implement policies that foster long-term inclusivity and
ensure that diversity goals are continually met.
· Regularly review and expand scholarship programs based on evolving student needs and
· Continuously improve the mentorship program by addressing gaps and ensuring alignment with
students’ academic and professional goals.
· Build a well-established career counselling infrastructure that continuously adapts to industry
changes and helps students transition smoothly into the workforce.
5.2. Research Scholars Induction and Development
Short-term Goals
· Establish a streamlined Statement of Purpose (SOP) collection and analysis system to gather
insights into research scholars’ skills, goals and aspirations.
· Implement SOP to incoming doctoral students, ensuring alignment between their research interests
and the opportunities available.
· Use SOP data to guide faculty in appropriately appointing research scholars based on their skill
Mid-term Goals
· Expand the SOP collection process to include all research programs and departments, facilitating a
comprehensive understanding of scholars’ aspirations.
· Utilise the data to design personalized academic and extracurricular pathways, providing tailored
opportunities that align with students’ research and career goals.
Long-term Goals
· Analyse long-term SOP trends to inform the creation of new academic programmes, specialized
tracks, and partnerships with industry that align with scholars’ evolving aspirations.
· Use insights from the analysis to enhance career services and develop new programmes that reect
societal needs and ensure scholars are equipped with necessary skills.
5.3. Faculty Recruitment and Responsibilities
Short-term Goals
· Strengthen the centralised Human Resource (HR) portal that facilitates real-time communication
between Employers and prospective candidates.
· Automation of application screening to ensure quick and unbiased shortlisting based on required
competencies and qualications.
· Provide clear communication to applicants at every stage of the recruitment process with real-time
· Strengthening the structured rotation system, where faculty members periodically switch roles in
committees and societies, allowing for equitable distribution of responsibilities.
Mid-term Goals
· Transition fully to digital platform for job applications.
· Develop personalized features that provide tailored advice to candidates based on their
qualications and application progress.
· Integrate chatbots or virtual assistants to respond to common queries and provide instant responses.

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Long-term Goals
· Create a holistic recruitment-to-retirement talent management system that can help employees and
employer at large.
· Position the University as a globally competitive employer by adopting global best practices in
recruitment and engaging top talent from international academic and research communities.
· Encourage faculty members to take on roles that align with their professional growth and leadership
development goals.
5.4. Faculty Empowerment and Professional Development
Short-term Goals
· Organise workshops and training programs to enhance teaching methodologies, research
capabilities, and digital prociency.
· Encourage faculty to attend professional development programs and provide necessary support for
the same.
Mid-term Goals
· Promote faculty exchange programs in collaboration with national and international universities,
facilitating knowledge sharing and global exposure.
· Promote cross-departmental collaboration by encouraging faculty to participate in inter-
disciplinary / multi-disciplinary projects and research initiatives.
Long-term Goals
· Integrating leadership training and advanced certications into career advancement frameworks.
· Channelising funds for faculty empowerment, enhancing academic prowess and innovation.
· Position the University as a hub for global academic excellence, for faculty development through
interactions with international academicians.
5.5. Recruitment and Career Advancement for Non-Teaching Staff
Short-term Goals
· Strengthening online recruitment process to streamline applications for quick and transparent
hiring, while reducing paperwork.
· Clearly dene job roles and competencies for non-teaching positions to recruit candidates with the
right skills and qualications.
· Initiate efforts to promote diversity in recruitment by reaching out to underrepresented sections and
ensuring inclusive hiring practices.
· Regularly organising training programmes on digital tools and software to enhance the
administrative efciency.
Mid-term Goals
· Partnering with technical institutions, training centres, and other organizations to boost
competencies of non-teaching staff.
· Facilitating workshops that promote collaboration between departments to ensure smoother
communication and efcient problem-solving.

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Long-term Goals
· Position the University as an employer of choice by enhancing its recruitment brand through
campus engagement, showcasing professional development opportunities, and highlighting
benets for non-teaching staff.
· Promoting leadership and management programmes to empower non-teaching staff for
supervisory or administrative roles.
· Supplementing training programs with technological advancements for evolving administrative
5.6. Holistic Wellness and Engagement Framework
Short-term Goals
· Launch a digital wellness platform for addressing issues related to work-life balance, mental health
and stress management.
· Organize workshops to create awareness on stress management, mental health, and emotional
· Promoting gender sensitisation and awareness through mandates bodies such as Gender
Sensitisation Committees.
Mid-term Goals
· Introduce virtual wellness sessions, such as meditation and stress management workshops, and
expand the platform’s functionality to address holistic well-being.
· Expand the scope of wellness workshops to include team-building activities and promote cross-
departmental collaboration.
· Form pilot peer support groups for faculty and non-teaching staff to facilitate informal discussions
on workplace challenges and mental health.
· Regularly assess and improve the grievance redressal mechanism based on faculty and non-
teaching staff feedback.
Long-term Goals
· Fully integrate the wellness platform into the HR system of the University, providing wellness
programs based on data insights for staff and faculty support.
· Institutionalize peer support networks with dedicated coordinators, fostering an enabling

