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U.S. Bankruptcy Court

District of Maryland (Greenbelt)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 10-23525
Date filed: 06/16/2010
Assigned to: Judge Wendelin I. Lipp Date terminated: 05/22/2013
Chapter 7 Debtor discharged: 11/15/2010
341 meeting: 08/04/2010
Voluntary Deadline for objecting to discharge: 11/12/2010
Asset Deadline for financial mgmt. course: 08/27/2010

Case Administrator: Lia Aure

Debtor disposition: Standard Discharge Team 2 Phone: 301-344-3965

Debtor represented by Richard H. Gins

Keith J. Burgess The Law Office of Richard H.
5703 Wyngate Drive Gins, LLC
Bethesda, MD 20817 3 Bethesda Metro Center
SSN / ITIN: xxx-xx-5665 Bethesda, MD 20814
Fax : 301-718-8359
Email: richard@ginslaw.com

Trustee represented by Cheryl E. Rose

Cheryl E. Rose 12154 Darnestown Road, Box
9812 Falls Road, #114-334 623
Potomac, MD 20854-3963 Gaithersburg, MD 20878
301-527-7789 (301) 527-7789
Fax : 301-527-1233 Email: trusteerose@aol.com
Email: trusteerose@aol.com

U.S. Trustee represented by Gerard R. Vetter

US Trustee - Greenbelt, 11 DOJ-Ust
6305 Ivy Lane, Suite 600 101 W. Lombard Street
Greenbelt, MD 20770 Suite 2625
Email: USTPRegion04.GB.ECF@USDOJ.GOV .
Baltimore, MD 21201
Fax : 410-244-7201
Email: gerard.r.vetter@usdoj.gov

Filing Date # Docket Text

1 Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition. Fee Amount $299 Filed by Keith J. Burgess.

(3 pgs) Section 521(i)(1) Incomplete Filing date: 08/2/2010. (Gins, Richard)
06/16/2010 Modified on 6/17/2010 (McKenna, S). (Entered: 06/16/2010)

06/16/2010 2 Receipt of filing fee for Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7)(10-23525)

[misc,volp7a] ( 299.00). Receipt number 13736116. Fee amount 299.00
(re: Doc # 1) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 06/16/2010)

12 Meeting of Creditors & Notice of Appointment of Interim Trustee Cheryl

(9 pgs; 8 docs) E. Rose with 341(a) meeting to be held on 07/13/2010 at 02:00 PM at 341
meeting rooms, Sixth Floor, Greenbelt. Objections for Discharge due by
09/13/2010. Financial Management Course due by 08/27/2010. (Entered:
06/16/2010 06/16/2010)

3 Amended Voluntary Petition First Petition was incorrect Client Filed by

06/16/2010 (3 pgs) Richard H. Gins. (Gins, Richard) (Entered: 06/16/2010)

4 Support Document Matrix Filed by Richard H. Gins. (Gins, Richard)

06/16/2010 (3 pgs) (Entered: 06/16/2010)

5 Certificate of Credit Counseling AND EXHIBIT D on Behalf of Keith J.

(3 pgs; 2 docs) Burgess Filed by Richard H. Gins. (Attachments: 1 Supplement Credit
Counseling Certificate) (Gins, Richard) CORRECTIVE ENTRY:
DOCKETING TEXT ENHANCED. Modified on 6/17/2010 (McKenna,
06/16/2010 S). (Entered: 06/16/2010)

6 Statement Under Penalty of Perjury Re: Payment Advices on behalf of

(1 pg) Keith J. Burgess Filed by Richard H. Gins. (Gins, Richard) (Entered:
06/16/2010 06/16/2010)

7 Social Security Number Verification Page on behalf of Keith J. Burgess

06/16/2010 Filed by Richard H. Gins. (Gins, Richard) (Entered: 06/16/2010)

8 Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor Filed by Richard H.

06/16/2010 (2 pgs) Gins. (Gins, Richard) (Entered: 06/16/2010)

9 Schedule D on behalf of Keith J. Burgess, Schedule E on behalf of Keith J.

(10 pgs; 2 docs) Burgess, Schedule F on behalf of Keith J. Burgess, Declaration re: Filed
by Richard H. Gins. (Attachments: 1 Supplement Declaration of
06/16/2010 schedules) (Gins, Richard) (Entered: 06/16/2010)

10 Notice of Deadline for Filing Missing Documents and Warning of Possible

(2 pgs; 2 docs) Dismissal. Schedule A due 6/30/2010. Schedule B due 6/30/2010.
Schedule C due 6/30/2010. Schedule G due 6/30/2010. Schedule H due
6/30/2010. Schedule I due 6/30/2010. Schedule J due 6/30/2010.
Statement of Financial Affairs due 6/30/2010. Summary of schedules due
6/30/2010.Statement of Current Monthly Income and Means Test for 22A
due: 6/30/2010. Creditor Mailing Matrix Verification due by 6/30/2010.
06/17/2010 Incomplete Filings due 6/30/2010 (McKenna, S) (Entered: 06/17/2010)

