New Maths Frameworking Year 9 Pupil Book 1 332a6

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Maths Frameworking PB 9.

1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:23 Page i

Year 9, Pupil Book 1

Matches the revised KS3 Framework

Kevin Evans, Keith Gordon, Trevor Senior, Brian Speed

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Introduction vi

CHAPTER 1 Algebra 1 & 2

Sequences 1
Sequences from patterns 4
The nth term of a sequence 7
Combined functions and mappings 9
Graphs of functions 12
National Test questions 15
Functional Maths – Mobile phone tariffs 16

CHAPTER 2 Number 1

Ordering whole numbers and decimals 18

Adding and subtracting fractions 20
Whole numbers and fractions 22
Ratio 24
Direct proportion 25
Inverse proportion 28
National Test questions 30
Functional Maths – The London Olympics 2012 32

CHAPTER 3 Algebra 3

Formulae 34
Inverse flow diagrams 37
Doing the same thing to both sides 38
Constructing equations to solve problems 40
Equations with unknown quantities on both sides 43
Problems involving straight–line graphs 44
National Test questions 47

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CHAPTER 4 Geometry and Measures 1

Alternate and corresponding angles 48

Angles of a triangle 50
Angles of a quadrilateral 52
Interior angles of polygons 54
Tessellations and regular polygons 56
Constructions 58
The circle and its parts 59
National Test questions 62
Functional Maths – Garden design 64

CHAPTER 5 Statistics 1

Pie charts 66
Interpreting graphs and diagrams 68
Two-way tables 70
Drawing and using frequency diagrams 72
Statistical investigations 76
National Test questions 78
Functional Maths – Rainforest deforestation 80

CHAPTER 6 Geometry and Measures 2

Area of a triangle 82
Area of a parallelogram 85
Volume of a cuboid 87
Imperial units 89
Finding the mid-point of a line segment 92
National Test questions 95
Functional Maths – Athletics stadium 98

CHAPTER 7 Number 2

Powers of 10 100
Rounding 102
Multiplying decimals 103
Dividing decimals 105
Efficient use of calculators 106
Solving problems 107
National Test questions 110
Functional Maths – Paper 112

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CHAPTER 8 Algebra 4

LCM and HCF 114

Powers and roots 117
Prime factors 119
Graphs of equations of the form y = mx + c 120
National Test questions 123
Functional Maths – Packages 126

CHAPTER 9 Statistics 2

Combinations 128
Calculating probabilities 130
Estimates of probability 133
National Test questions 136
Functional Maths – Class test 138

CHAPTER 10 Geometry and Measures 3

Enlargements 140
Circumference of a circle 143
Using scale drawings 144
National Test questions 147
Functional Maths – Map reading 150

CHAPTER 11 Algebra 5

Like terms 152

Expanding brackets 154
Expand and simplify 156
Graphs from functions 157
National Test questions 160
Functional Maths – Trip to Rome 162

CHAPTER 12 Solving Problems and Revision

Number 1 – Fractions, decimals and percentages 164

Number 2 – The four rules, ratios and directed
numbers 166
Algebra 1 – Basic rules and solving linear equations 168
Algebra 2 – Graphs 170
Geometry and measures 172
Statistics 175

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CHAPTER 13 Statistics 3 and Revision

Statistical techniques 179

A handling data project 184

CHAPTER 14 Geometry and Measures 4 and Revision

Geometry and measures revision 186

Geometry and measures investigations 188
Symmetry revision 190
Symmetry investigations 191

CHAPTER 15 Statistics 4 and Revision

Revision of probability 193

A probability investigation 196

CHAPTER 16 GCSE Preparation

Adding and subtracting negative numbers 199
Multiples, factors and prime numbers 202
Squares, square roots and powers 204
Decimals in context: addition and subtraction 205
Decimals in context: multiplication and division 207
Long multiplication 208
Long division 209
Long multiplication and division in real-life problems 211
GCSE past-paper questions 213

CHAPTER 17 Functional Maths Practice

The Eden Project 218

Road safety 220
Squirrels 222
Mobile shop 224

Index 227
Garden design activity worksheet 231

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Learning objectives
See what you are going to cover and what
you should already know at the start of
each chapter. The purple and blue boxes
set the topic in context and provide a
handy checklist.

National Curriculum levels

Know what level you are working at so
you can easily track your progress with the
colour-coded levels at the side of the page.

Worked examples
Understand the topic before you start the
exercises by reading the examples in blue
boxes. These take you through how to
answer a question step-by-step.

Functional Maths
Practise your Functional Maths skills to see
how people use Maths in everyday life.
Look out for the Functional Maths
icon on the page.

Extension activities
Stretch your thinking and investigative
skills by working through the extension
activities. By tackling these you are
working at a higher level.

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Level booster
Progress to the next level by checking the
Level boosters at the end of each chapter.
These clearly show you what you need to
know at each level and how to improve.

National Test questions

Practise the past paper Test questions to
feel confident and prepared for your KS3
National Curriculum Tests. The questions
are levelled so you can check what level
you are working at.

Extra interactive National

Test practice
Watch and listen to the audio/visual
National Test questions on the separate
Interactive Book CD-ROM to help you
revise as a class on a whiteboard.
Look out for the computer mouse
icon on the page and on the screen.

Functional Maths
Put Maths into context with these colourful
pages showing real-world situations
involving Maths. You are practising your
Functional Maths skills by analysing data
to solve problems.

Extra interactive
Functional Maths
questions and video clips
Extend your Functional Maths skills by
taking part in the interactive questions on
the separate Interactive Book CD-ROM.
Your teacher can put these on the
whiteboard so the class can answer the
questions on the board.
See Maths in action by watching the video
clips and doing the related Worksheets on
the Interactive Book CD-ROM. The videos
bring the Functional Maths activities to life
and help you see how Maths is used in the
NEW real world.
Hone your Functional Maths skills further by doing the four exciting
tasks given in the new chapter – Functional Maths Practice. Look out for the computer mouse
icon on the page and on the screen.

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Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:23 Page 1

CHAPTER 1 Algebra 1 & 2

This chapter is going to show you What you should already know
How to generate and describe How to use a flow diagram
whole-number sequences The basic rules of arithmetic
How to see patterns in practical How to plot coordinates and
activities draw graphs
How to use term-to-term rules
to create sequences
How to express simple functions
in symbols and to represent
mappings algebraically
How to generate points and plot
graphs from linear equations

Follow through the two flow diagrams in Examples 1.1 and 1.2, and write down the
sequence of numbers each one generates.

Example 1.1
Write Write it less NO
Start Add 2 than 20? Stop
1 answer

The flow diagram generates the sequence:
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
These are the odd numbers less than 20.
The term-to-term rule is ‘Add 2’.

Example 1.2
Is it YES
Write Write equal
Start Divide by 2 Stop
16 answer to 1?

The flow diagram generates the sequence:
16 8 4 2 1
This sequence of numbers can be described as halving to 1.

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Exercise 1A Work through each flow diagram below.

i Write down each result.
ii Write down a description of the numbers generated.
Write Write it less NO
Start Add 2 than 15? Stop
2 answer

Write Write it less NO
Start Add 10 than 101? Stop
10 answer

Write Write it less NO
Start Add 5 than 51? Stop
5 answer


Work through each flow diagram below.

Write down each result.
Write Write it more NO
Start Subtract 10 than 10? Stop
64 answer

Write Write it more NO
Start Subtract 5 than 5? Stop
38 answer

Write Write it more NO
Start Subtract 9 than 9? Stop
75 answer


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Write Write it more NO
Start Subtract 7 than 7? Stop
60 answer


Work through each flow diagram below.

Write down each result.
Write Write it less YES
Start Divide by 2 than 2? Stop
64 answer

Write Write it less YES
Start Divide by 3 than 2? Stop
243 answer

Write Divide Write it less YES
Start than 2? Stop
1 000 000 by 10 answer


i Write down the next two terms when each of the following sequences is
ii Describe each of the following sequences.
a 31, 33, 35, 37, …
b 35, 40, 45, 50, …
c 28, 35, 42, 49, …
d 32, 36, 40, 44, …

Draw a flow diagram for each of the following sequences.

3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21
1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25
c 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33
d 31, 29, 27, 25, 23, 21, 19
e 66, 60, 54, 48, 42, 36, 30
f 9, 20, 31, 42, 53, 64, 75

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6 1 Work through this flow diagram. Write down the sequence which it generates.

Write Multiply Write it less NO
Start Add 1 than 63? Stop
3 by 2 answer

2 Draw the flow diagram for each of the following sequences.
a 2, 9, 23, 51, 107
b 3, 31, 311, 3111, 31 111
c 2, 6, 14, 30, 62, 126

Sequences from patterns

Look at the pattern formed by these squares.

Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3

1 square 4 squares 7 squares
Can you see how many squares are needed to form the next two patterns?
The number of squares in shapes 1 to 3 gives the sequence 1, 4, 7, … . So, you will see
that the sequence is generated by adding three more squares each time to the last pattern.
That is, a square is added each time to each of the three arms of the pattern. Hence,
shape 4 will have 7 + 3 = 10 squares and shape 5 will have 10 + 3 = 13 squares.

Shape 4 Shape 5
10 squares 13 squares
Look again at the pattern. Can you tell how many squares shape 10 has? It is too big to
draw because that would take too long. So, can you find a rule which gives you the
number of squares in any term of the sequence?
You will note that:
Shape 2 has the first square + 1 × 3 = 4 squares
Shape 3 has the first square + 2 × 3 = 7 squares
Shape 4 has the first square + 3 × 3 = 10 squares
That is, the number of threes to add on is one less than the shape number. So, shape 10
First square + 9 × 3 = 28 squares

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Exercise 1B Look at this sequence of shapes.

Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3

1 square 5 squares 9 squares
a Draw the next two shapes in the sequence, shape 4 and shape 5.
b Write down the number of squares in each of these shapes.
c Write down the term-to-term rule.
d Find how many squares there are in shape 10 without drawing it.

Look at this sequence of shapes.

Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3

a Draw the next two shapes in the sequence, shape 4 and shape 5.
b Write down the number of squares in each of these shapes.
c Write down the term-to-term rule.
d Find how many squares there are in shape 10 without drawing it.

Look at the following sequences of lines (blue) and crosses (green).

Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3

2 lines 4 lines 6 lines
a Draw the next two shapes in the sequence, shape 4 and shape 5.
b Write down the number of lines in each of these shapes.
c Write down the term-to-term rule for the crosses.
d Write down how many lines and crosses there are in shape 11 without drawing it.

Look at this sequence of shapes.

Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3

5 lines 11 lines 17 lines
a Draw the next two shapes in the sequence, shape 4 and shape 5.
b Write down the number of lines in each of these shapes.
c Write down the term-to-term rule.
d Find how many lines there are in shape 21 without drawing it.

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Look at this sequence of shapes.

Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3

1 grey square 2 grey squares 3 grey squares
8 white squares 10 white squares 12 white squares
a Draw the next two shapes in this sequence, shape 4 and shape 5.
b Write down the number of grey squares in each of these shapes.
c Write down the number of white squares in each of these shapes.
d Without drawing the shapes:
i find how many grey squares there are in shape 10.
ii find how many white squares there are in shape 20.
iii find the total number of squares in shape 30.

Look at this sequence of shapes.

Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3

a Draw the next two shapes in this sequence, shape 4 and shape 5.
b Write down the number of grey squares in each of these shapes.
c Write down the number of white squares in each of these shapes.
d Without drawing the shapes:
i find how many grey squares there are in shape 10.
ii find how many white squares there are in shape 20.
iii find out the total number of squares in shape 30.

6 Look at this sequence of shapes.

Answer the following without drawing
the shapes.
a Find how many grey triangles there are
in shape 50.
b Find how many white triangles there are in shape 100.
c Find the total number of triangles in shape 500.
d Suppose you continue this pattern and in one shape you use 28 grey
triangles. How many white ones would you need?
e Suppose you continue this pattern and in one shape you use 100 white
triangles. How many grey ones would you need?
f What is the number of the shape which has 998 triangles?

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The nth term of a sequence

The position of a term in a sequence can sometimes be used to find its value. The idea is
to find a general term, called the nth term, from which the value of any term can be
found. Look at Examples 1.3 and 1.4 to see how this works.

Example 1.3 Find the nth term for the sequence given below.
Position number, n 1 2 3 4 5
Value of term 5 6 7 8 9
Each term can be found by adding 4 to its position number, n. So, the nth term is
given by n + 4.

Example 1.4 Write down the first five terms of a sequence where the nth term is given by 2n + 3.
To find each term, give the position number, n, the value 1 to 5, in order, as shown
n 2n + 3
or n ×2 +3
of term
The 1st term is: 1 2 5
The 2nd term is: 2 4 7
The 3rd term is: 3 6 9
The 4th term is: 4 8 11
The 5th term is: 5 10 13

Hence, the sequence is 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, … .

When you are given a rule like this, you can use it to find a term well into the sequence.
For example, the 50th term in the above sequence is found by putting n = 50 into
n 2n + 3, which gives:
n ×2 +3
of term
50 100 103

Exercise 1C The nth term of a sequence is given by n 5n + 2.

a Find the first five terms of the sequence.
b Find the 20th term of the sequence.
c Find the 50th term of the sequence.

The nth term of a sequence is given by n 7n – 1.

a Find the first five terms of the sequence.
b Find the 10th term of the sequence.
c Find the 100th term of the sequence.

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The nth term of a sequence is given by n 4n + 9.

a Find the first five terms of the sequence.
b Find the 30th term of the sequence.
c Find the 150th term of the sequence.

The nth term of a sequence is given by n 100 + 2n.

a Find the first five terms of the sequence.
b Find the 10th term of the sequence.
c Find the 50th term of the sequence.

The nth term of a sequence is given by n 100 – 2n.

a Find the first five terms of the sequence.
b Find the 20th term of the sequence.
c Find the 50th term of the sequence.

Look at the pattern below.

Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3

1 grey square 2 grey squares 3 grey squares
8 white squares 10 white squares 12 white squares
Matty, the mathematician, worked out the following details.
● The number of grey squares in the nth shape is simply n.
● The number of white squares in the nth shape is 2n + 6.
● The total number of squares in the nth shape is 3n + 6.
a Show that Matty was correct for the three shapes shown.
b How many grey squares are in shape 17?
c How many white squares are in shape 40?
d How many squares altogether are in shape 60?

Look at the pattern below.

Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3

Lesley, another mathematician, worked out the following details.

● The number of grey squares in the nth shape is 2n.
● The number of white squares in the nth shape is 2n + 8.
● The total number of squares in the nth shape is 4n + 8.
a Show that Lesley was correct for the three shapes shown.
b How many grey squares are in shape 13?
c How many white squares are in shape 20?
d How many squares altogether are in shape 100?

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Create a series of shapes, whose nth shape has 4n + 1 squares.
Create a series of shapes, whose nth shape has 3n + 1 squares.
3 Create a series of shapes, whose nth shape has:
a n grey squares. b 4n white squares.
4 Create a series of shapes, whose nth shape has:
a 2n grey squares b 3n white squares.
5 Create a series of shapes, whose nth shape has:
a 3n grey squares b 6n white squares.

Combined functions and mappings

A function is a rule which changes one number, called the input, to another number,
called the output. It involves any one or more of the following operations: addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division.
A function can also be defined as a mapping which has only one output number for every
input. Example 1.5 shows how this works.

Example 1.5 Draw a mapping diagram to illustrate the following.

Input Multiply by 2 Add 3 Output

Start with any set of numbers as the input. Each input maps with the function to the
output. So, for the function:

Input Multiply by 2 Add 3 Output

0 0 3
1 2 5
2 4 7
3 6 9

The mapping Multiply by 2 can be written using algebra as x 2x.

The mapping Add 3 can be written using algebra as x x + 3.

Hence, the combined mapping Multiply by 2 Add 3 can be

represented by x 2x + 3.
The function x 2x + 3 has this mapping diagram:
x 2x + 3
0 3
1 5
2 7
3 9

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From this, you can see that a function may be thought of as a machine which processes
numbers. Take as an example x 2x + 3:

0 1 x → 2x + 3 3 5
2 3 7 9
Input Function Output

Exercise 1D Copy and complete each of the following mapping diagrams for the functions shown.
a Multiply by 3 Add 5 Combined as
Input Output x 3x + 5
0 0
1 3 8 1 8
2 2

3 3

b Multiply by 5 Add 4 Combined as

Input Output x 5x + 4
0 0
1 5 9 1 9
2 2

3 3

c Multiply by 4 Add 7 Combined as

Input Output x 4x + 7
0 0
1 4 11 1 11
2 2

3 3

Copy and complete each of the following mapping diagrams for the functions shown.
a Add 5 Multiply by 3 Combined as
Input Output x 3(x + 5)
0 0
1 6 18 1 18
2 2

3 3

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b Add 3 Multiply by 2 Combined as

Input Output x 2(x + 3)
0 0
1 4 8 1 8
2 2

3 3

c Add 7 Multiply by 5 Combined as

Input Output x 5(x + 7)
0 0
1 8 40 1 40
2 2

3 3

Copy and complete the mapping diagram for each of the following combined functions.
a x 4x + 3 b x 2x + 9 c x 2(x + 8)
0 0 0

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 15 3 3

Draw mapping diagrams to illustrate each of the following functions.

a x 5x + 3 b x 4x + 1 c x 3(x + 4)

For each function, write down the output using algebra.

a Multiply by 4 Add 6

b Multiply by 10 Add 5

c Add 3 Multiply by 5

d Add 7 Multiply by 3

Write down what should be in each box in each of the following mapping diagrams.

0 0 3
1 7 10
2 14 17
3 21 24

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0 0 11
1 3 14
2 6 17
3 9 20

c x d x
0 1 0 2
1 5 1 7
2 9 2 12
3 13 3 17

e x
0 2
1 13
2 24
3 35

Create mapping diagrams to illustrate each of the following.

a x 3x – 1 b x 4x – 5 c x 5x – 8
d x 10 – x e x 10 – 2x f x 10 – 3x

Graphs of functions
There are different ways to write functions. For example, the function:
x → 3x + 1
can also be written as:
y = 3x + 1
with the inputs as x and the outputs as y.
This alternative way of writing functions simplifies the drawing of graphs. Every function
has its own graph which is produced by finding ordered pairs of numbers, or coordinates,
from the function, and plotting them.
Note: The graph of any linear function is a straight line.

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Example 1.6 Draw a graph of the function y = 3x + 1.

First, make a table of easy values for the x-coordinates. Then calculate the
corresponding values of y, using y = 3x + 1. These y-coordinates are also put in the
x –1 0 1 2 3
y = 3x + 1 –2 1 4 7 10
Then, either construct a grid or use suitably graduated
graph paper, marking the x-axis from –1 to 3 and the 6
y-axis from –2 to 10. Next, plot the coordinates and
join them to give a straight line graph.
Note that this graph passes through countless other 2
coordinates, all of which obey the same rule of the
0 x
function: that is, y = 3x + 1. You can choose any point –1 0 1 2 3
on the line which has not been plotted to show that –2
this is true.

Exercise 1E a Copy and complete the table below for the function y = x + 2.

x –1 0 1 2 3
y=x+2 1 2

b Draw a grid with its x-axis from –1 to 3 and y-axis from –1 to 5.

c Use the table to construct, on the grid, the graph of the function y = x + 2.

a Copy and complete the table below for the function y = 2x + 3.

x –1 0 1 2 3
y = 2x + 3 1 3

b Draw a grid with its x-axis from –1 to 3 and y-axis from –1 to 9.

c Use the table to construct, on the grid, the graph of the function y = 2x + 3.

a Copy and complete the table below for the function y = 4x + 2.

x –1 0 1 2 3
y = 4x + 2 –2 2

b Draw a grid with its x-axis from –1 to 3 and y-axis from –2 to 14.
c Use the table to construct, on the grid, the graph of the function y = 4x + 2.

a Copy and complete the table below for the function y = 5x + 1.

x –1 0 1 2 3
y = 5x + 1 –4 1

b Draw a grid with its x-axis from –1 to 3 and y-axis from –4 to 16.
c Use the table to construct, on the grid, the graph of the function y = 5x + 1.

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a Copy and complete the table below for the functions shown.
x –1 0 1 2 3
y = 2x + 1 –1 7
y = 2x + 2 0 6
y = 2x + 3 1 3 5
y = 2x –2 0 2

b Draw a grid with its x-axis from –1 to 3 and y-axis from –2 to 11.
c Draw the graph for each function in the table above.
d What two properties do you notice about each line?
e Use the properties you have noticed to draw the graph of each of the following
i y = 2x + 4 ii y = 2x + 5
a Copy and complete the table below for the functions shown.
x –1 0 1 2 3
y = 3x + 1 10
y = 3x + 2 –1 8
y = 3x + 3 3
y = 3x + 4 7

b Draw a grid with its x-axis from –1 to 3 and y-axis from –2 to 13.
c Draw the graph for each function in the table above.
d What two properties do you notice about each line?
e Use the properties you have noticed to draw the graph of each of the functions.
i y = 3x + 5 ii y = 3x + 6 iii y = 3x

6 1
Draw the graph of y = 4x + 1 and of y = 4x + 5.
Now draw, without any further calculations, the graph of y = 4x + 3 and of y = 4x + 7.

5 I can generate sequences, given the first term and the term-to-term rule. For example, first term 7
and term-to-term rule ‘multiply by 2’ give 7, 14, 28, 56, 112, …
I can predict the next terms in a linear sequence of numbers.
I can find any term in a sequence, given the first term, say 5, and the term-to-term rule such as
‘goes up by 6 each time’, that is the 20th term is 119.
I can find any term in a sequence, given the algebraic rule for the nth term, e.g. a sequence with
an nth term of 6n – 5 has a 10th term of 55.
I can draw the graph of a function such as y = 2x + 3 by setting up a table of values.

6 I can use algebra to write down a function, given the operations that create the function, for example:
x 2x + 3
×2 +3

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1 2005 3–5 Paper 2

Here is a sequence of shapes made with
grey and white tiles.
number 1
number 2
number 3
number 4
The number of grey tiles = 2 × the shape number
The number of white tiles = 2 × the shape number
a Altogether, how many tiles will there be in
shape number 5?
b Altogether, how many tiles will there be in shape number 15?
c Write down the missing number from this sentence:
The total number of tiles = …… × the shape number.

2 2006 3–5 Paper 2

a The following rules show how to get from one number to the next in these sequences.
Use the rules to write the next two numbers in each sequence:

Rule: Add 8
4 12 …… ……

Rule: Multiply by 3
4 12 …… ……

Rule: Divide by 4 then add 11

4 12 …… ……

b A sequence of numbers starts like this:

30 22 18
Could the rule be Subtract 8?
Explain your answer.

3 2006 3–5 Paper 1

Look at this sequence of patterns made with hexagons:

pattern number 1 pattern number 2 pattern number 3

To find the number of hexagons in pattern number n you can use these rules:
Number of grey hexagons = n + 1
Number of white hexagons = 2n
Altogether, what is the total number of hexagons in pattern number 20?

FM Ch 1 Mobile Phone PB 9.1 5/6/08 16:16 Page 16

Functional Maths

Mobile phone tariffs

Pick your plan ■ Pay by voucher or

Mix & match plans Inclusive UK minutes and texts
Free 3 to 3
Free voicemail
Free Instant
Free Skype direct debit
minutes Messaging
■ If you pay by voucher,
£12 £12 100 300
Promotional Anytime any network minutes or 3 to 3 minutes
✔ ✔ ✔ service is suspended
a month tariff texts or any mix of the two once the monthly
allowance is reached
£15 Mix & match 300 300
300 Anytime any network minutes or 3 to 3 minutes
✔ ✔ ✔ ■ If you pay by direct
a month texts or any mix of the two
debit, any minutes or
Mix & match 500 300 texts over the
£18 500 ✔ ✔ ✔ allowance are
Anytime any network minutes or 3 to 3 minutes
a month texts or any mix of the two charged at 15p per
minute or 15p per
£21 Mix & match 700 300 text
700 Anytime any network minutes or 3 to 3 minutes
✔ ✔ ✔
a month texts or any mix of the two
■ 10% discount if you
£24 Mix & match 900 300 pay by direct debit
900 Anytime any network minutes or 3 to 3 minutes
✔ ✔ ✔
a month texts or any mix of the two ■ All tariffs do not
include VAT which is
£27 Mix & match 1100 300 charged at 17 –12 %
1100 Anytime any network minutes or 3 to 3 minutes
✔ ✔ ✔
a month texts or any mix of the two

Use the information on Mobile phone tariffs to help you answer these questions.

Shaun has the ‘Mix and match 900’ tariff and

1 How many hours is 900 minutes? 7 pays by direct debit each month. In one
month he makes an extra 50 minutes of voice
2 How many hours and minutes is 700 minutes?
calls and sends an extra 30 texts.
Janis has the ‘£12 Promotional tariff’. She
3 pays by voucher. She does not use her phone a How much extra will he pay before any
discounts are taken off?
for voice calls. So far in a month she has sent
43 texts. How many more can she send that b What will his bill for that month be after the
month before service is suspended? 10% discount?
Andy has the ‘£12 Promotional tariff’. He pays
4 by direct debit. How much will this cost per a The ‘Mix and match 300’ tariff allows
month after the 10% discount?
8 300 minutes or texts for £15.

Ben has the ‘Mix and match 300’ tariff. Before How much does each minute or text cost
5 any discounts or VAT how much would this on average?
cost for a 12-month contract? b The ‘Mix and match 500’ tariff allows 500
minutes or texts for £18.
Gordon has the ‘£12 Promotional tariff’.
6 So far he has used 24 minutes on voice calls How much does each minute or text cost
and sent 19 texts. How many more minutes on average?
or texts can he send before he gets charged

FM Ch 1 Mobile Phone PB 9.1 5/6/08 16:16 Page 17

The table shows two tariffs for people who send a lot of texts.

Pick your plan ■ If you pay by direct debit, any extra

Unlimited voice minutes are charged at 15p
Texter plans Texts Minutes Free voicemail One-Off Cost Skype per minute and extra texts are
charged at 10p per text
£15 £15 Texter 600 75
a month
Anytime, ■ 10% discount if you pay by direct
any network
£20 £20 Texter 1000 100 ■ All tariffs do not include VAT which
a month any network
is charged at 17 –12 %

Mel has the ‘Mix and match 500’ tariff. She Lucy has the ‘£15 Texter’ tariff. She pays by
9 pays by direct debit. In one month she uses all 12 direct debit. In one month she makes over
of her allowed anytime, any network voice 75 minutes of voice calls and sends 540 texts.
minutes and makes some more minutes of Her bill for the month is £24.90 before any
voice calls. Her bill for the month is £24 before discount is given. How many minutes of calls
any discount is given. How many minutes of over the allowed 75 minutes did she make?
calls over the 500 allowed minutes did she
make? Coryn has a ‘Mix and match 300’ tariff.
13 He pays by voucher. Coryn knows that his
average voice calls per month are 220 minutes
Dave has the ‘£15 Texter’ tariff. He pays by
10 direct debit. In one month he uses 750 texts and he sends an average of 40 texts. He sees
this advertisement.
and 100 minutes of voice calls.
What is his bill for that month before the Special offer for existing customers
‘Mix and match 250’
discount is given? or texts
250 anytime any network minutes
or any mix of the two.
Andy has the ‘£20 texter’ tariff. He pays by Only £13.00 per month including
11 direct debit. In one month he uses all of his Extra minutes or texts 15p.
100 anytime, any network voice calls and sends
over 1000 texts. His bill for the month before If Coryn changes to the ‘Mix and match 250’
discount and VAT is £23. How many more texts tariff, will he save money in an average month?
than the 1000 allowed did he send? You must show your working to justify
your answer.

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CHAPTER 2 Number 1
This chapter is going to show you What you should already know
How to order decimals How to order integers
How to calculate with fractions, Some simple equivalent
percentages and ratio fractions, decimals and
How to round numbers to two percentages
decimal places How to find simple equivalent

Ordering whole numbers and decimals

Name Joel Sophie Jack Baby Olivia Alf Doris

Age 37 21 32 1 57 68
Height 170 cm 154 cm 189 cm 70 cm 102 cm 180 cm
Weight 75 kg 50 kg 68 kg 9.5 kg 85 kg 76.3 kg

Look at the people in the picture. How would you put them in order?
When you compare the size of numbers, you have to

consider the place value of each digit. This is the value


given to a digit because of the position the digit has in


the number relative to the units place.


It helps if you fill in the numbers in a table like the

one shown on the right. ●

The decimal point separates the whole-number part ●

of the number from the decimal-fraction part.

Example 2.1 explains how the table works.

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Example 2.1 Put the numbers 254, 245, 164 and 352 in order from smallest to largest.

We can write the numbers in the table like this:

Working across the table from the left, you can see that
the smallest digit in the hundreds column is a 1. So 164

is the smallest number.
Two numbers have a 2 in the hundreds column, but the
first number then has 5 in the tens column and the 2 5 4 ●

second number has a 4 in the tens column, so the 2 4 5 ●

second number is smaller. 245 is smaller than 254. 1 6 4 ●

This leaves the largest number as 352. 3 5 2 ●

So, the order is: 164, 245, 254, 352

Example 2.2 Put the numbers 56, 57, 56.4 and 55.607 in order from smallest to largest.

Writing the numbers in the table, filling in any

missing decimal places with zeros, gives:

Working across the table from the left, you can see

that all the tens digits are the same. The smallest units

digit is in the number 55.607, so this is the smallest
number. 5 6 ● 0 0 0
Two numbers have a 6 in the units column – 56.000 5 7 ● 0 0 0
and 56.400 – but the first number then has 0 in the 5 6 ● 4 0 0
tenths column, so 56 is the next number and then
56.4. Finally, the largest number is 57. 5 5 ● 6 0 7

So, the order is: 55.607, 56, 56.4, 57

Exercise 2A Write each of these sets of number in order from smallest to largest.
24, 42, 28, 33, 43
84, 175, 157, 48, 62
c 1025, 1100, 1502, 1102, 1052

Put the following amounts of money in order, smallest first.

a 108p, £0.80, 78p, £0.65, £0.09
b £0.90, 89p, £9, 10p, £0.68
c £19.99, £25, 84p, £18.75, £0.90

Put these times in order: 1hour 10 minutes, 25 minutes, 1.25 hours, 0.5 hours.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:49 Page 20

6 For each part, copy the table (but not the numbers) in Example 2.2.
Write the sets of numbers in your table, placing each digit in the appropriate
column. Then write the numbers in order from smallest to largest.
a 7.5, 6.1, 6.3, 6.8, 7.0 b 2.5, 5.2, 2.7, 2.3, 5.1
c 9.13, 9.01, 8.99, 8.75, 9.10 d 10, 9.5, 11.2, 9.75, 9.8
e 5.68, 56, 5.6, 0.056, 0.6, 5.06 f 0.63, 0.063, 0.7, 0.609, 0.6
g 1.607, 1.7, 1.809, 1.808, 1.8 h 23, 2.3, 0.23, 1.23, 0.023

One metre is 100 cm. Change all the lengths below to metres and then put them in
order from smallest to largest.
4.45 m, 349 cm, 20 cm, 3.5 m, 0.24 m

One kilogram is 1000 g. Change all the weights below to kilograms and then put
them in order from smallest to largest.
37 g, 1.370 kg, 37 kg, 0.4 kg, 0.036 kg

Choose a set of six consecutive whole numbers, such as 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Use a calculator to work out the first number divided by the second number as a
decimal (3 ÷ 4), the second number divided by the third number (4 ÷ 5) and so on.
Put your five answers in order from smallest to largest.
What do you notice?
Now repeat for any six numbers written in order, such as 1, 5, 8, 14, 15 and 20.
What do you notice?

Adding and subtracting fractions

This section will give you more practice with adding and subtracting fractions.
Here is a multiplication × 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
table you can use to find
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
equivalent fractions.
2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
This is how it works: to
3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
cancel down the fraction
21 4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
35 , find 21 and 35 in the

same column. Then look 5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

at the numbers in the left 6 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
hand column of the
same rows. 7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70
8 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80
So, –
35 = –53
9 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90
All the fractions made 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
from those two rows are
equivalent, so –35 = 10 9
= 15
– 12
= 20
– and so on.

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Example 2.3 Use the multiplication table to complete the following.

6 2 2
a –
8 = –4 b –
5 = 10
– c –
7 = –

a –
8 = –34 b 2

5 = 4

10 c 2

7 = 6


When the denominators of the fractions are not the same, they must be made the same
before numerators are added or subtracted. To do this, we find the lowest common
multiple (LCM) of the denominators.

Example 2.4 a Complete the following.

4 3
i –
5 =–
10 ii –
7 = –

b Work out the answers to these calculations.

4 1 3 1
i –
5 +–
10 ii –
7 ––

4 8 3 6
a i –
5 =–
10 ii –
7 = –
4 1 8 1 9
b i –
5 + –
10 =–
10 + 10 = 10
– –

3 1 6 1 5
ii –
7 ––
14 = 14 – 14 = 14
– – –

Exercise 2B Use the multiplication table to copy and complete the following.
3 1 2 1
a 4 = 12 b 5 = 10 c 3 = 9 d 2 = 10
9 6 1 7
e 10 = 40 f 7 = 28 g 8 = 32 h 9 = 63

Copy and complete each of the following.

1 1 1 1 1 2
a 7 + 7 = 7 b 9 + 9 = 9 c 5 + 5 = 5
1 1 3 3 1 3
d 3 + 3 = 3 e 10 + 10 = 10 = 5 f 8 + 8 = 8 = 2
2 4 1 5
g 9 + 9 = 9 = 3 h 12 + 12 = 12 = 2

Copy and complete each of the following.

5 1 8 4 4 2
a 7 – 7 = 7 b 9 – 9 = 9 c 5 – 5 = 5
2 1 7 3 5 3
d 3 – 3 = 3 e 10 – 10 = 10 = 5 f 8 – 8 = 8 = 4
7 4 11 5
g 9 – 9 = 9 = 3 h 12 – 12 = 12 = 2

Copy and complete each of the following.

a 1
5 = 1
10 +
10 = 10 b 1
+ 1
= 6 + 1
= 6 c 1
2 = 1
+ 8 = 8 6
d 2 + 4 = 4 + 4 = 4 e 4 + 8 = 8 + 8 = 8 f 5 + 10 = 10 + 10 = 10
5 1 5 1 1 1
g 12 + 6 = 12 + 12 = 12 h 7 + 14 = 14 + 14 = 14

Copy and complete each of the following.

9 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 1
a 10 – 5 = 10 – 10 = 10 b 3 – 6 = 6 – 6 = 6 c 2 – 8 = 8 – 8 = 8
1 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1
d 2 – 4 = 4 – 4 = 4 e 4 – 8 = 8 – 8 = 8 f 5 – 10 = 10 – 10 = 10
11 5 11 1 1 1
g 12 – 6 = 12 – 12 = 12 h 7 – 14 = 14 – 14 = 14

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6 Firstly, convert the following fractions to equivalent fractions with a common

denominator, then work out the answer.
a 1
5 + 1
4 b 1
8 + 1
2 c 3
4 + 1
5 d 1
6 + 2
1 1 5 1 3 1 5 2
e 4 – 5 f 8 – 3 g 4 – 5 h 6 – 3

1 1
A magazine has 4 of its pages for advertising, 12 for letters and the rest for articles.
a What fraction of the pages is for articles?
b If the magazine has 150 pages, how many are used for articles?

1 1
A survey of pupils showed that 5 of them walked to school, 3 came by bus and the
rest came by car.
a What fraction came by car?
b If there were 1200 pupils in the school, how many came by car?

You may use a calculator for this work.

1 Work out 1–2 + –14 , –14 + –18 , –18 + 16
–1 1
and 16
– 1
+ 32
– .
What do you notice about the answers?
2 Now work out –13 + 1–9, –19 + 27
–1 1
and 27
– 1
+ 81
– .
What do you notice about the answers?

Whole numbers and fractions

Example 2.5 Work out each of the following.

1 2
a –
2 of 24 b –
3 of 15
a –
2 of 24 = 24 ÷ 2 = 12
b –
3of 15 = 15 ÷ 3 = 5
So 32
– of 15 = 5 × 2 = 10

Example 2.6 Work out each of the following.

1 2
a –
4 × 60 b –
5 × 15
a –
4 × 60 is the same as 1–4 of 60

4 of 60 = 60 ÷ 4 = 15

4 × 60 = 15
b –
5 × 15 is the same as –25 of 15

5 of 15 = 15 ÷ 3 = 3
So –25 of 15 = 3 × 2 = 6
5 × 15 = 6

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Exercise 2C Work these out.

1 1 1 1
a 2 of 18 b 2 of 46 c 2 of 60 d 3 of 21
1 1 1 1
e 3 of 33 f 4 of 28 g 4 of 36 h 5 of 35

Use the answers to parts d to h of question 1 to work out the following.

2 2 3 3 2
a 3 of 21 b 3 of 33 c 4 of 28 d 4 of 36 e 5 of 35

Match these cards in pairs.

1 1 1 2 3

of 30 –
of 24 –
of 35 –
of 27 –
of 36

18 6 27 7 10

Match these cards in pairs.