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6. Networking and Collaboration Enablers
Acknowledging the importance of networking and collaborations, the University broadens its horizons
beyond academics. Through such initiatives, the University endeavours to widen the scope of
academics, research and skill development. By providing better opportunities for students in terms of
internships, job placements, and global exchange programs for students, the University plans to play a
pivotal role in enriching their learning experience and boosting their employability.
6.1. Strategic Collaboration
Short-term Goals
· Establishment and operationalisation of the Alumni Connect Cells (ACCs) within the University.
· To strengthen the mandate, University of Delhi Foundation shall act as the Nodal Authority for all
the ACCs and work in tandem with the Dean, Alumni Affairs.
· Create and maintain a comprehensive alumni database to facilitate streamlined communication,
enabling effective networking, collaboration, and support for various initiatives and events.
· Alumni shall play a pivotal role in driving infrastructure development and fostering a culture of
collaboration for the overall benet of the University.
Mid-term Goals
· The ACCs shall play a key role in forging strategic partnerships between the University and various
stakeholders across industries, academic institutions, and community organisations.
· Pursue strategic academic collaborations that promote collaborative research, shared curricula, and
the seamless mobility of students between institutions.
· Establish research consortia that facilitate access to shared databases, libraries, and collaborative
research efforts. These consortia shall encourage co-authored publications, foster interdisciplinary
research, and accelerate the development of innovative solutions.
· Seamlessly integrate practical skills with theoretical education by collaborating with industry
experts, utilising shared workshops, and offering live project opportunities.
· Build strong partnerships with NGOs and social service organisations to engage in impactful rural
outreach and eldwork, contributing to societal development at the grassroots level.
· Develop robust networks across various industry sectors to facilitate internships and job
· Encourage faculty-led consultancy initiatives to strengthen industry-institute relationships.
· Actively pursue recognition from esteemed national and international accreditation bodies to
elevate the institution’s brand value.
· Implement comprehensive quality assurance frameworks established by recognised agencies to
continuously improve internal standards and learning outcomes.
· Establish incubation centres, funding avenues, and ideation networks to cultivate and support start-
up initiatives.
· Help invest in a robust digital infrastructure to support start-up activities, providing access to
essential digital resources, tools, and networks.
Long-term Goals
· The ACCs shall act as the real-time networking hubs and shall foster impactful collaborations in
research, target based funding, and meaningful engagements with the corporate sector, social sector
and cultural entities while continuing to further expand the alumni base.

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6.2. Academic and Research Excellence
Short-term Goals
· Engage alumni in mentoring the student’s capstone projects.
· Envision activities wherein students and alumni can work on collaborative projects.
· Involvement of alumni as mentors for consultancy projects.
· Onboarding of alumni as experts for evaluating research-oriented programmes.
· Endeavours for MOUs to host collaborative research events and projects with industry.
· University newsletters or similar such publications shall promote the academic and research
excellence conferred to alumni across the globe.
Mid-term Goals
· Foster service-learning projects by partnering with alumni on community service projects, where
students and alumni collaborate to address local issues, enhancing civic engagement.
· Encourage faculty for Faculty-Student Collaborative Grants which can fund student participation
in conferences as part of multi-disciplinary activities.
Long-term Goals
· Establish incentive programs that provide additional funding for students who earmark outstanding
· Set up a Centre for Excellence that serves as a hub for multidisciplinary research.
· The University may act as a nodal training centre for the training of enumerators to induct students
with Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI).
6.3. Social Engagements and Services
Short-term Goals
· Strengthen social engagement at the undergraduate level and further embed it at the postgraduate
· Encourage and involve students as volunteers and interns in community and social welfare
programs. Healthy senior citizens, school alumni and local community members shall also be
involved for effective coordination.
· Organize training programs for students in collaboration with voluntary and governmental
organizations to promote social engagement.
· Implement capacity-building programs to equip teachers with the skills to initiate ground-level
· Develop resource-sharing models for collaboration with voluntary organizations, private entities,
and government agencies to enhance employability.
· Partner with local authorities to establish and maintain adequate sanitation and clean water
· Register for national government schemes that provide grants for educational development,
community projects, and sustainable initiatives.
· Collaborate with local NGOs under the ULLAS (Understanding Lifelong Learning for All in
Society) (ULLAS) and Unnat Bharat Abhiyan initiatives to ensure sustainability.
· Foster innovation and engagement across all departments and faculties in the Unnat Bharat
Abhiyan initiative.

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· Promote responsible use and disposal of electronic devices as part of the institution’s sustainable
development strategy.
· Conduct regular social audits (focusing on accessibility, academics, environmental impact,
transparency, and food quality) to assess the institution’s effect on the community.
Mid-term Goals
· Integrate social outreach into research relevant to the eld.
· Encourage research that addresses social issues and provide incentives for such work.
· Intensify internships and collaborations through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.
· Onboard voluntary organizations and government agencies to uplift adopted villages under the
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan.
· Recognize community outreach efforts through certications and credits based on hours dedicated
to outreach programs and extension activities.
· Create a digital repository to document activities related to education and social welfare.
· Intensify community engagement initiatives aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) to provide inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities.
· Under the Understanding Lifelong Learning for All in Society (ULLAS 2022-2027) initiative,
promote lifelong learning through skill-based education.
· Implement the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) program in rural areas and urban slum
Long-term Goals
· Ensuring student participation in community engagement activities.
· Map and monitor student progress in community engagement and extension activities.
· Obtain ISO certication for programs and learning centres to meet international standards of
quality, transparency, and sustainability.
· Adopt a 360-degree approach that includes all stakeholders and creates a digital database for a
comprehensive resource.
6.4. Industry-Academia Collaboration
Short-term Goals
· Establish Industry Relations Ofce (IRO):
- Set up a dedicated ofce or unit within University to handle all academic-industry collaborations.
- Strengthen the existing committees, viz. University Industry Collaboration Committee under the
RDC Cell of Research Council.
- Appoint experienced professionals from both academic and industry backgrounds to foster
· Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs):
- Initiate MoUs with micro, small and medium enterprises, particularly in sectors where University
has strong academic programs.
- Focus on collaborations in internships, student placements, guest lectures, and short-term
consultancy projects.

