TECH 434 Msds - Material Safety Data Sheets Student Project by Robert M. Kellogg

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TECH 434 MSDS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS Student Project By Robert M. Kellogg What is M.S.D.S.?

? Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS is a written or printed material that informs the reader of the hazardous chemicals safety and health concerns throughout the stages of its manufacture, storage, use and disposal. Divided into two formats in the United States OSHA - ( Occupational Safety and Health Administration ) FORM 174 Broken into a Chemical ID header and eight sections ANSI ( American National Standards Institute ) Z400.1-1998 Broken into sixteen sections MSDS History Earliest written found in tombs in Egypt and used by Imhotep Greeks and Romans expanded information in the medical field. Monasteries in Europe continued expansion during the dark ages One of the earliest modern day examples was developed and issued in 1906 ANSI Format Sections Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients Section 3: Hazards Identification Section 4: First Aid Measures Section 5: Fire Fighting Measures Section 6: Accidental Release Measures Section 7: Handling and Storage Section 8: Exposure Controls / Personal Protection Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Section 11: Toxicological Information Section 12: Ecological Information Section 13: Disposal Considerations Section 14: Transport Information Section 15: Regulatory Information Section 16: Other Information Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company Identification Product Name - Manufacturers nomenclature for the product Product Use - Intended use of the product and its application to the industry Manufacturer - The entity that produces the product

Effective Date - When the current MSDS became effective Supercedes - Previous versions of the MSDS Transportation Emergency Contact - Department of Transportation Contacts for road spills Non-Transportation Emergency Contact - Non transportation emergency contact for spills

Section 2 - Composition and Information on Ingredients Name - The manufacturers identifying nomenclature of the product CAS# - Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number. A unique identification number for a chemical make-up that will allow different chemical names to be cross referenced. Example: acetone and dim ethyl ketone are actually the same substance but have the same CAS number % by Weight - Gives the amount of material percentage to the total weight of the finished product Exposure Limits Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL): Concentration to which a worker can be exposed to the chemical continuously for a short period of time without suffering from: Long Term Exposure Limit (LTEL): Concentration to which a worker can be exposed to the chemical over long periods of time without suffering from: Irritation chronic or irreversible tissue damage narcosis to a degree of inability to self egress or cause accidental injury do to impairment Section 3 - Hazards Identification Physical State of Appearance - Solid, Liquid or Gas Emergency Overview - Procedures of action in an emergency Routes of Exposure - How individuals will be exposed Potential Acute Health Effects Eyes Skin Inhalation Ingestion Potential Chronic Health Effects Section 4 - First Aid Measures Describes the method and procedure for the care of individuals in these specific areas of First Aid Eye Contact Skin Contact Inhalation


Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures Special Protective Equipment - Any equipment outside the normal firefighting gear necessary to protect the fire fighter and extinguish the fire. Flammability of the Product - Ability for product to ignite under specific conditions Auto-Ignition Temperature - A point at which a substance will ignite without additional assistance from an external ignition source such as a flame or spark NFPA Hazard ID Flash Point - The lowest temperature at which a liquid can form an ignitable mixture in air near the surface of the liquid. The lower the flash point, the easier it is to ignite. Example: Gasoline has a Flash Point of 40 degrees Celsius Flammable Limits - A concentration range of vapors in which sustained flames or explosion can occur when vapors are exposed to a heat source. The Concentration is generally expressed as a percent fuel by volume. (UFL) Upper Flammable Limit = The maximum concentration ratio for sustained flames or explosion. An excess of this limit would be too rich in flammable vapors to ignite. (LFL) Lower Flammable Limit = The minimum concentration ratio for sustained flames or explosion. A decreased amount of the flammable vapor would not be rich enough to sustain flames or an explosion. Any mixture ratio between these two limits is extremely dangerous and the situation should be avoided. Use EXTREME CAUTION! Fire Fighting Media and Instructions - Product used in extinguishing the flames or combustion of material Hazardous Decomposition Products - Ability for material to decompose and cause hazardous conditions over time or when mixed with other products. Flammability

4 = Danger Flammable gas or extremely flammable liquid 3 = Warning Flammable liquid Flash Point below 100 Degrees F 2 = Warning Combustible liquid Flash Point of 100 to 200 Degrees F 1 = Combustible if heated 0 = Not Combustible

Health 4 4 = Danger May be fatal on short exposure. Special protective equipment required 3 = Warning Corrosive or Toxic. Avoid skin contact or inhalation 2 = Warning May be harmful if inhaled or absorbed 1 = Caution May be irritating 0 = No unusual hazard Reactivity