1 1 1 2 3

× 18 –
× 32 –
× 25 –
× 30 –
× 24

20 8 18 6 5

Work these out.

1 2 1 3
a 3 × 12 b 3 × 12 c 4 × 40 d 4 × 40
1 5 1 7
e 8 × 16 f 8 × 16 g 12 × 24 h 12 × 24

A man earns £300. He pays out two-thirds on his rent. How much rent does he pay?

Betty has 36 pairs of shoes. Three-quarters of them are black. How many pairs of
black shoes she does she have?

Copy and fill in each of the missing numbers.

1 2 4

5 ×2= –

5 × 2 = –85 1

5 ×3= 3

4 3 1

5 × 3 = …… –
7 × 2 = …… –
5 × 4 = ……
4 4 1

5 × 4 = …… –
7 × 5 = …… –
5 × 8 = ……
4 5

5 × 8 = …… –
7 × 3 = …… …… × 10 = 2
24 1
…… × 20 = 8 …… × 4 = –

5 × …… = 200

5 × …… = 800 …

7 × 35 = 50

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:49 Page 24


What is the ratio of blue bugs to red bugs to black bugs? What is the ratio of four-legged
to six-legged bugs? What is the ratio of bugs with antennae to bugs without antennae?
This section will give you the chance to revise ratios and take the ideas that you have
arleady met, a step further.

Example 2.7 Cancel each of the following ratios to its simplest form.
a 14 : 16 b 25 : 20 c 6 : 12 : 24

a 2 is the largest number which is a factor of both 14 and 16. Dividing each
number by 2 gives 14 : 16 = 7 : 8
b 5 is the largest number which is a factor of both 25 and 20. Dividing each
number by 5 gives 25 : 20 = 5 : 4
c 6 is the largest number which is a factor of 6, 12 and 24. Dividing each number
by 6 gives 6 : 12 : 24 = 1 : 2 : 4

Example 2.8 One day, a bread shop sells brown loaves and white loaves in the ratio 4 : 1. If the
shop sells 30 white loaves, how many brown loaves does it sell?

The ratio 4 : 1 means 4 parts to 1 part, so for every 4 brown loaves sold, 1 white loaf
is sold.
So if 30 white loaves are sold, 1 part = 30 loaves
So 4 parts = 4 × 30 loaves = 120 loaves
The shop sells 120 brown loaves.

Example 2.9 Divide £150 in the ratio 2 : 3.

The ratio 2 : 3 means that £150 is first divided into 2 + 3 equal parts. That is,
5 parts = £150, which gives 1 part = £150 ÷ 5 = £30
Hence, you have:
2 parts = £60
3 parts = £90
which give the ratio £60 : £90.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:49 Page 25

Exercise 2D Cancel each of the following ratios to its simplest form.

a 4 : 12 b 10 : 15 c 8 : 16 d 5 : 15
e 25 : 40 f 4 : 16 g 15 : 50 h 9: 27
i 8 : 20 j 6 : 15 k 5 : 40 l 4 : 10
m 16 : 2 n 10 : 2 o 8 : 10 p 25 : 10
q 5 : 10 r 9 : 12 s 6 : 12 t 15 : 25
u 4 : 16 : 20 v 10 : 15 : 25

a Pink paint is mixed from red and white paint in the ratio 1 : 3

If 6 litres of red paint is used, how much white paint is needed?
Green paint is mixed from blue and yellow paint in the ratio 1 : 4
If 20 litres of yellow paint is used, how much blue paint is needed?
c Purple is mixed from red and blue paint in the ratio 2 : 3
If 18 litres of red paint is used, how much blue paint is needed?

Mr & Mrs Smith have savings in the ratio 3 : 1. If Mr Smith has £600, how much
does Mrs Smith have?

Work these out.

a Divide £30 in the ratio 4 : 1 b Divide £60 in the ratio 1 : 2
c Divide £100 in the ratio 9 : 1 d Divide £45 in the ratio 2 : 1
e Divide £36 in the ratio 1 : 8 f Divide £49 in the ratio 6 : 1

Work these out.

a Divide 50 kg in the ratio 3 : 2 b Divide 45 litres in the ratio 2 : 7
c Divide 30 cm in the ratio 2 : 3 d Divide 35 tonnes in the ratio 5 : 2
e Divide 26 miles in the ratio 6 : 7 f Divide 40 grams in the ratio 5 : 3

A concrete mix is made from one part cement, two parts sand and three parts gravel
by weight. How much cement and gravel will I need to mix with 40 kg of sand?

To make dark green paint two parts of yellow paint are mixed with five parts
of blue. I have 250 ml of yellow and 1 litre of blue. What is the maximum
amount of dark green paint I can make?

Direct proportion

Example 2.10 Six tubes of toothpaste have a total mass of 900 g.

What is the mass of:
a one tube? b five tubes?
a If six tubes have a mass of 900 g, one tube
has a mass of 900 ÷ 6 = 150 g
b Five tubes have a mass of 5 × 150 = 750 g

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:49 Page 26

Example 2.11 A boy saves the same amount of money each week. In eight weeks he saves £20.
a How long will it take him to save £35?
b How much will he save in 10 weeks?
a If the boy saves £20 in 8 weeks, he saves £20 ÷ 8 = £2.50 in one week.
Hence, to save £35, he takes £35 ÷ £2.50 = 14 weeks.
b In 10 weeks he saves 10 × £2.50 = £25

Example 2.12 A guitarist plays for 40 minutes with 400 people in the audience. How long would it
take him to play the same set if there were only 300 people in the audience?
It takes exactly the same time of 40 minutes! The number of people in the audience
does not affect the length of the performance.

Exercise 2E Be careful. Some of these questions may trip you up!

4 3 kg of rice cost £1.80. How much would:

a 1 kg cost? b 4 kg cost?

Four packets of Smartoes sweets cost 88p. How much would:

a one packet cost? b three packets cost?

The cost of hiring a car for 12 days is £180. How much would it cost to hire the
car for:
a 1 day? b 5 days?

Seven chocolate bars cost £1.40. How much do

10 chocolate bars cost?

Four buckets standing in a rain shower take

40 minutes to fill. How long would three buckets
standing in the same rain shower take to fill?

A distance of 8 km is represented by a distance

of 16 cm on a map.
a How many centimetres would represent a
distance of 14 km?
b What distance is represented by 7 cm on the map?

Nine washing-up liquid containers hold 2700 cm3. How much do five of these
containers hold?

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:49 Page 27

It takes 12 seconds to dial the 12-digit number of a friend who lives 100 miles away.
a How long will it take to dial the 12-digit number of a friend who lives 50 miles
b How long will it take to dial the 6-digit number of a friend who lives 10 miles

My washing machine takes 1 hour to wash a load that weighs 6 kg. How long will it
take to wash a load that weighs 5 kg?

It takes 6 minutes to hard-boil three eggs in a pan. How long would it take to hard-
boil two eggs in the same pan?

With 120 passengers on board, a train takes 16 minutes to travel between two
stations. How long would it take with only 60 passengers on board?

Six peaches cost 84p. How much will nine

peaches cost?

A carpet whose area is 15 m2 costs £120. How much would a carpet cost whose
area is 20 m2?

In 5 hours, a man earns £30. How much does he earn in 6 hours?

A man walks 3 miles in 1 hour. How long would it take him to walk 5 miles?
In two days my watch loses 4 minutes. How much does it lose in one week (seven

You are told that:

a × b × c = 100
a What would the answer be if a were doubled?
b What would the answer be if b were trebled?
c What would the answer be if c were halved?
d What would the answer be if a were doubled, b were trebled and c were
halved at the same time?
e What would the answer be if a were doubled, b were doubled and
c were doubled at the same time?
f What would the answer be if a were halved, b were halved and
c were halved at the same time?

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:49 Page 28

Inverse proportion

Example 2.13 Six teenagers take four days to paint a fence.

How long will it take:
a one teenager?
b eight teenagers?

a One teenager would take six times longer, so

one teenager takes 6 × 4 = 24 days
b Eight teenagers would be eight times quicker than one teenager, so eight
teenagers would take 24 ÷ 8 = 3 days

Example 2.14 At 40 mph, it takes a train 3 hours to cover a

certain distance.
How long would it take at 80 mph? 43005

At 80 mph it would be twice as quick, so it

takes 1 hour 30 minutes.

Example 2.15 Six shirts hanging on a washing line take 2 hours

to dry.
How long would it take three shirts to dry?
It would take the same time! The number of shirts
on the line does not make any difference.

Exercise 2F Be careful. Some of these questions may trip you up!

Use of a calculator is allowed for this exercise.

Five people lay a pipeline in 5 days. How long would one person take?

Two decorators can paint a room in 6 hours. How long would one decorator take?

From the top of a hill, two walkers can see 20 miles. How far would one walker be
able to see from the top of the same hill?

It takes two people 10 minutes to hang out a load of washing. How long would it
take one person?

Two taps fill a bath in 20 minutes. How long would it take one tap to fill the same bath?

6 Travelling at 8 miles per hour, a man takes 5 hours for a cycling trip. How long
would he take at a speed of 16 miles per hour?

A box of emergency rations can feed 12 people for 6 days. How long would the box
of rations last 6 people?

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:49 Page 29

My cat eats a bag of cat food every

six days. If I get another cat, how
long would the bag of cat food
last now?

Nine people build a wall in 20 days. How long will the job take 18 people?

One man went to mow a meadow. It took him 15 minutes to walk there. If two men
went to mow a meadow, how long would it take them to walk there?

A lorry takes 4 hours to do a journey at 30 mph.

a How long would the same journey take at 60 mph?
b How fast would the lorry be travelling if the journey took 8 hours?

1 Two fences posts are 10 m apart.

If three posts are spaced equally between 10m
them, the gap between each post will be
2.5 m.
a How large will the gap be between
each post if five posts are equally
spaced between the two outer posts?
b How large will the gap be between
each post if nine posts are equally
spaced between the two outer posts?
2 Two posts are 12 m apart. How many posts would need to be placed
between them so that they end up 2 m apart?

4 I can order whole numbers.

I can order decimals with one decimal place.
I can put simple quantities in order of size.

5 I can order decimals with more than one decimal place.

I can work out least common multiples.
I can add and subtract simple fractions.
I can reduce a fraction to its simplest form by cancelling common factors.
I can solve simple ratio problems.

6 I can change fractions to decimals.

I can add and subtract fractions with different denominators.
I can solve problems involving ratio.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:49 Page 30

1 2007 4–6 Paper 1

4 Here are six number cards:

2 4 6 8 10 12
a Choose two of these six cards to make a fraction that is equivalent to 31 .
b Choose two of these six cards to make a fraction that is greater than 2 but less than 1.

2 2006 4–6 Paper 1

Add three to the number on each number line.
The first one is done for you.
+3 +3 +3

47 50 1–34 –5

3 2005 4–6 Paper 1

Copy these number lines and write in the missing numbers:
+3 +6 +6

–8 –3

4 2005 4–6 Paper 1

Here are four fractions.
3 1 1 3
4 8 3 5

Copy the number line and write each fraction in the correct box.

0 0.5 1

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:49 Page 31

5 2006 5–7 Paper 2

Three different kinds of woodpecker live
in Britain.
The pictogram shows information about
the numbers of each type.
a Copy and complete the table below represents
to show the percentages of each 10 000 woodpeckers
type of woodpecker:

Type A Type B Type C Type A Type B Type C

great spotted lesser spotted green
woodpecker woodpecker woodpecker

b The ratio of Type A : Type B woodpeckers is 6 : 1

What is the ratio of Type B : Type C woodpeckers?

6 2007 5–7 Paper 1

a In this design, the ratio of grey to black is 3 : 1 6

What percentage of the design is black?

b In this design, 60% is grey and the rest is black.

What is the ratio of grey to black?
Write your ratio in its simplest form.

7 2005 5–7 Paper 1

a Look at this information.

Two numbers multiply to make zero.

One of the statements below is true.

Write it down.
● Both numbers must be zero.
● At least one number must be zero.
● Exactly one number must be zero.
● Neither number can be zero.

b Now look at this information.

Two numbers add to make zero.

If one number is zero, what is the other number?

If neither number is zero, give an example of what the numbers could be.

FM Ch 2 Olympics PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:32 Page 32

Functional Maths

The London Olympics 2012

Olympic village
Beds provided for 17 320 athletes and officials during Olympics.
Beds provided for 8756 athletes and officials during Paralympics.
The dining hall will cater for 5500 athletes at a time.
After the Games, the village will provide 4000 homes.

Number of tickets for sale
8 million for the Olympics
1.6 million for the Paralympics
Tickets include free travel on London Transport.

75% of tickets will cost less than £50.
Organisers expect to sell 82% of all Olympic tickets and 63%
of all Paralympics tickets.

Ticket prices start from £15.
20 000 big screen tickets available for £10.

90% of venues will have three or more forms of public transport
Docklands light railway
‘Javelin’ rail link from St Pancras to Olympic park
London Underground
New rail links
Buses – The iBus: an automatic vehicle location system
Cycle lanes and footpaths
Two major park and ride sites off the M25 with a combined
capacity of 12 000 cars
During the Games, up to 120 000 passengers will arrive and
depart through Stratford station each day.

FM Ch 2 Olympics PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:32 Page 33

Use the information on How many beds are there for athletes and officials during the Olympics?
the left to answer these 1
Give your answer to the nearest thousand.

The Olympic stadium will have 80 000 seats. If for an event the stadium
2 is three-quarters full, how many seats will be empty?

a How many passengers will arrive and depart through Stratford station:
i on 1 day? ii over the 17 days?
b 45% of all spectators visiting the games each day will arrive and
depart through Stratford station.
What percentage will travel by other routes?

Boccia is a Paralympic sport.

The aim of the game is to throw red or blue leather balls as close as
possible to a white target ball.
At the end of every round, the competitor whose ball is closest to the
target ball scores one point for every one of his balls that is closer than
his opponent’s.
a At the end of a game, the blue team has 8 points and the red team has
4 points. Write the number of points as a ratio in its simplest form.
b At the end of another game 15 points have been scored altogether
but the blue team has scored twice as many points as the red team.
How many points does each team have?

Here are some men’s long jump world record distances and the years
5 in which they occurred.
8.90 metres 8.95 metres 7.98 metres 8.13 metres 8.21 metres
1991 1968 1931 1960 1935
Copy and complete the table by putting the distances and years in
the correct order. Two of the answers have already been filled in.

Name Year World record

Mike Powell 1991
Bob Beamon
Ralph Boston
Jesse Owens
Chuhei Nambu 7.98 metres

6 How many tickets for the Olympics will cost less than £50?

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CHAPTER 3 Algebra 3
This chapter is going to show you What you should already know
How to work out formulae How to draw a mapping
How to find inverse functions diagram
How to solve linear equations How to solve simple linear
including those with unknowns equations
on both sides How to plot points and draw a
How to construct equations to straight-line graph
help solve problems
How graphs can be used to
help solve problems

A formula is a rule used to work out a value from one or more values (called variables or
inputs). For example, A = ab is a rule, or formula, used to calculate the area, A, of a
rectangle from the lengths, a and b, of two adjacent sides.

A formula also always has a subject (an output), which is usually written on the left-hand
side of the equals sign. For example:
P = 2a + 2b

The output is P. Inputs are a and b.

This is also called the subject of the formula.
When a is 3 cm and b is 5 cm, the formula becomes:
= 16 cm

Exercise 3A The formula C = 3D is used to calculate approximately the circumference, C, of a

circle from its diameter, D. Use the formula to calculate the approximate
circumference of each circle shown below.
a b c
4 cm 2 cm 13 cm

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The formula A = 180n – 360 is used to calculate the sum of the angles inside a
polygon with n sides. Use the formula to calculate the sum of the angles inside each
polygon shown below.
a Pentagon, five sides b Hexagon, six sides

The cost, C, of placing an advertisement in a local newspaper is given by:

C = £20 + £2N
where N is the number of words used in the
What is the cost of placing advertisements
with the following number of words?
a 12 words
b 25 words

Lennie, the driving instructor, used the

following formula to charge learner drivers:
C = £4 + £13H
where H is the number of hours in the driving
What is the cost of driving lessons with the
following durations?
a Lasting 2 hours
b Lasting from 1 pm to 4 pm

The amount of money, M, expected to be collected for a charity was approximated

by the following formula:
M = £5000T + £20C
where T is the number of TV advertisements appearing the day before a charity event
was held, and C is the number of collectors.
Approximately, how much is expected to be collected by each of the following
a NCS had three TV advertisements and 100 collectors.
b TTU had two TV advertisements and 300 collectors.
c BCB had no TV advertisements and 500 collectors.

The speed, S m/s, of a rocket can be found from the formula S = AT, where the rocket
has acceleration, A m/s2, for a number of seconds, T.
Find the speed of a rocket in each of the following cases.
a The rocket has an acceleration of 25 m/s2 for 8 seconds.
b The rocket has an acceleration of 55 m/s2 for 6 seconds.

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6 The formula a = 12 bh is used to calculate the area, a, of a triangle from its base
length, b, and its height, h. Use the formula to calculate the area of each triangle
shown below.
a b

h = 5 cm h=6m

b = 4 cm b = 14 m

MC Dave used the following formula to calculate the cost, C, of his gigs:
C = £55 + £3N + £5T + £10E
N is the number of people attending the gig.
T is the number of hours worked before midnight.
E is the number of hours worked after midnight.
Calculate the cost of each of the following gigs.
a 60 people attending from 9 pm to 2 am
b 40 people from 7 pm to 1 am

3x + 5 can be worked through with the following flow chart.

The function x → ––

Write any
Multiply by 3 Add 5 Divide by 4
number as x

Write the
value of x

a Show that starting with x = 9, the flow chart gives the following results
after working through twice:

9 27 32 8 Write 8

24 29 7.25 Write 7.25

b Continue to work through the flow chart at least 8 more times.

c What do you notice?
d Does the value of the starting number make any difference?

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Inverse flow diagrams

Every operation has an inverse operation. The inverse of addition is subtraction and vice
versa. The inverse of multiplication is division. Equations can be solved by inverse flow

Example 3.1 Solve the equation 3x = 15

Step 1: Set up the flow diagram. x 3x

Step 2: Set up the inverse flow diagram. 5 15
Step 3: Put 15 through the inverse flow diagram. ÷3
Hence the answer to 3x = 15 is x = 5

When an equation is built up from two or more operations, you have to use the inverse
function of each operation and work back through them to find the answer.

Example 3.2 Solve the equation 4x + 3 = 13

Step 1: Set up the flow diagram. x 4x 4x + 3

×4 +3
Step 2: Set up the inverse flow diagram. 2.5 10 13
Step 3: Put 13 through the inverse flow diagram. ÷4 –3

Hence the answer to 4x + 3 = 13 is x = 2.5

Example 3.3 Solve the equation –2x – 1 = 3

x x
Step 1: Set up the flow diagram x –

2 –1
÷2 –1
Step 2: Set up the inverse flow diagram 8 4 3
Step 3: Put 3 through the inverse flow diagram ×2 +1

Hence the answer to –2x – 1 = 3 is x = 8

Exercise 3B Write down the inverse operation of the following.

a ×2 b ×5 c +1
d –7 e ÷3 f ÷8

Draw the flow diagram and the inverse flow diagram for these expressions.
a 2x b x–7 c 2x + 3
x x
d 3x – 5 e 3 + 2 f 4 – 1

Using your answers from question 2 solve the following equations.

a 2x = 7 b x – 7 = 12 c 2x + 3 = 10
x x
d 3x – 5 = 10 e 2 + 2 = 5 f 4 – 1 = 4

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Using inverse flow diagrams solve the following equations.

a 3x + 5 = 11 b 3x – 1 = 11 c 4x + 7 = 23
x x
d 4x – 1 = 9 e 4 + 5 = 1 f 3 – 2 = 5

a Write down Joy’s rule as a function.

b Write down the inverse function of Joy’s function.
c Use the inverse function to find what number was given to Joy when she gave
the reply ‘43’.

d Write down Dave’s rule as a function.

e Write down the inverse function of Dave’s function.
f Use the inverse function to find what number was given to Dave when he gave
the reply ‘36’.

6 Solve the following equations using inverse flow diagrams.

Remember when setting up the flow diagram the operation inside the bracket
has to be done first.
a 3(x + 4) = 21 b 5(x – 3) = 20
c 4(y + 1) = 28 d 2(m – 5) = 6

Doing the same thing to both sides

You have already met a few different types of equation, which were solved by using a
flow diagram. Here, you are going to be shown how to solve them by adding, subtracting,
multiplying or dividing both sides of an equation by the same number. The aim is to get
the variable (usually x) on its own.

Example 3.4 Solve the equation 2x = 16

2x = 16
Divide both sides by 2, to give: – –
2 2
which gives: x = 8
So, the solution is x = 8

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Example 3.5 Solve the equation 4t + 3 = 23

Subtract 3 from both sides, to give: 4t + 3 – 3 = 23 – 3
which gives: 4t = 20
Divide both sides by 4, to give: t = 5
So, the solution is t = 5

Example 3.6 Solve the equation –3x – 4 = 2

Add 4 to both sides to give –3x – 4 + 4 = 2 + 4

which gives –3x = 6
Multiply both sides by 3 to give x = 18
So, the solution is x = 18

Exercise 3C In each of the following questions, show your working. Write each step on a new line.

Solve each of the following equations.

a 2x = 10
b 3x = 12 c x

=6 d 4x = 28
e 5 = 12 f 7m = 21 g 3 =6 h 2 = 18

Solve each of the following equations.

a 3x + 5 = 11 b 2 + 3 = 11 c 4x + 7 = 15
x x
d 5 +3=8 e 3x + 4 = 19 f 6 +1=5
g 2x + 7 = 15 h 4 + 3 = 13 i 3x + 6 = 27

Solve each of the following equations.

a 5x – 2 = 13 b 3 –4=1 c 6x – 1 = 23
x x
d 2 –3=5 e 4x – 3 = 25 f 3 –2=2
g 4x – 5 = 3 h 6 –1=3 i 5x – 3 = 17

Solve each of the following equations.

a 4x + 3 = 23 b 3 +2=4 c 5x + 4 = 19
x x
d 4 – 1 = 19 e 2x – 3 = 17 f 5 – 4 = 21
g 3m – 5 = 7 h 4 +5=7 i 6q + 1 = 31

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Nazia has made a mistake somewhere in her working for each of the equations
shown below. Can you spot the line on which the error occurs and work out the
correct solution?

a 3x + 8 = 23 b x –3=2

3x + 8 – 8 = 23 – 8 x
3x = 18 –x =5
3–x = –
18 5×–x =5×5
3 3 5
x=6 ✗ x = –25 ✗
c 9––x = 24 d 2 x – 5 = 17
x – 9 = 24 – 9
9+– 2 x – 5 + 5 = 17 + 5
x = 15
– 2 x = 12
2×–x = 15 × 2 2–x = –
2 2 2
x = 30 ✗ x=6 ✗

1 Solve each of the following equations. (All of the answers are negative
a 2x + 10 = 4 b –3x + 9 = 3 c 4x + 15 = 7
d 3x + 11 = 2 e –5 + 21 = 6 f –2x + 17 = 5
2 Solve each of the following equations. (All of the answers are decimal or
negative numbers.)
a –4x + 13 = 3 b 5x + 2 = 8 c –2x + 8 = 1
d 5x – 4 = 8 e –2x + 12 = 5 f 4x – 3 = 11

Constructing equations to solve

The first step to solve a problem using algebra is to write down an equation. This is called
constructing an equation. To do this, you must choose a letter to stand for the simplest
variable (unknown) in the problem. This might be x or the first letter of a suitable word.
For example, n is often used to stand for the number.

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Example 3.7 My son is 25 years younger than I am. Our ages add up to 81. How old are we?
Construct the equation using x as my son’s age. (Since this is the lower age.)
So, my age is x + 25.
The total of our ages is 81, which gives:
x + x + 25 = 81
This simplifies to:
2x + 25 = 81
Subtract 25 from both sides, to give:
2x = 56
x = 28 (Divide through by 2.)
So, my son’s age is 28 years, and I am 25 years older, aged 53.

Exercise 3D Tom has 10 more marbles than Jeff.

Together they have 56.
Let the number of marbles that Jeff has be x.
a Write down an equation which this gives.
b Solve the equation to find the number of
marbles each boy has.

Sanjay has 35 more CDs than Surjit. Together they have 89 CDs.
Let Surjit have x CDs.
a Write down an equation which this gives.
b Solve the equation to find the number of CDs they each have.

Gavin has 13 more DVDs than Michelle. Together they have 129 DVDs.
Let Michelle have x DVDs.
a Write down an equation which this gives.
b Solve the equation to find the number of DVDs they each have.

Joy thinks of a number rule.

a When Paul gives Joy a number, she
replies, ‘23’. Write down the
equation this gives and solve it to find
the number which Paul gave to Joy.
b When Billie gives Joy a number, she
replies, ‘38’. Write down the
equation this gives and solve it to find the number which Billie gave to Joy.

Paula is three times as old as Angus. Their ages add up to 52.

Let Angus be x years old.
a Write down an equation which this gives.
b Solve the equation to find both ages.

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6 David scored twice as many goals in a season as Mark. Together, they scored 36 goals.
Let Mark score x goals.
a Write down an equation which this gives.
b Solve the equation to find how many goals each player scored.

Alan spent four times as many minutes on his maths homework as he did on the rest
of his homework. He spent two hours on his homework altogether.
Let Alan spend x minutes on the rest of his homework.
a Write down an equation which this gives.
b Solve the equation to find out how much time Alan spent on his maths

Farmer Giles keeps only sheep and cows on his farm. He has 55 more sheep than
cows and has 207 animals altogether.
Let the number of cows be x.
a Write down an equation which this gives.
b Solve the equation to find the number of sheep and the number of cows on
Farmer Giles’ farm.

In a school of 845 pupils, there are 29 more girls than boys.

Let there be x boys.
a Write down an equation which this gives.
b Solve the equation to find the number of girls and the number of boys in the

On an aircraft carrying 528 passengers, there were 410 more adults than children.
Let there be x children.
a Write down an equation which this gives.
b Solve the equation to find the number of children on this aircraft.

1 Two consecutive numbers add up to 77. What are the two numbers?
Let the smallest number be n.
2 Two consecutive numbers add up to 135. What is the product of the two
Let the smallest number be n.
3 What is the product of three consecutive numbers which add up to 402?
Let the smallest number be n.

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Equations with unknown quantities on

both sides
When x is on both sides of the equals sign, your first step is to get rid of x from one side.
You do this by adding or subtracting terms.

Example 3.8 Solve the equation 4x = 12 + x

Subtract x from both sides, to give:
4x – x = 12 + x – x
which simplifies to:
3x = 12
3x = 12
– – (Divide through by 3.)
3 3
So, the solution is x = 4

Example 3.9 Solve the equation 6x + 5 = 2x + 33

Subtract 2x from both sides, to give:
6x + 5 – 2x = 2x + 33 – 2x
which simplifies to:
4x + 5 = 33
Now subtract 5 from both sides, to obtain:
4x = 28
– = 28
4x – (Divide through by 4.)
4 4
So, the solution is x = 7

Example 3.10 Solve the equation 4x + 3 = 13 – x

Add x to both both sides, to give:
4x + 3 + x = 13 – x + x
which simplifies to:
5x + 3 = 13
Subtract 3 from both sides, to obtain:
5x = 10
– = 10
5x – (Divide through by 5.)
5 5
So, the solution is x = 2

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6 Exercise 3E Solve each of the following equations.

a 3x = 8 + x b 4x = 15 + x c 5x = 20 + x d 6x = 25 + x
e 4x = 20 + 2x f 6x = 12 + 2x g 5x = 21 + 2x h 6x = 32 + 2x
i 8x = 12 + 4x j 5x = 16 + 3x k 4x = 10 + 2x l 8x = 30 + 5x

Solve each of the following equations.

a 4x + 3 = x + 15 b 3x + 4 = x + 20 c 5x + 3 = x + 19
d 5x – 2 = 2x + 10 e 6x – 3 = 2x + 9 f 5x – 6 = 3x + 14
g 7x – 19 = 2x – 4 h 6x – 10 = 3x – 1 i 7x + 2 = 4x + 8

Solve each of the following equations.

a 5x + 2 = 10 + x b 7x + 5 = 17 + x c 4x + 1 = 10 + x
d 7x – 3 = 12 + 2x e 6x – 2 = 18 + 2x f 5x – 5 = 7 + 2x
g 7 + 4x = 13 + 2x h 7 + 4x = 11 + 2x i 8 + 5x = 14 + 3x

Solve each of the following equations.

a 2x + 3 = 15 – x b 3x + 5 = 25 – x c 5x – 4 = 10 – 2x
d 5x – 10 = 6 – 3x e 7x + 3 = 21 – 2x f 9x – 10 = 23 – 2x
g 5x + 7 = 37 – x h 7 + 4x = 49 – 2x i 7x – 6 = 34 – 3x

1 Solve each of the following equations. (All the answers are negative numbers.)
a 3x + 8 = 4 + x b 5x + 19 = 3 + x c 6x + 11 = 1 + x
d 5x + 11 = 2 + 2x e 6x + 21 = 5 – 2x f 3x + 17 = 2 – 2x
2 Solve each of the following equations. (All the answers are decimal numbers.)
a 5x + 3 = 9 + x b 4x + 2 = 7 + 2x c 7x + 1 = 8 + 2x
d 3x – 4 = 7 – 2x e x – 5 = 14 – 3x f 4x – 7 = 12 – 6x

Problems involving straight-line graphs

When a car is being filled with petrol, both the amount and the cost of the petrol are
displayed on the pump. One litre of petrol costs 80p. So, 2 litres cost 160p (£1.60) and
5 litres cost 400p (£4).
£ 2 0 .0 0 The table below shows the costs of different quantities of petrol as displayed on the pump.

LITRES 2 5 .0 0

Amount of petrol (litres) 5 10 15 20 25 30

Cost (£) 4.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 24.00

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The information can be graphed, as shown on the 24

right. Notice that for every 5 litres across the
graph, the graph rises by £4. This is the reason 20
why the graph is a straight line.
This idea can be used to solve a number of

Cost (£)
different types of problem. 12

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Amount of petrol (litres)

Example 3.11 Mr Evans wanted to convert all pupils’

French score 0 60
scores in a French test to percentages. He
used the facts given on the right to help him Percentage 0 100
to draw a conversion graph.
He used the above two points to draw a
straight-line graph, as shown on the right. 80

Stephanie scored 30. Mr Evans used the 60
graph to convert this score to 50%. Joe
scored 38. Again using the graph, Mr Evans 40
converted this to 63%.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Pupil score

Exercise 3F

Jenny sold apples on a market stall. She

was told just the following two prices.
a Plot the two points on a graph and join Cost
Number of apples 0
£1.50 6
them with a straight line. Use the
horizontal axis for the number of apples, going up to 20, and the vertical axis for
the cost of apples, going up to £3.
b Use the graph to find the cost of each of the following.
i 4 apples ii 10 apples iii 20 apples
c Use the graph to find how many apples you could buy for:
i 75p ii £1.75 iii £2.75

At a Joe King concert, fans can get posters Number of posters 0 20

of Joe from one of the stalls. Benny sells
the posters and knows these facts about Cost £0 £17
the costs.
a Plot the two points on a graph and join them with a straight line. Use the
horizontal axis for the number of posters, and the vertical axis for the cost of
posters, going up to £17.

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b Use the graph to find the cost of each of the following.

6 c
i 6 posters ii 12 posters iii 16 posters
Use the graph to find how many posters you could buy for:
i £6.80 ii £11.90 iii £15.30

Tom put a weight on the end of a spring to Weight (g) 0 900

see how much it was stretched. After this,
he knew these facts: Stretch (cm) 0 18

a Plot the two points on a graph and join them with a straight line. Use the
horizontal axis for the weights added, going up to 1000 g, and the vertical axis
for the stretch of the spring, going up to 20 cm.
b Use the graph to find the stretch of each of the following.
i 200 g ii 300 g iii 1 kg
c Use the graph to find the weight needed to stretch the spring to the following
i 2 cm ii 5 cm iii 14 cm

At a garden party, Kim looked after the Number of hooplas 0 10

hoopla stall. She knew two costs of the
hooplas. Cost £0 £2.20

a Plot the two points on a graph and join them with

a straight line. Use the horizontal axis for the numbers of hooplas, going up to
12, and the vertical axis for the cost of hooplas, going up to £3.
b Use the graph to find the cost of each of the following.
i 3 hooplas ii 8 hooplas iii 12 hooplas
c Use the graph to find how many hooplas you get for the following amounts.
i 88p ii £1.10 iii £2.42

Sue went to France for her holiday and British £ £0 £100

knew the following facts about British
money and Euros. Euros € €0 €160

a Plot the two points on a graph and join them with a straight line. Use the
horizontal axis for British pounds, going up to £150, and the vertical axis for
Euros, going up to €250.
b Use the graph to find the value in Euros of each of the following.
i £20 ii £70 iii £130
c Use the graph to find the value in British pounds of each of the following.
i €40 ii €80 iii €232

Try to solve this problem by drawing a graph.

Two women are walking on the same long, straight road towards each other.
One sets off at 9.00 am at a speed of 4 km/h. The other also sets off at
9.00 am, 15 km away, at a speed of 5 km/h.
a At what time do the women meet?
b How far will the first woman have walked when they meet?

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5 I can substitute numbers into formulae such as P = 2w + 2l.

I can solve equations of the type 3x – 8 = 13, for example, using inverse flow diagrams where the
solution may be fractional or negative.
I can solve equations of the type 5x – 1 = 3, for example, by doing the same thing to both sides.

6 I can solve equations where the variable appears on both sides, such as 4x + 3 = x + 6.
I can use algebra to set up an equation to represent a practical situation.
I can draw and interpret graphs that show direct proportion.

2007 3–5 Paper 1
The lengths of babies are measured 80
at different ages.
The graph shows the longest and
shortest a baby boy is likely to be. 72

a Write down the numbers missing 68

from the following statements:
Length (cm)

A baby boy is 8 weeks old.

The longest he is likely to be
is about …… cm. 56

The shortest he is likely to be 52

is about …… cm.
b A 34 week old baby boy is
72 cm long. 44

Copy the graph and put a cross 0

on it to show this information. 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
Age (weeks)
2 2005 3–5 Paper 1
Solve these equations:
3y + 1 = 16 18 = 4k + 6

3 2007 3–5 Paper 1

Look at this equation: y = 2x + 10

a When x = 4, what is the value of y?

b When x = –4, what is the value of y?
c Which of the equations below gives the same value for both x = 4 and x = –4?
y = 2x y=2+x y = x2 y= x

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CHAPTER 4 Geometry and Measures 1

This chapter is going to show you What you should already know
How to identify alternate and How to identify parallel and
corresponding angles perpendicular lines
How to calculate angles in How to measure and draw
triangles and quadrilaterals angles
How to calculate the interior Interior angles of a triangle add
angles of polygons up to 180°
How regular polygons tesselate Names of polygons
How to construct perpendicular Be able to draw a circle given
bisectors and angle bisectors its radius
Names of the different parts of a

Alternate and corresponding angles

The diagram shows two parallel lines with
another straight line cutting across them.
The line that cuts across a pair of parallel
lines is called a transversal. Transversal

45579 Notice that the transversal forms eight


Alternate angles Trace angle x on the diagram. Rotate your tracing paper
through 180° and place angle x over angle y. What do
you notice? x
You should find that the two angles are the same size.
The two angles x and y are called alternate angles.
(This is because they are on alternate sides of the
transversal.) They are sometimes called Z-angles.
This shows that alternate angles are equal.

Example 4.1 Find the size of angle a on the diagram.

Alternate angles are equal, so a = 120°.

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Corresponding Trace angle x on the diagram. Slide your tracing paper

angles along the transversal and place angle x over angle y. What
do you notice? x
You should find that the two angles are the same size.
The two angles, x and y, are called corresponding angles.
(This is because the position of one angle corresponds to the y
position of the other.) They are sometimes called F-angles.
This shows that corresponding angles are equal.

Example 4.2 Find the size of angle b and angle c on the diagram.
Corresponding angles are equal, so b = 125°.
Angles on a straight line add up to 180°. 125°
Therefore, c is 180° – b, which gives:
c = 180° – 125° = 55°

Exercise 4A Which diagrams show a pair of alternate angles?

a b c 6

d e f

Which diagrams show a pair of corresponding angles?

a b c

d e f

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6 a
Work out the size of the lettered angle in each of these diagrams. State whether they
are alternate angles or corresponding angles.
b c

50° b
a c


d d e f f

94° 163°
55° e

Alternate angles are sometimes called Z-angles. Draw suitable diagrams to explain

Corresponding angles are sometimes called F-angles. Draw suitable diagrams to

explain why.

Work out the size of the lettered angles in each of these diagrams. Give an
explanation of how you found each angle.