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· Industry-Oriented Curriculum Enhancement:
- The University shall give augmented priority towards industry specic modules within the existing
curricular structure.
- Increase involvement of industry experts in academics and research.
· Internship & Apprenticeship Programs:
- Broad basing the industry collaboration network.
- Formalise internship and apprenticeship pipelines by building partnerships with companies that
provide hands-on experience for students.
· Industry-Funded Research:
- Promote small-scale, industry-funded research projects focusing on emerging technologies and
applied research.
- Establish industry-sponsored scholarships for students and young researchers, motivating them
toward solving practical industry challenges.
· Create a controlled digital space for experimentation
- Conceptualize and implement virtual industry ‘Sandboxes’ where students and researchers have
the opportunity to collaborate with industry partners on live projects, using real datasets, but in a
controlled, risk-free environment.
- Partner with major industries to hold ‘Hackathons’ with high-impact problem statements that
businesses need to solve
- Industry oriented experience in a simulated environment primarily focussing on the emerging areas
of technological advancements
· Student-Led Industry Incubators:
- Explore the possibilities of mutually benecial student-led innovation incubators with respect to
those knowledge domains which have prominent industry interface, in a graded manner
- Additionally, organize “Industry Problem Day” where companies bring real, ongoing challenges to
the classroom. Students are encouraged to brainstorm solutions with rewards like internships,
scholarships, or even equity in start-up ideas.
- In order to have real time exposure to the industry set up, the University shall endeavour to engage
the students in various industry specic activities including ‘Hackathons’, problem days.
· Patents & Intellectual Property Management:
- Promote the creation and commercialization of patents and intellectual property generated through
academic-industry partnerships.
- Form a technology transfer ofce to manage the legal and business aspects of patenting, licensing,
and commercialization, enabling the University to be an innovation hub.
- While the University is conscious about the expansion of knowledge domain in the emerging areas,
the University is committed towards expansion of knowledge network in every conceivable
knowledge domain and make a sincere endeavour to promote BGP to assimilate the future
knowledge discourse.

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Mid-term Goals
· Joint Research Centres & Innovation Hubs:
- Strengthen joint research and development centres in collaboration with major industries, focusing
on priority sectors like AI, Biotechnology, Renewable Energy, and social innovation.
- The University shall plan towards creating innovation hubs within the University campus to
encourage student start-ups, entrepreneurship, and technology transfer initiatives.
· Long-Term Consultancy Projects:
- Engage faculty members in long-term consultancy projects with industries to develop customized
solutions for industrial problems.
- Partner with industries on government-funded projects like ‘Make in India’, ‘Skill India’, and
others focused on innovation and skill development.
· Executive Education & Corporate Training:
- Launch executive education programs targeted toward working professionals, allowing them to
upskill in areas of technological advancements, business management, and more.
- The existing good practices from Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) could be utilised to scale
these initiatives further.
- Initiate corporate training programs for industry partners, making the University a hub for industry-
relevant, lifelong learning.
· Increase Industry-Endowed Chairs & Professorships:
- Encourage industries to fund specialized academic Chairs and Visiting Professorships in niche
areas, facilitating knowledge transfer between industry experts and academic researchers.
· Industry Support for Student Start-ups:
- The University shall take steps towards creating industry support that focuses exclusively on
student and faculty start-ups. Support shall be in the form of dedicated funds through seed capital.
- Appropriate corporate sponsors shall be identied which would help not only in identifying high-
potential ideas but investment in disruptive technology emerging from the University as well.
· Living Labs for Social Innovation:
- The University shall seek partnership with the government to establish Living Labs where industry
and academia collaborate to develop solutions for social challenges and deploy them in real-world
rural or underserved urban environments.
Long-term Goals
· Global Industry Collaboration:
- The University shall plan to establish global academic-industry alliances, particularly with
multinational corporations and international universities, expanding research, technology transfer,
and employment opportunities worldwide.
- There shall be special focus on developing joint-degree programs with foreign universities in
collaboration with global industries for diverse career prospects.
· University-Industry Research Park:
- The University shall take steps to build a research park in partnership with industries, offering state-
of-the-art facilities for interdisciplinary research and innovation.

