educational, and public environment. That neighborhoods are also the result of
the decisions its members have made over time. With that, the community
be. And in addition, a Shared Community Innovations and Aims will be required
for City of Batac communities to address the many difficulties of the 21st
And one of the issues we are currently facing—affecting our civilization even
before and during the twenty-first century—is Global Warming and Climate
society, ecology, and way of life. So, we can avoid this from having a negative
impact on others by providing activities and other methods. And we take this
their concerns about the present and future—most especially, to protect the
Earth we now call home so that individuals can live happy lives.
Indeed, making a plan for how we can assist and diminish the effects of this
issue is necessary to lessen it. And our innovations and aims in making this
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Strategic Plan is to support the locals in their efforts to work together to tackle
the challenges that our community is now facing, utilizing our positions to
persuade, incite, and promote others to support the environment because, if not
now, when?
Global Warming and Climate Change are the most serious and widespread risks
The climate crisis has impacted every corner of the globe. That it even causes
suffering and death. That is why the World Health Organization (WHO) has
And in the Philippines, we are now facing challenges from more violent tropical
cyclones, drastic changes in rainfall patterns, sea level rise, and rising
our natural ecosystems, which subsequently have consequences for our human
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in history and the international community attempts to find a long-term solution
and Climate Change will require wise planning as well as imaginative thinking
on the part of planners and others. To assist persons who are faced with the
that way, we decided to frame our Strategic Plan around four primary planning
as bus rapid transit, electric vehicles, and biofuels; and supporting more
addition to societal ideals or aims that may be present in the existing barangay
strategy and plans. And this method that we constructed can contribute to
ensuring that the barangay’s specific social and economic needs and issues are
structure the planning process, and that planning incorporates local objectives.
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PARTICIPATORY: Participatory planning contributes to ensuring that the
planning process partners and officials in the barangay are receptive to local
community values and interests, and assistance to broaden the scope of local
development objectives.
INTEGRATED: Global Warming and Climate Change are becoming real policy,
program, and project action plans. That they are frequently more effective and
communities. With these, we may claim that the Philippines is committed to its
nationwide strategy. And that is to lay the groundwork for the Philippines to
strategic plans.
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being realized. The community's strategic plan outlines how to get there. For
instance, our community may have the following future goals: By 2023, this
barangay will be the cleanest and least polluted in Batac City, will have
The most important component of our strategic planning process is not having a
completed plan, but rather having and maintaining a framework for the paths
community strategic plan also emphasizes the importance of visioning for us. It
includes the planning process as well as goals and objectives, but not the actual
plan. That the end result of our strategic plan will be a collection of well-defined
goals, as well as specific and detailed targets for achieving these goals.
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Each of these is explained below:
3.1: Vision
The community strategy plan outlines the vision and goals for the next ten or
friends from our Barangay and our School. And we guarantee that the final
That it puts out a bold but achievable vision for Barangay #16 Quiling Norte's
A goal must be generated from our future vision. To link our activity to the
prevent global warming and climate change, particularly its impacts on people's
specified goals. And the objectives of this adaptation for the welfare of our
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climate change, higher resilience, improved well-being, and the capacity to
the community of #16 Quiling Norte with strategic planning. They include
Safety Planning, the National Climate Change Action Plan, and, most
importantly, the MAPPING the Future of Your Town Program, which is overseen
this strategic plan will guide the residents of this barangay through a
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In completing its strategic planning process, our organization realized that most
So, we identified that a first step in making a process is to have a “Plan to Plan.”
Not only must it be determined what the community is going to do, but also who
should be involved, who is in charge of the effort, and other details that will
So, our main question right now is, where does our #16 Quiling Norte
Thus, we will present the three most essential community needs that we will
evaluate in creating our desired community in 10 years. And they are as follows:
4.1: Safety
sense of security may not necessarily correspond with crime figures. For
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sentiments of security. Nonetheless, data may reveal that a location is safer
safety issue, or a marketing one? Is it better to hire a new police officer? Surely,
we will think about other issues of safety, such as installing new lights, cleaning
Most cities with high-ranking barangays, such as the City of Batac, also have
great natural environs. People prefer to live in barangays with clean air, water,
and more open space, which should come as no surprise. And we can include
#16 Quiling Norte as part of it for now, but we will improve it further in the
should have a stronger outdoor presence to demonstrate how much greener and
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Health and wellness should be growing in popularity, despite not being
live in our community where they may lead healthy lives. As a result, our
respondents may state that they want access to healthful foods, proper medical
care, wellness possibilities such as free education, and the ability to stay in
That if our organization's plan is approved, those senior individuals will be able
promotes physical fitness. And students who wish to pursue learning chances
might pursue hobbies in their golden years and live in regions that allow them
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Like the information presented above, when you’re ready to start your plan, you
have to know your own mandate. That’s why, after tackling about this, we found
preparing for calamities caused by climatic events such as, global warming and
This will also give decision-makers with assessments based on research and
ensuring that our country fulfills its international meteorological and climate
change commitments.