4 = Danger Explosive material at room temperature 3 = Danger May be explosive if shocked, heated under confinement or mixed with water 2 = Warning Unstable or may react violently when mixed with water 1 = Caution May react if heated or mixed with water but not violently 0 = Stable Not reactive when mixed with water Special Note

W = Water Reactive OX = Oxidizing Agent Special Precaution Symbols: Flammable, Explosive, Corrosive, Poison, Radioactive and Compressed Gas Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures Spill and Leak - Actions to be taken in the event of a spill or leak of the materials Section 7 - Handling and Storage Handling & Storage - Procedures and processes to store and handle the material Section 8 - Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Engineering Controls - Mechanical / Electrical limitations for the use of the product Personal Protection - PPE needed in the use and handling of the product Eyes Body Respiratory Hands Feet

Section 9 - Physical and Chemical Properties Physical State and Appearance - What the material looks like at the time of use Odor - The smell given off by the product and the variations that may occur Color - The color of the product and any variations that may occur pH - Determines whether the material is acidic, neutral or basic (aka: alkaline) acidic = 0 to 6.9 neutral = 7.0 basic = 7.1 to 14 Melting / Freezing Point - Temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid Specific Gravity - The density of a liquid in relationship to water. Water is rated at 1 and those with a higher rating will sink in water and those with a lower rating will float on water Vapor Pressure - Pressure exerted by its vapor when the liquid and vapor are in a self contained area. Vapor pressure increases with temperature and in a self contained environment, could be explosive. Vapor Pressure can exist in an open container but will eventually vaporize completely. Note: Vapor Pressure and Boiling Point work together. Volatility - Describes how easily a liquid will turn into a gas or vapor Extreme volatility is when a solid turns into a gas and bypasses the liquid stage. This process is called sublimation. The rate at which a substance volatilizes (vaporizes) under a fixed set of conditions is known as the Evaporation Rate. VOC - Volatile Organic Compound Organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure and easily form vapors at normal temperatures and pressures Viscosity - A measure of a fluids resistance to flow EXAMPLE: At room temperature: Molasses is highly viscous Water has a low viscous level Note: Temperature can affect these levels of viscosity Solubility - The ability of materials to blend together. Examples: Water and alcohol can be mixed and are soluble Water and oil do not mix and are insoluble Boiling Point see below Physical Chemical Comments Boiling Point The temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas ( also known as a vapor ) at normal atmospheric pressure More precisely, when the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the external atmospheric pressure. Example: The higher the elevation, the lower the boiling point. Important information to know when dealing with storage issues The next slide will show this graphically Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity

Stability - Materials ability to sustain shock or impacts and remain intact Reactivity - Materials ability to change or remain constant when combined with another material. Conditions of Instability - Scenario of when a material lacks stability and its effects Incompatibility with Various Substances - Specific materials not compatible with the substance on the MSDS. Hazardous Decomposition Products - Materials hazard during a decomposing phase

Section 11 - Toxicological Information Toxicity to Animals o Lethal Concentration: LC50 is a value of concentration of a material in the air that will kill 50% of test subjects when administered as a single exposure (1 to 4 hours). This value applies to vapors, dust mists and gases o Lethal Dose: LD50 is a value of the amount of liquid or solid material that it takes to kill 50% of test subjects in one dose. This maybe orally or injection doses into various parts of the body. Chronic Effects on Humans - Long term continuous effects to human health Other Toxic Effects on Humans Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans Section 12 - Ecological Information Ecotoxicity - The effects of the chemical to the environment during storage, handling and use processes. Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation - The effects on the environment as the chemical breaks down over time into separate molecules. Section 13 - Disposal Considerations Waste Information - Informs user as to the proper waste considerations of the material at all stages of its physical properties Section 14 - Transport Information DOT Classification Explosive o Div 1.1 Materials having mass explosive hazard o Div 1.2 Materials having projection, but not mass explosive, hazard o Div 1.3 Materials having a fire hazard, minor blast and/or minor projection hazard, no mass explosion hazard o Div 1.4 Materials presenting no significant hazard o Div 1.5 Materials with very insensitive substance and having a mass explosion hazard o Div 1.6 Materials with very insensitive substance and having no mass explosion hazard