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- The park can host industry labs, incubators, and start-ups that benet from proximity to University’s
academic expertise.
· Bio-Innovation Ecosystems:
- The University shall take steps towards the development of bio-innovation ecosystems where life
sciences research meets biomanufacturing, agriculture, and healthcare. These ecosystems shall
blend research on biological products (new vaccines, engineered crops etc.) with industrial partners
who produce them.
- Industries and start-ups in biotech, healthcare, or agri-tech shall work directly within these
ecosystems to commercialize discoveries made in University’s labs.
· Quantum Computing Labs with Industry Leaders:
- The University shall seek partnerships with global leaders in quantum computing to establish
Quantum Research Hubs at the University.
- These hubs shall focus on pushing boundaries in computation, encryption, and material sciences,
engaging leading companies to develop next-gen quantum solutions for practical industry
· Global Social Innovation Impact Fund:
- The University shall take steps to launch a Global Social Innovation Impact Fund backed by
industries that want to invest in projects with a high potential for positive social change, particularly
in developing countries.
- Through this fund, the University’s faculty and students can develop scalable solutions for pressing
issues like clean water, renewable energy, or affordable healthcare.
· Reverse Internships – Students Hire Industry Professionals:
- The University envisions a situation after a decade of scrupulous adherence to policies and
programmes which take care of the ever-expanding horizon of knowledge in critical domains which
shall eventually lead to a situation where the University shall be in a position to engage in various
capacities leading to an academia-industry equilibrium which is also in line with the philosophy of
NEP 2020 and life-long learning.
6.5. Quality and Credibility
Short-term Goals
· The individual research labs shall be accredited from National accreditation bodies.
Mid-term Goals
· The University level instrumentation centres shall be accredited from National accreditation
· The University shall endeavour to achieve accreditation of academic programmes.
Long-term Goals
· The University Health Centres shall be accredited by National bodies.
6.6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Short-term Goals
· Sensitize and engage alumni to promote innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the

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· Strengthening of the Innovation cells and incubation centres by inducting alumni with established
start-up ventures into the advisory board of the entrepreneurial cell
· “Alum-budding” partnerships can be boosted to mentor budding entrepreneurs and offer
networking opportunities and nancial support.
· Support innovative processes so that the IPR cell can facilitate the proper execution process.
· Endeavours for MOUs with established incubators across the nation to promote a systematic plan
for start-ups.
Mid-term Goals
· Strengthening the IPR cell so that students and faculty can protect their innovations, including ling
patents, trademarks, or copyrights.
· Alumni shall facilitate students in accessing resources such as prototyping labs, funding
opportunities, and legal frameworks to develop innovative ideas.
· Endeavour to create a dedicated platform for interactions between students and industry via virtual
sessions and investor pitch events.
· Endeavours for MOUs with established incubators with a global outreach.
Long-term Goals
· Guidance on licensing, commercialization, and compliance with international IPR regulations
shall be provided to facilitate the smooth transition from idea to market.
· Establishing relationships with international organisations to provide a global platform for
innovative ideas from HEIs.
· Establish a committee to monitor technology transfer and technology readiness.
6.7. International Collaboration
Short-term Goals
· Create a robust policy framework and viable implementation structures for a smooth
implementation of internationalization at the institution.
· Organize forums for awareness generation on internationalization; its dimensions, scope,
signicance, outcomes and modalities among institutional stakeholders.
· Enhance infrastructure and human resources at the Ofce of International Relations at the
· Take proactive efforts to reach out to FHEIs having higher QS Rankings, THE rankings and
establish MoUs.
· Facilitate two-way faculty/staff/student exchange between the institution and FHEIs through well-
dened and sustainable mobility schemes.
· Prioritize growth in international students’ enrolment through a vibrant and well-resourced Foreign
Students Registry.
· Implement policies and systems to initiate twinning programs with partnering FHEIs; and establish
fresh MoUs with higher ranking FHEIs to enhance twinning collaborations; increase the number of
students availing ‘Study Abroad’ Programmes; locate opportunities/ resources for student
scholarships/ internships.
· Facilitate the development of the guidelines for joint/dual degree programmes and work towards
their implementation.

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· Create meaningful opportunities for professional development/capacity building of faculty by
organizing faculty development and training programmes for internationalization; organize
training programmes for non-teaching staff involved in the implementation of internationalization
· Promote and facilitate organization of joint seminars/conferences/ workshops with FHEIs
· Implement initiatives to promote joint research and publications with co-authors from partner
· Assess the need and scope for internationalizing the curriculum to create the best match/ balance
between contextual components and internationally relevant components.
· Promote initiation of foreign language courses/ studies in colleges; facilitate mobility of foreign
language teachers through collaborations with FHEIs; create promotional material in languages
that are strategic for international engagement.
· Facilitate joint workshops with FHEIs and identify best practices in student-centred learning.
· Promote cultural activities fostering inclusion and integration of international and local students,
through the organization of cultural programmes, fairs and festivals.
· Create responsive systems for maintaining effective and efcient communication channels with
incoming and outgoing students and staff.
Mid-term Goals
· Consolidate the processes, systems and structures for internationalisation at the central level and at
the level of constituent units.
· Upgrade and diversify stakeholder sensitization and training for internationalization initiatives.
· Create vibrant International Relations Cells/ Nodal Persons for managing internationalisation
initiatives among the constituent units of the institution.
· Successively enhance the number and scope of MoUs with distinguished/high-ranking FHEIs and
faculties/ departments of the institution.
· Create meaningful opportunities for distinguished international faculty to accept visiting
teaching/ research assignments at the institution
· Enhance efforts for growth in international students’ enrolment across courses through an active
liaison with foreign universities and information dissemination through the organization of ‘Study
at DU’ Fairs at appropriate forums.
· Organize sensitization drives to orient students enrolling for Twinning programs; foster an
effective and sustainable twinning programme by organising regular orientation modules for
preparing out-bound students for the ‘study abroad’ experience; create opportunities for tapping
their capacities/ experiences upon return.
· Establishing MoUs with FHEIs for joint/ dual degree programmes and progressively
enhancing/diversifying students’ exposure and learning experience through these programmes.
· Promote all-round professional development/capacity-building programmes for fostering
· Increase participation in international seminars/conferences; promote joint publications and
reports; set up systems for evaluation of such programs through feedback from participants/