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concerns could help reduce the harm done to ecosystems, which presently
free up more for other uses and are more suited to a world with limited
6.1.3. • To assist people in living long and healthy lives. And how can we
expect to live for a long time if our ecosystem is worsening? That is why, if we
wish to cope with climate hazards and reduce dangers to people and
ecosystems caused by climate change, we must adapt for the benefit of not just
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6.2.1. • Renewable Energy Resources are an option. Solar and wind energy
are renewable and can be replaced naturally, unlike gasoline, natural gas, coal,
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emissions. They also provide technical and financial assistance to LGUs in order
6.3.2. • The Officials from the Government. Because they will appoint the
person in charge of developing and implementing the local action plan. That will
6.3.3. • The People. That must understand how to be a smart recycler, as this
is one of the most significant ways in which they must participate. Recycling
separate your recyclables can negate all of your efforts. Keep trash and
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changes in land cover, and radiation all contribute to climate change and global
warming. Although the precise impact of these various drivers on the future
climate is unknown, the model simulation will give estimates of their likely
are used to run various issue scenarios. The two issue scenarios are shown in
to climatic variables in our country, are sea level rise, precipitation, changes
situations that would develop in regular scenarios for the different communities.
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Certainly, in order to create a Strategic Plan, you must be familiar with all of its
components. That is why, in our research on the given issue of Global Warming
and Climate Change, we not only concentrated on what these two means, but
also on their impacts and vulnerabilities, so that our organization can plan
understanding them. And the many risk factors are listed below:
The loss of forest cover and sea level rise are two of the most important
underlying risk factors of these issues. The degradation of coastal and marine
And because of the huge population in the community, this has been assigned
In this year, only 0.8 million hectares of primary forests exist among the
Barangay Quiling Norte’s remaining pristine areas serve as a depository for its
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natural resources gene bank—and it is a critical hotspot for many users. Also, it
is quite concerning because many of its plant and animal species are on the
8.2: Agricultural
Agriculture accounts for one-fifth of the whole economy and earns one-third of
all revenue, the entire employment in the country and provides food and a living
But global warming and climate change in the country caused temperature to
rise and variability to increase and the pattern of rainfall and super typhoon
events. That the predictable shifts in rainfall patterns and rising temperatures.
Norte are confused about when to plant and what to plant as a result of this
lack of direction.
for 60% of national irrigated rice production, would undoubtedly suffer. That
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security and self-sufficiency change, including growing issues with water
allocation and prioritization irrigation, residential water, and energy are all
8.3: Biodiversity
The negative effects of global warming and climate change on the community of
biodiversity that are caused by humans. That every degree of global warming
permanent loss of marine and coastal ecosystems. And plants and animals with
narrow temperature tolerance ranges and those that are already living at the
top end of their tolerance level would be affected by even minor increases in
along with the community climate, and that could harm many species and
8.4: Infrastructure
in the said community because they are frequently exposed to prolonged and
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intense rainfall, strong winds, and higher waves; temperature variations, which
And because we all know that these issues threaten infrastructure facilities in
the same way that it threatens, due to the fact that damage to property and
infrastructure will be the main way that global warming and climate change will
affect economic growth, these effects may have an impact on where and how we
8.5: Energy
wind speed, and cloudiness are expected to alter energy technology in the
That changes in the mean potential and variance of a renewable resource will
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differences. In general, the relationship between the renewable resource
Population growing exponentially and migrating into areas where they should
That’s why age distribution and economic status also influence the level of
vulnerability of the country. That more young and older people in the population
And as the information the community officials presented to us, the population
of Barangay #16 Quiling Norte in the City of Batac, Province of Ilocos Norte, as
determined by the 2023 Census, is 1,865. With the age group with the highest
population is 30 to 34, with 124 individuals. Conversely, the age group with the
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So, combining age groups together, those aged 14 and below, consisting of the
members of the work force, constitute a total of 65.54% (892). Finally, old
dependent population consisting of the senior citizens, those aged 65 and over,
And the data’s presented above are represented 3.25% of the total population of
Batac City. But with the total population and demographics of the said
community, there are things that limit the plans they want to achieve. And one
of these is Poverty.