1 2 3

48° c d 115°
b a e f

4 5
56° 130° j

Angles of a triangle
You already know that the sum of the interior angles of a
triangle is 180°. In the diagram: a
a + b + c = 180°
b c
Example 4.3 shows you how to find an exterior angle of a

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Example 4.3 Work out the size of the angles marked x and y on the diagram, where y is an
exterior angle of the triangle.
The angles in a triangle add up to 180°. Therefore: 110° y
x = 180° – 48° – 110° 48° x
= 22°
The angles on a straight line add up to 180°. This gives:
y = 180° – 22°
= 158°

Exercise 4B Find the size of the angle marked by a letter in each scalene or right-angled triangle.

a b c 40°
70° 30° 120°
a 100° b c

d d e f
80° 40° e 50°
60° 30° f

Find the size of the unknown angles in each isosceles triangle.

a b c
40° d
70° a 40° b 75° c

d e

f 80°

45° e g h

Calculate the size of the lettered angles in each of these triangles.

a b c
a 43° 55°
48° 72° b c

d e f
e 82° h

f g
65° d i j

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6 1 Calculate the size of the lettered angles in each of these diagrams. Give
an explanation of how you found each angle.
a b c

80° 78°
b 137°
a c

2 Calculate the size of the lettered angle in each of these diagrams. Copy
each diagram and show your working to explain how you got each
a b c d h
70° f 121°
105° g 37°
a d 27°
60° c 30° 62°

Angles of a quadrilateral

An investigation Draw a large quadrilateral similar to the one on the right.

Measure each interior angle as accurately as you can, using a
protractor. Now add up the four angles. What do you notice?
You should find that your answer is close to 360°.
Now draw a different quadrilateral and find the sum of the angles. How close were you
to 360°?
For any quadrilateral, the sum of the interior angles is 360°.
a b
So, in the diagram:
d c
a + b + c + d = 360°

Example 4.4 Work out the sizes of the angles marked p and q on the diagram.
The angles in a quadrilateral add up to 360°,
which gives: 78°
p = 360° – 135° – 78° – 83° 135° p q
= 64°
The angles on a straight line add up to 180°, so:
q = 180° – 64°
= 116°
Angle q is an exterior angle of the quadrilateral.

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Exercise 4C Find the size of the angle marked by a letter in each quadrilateral.
a b c
120° b
80° 85° 80° 70° 80° 85°

d e f
65° e 75°
125° 105°

80° 130°
d 110° 40°

Find the size of the angle marked a in the

quadrilateral below.

Calculate the size of the lettered angle in each of these quadrilaterals.

a b c
45° 110° 58°
a 75° c

d e
118° 47° e 62°
d 88°

Calculate the size of the lettered angles in each of these diagrams. Give an
explanation of how you found each angle.
a b
130° 120° d

b 80° 110°
a c

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6 1 ABCD is a parallelogram with ∠ADC = 60°.

a What do you know about a parallelogram?

b Explain how you could find ∠BAD.

c Write down the size of ∠ABC and ∠BCD. 60°
2 ABCD is a kite with ∠DAB = 80° and ∠BCD = 50°. A
a Make a sketch of the kite and draw its line
of symmetry. 80°
b What do you know about angles p and q?
D p q B
c Use this information to work out angles
p and q.

3 PQRS is a trapezium. P Q
a Work out the size of the angle
marked p. p 150°
b Write down anything you notice
about the angles in the trapezium. 70° 30°

4 A quadrilateral can be split into two triangles,

as shown in the diagram. Explain how you can
use this to show that the sum of the angles in a
quadrilateral is 360°.

Interior angles of polygons

The angles inside a polygon are known as interior angles.

Example 4.5 Find the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon.

The diagram shows how a pentagon can be split into three
triangles from one of its vertices. The sum of the interior
angles for each triangle is 180°.
So, the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon is given by:
3 × 180° = 540°

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Exercise 4D a Copy each polygon below.


Hexagon Heptagon Octagon

b Split each polygon into triangles.

c Split each polygon into triangles and find the sum of the interior angles of:
i a hexagon. ii an octagon.
d Copy and complete the table below. The pentagon has been done for you.

Name of Number of sides Number of triangles Sum of interior

polygon inside polygon angles
Pentagon 5 3 540°

Calculate the unknown angle in each of the following polygons.

a b c
110° 110°
160° c
a 50° 140°
140° 80° 30° 45°

1 a A polygon is regular when all its interior angles are

equal and all its sides have the same length.
The shape on the right is a regular pentagon.
The sum of its interior angles is 540°. So, the size
of each interior angle is:
540° ÷ 5 = 108°

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6 b Copy and complete the table below for regular polygons. The regular
pentagon has been done for you.

Regular Number of sides Sum of interior Size of each

polygon angles interior angle
Equilateral triangle
Regular pentagon 5 540° 108°
Regular hexagon
Regular octagon
Regular decagon

2 Find angle x in the pentagon on the right.

x x

Tessellations and regular polygons

A tessellation is a repeating pattern made on a plane (flat) surface with identical shapes
which fit together exactly, leaving no gaps.
This section will show you how some of the regular polygons tessellate.
Remember: To show how a shape tessellates, draw up to about ten repeating shapes.

Example 4.6 The diagrams below show how equilateral triangles and squares tessellate.

Exercise 4E On an isometric grid, show how a regular hexagon tessellates.

Trace this regular pentagon onto card and cut it out to

make a template.
a Use your template to show that a regular pentagon
does not tessellate.
b Explain why a regular pentagon does not tessellate.

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Trace this regular octagon onto card and cut it out

to make a template.
a Use your template to show that a regular
octagon does not tessellate.
b Explain why a regular octagon does not

a Copy and complete the table below for regular polygons.

Regular polygon Size of each Does this polygon

interior angle tessellate?
Equilateral triangle
Regular pentagon
Regular hexagon
Regular octagon

b Use the table to explain why only some of the regular polygons tessellate.
c Do you think that a regular nonagon tessellates? Explain your reasoning.

Polygons can be combined to form a semi-tessellation. Two examples are

shown below.

Rectangles and isosceles triangles Squares and hexagons

Invent your own semi-tessellations and make a poster to display in your classroom.

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Two important geometric constructions are given in examples 4.7 and 4.8. Carefully work
through them yourself. They are important because they produce exact measurements,
and are therefore used by architects and in design and technology. You will need a sharp
pencil, a straight edge (or ruler), compasses and a protractor. Leave all your construction
lines on the diagrams.

Example 4.7 To construct the mid-point and the perpendicular bisector of a line AB
● Draw a line segment AB of any length.
● Set your compasses to any radius greater than
half the length of AB.
● Draw two arcs with their centre at A, one above C
and one below AB.
● With your compasses set at the same radius,
draw two arcs with their centre at B, to intersect
the first two arcs at C and D. A B
● Join C and D to intersect AB at X. X is the mid-
point of the line AB.
● The line CD is the perpendicular bisector of the D
line AB.

Example 4.8 To construct the bisector of the angle ABC

● Draw an angle ABC of any size.
● Set your compasses to any radius and, with its
centre at B, draw an arc to intersect BC at X and
AB at Y. C
● With your compasses set to any radius, draw
two arcs with their centres at X and Y, to
intersect at Z. A
● Join BZ. Y
● BZ is the bisector of the angle ABC. Z
● Then ∠ABZ = ∠CBZ


6 Exercise 4F Use a ruler to draw each of the following lines. Using compasses, construct the
perpendicular bisector for each line.
a 6 cm b 10 cm c 7 cm d 8.4 cm e 5.5 cm

Use a protractor to draw each of the following angles. Using compasses, construct
the angle bisector for each angle.
a 40° b 70° c 90° d 55° e 140°

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The isosceles triangle ABC on the right has a base of 4 cm A

and a perpendicular height of 5 cm.
a By constructing the perpendicular bisector of BC, draw
an accurate copy of the triangle.
b Measure the length of the sides AB and AC. 5 cm

B 4 cm C

1 To construct an angle of 60° Y

Draw a line AB of any length. Set your compasses to a radius of
about 4 cm. With its centre at A, draw a large arc to intersect the line
at X. Using the same radius and, with its centre at X, draw an arc to
intersect the first arc at Y. Join A and Y. Angle YAX is 60°.
Explain how you could use this construction to make angles of 30° A B
and 15°.
2 To construct the inscribed circle of a triangle
Draw a triangle ABC with sides of any length. Construct the angle
bisectors for each of the three angles. The three angle bisectors will
meet at a point O, in the centre of the triangle. Using O as its centre,
draw a circle to touch the three sides of the triangle.
The circle is known as the inscribed circle of the triangle. B C

The circle and its parts

A circle is a set of points equidistant from a fixed point, Circle
called the centre, designated here by O.
You must learn all of the following terms for the different
parts of a circle.

Circumference The length round a circle. It is a special name for the Circumference
perimeter of a circle. C

Arc One of the two parts between two points on a Arc


Radius The distance from the centre of a circle to its Radius

circumference. The plural of the term is ‘radii’. r

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:37 Page 60

Diameter The distance across a circle through its centre. The diameter
d of a circle is twice its radius r, so d = 2r.

Chord A straight line which joins two points on the circumference
of a circle.
Tangent A straight line that touches a circle at one point only on its
circumference. This point is called the point of contact. Tangent

Segment The region of a circle enclosed by a chord and an arc.
Any chord encloses two segments, which have different

Sector A portion of a circle enclosed by two radii and one of the
arcs between them.

Semicircle One half of a circle: either of the parts cut off by a diameter.

Exercise 4G Measure the radius of each of the following circles, giving your answer in
centimetres. Write down the diameter of each circle.
a b c


Draw circles with the following measurements.

a Radius = 2.5 cm b Radius = 3.6 cm
c Diameter = 8 cm d Diameter = 6.8 cm

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Draw each of the following shapes accurately.

a b c d
4 cm
3 cm 60°

4 cm
4 cm 6 cm
Quadrant of Sector of
Semicircle a circle a circle
Concentric circles

Draw each of the following diagrams accurately.

a b c

4 cm 6 cm
2 cm 4 cm 2 cm

4 cm 8 cm

Draw a circle with centre O and with a radius of 4 cm.

Draw six radii that are 60° apart, as shown in the diagram
on the right. Join the points on the circumference to make
an inscribed regular hexagon. O
a Explain why the radii must be 60° apart.
b Use this method to draw each of these.
i An inscribed regular pentagon
ii An inscribed regular octagon

To find the centre of a circle

Draw a circle around a circular object so that the
centre is not known.
Draw any two chords on the circle, as shown in
the diagram. Then draw the perpendicular bisector
for each chord.
The two perpendicular bisectors will intersect at
the centre of the circle.
Repeat for circles of various radii.

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4 I know the names of the different types of quadrilaterals and polygons.

5 I know the interior angles of a triangle add up to 180°.

I can tessellate a shape.
I can draw shapes from circles.

6 I can construct the perpendicular bisector of a line and the bisector of an angle.
I can recognise alternate and corresponding angles.
I can find the exterior angle of a triangle.
I know the interior angles of a quadrilateral add up to 360°.
I can find interior angles of polygons.

1 1997 Paper 2
Here is a rough sketch of a sector of a circle.
Make an accurate, full-size drawing of this sector.
Not to

2 2003 Paper 2
Look at the diagram. Triangle ABD is the reflection
of triangle ABC in the line AB. 12 cm
Copy the statements below and fill in the gaps to explain how to 6 cm
find angle x. x
A y B
12 cm.
The length of AC is ……

The length of AD is …… cm.

The length of CD is …… cm.

ACD is an equilateral triangle because ……………………

so angle y is ……° because ……………………

so angle x is ……° because …………………… .

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:37 Page 63

3 2006 4–6 Paper 2

Look at this diagram, made from straight lines:
Work out the sizes of the angles marked with letters.
not drawn
a accurately

c 60°

4 2000 4–6 Paper 2

a Any quadrilateral can be split into

two triangles.

Explain how you know that the angles inside a quadrilateral add
up to 360°.

b What do the angles inside a pentagon add up to?

c What do the angles inside a heptagon (seven-sided shape)

add up to?
Show your working.

FM Ch 4 Garden PB 9.1 5/6/08 16:05 Page 64

Functional Maths

Garden design

Greg has just moved house and is designing his new garden.

To work out the questions related to Greg’s garden, you will need a
copy of the Activity Worksheet on page 231.

Greg wants to make a trellis to grow some climbing plants on.

On the activity worksheet there is a sketch of the trellis.
Write down the other angles Greg needs to know.

A 1-metre wide path is to be laid around the BBQ area.

a Draw the path on activity worksheet.
b What is the area of the path?
c The path will be made using square paving slabs which are
50 cm by 50 cm. How many paving slabs will be needed?
You can draw in some of the slabs – this may help you.

A large semi-circular table

3 will be placed in front of the
BBQ area, as shown here. 3m
Draw the table accurately on 1m 1m
1.5 m
the activity worksheet.

BBQ area 2m


The hexagonal seat that goes around the tree is to be made

4 from planks of wood. Each of the
six sections are identical.
Work out the angles,
(shown in the
diagram), that each
section needs to be
cut at.

FM Ch 4 Garden PB 9.1 5/6/08 16:06 Page 65

There is going to be a circular pond of radius 3 m at the end of the

5 garden. The centre of the pond will be 6 m from the corner where the
west fence meets the north fence. The pond will be equidistant from
the two fences.
a Bisect the angle made by the two fences
b Draw the pond accurately on the activity worksheet.
Leave in your construction lines.

A rotary washing line is to be placed exactly halfway along and 4 m

6 from the northeast fence.
a Draw the perpendicular bisector of the northeast fence.
b Show the position of the rotary washing line on the activity
worksheet with a cross (X).
Leave in your construction lines.

Paving slabs are going to be put underneath the rotary washing line.
a Which of the following slabs tessellate around a point?
Explain how you know.
Draw a sketch if it will help you explain more fully.
A B 30 cm C

40° 120° 60°

120° 120° 60° 60°

30 cm 30 cm
30 cm

45 cm
45 cm
b Which of the slabs would you choose? Why?

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CHAPTER 5 Statistics 1
This chapter is going to show you What you should already know
How to construct pie charts How to construct ten-sector pie
How to interpret graphs and charts
diagrams How to collect data
How to construct and interpret How to draw simple frequency
two-way tables diagrams
How to construct and interpret How to investigate a statistical
frequency tables problem

Pie charts
This section will remind you about ten-sector pie charts, which you looked at in Year 8. It
will also show you how to construct pie charts for more complex data.

Example 5.1 Eight-sector pie charts

A travel agent recorded the types of holiday that 200 people booked on one
weekend. Draw a pie chart to represent this information.

Type of holiday Tour Flight Abroad Short Break Other

Frequency 25 100 50 25

We can see that:

● the ‘Flight abroad’ is half of the people (100 is half of 200) Other
● the ‘Short break’ is a quarter of the people (50 is a Tour
quarter of 200) Flight
So each of the other two will be half of a quarter, which Short
is one eighth. break

So, completing the 8-sector pie chart gives us the chart shown
on the right.

Example 5.2 Ten-sector pie charts

Draw a pie chart to represent the following set of data, which shows the favourite
ice-creams of a group of pupils.

Ice-cream Vanilla Strawberry Chocolate Other

Number of pupils 9 6 12 3

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The data adds up to 30 pupils. Therefore, each sector on

the ten-sector pie chart represents 3 pupils. Other

So, vanilla gets 3 sectors, strawberry gets 2 sectors, Vanilla

chocolate gets 4 sectors and ‘other’ gets 1 sector. Chocolate


Exercise 5A Draw eight-sector pie charts to represent each of the following tables of data.
a The sports chosen by a group of 80 pupils
Sport Football Netball Basketball Fitness
Frequency 40 20 10 10

b The meals taken by 60 teachers

Meal School dinner Packed lunch Eat out
Frequency 15 30 15

c The favourite music of 48 Year 9 pupils

Type of music Pop Classical Rap Rock Other
Frequency 12 6 6 18 6

Draw ten-sector pie charts to represent each of the following tables of data.
a The sports chosen by a group of 100 pupils
Sport Gymnastics Netball Basketball Swimming
Frequency 40 20 10 30

b The colour of car owned by 50 teachers

Colour Blue Red Black Other
Frequency 20 15 10 5

c The favourite music of 100 Year 9 pupils

Type of music Pop Classical Rap Rock Jazz
Frequency 40 10 10 30 10

A survey about the cost of visiting a theme park is carried out. The results from 800
visitors are shown in the table below.

Cost Expensive Quite Fair Cheap Very Cheap

Frequency 300 100 200 100 100

Draw a pie chart to represent this data.

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Use ten-sector pie charts to represent the following data (you will need to use
fractions of the sectors).

1 Meals Chinese Indian Italian Other

Frequency 35 15 45 5

2 Computer PC Apple Laptop

Frequency 55 5 40

Interpreting graphs and diagrams

In this section you will learn how to interpret graphs and diagrams, and how to criticise
statements made about the data which they contain.

Example 5.3 The diagram shows how a group of pupils say they spend their time per week.
Matt says: ‘The diagram Watching TV Homework
shows that pupils spend too 10% 8% Eating
much time at school and 7%
doing homework.’ School
Give two arguments to 20%
suggest that this is not true. Other
The diagram represents a
group of pupils, so the data
may vary for individual pupils.
It could also be argued, for Sleeping
example, that pupils spend longer 35%
watching TV than doing homework.

Exercise 5B

4 A journey is shown
on the distance–time
graph. There are three

stages to the journey 60

and two stops. 50
a How far is travelled
Distance (km)

in the first stage of 40

the journey?
b How long is the
first stop? 20
c Chris says that the
total distance 10
travelled is 60 km.
Explain why Chris 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
is incorrect. Time (h)

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:44 Page 69

The results of a junior

school throwing competition
16 4

Number of pupils
are shown in the bar chart. 14
a How many pupils threw 12
between 3 and 4 metres?
b How many pupils threw 6
between 1 and 2 metres? 4
c Alex says: ‘The longest 2
throw was 5.4 metres.’ 0
Could she be correct? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Explain your answer. Distance (m)
d Becky says: ‘The range of the throws is 6 metres.’ Explain why she is incorrect.

The pie chart shows how crimes were committed in a town over a weekend.

Drug offences Burglary

Violent crime 7 18


a How many drug offences were committed?
b How many offences were committed altogether?
c It is claimed that most crime involves theft. Explain why this is incorrect.

The table shows information Farm Animal population Animal population

about the animal populations 2000 2005
on four small farms in the
years 2000 and 2005. A 275 529
a Which farm has increased B 241 205
the number of animals
C 75 65
between 2000 and 2005?
b Which farm has shown D 63 40
the largest decrease in Total 654 839
animal population from
2000 to 2005?
c A newspaper headline says that farm animal populations are increasing. Using
the information in the table, criticise this headline.

Find a graph or chart from a newspaper. Write down the facts that the newspaper article
is claiming that the graph or chart shows. Use different arguments, referring to the graph
or chart, to cast doubt on the facts given.

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Two-way tables
Jeff and Catherine go to the school car park and record data about the 80 cars parked
there. Here is their record.

Colour of cars
Red White Blue Black Other
Peugeot 8 1 4 1 4
Ford 11 2 4 2 6
Make of cars Vauxhall 5 4 0 0 2
Citroen 1 2 2 0 3
Other 6 3 3 4 2

This is called a two-way table.

Example 5.4 Use the two-way table above to answer the questions about the cars in the car park.
a How many red Fords are there?
b How many Vauxhalls are not white?
c How many more blue Peugeots are there than white Citroens?
a There are 11 red Fords.
b There are 11 Vauxhalls but 4 are white, so 7 are not white.
c There are 4 blue Peugeots and 2 white Citroens, so there are 2 more blue
Peugeots than white Citroens.

Example 5.5 An Internet company charges delivery for goods based on the type of delivery –
normal delivery (taking 3 to 5 days) or next-day delivery – and also on the cost of
the order. The table shows how it is calculated.

Cost of order Normal delivery Next-day delivery

(3 to 5 days)
£0–£10 £1.95 £4.95
£10.01–£30 £2.95 £4.95
£30.01–£50 £3.95 £6.95
£50.01–£75 £2.95 £4.95
Over £75 Free £3.00

a Comment on the difference in delivery charges for normal and next-day delivery.
b Two items cost £5 and £29. How much would you save by ordering them
together using: i normal delivery? ii next-day delivery?

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Example 5.5 a It always costs more using next-day delivery but for goods costing between
continued £10.01 and £30, or between £50.01 and £75, it is only £2 more. It is £3 more
for all other orders.
b Using normal delivery and ordering the items separately, it would cost
£1.95 + £2.95 = £4.90, but ordering them together would cost £3.95.
The saving would be £4.90 – £3.95 = 95p
Using next-day delivery and ordering the items separately, it would cost
£4.95 + £4.95 = £9.90, but ordering them together would cost £6.95.
The saving would be £9.90 – £6.95 = £2.95

Exercise 5C

Ali and Padmini go to their local supermarket and record data on the cars parked there.

Colour of cars
Blue White Red Black Other
Toyota 6 2 6 2 3
Peugeot 8 1 3 3 1
Make of cars Vauxhall 4 2 5 1 2
Ford 9 0 4 3 1
Other 5 2 3 4 2

a How many blue Toyotas are there?

b How many Peugeots are not blue?
c How many more blue Fords are there than red Vauxhalls?
d Which make of car is the most common at this car park?

Reha, Jake, Colin and Celina had a games competition.

They played two games, ‘Noughts and Crosses’ and ‘Boxes’.
Each played each of the others at both games.
Colin recorded how many games each Reha III
person won:
Jake III
Colin II
Celina IIII
Celina recorded who won each game:
Noughts and Crosses Jake, Colin, Jake, Celina, Reha, Jake
Boxes Celina, Celina, Reha, Celina, Colin

a Celina has missed one name out from her table. Use Colin’s table to say which
name is missing.
b Who won most games of Noughts and Crosses?
c Give a reason why Colin’s table is a good way of recording the results.
d Give a reason why Celina’s table is a good way of recording the results.

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The table shows the Have school lunch Do not have school lunch
number of pupils
who have school Year 7 120 64
lunches in Years 7,
Year 8 97 87
8 and 9.
Year 9 80 104

a How does the number of pupils who have school lunch change as they get older?
b Between which two years are the greatest changes? Explain your answer.
c By looking at the changes in the table, approximately how many pupils would
you expect to not have a school lunch in Year 10?

The table shows the percentage of boys and girls Age Boys Girls
by age group who have mobile phones.
10 18% 14%
a Work out the differences in the percentages for
boys and girls at ages 10 to 15. 11 21% 18%
b Write down what you notice about the 12 42% 39%
differences in the percentages for boys and
girls. 13 53% 56%
14 56% 59%
15 62% 64%

The heights of 70 Year 9 pupils were recorded.

Height Boys Girls
The results are given in the table below:
130–139 3 3
a Put this information onto a dual bar chart
to show clearly the differences between 140–149 2 4
the boys and the girls.
150–159 10 12
b Use the chart to see if the boys are taller
than girls in Year 9. Explain your answer. 160–169 14 11
170–179 6 5

Drawing and using frequency diagrams

Look at the picture.
How does the
shopkeeper know
how many clothes
of each size he will
sell the most of?

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:44 Page 73

Example 5.6 Construct a bar chart, for the given Birthday month Frequency
data, about the months in which a
Year 9 group had their birthdays. January or February 18
March or April 21
May or June 26
July or August 24
September or October 16
November or December 17

It is important that the diagram has Months of birth

a title and labels as shown. 30





Jan Mar May July Sept Nov
or or or or or or
Feb April June Aug Oct Dec

Example 5.7 Construct a frequency diagram to show how lawn-mower sales at a shop vary
throughout a year.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
0 25 63 75 92 68 53 32 76 15 0 12

Write down why you think the sales are high in September and why there are some
sales in December.
Lawn-mower sales
Numbers of lawn-mowers sold

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

The reasons for the sales in September could be that the shop reduces the prices in an
attempt to sell off stock before winter. The December sales could be Christmas presents.

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4 Exercise 5D For each frequency table, construct a bar chart.

a The number of restaurants in a particular town

Meal Frequency
Chinese 3
Italian 7
Indian 15
Turkish 12
Greek 5
English 2

b The number of types of worker at a factory

Type of worker Frequency

Trainee 38
Skilled 20
Managers 5
Directors 1

c The number of tomatoes on a truss

Number of tomatoes Frequency

1 3
2 5
3 12
4 18
5 4
6 or more 2

For each frequency table, construct a frequency diagram.

a The number of extra minutes added on to the end of 44 football matches

Minutes Frequency
0 1
1 7
2 15
3 12
4 6
5 or more 3

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:44 Page 75

b The salary band of workers at a factory

Salary Band (£) Frequency

1 – 10,000 38
10,001 – 20,000 20
20,001 – 30,000 5
30,001 – 40,000 2

c The shoe sizes sold by a shop in one week

Shoe size Frequency

3 or smaller 8
4 or 5 19
6 or 7 12
8 or 9 6
10 or larger 2

The following table shows the rainfall, in millimetres, for a town in the north of England.

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Rainfall (mm) 45 36 44 47 51 54 49 55 50 44 51 50

a Construct a line graph of this data.

b Which month had the greatest rainfall?
c Which month had the least rainfall?
d For how many months was the amount of rainfall below 45 mm?
e What is the difference between the amount of rainfall in July and the amount of
rainfall in August?
f Between which two consecutive months is there the greatest difference in

The table shows population forecasts for the UK and Afghanistan.

Year 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Population of UK (millions) 60 61 62 63 64 64 65 65 64 64
Population of Afghanistan (millions) 29 33 37 40 44 48 53 58 61 66

a Construct a line graph for each country using the same axes.
b Estimate the year when the populations of the two countries will be
c Estimate the year when the population of the UK is at its maximum. State
what this maximum population could be.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:44 Page 76

Statistical investigations
Investigating a problem will involve
several steps. An example from PE is
given together with an example of
how to write a report.

Step Plan

1 Decide which general topic For this investigation, I am going to find out how to
to study improve pupils’ performance in sport.
2 Specify in more detail In particular, I am going to investigate the ability of pupils
to throw a cricket ball.
3 Guess what you think could I will consider whether a run-up improves performance. I
happen (This is called will also compare pupils of similar heights, as it is
‘Stating your hypotheses’) possible that height would also affect performance.
4 Conjectures I think that the distance thrown will improve using a run-
up but if the run-up is too long it might then fail to
improve performance. I think that Year 11 pupils of the
same height may be physically stronger and would
therefore throw further.
5 Sources of information I will carry out a survey of the distance thrown with
required different lengths of run-up.
6 Relevant data I am going to choose pupils from Year 9 and Year 11,
arranged in three groups according to height: short,
medium height and tall. I will use 5 boys and 5 girls in each
group. I will try to use pupils of different sporting abilities.
Each pupil will have 3 throws, one with no run-up, one
with a 5 metre run-up and one with a 10 metre run-up.
7 Possible problems I will allow each pupil the same length of time, 5 minutes,
to warm up. I will organise the event so that the throws
are always taken in the same order. For example, the first
throw for every pupil has no run-up. This should produce
more reliable results.
8 Possible problems I will put each pupil into a category according to their
height and Year group. I will then record the distance for
each throw.
9 Decide on appropriate level I will round off all measurements to the nearest 10 cm.
of accuracy
10 Determine sample size In order to collect all this information effectively, I will ask
a group of friends to help me.
11 Construct tables for large sets I will create a two-way table to record my results for each
of raw data in order to make group.
work manageable
12 Decide which statistic is I will calculate the mean for each group of results and
most suitable then compare its value with my predictions.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:44 Page 77

Here is an example of a recording sheet for Year 9 pupilss of medium height.

Year 9 Medium height Pupil 1 Pupil 2 Pupil 3 Pupil 4 Pupil 5
No run-up
5 m run-up
10 m run-up

Exercise 5E List in order the missing words in each plan given below.

Village Green

Missing words for Science Plan are:

car bias not books
petrol nearest investigate engine
Missing words for Geography Plan are:
mean incomes information compare
sample average Internet housing

Step Q1 Science Plan Q2 Geography Plan

1 Decide which general I am going to …… the effect of engine I am going to …… life expectancy
topic to study size on a car’s acceleration. against the cost of housing.
2 Specify in more detail I will begin by studying only one make I will compare house prices in Yorkshire
of …… . with those in the South-east.
3 Guess what you think I am going to try to find out if a bigger I am going to investigate whether people
could happen. (This is …… always means that a car can in expensive …… tend to live longer.
called ‘Stating your accelerate faster.
4 Conjectures It may be that more powerful engines As people in expensive housing have
tend to be in heavier cars and therefore greater …… , they may also have a
the acceleration is …… affected. I am longer life expectancy.
sure that larger engines in the same
model of car will improve acceleration.
5 Sources of information I am going to use car magazines and I am going to use the library and search
required …… to find information on engine sizes the …… for census data for each area.
and the acceleration times for 0–60 mph.
6 Relevant data I am using 0–60 mph because the I will record the …… cost of housing for
government requires car manufacturers each area and also the life expectancy
to publish the time taken to accelerate for each area.
from 0–60 mph.
7 Possible problems I will keep a record of the make of car,
the engine size and the acceleration time.
I will only compare petrol engines with
other …… engines and not with diesel
engines to avoid …… in my results.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:44 Page 78

Step Q1 Science Plan Q2 Geography Plan

8 Possible problems I will also find out and record the When I find the …… that I need, I will
weight of each car, as this is part of my make a note of where it came from.
guess at what will affect the results.
9 Decide on appropriate I will round engine sizes to the ……
level of accuracy 100 cm3. For example, a car with an
engine capacity of 1905 cc (this is the
same as cm3 but is what the motor trade
use) will be recorded as 1900 cc.
10 Determine sample size
11 Construct tables for I will group the data about the
large sets of raw data population in age groups of five-year
in order to make work intervals.
12 Decide which statistic I will make sure that I look at at least
is most suitable 30 pieces of data for each area so that
my …… is large enough to calculate
the …… and have a reliable answer.

Think of a problem related to pupils who cycle to school. Collect as much data as you
can, and write up your plan. Use the planning steps on page 76 as your guides.

4 I know how to group data in equal class intervals.

I can represent collected data in frequency diagrams.
I can interpret frequency diagrams.
I know how to present information in a clear and organised way.

5 I can interpret graphs and diagrams, including pie charts.

I can draw conclusions from graphs and diagrams.


1 2005 3–5 Paper 1 12

Number of people

a Jane asked 27 people: “Do you like school dinners?”
The bar chart shows her results for ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. 8

Copy the bar chart and complete it to show her results for ‘Don’t know’.

Yes No Don’t
Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:44 Page 79

b This pictogram also shows her results for ‘Yes’ and ‘No’.
Copy the pictogram and complete it to show her results
for ‘Don’t know’.


2 2005 3–5 Paper 2 Other

Look at this information:
In 1976, a man earned £16.00 each week.
The pie chart shows how this man spent his money: Entertainment Rent
a How much did the man spend on food each week?

b Now look at this information:

In 2002, a man earned £400.00 each week.
This table shows how he spent his money: Food
Rent £200
Food £100
Entertainment £50
Other £50

Draw a pie chart like the one below and complete it

to show how the man spent his money.
Remember to label each sector of the pie chart.

3 2000 Paper 1
Maria and Kay ran a 1500 metres race. 1500
The distance–time graph on the right shows
the race. 1200
Distance (metres)

Use the graph to help you fill in the gaps in this 900
report of the race.
Just after the start of the race, Maria was in
the lead. At 600 metres, Maria and Kay
were level. Then Kay was in the lead for 0
…… minutes. At …… metres, Maria and 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (minutes)
Kay were level again.
…… won the race. Her total time was …… Maria
minutes. …… finished …… minutes later. Kay

FM Ch 5 Rainforest PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:34 Page 80

Functional Maths

Rainforest deforestation

Since 1970, over 600 000 km2 of

Amazon rainforest have been
destroyed. This is an area larger
than Spain.
Between the years 2000 and
2005, Brazil lost over 132 000 km2
of forest – an area about the
same size as Greece.
The table below shows how much
of the rainforests in Brazil have
been lost each year since 1988.

Deforestation figure
(sq km)
1988 21 000
1989 18 000
1990 14 000
1991 11 000
1992 14 000
1993 15 000
1994 15 000
1995 29 000
1996 18 000
1997 13 000
1998 17 000
1999 17 000
2000 18 000
2001 18 000
2002 21 000
2003 25 000
2004 27 000
2005 19 000
2006 14 000
2007 10 000

FM Ch 5 Rainforest PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:34 Page 81

Use the information on the left to answer these questions.

Draw a bar chart showing the deforestation of Brazil over the years
1 from 1988–2007.

From 1988–91, Brazil had an economic slowdown. What was

2 happening to the rate of deforestation during that time?

From 1992–95, Brazil had economic growth. What was happening to

3 the rate of deforestation during that time?

What do think was happening to Brazil’s economy:

a from 1998–2004?
b from 2005–7?

What does the chart and the information given in questions 1 and 2
5 suggest about the link between deforestation in Brazil and the

The pie chart below shows the three main reasons for deforestation in the
Amazon from 2000–5.
Construction – roads,
dams, towns

Small farms

Cattle ranches

What appears to be the main reason for the deforestation in the

6 Amazon between the years 2000 and 2005?

7 What percentage of the deforestation was caused by cattle ranches?

It was suggested that over the next two years:
the same amount of deforestation would take place.
the amount of construction work would actually double.
the number of small farms would halve.
the number of cattle ranches would increase.
Draw a new pie chart reflecting the reasons for deforestation
suggested for 2007.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:38 Page 82

CHAPTER 6 Geometry and Measures 2

This chapter is going to show you What you should already know
How to calculate the area of a How to find the area of a
triangle, a parallelogram and a rectangle
trapezium How to calculate the surface
How to calculate the area of a area of a cuboid
compound shape How to convert one metric unit
How to calculate the volume of to another
a cuboid How to plot points in all four
How to convert imperial units to quadrants
metric units
How to find the mid-point of a
line segment

Area of a triangle
To find the area, A, of a triangle, you need to know
the length of its base, b, and its height, h. The height
of the triangle is sometimes known as its
perpendicular height. Height (h)
The diagram shows that the area of the triangle is
Base (b)
half of the area of a rectangle, the length of whose
sides are b and h:
Area 1 = Area 2 1 3
and h
Area 3 = Area 4 2 4
So, the area of a triangle is 2 × base × height. That is:
A= 1 1 b×h
× b × h = bh = –––––
2 2
Remember that the metric units of area in common use are:
● Square millimetre (mm2)
● Square centimetre (cm2)
● Square metre (m2)

Example 6.1 Find the area of the right-angled triangle shown on the right.

Area of rectangle = 6 × 4 = 24 cm2 4 cm

So area of triangle = 24
– = 12 cm2
6 cm

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:38 Page 83

Example 6.2 Find the area of the triangle shown on the right.
6 × 3 = 9 cm2 3 cm
A = –––––
6 cm

Example 6.3 Find the area of the triangle shown on the right.
8 × 5 = 40
A = –– – = 20 cm2
2 2 5 cm

8 cm

Exercise 6A Find the area of each triangle by first finding the area of the rectangle that encloses it.
Each square represents 1 square centimetre.

a b c d

A = –––––
Use the formula to find the area of each right-angled triangle. 2

a b c

8 cm
4 cm 6 cm

5 cm 8 cm 8 cm

d e f
7 cm

3 cm
7 cm
10 cm
5 cm

2 cm

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:38 Page 84

Find the area of each of the right-angled triangles drawn on the centimetre-square
grid below.
Use the formula: A = –––––


6 Find the area of each of the following triangles.

Use the formula: A = –––––
a b c d

8 cm
5 cm 12 m 25 mm
6 cm 7 cm 18 m 20 mm

Copy and complete the table for triangles a to d.

Use the formula: A = –––––
2 Triangle Base Height Area
a 3 cm 4 cm
b 5 cm 3 cm
c 4 cm 12 cm2
d 8 cm 20 cm2

The right-angled triangle shown has an area of 24 cm2.

Find other right-angled triangles, with different 6 cm
measurements, which also have an area of 24 cm2.
8 cm

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:38 Page 85

Area of a parallelogram
To find the area, A, of a parallelogram, you need
to know the length of its base, b, and its
height, h. The height of the parallelogram is Height (h)
sometimes known as its perpendicular height.
The diagrams show that the parallelogram has
the same area as that of a rectangle with the Base (b)
same base and height. So, the area of a
parallelogram is base × height. That is:
A = b × h = bh Height (h)

Base (b)

Example 6.4 Calculate the area of this parallelogram.

Here, b = 10 cm and h = 6 cm, which gives: 6 cm

A = 6 × 10 = 60 cm2
10 cm

Example 6.5 Calculate the area of this parallelogram.

Here, b = 3 cm and h = 5 cm, which gives: 5 cm

3 cm
A = 3 × 5 = 15 cm2

Exercise 6B Use the formula A = b × h to find the area of each of these parallelograms.
a b c 6
4 cm 3 cm
9 cm
7 cm
6 cm

5 cm
d e f

5 cm 5 cm
10 cm
3 cm

8 cm
6 cm

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:38 Page 86

6 Find the area of each of the following parallelograms.

a b c d

4 cm
12 cm 25 cm 15 cm
9 cm
18 cm
10 cm

16 cm

Find the area of each of the following parallelograms.

a b c

6 cm 11 m 30 mm
10 cm 20 mm

Copy and complete the table below for parallelograms a to d.