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· Demonstrate consistent growth in the overall institutional visibility and recognition through quality
research, measured through citations and impact factors of publications.
· Work towards creating dynamic curricula with meaningful integration of internationally relevant
components/ pedagogies.
· Promote translation of distinctive and renowned international texts.
· Continuation of such activities/joint ventures which are student-centred.
· Create diverse forums for international cultural exchange with visiting delegations and through
international visits of institutional staff and students.
· Integrate periodic review systems/ modalities/ protocols to foster increased opportunities for staff,
expansion of mobility schemes, and the creation of trained staff resources to evaluate the quality of
mobility periods.
Long-term Goals
· Promote a holistic approach to the development and implementation of an institutional
internationalization policy and governance.
· Create a vibrant culture of internationalization in the contemporary context of higher education in
the country.
· Foster meaningful integration between the institution and its constituent units for evolving an
effective institutional IR system.
· Diversify opportunities for developing and strengthening academic linkages for collaborative work
and exchanges, and leveraging institutional strengths through strategic partnerships with high
ranking FHEIs.
· Promote institutional excellence through knowledge sharing, joint research and exchange of
academic, technological and cultural resources with international partners.
· Establish the institution as a favoured destination for international students by highlighting its
distinct courses, distinguished faculty, robust research infrastructure and responsive systems for
international student enrolment and integration.
· Promote all round efforts to create and foster a relevant and sustainable institutional
internationalization effort.
· Promote and diversify academic and research exchange to enhance institutional development and
meet global standards for internationalization.
· Foster an ethos of capacity building for internationalization.
· Work towards improving the institutional ranking through international engagements.
· Work towards increasing the international visibility and recognition of the institution through a
diversication of internationalization initiatives and enhanced institutional rankings.
· Enhance international visibility of the institution through a diversication of internationalization
initiatives, including internationally viable curricula and pedagogies.
· Create an ethos of international studies and collaboration.
· Equip faculty with knowledge, skills and competencies aligned with international standards and
enhance institutional ranking.
· Promote/deepen awareness on social and cultural similarities and inculcate respect for social and
cultural differences.
· Promotion of academic excellence, cultural understanding and research prowess, as per global

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7. Physical Enablers
In its century long inheritance, the physical footprint of the University has grown up substantially. The
University takes pride in its efforts to preserve the heritage infrastructure while creating a ne balance
through the process of gradual modernisation. Physical enablers are essential for fostering an
environment conducive to academic achievement, research advancement, innovation, and the overall
well-being of students. They establish the necessary infrastructure and resources that facilitate effective
teaching, learning, and administrative functions.
7.1. Role of Physical Enabler
Physical enablers within a university are essential for fostering an environment conducive to
academic achievement, research advancement, innovation, and the overall well-being of students.
They establish the necessary infrastructure and resources that facilitate effective learning, teaching,
and administrative functions.
Short-term Goals
· Renovation, maintenance, wi- accessibility, Smart Classrooms and Expanding IT Infrastructure.
Students and Teachers Accommodation, Sports and Cafeteria Infrastructure Improvement, Space
· The role of Improved Educational Environments is of paramount importance in a university.
Thoughtfully constructed classrooms, laboratories, libraries, and lecture halls that incorporate
contemporary technology promote engaging learning experiences and support a variety of
instructional approaches.
· Research Infrastructure and Knowledge Repository are the backbone for a university. Dedicated
laboratories, research institutions, and high-performance computing resources facilitate cutting-
edge research, experimentation, and innovation across a multitude of elds. Starting of University
Press, Journal, Magazine and Strengthening of Digital Repository are equally important.
· The availability of physical resources such as student centres, healthcare facilities, recreational
areas, and wellness environments plays a crucial role in providing students with the necessary
support for both mental and physical health, thereby fostering a well-rounded University
experience. Strengthening Health Centre Infrastructure, Extensive Sanitation Drives, Installation,
Check and Repair of Emergency Alert System, Safety and Security Audit shall be on priority list of
the University.
· Contemporary administrative structures and facilities enhance operational efciency, optimize
resource management, and facilitate seamless governance by utilizing advanced technologies and
centralized systems.
· The creation, maintenance or renovation of Community Areas such as lounges, seminar rooms, and
cafeterias fosters collaboration and informal engagement among students, faculty, and researchers,
thereby cultivating a strong sense of fraternity.
· Robust physical infrastructure shall be made available for safe and accessible environment for all
students and staff, including those with disability, fostering inclusivity.
· Making strategies Recycling, Water and Energy Conservation, Expanding Green Belt, Water
Harvesting, Technology Integration, start University’s Electric Vehicles.
· Policy formulation and implementation for zero emission and sustainable environment friendly
practices on priority basis. To set a good example and also to create a workable mechanism for this
target the following steps are needed:
i. Centralized air conditioning/ cooling and solar energy systems need to be created and installed
in all the buildings.
ii. To mitigate the harmful effects of emissions from fossil fuel powered vehicles, the University
may permit electric/hybrid/cleaner fuel vehicles for parking within the campus.