Like what we have just said, poverty limits the concerned population’s capacity
rural poor in lowland agricultural areas have also been migrating upwards to
forest lands for better agricultural opportunities. And this has further
Additional to that, the health sector also stands to bear the brunt of climate
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of these hazards, the health sector of every community is usually left to handle
To continue presenting the information about the main goals and objectives of
our Strategic Plan, our organization has made a framework. And you can see
this by looking at the diagram below consisting of the simplified framework for
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EXPLANATION: The diagram above depicts a more specific aspect of the
Global Warming and Climate Change Framework, taking into account how
In order for our community to attain its vision, we assess current conditions in
Over the past few years, severe weather phenomena have accumulated in a long
list. From rising seas and sinking cities here in the Philippines, the scene can
irreparable changes is rapidly closing. In fact, we are at the point where climate
action is no longer meant to avoid global warming and climate change impacts
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However, it’s not all doom and gloom. That’s why our organization has
developed not just a framework but also a S.W.O.T Analysis for the betterment
of everyone. And within this, the issues presented are not only associated with
risks but with opportunities as well. So, for the better understanding of
everyone on what’s going on, on the place we are living in–analyze the given
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EXPLANATION: As the analysis presented above, it talks about how to adapt
beneficial, there are still some issues because some barangays have proven to
One of the effectiveness of this is the opportunities you can get, and these
include the development of new goods and services and low-emission energy
sources. Even though we have these advantages, we also have to contend with
threats from climate change and global warming. That both humans and other
Indeed, this S.W.O.T Analysis shows us how it is important to know about since
To fulfill our community's vision, we must turn it into an action plan. That is why
There’s a part where we are needed to identify the systems and processes that
produce energy and have an impact on the climate that are natural and human-
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driven. Especially in using a variety of numerical techniques and openly
available scientific data to illustrate key ideas about the Earth, its climate, and
and environment.
Of course, it’s normal that implementation may be the most difficult but most
phase that our planned-for resources can be lost, partnerships with the
barangay officials become either close or distant, projects are started and then
And we will only be able to attain these goals if we work together, applying to
the Division of Labor for a quick but well-planned and efficient development of
can't complete a project if you don't have the necessary funds. As a result, after
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organization will tag a 382,000 pesos climate budgets with an estimated
This budget is for the adaptation projects in line with the strategic priorities;
Of course, our strategic plan is never really finished. Because we realized that it
will change as our community’s needs, resources and priorities change. That by
having a constant evaluation will help our organization to see how well our
Indeed, we will build our strategies on the projects and programs that have
on the past years, the Barangay Quiling Norte have conducted a visionary
strategic plan for their betterment, "Our Way Forward: A Strategic Plan for
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Community Changes". And the community officials have been working to
implement the vision and mission since then. Hence, for the time being, we will
link our strategic plan to their implementation in order to make our community
a result, we adopted that method to provide the Key Result Areas of our Global
Warming and Climate Change Plans—on what factors are associated to this.
Of course, in order to reach this long-term goal, the following KRAs are
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Recognizing that mismanaged trash increases methane emissions, a greenhouse
gas is 20 times more harmful than carbon dioxide, that’s why, the Barangay
Quiling Norte must show the way towards the more efficient execution of waste
garbage disposal and pollution of natural resources such as land, sea, and air.
That the carbon dioxide absorption by the industry in the said city reduces
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strengthen the forestry sector capacity to mitigate the effects of climate change
The energy sector in Batac City is regarded as one of the most fragile and in
need of adaptation.
Global Warming and Climate Change are causing altering demand and supply
pipelines in the said community is an issue for distribution systems for energy,
to deal with the situation because of the changing climatic circumstances. So, in
the face of changes in the ozone and the deterioration of the planet's health,
efficient resource usage, particularly energy and water, is more critical than
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OBJECTIVES: Develop and improve sustainable energy sources, applications,
and other efficiency methods. Because in the energy industry, we are moving
section of this plan highlights the key strategies that would be implemented in
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and lessons acquired in climate change adaptation and mitigation, including
deal with the consequences of these challenges, motivates them to change their
tools and techniques to increase public awareness of climate change and global
the Action Plan's formulation shall be included. And here is a summary of our
implementation strategy:
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17.1. Provide suitable management, institutional, and coordination systems for
global warming at climate change at the national, subnational, and local levels.
17.2. Utilize national and local government financial tools as a source of funds
17.3. Offer and get access to scaled-up, new, and additional financial resources
finance requirements.
related endeavors.
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The reality is not that climate change is made up. The reality is that it’s not, and
that while a lot is already being done to tackle it, we are still not doing all we
Why is tackling the changing climate not at the top of everyone’s agenda?
Partly, no doubt, because most people have busy lives and other things to worry
about. Partly because the effects of a changing climate tend to be invisible and
incremental until they are suddenly catastrophic. And maybe too because of the
So, here’s our final thought about this: if words like “global warming” and
“climate change” have become a turn-off for most ordinary people, maybe we
should change the words. Perhaps we should talk instead about what those
things actually mean: killer weather, a world under water, and a mortgaged
Many people might not get out of bed to fight something that sounds vaguely
technical and non-threatening called Global Warming and Climate change. But
pretty much all of us would do so to protect our loved ones, our homes and our
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So, to conclude this, these said issues are too true to be good. That let’s tell it
like it is, let’s tackle it together, and let’s redouble our efforts with the use of
our strategic plan. And like what our organization is promoting, let’s show we
can change the ozone layer for the better by doing the right things.
dynamic and living document that shall continue to evolve as new challenges
among stakeholders in all sectors of Philippine society. That all officials shall
pursue more concrete strategies and actions and work towards enhancing the
cultures, and ecosystems to pave the way for new modes of collaboration—all in
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