Parallelogram Base Height Area

a 5 cm 6 cm
b 8 cm 10 cm
c 4 cm 8 cm2
d 5 cm 100 cm2

The area of the parallelogram is 27 cm2. Find the perpendicular

height, h, of the parallelogram. h

4.5 cm

Find the solid area of this mathematical stencil, which has the shapes cut out.

3 cm 6 cm
3 cm
3 cm 3 cm

4 cm
10 cm 6 cm

3 cm 3 cm

12 cm
25 cm

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:38 Page 87

Volume of a cuboid


Volume is the amount of space inside a three-dimensional (3-D) shape.

The diagram shows a cuboid which measures 4 cm by

3 cm by 2 cm. The cuboid is made up of cubes of edge
length 1 cm. The top layer consists of 12 cubes and, since
there are two layers, the cuboid has altogether 24 cubes.

The volume of the cuboid is therefore found by calculating:

4 cm × 3 cm × 2 cm = 24 cm3
Hence, the volume of a cuboid is found by
Height (h)
multiplying its length by its width by its height:
Volume of cuboid = length × width × height
Width (w)
V = l × w × h = lwh
Length (l)
The metric units of volume in common use are:
● Cubic millimetre (mm3)
● Cubic centimetre (cm3)
● Cubic metre (m3)
The capacity of a 3-D shape is the volume of liquid or gas it can hold. The metric unit of
capacity is the litre (l), where:
1 litre = 1000 cm3

Example 6.6 Find the volume of the cuboid shown on the right. 5 cm
The volume of the cuboid is given by: 4 cm
V = lwh
Putting in the values for l, w and h gives:
3 cm
= 60 cm3

Example 6.7 Calculate the volume of the tank shown. Then 50 cm

work out the capacity of the tank in litres.
V = lwh
Putting in the values for l, w and h gives: 30 cm
V = 50 × 30 × 10 = 15 000 cm3
10 cm
Since 1000 cm3 = 1 litre, the capacity of the
tank = 15 000 ÷ 1000 = 15 litres

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:38 Page 88

Exercise 6C Which of the units below can be used for volume?

m2 mm cm2 m3 cm3 m km2 mm3

For each cuboid below, write the length (l), the width (w) and the height (h) as a
number of cubes. Use your answers to work out the volume of the cuboid.

a b c

h h

l w

l w

6 a
Use the formula V = l × w × h to work out the volume of each of these cuboids.
b c

10 cm

8 cm
2 cm 2 cm
3 cm 3 cm
2 cm 2 cm 4 cm
d e f

5 cm 4 cm
4 cm
6 cm
4 cm 4 cm
4 cm 5 cm 4 cm

Copy and complete this table for cuboids a to e.

Give each answer with the correct unit.
l w h V
a 3m 5m 4m
b 12 mm 6 mm 5 mm
c 30 cm 40 cm 10 cm
d 1m 5m 4m
e 15 cm 20 cm 5 cm

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:38 Page 89

Find the volume for each of the cubes with the following edge lengths.
a 2 cm b 5 cm c 10 cm 6
Find the volume of a hall that is 30 m long, 15 m wide and 8 m high.
12 cm
The diagram shows the dimensions of a rectangular 5 cm
carton of orange juice.
a Find the volume of the carton, giving your answer Juice
in cubic centimetres. 25 cm
b How many litres of orange juice does the carton

The diagrams below show three different packaging boxes.

25 cm

8 cm
5 cm 15 cm
5 cm 16 cm
20 cm 20 cm 30 cm
Which box has the greatest volume?

Imperial units

In Britain, there is a
My height is gradual switch to the
I need to order
5’ 7” metric system of units.
3 pints of milk
But many people still
prefer to use the
The distance The recipe imperial system of
to London is requires 1/2 lb
256 miles
units, as the examples
of butter
on the left show.

The following imperial units are still commonly used, so you should be familiar with them.

Imperial units of length Imperial units of mass Imperial units of capacity

12 inches (in) = 1 foot (ft) 16 ounces (oz) = 1 pound (lb) 8 pints (pt) = 1 gallon (gal)
3 feet = 1 yard (yd) 14 pounds = 1 stone (st)
1760 yards = 1 mile 2240 pounds = 1 ton

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:38 Page 90

Example 6.8 Change 3 ft 6 in into inches.

1 ft = 12 in, so 3 ft = 3 × 12 = 36 in
Hence, 3 ft 6 in = 36 + 6 = 42 in

Example 6.9 Change 32 lb into stones and pounds.

1 st = 14 lb, so divide 32 lb by 14, which gives 2 stones with 4 pounds left over.
Hence, 32 lb = 2 st 4 lb
(Note that if you use a calculator, the answer will be given as a decimal number.)

Rough metric equivalents of imperial units

As Britain changes to the metric system, you need to be able to convert from imperial
units to metric units by using suitable approximations. It is useful to know the following
rough metric equivalents of imperial units. If accuracy is required, the exact conversion
factor should be used. The symbol ≈ means ‘is approximately equal to’.

Units of length Units of mass Units of capacity

1 in ≈ 2.5 cm 1 oz ≈ 30 g 1–34 pints ≈ 1 litre
1 yard ≈ 1 m 1 lb ≈ 500 g 1 gallon ≈ 4.5 litre
5 miles ≈ 8 km

Example 6.10 Approximately how many kilometres are in 20 miles?

5 miles ≈ 8 km
So, 20 miles ≈ 4 × 8 ≈ 32 km

Example 6.11 Approximately how many gallons are in 18 litres?

1 gallon ≈ 4.5 litres
So, divide 18 litres by 4.5, which gives 4 gallons.

Exercise 6D Change each of the following into the unit given in brackets.
a 4 ft (in) b 2 ft 8 in (in) c 4 yd (ft) d 10 yd (ft)
e 2 miles (yd) f 2 lb (oz) g 1 lb 4 oz (oz) h 5 st (lb)
i 2 st 10 lb (lb) j 5 gallons (pints) k 3 12 gallons (pints)

Change each of the following into the units given in brackets.

a 24 in (ft) b 40 in (ft and in) c 15 ft (yd)
d 20 ft (yd and ft) e 48 oz (lb) f 8 oz (lb)
g 35 oz (lb and oz) h 56 lb (st) i 40 lb (st and lb)
j 16 pints (gallons) k 25 pints (gallons and pints)

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:38 Page 91

Each picture shows an imperial measure. Which metric amount is approximately the
same as the imperial amount?

100 g 200 g 500 g 1 kg
1 lb
1 pound
1 in 1 cm 2.5 cm 5 cm 7.5 cm

1 litre 2 litres 4.5 litres 10 litres
1 gallon

LONDON 2 km 4 km 6 km 8 km
5 miles

1m 1.5 m 2m 5m

1 yard

a Copy and complete the table to show the conversions miles km

between miles and kilometres. 5 8
b About how many kilometres is 12.5 miles? 10

a Copy and complete the table to show the conversions pints litres
between pints and litres. 1.75 1
b About how many litres is 35 pints? 3.5

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:38 Page 92

Here is a recipe for flapjacks. The recipe gives the

amounts of ingredients in ounces (oz). Flapjacks
Butter 4 oz
Re-write the recipe, giving the amounts in grams (g). Sugar
Remember that 1 oz is about 30 g. 2 oz
Oats 5 oz
Flour 1 oz
Syrup 2 tablespoons

Change each of the following imperial quantities into the approximate metric
quantity given in brackets.
a 3 in (cm) b 12 in (cm) c 12 ft (m) d 30 ft (m)
e 10 miles (km) f 25 miles (km) g 2 oz (g) h 5 oz (g)
i 2 lb (g) j 7 pints (l) k 10 gallons (litre)

Pierre is on holiday in England and he sees this sign

near to his hotel. Approximately how many metres is it
from his hotel to the beach? 500 yards

Mike is travelling on a German autobahn and he sees this road sign.

He knows that it means that the speed limit is 120 km/hr. What is the
approximate speed limit in miles per hour?


Steve needs 6 gallons of petrol to fill the tank of his car. The pump dispenses petrol
only in litres. Approximately how many litres of petrol does he need?


1 Working in pairs or groups, draw a table to show each person’s height

and weight in imperial and in metric units.
2 a Calculate the number of inches in a mile.
b Calculate the number of ounces in a ton.

Finding the mid-point of a line segment

The next example will remind you how to plot points in all four quadrants using x- and
y- coordinates.
It will also show you how to find the coordinates of the mid-point of a line which joins
two points.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:39 Page 93

Example 6.12 The coordinates of the points of A, B, C and D on y

the grid are A(4, 4), B( –2, 4), C(2, 1) and D(2, –3). 5
The mid-point of the line segment which joins A to B
B is X. (X is usually referred to as the mid-point of 2
AB.) From the diagram, the coordinates of X are 1
(1, 4). Notice that the y-coordinates are the same x
–5 – 4 –3 –2 –1 O 1 2 3 4 5
for all three points on the line. –1
The mid-point of CD is Y. From the diagram, the –2
coordinates of Y are (2, –1). Notice that the D
x-coordinates are the same for all three points on
the line.

Exercise 6E Copy the grid on the right on to centimetre- y

square paper. Then plot the points A, B, C, D, E

and F.

a Write down the coordinates of the points A, 7
B, C, D, E and F. 6

b Using the grid to help you, write down the 5

coordinates of the mid-point of each of the 4

following line segments. 3
i AB ii AC iii BD F D
iv CE v DF
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copy the grid on the right on to centimetre- y

square paper and plot the points J, K, L and M. 10

a Write down the coordinates of the points J, 8
K, L and M. 7
b Join the points to form the trapezium JKLM. 6
Using the grid to help you, write down the 5
coordinates of the mid-point of each of the 4
following line segments. 3

i JK ii JM iii LM iv KL 2
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copy the grid on the right and plot the points
A, B, C, D, E and F.
B 4 A
a Write down the coordinates of the points A, C

B, C, D, E and F. 2
b Using the grid to help, write down the
coordinates of the mid-point of each of the –5 – 4 –3 –2 –1 O 1 2 3 4 5
following line segments. D
i AB ii CD iii BE iv EF –3

E –4
4 F

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:39 Page 94

Copy the grid on the right and plot the points
P, Q, R and S.
a Write down the coordinates of the points P, S
Q, R and S. 2
b Join the points to form the rectangle PQRS.
Using the grid to help, write down the –5 – 4 –3 –2 –1 O 1 2 3 4 5
coordinates of the mid-point of each of the
following lines.
i PQ ii QR iii PS iv SR –4
c Write down the coordinates of the mid-point –5
of the diagonal PR.

1 a Copy and complete the table below, y

using the points on the grid to the right. 10

The first row of the table has been 9

completed for you. 8


4 D
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Line segment Coordinates of first Coordinates of second Coordinates of mid-point

point on line segment point on line segment of line segment
AB A(8, 8) B(2, 8) (5, 8)

b Can you spot a connection between the coordinates of the first and
second points and the coordinates of the mid-point? Write down a
rule in your own words.

2 By using the rule you found in Question 1 or by plotting the points on a

coordinate grid, find the mid-points of the line which joins each of the
following pairs of coordinate points.
a A(3, 2) and B(3, 6) b C(4, 6) and D(6, 10)
c E(3, 2) and F(5, 4) d G(8, 6) and H(2, 3)
e I(5, 6) and J(–3 , –2)

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:39 Page 95

4 I can plot and use coordinates in the first quadrant.

5 I can change imperial units into metric units using rough equivalents.
I can plot and use coordinates in all four quadrants.
I can find the area of a right-angled triangle.
I can find the volume of a cuboid by counting cubes.

b × h.

6 I can find the area of any triangle, using the formula A = –––––
I can find the area of a parallelogram, using the formula A = b × h.
I can find the volume of a cuboid using the formula V = l × w × h.

1 2000 Paper 2
How many kilometres are there in 5 miles?
Copy and complete the missing part of the sign.

2 2002 Paper 1
A scale measures in grams and in ounces. 16

Use the scale to answer these questions. 400

a About how many ounces is 400 grams? 12

b About how many grams is 8 ounces?

c About how many ounces is 1 kilogram? 8

Explain your answer. 200


0 0
grams ounces

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:39 Page 96

3 2006 4–6 Paper 1

a P is the midpoint of line AB. y

What are the coordinates of point P? A


0 120

b Q is the midpoint of line MN. y

The coordinates of Q are (30, 50).
What are the coordinates of points M M
and N?

Q (30, 50)


4 2003 5–7 Paper 2

An adult needs about 1.8 litres of water each day to stay healthy.
How many glasses is that?
225 ml

5 2004 4–6 Paper 2

6 The triangle and the rectangle shown have the same area.

6 cm w cm

4 cm

4 cm

Work out the value of w.

Show your working.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 6/6/08 15:39 Page 97

6 2007 4–6 Paper 2

The diagram shows a shaded parallelogram drawn inside a rectangle. 6
3 cm
Not drawn
5 cm

3 cm
10 cm

What is the area of the shaded parallelogram?

You must give the correct unit with your answer.

7 2002 4–6 Paper 2

The drawing shows 2 cuboids that have the same volume.

Cuboid A
Cuboid B

4 cm
2 cm

5 cm 5 cm x cm
3 cm

a What is the volume of cuboid A?

Remember to state your units.

b Work out the value of the length marked x.

FM Ch 6 Athletics PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:35 Page 98

Functional Maths

Athletics stadium

An athletics stadium is having a ‘face-lift’.

The high jump zone is going to be resurfaced.

1 The zone can be divided into four identical triangles
as shown.
a What is the area of one of the triangles? 15 m

b What is the total area of the high jump zone?

15 m
c Resurfacing costs £60 per square metre.
What is the cost to resurface the high jump zone?

A warm-up zone for the athletes is also going to

2 be resurfaced.
The zone is in the shape of a parallelogram as shown.
40 m
a What is the total area of the warm-up zone?
b Resurfacing costs £48 per square metre.
What is the cost to resurface the warm-up zone? 20 m

The shot-put, hammer Shot-put Hammer Javelin

3 and javelin zones are all
going to have new turf.
23 m
Each zone is in the
shape of a triangle 17 m 75 m
as shown.
92 m
Work out the area of
each zone. 55 m
48 m

A new winners’ podium is

4 going to be built.
This sketch shows 60 cm
40 cm
the dimensions.
20 cm 3rd 1st 2nd
a Work out the volume 80 cm
of the 3rd place cuboid. 90 cm 90 cm 90 cm
b Work out the volume of the 2nd place cuboid.
c Work out the volume of the 1st place cuboid.
d What is the total volume of the podium?

FM Ch 6 Athletics PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:35 Page 99

This sketch shows the dimensions of the sandpit for the

5 long jump.

0.4 m



a How many cubic metres of sand does the sandpit hold

when full?
b 0.6 m3 of sand weighs 1 tonne. How many tonnes of
sand are needed to fill the sandpit?

A ramp for wheelchair access into the stadium is going to

6 be built.
11 ft 1 ft

2 ft 4 in

a Copy and complete these conversions:

1 ft = …… in 11 ft = …… in 2 ft 4 in = …… in
b Use the fact that 1 in ≈ 2.5 cm to convert all three of the
above measurements into centimetres.
c Work out the area of the cross-section of the water pit.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:59 Page 100

CHAPTER 7 Number 2
This chapter is going to show you What you should already know
How to extend your ability to How to multiply and divide by
work with powers of 10 10 and 100
How to round numbers and use Basic column methods for
rounded numbers to estimate addition, subtraction,
the results of calculations multiplication and division
How to write recurring decimals
How to multiply and divide
How to use your calculator

Powers of 10
You have met powers of 10 before. This section will give you more practice at multiplying
and dividing by powers of 10. The table shows you some powers of 10.

Power 100 101 102 103 104

Value 1 10 100 1000 10 000

Example 7.1 Multiply and divide each of the following numbers by: i 10 ii 1000
a 250 b 74 000 c 8620
a i 250 × 10 = 2500 250 ÷ 10 = 25
ii 250 × 1000 = 250 000 250 ÷ 1000 = 0.25
b i 74 000 × 10 = 740 000 74 000 ÷ 10 = 7400
ii 74 000 × 1000 = 74 000 000 74 000 ÷ 1000 = 74
c i 8620 × 10 = 86 200 8620 ÷ 10 = 862
ii 8620 × 1000 = 8 620 000 8620 ÷ 1000 = 8.62

Example 7.2 Multiply and divide each of the following numbers by: i 102 ii 103
a 0.752 b 1.508 c 0.0371
You have 102 = 100 and 103 = 1000. Hence, multiplying and dividing by each of
them gives:
a i 0.752 × 102 = 75.2; 0.752 ÷ 102 = 0.007 52
ii 0.752 × 103 = 752; 0.752 ÷ 103 = 0.000 752
b i 1.508 × 102 = 150.8; 1.508 ÷ 102 = 0.015 08
ii 1.508 × 103 = 1508; 1.508 ÷ 103 = 0.001 508
c i 0.0371 × 102 = 3.71; 0.0371÷ 102 = 0.000 371
ii 0.0371 × 103 = 37.1; 0.0371 ÷ 103 = 0.000 0371

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:59 Page 101

Exercise 7A Multiply each of the following numbers by:

a 9 b 73 c 124
i 10
e 3700 4
Divide each of the following numbers by: i 10 ii 10
a 9000 b 730 000 c 1 244 000
d 34 000 e 37 000 000

Multiply each of the following numbers by: i 10 ii 100 iii 1000

a 8.7 b 0.32 c 103.5 d 0.09 e 23.06

Divide each of the following numbers by: i 10 ii 100 iii 1000

a 8.7 b 0.32 c 103.5 d 0.09 e 23.06

Multiply each of the following numbers by: i 10 ii 102

a 2.7 b 0.45 c 207 d 0.08 e 41.7 6
Divide each of the following numbers by: i 10 ii 102
a 2.7 b 0.45 c 207 d 0.08 e 41.7

Calculate each of these.

a 6.34 × 100 b 47.3 ÷ 100 c 66 × 1000
d 2.7 ÷ 1000 e 3076 × 10 000 f 7193 ÷ 10 000
g 3.76 × 100 h 2.3 ÷ 100 i 0.09 × 100
j 3.09 ÷ 10 k 2.35 × 10 l 0.01 ÷ 100

Multiplying by 0.1 is the same as dividing by 10, and dividing by 0.1 is the
same as multiplying by 10.
1 What is multiplying by 0.01 the same as?
2 What is dividing by 0.01 the same as?
3 Now work out each of the following.
a 39 × 102 b 48 ÷ 102 c 5.8 × 103
d 3.4 ÷ 102 e 5.61 × 103 f 0.48 ÷ 102
g 0.328 × 103 h 0.032 ÷ 102 i 467 ÷ 102
j 32.08 × 102 k 234 ÷ 103 l 0.009 × 103
m 9.2 × 0.1 n 0.64 ÷ 0.1 o 0.84 × 0.01
p 8.71 ÷ 0.01

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:59 Page 102

There are two main uses of rounding. One is to give sensible answers and the other is to
help when estimating the answer to a problem.

Example 7.3 Round each of these numbers to: i one decimal place. ii two decimal places.
a 7.822 b 8.565 c 9.018

a i 7.8 to one decimal place ii 7.82 to two decimal places

b i 8.6 to one decimal place ii 8.57 to two decimal places
c i 9.0 to one decimal place ii 9.02 to two decimal places

Example 7.4 Estimate the answer to each of the following.

a 8.9 + 7.3 b 6.1 × 3.8

The method is to round each of the numbers to the nearest whole number.
a 8.9 + 7.3 is approximately 9 + 7 = 16
b 6.1 × 3.8 is approximately 6 × 4 = 24

Example 7.5 Estimate the answer to each of the following.

a 77.1 – 19.9 b 89 ÷ 31 c 71 × 58

The method is to round each of the numbers to the nearest ten.

a 77.1 – 19.9 is approximately 80 – 20 = 60
b 89 ÷ 31 is approximately 90 ÷ 30 = 3
c 71 × 58 is approximately 70 × 60 = 7 × 6 × 100 = 4200

Exercise 7B Round these numbers to one decimal place.

a 2.34 b 4.57 c 3.68 d 7.89 e 2.09
f 3.12 g 4.58 h 3.24 i 4.71 j 4.55

Round these numbers to two decimal places.

a 2.364 b 4.348 c 3.231 d 7.812
e 2.092 f 3.222 g 8.436 h 5.678

Round each of the following numbers to:

i one decimal place. ii two decimal places.
a 2.367 b 13.0813 c 8.907 d 20.029
e 0.999 f 4.0599 g 0.853 h 3.14159

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:59 Page 103

Round each number to the nearest whole number and use these answers to estimate
the value of each calculation.
a 3.9 + 8.2 b 8.3 + 1.7 c 7.1 – 1.8 d 6.9 – 3.1
e 6.1 × 7.6 f 9.2 × 8.9 g 7.8 ÷ 1.9 h 9.2 ÷ 3.1

Round each number to the nearest 10 and use these answers to estimate the value of
each calculation.
a 39 + 82 b 83 + 17 c 71 – 18 d 69 – 31
e 61 × 76 f 92 × 89 g 78 ÷ 19 h 92 ÷ 31

Below are four calculations and four exact answers.

Use estimations to match up each calculation to its answer.
8.3 × 3.9 114 ÷ 15 9.3 × 6.1 84 ÷ 3.2
56.73 32.37 26.25 7.6

Multiplying decimals
This section will give you more practice in multiplying integers (whole numbers) and

Example 7.6 Write down the answer to each of the following, using the fact that 27 × 4 = 108
a 27 × 0.4 b 2.7 × 4 c 2.7 × 0.4

a There is one decimal place in the multiplication 27 × 0.4, so there is one

decimal place in the answer. Therefore you have:
27 × 0.4 = 10.8
b There is one decimal place in the multiplication 2.7 × 4, so there is one decimal
place in the answer. Therefore you have:
2.7 × 4 = 10.8
c There are two decimal places in the multiplication 2.7 × 0.4, so there are two
decimal places in the answer. Therefore you have:
2.7 × 0.4= 1.08

Example 7.7 Find each of the following.

a 0.3 × 0.05 b 900 × 0.4 c 50 × 0.04
a There are three decimal places in the multiplication, so there are three in the
answer. Therefore, you have:
0.3 × 0.05 = 0.015
b Rewrite as an equivalent product. That is:
900 × 0.4 = 90 × 4 = 360
c As in part b, giving: 50 × 0.04 = 5 × 0.4 = 2

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:59 Page 104

Example 7.8 Without using a calculator, work out 134 × 0.6.

There are several ways to do this. Three are shown (a column method and two box
methods). Whichever method you use, you should first estimate the answer:
134 × 0.6 ≈ 100 × 0.6 = 60
Remember also that there is one decimal place in the product, so there will be one
in the answer.
In the first two methods, the decimal points are ignored in the multiplication and
then placed in the answer.
Column method 134 Box method 1 100 30 4 Total
× 6 6 600 180 24 804


2 2

Box method 2 100 30 4 Total

0.6 60 18 2.4 80.4
By all three methods the answer is 80.4.

Exercise 7C Do not use a calculator to answer any of these questions.

Write down the answers to each of the following, using the fact that 83 × 24 = 1992
a 8.3 × 24 b 83 × 2.4 c 8.3 × 2.4 d 0.83 × 0.24

Write down the answers to each of the following, using the fact that
250 × 32 = 8000
a 2.5 × 32 b 250 × 3.2 c 2.5 × 3.2 d 2.5 × 0.32

Work out each of the following.

a 2.6 × 5 b 3.4 × 6 c 4.91 × 4 d 6.12 × 5
e 31.5 × 7 f 22.4 × 8 g 14.6 × 6 h 19.1 × 4

Work out each of the following.

a 10 × 0.5 b 0.7 × 10 c 0.3 × 100 d 0.6 × 10
e 10 × 0.7 f 0.8 × 100 g 100 × 0.1 h 0.4 × 100

6 Work out each of the following.

a 40 × 0.5 b 0.7 × 20 c 0.3 × 200 d 0.6 × 50
e 40 × 0.7 f 0.8 × 300 g 400 × 0.1 h 0.4 × 500

Work out the answer to each of these.

a 0.3 × 0.6 b 0.5 × 0.5 c 0.9 × 0.7 d 0.6 × 0.6
e 0.9 × 0.8 f 0.7 × 0.6 g 0.5 × 0.8 h 0.4 × 0.4
i 0.7 × 0.7 j 0.9 × 0.3 k 0.4 × 0.8 l 0.3 × 0.2

a Without using a calculator work out the answer to 123 × 4.

b Use your answer to part a to write down the answers to the following.
i 1.23 × 0.4 ii 12.3 × 0.04

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:59 Page 105

1 Work out each of the following.

a 0.7 × 0.7
b 0.3 × 0.3
c 0.7 × 0.7 – 0.3 × 0.3
d 0.7 – 0.3
2 What do you notice about your answers to questions 1c and 1d?
3 Repeat using two other decimals which add up to 1 (for example 0.8 and
0.2, or 0.87 and 0.13)
See if you can guess the answers.

Dividing decimals
This section will give you more practice in dividing integers (whole numbers) and decimals.

Example 7.9 Work out each of these.

a 0.8 ÷ 2 b 0.12 ÷ 3 c 27.5 ÷ 5 d 17.4 ÷ 4

a There is one decimal place in the division 0.8 ÷ 2, so there is one decimal place
in the answer. Therefore you have:
0.8 ÷ 2 = 0.4
b There are two decimal places in the division 0.12 ÷ 3, so there are two decimal
places in the answer. Therefore you have:
0.12 ÷ 3 = 0.04
c There is one decimal place in the division 27.5 ÷ 5, so there is one decimal
place in the answer. Therefore you have:
27.5 ÷ 5 = 5.5
d To complete the calculation without a remainder you have to work out
17.40 ÷ 4 so there are two decimal places in the division 17.40 ÷ 4,
so there are two decimal places in the answer. Therefore you have:
17.40 ÷ 4 = 4.35

Exercise 7D Do not use a calculator to answer any of these questions.

Work out each of the following.

a 0.6 ÷ 3 b 0.9 ÷ 3 c 2.4 ÷ 4 d 3.5 ÷ 5
e 2.1 ÷ 7 f 4.8 ÷ 8 g 5.4 ÷ 9 h 6.4 ÷ 8

Work out each of the following.

a 0.36 ÷ 2 b 0.45 ÷ 5 c 0.16 ÷ 4 d 0.45 ÷ 9
e 0.24 ÷ 6 f 0.81 ÷ 9 g 0.63 ÷ 7 h 0.56 ÷ 8

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:59 Page 106

Work out each of the following.

a 2.42 ÷ 2 b 3.25 ÷ 5 c 6.44 ÷ 4 d 8.55 ÷ 9
e 5.22 ÷ 6 f 8.01 ÷ 9 g 4.27 ÷ 7 h 2.56 ÷ 8
Work out each of the following.
a 18.02 ÷ 2 b 37.95 ÷ 5 c 23.04 ÷ 4 d 49.14 ÷ 9
e 18.36 ÷ 6 f 99.18 ÷ 9 g 16.52 ÷ 7 h 10.24 ÷ 8
The perimeter of a square is 4.32 cm. Work out the length of one side.
6 Eight cakes cost £3.76.
How much does one cake cost?

1 Given that 548 ÷ 8 = 68.5, work out each of these.

a 548 ÷ 80 b 5480 ÷ 8 c 54.8 ÷ 8
2 Given that 1380 ÷ 3 = 460, work out each of these.
a 138 ÷ 3 b 13.8 ÷ 3 c 1380 ÷ 30

Efficient use of calculators

It is important that you know how to use your calculator. You should be able to use the basic
functions (×, ÷, +, –) and the square, square root and brackets keys. You have also met the
memory and sign-change keys. This exercise introduces the fraction and power keys.

Example 7.10 Use a calculator to work out:

2.1 + 3.2 ––––––––
a 4.7 ÷ (7.5 + 2.3) b –––––––– c 1

2 + –52 d √ 2.16 + 0.09

a Key in the calculation as it is written: 4 . 7 ÷ ( 7 . 5 + 2 . 3 ) =

98 or the decimal 0.4795918367.
The display will either show the fraction –
b There are two ways to key in this calculation:
using the brackets keys in the calculation: ( 2 . 1 + 3 . 2 ) ÷ 0 . 2
… or, using the fraction button:

SHIFT 2 . 1 + 3 . 2 0 . 2 =
The answer displayed is 26.5 or –

c Key in the following:

SHIFT 1 2 + 2 5 =
The answer displayed is –
d Key in the following:
( 2 . 1 6 + 0 . 0 9 ) =
The answer displayed is 1.5.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:59 Page 107

Exercise 7E Use your calculator to work out each of these questions.

Use a calculator to work these out.

a (3.6 + 8.1) ÷ 1.5 b 6.4 – (4.1 × 2.5) c (2.1 + 9.6) – (3.4 + 4.7)
–– ––
d 5.75 ÷ (4.6 – 2.1) e 3.4 + √144 f √121 – 11
g (3.5 + 2.3)2 h (19.8 – 3.46)2

Use a calculator to work these out.

2.6 + 3.6
a ––––––––
20.3 – 5.7
b ––––––––
6.9 + 1.5
0.5 + 0.6
5.6 64
d ––– + 2.5 e 19.7 – –––
0.8 0.4

Use a calculator to work these out.

1 1 2 4 5 4 17
a 2 + 3 b 7 + 5 c 8 – 13 d 5.6 + 20

Use a calculator to work these out.

––– –––
a √1024 b 252 c 842 + √6889
–––– –– ––– ––––––
d √1522756 – 352 e √9876 + 1149 f √874 – 145
––––– ––––––
g √72 + 242 h √612 – 602

Find the calculator button with . This can be used for calculations with time.
To put 2 hours 15 minutes into your calculator, key in:
2 1 5 =

Now try to work out the following.

a Add 3 hours and 15 minutes to 2 hours and 50 minutes.
b Subtract 1 hour and 55 minutes from 3 hours and 25 minutes.
c Multiply 1 hour and 20 minutes by 4.

Solving problems
Example 7.11 Which jar of jam offers the better value?
The larger jar is four times bigger than the
smaller jar.
So four small jars would cost 4 × 89p = £3.56 Quality
One large jar costs £3.59. FRU

So the smaller jar is better value. JAM


Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:59 Page 108

Example 7.12 A box contains 12 identical toy cars:

Each toy has 4 lights.
Each toy weighs 200 g.
The box weighs 150 g.
a How many lights are there altogether?
b If 3 cars are removed, what is the total weight of the box and its contents?

a 12 cars with 4 lights each = 12 × 4 = 48 lights.

b If 3 cars are removed, there are 9 left.
The cars weigh 9 × 200 g = 1800 g
The box weighs 150 g
So the total weight = 1800 + 150 = 1950 g

4 Exercise 7F Find two odd numbers that add up to 48.

The product of 2 and 3 is 6, because 2 × 3 = 6. Work out the product of 6 and 7.

A cupboard space is 70 cm high. Tins are 15 cm high. How many layers of tins will
fit in the cupboard?

Here is a rule for the number grids.

Use the rule to fill in the missing numbers.
This number is the difference of
the numbers on the bottom line.
8 6

a …… b ……

22 17 2 –3

c 8 d 15

15 …… …… ……

Yogurts are sold individually for 35p. They are also sold in multipacks of 6 for £1.99.
Which is cheaper?

The total age of two brothers is 110 years. The difference in their ages is 4 years.
How old is the younger brother?

There are 5 blue, 3 red and 2 white counters in a bag.

The counters are numbered from 1 to 10. Each counter weighs 6 g.
Match each statement to the correct calculation:
The weight of the odd numbered counters 10 × 6

The total weight of the counters (5 + 3) × 6

The weight of the counters that are blue or red 5×6

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:59 Page 109

A photocopying company charges 5p per sheet. How many sheets can be

photocopied for £3?

Olivia is twice as old as Jack. The sum of their ages is 36 years. How old are they?

There are 600 people in a building. Half of them are men and one third of them are
women. What fraction are children?

Here is a magic square. 2 3

All the rows and columns add up to 34.
Complete the magic square 5

There are lots of ways of making 34 in this magic square using 9 7 6 12

patterns of 4 numbers. 4 14 1
For example, 9 + 7 + 4 + 14 = 34 or 3 + 8 + 9 + 14 = 34.
How many ways can you find to make 34?

4 I can add and subtract decimals with up to two decimal places.

I can round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.

5 I can multiply and divide by simple powers of 10.

I can round numbers to one decimal place.
I can use the brackets, square and square root keys on my calculator.

6 I can round numbers to two or more decimal places.

I can use the power and roots buttons on my calculator.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:59 Page 110

1 2007 3–5 Paper 2

4 Here is some information about some bags of marbles:

Altogether, there are 10 bags
Each bag contains 12 marbles
Each marble weighs 7 grams
Use the information to match each question below with the correct calculation.
The first one is done for you.

Question Calculation

How many bags are there 10


10 × 7
How many marbles are there
altogether? 10 × 12

How much does each bag of 12 × 7

marbles weigh?
10 × 12 × 7

How much do all 10 bags of

marbles weigh altogether? 10 + 12 + 7

2 2001 4–6 Paper 1 Approximate

The table shows the approximate populations of five different places: population
London 7 000 000
a Which of these places has a population of about seventy thousand? Sheffield 700 000
b Use the table to complete these sentences: Harrogate 70 000
Ash Vale 7000
The population of Harrogate is about 10 times as big as the population
of …… Binbrook 700

The population of …… is about 100 times as big as the population of Harrogate.

The population of Sheffield is about …… times as big as the population of Ash Vale.

3 2002 Paper 1

a Peter’s height is 0.9 m. Lucy is 0.3 m taller than Peter. What is Lucy’s height?

b Lee’s height is 1.45 m. Misha is 0.3 m shorter than Lee. What is Misha’s height?

c Zita’s height is 1.7 m. What is Zita’s height in centimetres?

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:59 Page 111

4 2002 Paper 2
Some people use yards to measure length.
The diagram shows one way to change yards to metres.

Number Number
× 36 × 2.54 ÷ 100
of yards of metres

a Change 100 yards to metres.

b Change 100 metres to yards.

Show your working.

5 2006 5–7 Paper 1

a Show that 9 × 28 is 252.

b What is 27 × 28?
You can use part a to help you.

6 2006 5–7 Paper 2

A shop sells toilet rolls.
You can buy them in packs of 9 or packs of 6.
.90 .50
Which pack gives you better value for money? £3 £2
olls olls
You must show your working. 9r 6r
Pack of 9 toilet rolls Pack of 6 toilet rolls
£3.90 £2.50
7 2007 5–7 Paper 2
The value of π correct to 7 decimal places is 3.1415927. 6
a Write the value of π correct to 4 decimal places.

b Which value below is closest to the value of π?

57 3 17 ( 16
9 )
2 355

8 2006 5–7 Paper 1

a Put these values in order of size with the smallest first:

52 32 33 22

b Look at this information:

5 5 is 3125

What is 5 7?

FM Ch 7 Paper PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:35 Page 112

Functional Maths


Paper sizes
Standard paper sizes are called A0, A1, A2 and so on.
A0 is approximately 1188 mm by 840 mm.
The next size A1 is found by cutting A0 in half.
Here is a diagram of a piece of paper of size A0.


840 mm A1



1188 mm

Paper for sale

1 ream = 500 sheets

Reams of Paper – Special offer

Grade of Prices
paper 1 ream 5–9 reams 10+ reams
Standard £2.10
Special £1.80 1 per
Quality £3.00 ream discount
Photo £3.60

Example for Standard paper: Buy 5 reams

1 ream costs £2.10 You save
5 reams at full price = 5 × £2.10 = £10.50 £3.50
Saving = –3 of £10.50 = £3.50
Cost of 5 reams = £7.00
10 reams with – 1 off = 2 × £7.00 = £14.00 Buy 10 reams
3 You save
Extra 10% discount = £1.40
Cost of 10 reams = £12.60 £8.40

FM Ch 7 Paper PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:36 Page 113

Use the information on the left to answer these questions.

1 How many sheets of paper are there in 5 reams of paper?

The thickness of a piece of paper is 0.1 mm.

How high would 2 reams (1000 sheets) of this paper be?
Give your answer in centimetres.

Here is a table of paper sizes.

Paper size A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
Length (mm) 1188 840 594
Width (mm) 840 594

Copy and complete the table.

Check your result for A4 paper by measuring.

How many pieces of A4 paper would be needed to make

4 a piece of A1 paper?

Look at the special offers and work out the cost of:
a 3 reams of Special grade paper.
b 5 reams of Quality grade paper.
c 10 reams of Photo grade paper.

Work out the saving if you buy 20 reams of Quality grade

6 paper using the offers.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:26 Page 114

CHAPTER 8 Algebra 4
This chapter is going to show you What you should already know
How to find the highest What factors and multiples are
common factor (HCF) First ten prime numbers
How to find the lowest common How to plot points and draw a
multiple (LCM) straight-line graph
How to find prime factors
The significance of m and c in
equations of the form y = mx + c


Look at these diagrams.
18 42
18 21
15 14
9 1
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
2 3 7
9 7 18 6

6 30 42

This shows the common This shows the common

multiples of 3 and 4. factors of 18 and 42.
Which is the Which is the
lowest common multiple (LCM)? highest common factor (HCM)?