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iii. The University shall opt electric/hybrid/cleaner fuel vehicles for ofcial use.
· A dedicated centre will be established to promote cultural interactions through events and orient
foreign students to local practices and ethos. Hosting annual cross-cultural festivals will foster
inclusivity, while organizing trips under University-21 (U21) for students and faculty to
collaborate with foreign universities will enhance global outreach. Expanding summer/winter
schools and exchange programs will further enrich teaching and learning. Additionally, an
international convention centre will be created as a symbol of cultural harmony through regular
· Physical Infrastructure Incubation for various Centre and Research Park like labs, ofce space,
meeting rooms, technological infrastructure like hi-speed internet, computer with latest software,
mentoring and R&D units, administrative, marketing and funding support units shall be added.
· To achieve zero food waste and zero emissions, the University shall develop a smart, eco-friendly
cafeteria powered by solar energy and induction technology. This cafeteria will feature energy-
efcient appliances, waste reduction through smart bins, water conservation techniques, and the
use of eco-friendly materials with carbon footprint tracking. Health and well-being will be
prioritized, and a Working Lunch Scheme for underprivileged students will be introduced.
Centralized canteen operations will adhere to FSSAI standards with regular audits. The cafeteria
will collaborate with self-help groups for food procurement and engage with social groups to
distribute surplus food to vulnerable communities. To make this scheme feasible, the university
shall study such schemes by the GOI and collaborate with the department concerned.
· Establishment of State-of-the Art Super Computer and Media Centre for futuristic approaches and
connecting it with national and international media houses are the need of the hour. To compete
with the AI world, this is the immediate requirement.
Mid-term Goals
· The University shall continue and strengthen its best practices for Eco-friendly Buildings, Energy-
Efcient Systems, and Sustainable Practices, Achieving Zero Emission Target, Self Sufcient
Energy Production, Green Energy through better coordination among various Departments.
· A green, sustainable campus requires energy efciency, renewable energy, sustainable
transportation, water conservation and harvesting, waste management, green building standards,
and sustainable landscaping. It also includes sustainable food services, procurement, educational
programs, governance, biodiversity conservation, and technology integration. The University
shall plan to expand its current sewage treatment plant (STP) and develop mechanisms for
wastewater reuse, with engineers reassessing the water waste and STP capacity to implement a
zero-waste policy.
· The Examination Branch shall digitize old records and adopt a fully automated system for grading,
scheduling, timely result declaration, and transparent revaluation. Smart security measures will
ensure data analysis and protection. In line with NEP 2020, exible, modular, and inclusive exam
policies may be introduced. To support green initiatives, paper use will be minimized. The branch
will prioritize enhancing student support through a smart 24X7 student care centre and a robust
feedback mechanism for complaints and resolutions.
· The University shall create the following infrastructural additions such as construction of Teaching
and Administrative Blocks, starting of East and West Delhi Campuses, setting up of World Class
Library System, a dedicated Innovation Library Lab for experiments on emerging technologies.
· Implementation of the plan on Smart Campus shall be completed for integrating digital tools, such
as smart classrooms, automated systems, and IoT devices, which enhance campus efciency and
the overall educational experience. The University shall make efforts to achieve the goals of
Seamless High-speed Internet and Wi-Fi Connectivity, Smart Classrooms with Digital
Attendance, Learning Management System (LMS) managing attendance, assignments, and
communication, smart Library, E-governance, Paperless Work, Cashless Transactions, and Health

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Technologies, AI and Technology Integration, Sustainable Development and Smart Transportation.
· Evaluating the needs for more hostels than the existing ones shall be done. Earmarking of specic
funds for maintenance of existing hostels and development of new ones are needed on priority
basis. The University shall endeavour in creating hostel facilities in other campuses.
· In view of the increasing Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) and inclination for distance or part-time
learning in online mode, need based distance learning programmes shall be introduced.
· To maintain its identity and to compete with rapidly changing world, the University shall have to
set-up at least two centres-
i. Hkkjrh; Kku ijEijk dsUnz (BGPK): This Kendra shall provide fresh opportunities to the University
to explore, create and preserve indigenous knowledge. It shall also integrate modern education
with indigenous wisdom for holistic and sustainable approaches and strengthening cultural
identities. It shall also add new dimensions to research and innovation potential by catering to
the next generation scholars.
ii. Centre for Multi-disciplinary Studies (CMDS): In an increasingly complex and interconnected
world, addressing global challenges requires insights from multiple disciplines. The CMDS
shall provide a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration, equipping students and researchers
with the tools and perspectives needed to tackle these challenges effectively. This Centre shall
foster collaboration across various academic disciplines, encouraging innovative research,
teaching, and learning that transcends traditional subject boundaries.
· The University will encourage its colleges to develop international-standard sports infrastructure
for hosting national and international competitions. Centralized sports management will invite
Olympians and international athletes for student training. The University’s sports body will seek
certications and accreditation from national and international regulatory bodies. Additionally, the
sports research unit will study global sports events to inform future planning, budgeting, and
maintenance of facilities.
· The University shall introduce the concept of Haat (shopping complex) to meet the day-to-day
requirements of essential items and also to showcase the products developed by student owned
start-ups. The start-ups in the University and colleges shall be encouraged to created consumable
items under the umbrella of the University.
· The University shall create facilities such as addition of more water bodies within the existing
campus to balance the aesthetics and environment.
Long-term Goals
Appropriate Infrastructure for Futuristic Approaches
· State-of-the-Art Research Innovation and Assessment Centre for Sustainable Development that
can act as a think tank for the government.
· Central Instrumentation Facility and provision for super-computing facility.
· DU Satellite System: This may be a revolutionary step in the eld of scientic research, innovation,
commercial application, national security and defence, telecommunication, GPS system and
navigation, remote learning and distance education, global digital connectivity, etc. Services may
be hired from ISRO like organisations for this initiative.
· Lifelong education models for emerging technologies; exible, modular courses for enhancing or
updating students’ skills throughout their careers may be created.
· Infrastructure with emphasis on competency-based assessments, based on students’ skills.
Continuous and formative assessments such as projects and peer reviews, to replace traditional
assessment system.
· Teacher Augmentation for Professional Development in the age of AI.

