Msds Final

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Material Safety Data Sheets

By Manesh Patel & QuEST Team

Session Objectives

 To get familiar with Material

Safety Data Sheets
 To know how to properly find

and use the MSDS

Material Safety Data Sheet
It requires for each

It requires to operators,

officers and chemist

It must be accessible for

everyone in the labs, shop
MSDS Location
 MSDS are required to be easily accessible
by you at all times.
 Don’t necessarily have to be located in
each lab (although it is a good idea)
 Ask your supervisor where they are
located in your area.
 Information in MSDS is organized in 16
1. Material Identity
2. Composition / Information on Ingredient
3. Physical & Chemical Data
4. Fire and Explosion Hazard Data
5. Stability and Reactivity
6. Health Hazard Data / Toxicological Information
7. First Aid Measures
8. Fire Fighting Measures

9. Accidental Release Measures

10. Handling & Storage

11. Exposure Control and Personal Protection

12. Environmental / Ecological Information

13. Disposal Consideration

14. Transport Information

15. Regulatory Information

16.Manufacturer / Suppliers Data

The MSDS includes following details
1. Material Identity

 Name
 Synonyms
 Formula
 UN No.
 CAS No. ( Chemical Abstracts Service registry No.) - Unique
number assigned to a specific chemical by the American Chemical
Society and indexed in Chemical Abstracts published by Chemical
Abstracts Service in the US. These nos. are used widely for accurate
identification of materials and quick retrieval of their chemical and
Safety information.
 Chemical Classification
2. Composition / information on Ingredient

 Ingredients

 Percentage
3. Physical & Chemical Data

 Appearance
 Odour
 pH
 Boiling Point
 Melting Point
 Physical State
 Vapour Pressure
 Vapour Density
 Specific Gravity
4. Fire and Explosion Data

 Flash Point - The lowest temperature at which the

vapor above the liquid will ignite if an ignition
source is present.
 Auto Ignition Temperature - The minimum
temperature required to initiate or cause self-
sustained combustion which is independent of a
spark or flame source.
 Flammability
 Lower/ Upper Explosive Limit
 Limits of flammability--Each flammable gas and liquid
(in the form of a vapor) has two limits which define the range
of concentrations in mixtures with air that will propagate
flame and explode.
•• LEL or Lower Explosive limit--The percent by volume
concentration below which the mixture is too less to burn.
•• UEL or Upper Explosive limit-- The percent by volume
concentration above which the mixture is too rich to burn.
•• The flammable range consists of all the concentrations
between these two limits.
5. Stability and Reactivity

 Chemical Stability
 Chemical Compatibility
 Hazardous Reaction Products
 Reactivity
6. Health Hazard Data / Toxicological Information
 Routes of entry
 Effects of exposure
 TLV ( Threshold Limit Value) -The concentration of an airborne
substance to which an average person can be repeatedly
exposed without adverse effects for 8 Hrs..
 STEL( Short Term Exposure Limit) – It is expressed as airborne
concentration of substances average over a period of fifteen minutes.
Workers should not be exposed at the STEL concentration continuously
for longer than fifteen minutes, or for more than four such periods per
working day. One hour gap must be there between two exposures.
 IDLH ( Immediately Danger to Life/ Health) - Air concentration at
this level can cause death very quickly; can be caused by toxic
chemicals, insufficient oxygen, or both.
Definition: LD50
 LD50 (Lethal Dose50) is the
amount of a substance that,
when administered by a defined
route of entry (e.g. oral or
dermal) over a specified period
of time, is expected to cause the
death of 50 per cent of a defined
animal population.
Definition: LC50
 LC50 (Lethal Concentration50) is
the amount of a substance in air
that, when given by inhalation
over a specified period of time,
is expected to cause the death
in 50 per cent of a defined
animal population.
7. First Aid Measures

 Eyes
 Skin exposure
 Inhalation
 Ingestion
8. Fire Fighting Measures

 Extinguishing Media
 Special Fire Fighting Procedures
9. Accidental Release Procedure