Example 8.1 List the first ten multiples of 5.

Any whole number multiplied by 5 is a multiple of 5.
So, the first ten are:
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:26 Page 115

Example 8.2 Is 105 a multiple of 3?

If 105 can be divided by 3 exactly, it must be a multiple of 3.
Now, 105 ÷ 3 = 35. Hence, 105 is a multiple of 3.

Lowest common Any pair of numbers has many common multiples. The lowest of these is called the LCM.
multiple (LCM) This can be found by listing the first few multiples of both numbers until you see the first
common number.

Example 8.3 Find the LCM of 6 and 8.

Write out the first few multiples of each number:
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 …
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 …
You can see which are the common multiples, the lowest of which is 24.
So, 24 is the LCM of 6 and 8.

Example 8.4 Write down the factors of 24.

The factors are best found in pairs, for example:
1 × 24 2 × 12 3 × 8 4 × 6
Putting these into numerical order gives:
1 2 3 4 6 8 12 24

Highest common The highest common factor of two numbers is found by following these three steps.
factor (HCF) ● List the factors of each number.
● Look for and list the common factors.
● Look for the highest common factor in this list.

Example 8.5 Find the HCF of 18 and 42.

List the factors of each number:
1 2 3 6 9 18
1 2 3 6 7 14 21 42
You can see that the HCF of 18 and 42 is 6.

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4 Exercise 8A Write down the numbers in the list below which are multiples of the following.
a 2 b 3 c 5 d 9
12 6 21 20 63 88 9 55 27 4 65

Write down the first 10 multiples of the following numbers.

a 3 b 5 c 7 d 10 e 12

Write down all the factors of the following numbers.

a 4 b 21 c 27 d 30 e 36

Use your answers to Question 2 to help you to find the LCM of the following pairs.
a 3 and 5 b 5 and 10 c 7 and 10 d 10 and 12

Use your answers to Question 3 to help you to find the HCF of the following pairs.
a 12 and 21 b 12 and 36 c 25 and 30 d 27 and 36

6 Find the LCM of the following pairs.

a 3 and 7 b 6 and 12 c 4 and 7 d 8 and 12
e 9 and 15 f 8 and 20 g 9 and 30 h 10 and 15

Find the HCF of the following pairs.

a 16 and 20 b 8 and 30 c 10 and 15 d 20 and 24
e 3 and 12 f 6 and 16 g 27 and 36 h 30 and 45

a What is the HCF and LCM of the pairs below?

i 3, 5 ii 4, 7 iii 3, 8
b Two numbers, x and y, have an HCF of 1. What is the LCM of x and y?

1 What is the HCF and LCM of the pairs below?

a 4, 8 b 5, 10 c 6, 12
d 8, 16 e 7, 14
2 In Question 1, the second number in each pair is twice the first number.
What is the HCF and LCM of x and 2x?
3 What is the HCF and LCM of the pairs below?
a 4, 6 b 8, 12 c 6, 9
d 10, 15 e 12, 18 f 14, 21
4 In Question 3, the second number in each pair is one and a half times
the first number.
What is the HCF and LCM of x and –32 x?

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:26 Page 117

Powers and roots

Square numbers The area of a square whose sides have a length of x is x × x, x
which is written as x2. This is why x2 is called ‘x squared’ or the
‘square of x’. Hence, when any number is multiplied by itself, the
Area x 2 x
answer is called the square of the number or the number squared.
As with x2, the short way to write the square of any number is,
for example:
6 squared = (6 × 6) = 62
13 squared = (13 × 13) = 132

Square roots Taking the square root is the inverse (opposite) of squaring. Hence, the square
square root of any given number is a number which, when multiplied by
itself, produces the given number. 5 25
– sq
A square root is shown by the sign √. For example, √ 9 = 3 u are ro o t

Example 8.6 Since 52 = 25, then √ 25 = 5

92 = 81, then √ 81 = 9
112 = 121, then √ 121 = 11

Cubed numbers The volume of a cube whose sides have a length of x is x × x × x, x
which is written as x3. This is why x3 is called ‘x cubed’ or the
cube of x. Hence, when any number is multiplied by itself, and x
again by itself, the answer is called the cube of the number or Volume
the number cubed. x3

Cube roots Taking the cube root is the inverse (opposite) of cubing. Hence the cube cube
root of any given number is a number which, when multiplied by itself
twice, produces the given number. 4 64

A cube root is shown by the sign 3√. For example, 3√ 27 = 3 c ub t
e ro o

Example 8.7 Since 23 = 8, then 3√ 8 = 2
53 = 125, then 3√ 125 = 5

Example 8.8 Work out each of these: a 72 b 53

a 72 = 7 × 7 = 49
b 53 = 5 × 5 × 5 = 125

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–– ––
Example 8.9 Work out each of these: a √ 100 b √ 64

a Think of the number which, multiplied by itself, makes 100. It is 10.

Hence, √ 100 = 10
b Using trial and improvement gives the following:
1×1×1=1 2×2×2=8 3 × 3 × 3 = 27 4 × 4 × 4 = 64
Hence, √ 64 = 4

Exercise 8B The diagrams on page 117 show a square and a cube, both with a side length of x.
Copy and complete this table.

Side length, x 1 cm 2 cm 3 cm 4 cm 5 cm 6 cm 7 cm 8 cm 9 cm 10 cm
Area of square 1 cm2
Volume of cube 1 cm3

Use the table in Question 1 to work out each of the following.

– – – – –
a √1 b √4 c √9 d √ 36 e √ 49
– – –– – ––
f 3
√1 g 3
√ 27 h 3
√ 216 i 3
√8 j 3
√ 343

Find the positive value of x that makes each of the following equations true.
a x2 = 25 b x2 = 49 c x2 = 81 d x2 = 1
e x2 = 121 f x2 = 64 g x2 = 100 h x2 = 1 000 000

Find the value of each of the following.

a 112 + 113 b 122 + 123 c 132 + 133

For each number in the circle, match it with its square root in the rectangle.
Pair them up and write down as for example, √ 100 = 10.

19 18 13 14 400 196
15 21 20 17 324 256
22 16 12 225 361

a Explain how you can tell that √ 12 is between 3 and 4.

b Explain how you can tell that √ 40 is between 6 and 7.

c What two consecutive whole numbers is √ 60 between?

d What two consecutive whole numbers is √ 90 between?

a Explain how you can tell that 3√ 5 is between 1 and 2.

b Explain how you can tell that 3√ 19 is between 2 and 3.
c What two consecutive whole numbers is 3√ 100 between?

d What two consecutive whole numbers is 3√ 50 between?

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How many squares are there on a chessboard?

The answer is not 64!
For example in this square there are five squares,

four this size and one this size .

In this square there are 14 squares,

nine this size four this size and one this size .

By drawing increasingly larger ‘chessboards’, work out how many squares

there are and see if you can spot the pattern.
A computer spreadsheet is useful for this activity.

Prime factors
A prime number can only be divided exactly by itself and one. The first 10 prime numbers
are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29. You need to know these.
The prime factors of a number are the prime numbers which, when multiplied together,
give that number.
There are two ways to find prime factors.

Example 8.10 Find the prime factors of 12.

Using a prime factor tree, split 12 into 3 × 4.
Since 4 can be split into 2 × 2, this gives: 3 4
12 = 3 × 2 × 2
2 2
Use powers to simplify the answer:
12 = 3 × 22

Example 8.11 Find the prime factors of 40.

Use the divide method. That is, dividing by the smallest prime number:
2 | 40

2 | 20

2 | 10

5| 5

So, 40 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 which gives 23 × 5 (again using powers to simplify
the answer)

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Exercise 8C These are the prime factors of different numbers. What are the numbers?
a 2×2×5 b 2×3×3 c 3×3×5 d 2×3×5
e 2×2×2×5 f 2×3×3×5 g 2×2×5×5 h 2×3×5×5

6 What numbers are represented by each of the following sets of prime factors?
a 23 × 7 b 22 × 32 c 2 × 32 × 5 d 3 × 52

Use a prime factor tree to find the prime factors of each of the following numbers.
a 15 b 20 c 24 d 32 e 35
f 18 g 21 h 28 i 36 j 45

Use the division method to find the prime factors of each of the following numbers.
a 160 b 144 c 90 d 150 e 196
f 180 g 216 h 108 i 126 j 450

The prime numbers less than 100 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31,
37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 91 and 97.
1 How many prime numbers less than 100 are one more than a multiple of 6
(for example, 13)?
2 How many prime numbers less than 100 are one less than a multiple of 6
(for example, 11)?
3 How many prime numbers less than 100 are neither one less nor one
more than a multiple of 6?
4 What do the answers to parts 1, 2 and 3 suggest about prime numbers
greater than 3?

Graphs of equations of the form y = mx + c

You have already met graphs plotted from functions with the form y = mx + c, where m
and c are any numbers (see pages 44–46). These are always straight-line graphs.

Example 8.12 Draw a graph of the equation y = 3x + 1.

First, construct a table of easy values for x y
as shown below. 10

x 0 1 2 3 8

y = 3x + 1 1 4 7 10 6

Next, draw the axes on graph paper. Mark 4

the values for x on the horizontal axis, and
those for y on the vertical axis. 2

Then plot the points given in the table, 0 x

and join them with a straight line. –1 0 1 2 3

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Exercise 8D Each question in this exercise is a short investigation into the positions of the graphs of
equations written in the form y = mx + c. After completing the investigations, you should
find something very important and useful about the values of m and c, which will help
you to see where the straight-line graph lies for each equation.

a Copy and complete the table for the x 0 1 2 3

equations shown.
y=x+1 1
b Draw a grid with its x-axis from 0 to 3
and its y-axis from 0 to 7. y=x+2 3
c Draw the graph for each equation in y=x+3 5
the table.
y=x+4 7
d What do you notice about each graph?
e Use what you have noticed to draw the graphs of these equations.
i y=x+5 ii y = x + 0.5

a Copy and complete the table for the x 0 1 2 3

equations shown.
y = 2x + 1 1
b Draw a grid with its x-axis from 0 to 3
and its y-axis from 0 to 10. y = 2x + 2 4
c Draw the graph for each equation in y = 2x + 3 7
the table.
y = 2x + 4 10
d What do you notice about each graph?
e If you draw a graph of y = mx + c, where m and c are any numbers, what does the
value of c tell you about the straight-line graph?
f Use what you have noticed to draw the graphs of these equations.
i y = 2x + 5 ii y = 2x + 0.5

a Copy and complete the table for the x 0 1 2 3

equations shown.
y=x 0
b Draw a grid with its x-axis from 0 to 3
and its y-axis from 0 to 12. y = 2x 2
c Draw the graph for each equation in y = 3x 6
the table.
y = 4x 12
d What do you notice about each graph?
e Use what you have noticed to draw the graphs of these equations.
i y = 5x ii y = 0.5x

a Copy and complete the table for the x 0 1 2 3

equations shown.
y=x+4 4
b Draw a grid with its x-axis from 0 to 3
and its y-axis from 0 to 16. y = 2x + 4 6
c Draw the graph for each equation in y = 3x + 4 10
the table.
y = 4x + 4 16
d What do you notice about each graph?
e If you draw a graph of y = mx + c, where m and c are any numbers, what does
the value of m tell you about the straight-line graph?
f Use what you have noticed to draw the graphs of these equations.
i y = 5x + 4 ii y = 0.5x + 4

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6 The line x + y = 6 passes through points (0, 6), (1, 5), (2, 4), (3, 3), (4, 2), (5, 1), (6, 0).
Draw axes with x and y from 0 to 10.
Plot the points above and join them up.
Now find six points that the line x + y = 5 passes through
Hint: Start with (0, 5)) and plot these on the same graph.
You should now be able to draw, without plotting any points, the lines
x + y = 10 and x + y = 3.

4 I can write down the multiples of any whole number.

I can work out the factors of numbers under 100.

5 I can write down and recognise the sequence of square numbers.

I know the squares of all numbers up to 152 and the corresponding square roots.
I know the cubes of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 and the corresponding cube roots.
I can use a calculator to work out powers of numbers.
I know that the square roots of positive numbers can have two values, one positive and one
negative, for example √36 = +6 or –6.
I can write down the highest common factor of a pair of numbers such as 6 and 8.

6 I can find the lowest common multiple (LCM) for pairs of numbers; for example, the LCM of 24
and 30 is 120.
I can find the highest common factor (HCF) for pairs of numbers; for example, the HCF of 24
and 30 is 6.
I can write a number as the product of its prime factors; for example, 24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 23 × 3.

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1 2002 Paper 1 1 group of 6

There are four different ways to put
6 students into equal-size groups. 2 groups of 3
6 students
3 groups of 2

6 groups of 1

a Copy the diagram on the right. Then show …… group of ……

the five different ways to put 16 students
into equal-size groups.
…… groups of ……

16 students …… groups of ……

…… groups of ……

…… groups of ……

b Copy the numbers below and then circle those which are factors of twelve.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 11 12

2 1998 Paper 1
A jigsaw has three different sorts of piece.
Corner pieces, Edge pieces, Middle pieces,
with 2 straight sides with 1 straight side with 0 straight sides

a This jigsaw has 24 pieces altogether, in 4 rows of 6. Copy and complete the table below to show how
many of each sort of piece this jigsaw has.

Corner pieces: ……
Edge pieces: ……
Middle pieces: ……
Total: 24

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b Another jigsaw has 42 pieces altogether, in 6 rows of 7. Copy and complete the table below to show
how many of each sort of piece this jigsaw has.

7 pieces

Corner pieces: ……
Edge pieces: ……
6 pieces Middle pieces: ……
Total: 42

c A square jigsaw has 64 middle pieces.

Corner pieces: ……
middle Edge pieces: ……
Middle pieces: 64
Total: ……

Copy and complete the table above to show how many of each sort of piece the square jigsaw has,
and the total number of pieces.
Remember that the total must be a square number.

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3 2006 3–5 Paper 1

a I am thinking of a number.
My number is a multiple of 4.
Which of the statements below is true?
● My number must be even
● My number must be odd
● My number could be odd or even
Explain how you know.

b I am thinking of a different number.

My number is a factor of 20.
Which of the statements below is true?
● My number must be even
● My number must be odd
● My number could be odd or even
Explain how you know.

FM Ch 8 Packages PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:36 Page 126

Functional Maths


Maximum package dimensions

The Post Office will only accept packages that follow the following rules.
Regular cuboidal packages
The length (greatest dimension) cannot be
longer than 1.5 m.
The girth is the distance around the
package (2 × width + 2 × height). Height
The girth and the length put together must
not exceed 3 m in total.
Irregular packages
Greatest dimension
cannot exceed 1.5 m.
Girth is measured
around the thickest
part of package. Girth measured
The girth plus the around thickest
part Length measured as
length must not
greatest dimension
exceed 3 m in total.

Up to and including 10 kg: £14.99
Every kg or part thereof: Add 80p
Maximum weight: 30 kg

Use the information above to answer these questions.

1 For each of the following cuboidal packages:

i write down the length. ii work out the girth. iii work out length plus girth.
a b c

50 cm 40 cm
20 cm

100 cm 150 cm 30 cm 120 cm 60 cm

40 cm
d e f

20 cm 90 cm 25 cm

50 cm 60 cm
80 cm 100 cm 25 cm
50 cm

FM Ch 8 Packages PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:37 Page 127

2 Which of the packages in Question 1 would not be acceptable to the Post Office?

3 Cubes have the same length, width and height.

Work out the value of length plus girth for cubes
with sides of:
d cm
a 20 cm b 25 cm c 30 cm
d 40 cm e 50 cm f 60 cm
d cm d cm

4 For each of the cuboidal packages

in the following table say whether it
Package Weight Length Width Height
A 15 kg 1.2 m 70 cm 20 cm
is acceptable to the Post Office. B 22 kg 160 cm 30 cm 20 cm
If it is not, give a reason why. C 10 kg 110 cm 80 cm 10 cm
D 40 kg 90 cm 50 cm 20 cm
E 16 kg 80 cm 60 cm 30 cm
F 20 kg 90 cm 70 cm 40 cm
G 32 kg 1m 60 cm 60 cm
H 3000 g 1.8 m 20 cm 20 cm
I 4 kg 50 cm 50 cm 50 cm
J 18 kg 140 cm 50 cm 30 cm

5 For each of the acceptable packages in Question 1, work out the cost of postage.

6 Each of the following cuboidal packages is at the limit of acceptability.

Work out the missing dimension.
a b c d

50 cm ? cm 20 cm
? cm

150 cm ? cm
100 cm 40 cm ? cm 120 cm 60 cm 40 cm

7 What is the largest possible acceptable dimension, in centimetres,

of a cubical package?
Give your answers to the nearest centimetre.

? ?

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CHAPTER 9 Statistics 2
This chapter is going to show you What you should already know
How to record mutually Some basic ideas about chance
exclusive outcomes and probability
How to solve probability How to use a probability scale
problems involving mutually How to calculate probabilities
exclusive outcomes for single events
How to use a two-way table or
sample space diagram to
calculate probabilities
How to work out probabilities in
different situations
How to obtain estimates of

Toss a coin twice and then make a list of all possible combinations (also called
First throw Second throw P E
Head Head

Head Tail 2
Tail Head
Tail Tail
There are four different outcomes.

Example 9.1



eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs

eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eg

Joel goes shopping for breakfast.

He brings back bread, sausage, eggs, beans and mushrooms.
He can only cook three things for breakfast at a time.
Write down the different combinations of three of these items.

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Example 9.1 If we write these down logically and orderly, we are more likely not to miss any out.
continued Notice the way we write down the possible combinations.
Note that the order of the three items does not matter in this instance.

Bread Sausage Egg Beans Mushrooms

● ● ●

● ● ●

● ● ●

● ● ●

● ● ●

● ● ●

● ● ●

● ● ●

● ● ●

● ● ●

Creating a table to complete and completing it in an orderly, logical way shows us

there are 10 different combinations Joel could choose.

Exercise 9A Here is a simple set menu in a café.

Write down all the different ways of choosing
one main meal with one sweet.
Main course
Roast chicken
Ice cream
Pizza Cheesecake
Lasagne Apple pie

Three children Amy, Joe and Milly, have to travel in a car. Two have to sit in the back.
Write down all the different outcomes if two of these children sit in the back.

A football team have five substitutes: Steve, Mark, Chris, Deon and Marcus.
Only three substitutes can be chosen during the game.
Write down the different outcomes of which three could be chosen as substitutes.

I have three coins. I throw them all in the air and see how they land. There are four
different combinations for the way the coins can land on Heads or Tails. Write down
all four different combinations (the order written down doesn’t matter).

I flip a coin three times in a row. There are eight different combinations of Heads and
Tails this time. Write down all eight different outcomes.

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Here is a set menu in a café. Starter Main course Sweets

Soup Roast chicken Ice cream
Write down all the different Garlic bread Pizza Cheesecake
ways of choosing one starter, Chicken wings Lasagne Apple pie
one main meal and one sweet. Quiche

6 Imagine a Formula 1 race between two racing cars (called A and B). They
could finish the race in two different ways, AB or BA.
Now look at a three-car race. How many ways can they finish the race?
Extend this problem to four cars, and so on. Put your results into a table.
See if you can work out a pattern to predict how many different ways a
10-car race could finish.
When you have finished this, you can explore what the factorial (!) button
does on a calculator. (This may help you to solve the racing car problem.)

Calculating probabilities
Look at the spinners. Which one is
most likely to land on red? Remember,
the answer is not how many times a
colour appears, but the probability that
it will appear.
Number of successes
Probability of event = ––––––––––––––––––––––
Total number of outcomes
Sometimes you have to look Head Tail I·D
·G R

at more than one event. To do


this you can use diagrams, called Head H,H H,T I ·D
·G R 00




sample spaces, to record the AB
Tail T,H T,T
Z 00

possible outcomes. Look at the

sample space for two coins.
You can now work out the probability of throwing two Heads.
The diagram shows that there is only one way of getting two Heads. It also shows that
there are four possible outcomes altogether.
So, the probability is –.
Example 9.2 A coin is tossed and a dice is rolled.
a Use a sample space diagram to show all the possible outcomes.
b What is the probability of tossing a Head and rolling a 6?
a 1 2 3 4 5 6
Head H, 1 H, 2 H, 3 H, 4 H, 5 H, 6
Tail T, 1 T, 2 T, 3 T, 4 T, 5 T, 6

b Head and 6 is one of the 12 spaces on the diagram, so the probability is –1 .


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Example 9.3 An ice-cream man sells vanilla, chocolate and

strawberry flavours. A girl buys an ice-cream, saying to
the man: ‘You can choose the flavours.’

a What is the probability that the girl gets her

favourite flavour if she buys a single scoop?

b She asks for two scoops, each scoop a different

flavour. Make a list of the different combinations
she could buy.

a She has only one favourite flavour, so the probability that she gets that one out
of three flavours = 1
b Vanilla and chocolate
Vanilla and strawberry
Chocolate and strawberry
You could also list them in reverse order, as well. This would imply that the
scoops are the opposite way round.

Exercise 9B A set of cards are numbered 1 to 20. One card is picked at random. Give the
probability for each of the following cases.
a Even
b Has only one digit
c Has 1 on it
d Has 2 on it
e Is less than 5
f Is greater than 8
g Is a multiple of 3 (3, 6, 9, …)

These two spinners are spun. The scores


on the spinners are added together to

get the total score.
a Copy and complete
1 2 3 3
the sample space 1 2

diagram for the


total scores.
b Write down the probability of a total score of 4.
c Write down the probability of a total greater than 30.

A bag contains two red, two blue and two black pens. Two pens are chosen at random.
a List the possible outcomes.
b Write down the probability of choosing red and black pens.

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Tom, Nicola and Matt each buy a drink. They either choose cola or lemonade.
a Copy and complete the table. Tom Nicola Matt
b What is the probability that Cola Cola Lemonade
Nicola and Matt choose
different drinks?

6 Two dice are rolled

and the scores are
added together.
3 4 5 6

Copy and complete 2 3

the sample space of

a What is the most likely total?

b What is the probability that the total is the following?
i 2 ii 5 iii 1 iv 12
v Even vi Odd vii 10, 11 or 12
viii 6 or 8 ix Less than 4 x Less than or equal to 4

The scores on these two spinners are added to get a total score.


3 –3
a Complete a sample space to show the total scores.
b What is the most likely total?
c What is the probability for each of the following totals?
i 1 ii 3 iii 5 iv –2
v –3 vi 0 vii Greater than 0 viii 2 or –2

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:27 Page 133

Estimates of probability
In an experiment to test Number on dice 1 2 3 4 5 6
whether a dice is biased, the
dice was rolled 120 times. Frequency 18 25 20 22 14 21
These are the results.
Do you think that the dice is biased?
Number 2 was rolled 25 times out of 120. So, an estimate of the probability of rolling
number 2 is given by:
25 = 0.208
The fraction 120 is called the estimate of the probability or the relative frequency.
Relative frequency is an estimate of probability based on experimental data. The
relative frequency may be the only way of estimating probability when events are not
equally likely.
Number of successful trials
Relative frequency = ––––––––––
Total number of trials

Example 9.4 Look again at the test results given opposite.

A dice is rolled 120 times. Here are the results.

Number on dice 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 18 25 20 22 14 21

a Write down the relative frequency of a score of 6.

b How could you obtain a more accurate estimate than the relative frequency?

a Number 6 was rolled 21 times so the relative frequency is –21 .

b A more accurate estimate could be obtained by carrying out more trials.

Exercise 9C A four-sided spinner was spun 100 times. Here are the results.

Number on spinner 1 2 3 4
Frequency 20 25 23 32

a What is the estimated probability of a score of 4?

b What is the estimated probability of an even score?
c Do you think from these results that the spinner is biased? Give a reason for your

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:27 Page 134

A drawing pin was thrown and the number of times that it landed point up was
recorded at regular intervals. The results are shown in the table.
a Copy and complete the table for the estimated probabilities.

Number of throws 10 20 30 40 50
Number of times pin lands point up 6 13 20 24 32
Estimate of probability of landing point up 5

b What is the best estimate of the probability of the pin landing point up?

A bag contains yellow and blue cubes. Cubes are picked from the bag, the colour
recorded and the cubes replaced.
a Copy and complete the table for the relative frequencies for the number of times
a blue cube is chosen.

Number of trials 10 25 50 100

Number of times blue cube chosen 3 8 15 28
Relative frequency 0.3

b What is the best estimate of the probability of picking a blue cube from the bag?

6 In an experiment to test whether a dice is biased, the dice is rolled

120 times. These are the results.

Number on dice 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 18 25 20 22 14 21

Number 2 was rolled 25 times out of 120. So, for example, you would expect
it to be rolled 50 times out of 240. The expected number of successes can be
calculated from the formula:
Expected number of successes = Relative frequency × Number of trials
Hence, in this case, the expected number of times number 2 is rolled is given by:
25 × 240 = 50
1 A four sided spinner was spun 100 times. Here are the results.

Number on spinner 1 2 3 4
Frequency 20 25 23 32

If the spinner was spun 500 times, how many times would you expect to
get a score of 4?

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:27 Page 135

2 A drawing pin was thrown and the number of times it landed point up
was recorded at regular intervals. The results are shown in the table. 6
Number of throws 10 20 30 40 50
Number of times pin lands point up 6 13 20 24 32
Relative frequency of landing point up 0.6

How many times would you expect the pin to land point up in 200 throws?
3 A bag contains yellow and blue cubes. Cubes are picked from the bag,
and the cubes replaced. The results are shown in the table.

Number of trials 10 25 50 100

Number of times blue cube chosen 3 8 15 28
Relative frequency 0.3

You are told that altogether there are 75 cubes in the bag. What is the
best estimate of the number of blue cubes in the bag?

4 I can extract information from tables and lists.

I can interpret a frequency diagram.

5 I can understand and am able to use the probability scale from 0 to 1.

I can find and justify probabilities from equally likely events.
I can find probabilities based on experimental evidence.

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1 2003 Paper 1

4 A teacher has five number cards. She says:

‘I am going to take a card at random.
Each card shows a different positive whole number.
It is certain that the card will show a number less than 10.
It is impossible that the card will show an even number.’

What numbers are on the cards?

2 2006 3–5 Paper 1

Make three copies of the diagram of a spinner below:

On each spinner, write five numbers to make the following statements correct:

a It is certain that you will get a number less than 6.

b It is more likely that you will get an even number than an odd number.

c It is impossible that you will get a multiple of 3.

3 2006 3–5 Paper 2

I buy 12 packets of cat food in a box.
The table shows the different varieties in the box.

Number of
Cod 3
Salmon 3
Trout 3
Tuna 3

a I am going to take out a packet at random from the box.

What is the probability that it will be cod?

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 1–9 5/6/08 15:27 Page 137

b My cat eats all the packets of cod.

I am going to take out a packet at random from the ones
left in the box.
What is the probability that it will be salmon?

c A different type of cat food has 10 packets in a box.

The probability that the variety is chicken is 0.7.
What is the probability that the variety is not chicken?

4 2007 3–5 Paper 1

Fred has a bag of sweets. 3 yellow sweets
He is going to take a sweet from the bag at random. 5 green sweets
7 red sweets
a What is the probability that Fred will get a black sweet? 4 purple sweets
b Write down the missing colour from the sentence below: 1 black sweet

The probability that Fred will get a …… sweet is 14 .

FM Ch 9 Class test PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:37 Page 138

Functional Maths

Class test

A Year 9 class sat some practice tests before their SATs. The following are
their test results.

Name Gender English Maths Science

John Addy M 17 45 32
Sean Allsop M 43 37 41
Sally Emerson F 65 54 48
Gerry Evans M 28 65 55
Kay Gilbert F 76 84 78
Zoe Ginn F 49 46 57
Zahir Greer M 87 24 43
Isabell Harding F 93 75 68
Muhanad Hatamleh M 72 56 51
Liah Huxter F 69 74 78
Sahid Jallya M 25 62 65
Molly Kenward F 51 37 42
Brian Keys M 48 53 49
Daniel Mann M 55 85 73
John O’Dubhchair M 62 39 35
Godwin Osakwe M 38 41 27
Krishna Pallin M 78 56 67
Joy Peacock F 69 76 65
William Qui M 87 92 89
Alan Runciman M 92 34 45
Billie Speed M 64 74 76
Robert Spooner M 44 67 61
Joyce Tapman F 53 43 39
Vi Thomas F 37 57 64
Cliff Tompkins M 48 43 51
Lesley Wallace F 68 58 52
Madge Webb F 74 42 44
John Wilkins M 35 41 47
Jenny Wong F 69 58 43
Jo Zunde F 94 98 96

FM Ch 9 Class test PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:38 Page 139

Use the given information to answer these questions.

1 How many pupils are in the class?

2 How many more boys are there than girls?

a Look at the results and write down your estimated

3 guess of the mean test score for each subject.
b Calculate the mean test results for each subject.
c Comment on the accuracy of your guesses.

Draw a scatter diagram for the results in the following

4 subjects.
a English and maths
b English and science
c Maths and science

Comment on the correlation shown in the three scatter

5 diagrams you have drawn.

On your scatter diagrams, use colours to highlight the

6 males and the females and comment on any gender
differences now apparent from these results.

7 Draw a stem and leaf diagram for each set of results.

From your stem and leaf diagrams, state the median score
8 of each and comment on your results.

Create a grouped frequency table for each set of results

9 using the boundaries 1–20, 21–40, 41–60, 61–80 and

Use the grouped frequency tables to draw a bar chart for

10 each set of results.

Comment on which test appears to be the easiest and

11 which the hardest.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 12:26 Page 140

CHAPTER 10 Geometry and Measures 3

This chapter is going to show you What you should already know
How to enlarge a shape by a The definition of a circle and the
scale factor names of its parts
How to find the circumference How to draw plans
of a circle How to use ratio
How to use scale drawings How to plot points in all four

The three transformations you have met so far (reflections, rotations and translations) do
not change the size of the object. You are now going to look at a transformation that does
change the size of an object. It is called enlargement. The illustration shows a picture
which has been enlarged.

The diagram shows ∆ABC enlarged to give ∆A’B’C’.


B B’

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Each side of ∆A’B’C’ is twice as long as the corresponding side of ∆ABC. Notice also that
OA’ = 2 × OA, OB’ = 2 × OB and OC’ = 2 × OC. That is, ∆ABC is enlarged by a scale
factor of two about the centre of enlargement, O, to give the image ∆A’B’C’. The dashed
lines are called the guidelines or rays for the enlargement.
To enlarge a shape, a centre of enlargement and a scale factor are needed.

Example 10.1 Enlarge the triangle XYZ X’

by a scale factor of two
about the centre of X
enlargement, O.
Draw rays OX, OY and
OZ. Measure the length
of each ray. Multiply
each length by two. Y’ Z’
Then extend each ray to
its new length measured from O and plot the points X’, Y’ and Z’. Join X’, Y’ and Z’.
∆X’Y’Z’ is the enlargement of ∆XYZ by a scale factor of two about the centre of
enlargement, O.

Example 10.2 The object rectangle ABCD on the y

coordinate grid shown has been A
A’ B’
enlarged by a scale factor of 3 about 6
the origin, O, to give the image 5
rectangle A’B’C’D’.
The coordinates of the object are: D’
A(0, 2), B(3, 2), C(3, 1) and D(0, 1). 3 C’
The coordinates of the image are: A B
A’(0, 6), B’(9, 6), C’(9, 3) and D’(0, 3).
1D C
Notice that when a shape is enlarged
by a scale factor about the origin of a x
coordinate grid, the coordinates of the O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
enlarged shape can be found by
multiplying the coordinates of the
original shape by the scale factor.

Exercise 10A Draw copies of (or trace) the shapes below. Then enlarge each one by the given scale
factor about the centre of enlargement O.
a Scale factor 2 b Scale factor 3 c Scale factor 2 d Scale factor 3

(Note: is the centre

of square)

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6 a y
Copy each diagram below on to centimetre-square paper. Then enlarge each one by
the given scale factor about the origin O.
b y
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
x x
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Scale factorr 2 Scale factorr 2
d y
c y 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
x x
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Scale factorr 3 Scale factorr 4

Draw axes for x and y from 0 to 10 on centimetre-square paper. Plot the points
A(4, 6), B(5, 4), C(4, 1) and D(3, 4) and join them together to form the kite ABCD.
Enlarge the kite by a scale factor of 2 about the point (1, 2).

Copy the diagram shown on to y

centimetre-square paper.
a Enlarge the square ABCD by a
scale factor of two about the
point (5, 5). Label the square 8
A’B’C’D’. Write down the 7
coordinates of A’, B’, C’ A B
and D’.
b On the same grid, enlarge the 5
square ABCD by a scale factor 4 D C
of three about the point (5, 5). 3
Label the square A’’B’’C’’D’’.
Write down the coordinates of 2
A’’, B’’, C’’ and D’’. 1
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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c On the same grid, enlarge the square ABCD by a scale factor of four about the
point (5, 5). Label the square A’’’B’’’C’’’D’’’. Write down the coordinates of A’’’,
B’’’, C’’’ and D’’’.
d What do you notice about the coordinate points that you have written down?

Copy the diagram shown on y

to centimetre-square paper.
a What is the scale factor of the
enlargement? 9
b By adding suitable rays to 8
your diagram, find the 7
coordinates of the centre of
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Working in pairs or groups, design a poster to show how the stick-man

shown can be enlarged by different scale factors about any convenient
centre of enlargement.
2 Use reference books or the Internet to explain how each of the
following use enlargements.
a Slide projectors b Telescopes c Microscopes
3 Use ICT software, such as LOGO, to enlarge shapes by different scale
factors and with different centres of enlargement.

Circumference of a circle
How can you measure exactly the circumference of a circle?
Is there a relation between the length of the diameter and the circumference?
Exercise 10B will show you.

Exercise 10B You will need compasses, a 30 cm ruler and a piece of fine, high-quality string at least
40 cm long.
Copy the following table and draw circles with the given radii.
Measure the circumference of each circle by tracing the string round the circumference as
shown. Mark the length on the string with a pencil. Measure this length with a ruler and
complete the table. Calculate the last column to one decimal place.

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Radius r (cm) Diameter d Circumference C÷d

(cm) C (cm)
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

What do you notice about the last column?

Can you say how the circumference is related to the diameter?
Write down in your book what you have found out.

6 Draw a circle on paper and cut it out. Draw a narrow sector on the circle and
cut it out. Make a cone with the remaining, larger sector.
What happens as you increase the size of the removed sector?

Using scale drawings

A scale drawing is a smaller (or sometimes larger) drawing of an actual object. The scale
must always be clearly given by the side of or beneath the scale drawing.
Here you are going to be shown how to draw a shape to its full size from a scale drawing.

Example 10.3 The rectangle on the right has been drawn to scale. 4 cm
The scale shows that each centimetre on the
1 cm
diagram represents 2 cm on the full-sized
Scale: 1 cm to 2 cm
So, the length of the full-sized rectangle is
4 × 2 cm = 8 cm
The width of the full-sized rectangle is 1 × 2 cm = 2 cm
The rectangle can now be 8 cm
drawn with its actual
measurements, as shown
on the right. 2 cm

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Exercise 10C The following rectangles are drawn to scale. Measure each of the sides. Then draw
each rectangle to its full size.
a b c d

Scale: 1 cm to 3 cm
Scale: 1 cm to 2 cm Scale: 1 cm to 3 cm
Scale: 1 cm to 2 cm

The following shapes are drawn to scale. Measure each of the sides. Then draw each
shape to its full size.
a b c

Scale: 1 cm to 3 cm

Scale: 1 cm to 2 cm Scale: 1 cm to 2 cm

The following right-angled triangles are drawn to scale. Measure the vertical and
horizontal sides of each of them. Then draw each triangle to its full size. Measure the
length of the sloping side.
a b c

Scale: 1 cm to 2 cm Scale: 1 cm to 3 cm Scale: 1 cm to 4 cm

The shape below is drawn to scale.

Measure the vertical and horizontal sides and draw the shape to its full size.
Measure the length of the sloping side.

Scale: 1 cm to 1 21 cm

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6 Scales written as ratios

Sometimes, particularly on plans and maps, a scale is written with mixed
units. For example: 1 cm to 2 m, 5 cm to 1 km, 1 cm to 20 km.
These scales can also be given as ratios. This involves giving both parts of the
ratio in the same unit. So, for example, the scale 1 cm to 2 m is first changed
into centimetres, giving 1 cm to 200 cm. This can be expressed as the ratio
1 : 200. Notice that the ratio has no units.
Similarly, the scale 5 cm to 1 km can be changed into centimetres as 5 cm to
100 000 cm. This can be written as the ratio 5 : 100 000, which can be
simplified to 1 : 20 000.
Write each of the following scales as a ratio.
1 1 cm to 1 m 2 1 cm to 5 m
3 4 cm to 1 m 4 2 cm to 5 m
5 1 cm to 1 km 6 4 cm to 1 km

4 I can plot coordinates in the first quadrant.

5 I can use scale drawings.

6 I can enlarge shapes by a scale factor.

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1 2002 Paper 2
Janet joins three points on a grid to make a triangle.
The coordinates of the points are:

(0, 0) (1, 1) (2, 0)
The area of Janet’s triangle is 1cm2.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Dylan multiplies each of Janet’s coordinates by 2. 4

Janet’s coordinates ×2 Dylan’s coordinates
(0, 0) — (0, 0) 3

(1, 1) — (2, 2)
(2, 0) — (4, 0)

a What is the area of Dylan’s triangle? 1

b Copy Janet’s coordinates and multiply each of them by 3.
Janet’s coordinates ×3 New coordinates 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
(0, 0) — (…,…)
(1, 1) — (…,…)
(2, 0) — (…,…)

Plot the three points with the new coordinates on a copy of the grid.
Join them up to make a triangle.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

c What is the area of your triangle?