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· High-Performance Computing Infrastructure: Cloud and Edge computing services for intensive AI
computations and real time learning.
· Reliable and High-Speed Internet Connectivity for seamless operation for remote learners.
· Data Storage and Security Management
· Articial Intelligence Driven Teaching-Learning and Administrative Infrastructure
· Low-Cost Devices for students and educators, ensuring equitable access to the AI-powered learning
· Institutions shall aim to reduce their environmental footprint of digital infrastructure.
· Cybersecurity and Resilience to address AI-specic threats, for data protection and continuity
during system failures or cyber-attacks.
7.2. Library as a Learning Resource
Short term Goals
· DULS shall expand digital resources along with digitalization of tangible knowledge resources.
· Creation of 24 x 7 study spaces, integration of advanced technology for research, and establishment
of a user feedback system shall be implemented.
Mid-term Goals
· An Innovation Lab focused on emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, and VR shall be
encouraged for creative exploration through Hackathons and challenges, promoting problem-
solving within the academic community.
Long-term Goals
Futuristic Library System for Digital and AI Age
· AI-powered search functionalities, Tailored recommendations, AI-supported research initiatives
· Virtual tours of libraries, AR for immersive learning experiences, Virtual spaces for collaboration
· Automated systems for book retrieval, Self-service kiosks and chatbot assistance, Automated
processes for inventory management and sorting
· Intelligent study environments, Real-time resource availability tracking, Services based on user
· Complete digitization of library collections, Open access to knowledge repositories, Blockchain for
managing digital rights
· Customizable digital platforms, Support for multiple languages, Integration with mobile and
wearable devices
· Hubs for interdisciplinary research, Maker-spaces with integrated technology, Platforms for global
knowledge sharing
· Energy-efcient operational models, use of eco-friendly materials
· Advanced biometric security measures, enhanced data privacy and security protocols, AI-driven
cybersecurity solutions
· On-demand content access, Real-time data streaming
· Permanent academic record management, Intellectual property ownership verication through

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7.3. IT Infrastructure
Short-term Goals
· Network and connectivity, Hi Speed Internet, Wi- Coverage, LAN Infrastructure and VPN for
remote access, e-learning content development tools, Academic Record Block Chain, IT-help
Desk. Infrastructure for e-ofce, Improvement of My DU portal, Paperless work and cashless
· Smart classrooms with smart dais and digital attendance systems, Computer work Stations, Server
and Storage devices, Video Conferencing Rooms, Learning Management System and Student
Information System, CCTV coverage and Biometric Installation, Data Encryption, Strengthening
of e-mail and SMS services, Smart library and user-friendly mobile application, Integration of
health and wellness technologies.
Mid-term Goals
· Design an adaptable IT framework that can evolve with the University’s needs over the next 10-15
years. Ensure that data centres, cloud systems, and network infrastructure remain capable of
accommodating future technological advancements and increased demand. Air quality and
emission control systems, Smart transportation solutions
· Embrace a cloud-centric strategy for storage, software, and services to boost exibility, cost-
effectiveness, and scalability. Establish a robust hybrid cloud system that leverages both on-
premises and cloud resources for mission-critical applications.
· Create technology-enhanced smart classrooms with interactive displays, video conferencing, and
collaboration tools to support hybrid and virtual learning. Invest in AR/VR labs to provide
immersive educational experiences, Learning management platform
· Develop a comprehensive digital platform that seamlessly integrates all University services,
including admissions, course registration, libraries, housing, and alumni functions. Offer mobile
apps and portals for easy access to resources and administrative tasks.
· Implement energy-efcient data centres and adopt eco-friendly technologies to lower the
University’s carbon footprint. Use smart building management systems to track and optimize
energy consumption across campus facilities.
· Develop IT support systems featuring 24/7 help desks, chatbots, and self-service kiosks for
students and faculty. Ensure inclusivity through digital strategies that address the needs of diverse
student populations, providing equal access to resources.
Long-term Goals
· Create sustainable budget plans to continuously upgrade IT systems while exploring emerging
technologies such as quantum computing, 5G, and blockchain for knowledge certication.
Collaborate with industry and tech leaders to secure funding, drive research, and ensure the long-
term growth of IT infrastructure.
· Establish a centralized data repository with sophisticated analytics tools to monitor academic
performance, research outputs, and institutional effectiveness. Harness AI and machine learning
for predictive insights into student engagement and retention.
· Build high-performance computing (HPC) systems to support cutting-edge research in data
science, AI, machine learning, and bioinformatics. Foster collaboration by creating global
knowledge-sharing networks and virtual research environments.
· Build or upgrade an advanced, integrated LMS to improve digital learning, collaboration, and
assessment. Facilitate personalized learning and data-driven insights to elevate educational
outcomes for students and educators.