 Spill or leak procedures

When a Spill Strikes
) Assess the risk
 Minor Spill, handled by
personnel within lab or
department. Minor spills should
be cleaned-up at the time of the

 Major Spill, isolate area. Major

may require special treatment,
equipment or emergency
When a Spill Strikes
 Select personal protective equipment (PPE) such as
rubber gloves and goggles.
 Consult MSDS and other literature sources
 Limit the spill area by blocking, diverting, or
confining spill
 Use absorbents, drain plugs, dikes.
 Stop the Source if possible.
 Decontaminate site, personnel, & equipment by
removing or neutralizing the hazardous
10. Handling & Storage

 Minimum / Maximum storage temperature

 Handling
 Ventilation
 Storage
11. Exposure Control and Personal

 Ingestion
 Eye Contact
 Skin Contact
 Respiratory Protection
 Engineering Controls
12. Environmental / Ecological Information

 Eco – acute toxicity

 Environmental fate
13. Disposal Information

 Provide guidance for disposal, incineration of

the material at facility that complies with local
state and Federal regulations
14. Transport Information

 Proper Shipping Name

 Hazard class
 UN No.
 Special Information
 Packing group
Hazard Classifications
 Class 1 – Explosives

 Class 2 - Gases
Hazard Classifications
 Class 3 – Flammable Liquids
(and Combustible Liquids)

 Class 4 – Flammable Solids;

Spontaneously Combustible
Materials; Dangerous When
Wet Materials
Hazard Classifications
 Class 5 – Oxidizers and
Organic Peroxides

 Class 6 – Toxic Materials and

Infectious Substances
Hazard Classifications
 Class 7 – Radioactive

 Class 8 – Corrosive Materials

Hazard Classifications
 Class 9 – Miscellaneous
Dangerous Goods
Packing Groups
 Packing Group
 Three categories of packaging
 The Packing Group (PG) is based on the hazard(s) of the
LD 50 Value
 Packing Group I - Great danger ( <= 5)
 Packing Group II - Moderate danger (<= 50)
 Packing Group III - Mild danger (<=200)
Regulatory Information
Risk Phrases
 R1: Explosive when dry
 R2: Risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources of ignition
 R3: Extreme risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources of
 R4: Forms very sensitive explosive metallic compounds
 R5: Heating may cause an explosion
 R6: Explosive with or without contact with air
 R7: May cause fire
 R8: Contact with combustible material may cause fire
 R9: Explosive when mixed with combustible material
 R10: Flammable
 R11: Highly flammable
 R12: Extremely flammable
 R14: Reacts violently with water
Regulatory Information
Safety Phrases
 S1 : Keep locked up
 S2 : Keep out of the reach of children
 S3: Keep in a cool place
 S4: Keep away from living quarters
 S5: Keep contents under ... (appropriate liquid to be specified by the manufacturer)
 S6: Keep under ... (inert gas to be specified by the manufacturer)
 S7: Keep container tightly closed
 S8: Keep container dry
 S9: Keep container in a well-ventilated place
 S12: Do not keep the container sealed
 S13: Keep away from food, drink and animal feedingstuffs
 S14: Keep away from ... (incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufacturer)
 S15: Keep away from heat
 S16: Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking
 S17: Keep away from combustible material
 S18: Handle and open container with care
 S20: When using do not eat or drink
16. Additional Information

 Hazards rating
 Issue date
 Revised date
 Reference to other related information
 Name of firm
 Mailing Address
 Telephone
 Telephonic Address
Flammability Hazard

0NFPA Diamond
1 Reactivity

Hazard Rating
4 Severe
5 Serious
6 Dangerous
7 Minor
0 Slight
Special Hazard
Hazard Rating

EO Carbon Dioxide
Refrigerated Liquid

Helium Gas
Nitrogen, Nitrogen Gas
Refrigerated Liquid
By Manesh Patel & QuEST Team

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