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Nazir multiplies each of Janet’s coordinates by another number.

4 d
He plots two of the points, (0, 0) and (10, 0), and joins them up.

Plot Nazir’s third point on a copy of the grid.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

e By what number did Nazir multiply Janet’s coordinates?

2 1999 Paper 2
This cuboid is made from four small cubes.

a On a copy of the isometric grid below, draw a cuboid which is twice as high, twice as long
and twice as wide.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 12:26 Page 149

b Graham made this cuboid from three small cubes.

Mohinder wants to make a cuboid which is twice as high,
twice as long and twice as wide as Graham’s cuboid. How
many small cubes will Mohinder need altogether?

3 2005 4–6 Paper 2

Draw an enlargement of this rectangle with scale factor 2.
Use point A as the centre of enlargement. A 6

FM Ch 10 Map reading PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:38 Page 150

Functional Maths

Map reading



FM Ch 10 Map reading PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:39 Page 151

Katie and Richard go for a walk. The route they take is shown on the map.
The map has a scale of 1 : 25000. They park their car at the point marked A.
They walk from A to B, then B to C and so on until they arrive back at A.
Every 1 cm on the map is worth 0.25 km on the ground.
To work out the distances that Katie and Richard walk, measure the
distance on the map in centimetres, then multiply this number by 0.25.
From A to B is 9.6 cm on the map, so 9.6 × 0.25 = 2.4 km on the ground.
Use the map to answer the questions below.

Copy and complete this table showing the

1 distances that they walk. 4 How far do they walk altogether?
Road or Distance Distance They leave their car at 10.00 am. They stop for
From To
footpath on map on ground 5 a 1-hour lunch and a 30-minute rest. They
A B Road 9.6 cm 2.4 km walk for a total of 3 –12 hours.
At what time do they get back to their car?
On a map, symbols are used to represent
E F 6 different things.
Represents a campsite Represents a picnic site

What is the total distance that they walk on a Draw an enlargement of the campsite
2 roads?
symbol using a scale factor of 2.
What is the total distance that they walk on b Draw an enlargement of the picnic site
3 footpaths? symbol using a scale factor of 3.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:14 Page 152

CHAPTER 11 Algebra 5
This chapter is going to show you What you should already know
How to combine like terms Be able to use indices to
How to expand brackets represent squares
How to rearrange formulae How to substitute values into
How to draw a graph from the
equation y + ax + b = 0 How to plot points on a grid

Like terms
Like terms are multiples of the same letter, or of the same combination of letters. Also,
they can be the same power of the same letter or the same powers of the same
combination of letters. For example:
x, 4x, 21 x, –3x Like terms which are multiples of x
5ab, 8ab, 12 ab, –2ab Like terms which are multiples of ab
y 2, 3y 2, 14 y 2, –4y 2 Like terms which are multiples of y 2
The multiples are called coefficients. So, in the above examples, 1, 4, 21 , –3, 5, 8, 12 , –2,
3, 14 and –4 are coefficients.
Only like terms can be added or subtracted to simplify an expression. For example:
3ab + 2ab simplifies to 5ab
8x 2 – 5x 2 simplifies to 3x 2
Unlike terms cannot be simplified by addition or subtraction. For example:
9a + 5a + 10b – 4b = 14a + 6b
The expression 14a + 6b cannot be simplified because 14a and 6b are unlike terms.
Simplifying an expression means making it shorter by combining its terms where possible.
This usually involves two steps:
● Collect the like terms into groups of the same sort.
● Combine each group of like terms, and simplify.

Example 11.1 Simplify 7x + 3y + 4x + 5t + 6y + 8

First step is to collect the like terms together:
7x + 4x + 3y + 6y + 5t + 8
Second step is to combine the like terms:
11x + 9y + 5t + 8
This is the original expression’s simplest form.

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Example 11.2 Simplify 5a2 + d 2 + 3a2 – 4d 2 + 5e – 7

First step is to collect the like terms together:
5a 2 + 3a 2 + d 2 – 4d 2 + 5e – 7
Second step is to combine the like terms:
8a 2 – 3d 2 + 5e – 7
This is the original expression’s simplest form.

Example 11.3 Simplify 5a2 + 4d – 3a 2 – 9d

Collecting together its like terms gives:
5a 2 – 3a 2 + 4d – 9d
Combining them gives:
2a 2 – 5d which is the original expression’s simplest form.

Exercise 11A Simplify each of these.

3x + 4x
8m – 2m
4a + 3a
7k – 4k
7t + t
5n – n
4y + y + 3y
3p – 7p
Simplify each of these.
a 6m + m + 3m b 2y + 4y + y c 6t + 2t + t d 5p + 2p + 4p
e 6n + 2n + 5n f 5p + 3p + p g 4t – t + 3t h 4e – 2e + 5e
i 7k + 2k – 3k j 6h + h – 2h k 9m – 3m – m l 5t + 3t – 2t

Write down the perimeter, P, of each of the following shapes.

a b c d e f
5k 2n
2t 5m 7w n
3n 2n
3t 2n
2m 3m 3k 3k n
t 3w
3n 4m 8w 3n
2t 2k 4n

Simplify each of the following expressions.

a 4b + 3 + b b 5x + 6 + 2x c q + 3 + 5q d 5k + 2k + 7
e 4x + 5 – 2x f 7k + 3 – k g 5p + 1 – 3p h 8d + 2 – 5d
i 6m – 2 – 4m j 5t – 3 – 3t k 5w – 7 – 2w l 6g – 5 – 2g
m 2t + k + 5t n 4x + 3y + 5x o 3k + 2g + 4k p 5h + w + 3w
q 7t + 3p – 4t r 8n + 3t – 6n s p + 5q – 4q t 4n + p – 2n

Simplify each of the following expressions.

a 3t + 4g + 6t + 3g b 5x + y + 3x + 4y c 3m + k + 4m + 3k
d 6x + 4y – 3x + 2y e 7m + p – 3m + 2p f 4n + 3t – n + 2t
g 7k + 4g – 3k – g h 6d + 5b – 3d – 2b i 5q + 4p – 3q – p
j 5g – k + 3g + 4k k 6x – 2y + x + 3y l 5d – 2e – 8d + e

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The prime numbers up to 20 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19.

1 Joe said: ‘Two prime numbers can never add together to make another
prime number.’ Is Joe correct? Explain your answer.
2 Can you make any prime numbers as the sum of three prime numbers?
Explain your answer.

Expanding brackets
When a number or a letter is next to brackets everything in the brackets has to be
multiplied by that number or letter if the brackets are to be removed.
This process is called expanding the brackets or multiplying out.

Example 11.4 Expand 3(4h + 5)

Multiply each term by 3:
3 × 4h + 3 × 5
which gives: 12h + 15

Example 11.5 Expand –2(6m – 5p – 4)

Multiply each term by –2:
–2 × 6m – 2 × –5p – 2 × –4
which gives: –12m + 10p + 8
Move the negative term to obtain: 10p – 12m + 8

Example 11.6 Expand m(4p + 2)

Multiply each term by m:
m × 4p + m × 2
which gives: 4mp + 2m

Example 11.7 Expand t(5t – 3)

Multiply each term by t:
t × 5t – t × 3
which gives: 5t2 – 3t

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Exercise 11B Multiply out each of the following brackets.

a 2(m + 3) b 3(k – 4) c 3(a + 2) d 5(3 – p)
e 2(3x + 4) f 5(2x + 3) g 4(2t – 1) h 5(4m + 7)
i 3(2x + 1) j 4(3k – 2) k 2(5b + 3) l 7(2 – 4m)
m 8(3 + p) n 5(4 – t) o 6(w – g) p 8(p + t)
q 9(2k – 6) r 5(2m + w) s 3(3t – 2d) t 2(3x – 4y )

Write down an expression for the area, A, of each of the following rectangles.
a b c d e f
x+2 2 3m + 4 5k + p 3t + 2 2x + 5

3 5 3
7 4
2x + 5

Multiply out each of the following.

a x(y + 2) b m(3a + 2) c k(2p + 4) d n(6m + 3)
e t(5 + 4q) f g(3 + 4h) g h(7 + 5g) h k(3 + 2d)
i a(4b – 3) j c(5 – 4d) k f(2 – 3m) l b(5 – 4a)
m d(5a + 3) n e(7f + 3) o y(3x + 2) p p(2q + 5)
q q(3 – 4p) r t(6 – 3s) s w(8 – 5k) t n(3 – 2m)

Write down an expression for the area, A, of each of the following rectangles.
a b c d e f
x+5 2x + 3 6 + 3a 2a + 3 3 + 5y 5p + 6

m d k q
y n

Multiply out each of the following.

a x(x + 2) b m(3m + 2) c k(4k + 1) d n(4n + 3)
e t(6 + 2t) f g(1 + 4g) g h(3 + 5h) h d(2 + 3d)
i a(5a – 2) j c(3 – 4c) k t(5 – 3t) l b(7 – 4b)
m d(8d + 7a) n e(5e + 3) o y(2x + 3y) p p(5 + 4p)
q q(7q – 5) r t(2t – 5) s w(3w – 4) t n(8n – 5)

Write down an expression for the area, A, of each of the following rectangles.
a b c d e f
4m + 3 6 + 3t 3k + 1 4 + 3x 2g + 7 3 + 2n
m t k x g n

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a Write down any three-digit number whose first and last digits have a
difference of more than one (for example, 472 or 513).
b Reverse the order of the digits (for the examples above, 274 and 315).
c Subtract the smaller number from the larger number.
d Reverse the digits of the answer to part c and add this number to the
answer to part c.
e Multiply the answer by one million.
f Subtract 733 361 573.
● Then, under each 2 in your answer, write the letter P.
● Under each 3, write the letter L.
● Under each 4, write the letter R.
● Under each 5, write the letter O.
● Under each 6, write the letter F.
● Under each 7, write the letter A.
● Under each 8, write the letter I.
g Now read your letters backwards.

Expanding and simplifying

Sometimes, two brackets have to be expanded and the results added together.
You have met both of these processes before. Now you are going to put them together.
Follow through examples 11.8 to 11.10.

Example 11.8 Expand and simplify 4(5 + 2y) + 2(5y – 6)

Multiply out both brackets, to obtain: 20 + 8y + 10y – 12
Bring like terms together, which gives: 8y + 10y + 20 – 12
Simplify to obtain: 18y + 8

Example 11.9 Expand and simplify 4(2u + 3i) – 2(u –2i)

Multiply out both brackets, to obtain: 8u + 12i – 2u + 4i
Bring like terms together, which gives: 8u – 2u + 12i + 4i
Simplify to obtain: 6u + 16i

Example 11.10 Expand and simplify x(3x + 4) – x(x – 5)

Multiply out both brackets, to obtain: 3x2 + 4x – x2 + 5x
Bring like terms together, which gives: 3x2 – x2 + 4x + 5x
Simplify to obtain: 2x2 + 9x

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Exercise 11C Expand and simplify each of the following expressions.

2(3x + 4) + 3(x + 2)
5(2t + 3) + 2(3t + 4)
4(2k + 3) + 3(4k + 7)
4(3q + 2) + 3(2q + 1)
e 6(3h + 2) + 4(2h – 1) f 5(6 + 3f) + 2(2 – 3f)
g 4(3 – 2y) + 3(2 + 3y) h 6(2t – 5) + 3(5t – 2)

Expand and simplify each of the following expressions.

a 3(2x + 5) – 2(x +3) b 5(2k + 4) – 2(4k + 1)
c 6(3t + 4) – 3(2t + 5) d 7(2q + 3) – 4(3q + 4)
e 8(2h + 5) – 3(4h – 2) f 7(w + 4) – 3(2w – 3)
g 5(4x – 3) – 3(3x – 2) h 9(2t – 3) – 2(6t – 3)

Expand and simplify each of the following expressions.

a x(2x + 5) + x(4x + 3) b p(3p + 4) + p(2p + 1)
c k(5k + 3) + k(2k + 4) d d(3d + 5) + d(2d + 3)
e n(5n + 6) + n(3n – 5) f f(5f + 3) + f(3f – 2)
g p(p – 5) + p(2p – 4) h y(5y – 2) + y(4y – 3)

Expand and simplify each of the following expressions.

a x(8x + 5) – x(4x + 1) b p(5p + 4) – p(2p + 1)
c k(4k + 4) – k(2k + 3) d d(3d + 7) – d(2d + 4)
e n(7n + 5) – n(3n – 2) f f(6f + 5) – f(3f – 4)
g p(3p – 1) – p(p – 5) h y(4y – 3) – y(2y – 7)

a Write down any three different, whole numbers smaller than ten.
For example: 2, 5 and 8.
b Add up these three numbers. Call this total x.
c Make all the six possible two-digit numbers using these three different
numbers. For example: 25, 28, 52, 58, 82 and 85.
d Add up all six numbers. Call this total y.
e Divide y by x and write down the answer.
f Repeat this for other sets of three different whole numbers smaller than
ten. What do you notice?

Graphs from functions

There are different ways to write functions down. For example, the function:
x → 4x + 3
can also be written as:
y = 4x + 3
with the inputs as x and the outputs as y.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:14 Page 158

This latter way of writing functions is simpler when it comes to drawing graphs.
Every function has a graph associated with it, which we find by finding ordered pairs, or
coordinates, from the function, and plotting them. Every graph of a linear function is a
straight line.

Example 11.11 Draw a graph of the function:

y = 3x + 1 10

First, we draw up a table of simple values for x: 8

x –2 –1 0 1 2 3
y = 3x + 1 –5 –2 1 4 7 10
Then we plot each point on a grid, and join up all x
the points. –2 –1 0 1 2 3


Notice that the line we have drawn is actually hundreds of other coordinates
too – all of these obey the same rule of the function, that is y = 3x + 1. Choose any
points on the line that have not been plotted and show that this is true.

6 Exercise 11D a Complete the table below for the function y = x + 3.

x –2 –1 0 1 2 3
y=x+3 3

b Draw a grid with its x-axis from −2 to 3 and y-axis from −1 to 7.

c Use the table to help draw, on the grid, the graph of the function y = x + 3.

a Complete the table below for the function y = x − 2.

x –2 –1 0 1 2 3
y=x–2 –2

b Draw a grid with its x-axis from −2 to 3 and y-axis from −4 to 2.

c Use the table to help draw, on the grid, the graph of the function y = x − 2.

a Complete the table below for the function y = 4x + 1.

x –2 –1 0 1 2 3
y = 4x + 1 1

b Draw a grid with its x-axis from −2 to 3 and y-axis from −7 to 13.
c Use the table to help draw, on the grid, the graph of the function y = 4x + 1.

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a Complete the table below for the function y = 4x − 1.

x –2 –1 0 1 2 3 6
y = 4x – 1 –1

b Draw a grid with its x-axis from −2 to 3 and y-axis from −9 to 11.
c Use the table to help draw, on the grid, the graph of the function y = 4x − 1.

a Complete the table below for the functions shown.

x –2 –1 0 1 2 3
y = 2x + 5 1 11
y = 2x + 3 1 7
y = 2x + 1 1 3
y = 2x – 1 –1 1
y = 2x – 3 –5 1

b Draw a grid with its x-axis from −2 to 3 and y-axis from −7 to 11.
c Draw the graph for each function in the table above.
d What two properties do you notice about each line?
e Use the properties you have noticed to draw the graphs of these functions.
i y = 2x + 2.5 ii y = 2x − 1.5

a Complete the table below for the functions shown.

x –2 –1 0 1 2 3
y = 3x + 4 –2 13
y = 3x + 2 –1 8
y = 3x 0 3
y = 3x – 2 –2 1
y = 3x – 4 –7 2

b Draw a grid with its x-axis from −2 to 3 and y-axis from −10 to 13.
c Draw the graph for each function in the table above.
d What two properties do you notice about each line?
e Use the properties you have noticed to draw the graphs of these functions.
i y = 3x + 2.5 ii y = 3x − 2.5

1 Draw the graphs of:

y = 0.5x – 2 and y = 0.5x + 2
2 Now draw, without any further calculations, the graphs of:
y = 0.5x – 1 and y = 0.5x + 3

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:14 Page 160

4 I can simplify expressions such as 3x + 2y – x + 5y by collecting like terms.

5 I can expand brackets such as 3(2x – 3).

6 I can expand and simplify expressions such as 2(3x + 1) – 3(2x – 4).

I can draw graphs of the form y = 4x + 1, for example, by plotting points.

1 2007 3–5 Paper 2

4 a Here is an expression:

2a + 3 + 2a

Which expression below shows it written as simply as possible?

7a 7+a 2a + 5 4a + 3 4(a + 3)

b Here is a different expression:

3b + 3 + 5b – 1

Write this expression as simply as possible.

2 2000 Paper 1
Write each expression in its simplest form.

a 7 + 2t + 3t

b b + 7 + 2b + 10
c (3d + 5) + (d – 2)

d 3m – (–m)

3 Adapted from 2002 Paper 1

a Simplify (6n + 8) – (2n + 3).

b What expression should be in the bracket if 2(?) = 6n + 8?

4 2000 Paper 1

6 a Two of the expressions below are equivalent. Write them down.

5(2y + 4) 5(2y + 20) 7(y + 9) 10(y + 9) 2(5y + 10)

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:14 Page 161

b One of the expressions below is not a correct factorisation of 12y + 24. Which one is it? Write down
your answer.
12(y + 2) 3(4y + 8) 2(6y + 12) 12(y + 24) 6(2y + 4)
c Factorise this expression: 7y + 14.

d Factorise this expression as fully as possible: 6y3 – 2y2.

FM Ch 11 Rome PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:40 Page 162

Functional Maths

Trip to Rome

Tom and his wife Geri live in Silkstone. Their friends Stan and his wife Olive live in
Barlborough. They both want to take a 7-day holiday in Rome. There are two airports
in Rome, Ciampino (CIA) and Fiumicino (FCO).
The diagram shows the local airports, the costs of flights on the days they want to fly
and the cost of parking a car for 7 days. Prices for flights are per person and include
all taxes and fees.
The diagram also shows the main roads from their homes to the airports.
Motorways and dual carriageways are shown solid and minor roads are shown dotted.
Junctions are marked with arrows and the distances between arrows are shown in miles.

Leeds/Bradford (LBA)
to Rome (FCO) 12
Out £48.99
Return £73.76
Parking £39.60 36

15 10
9 10 28
14 9
7 34
10 5

Liverpool (LPL) to Barlborough

Rome (CIA)
Manchester (MAN
Out £52.79 to Rome (FCO)
Return £15.79
Parking £36.50 Out £85.99
Return £43.76
Parking £23.92

East Midlands (EMA)

to Rome CIA)
Birmingham (BHX) Out £64.99
to Rome (FCO) Return £64.99
Out £62.34 Parking £29.00
Return £20.34 39
Parking £19.92

Transfers from Rome airports to City Centre

Fiumicino – Train to Termini station €10 each way
Ciampino – Bus to Termini station €9 each way, €14 return

FM Ch 11 Rome PB 9.1 5/6/08 12:40 Page 163

Use the information to answer these questions. Tom is comparing the flights from Leeds/Bradford
and Manchester.
How long will it take Tom to drive from
9 Silkstone to Leeds/Bradford airport?
How long will it take Tom to drive from
10 Silkstone to Manchester airport?
Which of the two airports would be the
11 cheapest for Tom and Geri to fly to Rome and
back and park their car?
Show all your calculations.

12 Tom knows that the running cost of his car is

80p per mile.
What does the flight to Rome cost from East
Midlands airport? a How much will it cost to drive from
Silkstone to Leeds/Bradford airport?
2 Which airport has the cheapest flight to b How much will it cost to drive from
Rome? Silkstone to Manchester airport?

3 Which airport has the cheapest parking? 13 When the cost of driving to the airports is
added to the other costs, which of the airports
is cheaper? Remember that the driving
4 What is the total cost for two people to fly to distance is from home to the airport and back.
Rome and back from Leeds/Bradford airport?
Show all your calculations.
5 Which is the cheapest of the five airports for The friends decide to travel together. They work
two people to fly to Rome and back and park
their car for seven days? out two possible arrangements.
Plan 1: Stan and Olive will pick up Tom and Geri
6 a How far is it from Silkstone to and the four will fly from Leeds/Bradford.
Leeds/Bradford airport? Stan’s car has a running cost of 90p per
b How much of this distance is on minor mile.
roads? Plan 2: Tom and Geri will pick up Stan and Olive
and the four will fly from East Midlands.
To calculate the driving time to the airports the
following rules are used. 14 a Work out the cost of each plan taking into
account all possible costs.
On motorways assume an average speed of b The flight from Leeds/Bradford leaves at
60 miles per hour. 09.00. The flight from East Midlands leaves
On minor roads assume an average speed of at 06.30. Allow 10 minutes to pick up
30 miles per hour. friends at their house and remember that
they need to arrive at the airport 2 hours
Allow 15 minutes to park the car and get to the before the flight leaves.
terminal. i What time would Stan need to leave
Using the rule above, how long will it take to home for Plan 1?
7 drive 86 miles on a motorway? ii What time would Tom need to leave
home for Plan 2?
8 Using the rule above, how long will it take to c Which plan would you advise the friends to
drive 28 miles on minor roads? go for? Give reasons for your choice.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 164

CHAPTER 12 Solving Problems and Revision

This chapter is going to give you practice in National Test questions about
Fractions, percentages and decimals
The four rules, ratios and directed numbers
Algebra – the basic rules and solving linear equations
Algebra – graphs
Geometry and measures

Number 1 – Fractions, decimals and


Exercise 12A Do not use a calculator for the first eight questions.

4 How much of each shape is shaded? Tick the correct box.

a b c

More than half More than a third More than a quarter

Half A third A quarter
Less than half Less than a third Less than a quarter

a Add 356 to half of 422.

b Take a quarter of 156 from 200.

a A Scots pine tree is 4.35 m tall. A larch pine is 84 cm taller. How tall is the
larch pine?
b From Barnsley to Sheffield via the motorway is 26.45 km. If you go via the
ordinary roads it is 3.8 km shorter. How far is it from Barnsley to Sheffield via the
ordinary roads?

If – of the members of a youth club are girls, what fraction are boys?

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 165

This is the sign at an airport’s long-stay car park.

How much would it cost to park at the airport F LY PA R K
for 9 days?
£6.50 per day or
£42.50 for a full week.

The following method can be used to work out 12% of 320:

10% of 320 = 32
1% of 320 = 3.2
1% of 320 = 3.2
12% of 320 = 38.4
Use a similar method or a method of your own to work out 28% of 480.

a About 33% of this rectangle is dotted.

About what percentage is: i striped? ii plain?

b About – of this rectangle is red.
About what percentage is: i blue? ii white?

Some bathroom scales measure in stones and pounds, whilst others measure in
kilograms. One way to change from stones and pounds to kilograms is shown below.

number multiply add number divide by answer is weight

of stones by 14 of pounds 2.2 in kilograms

Convert 11 stone 10 pounds to kilograms.

You may use a calculator for the rest of the exercise.

The train fare for an adult from Sheffield to London is £97. A child’s fare is 35% less
than this. How much is a child’s fare?
Identify which four of the following numbers are equivalent.
––– 3
– –6
0.06 60% 0.60 6%
100 5 10

Calculate the following, giving your answers as fractions.

a – 3+– 1 b – 5–– 1 c 3 + 1–
2– 2
5 3 9 6 4 5

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 166

6 Jack’s Jackets is having a sale.

Calculate the sale price of a jacket
that is normally priced at £42.60.


This table shows the populations (in thousands) of the eight largest towns in the UK
in 1991 and in 2001. It also shows the percentage change in the populations of the
towns over that 10-year period.

Town London Birmingham Leeds Glasgow Sheffield Liverpool Manchester Bristol

1991 6 800 1 007 717 660 529 481 439 407
2001 7 200 1 017 731 692 531 456 423
% change 5.9% 1% 2.0% 4.8% 0.3% –5.2% –3.2%

a How many more people lived in Leeds than Sheffield in 2001?

b Calculate the population of Manchester in 2001.
c Calculate the percentage change in the population of Bristol over the 10 years.

Number 2 – The four rules, ratios and

directed numbers

Exercise 12B Do not use a calculator for the first eight questions.

4 a
Add together 143 and 328.
Multiply 66 by 4.
Subtract 183 from 562.
Divide 132 by 6.

a Fill in the missing numbers on the number lines below.

i ii
+9 +9 +9
+8 +9

32 ? 32
? 64

b On this number line, both steps are the same size. How big is each step?

+? +?

24 48

Copy and fill in the missing numbers.

a 783 – ? = 348 b ? – 234 = 621 c 34 x ? = 918
d 4629 = ? + 68 e ? ÷ 33 = 19 f 568 = 879 – ?

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 167

a Brenda buys fish, chips and mushy peas.

i How much does she pay? Fish
ii How much change does she get from a £10 note? Chips £0.80
b Abdul has £2.15. He wants a burger and a chip butty. Mushy Peas £0.45
Burger £1.25
Does he have enough money?
Bread Bun £0.30
Use +, –, × or ÷ to make each calculation correct.
For example, for 3 … 7 = 2 … 5, you could insert ‘+’ and ‘×’ to give 3 + 7 = 2 × 5.
a 9 … 6 = 20 … 5 b 15 … 3 = 4 … 3
c 5 … 2 = 15 … 5 d 8…4=4…2

A teacher has 32 pupils in her class. She decides to buy each pupil a pen for
Christmas, costing 98p. How much will it cost her altogether?

a Copy each number sequence below and put in the correct sign, ‘<’, ‘=’ or ‘>’, to
make each one true.
i –6 … –2 ii 8 – 6 … – 2 iii 7 – 7 … 5 – 8
b Here is a list of numbers.
–8 –6 –4 –2 0 1 3 5
i Choose two numbers from the list that have a total of –1.
ii What is the total of all the numbers in the list?
iii Choose two different numbers from the list to make the lowest possible
value when put in these boxes.
– = ……

Write a number at the end of each equation to make it correct.

a 27 + 53 = 17 + … b 76 – 28 = 66 – …
c 50 × 17 = 5 × … d 400 ÷ 10 = 4000 ÷ …

You may use a calculator for the rest of the exercise.

Give the missing number for each of these number chains.

a 36 +5 × 12.4 b 36 –5 ÷ 12.4

c 36 × 450 d 364 ÷ 35

Litter bins cost £29 each. A school has a budget of £500 to spend on bins. How
many bins can the school afford?

Alf and Bert are paid £48 for doing a job. 20


They decide to share the money in the




8 P ON D
987098 9 L E PO U N
867 Y F
WC73 879


5 5
0 OND I O L ·U W

2 E PO N

1 P · W

5 E D IN


ratio 3 : 5. How much does Alf get?

4 E PO U



hjhg jhgjh WC93 4798479847 D I O L · W








WC93 4798479847

WC93 4798479847

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 168

6 A car company wants to move 700 cars by rail. Each train can carry 48 cars.
a How many trains will be needed to move the 700 cars?
b Each train costs £3745. What is the total cost of the trains?
c What is the cost per car of transporting them by train?

a A bus travels 234 miles in 4 hours and 30 minutes. What is the average speed of
the bus?
b A car travels 280 miles at an average speed of 60 miles per hour. How long was
the car travelling for? Give your answer in hours and minutes.

Algebra 1 – Basic rules and solving

linear equations

Exercise 12C Do not use a calculator for this exercise.

4 This advertisement shows how much a plumber charges.

a How much would Ivor
charge for a job that lasted Ivor Wrench
2 hours? Emergency plumber
b If Ivor charged £110 for a £30 callout charge
job, how long did it last? plus £20 per hour

Solve the following equations.

a x+5=7 b 3x = 12 c x – 6 = 10

A box of pencils contains x pencils and costs £y.

a How many pencils are there in 6 boxes?
b How much do 5 boxes cost?
c Which expression represents the cost of x boxes
of pencils?
i £(x + y) ii £xy

a What is the next coordinate in the list below?

(2, 1), (4, 3), (6, 5), (8, 7), …
b Explain why the coordinate (29, 28) could not be part of this sequence.

a Phil has a bag of beads.

We can’t see how many beads are in the bag.
Call the number of beads which Phil starts
with in his bag x. x

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 169

Phil puts 4 more beads into the bag.

Write an expression to show the total number
of beads in Phil’s bag now.

b Keri has a bag of marbles.

Call the number of marbles which Keri starts
with in her bag y.

Keri drops two of the marbles out of her

bag and loses them.
Write an expression to show the total number
of marbles in Keri’s bag now.

c Rhani has 4 bags of beads.

Each bag has n beads inside.
n n n n
Rhani takes some beads out.
Now the total number of
beads in Rhani’s 4 bags is 4n – 8.
Which of the following statements below could be true?
A Rhani took 2 beads out of every bag.
B Rhani took 2 beads out of only 2 bags.
C Rhani took 4 beads out of every bag
D Rhani took 4 beads out of just two bags
E Rhani took 8 beads out of one bag and only 1 out of another.
F Rhani took 12 beads out of one bag.

a, b and c represent the weights

in kilograms of three children,
Ali, Billie and Charlie.
a Match each of the following
algebraic expressions with one
of the statements below.
a = 30 b = 2a
b + c = 75 a + b + c = 35
Statement 1: Billie weighs twice
as much as Ali.
Statement 2: The mean weight of all three children is 35 kg.
Statement 3: Ali weighs 30 kgs.
Statement 4: Billie and Charlie weigh 75 kg together.
b Use the information to work out Billie’s weight and Charlie’s weight.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 170

6 The diagram shows a square with sides of length (n + 4) cm.

The square has been split into four smaller rectangles. The area of
one rectangle is shown.
n ……
n 4

a Fill in the three missing areas with a number or an algebraic

4 …… ……
b Write down an expression for the total area of the square.

Expand the brackets and simplify the following expressions if possible.

a 4(x – 5) b 3(2x + 1) + 5x c 3(x – 2) + 2(x + 4)
d 5(3x + 4) + 2(x – 2) e 4(2x + 1) – 3(x – 6)

a When x = 4 and y = 6 work out the value of each of the three expressions below.
i 3x + 9 ii 4x – y iii 2(3x + 2y + 1)
b Solve the equations below to find the value of z in each case.
i 5z + 9 = 24 ii ––z–8 =7 iii 5z + 9 = 3z + 7
Two friends, Selma and Khalid are revising algebra.
Selma says ‘I am thinking of a number. If you multiply it by 6 and add 3 you get an
answer of 12.’
Khalid says ‘I am thinking of a number. If you multiply it by 3 and subtract 6 you get
the same answer as adding the number to 7.’
a Call Selma’s number x and form an equation. Then solve the equation.
b Call Khalid’s number y and form an equation. Then solve the equation.

Algebra 2 – Graphs

Exercise 12D Do not use a calculator for this exercise.

You will need graph paper or centimetre-squared paper.
For any graphs you are asked to draw, axes the size of the ones in the fourth question
will be big enough.

4 Emma and Shehab are playing a game.

Emma has to make a line of four ‘X’s like
this to win.

a Copy the grid below and place one more 6

make a winning line for Emma.
b Write the coordinates of the 4 ‘X’s in Emma’s 5
winning line. 4
c Look at the numbers in the coordinates. What do
you notice?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 171

a The point M is halfway between points A and C. y

What are the coordinates of M?
Shape ABCD is a square.
A B 4
What are the coordinates of the point D?
0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
The graph shows points A, B and C. C
a What are the coordinates of A and B?
b ABCD makes a rectangle. What are the
coordinates of D? 4
0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
The graph shows the line y = 3.
Copy the diagram and draw on it the graphs of
the following.
a y=5 b x=4 4
3 y=3
0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Each of the lines labelled l1, l2, l3 and l4 has one of I1 I2 y I4

the equations in the list below. Match each line to 6
its equation. 4
a y=2 b y=x 2 I3
c x = –3 d y = –x 0 x
–6 –4 –2 2 4 6

The distance–time graph shows the 5

journey of a jogger on a 5-mile
Distance (miles)

run. At one point she stopped to
admire the view and at another 3
point she ran up a steep hill. 2
a For how long did she stop to 1
admire the view? 0
b What distance into her run 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
was the start of the hill? Time (minutes)

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 172

In a house, the hot water tank automatically refills with cold water whenever hot
water is taken out. The heating system then heats the water to a pre-set temperature.
Dad always has a shower in the morning. Mum always has a bath and the two
children get up so late that all they do is wash their hands and faces.
The graph shows the

Temperature (°C)
temperature of the water in the
hot water tank between 7 am
and 9 am one morning.
a At what time did Dad have
his shower?
b At what time did Mum have
her bath? 7 am 8 am 9 am 10 am
c At what time did the first Time
child wash?
d Gran likes to have as hot a bath as possible, once everyone else has left the
house at 9 am. Estimate at what time the water will be back to its maximum

6 Draw and label each of the following graphs.

a y = 2x + 1 b y = 12 x – 1 c x+y=3

Does the point (20, 30) lie on the line y = 2x – 10? Explain your answer.

For every point on the graph of x + y = 6, the x- and y-coordinates add up to 6.

a Which of the following points lie on the line?
i (3, –3) ii (6, 0) iii (–7, –1) iv (–1, 7)
b On a grid draw the graph of x + y = 6.

Geometry and measures

Exercise 12E Do not use a calculator for Questions 1 to 7.

You will find squared paper useful for Questions 5 and 12.

4 For each of the shapes below write down:

i the number of lines of symmetry.
ii the order of rotational symmetry.
a b c

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In parts a to c write down the name of the quadrilateral being described.

It has 4 right angles. It has 2 lines of symmetry.
It has 1 pair of equal angles. It has 2 pairs of equal sides.
c It has no lines of symmetry. It has rotational symmetry of order 2.
d Complete the following for a Rhombus.
i It has …… equal sides.
ii It has …… lines of symmetry.
iii It has rotational symmetry of order …… .

a What is the area of this rectangle?

b The rectangle is cut into four

triangles as shown. What is the
area of one of the larger triangles?

c The four triangles are put together

to form a kite. What is the area of
the kite?

a Describe angles A–E in the diagram B

using the correct words chosen from
this list. C
Acute Obtuse
Reflex Right-angled E

b Is angle A bigger, smaller or the same

size as angle C? Explain your answer. D

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 174

Copy each of the following diagrams and shade in more circles so that the dotted
lines are lines of symmetry. You may find squared paper helpful.
a b c

a Copy and complete the two-way table to show the symmetries of each of the
shapes shown. Shape A has been done for you.

Number of lines of symmetry

0 1 2 3 4
1 A
Order of 2
symmetry 3

b Name a quadrilateral that has two lines of symmetry and rotational symmetry of
order 2.

a Make an accurate construction of this triangle. A

b Measure the angle at A.
5 cm

8 cm

You may use a calculator for the rest of this exercise.

6 Find the values of angles a, b and c in this

diagram. The lines marked with arrows
are parallel.


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This car speedometer shows speed in both miles per

hour (mph) and kilometres per hour (kph). Use the
speedometer to answer the following questions.


a How many kilometres are equivalent to 50 miles? 80 40
b Is someone travelling at 100 kph breaking the 120 30
speed limit of 70 mph? Justify your answer. 70 100
80 40
c About how many miles is 150 km?
60 50
Explain your answer.

a A rectangle measures 24 cm by 12 cm.

What is its area? 12 cm
b The rectangle is folded in half several times until it
measures 6 cm by 3 cm. 24 cm
How many times was it folded?
c What is the ratio of the areas of the original rectangle 3 cm
and the smaller rectangle? 6 cm
Give your answer in its simplest form.


Exercise 12F You do not need to use a calculator for this exercise.

This bar chart shows the favourite pets of 80 pupils.

a How many pupils
chose a rabbit as
Favourite pets 4
their favourite pet? Horse
b How many more
pupils preferred a Bird
cat to a horse?
c What is the

difference Rabbit
between the
number of pupils Cat
who chose the
most popular pet Dog
and those who
chose the least 0 5 10 15 20 25
popular? Frequency

This table shows the types and Red Black White Blue
colours of vehicles passing a school
between 9 am and 10 am. Lorries 2 6 0 3
a How many white vans passed Vans 3 1 7 2
the school?
Cars 6 5 9 8
b How many lorries passed the
school altogether?
c How many more blue vehicles than red vehicles passed the school?