Compressed Gasses o Div 2.1 Flammable Gas o Div 2.2 Non-Flammable Gas o Div 2.3 Toxic Gas Flammable Liquid o No Divisions Flammable Solid o Div 4.1 Flammable Solid o Div 4.2 Materials liable to spontaneous combustion o Div 4.3 Materials which, in contact with water, emit flammable gasses Oxidizer o Div 5.1 Oxidizer o Div 5.2 Organic Peroxides Poisons o Div 6.1 Toxic substances o Div 6.2 Infectious substances Radioactive Materials (no divisions) Corrosives (no divisions) Miscellaneous (no divisions) Proper Shipping Name - Name material is recognized by in their prospective industry UN/NA Identification Number - A four digit Identification Number for a specific material utilized by North America (NA) and the United Nations (UN) Transportation Systems. Packing Group - Identifies the degree of danger for the following classifications on the transportation placards under the DOT Classification System: Dangerous Goods in classes 3, 4, Division 5.1 (except for liquid oxidizers), Division 6.1 and Class 8 o Group I = Great Danger o Group II = Medium Danger o Group III = Minor Danger

Section 15 - Regulatory Information U.S. Federal Regulations International Regulations State Regulations Section 16 - Other Information Disclaimer A statement to which a manufacturer disavowals a legal claim to the misuse of its product(s) OSHA Format Sections

Chemical Identity Section 1: Manufacturers Name and Contact Information Section 2: Hazards Ingredients / Identity Information Section 3: Physical / Chemical Characteristics Section 4: Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Section 5: Reactivity Data Section 6: Health Hazard Data Section 7: Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Section 8: Control Measures

Chemical Identity The identity of the substance as it appears on the label of the container in which it is produced and stored. This is to be done by the manufacturer on initial packaging and by the business owner when the product is transferred to a different legal use container. Section 1 - Manufacturers Name and Contact Information Manufacturers name - Manufacturers name should be completely clear and legible Address - Address should be current and valid. Telephone Number - Telephone numbers change frequently in todays communication world. Its a good idea to verify these numbers annually to maintain their accuracy. Emergency Telephone number - Emergency numbers are just as important to maintain and should also be updated annually for accuracy. Date Prepared - The date prepared area is a good source of information validity. Dates of greater than five years should be investigated to verify the information is still current. Optional signature of preparer - The preparers signature is not mandatory, but is a good contact information source with detailed questions. Section 2 - Hazardous Ingredients / Identity Information Lists the Hazardous components by their known chemical identity or other known common names OSHA PEL (Permissible Exposure Limits) - The maximum amount of exposure to a chemical allowed by OSHA Regulations. Defined as: Ceiling Values = at no time should this limit be exceeded 8-hour Time Weighted Averages (TWA) = this is the average value of exposure over the course of an 8 hour work day and are usually lower than ceiling values. Threshold Level Value and other exposure limits Percentage of hazardous components is recommended but not required by OSHA Standards Section 3 - Physical / Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Vapor Pressure Vapor Density - The number of chemical molecules in a cubic inch in relationship to other chemical vapors in the same cubic inch Specific Gravity Melting Point Evaporation Rate Solubility in Water Physical appearance and Odor

Section 4 - Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point Flammability Limits Extinguishing Media Special Firefighting Procedures Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards Section 5 - Reactivity Data The ability or inability of a chemical to react to another chemical(s) specifically and the ending result of that reaction Section 6 - Health Hazard Data Information pertaining to the chemical and the direct and indirect effects to the user. Section 7 - Precautions for Safe Handling and Use The safe use and handling of the chemical Section 8 - Control Measures Pertains to the proper ventilation, PPE, hygiene and respiratory needs of the user with the chemical. Standardizing the System There are current legislations being formed to make all United States, and all products entering the United States, follow and include a standard format for Material Safety Data Sheets. Until this occurs, we are chained to the existing smorgasbord of information to which we will need to examine closely and interpret to the best of our abilities OSHA COMPLIANCE The Inspection Process Inspection & Investigation Process Imminent dangers Fatalities & Catastrophe Complaints & Referrals Programmed Inspections OSHA Right to Inspect Ex Parte Warrants - not notifying employers Challenges to Warrants Presentation of Credentials Opening Conference Employer & Employee Walkaround Rights Inspection Techniques Employee Interviews Closing Conference

Post-Inspection conferences Follow-up & Monitoring Inspections

Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) What it is Star Merit Demonstration Program Violations, Citations & Penalties What Do They Mean? Violations, Citations and Penalties General Vs. Specific Standards Multiemployer Worksites Penalties Types of Violations and Penalties Other-than-serious violations Serious Violations Willful Violations Repeated Violations De Minimis Violations Abatement Period Failure to Abate Evaluating the Gravity of a Violation Penalty Adjustment Factor Good Faith Size How to Contest a Citation or Penalty Notice of Contest Informal Settlement Agreement (ISA) Formal Setting Agreement (FSA) Petition for Modification of Abatement (PMA) Date OSHA Variance Procedures Application for Variance Temporary Variance Permanent Variance Limitations, Variations and Tolerances Modifications and Revocations Action on Application Hearings Decisions

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