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7.4. Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
Short-term Goals
As a short-term target, the following maintenance activities shall be needed for campus infrastructure:
· Routine maintenance for heritage blocks and other buildings
· Road and garden infrastructure need to be maintained on regular basis
· Classrooms, Laboratories and Labs Maintenance
· IT and digital Infrastructure Maintenance
· Electric and electronic systems maintenance
· CCTV and Manual security system maintenance
· Residential and cafeteria maintenance
· Library and Documentation centre maintenance
· Renovation of sports complex and conference centres
Mid-term Goals
The infrastructure which has been just created shall need maintenance. This can be included in mid-term
maintenance of campus infrastructure
· Smart system maintenance- Classrooms, labs, IT system, etc.
· Sustainable Infrastructure like energy and emission systems
· Smart classrooms and audio-visual system maintenance
· Games and sports facility maintenance
· Scalable and Future
· Cloud-First Approach
· Smart E-Learning Environments
· Unied Digital Campus
· Sustainable Green IT
· Student-Centric IT Support
Long-term Goals
The following system which are to be created in long term shall need long term maintenance plan:
· Long-Term Investment in Emerging Technologies
· Advanced Data Management and Analytics
· Research and Innovation Infrastructure
· Integrated Learning Management Systems (LMS)
· Digital Transformation and AI Integration
· Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR)
· Robotics and Automation
· Smart Space and IoT Integration
· Digitization and Global Access
· Enhanced User Experience
· Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Learning
· Sustainability and Green Technology
· Security and Privacy Enhancements
· Subscription and Streaming Services
· Blockchain for Knowledge Certication

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8. Digital Enablers

Embracing the vision of Digital India, the University has pioneered the Samarth e-Gov platform, a
ground-breaking solution within the digital public infrastructure. Leveraging the power of technology,
this platform seamlessly integrates and supports the entire lifecycle of students and employees,
transforming administrative processes and enhancing both transparency and competency.
8.1. Digitalization of University of Delhi through Samarth e-Gov
Samarth e-Gov, as a secure, reliable, and scalable system with nine core modules and 40+ sub-
modules, has seamlessly transitioned the University in implementing e-governance.
University Samarth Modules implemented are shown below:

The University has developed the following additional digital initiatives:

· Online Ph.D. submission and evaluation. The portal enables digital submission of thesis along with
step-wise real-time tracking of evaluation progress.
· Digital Library and E-Resources Access System: The University has developed a centralised
digital system that provides students and faculty seamless remote access to academic journals, e-
books, research databases, and multimedia resources. It is also available on popular mobile
The University envisions to make signicant strides in its digital initiatives for effective e-governance
through the following goals:

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 63

Short-term Goals
· Integration of the isolated online services such as Central Placement Cell (CPC), Endowment Fund,
Career Advancement Scheme (CAS)-based promotions with the core framework.
· A centralised notication system shall be used to ensure minimal use of papers for day-to-day and
ofcial communication.
· Provisioning an AI-driven chatbot to provide assistance for various online services.
· Policy for using the core platform to bring the paperless ofce into practice.
· Cyber-security policy enforcement to protect all the stakeholders.
· Implementation of Cyber Crisis Management Plan (CCMP).
· Identifying gaps and unifying public information on a central web portal/ website.
Mid-term Goals
· The University shall strengthen the existing recording and broadcast facilities to record dialogues
and lectures.
· An integrated and centrally controlled digital identity system for physical access to libraries, labs,
and other designated spaces for effective resource utilisation.
· Constant dissemination of cyber security awareness information through workshops and meetings
for all the stakeholders.
· Continuously reinforcing the cyber security infrastructure as per the evolving guidelines issued by
· Implement a core communication system for the University.
· Provisioning of an online Open Journal System for all the departments and colleges.
· Starting of online internal assessment system to automate various types of assessments.
· Provisioning of Digital Accessibility Tools for teaching and learning.
Long-term Goals
· Identication of a suitable technology provider to cope with the growing and diverse technology
requirements of the University.
· An autonomous platform to analyse and predict student enrolment, progression through AI/ML
generated patterns, and integrate with national platforms like Digi-locker for seamless document
verication and fraud detection.
· Comprehensive exam management solution with responsive, global reach, incorporating adaptive
learning technologies and predictive analytics.
· The learning platform shall evolve into a comprehensive learning ecosystem, empowering global
learners with diverse, high-quality educational content and certication opportunities.
· Setting up a University’s knowledge repository and integrating it with all social media platforms of
the University.

University of Delhi: IDP 2024 64

Concluding Notes
The Institutional Development Plan (IDP) of the University of Delhi serves as a comprehensive strategic
blueprint, steering its growth and transformation in alignment with its core vision and mission. It
underscores the University’s unwavering commitment to achieving its short-term, mid-term, and long-
term objectives. The IDP addresses critical facets of operations of the University across eight key
Enablers—governance, academics, research, human resources, nance, networking and collaboration,
physical and digital infrastructure. These prospective goals have been formulated with a pragmatic and
phased approach, ensuring both feasibility and tenability. However, it is pertinent to recognize that the
categorization of these goals necessitates continuous monitoring and dynamic revision to remain
relevant. The inherent exibility of the plan allows it to adapt to emerging challenges and capitalize on
new opportunities, ensuring that the University remains at the vanguard of educational innovation and
excellence. Through dedicated execution, rigorous evaluation, and periodic updates, the IDP will enable
the University to ascend as a distinguished leader in higher education as well as a role model for the other
institution, fostering an empowered academic community and signicantly contributing to societal

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