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4 This is the calendar

for the first two
months of 2004.
5 12 19 26 Mon
2 9 16 23
Tue 6 13 20 27 Tue 3 10 17 24
Wed 7 14 21 28 Wed 4 11 18 25
Thu 1 8 15 22 29 Thu 5 12 19 26
Fri 2 9 16 23 30 Fri 6 13 20 27
Sat 3 10 17 24 31 Sat 7 14 21 28
Sun 4 11 18 25 Sun 1 8 15 22 29

a The Disney marathon in Florida is on the second Sunday in January. What date
is this?
b There are 5 days the same (Sundays) in February. This only happens every four
years. Explain why.
c Mr Henry is going to Florida for a holiday. He arrives on the 22nd of January and
leaves on the 11th of February. How many nights will he be in Florida?

a Zeenat rolls an ordinary six-sided dice. What is the

probability that the dice shows an even number?
b Zeenat now rolls the dice and tosses a coin. One way C E
that the dice and the coin could land is to show a

head and a score of 1. This can be written as (H, 1).

Copy and complete the list below to show all the
possible outcomes.
(H, 1), (H, 2), …
c Zeenat rolls the dice and it shows a score of 6. She rolls the dice again. What is
the probability that the dice shows a score of 6 this time?

Hakim has 5 cards. 3 2 5 2 8

a What is the mode of the numbers on the cards?

b What is the median of the numbers on the cards?
c What is the mean of the numbers on the cards?

Look at the three different spinners, P, Q and R, below.


a Which spinner has the greatest chance of landing on red?

b Which spinner has an evens chance of landing on blue?
c Which two spinners have an equal chance of landing on green?

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 177

a At a leisure centre, people take part in one of Sport Percentage

five different sports.
Badminton 20
The table shows the percentage of people who
Five-a-side 30
played badminton, five-a-side and squash on
Saturday. Squash 10
Copy the pie chart below and label the two Swimming
sections for badminton and five-a-side. Running


b On this Saturday, more people went swimming than went running.

Use the chart to estimate the percentage of people who:
i went swimming. ii went running.
c Altogether, 180 people played the different sports on Saturday.
Use the table below to find out how many played:
i five-a-side. ii badminton.

Sport Percentage Number of people

Badminton 20%
Five-a-side 30%
Squash 10% 18

d Altogether, 180 people played the different sports on Saturday and 280 people
played the different sports on Sunday.
30% of the people played five-a-side on Saturday but only 20% of the people
played five-a-side on Sunday.
Conrad said: ‘30% is more than 20%, so more people played five-a-side
on Saturday.’
Explain why Conrad is wrong.

Two four-sided dice, each numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 are thrown. Score on first dice
The table shows all the possible total scores. 1 2 3 4
Score on second dice

a When the two dice are thrown what is the probability 1 2 3 4 5

that the total score is a square number?
2 3 4 5 6
b When the two dice are thrown what is the probability
that the score is greater than 5? 3 4 5 6 7
c i Draw a table to show all the possible products if 4 5 6 7 8
the numbers on each of the dice are multiplied
ii What is the probability that the product is a number less than 17?

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6 A bag contains only red and blue marbles. A marble is to be taken from the bag at
It is twice as likely that the marble will be red as blue. Give a possible number of red
and blue marbles in the bag.

Paul’s marks for his last nine maths homeworks are:

9, 3, 5, 4, 4, 7, 5, 8, 6
a What is the range of his marks?
b What is the median mark?
c After checking the final homework, Paul realised that his teacher did not mark
one of the questions. Once this had been marked, Paul’s mark increased from
6 to 8.
Say whether each of the statements, i, ii and iii are true, false or if it is not
possible to say. Explain your answers.
i The mode of the marks has increased.
ii The median mark has increased.
iii The mean mark has increased.

The probability that a ball taken at random from a bag is

black is 0.7. What is the probability that a ball taken at
random from the same bag is not black?

More National Test practice provided in the Interactive Book.

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CHAPTER 13 Statistics 3 and Revision

This chapter is going to show you What you should already know
Some of the statistical How to carry out a survey
techniques you have met before How to write a questionnaire
How to make a hypothesis How to collect data
How to carry out a handling How to construct and interpret
data investigation two-way tables
How to construct and interpret
frequency diagrams
How to interpret scatter graphs
How to calculate averages
How to calculate a range
How to construct and interpret
a stem-and-leaf diagram

Statistical techniques
This lesson will remind you of the statistical techniques that you have met before.
You will be using these to carry out a handling data project.
The following tables show the vocabulary you should know before you start an
Statistics vocabulary
Collecting data

Definition Example

Questionnaire A set of questions used to Here is an example of a poor question:

collect information from How old are you?
1 0–10 1 10–20
1 20–30 1 over 30
It is poor because the categories overlap, so that both 10
and 20 are in two response sections.
Population The set of people or objects A school with 1000 pupils
being investigated
Sample Part of the whole population 50 pupils picked from the 1000 in a school
being used for analysis
Survey The collection of data from a Investigating the favourite colour of pupils in a school by
sample of the population asking 50 pupils
Census The collection of data from Investigating the favourite colour of pupils in a school by
an entire population asking every pupil in the school

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Definition Example

Data collection A form for recording results Favourite colours of 50 pupils:

sheet or Blue I I I I I I I I
Observation sheet
Tally A means of recording data Green I I I I I I I I I I I I
quickly Other I I I I I I I
Raw data Data which has not been Ages of 10 pupils:
sorted or analysed 12, 14, 13, 11, 12, 12, 15, 13, 11, 12
Primary data Data that you have collected, Colours of cars on your street
usually by observation,
surveys or experiments
Secondary data Data collected by someone Acceleration times of different cars
else and then used by you
Two-way table A table for combining two Ford Vauxhall Peugeot
sets of data
Red 3 5 2
Blue 1 0 4
Green 2 0 1

Frequency table A table showing the quantities Weight of parcels Number of parcels
of different items or values W (kg) (frequency)
0<W≤1 5
1<W≤2 7
W>2 3

Frequency A diagram showing the Pupils’ favourite colours Reasons for absence
diagram quantities of different items or 14 Sick
Number of pupils

values 10 Dentist
6 Holiday
Red Blue Green Yellow
Mean temperature for two cities

Average temperature (°C)



City A
City B




















Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 181

Definition Example

Stem-and-leaf A way of grouping data, in Recorded speeds of 17 cars

diagram order
2|3 7 7 8 9 9
3|1 2 3 5 5 5 7 9
4|2 2 5
Key: 2 | 3 means 23 miles per hour

Population A statistical diagram often Age distribution in France (2000)

pyramid used for comparing large sets Male Female
of data 95–99

2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Population (millions)

Scatter graph or A graph to compare two sets

scatter diagram of data
Hours of


Processing data

Definition Example

Mode The value that occurs most Find the mode, median, mean and range of this set of data
often 23, 17, 25, 19, 17, 23, 21, 23
Median The middle value when the Sorting the data into order, smallest first, gives:
data is written in order (or the 17, 17, 19, 21, 23, 23, 23, 25
average of the middle two
values) Mode = 23

Mean The sum of all the values 21 + 23 = 22

Median = ––
divided by the number of
items of data Mean = 17 + 17 + 19 + 21 + 23 + 23 + 23 + 25 = 21
Range The difference between the
largest and smallest values Range = 25 – 17 = 8

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Exercise 13A Look at the population pyramid for France in the year 2000 on page 181.
a Are there more males or females aged over 70? Explain your answer.
b Which age group is the largest for males?
c Which age group under 50 is the smallest for females?

Calculate the mode, the median and the mean for each set of data below.
a 1, 1, 1, 4, 8, 17, 50
b 2, 5, 11, 5, 8, 7, 6, 1, 4
c £2.50, £4.50, £2, £3, £4.50, £2.50, £3, £4.50, £3.50, £4, £3.50
d 18, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25

6 Criticise each of the following questions that were used in a questionnaire about
travelling to school.
a How do you travel to school?
Walk Bus Car
b How long does your journey take?
0–5 minutes 5–10 minutes

10–15 minutes 15–20 minutes

c What time do you usually set off to school?
Before 8.00 am 8.00–8.15 am

8.15–8.30 am Other

Below are the times taken (T seconds) by 20 pupils to run 100 m.

Boys 13.1 14.0 17.9 15.2 15.9 17.5 13.9 21.3 15.5 17.6
Girls 15.3 17.8 16.3 18.1 19.2 21.4 13.5 18.2 18.4 13.6

a Copy and complete the two-way table to show the frequencies.

Boys Girls
Tally Frequency Tally Frequency
12 ≤ T < 14 II 2 II 2
14 ≤ T < 16
16 ≤ T < 18
18 ≤ T < 20
20 ≤ T < 22

b Which is the modal class for the boys?

c Which is the modal class for the girls?

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19 pupils take a test. The total marks were shown on the stem-and-leaf diagram.
0|5 6 8 9
1|0 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 9
Key: 0 | 6 means 6

a Write down the lowest and highest scores.

b State the range of the marks.
c Work out the median mark.
d How many pupils scored 15 or more in the test?

A school quiz team is made up of pupils from four different classes. The table shows
the number of pupils in the team from each class.

Class Number of pupils

A 4
B 3
C 8
D 5

a Represent this information in a pie chart.

b Holly says, ‘The percentage of pupils chosen from class C is double the
percentage chosen from class A.’ Explain why this might not be true.

It was estimated that there were almost 59 million people living in the UK in
2001. This was an increase of 2.4% since 1991.
The graph shows the population (in thousands) of the UK between 1991 and
2001. Explain why it is misleading.
UK Population
Population (thousands)





1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 184

A handling data project

In this section you are going to plan and write a handling data investigation. Look at the
handling data cycle below. This shows the basic steps in an investigation.

Specify the problem

es ults
at er and plan

Interpret and Collect data from
discuss data a variety of sources

Global temperature °C
Process and
Temperature °C


represent data


1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000

Year white

light red

More detail is given about each step below. Follow this checklist when doing your
investigation and writing your report.
● Specify the problem and plan
● Statement of problem or topic to investigate

● Hypothesis stating what you think the investigation will show

● How you will choose your sample and sample size

● Any practical problems you foresee

● How you will obtain your data, possibly including how to avoid bias

● Collect data from a variety of sources

● Follow initial plan and use a suitable data-collection sheet

● Process and represent data

● Analysis of your results using appropriate statistical calculations and diagrams

● Interpret and discuss data

● Comparison of results with your original hypothesis

● List of any factors which might have affected your results and how you could
overcome these in future
● A final conclusion

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Exercise 13B In pairs, investigate one of the following topics.

Compare the number of vehicles going in opposite directions on a road near you.

Compare the time taken to count down from 100 in different step sizes.
Investigate the ability of people to estimate the lengths of straight lines.

Compare the word lengths in two different newspapers.

Choose your own investigation.

Choose one of the following tasks.

1 Working individually, write a report of your investigation using the
2 In your pairs, create a display which can be used as part of a
presentation to show the other groups in your class how you carried out
your investigation and what results you obtained.
3 If you have completed your report, then consider a different problem from
the list in Exercise 13B. Write a plan of how you would investigate it,
including how to overcome any problems encountered in your first project.

More National Test practice provided in the Interactive Book.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 186

Geometry and Measures 4

CHAPTER 14 and Revision
This chapter is going to show you What you should already know
Some of the methods already How to find the area of 2-D
met when dealing with shapes shapes
How to carry out a shape and How to find the surface area
space investigation and the volume of a cuboid
How to carry out a symmetry How to use reflective and
investigation rotational symmetry

Geometry revision
Before starting an investigation into geometry and measures, you must be familiar with all
the formulae and terms which you have met so far.
This section provides a checklist before you start your investigation.

Perimeter and area

Square Rectangle Parallelogram Triangle

l w h h

l l b b
P = 4l P = 2l + 2w A = bh A = 12 bh
A = l2 A = lw
Remember that the metric units for perimeter are the same as for length: millimetres
(mm), centimetres (cm) and metres (m).
Remember that the metric units for area are: square millimetres (mm2), square centimetres
(cm2) and square metres (m2).

Volume and surface area

Cube Cuboid

Remember that the metric units

for volume are:
l h cubic millimetres (mm3)
w cubic centimetres (cm3)
l l cubic metres (m3)
V = l3 V = lwh
A = 6l 2 A = 2lw + 2lh + 2hw

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 187

Exercise 14A For each of the following rectangles, find: i the perimeter. ii the area.
a b c d
3 cm 4 cm
12 mm
12 m
3 cm 5 cm
10 mm

Find the area of each of the following triangles.

a b 8 cm c d 7m
2 cm 4m
5 cm 30 mm
4 cm
20 mm

Find the area of each of the following parallelograms.

a b c d

12 cm
6 cm 3m 5m
11 cm 16 m
8 cm

For each of the following cuboids, find: i the surface area. ii the volume.
a b c
2 cm 5 cm
3 cm 5 cm
5 cm 4m
5 cm

Calculate the area of the square drawn

on the centimetre grid.

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6 A formula to find the area of a kite is given here.

The lengths of the two diagonals of the kite are AC = a
and BD = b. The formula for the area of the kite is:

A = ––– B D
2 b

Use the formula to calculate the area of each of the following kites.
1 2 3 P

5 cm
15 cm S Q
12 cm 18 cm
PR = 5.2 m
QS = 2.4 m

Geometry and measures investigations

When undertaking an investigation, you should carry out the following.
● Draw some easy examples first, making all diagrams clear with all measurements
● Put your results in a table with suitable headings.
● Look for any patterns among the entries in the table.
● Describe and explain any patterns you spot.
● Try to find a rule or formula to explain each pattern.
● Try another example to see whether your rule or formula does work.
● Summarise your results with a conclusion.
● If possible, extend the investigation by introducing different questions.

Exercise 14B Working in pairs or small groups, investigate one of the following.

6 Investigate whether the perimeter and the area of a square can have the same value.
Extend the problem by looking at rectangles.

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For the growing squares on the grid below, investigate the ratio of the length of a side
to the perimeter and the ratio of the length of a side to the area.

The shapes below are drawn on a 1 cm grid of dots.

i ii iii

iv v vi

Shape Number of dots on Number of dots Area of shape

perimeter of shape inside shape (cm2)

a Copy and complete the table for each shape.

b Find a formula that connects the number of dots on the perimeter P, the number
of dots inside I and the area A of each shape.
c Check your formula by drawing different shapes on a 1 cm grid of dots.

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Symmetry revision
Before starting an investigation into symmetry, you must be familiar with the terms which
you have met so far.
This section provides a checklist before you start your investigation.
There are two types of symmetry: reflection symmetry and rotational symmetry.
Some 2-D shapes have both types of symmetry, while some have only one type.
All 2-D shapes have rotational symmetry of order 1 or more.


A square has 4 lines of symmetry A parallelogram has no lines of symmetry

Remember that tracing paper or a mirror can be used to find the lines of symmetry of
a shape.

Rotational A 2-D shape has rotational symmetry when it can be rotated about a point to look exactly
symmetry the same in its new position.
The order of rotational symmetry is the number of different positions in which the shape
looks the same when rotated about the point.

A square has rotational symmetry This trapezium has rotational symmetry

of order 4 of order 1
Remember that tracing paper can be used to find the order of rotational symmetry of a shape.

Exercise 14C Copy each of these shapes and draw its lines of symmetry. Write below each shape
the number of lines of symmetry it has.
a b c d e

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Write down the number of lines of symmetry for each of the following shapes.
a b c d

Copy each of the following diagrams and write the order of rotational symmetry
below each one.
a b c d e

Write down the order of rotational symmetry for each of the following shapes.
a b c d

Find pictures in magazines which have reflection or rotational symmetry.

Make a poster of your pictures to display in your classroom.

Symmetry investigations
When undertaking a symmetry investigation, you should carry out the following.
● Draw some easy examples first, showing any lines of symmetry and/or stating the
order of rotational symmetry on the diagrams.
● Explain anything you notice from the diagrams.
● Describe and explain any patterns which you spot.
● Summarise your results with a conclusion.
● If possible, extend the investigation by introducing different questions.

Exercise 14D Working in pairs or small groups, investigate one of the following.

Three squares are shaded on the 3 × 3 tile shown

so that the tile has one line of symmetry.
a Investigate the line symmetry of the tile when three
squares are shaded.
b Investigate the line symmetry when different numbers of
squares are shaded.
Extend the problem by looking at different sizes of tiles.

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6 Pentominoes are shapes made from five squares which touch edge to edge. Here are
two examples.

Investigate line symmetry and rotational symmetry for different pentominoes.

Extend the problem by looking at hexominoes. These are shapes made from six
squares which touch edge to edge.

In how many ways will the

T-shape fit inside the 3 × 3 grid?
Investigate the number of ways the
T-shape will fit inside a 1 cm
square grid of any size.

More National Test practice provided in the Interactive Book.

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CHAPTER 15 Statistics 4 and Revision

This chapter is going to show you What you should already know
Different topics within Probabilities are numbers
probability between 0 and 1
How to use probability to make How to work out simple
a hypothesis probabilities
How to carry out a handling How to calculate probabilities
data investigation using for two or more outcomes using
experimental and theoretical sample spaces
probabilities The difference between
experimental and theoretical
The vocabulary of probability

Revision of probability
Make sure that you are familiar with the vocabulary to do with probability which is listed
in the table below.
Probability vocabulary

Probability scale
Chance/likelihood 0 0.5 1
Equally likely
Impossible Very unlikely Unlikely 50-50 Chance Likely Very likely Certain
Very likely
Probability Example 1
Event A fair spinner is numbered 1, 2, 3.
Outcome a The spinner is spun twice.

Random List all the outcomes.

b How many possible outcomes are there if the
probability spinner is spun 3 times?
Theoretical probability
Estimates of probability a 1, 1 1, 2 1, 3 2, 1 2, 2 2, 3 3, 1 3, 2 3, 3
(relative frequency) b 3 × 3 × 3 = 27

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 194


Probability (continued) Example 2

A six-sided dice is rolled 60 times.
It lands on a 6 fifteen times.
a What is the experimental probability of landing on a 6?
b Do you think the dice is fair?

a 15
60 4
b No, because the experimental probability and the theoretical probability are
Probability diagrams Example 3
Sample A coin is thrown and a dice is rolled.
Sample space a Draw a sample space diagram.
b Write down the probability of getting a head and a 6.
a Dice
1 2 3 4 5 6
Head H,1 H,2 H,3 H,4 H,5 H,6
Tail T,1 T,2 T,3 T,4 T,5 T,6

b 1


Events Example 4
Exhaustive In a raffle there are 100 tickets, coloured Ticket colour Number of
Independent blue, green or yellow. The table shows the tickets
Mutually exclusive number of tickets of each colour.
Blue 50
a What is the probability of picking a
blue ticket? Green 20
b What is the probability of picking a Yellow 30
yellow ticket?
c What is the probability of picking a blue or green ticket?
d What is the probability of picking a ticket that is not green?

1 4
d 1– – = –
5 5

Probability notation 1
P(Green) = –
P(Event) 5

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 195

Exercise 15A Ten cards are numbered 1 to 10. A card is picked at random. Work out the
probability of picking:
a the number 5.
b an even number.
c a number greater than 8.
d a number less than or equal to 4.

Two coins are thrown.

a How many different outcomes are there?
b Work out the probability of getting no heads.
c Work out the probability of getting two heads.
d Work out the probability of getting exactly one head.

Matthew is either late, on time or early for school. The table shows his record over
10 days.

Late On time Early

1 3 6

Use the table to estimate the probability that on one day he is:
a late.
b on time.
c early.
d not late.

A group of 50 pupils are told to draw two straight lines on a piece of paper. Seven
pupils draw parallel lines, twelve draw perpendicular lines and the rest draw lines
which are neither parallel nor perpendicular.
Use these results to estimate the probability that a pupil chosen at random has:
a drawn parallel lines.
b drawn perpendicular lines.
c drawn lines that are neither parallel nor perpendicular.

A five-sided spinner is spun 50 times. Here are the results.

Number on spinner 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency 8 11 10 6 15

a Write down the experimental probability of the spinner landing on the number 4.
b Write down the theoretical probability of a fair, five-sided spinner landing on the
number 4.
c Compare the experimental and theoretical probabilities and say whether you
think the spinner is fair.

Using two dice, find the probability of rolling a double.

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A probability investigation
Look again at the handling data cycle.

Specify the problem

es ults
at er and plan

Interpret and Collect data from
discuss data a variety of sources

Global temperature °C

Process and
Temperature °C


represent data

1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000

Year white

light red

Use the handling data cycle to help you when completing your probability investigation.
More detail is given about each step below.

● Specify the problem and plan

● Statement of problem or topic to investigate

● Hypothesis stating what you think the investigation will show

● How you will choose your sample and sample size

● Any practical problems you foresee

● How you will obtain your data, possibly including how to avoid bias

● Collect data from a variety of sources

● Follow initial plan and use a suitable data-collection sheet

● Process and represent data

● Analysis of your results using appropriate statistical calculations and diagrams

● Interpret and discuss data

● Comparison of results with your original hypothesis

● List of any factors which might have affected your results and how you could
overcome these in future
● A final conclusion

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Exercise 15B In small groups carry out an experiment to investigate one of the following.

Organise a class lottery. Get each person to choose 10 numbers, from 1 to 20. Have
10 separate draws and record who has a winning number each time (there may be
more than one winner for each draw). Compare the theoretical and experimental
probabilities of each player winning.

Investigate whether a drawing pin will land point up more often than point down.
Use different-sized drawing pins to test whether the results are always the same.

Ask a member of your group to put ten coloured cubes in a bag, so that the rest of
the group do not know what the colours are. Investigate how many times you need
to pick a cube out and replace it in order to be able to predict accurately the
contents of the bag.

Some people are luckier than others when rolling a dice.

A playing card usually lands face-up when dropped.

Choose one of the following tasks.

1 Working individually, write a report of your experiment using the
2 In small groups, create a display which can be used as part of a
presentation to show the other groups in your class how you carried out
your experiment and what results you obtained.
3 If you have completed your report, then consider a different problem from
the list in Exercise 15B. Write a plan of how you would investigate it,
including how to overcome any problems encountered in your first project.

More National Test practice provided in the Interactive Book.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 198

CHAPTER 16 GCSE Preparation

This chapter is going to
Get you started on your GCSE course

You have already met BODMAS in Years 7 and 8. It gives the order in which
mathematical operations are carried out in calculations.
Remember, that if a calculation is a string of additions and subtractions, or a string of
multiplications and divisions, then the calculation is done from left to right.
B – Brackets
O – pOwers
DM – Division and Multiplication
AS – Addition and Subtraction

Example 16.1 Work out each of the following, using the order of operations given by BODMAS.
Show each step of the calculation.
a 10 ÷ 2 + 3 × 3 b 10 ÷ (2 + 3) × 3
a Firstly, work out the division and multiplication, which gives 5+9
Then work out the addition to give 14
b Firstly, work out the bracket, which gives 10 ÷ 5 × 3
There is a choice between division and multiplication, so decide on the order
by working from left to right:
Work out the left-hand operation first, which gives 2×3
Then work out the remaining operation to give 6

Example 16.2 Work out: a 30 – 4 × 22 b (30 – 4) × 22

Show each step of the calculation.
a Firstly, work out the power, which gives 30 – 4 × 4
Secondly, the multiplication, which gives 30 – 16
Finally, the subtraction to give 14
b Firstly, work out the bracket, which gives 26 × 22
Secondly, the power, which gives 26 × 4
Finally, the multiplication to give 104

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Exercise 16A Do not use a calculator for this exercise.

Use BODMAS to work out each of the following.

a 3×6+7 b 8÷4+8 c 6+9–3 F
d 15 ÷ 3 + 7 e 4×6÷2 f 32 × 4 + 1

Use BODMAS to work out each of the following. Remember to work out the
brackets first.
a 3 × (3 + 7) b 12 ÷ (3 + 1) c (9 + 4) – 4
d 4 × (6 ÷ 2) e 20 ÷ (2 + 3) f 3 + (2 + 1)2

Write the operation that you do first in each of these calculations, and then work out
each calculation.
a 6×2–3 b 4+3×5 c 12 ÷ 2 – 3
d 15 – 5 ÷ 2 e 6×2÷1 f 4 × 6 – 32

Use BODMAS to work out each of the following.

a 16 – 4 × 2 b 7 × (4 + 3) c 12 ÷ 4 + 8
d (18 – 6) ÷ 4 e 15 ÷ (4 + 1) f 12 + 4 × 5
g (24 ÷ 4) + 7 h 5 + 32 × 2 i 5 × 4 – 42
j (32 + 1) × 5 k 42 × (4 – 1) l (6 – 1)2 – 5

Copy each of these calculations and then put in brackets to make each calculation
true. E
a 4 × 3 + 7 = 40 b 10 ÷ 2 + 3 = 2 c 18 ÷ 3 + 3 = 3
d 5 – 2 × 4 = 12 e 20 – 5 × 2 = 30 f 5 × 12 – 8 = 20
g 10 – 22 × 2= 12 h 10 – 22 × 2= 128 i 24 ÷ 22 + 2 = 4

Three dice are thrown. They give scores

of 2, 4 and 5.
A class makes the following sums with
the numbers. Work them out.
a (2 + 4) × 5 = b 2+4×5= c 42 + 5 =
d 4 × (5 – 2) = e 4+5–2= f (4 + 5)2 =

Three dice give scores of 2, 3 and 6. Copy each of the calculations below, putting ×,
+, ÷, – or () in each calculation to make it true.
a 6 … 2 … 3 = 12 b 6 … 3 … 2 = 30 c 3 … 6 … 2 = 16

Adding and subtracting negative numbers

Negative numbers are used to describe many situations. For example, temperatures,
distances above and below ground or how much money you have or haven’t got in your
bank account.

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Example 16.3 John is £42.56 overdrawn at the bank. He gets his wages of £189.50 paid in and
takes out £30 in cash. How much has he got in the bank now?
An overdrawn amount is negative, so the calculation is:
–42.56 + 189.50 – 30
= 189.50 – 72.56
= £116.94

Example 16.4 Find the missing number to make each of these calculations true.
a 10 + 1 = 7 b –8 + 1 = 12 c –9– 1=6
You should be able to work out the answers to these using your knowledge of
number facts. If you find this difficult, try visualising a number line, or for more
difficult questions, rearrange the equation to find the unknown.

1 = 7 – 10 = –3
a b 1 = 12 + 8 = 20
c – 1 = 6 + 9 = 15, so 1 = –15

Exercise 16B

F The diagram shows a cliff, the sea and sea bed with various objects and places
measured from sea level. Use the diagram to answer the questions below.
a How far above the sea bed
are each of the following?
Plane + 1550
i The submarine
ii The lighthouse
iii The plane
b How far below the lighthouse
are each of the following?
Lighthouse + 650
i The smugglers’ cave
ii The shark
iii The submarine Smugglers’
cave + 475
c How far above (indicate with a +)
or below (indicate with a –) the
smugglers’ cave are each of the Sea level

i The plane Shark –45
ii The shark
iii The submarine
Submarine –120

Sea bed –185

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Copy and complete the balance column in the statement table below.

Transaction Amount paid in Amount paid out Balance

Standing order £53.20 £11.17
Cheque £32.00
Direct debit £65.50
Cash £20.00
Wages £124.80
Loan £169.38

Five temperatures are marked on the thermometer below.


–30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Calculate the difference between each of the following. Remember to give your
answer in °C.
a A and B b A and D c A and E d C and E
e B and E f B and D g A and C h D and E

Copy and complete each of the following.

a If +£9 means a profit of nine pounds, then … means a loss of nine pounds.
b If +45 m means 45 metres above sea level, then … means 45 metres below sea
c If –15 minutes means 15 minutes before midday, then … means 15 minutes after
d If a train moving forwards at 5 mph is represented by +5, then –5 represents ….

Calculate each of the following.

a 7–5+6 b 6–8–3 c –4 – 3 – 6 d –1 + 3 + 6
e 2 – (–5) f –2 + (–3) g –2 + (–4) h +5 – (+7)
i –3 – –8 + 7 j +8 – +8 + –2 k –6 + –6 + +3 l –8 – –8 + –1
m –9 – +2 – –1 n –45 + 89 – 27 o +7 – –6 + –1 p –6 – +5 + –5

Copy these number lines, filling in the missing numbers on each.

–3 0 2
–20 30 80
–2 0 1
–45 60

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 202

Work out the missing numbers from each of the boxes below in order to make each
F equation true.
a 3 + –5 = 1 b 5+1=9 c 5+1=2

1 – –6 = 4
d e –6–1=3 f +7–1=4
– 8 + –7 = 1 1 – +4 = 0
g h i 3–4+1=6

In a magic square, each row, column and diagonal adds up to the same ‘magic
number’. Copy and complete each of these magic squares and write down the
‘magic number’ for each one.
a b c
–3 –7 4 –2 –13

5 –4 –5

–6 –12 –5 –10

Multiples, factors and prime numbers

Example 16.5 Find the largest number less than 100 that is:
a a multiple of 3 b a multiple of 3 and 5
a This will be a number in the 3 times table that is close to 100:
30 × 3 = 90
31 × 3 = 93
32 × 3 = 96
33 × 3 = 99
34 × 3 = 102
So, the largest multiple of 3 that is less that 100 is 99.
b Because 3 and 5 have no common factors, multiples common to 3 and 5 are
multiples of 15:
15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105,…
So, the largest number under 100 that is a multiple of both 3 and 5 is 90.

Example 16.6 Find the factors of: a 35 b 180

a Find all the products that make 35:
1 × 35 = 35 5 × 7 = 35
So, the factors of 35 are {1, 5, 7, 35}.
b 1 × 180 = 180 2 × 90 = 180 3 × 60 = 180 4 × 45 = 180 5 × 36 = 180
6 × 30 = 180 9 × 20 = 180 10 × 18 = 180 12 × 15 = 180
So, the factors are {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 30, 36, 45, 60, 90, 180}.
Remember: Factors always come in pairs.

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Exercise 16C Do not use a calculator for this exercise.

Write down the first 5 multiples of each of the following.
a 4 b 9 c 12 d 25

From the list of numbers below, write down those that are:
a multiples of 3. b multiples of 5.
c multiples of 4. d multiples of 12.
3 7 8 13 14 15 18 24
36 39 45 48 64 69 90 120

Find the largest number less than 50 that is:

a a multiple of 3. b a multiple of 8.
c a multiple of 7. d a multiple of 6.

Find the largest number less than 50 that is:

a a multiple of 3 and 4. b a multiple of 5 and 9.
c a multiple of 3 and 5. d a multiple of 2 and 7.

Write down all the factors of each number from 2 to 20.

a Which of the numbers from 2 to 20 have only 2 factors? Use your answers to
Question 5 to help you.
b What are these numbers called?

Write down all the factors of each of the following.

a 48 b 52 c 60 d 75 e 100 f 130

Find the common factors of each of the following pairs of numbers.

a 15 and 24 b 18 and 24 c 15 and 25 d 28 and 42

Copy the grid on the right.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Shade in, or cross out, the number 1. 7 8 9 10 11 12
Leave the number 2 blank and then shade in, or cross 13 14 15 16 17 18
out, the rest of the multiples of 2.
19 20 21 22 23 24
Leave the number 3 blank and then shade in, or cross
out, the rest of the multiples of 3. Some of them will have 25 26 27 28 29 30
already been shaded in or crossed out.
31 32 33 34 35 36
Leave the number 5 blank and then shade in, or cross
out, the rest of the multiples of 5. All but 3 of them will 37 38 39 40 41 42
have already been shaded in or crossed out. 43 44 45 46 47 48
Leave the number 7 blank and then shade in, or cross 49 50 51 52 53 54
out, the rest of the multiples of 7. All but 1 of them will
have already been shaded in or crossed out. 55 56 57 58 59 60
The numbers that are left are the prime numbers up to 60.

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Squares, square roots and powers

Example 16.7 Calculate: a 222 b √289 c √600

a You can either use the square button on your calculator or calculate 22 x 22.
222 = 22 x 22 = 484
b Using the square root button on your calculator, √289 = 17
c Using the square root button on your calculator, √600 = 24.5 (rounded to
1 decimal place)

Example 16.8 Calculate 74

Using the power button on your calculator, 74 = 2401
Remember 74 = 7 x 7 x 7 x 7

Exercise 16D Do not use a calculator for Questions 1 and 2.

E Write down the value represented by each of the following.

a 72 b 92 c 112 d 132 e 152

Write down the value represented by each of the following.

a √36 b √64 c √100 d √144 e √196

You may use a calculator for Questions 3–6.

Find the value of the square of each of these numbers.

a 19 b 24 c 25 d 32 e 53

Calculate each of the following. Round your answers to 2 decimal places.

a √40 b √80 c √120 d √500 e √900

Calculate each of the following.

a 45 b 123 c 134 d 213
e 66 f 75 g 83 h 212

Work out the value of each of the following. What do you notice?
a i 52 – 42 ii 32
b i 132 – 122 ii 52
c i 252 – 242 ii 72
d i 412 – 402 ii 92

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Do not use a calculator for the rest of this exercise.

√2 = 1.4142136, √20 = 4.472136, √200 = 14.142136, √2000 = 44.72136

Use this pattern to write down the value of each of the following.
a √20 000 b √200 000 c √2 000 000

Work out the value of each of the following.

a i 14 ii 18 iii 19
b i (–1)3 ii (–1)4 iii (–1)5

Use your answers to Question 8 to work out the value represented by each of the
a 123 b (–1)10 c (–1)9 d 143

Decimals in context: addition and

Think about where you may have seen decimal numbers recently.
The most obvious example of decimals in context is money. Prices in shops are usually
given to 2 decimal places.
Nutritional Information per 100 g
0 ENERGY 1600 kj 280 kcal
Speedometers in cars and MPH
weighing scales increasingly KPH 0 CARBOHYDRATES 90 g
have digital displays 20
20 of which sugars 40 g
involving decimal numbers 40
starch 50 g
80 FAT 0.7 g
and nutritional information 120 30 of which saturates 0.2 g
on food packets, such as 25400 60 FIBRE 0.9 g
70 100
cereal, often involves decimal 80 40 SODIUM 0.45 g
numbers too. 60 50 VITAMINS: (%RDA)
VITAMIN D µg 4.2 (85)
TIAMIN (B1) mg 1.2 (85)
RIBOFLAVIN (B2) mg 1.3 (85)
NIACIN mg 15.0 (85)

The next two lessons look at decimals in real life situations.

Example 16.9 Over the course of the year Mr Smith’s gas bills were £125.23, £98.07, £68.45 and
£102.67. What was the total cost of Mr Smith’s gas for the year?
This is a straightforward addition problem:
£ 98.07
£ 68.45
+ £102.67

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Example 16.10 Asif earns £2457.82 in a month. From this £324.78 is deducted for tax, £128.03 for
National Insurance and £76.54 for other deductions. How much does Asif take
home each month?
This is a subtraction problem. The easiest method to solve it, is to add up all the
deductions and then subtract from his total pay.
1 141 7
£324.78 £2457.82
£128.03 – £529.35
+ £ 76.54 £1928.47
––––– –––––

Exercise 16E
E Work out each of these.
a 1.8 + 6.9 b 6.63 + 7.2 c 9.05 + 5.92
d 7.5 – 2.9 e 5.67 – 1.87 f 7.83 + 1.26 – 7.48
g 9 – 3.7 h 12 + 2.36 i 8.02 – 1.27 – 2.34
j 12 – 3.47 k 8.07 – 2.68 l 15.32 – 4.1 – 2.03

A businesswoman pays five cheques into her bank account. The cheques are for
£1456.08, £256.78, £1905.00, £46.89 and £694.58. How much did she pay in

D Bert booked a holiday to Portugal over the Internet. His return flight cost £118 and
his hotel accommodation cost £135.67 in Faro and £165.23 in Lisbon. He also spent
£48.80 on train fares to travel between Faro and Lisbon. How much did his holiday
cost him in total?

At the local shop Mary bought 2 tins of soup costing 57p each, a packet of sugar
costing 78p, a loaf of bread costing £1.05, a packet of bacon costing £2.36 and a
box of chocolates costing £4.23. What was her total bill?

Five books are placed on top of one another. The books are
2.3 cm, 15 mm, 3.95 cm, 1.75 cm and 18 mm thick. What is
the total thickness of the pile of books in centimetres?

A cake was made using 132 g of butter, 0.362 kg of flour and

96 g of sugar. What is the total weight of these ingredients in kilograms.

Misha’s bank account has £467.92 in it. She writes cheques for £67.50, £42.35 and
£105.99. How much money will be left in Misha’s account after these cheques have
been cashed?

A new car has a list price of £6995.99. As part of an offer, a delivery charge of
£109.80 and a discount of £699.59 are taken off the list price. How much will a
customer pay for the car?

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 207

8.23 cm
A quadrilateral has a perimeter of 32 cm. The lengths
of three of the sides are 8.23 cm, 3.48 cm and
12.96 cm. What is the length of the fourth side?
3.48 cm

12.96 cm

William pays a standing order of £55 for fuel each month. Of this £55, £32.78 is for
electricity, £12.61 is for gas and the rest is for heating oil. How much does William
pay each month for heating oil?

