Homeostasis Is a Synergistic Balance Chronic stress–induced epinephrine activates LDHA to We also know that the Ayurvedic herb Ashwagandha is an
between the Autonomic Nervous generate lactate (Lactic Acid), which is also a product of adaptogen and can neutralise stress hormones.
System's 2 branches hypoxia and causes deubiquitination a process which Beta-blockers such as PROPRANOLOL can also stop or
destablizes the proto-oncoprotein c-Myc and the tumor greatly reduce the effects of stress hormones in cancer.”
suppressor p53 in controlling cell survival and proliferation Cortisol is also known to stimulate the enzyme Cox-2 which
which are inextricably linked as "Yin and Yang" partners in is present in cells throughout the body. Cox-2 causes
normal cells to maintain tissue homeostasis. inflammation and thus Ashwagandha reduces inflammation
in the host, Ashwaganda reduces inflammation by reducing
Chronic stress triggers a chain of molecular events that cortisol levels.
protects breakaway ovarian cancer cells from automatic This would be appropriate, for example, in people who
destruction. Heightened levels of the fight-or-flight could not participate in exercise or yoga and so produce
hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine permit cortisol-neutralising endorphins. If you have cancer and you
malignant cells to safely leave the primary tumor — a cannot take exercise on any day to reduce your cortisol
necessary step in cancer metastasis and progression — and levels, Ashwagandha could be the herb for you!
Rest, Heal & Digest Fight or Flight avoid a cell-death mechanism called anoikis. Ashwagandha is found in werone's MEL MAGIC 20mg,
Parasympathetic Sympathetic activity Adrenal Magic and Coffee Bullet Suppositories.
activity dominates dominates Chris Woollams, former Oxford University Biochemist
writes, 'It’s not cancer that kills, it’s metastasis' (cancer
spread). And that’s the goal for many researchers – stopping
Key Modalities & Molecules
Chronic stress triggers activation of the sympathetic
nervous system and drives malignancy. Stress can metastases. Stress is a big biochemical factor in promoting available for reducing
promote breast cancer cell colonization of bone, lungs & and driving metastasis.
liver. The studies, reported in PLoS Biology, demonstrate
in mice that activation of the sympathetic nervous system For example, 2019 research from the University of Basel has
– the “fight-or-flight” response to stress, primes the bone shown that an increase in stress hormones in breast cancer NICLOSTEM
environment for breast cancer cell metastasis. causes an increase in glucocorticoid receptors in distant
organs in the body, and that both are linked to higher levels METFORMIN
There are many ways to reduce these effects. You need to of metastasis. Worse, the distant receptors can even modify VITAMIN E
reduce the stress hormones, becoming more relaxed is a the cancer, making the new tumours less receptive to the
very important aim. The other side of the nervous system drugs. FASNHIB
is the parasympathetic nervous system, this is the “Rest ,
Heal & Digest” response. UCLA have a Stress Management Laboratory specialising in R-ALA
cancer and they have proven that people who actively BERBERINE
This relaxed parasympathetic activated state is achieved manage their stress – and stress hormone levels –
through many ways, for example deep breathing, survive longer. They have been using natural ways to do ISATIS (VBLOCK)
meditation, calming herbal teas, shoulder massage, this – recommendations include counselling, a colourful
laughter and good company, when we are stressed or Mediterranean Diet, taking fish oils, exercise and QUERCETIN
anxious, it's the reason that we aren't hungry and can't especially yoga and meditation. This is because certain
digest food because the Rest, Heal & Digest response anti-inflammatory foods along with the production of
must be entered to prepare the body for taking nutrition, endorphins and opioids can neutralise the effects of stress MEDITATION
digestion & healing. hormones.