Mr Brown’s pay slip shows that he is paid a basic wage of £356.78 each week. In
addition to his basic wage, he gets a bonus of £102.45. He has £67.82 tax, £34.80
National Insurance and £6.78 health insurance deducted from his pay. How much
does Mr Brown take home each week?

Decimals in context: multiplication and


Example 16.11 One chair costs £45.76 and a table costs £123.47. How much is a dining suite
consisting of six chairs and a table?
This is a multiplication and addition problem:
Chairs cost 45.76 total cost 123.47
× 6 + 274.56
––––– –––––
274.56 398.03
––––– –––––
Hence the total cost is £398.03.

Example 16.12 Eight litres of petrol and a can of oil together cost £8.95. If the can of oil costs
£2.59, how much does one litre of petrol cost?
This is a subtraction and division problem:
Petrol costs 8.95 0.795
81 ––––––
– 2.59 8 / 6.360
––––– 7 4
Hence one litre of petrol costs 79.5 pence.

Exercise 16F Work out the following.

a 17.8
× 6
b 6.07
× 12
d 18.95
× 54
––––– ––––– ––––– –––––

A packet of four AA batteries costs £4.15. How much money would you need to buy
9 packets of four AA batteries?

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 208

E John bought five tins of cocoa costing £1.12 each and seven jars of coffee costing
£2.09 each. What was his total bill?

To make some shelves Mr George orders seven pieces of wood 53.4 cm in length
and two pieces of wood 178.5 cm in length. What is the total length of wood
ordered by Mr George?

A crystal decanter costs £56.32 and a crystal wine glass costs £11.58. How much
D will a decanter and a set of six wine glasses cost?

Calculate each of the following.

a 68.4 ÷ 6 b 8.36 ÷ 8 c 27.5 ÷ 11 d 32.5 ÷ 26

A table and four chairs are advertised for £385. If the table costs £106, how much
does each chair cost?

You may use a calculator for the last three questions.

E The distance from London to Leeds by train

is 317.5 km. If a train takes 2 hours and
30 minutes to cover this distance, what is its
average speed?

A man earns £27 746.40 a year. How much does he earn each month?

A holiday for 2 adults and 3 children costs £967.80 in total. If the cost per child is
D £158.20, what is the cost for each adult?

Long multiplication
You have already met several ways of doing long multiplication. Two of these are shown
in the examples below. You may use any method you are happy with for Exercise 16G.

Example 16.13 Work out 164 × 56.

This multiplication could be done using the box method, as shown below.
× 100 60 4 3000
50 5000 3000 200 200
6 600 360 24 360
+ –––––

Example 16.14 Work out 238 × 76.

This multiplication could be done using the 238
standard column method, as shown on the right. ×
––– 76

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Exercise 16G Use any method you are happy with for the following questions and show all your working.
Check your answers with a calculator afterwards.

Work out each of the following. Remember to show your working.

a 157 × 24 b 324 × 33 c 513 × 32 d 189 × 23 F
Work out each of the following.
a 258 × 34 b 276 × 47 c 139 × 62 d 126 × 39

Work out each of the following.

a 637 × 28 b 377 × 44 c 265 × 75 d 753 × 63

Work out each of the following.

a 207 × 14 b 620 × 26 c 805 × 63 d 199 × 99

Long division
You should remember meeting two different ways of doing long division. These are shown
below. You may use any method you are happy with to answer the Exercise 16H questions.

Example 16.15 Work out 858 ÷ 22.

This division could be done using the standard column method, as below.

Step 1: Start by asking how

many 22s there are in 8.
There are none of course.
So, include the next digit,
which is 5, and ask how
many 22s there are in 85.
Working up the 22 times
table (22, 44, 66, 88), we
can see that there are 3. 39 Step 3: Bring down the 8,
–– next to the 19, to give 198.
Write the 3 above the 5. 22 / 858
Step 2: Work out the value 0 Step 4: Now ask how many
of 3 × 22 (= 66) and write it 22s there are in 198. Once
underneath 85. Then again work up the 22 times
subtract 66 from 85 to find table: 22, 44, 66, 88, 110,
the remainder of 19. 132, 154, 176, 198. So there
are exactly nine 22s in 198.
Write the 9 above the 8.

As there is no remainder we can stop. The answer is 39.

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Example 16.16 Work out 938 ÷ 36.

This division has been done below, using repeated subtraction or ‘chunking’.
720 (20 × 36)
180 (5 × 36)
––36 (1 × 36)
As the remainder is less than 36 we can stop.
We have subtracted 36 a total of 20 + 5 + 1 = 26 times, so the answer is 26 rem 2.

Exercise 16H Use any method you are happy with for the following questions and show your working.
Check your answers with a calculator afterwards.

F Work out each of the following. These divisions have exact answers with no
remainders. Remember to show your working.
a 644 ÷ 23
b 1224 ÷ 34
c 522 ÷ 18
d 868 ÷ 28

Work out each of the following. These divisions have exact answers with no
a 840 ÷ 24
b 2021 ÷ 47
c 532 ÷ 38
d 741 ÷ 39

Work out each of the following. These divisions will give remainders.
a 637 ÷ 28
b 877 ÷ 41
c 865 ÷ 25
d 658 ÷ 33

Work out each of the following. These divisions will give remainders.
a 407 ÷ 14
b 820 ÷ 16
c 915 ÷ 39
d 799 ÷ 29

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Long multiplication and division in

real-life problems

Example 16.17 Mr Winston buys a car for £36 480.

He agrees to pay for it in 24 equal,
monthly instalments. How much
does he pay each month?

First you need to identify that this is a division problem, then choose which method
to use.
The calculation is done below using the repeated subtraction method. We can ignore
the zero on the end of £36 480, as long as we multiply the final answer by 10.
The 24 times table has been written out on the right to help.
3648 1 × 24 = 24
– ––
2400 (100 × 24) 2 × 24 = 48
1248 5 × 24 = 120
– ––
1200 (50 × 24) 10 × 24 = 240
48 20 × 24 = 480
– ––48 (2 × 24) + 100 × 24 = 2400
–––– 50 × 24 = 1200
0 (152 × 24)
Don’t forget that we divided the starting number by 10, so the answer is £1520 per

Example 16.18 On checking his running diary, Paul finds that he has run an average of 65 miles a
week during the last year. How many miles did he run in the year altogether?
You need to identify that this is a multiplication problem, recall that there are 52
weeks in a year, and then decide which method you are going to use.
The multiplication has been done below using the box method.

× 60 5
50 3000 250
2 120 10
So Paul has run a total of 3000 + 250 + 120 + 10 = 3380 miles

Exercise 16I Work out each of the following, showing your working.
Check your answers with a calculator afterwards.
A typist can type 54 words per minute on average. How many words can he type in
15 minutes? E
r eg

Small chocolate eggs cost 43p each. Mrs Owen wants

s te

to buy an egg for each of her class of 28 pupils.

How much will this cost her?

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 212

E There are 972 pupils in a school. Each tutor group has 27 pupils in it. How many
tutor groups are there?

In a road-race, there were 2200 entrants.

a To get them to the start the organisers used a fleet of 52-seater buses. How many
buses were needed?
b The race was 15 miles long and all the entrants completed the course. How
many miles in total did all the runners cover?

At a school fair, cups of tea were 32p each. The school sold 182 cups.
a How much money did they take?
b The school used plastic cups which came in packs of 25. They bought 24 packs.
How many cups were left over?

a A cinema has 37 rows of seats. Each row contains 22 seats. How many people
can sit in the cinema altogether?
b Tuesday is ‘all seats one price’ night. There were 220 customers who paid a total
of £572. What was the cost of one seat?

A library gets 700 books to distribute equally among 12 local schools.

a How many books will each school get?
b The library keeps any books left over. How many books is this?

The label on the side of a 1.5 kg cereal box says that there are 66 g of carbohydrate
in a 100 g portion. How many g of carbohydrate will Dan consume if he eats the
whole box at once?

A first-class stamp costs 28p and a second-class stamp costs 19p. How much does it
cost to send 63 letters first class and 78 letters second class?

Twelve members of a running club hire a minivan to do the Three Peaks race
(climbing the highest mountains in England, Scotland and Wales). The van costs £25
per day plus 12p per mile. The van uses a litre of petrol for every 6 miles travelled.
Petrol costs 78p per litre. The van is hired for 3 days and the total mileage covered is
a How much does it cost to hire the van?
b How many litres of petrol are used?
c If the total cost is shared equally how much does each member pay?

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AQA Question 1, Paper 1, June 2005

1 Here is a list of numbers: G

17 28 36 45 57 68 72 86

From this list, write down:

a two numbers which have a total of 100
b two numbers which have a difference of 50
c the number which is a multiple of 7
d the number which is a product of 5 and 9

OCR Question 5, Paper 2, June 2004

2 Jamie went out to a country park with his grandparents. F

a In the café, his grandparents bought two cups Café in the Park
of tea and a cola.
Grandpa had a slice of cheesecake and Jamie Tea £1.10 Cheesecake £2.50
had a chocolate sundae.
They paid with a £10 note. Coffee £1.25 Scone & Jam £1.25
Calculate their change. Cola 99p Chocolate Sundae £2.99
b Postcards of the lake cost 32p.
How many postcards could Jamie buy if he had £1.50?
c The park information letter says that the distance around the lake is 3.5 km.
Grandpa said that he would only walk 2 miles.
1 mile is about 1.6 km.
Would Grandpa walk around the lake?
Show your working.
d A group did a sponsored run around the lake.
Each lap is 3.5 km.
Abbi ran for 4 laps.
She received £18 for every kilometre she ran.
How much money did she raise?

EDEXCEL Paper 1, 2005

3 Work out 286 × 43.

EDEXCEL Paper 1`, 2005

4 Here is a list of 8 numbers:

11 16 18 36 68 69 82 88

a Write down two numbers from the list with a sum of 87.
b Write down a number from the list which is:
i A multiple of 9 ii A square number

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 214

Cube Square Multiple Factor Square root

F c

Use a word from the box to complete this sentence correctly:

11 is a …… of 88

OCR Question 8, Paper 2, June 2004

5 The diagram shows a number machine.

a Work out the input when the output is:
i 2 ii 0 iii 1.5
b Work out the input when the output is 14.

OCR Question 7, Paper 2, 2004

6 a Write down all the factors of 12.
b Write down a multiple of 12.
c Work out 6 of 12.
d Write 12 out of 42 as a fraction in its simplest form.

AQA Spec B Mod 3 non calc, 2006

7 Calculate:
a 456 + 346 + 75
b 7.4 – 2.56
c 63
3 1
d 4 – 5


8 Write these numbers in order of size. Start with the smallest number.
a 76, 103, 13, 130, 67
b –3, 5, 0, –7, –1
c 0.72, 0.7, 0.072, 0.07, 0.702
d 70%, 34 , 0.6, 2

EDEXCEL Question 8, Paper 2, 2005

9 The table shows the temperature on the surfaces of each of five planets: Planet Temperature
a Work out the difference in temperature between Mars and Jupiter. Venus 480°C
b Work out the difference in temperature between Venus and Mars. Mars –60°C

c Which planet has a temperature 30°C higher than the temperature Jupiter –150°C
on Saturn? Saturn –180°C
d The temperature on Pluto is 20°C lower than the temperature on Uranus. Uranus –210°C
Work out the temperature on Pluto.

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:28 Page 215

AQA Spec B Mod 3 non calc, 2006

10 a Put these numbers in order of size. Start with the largest number. F
0.786 0.09 0.8

b Write 0.786 to 2 decimal places.

c Convert 8 to a decimal.

d Work out 0.1 × 0.7.

AQA Question 14, Spec B mod 3 non calc, 2007

11 Football teams are given points after each match they play, as shown:
Win 3 points
a Pam’s team has played eight matches. Draw 1 point
They have won four matches, drawn three matches and lost Lose 0 points
one match.
How many points in total has her team been given?

b Milly’s team has played 10 matches and has been given 17 points.
Work out the two ways that her team could have been given 17 points.

First way: Second way:

Number of matches won Number of matches won
Number of matches drawn Number of matches drawn
Number of matches lost Number of matches lost

AQA Question 13, Paper 1, June 2007

12 Glynn says that √ (16 + 9) is the same as √16 + √9.
Show that Glynn is wrong.

AQA Question 13, paper 2, June 2007

13 Insert brackets on the left hand side of each of the following to make them correct.

a 3 + 5 – 2 ÷ 3 = 2

b 3 + 5 – 2 ÷ 3 = 4

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CHAPTER 17 Functional Maths Practice

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The Eden Project

On a school visit to the Eden Project, children pay Anika did a survey while she was on a school visit
less than the normal entry fee. to the Eden Project. She asked other visitors what
It costs £24 for 6 children to enter the Eden Project. the best part of their day was. Here are her results:
How much does it cost for 10 children to enter the Schoolboys Schoolgirls Men Women
Eden Project? Inside Humid
12 3 6 2
Tropics Biome
Two families visited the Eden Project. Inside Warm
4 7 4 10
It cost the Brown family of one adult and two Temperate Biome
children £24. Looking at the
7 7 6 2
It cost the Kahnaan family of two adults and two buildings
children £38. Day off school 9 2 0 0
How much does it cost Mrs McDonald and her The weather 0 0 0 0
three children to enter the Eden Project? The food 1 0 0 0
Other 3 1 2 2
The Schools Visit Manager at the Eden Project
estimates that the ratio of men : women : children a How many boys said ‘Looking at the buildings’
visiting the project is 1 : 2 : 4. was the best part?
On the first Wednesday in March, there were 7700
b How many girls said they liked the inside of the
visitors to the project.
biomes best?
a How many of the 7700 visitors were children?
c How many more girls were asked than women?
b Every person visiting that day was given a
ticket with a number on, and one was chosen d Which was the overall favourite?
at random for a prize. e Why do you think that no men gave ‘Day off
What is the probability that a child won the prize? school’ as their answer?
f What type of weather do you think it was on
In the information centre, Joel saw this table the day that Anika did her survey? Explain your
showing the number of visitors to the Eden Project answer.
from 2000 to 2006.
g Anika wants to do this survey again. Write
Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 down one thing that she could do to make it
Visitor numbers
2.0 1.9 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8
better next time.
The Eden Project has its own outdoor amphitheatre
a Draw a bar graph to show this information. which is used for plays and pop concerts.
b Find the mean number of visitors per year. It has a total area of 2282 m2.
c Find the median number of visitors per year. The stage covers 700 m2 of the total area.
d Find the mode of the number of visitors per year.

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The remaining area is for the 2109 seats for the The most commonly used regular
audience. hexagon in the Warm Temperature
What area, in m2, does each member of the Biome has a side measurement
audience get? of 4.45 m.
What is the perimeter of this hexagon? 4.45 m
Round your answer to one decimal place.

The tallest biome is 55 m high. A type of bamboo, a Use the fact that the angles in a
bambusa gigantica, can grow up to 45 cm a day. triangle add up to 180° to find the regular
total of the interior angles in this hexagon
If it continued to grow at this rate, how many days
regular hexagon. (Hint: Sketch a
would it take a 3 m bambusa gigantica to reach the
hexagon and draw triangles inside it.)
b What is the size of each interior angle in this
regular hexagon?

Use your answer to Question 10 to help you explain

why regular hexagons tessellate and regular
pentagons do not. (Hint: Find the size of the interior
angle of a regular pentagon.)

Some of the hexagons that

The thermometer on a wall in the Humid Tropics make up the very top of the
Biome shows 24°C. biomes have parts that open
4m 3.5 m
automatically to stop the
Lorna remembers the formula she used in her biggest greenhouses in the 4m
science lesson last week to change a temperature world getting too hot.
in degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit:
The diagram above shows one of those hexagons.
°F = 1.8 × °C + 32 Find the area of the triangular opening.
Change 75.2°F into °C.
The largest hexagon used in 5.5 m
The greenhouses, or biomes, in the Eden Project are making the biomes is 11 m
across! The length of each side 11 m 4.7 m
domes that are made out of hundreds of differently-
sized hexagons and a few pentagons. The ‘glass’ is is 5.5 m.
actually a transparent cushion made from three layers A hexagon can be made from
of tough plastic that is self-cleaning and should look two identical trapeziums.
good for about 30 years. The formula for the area of a trapezium is 15 (a + b)h.
The next seven questions are about this amazing Find the area of the hexagon above.
shape – the hexagon.
Part of the reason that a hexagon is so strong is
that it has lots of lines of symmetry.
Draw a sketch of a hexagon and draw on it all of
the lines of symmetry.
Remember to use dotted lines for your lines of

Using a ruler and a protractor, make an accurate

copy of this diagram of a regular hexagon.
6 cm

6 cm 120° 120° 6 cm

120° 120°

6 cm 120° 120° 6 cm

6 cm

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Road safety

Here are some road signs. a Work out the cost of 40 hours of lessons using
Fast Pass.
For each part, copy the sign and draw in all the
lines of symmetry. b Work out the cost of 40 hours of lessons using
Easy Drive. Remember to save money by using
a b c
the block booking prices.

c Work out the cost of 40 hours of lessons using
Safe Motoring. Remember to save money by
using the block booking prices.
d Which driving school is the cheapest for
Minimum 30 mph Road narrows Clearway 40 hours of lessons?

Here are some road signs.

Here is a chart showing the times taken for a car to
For each part, state the order of rational symmetry. stop.
a b c 20 mph 6m 6m
(32 km/h)
30 mph 9m 14 m
(48 km/h)
40 mph 12 m 24 m
(64 km/h)
50 mph 15 m 38 m
(80 km/h)
Roundabout Clearway No entry
60 mph 18 m 55 m
(96 km/h)
Here are three advertisements for driving schools.
70 mph 21 m 75 m
(112 km/h)
Easy Drive
Fast Pass Thinking distance Braking distance
Standard hourly rate £20
First four lessons £8 each First five hours £60
Then £20 per lesson Block bookings
a Work out the stopping distance when travelling
All lessons 1 hour at 20 mph.
10 hours £150
15 hours £225 b By working out the stopping distance when
Safe Motoring travelling at 30 mph, show that a car would
travel almost twice as far when stopping from
First lesson free
30 mph than 20 mph.
Normal price £20 per
£2 off per hour for blo
ck booking
of 10 or more lessons

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 5/6/08 16:33 Page 221

The table shows the percentage of casualties in The table shows the number of attempts that some
road accidents for different age groups. drivers take to pass their driving test.
Age Percentage Number of attempts to pass Number of drivers
17–25 years 33%
1 16
26–39 years 28%
40–59 years 24% 2 9
60 years and over 15% 3 7
4 4
a Draw a pie chart to show this information.
5 3
b Give a reason why there are more casualties in
6 1
the 17–25 years age group.
Total = 40

Research shows that it

a What fraction of the drivers pass at the first
is safer for pedestrians
to walk facing traffic
than walking with their b Work out the median number of attempts to
back to traffic on rural pass.
10% of those involved The scatter diagram shows the relationship
in an accident when between the age and the number of driving lessons
walking with their back taken by students at a driving school.
to traffic are killed or
seriously injured. 80
5% of those involved in an accident when facing
traffic are killed or seriously injured. 70

a If 2000 pedestrians are involved in accidents

when walking with their back to traffic, how 60
many of these are likely to be killed or seriously
Number of lessons

b If 2000 pedestrians are involved in accidents
when facing traffic, how many of these are 40
likely to be killed or seriously injured?
The driving test is made up of two parts: the theory
test and the practical test.
A learner has to pass the theory test before taking a
practical test. 10
In April 2008, the theory test cost £30 and the
practical test cost £56.50 for weekdays and £67.00 0
for weekday evenings or weekends. 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Age (years)
a Priya passes at the first attempt. She takes her
test on a weekend. How much does it cost a Describe the relationship between the age of
altogether? drivers and the number of lessons needed.
b Tessa passes her theory test first time and the b Estimate the number of lessons taken by a
practical test on the seond attempt. How much 36-year-old person at this driving school.
more does it cost if the practical tests are taken
at the weekend than if they are taken on a c Explain why it would not be sensible to use the
weekday? scatter diagram to estimate the number of
lessons needed by a 50-year-old person.
A practical test lasts for 40 minutes and covers
12 miles. Work out the average speed in miles
per hour.

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Red squirrels are native to Britain. In 1870 some North American grey squirrels were released
in the North of England. The grey squirrel thrived in the conditions in Britain and slowly took
over the habitats of the red squirrel, reducing their numbers dramatically.

Today it is estimated that there are 180 000 red a On a copy of the graph, draw a line graph to
squirrels and 2.7 million grey squirrels in Britain. show the average body weight of the red
a Write 2.7 million in figures. squirrels.
b Write the ratio number of red squirrels : number b Why do you think the weights of the squirrels
of grey squirrels in its simplest form. increase in the autumn?
c Comment on the differences in the weights of
The population of red squirrels in England, Wales the red and grey squirrels over the year.
and Scotland is estimated as:
One reason that grey squirrels do better than red
Country Number of red squirrels
squirrels is that they are more aggressive feeders.
England 35 000
This table shows how many of each type can be
Scotland 120 000 supported in different types of habitats.
Wales 25 000
Grizedale forest in Cumbria has an area of 2445
Draw a fully-labelled pie chart to show this information. hectares. The table also shows the percentage of
Grizedale forest given over to different habitats.
A study on the body weights of squirrels gave the
Number of Number of red
following data for red squirrels over a 12-month Type of habitat grey squirrels squirrels per
Land use (%)
of forest
period. per hectare hectare

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Broad-leaved woodland 8 1 65

Average Coniferous woodland 2 0.1 12

273 265 274 280 285 290 310 325 345 376 330 290
weight (g) Agricultural 0 0 10
Wildlife management 10 2 2
This graph shows the same data for grey squirrels.
Open areas 0 0 11
a How many hectares of Grizedale forest are
broad-leaved woodland?
Give your answer to an appropriate degree of
Weight (g)

b Assuming that no red squirrels live in the forest,
estimate how many grey squirrels the forest
450 could support.
c Assuming that no grey squirrels live in the
400 forest, estimate how many red squirrels the
J F M A M J J A S O N D forest could support.

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10 adult male red and 10 adult male grey squirrels are iii Use your line of best fit to estimate the
trapped and studied. This is the data obtained. body length of a grey squirrel with a tail
length of 205 mm.
Red squirrels
iv Explain why the diagram could not be used
Body length
to estimate the tail length of a young grey
202 185 215 192 205 186 186 199 235 222 squirrel with a body length of 180 mm.
Tail length
185 164 198 175 182 173 162 184 210 203 The normal diet of red squirrels is mainly seeds and
pine cones with some fungi and plant shoots.
Weight (g) 320 292 340 305 335 341 295 325 360 357
This table shows the percentage of each type of
Grey squirrels food in the diet of some red squirrels.
A B C D E F G H I J Food Seeds Pine cones Fungi Shoots
Body length Percentage 42% 34% 14% 10%
272 243 278 266 269 280 251 272 278 281
Tail length
223 196 220 218 218 222 198 220 226 225 Copy and complete a percentage bar chart to show
the information.
Weight (g) 530 512 561 512 542 551 520 530 558 564

a Work out the mean and range of the weights of 0% 50% 100%
the red squirrels. Key
b Work out the mean and range of the weights of Seeds Pine cones Fungi Shoots
the grey squirrels.
c Comment on the differences in the weights of This table shows the Number of
each species. number of baby red Frequency
baby squirrels
The scatter diagram below shows the relationship squirrels born in 1 24
between the body length and tail length of red 100 nests.
2 42
squirrels. a Work out the mean 3 19
number of baby
4 10
squirrels per nest.
5 5
b The probability of a
200 baby squirrel surviving to adulthood is 0.4.
How many of the squirrels in the table above
Tail length (mm)

190 would you expect to survive to adulthood?

This is an extract from a newspaper article.

By 1998 on the Welsh island of Anglesey grey
170 squirrels had almost totally wiped out the native red
squirrels. Since then due to a policy of removing grey
squirrels from the island the red squirrel population
has recovered and in 2007 was 180. This is a 720%
increase on the population in 1998. By 2010 it is
180 190 200 210 220 230 240
expected that the grey squirrel will be completely
Body length (mm)
removed from the island and the population of red
a Estimate the tail length of a red squirrel with a squirrels to be over 300.
body length of 210 mm.
a What is the expected percentage increase in
b Describe the correlation between the body
the red squirrel population between 2007
length and tail length of red squirrels.
and 2010?
c i Using the data for grey squirrels, draw a
scatter diagram to show the relationship b Show that there were approximately 25 red
between body length and tail length. squirrels in 1998.
Use a horizontal axis for body length from Red squirrels are affected by the Parapoxvirus. A
240 mm to 290 mm and a vertical axis for colony of red squirrels numbering 1260 was
tail length from 190 mm to 230 mm. infected by the virus and lost 15% of its numbers.
ii Draw a line of best fit on the diagram. How many squirrels were left in the colony?

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Mobile shop

Mobile shops were very common in the 1960s but as supermarkets started to open and people had
access to cars, they fell out of favour. Nowadays, with people wanting fresher produce and concerned
about driving long distances to shop, they are returning to some remote rural areas.
Jeff and Donna decide to start a Mobile shop in a rural area of North Devon.

This is a map of the villages they decide they will This is the Event Time
serve with the distances between villages shown. timetable for the Open Ashmansworthy 9.00
first two villages.
The distances are in kilometres. Close Ashmansworthy 9.30
Copy and
Ashmansworthy Leave Ashmansworthy 9.35
complete the
Arrive Dinworthy 9.51
3 timetable for the
4 opening times Open Dinworthy 9.56
at each village. Close Dinworthy 10.26
5 East Putford Leave Dinworthy 10.31
5 c What time do
Dinworthy 6 they arrive back in Ashmansworthy?
Most mobile shops 1983 Leyland Tiger – Mid engine,
are often converted Plaxton Paramount 3200, Semi-automatic,
6 53 seats with belts, Air Door, Very clean
4 Colscott 5 Bulkworthy
single-decker buses.
inside and out. Drives well, MOT Jan 2008.
Jeff and Donna see Length: 12 metres, height 3.2 metres,
Bradworthy this advert and width 2.5 metres. Price: £2500.
decide to buy this For more photos please visit our website
They plan this route: Ashmansworthy – Dinworthy –
Bradworthy – Colscott – Bulkworthy – East Putford bus.
– Ashmansworthy. They know that fitting out the bus will cost £5000.
a How many kilometres is this route? Insuring and taxing the bus will cost £1500.
b They plan a timetable. Buying the initial stock for the bus will be £2000.
They intend to be open for 30 minutes in each They have savings of £7500.
village. a Show that the minimum they will need to
It takes 5 minutes to pack all the groceries borrow is £3500.
safely after they close before they can drive off. b The bank agrees to lend them up to £3500 at
It takes 5 minutes to unpack the groceries after an interest rate of 7.5% per annum.
they arrive and before they can open. i How much will the interest be on £3500 for
They know they need to allow 2 minutes per one year?
kilometre on the rural roads. ii If they borrow £3500 and decide to pay the
They intend to open the shop at 9 am in loan back over one year, what will be the
Ashmansworthy. approximate monthly payment?

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Health and Safety rules state that they must have e This is one of the tables they compile after
adequate lighting, hot water for washing hands, a doing the survey of how much households
fridge for storing chilled foods and heating for the spend each week on meat.
winter. They consult an electrician who estimates
Amount, m, £ Frequency, f Midpoint, m m×f
the power for each item to be:
£0 ≤ m < £10 48 5
Lighting 500 W £10 ≤ m < £20 97 15
Water heater 2 kW £20 ≤ m < £30 38 25
£30 ≤ m < £40 17 35
Fridge 1 kW
Total Total
Heating kW
Copy the table and work out the mean amount
a W stands for Watts. What does k stand for? each household spends on meat each week.
b What is the total maximum power needed?
Answer in Watts. The bus is 12 m long and 2.5 m wide. This is a
scale drawing of the bus with 1 cm representing 1 m.
Before they go ahead with the plan,
Driver and passenger seat
Jeff and Donna decide to do a
survey of the villages to see if there Shelves
will be enough business to make

the venture worthwhile. Front Back
a Jeff says, ‘We need to find out Sink
the population of each village
and survey about 10% of the Door Steps
residents in each of them’.
a What is the total area of the bus?
Donna says, ‘We need to find out how many
b What is the actual width of the counter?
households there are in each village and survey
about 10% of them’. c The area behind the counter is the ‘shop area’.
The back of the counter is 6.5 m from the back
Donna is correct. Explain why.
of the bus. Show that the shop area is 54% of
b The number Village Households the total area to the nearest percentage.
of households in Ashmansworthy 322 d The fridge is 1–12 m high. What is the volume of
each village is the fridge?
Dinworthy 178
given in the table.
Bradworthy 476 Donna uses the following formula to work out the
How many
Colscott 150 profit the shop will make each week.
households in
each village Bulkworthy 483 P is the profit. T is the total amount taken over the
should be East Putford 189 counter in pounds in a week.
surveyed? T – 150
P= –
c This is one of the questions that Jeff prepares
a Explain how you can tell from this formula that
for the survey. Give two criticisms of this.
the basic running costs are £150 a week.
How much do you spend each week? b What is the profit if the weekly takings are £1600?
Up to £20 1 £20 – £30 1 More than £30 1
c Jeff says that they need to make a weekly
profit of £400. Show that they need to take
d This is a question that Donna prepares for the £2750 each week to do this.
survey. Give two reasons why this is a good d They apply for a grant to the European Union
question. community fund who agree to subsidise them
by 10% of their takings each week. How much
Please tick the appropriate box. profit do they make when their weekly takings
How much do you spend each week on: are £1800 and they receive a subsidy of £180?
£0 to £10 to £20 to £30 or
Item A council survey shows that in a month the bus will
£9.99 £19.99 £29.99 more
drive about 1200 km with a CO2 emission of 390
g/km. At the same time, the number of miles driven
by people living in the village to travel to
Vegetables supermarkets will reduce by about 6000 km with an
Cleaning products average CO2 emission of 170 g/km. Estimate the
Other household items saving in CO2 emissions in a year if the mobile shop
starts to operate. Answer in kilograms.

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Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 9/6/08 14:45 Page 227


A cube roots 117 F

cubed numbers 117
algebra 1–14, 34–46, 114–22, factors
cuboids, volumes 87–9
152–9 prime 119–20
alternate angles 48–50 D revision 202–3
angles data finding mid-points of lines
alternate and corresponding collecting 179–81 92–4
48–50 handling project 184–5 flow diagrams 1–4
bisectors of, construction processing 181 inverse 37–8
58–9 decimals formulae 34–6
exterior 50–2 addition and subtraction fraction keys 106
of a quadrilateral 52–4 205–7 fractions
of a triangle 50–2 dividing 105–6 adding and subtracting
arcs 59 multiplication and division 20–2
areas 207–8 revision 164–6
parallelograms 85–6, 186 multiplying 103–5 frequency, relative 133–5
rectangles 186–7 revision 164–6 frequency diagrams 72–5,
triangles 36, 82–4, 186–7 and whole numbers 18–22 180–1
denominators 21–2 Functional Maths
B adding and subtracting
diameters 34, 60
bar charts 73, 180 direct proportion 25–7 fractions 22, 23
bisectors of angles, construction directed numbers, revision data investigations 185
58–9 166–8 decimals
BODMAS 198–9 dividing decimals 105–6 addition and subtraction
brackets, expanding 154–6 doing the same thing on both 206–7
sides 38–9 multiplication and division
C 207–8
calculators, efficient use E direct proportion 26–7
106–7 enlargements 140–3 formulae 35–6
capacity 87, 89 equations frequency diagrams 75,
chessboard squares 119 constructing 40–2 175–7
chords 60 linear 120–2 imperial units 92, 95, 111,
circles 59–61, 143–4 the same thing on both sides 175
circumference 34, 59, 143–4 38–9 interpreting graphs and
coefficients 152 unknowns on both sides diagrams 68–9, 79,
combinations 128–30 43–4 183
concentric circles 61 equivalent fractions 20 inverse proportion 28–9
constructing equations 40–2 estimating 102–3 line graph 79
constructions events linear equations 168
bisector of angles 58–9 exhaustive 194 negative numbers 200–1,
centre of a circle 61 independent 194 214
perpendicular bisector 58–9 mutually exclusive 194 number revision 164–6,
coordinate grids exhaustive events 194 167–8
enlargements 141–3 expanding pie chart 79, 177
finding mid-points 93–4 brackets 154–6 powers of 10, 110
corresponding angles 49–50 and simplifying 156–7 ratio 25

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real-life graphs 171–2 geometry and measures 188–9 percentages, revision 164–6
real-life problems 211–12, probability 196–7 perimeters 186–7
213, 215 statistical 76–8 perpendicular bisectors,
solving problems 108–9, 111 symmetry 191–2 construction 58–9
straight line graphs 45–6 isosceles triangles 51 perpendicular heights 82, 85
two-way tables 71–2 pie charts 66–8, 180
Functional Maths spread K polygons
Mobile phone tariffs 16–17 kites 54, 188 interior angles 54–6
The London Olympics 2012 regular 56–7
32–3 L power keys 106
Garden design 64–5 LCM (Lowest Common Multiple) powers of ten 100–1
Rainforest deforestation 80–1 21, 114–16 powers and roots 117–19, 204–5
Athletics stadium 98–9 like terms 152–4 prime factors 119–20
Paper 112–13 line graphs 73, 75 prime numbers 120, 154, 202–3
Packages 126–7 linear probability
Class test 138–9 equations 120–2, 168–70 calculating 130–2
Map reading 150–1 functions 12–14 estimates 132–5
Trip to Rome 162–3 LOGO 143 investigations 196–7
The Eden Project 218–19 long division 209–10 revision 193–5
Road Safety 220–1 long multiplication 208–9 proportion
Squirrels 222–3 long multiplication and division, direct 25–7
Mobile shop 224–5 real-life problems 211–12 inverse 28–9
of graphs 12–14, 157–9 M Q
graphs of 12–14, 157–9 magic squares 109, 202 quadrilaterals, angles of 52–4
and mappings 9–12 mappings, and functions 9–12
mean 181 R
G median 181 radius 59
geometry and measures 48–61, metric equivalents, imperial units range 181
82–94, 140–6 90 ratios 24–5
investigations 188–9 metric units, area, perimeter and map scales 146
revision 172–5, 186–8 volume 186 revision 166–8
graphs mode 181 real-life graphs 171–2
of functions 12–14, 157–9 multiples 202–3 regular polygons 56–7
real-life 171–2 multiplying relative frequency 133–5
revision 170–2 box method 104, 208 right-angled triangles 51, 82–4
scatter 181 column method 104, 208, 209 rotational symmetry 190–1
straight line 12–14, 44–6 decimals 103–5 rounding 102–3
multiplying out 154–6
H mutually exclusive events 194 S
HCF (Highest Common Factor) sample space diagrams 130–2
114–16 N scale
negative numbers 198–202 drawings 144–5
I nth terms 7–9 factors 141–3
imperial units 89–92 number 18–29, 100–9 ratios 146
independent events 194 revision 164–8 scalene triangles 51
interior angles, polygons 54–6 sectors 60
interpreting graphs and diagrams O segments 60
68–9 outcomes 128–30 semicircles 60
inverse flow diagrams 37–8 sequences 1–4
inverse proportion 28–9 P from patterns 4–6
investigations parallelograms 54, 85–6 nth terms 7–9
data handling 184–5 patterns 4–6 shapes 4–6, 8–9

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simplifying 152–3, 156–7 T V

solving problems 107–9
tangents to a circle 60 variables 34
square roots 117, 204–5
term-to-term rules 1–3, 5 volumes
squared numbers 117, 204–5
tessellations 56–7 cuboids 87–9, 186–7
transversals 48 metric units 87
investigations 76–8
trapeziums 54
techniques 179–81 W
statistics 66–78, 128–35
area 36, 82–4 whole numbers, and decimals
revision 175–8, 182–4
inscribed circles 59 18–22
stem-and-leaf diagram 181
isosceles 51
straight line graphs 12–14, 44–6,
right-angled 51
120–2, 157–9
scalene 51
subject, of a formula 34
two-way tables 70–2, 180
surface areas 186–7
symmetry U
investigations 191–2
unknowns on both sides of
lines of 190–1
equations 43–4
reflection 190–1
unlike terms 152
rotational 190–1

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Garden design activity worksheet

North fence No
POND ( 3 m radius ) fen

Paving Slabs?
No gaps!


West fence

Sou th fe nce

C = ___°

B = ___° 70°
A = ___° 1 cm = 1 m

Maths Frameworking PB 9.1 Chs 10–17 9/6/08 14:45 Page 232

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Keith Gordon, Kevin Evans, Brian Speed and Trevor Senior
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Extra Functional Maths material written by Greg and Lynn Byrd

Commissioned by Melanie Hoffman and Katie Sergeant
Project managed by Priya Govindan
Indexed by Michael Forder
Edited by Brian Ashbury
Proofread by Amanda Dickson
Design and typesetting by Jordan Publishing Design
Covers by Oculus Design and Communications
Covers managed by Laura Deacon
Illustrations by Nigel Jordan, Tony Wilkins and Barking Dog Art
Printed and bound by Martins the Printers, Berwick-upon-Tweed
Production by Simon Moore

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