11 Notice of Deadline for Filing Statement of Intention. Statement of Intent

06/17/2010 (2 pgs; 2 docs) due 7/19/2010. (McKenna, S) (Entered: 06/17/2010)

13 BNC Certificate of Mailing - Meeting of Creditors. This document shows

(3 pgs) ONLY the persons noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional
persons noticed by the Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are
viewed by clicking the silver ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING
PLEADING (related document(s)12 Meeting of Creditors Chapter 7). No.
06/19/2010 of Notices: 19. Service Date 06/19/2010. (Admin.) (Entered: 06/20/2010)

06/19/2010 14 BNC Certificate of Mailing - Notice of Requirement to Complete

(2 pgs) Financial Management Course. This document shows ONLY the persons
noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional persons noticed by the
Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are viewed by clicking the silver
ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING PLEADING (related document(s)12
Meeting of Creditors Chapter 7). No. of Notices: 2. Service Date
06/19/2010. (Admin.) (Entered: 06/20/2010)

15 BNC Certificate of Mailing. This document shows ONLY the persons

(2 pgs) noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional persons noticed by the
Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are viewed by clicking the silver
ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING PLEADING (related document(s)10
Notice of Deadline for Filing Missing Documents). No. of Notices: 1.
06/19/2010 Service Date 06/19/2010. (Admin.) (Entered: 06/20/2010)

16 BNC Certificate of Mailing - Notice of Requirement to Comply with E-

(2 pgs) Government Act of 2002. This document shows ONLY the persons noticed
by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional persons noticed by the Clerk by
electronic means using CM/ECF are viewed by clicking the silver ball
NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING PLEADING (related document(s)12
Meeting of Creditors Chapter 7). No. of Notices: 22. Service Date
06/19/2010 06/19/2010. (Admin.) (Entered: 06/20/2010)

17 BNC Certificate of Mailing - Notice to Debtors of General

(2 pgs) Responsibilities. This document shows ONLY the persons noticed by the
Clerk by paper mailing. Additional persons noticed by the Clerk by
electronic means using CM/ECF are viewed by clicking the silver ball
NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING PLEADING (related document(s)12
Meeting of Creditors Chapter 7). No. of Notices: 1. Service Date
06/19/2010 06/19/2010. (Admin.) (Entered: 06/20/2010)

18 BNC Certificate of Mailing. This document shows ONLY the persons

(2 pgs) noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional persons noticed by the
Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are viewed by clicking the silver
ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING PLEADING (related document(s)11
Notice of Deadline for Filing Statement of Intention). No. of Notices: 1.
06/19/2010 Service Date 06/19/2010. (Admin.) (Entered: 06/20/2010)

19 Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice Filed by The Washington

06/23/2010 (2 pgs) Savings Bank, F.S.B.. (Diamond, Cindy) (Entered: 06/23/2010)

20 Motion for Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion Re: 5707 Wainwright
(15 pgs; 5 docs) Ave., Rockville, MD 20851. Fee Amount $150, Notice Served on
6/28/2010, Filed by AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC. Objections due by
07/15/2010. Hearing scheduled for 07/22/2010 at 10:00 AM - Courtroom
3-C. (Attachments: 1 Notice of Motion 2 Exhibit A3 Exhibit B4 Exhibit C)
06/28/2010 (Brown, Kristine) (Entered: 06/28/2010)

21 Receipt of filing fee for Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion(10-23525)
[motion,mrlfntc] ( 150.00). Receipt number 13814017. Fee amount 150.00
06/28/2010 (re: Doc # 20) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 06/28/2010)

06/29/2010 (2 pgs; 2 docs) Returned Mail. (Yalley, J) (Entered: 06/29/2010)

06/30/2010 23 Schedule A on behalf of Keith J. Burgess, Schedule B on behalf of Keith J.

(15 pgs) Burgess, Schedule C on behalf of Keith J. Burgess, Schedule G on behalf
of Keith J. Burgess, Schedule H on behalf of Keith J. Burgess, Schedule I
on behalf of Keith J. Burgess, Schedule J on behalf of Keith J. Burgess,
Declaration re: Declaration of schedules Filed by Richard H. Gins. (Gins,
Richard) (Entered: 06/30/2010)

24 Summary of Schedules on behalf of Keith J. Burgess, Support Document

(2 pgs) Statisticla Summary Filed by Richard H. Gins. (Gins, Richard) (Entered:
06/30/2010 06/30/2010)

25 Statement of Financial Affairs on behalf of Keith J. Burgess Filed by

06/30/2010 (10 pgs) Richard H. Gins. (Gins, Richard) (Entered: 06/30/2010)

26 Statement of Intent on behalf of Keith J. Burgess Filed by Richard H.

06/30/2010 (10 pgs) Gins. (Gins, Richard) (Entered: 06/30/2010)

27 Declaration re: Derclaration of Schedules Filed by Richard H. Gins

(1 pg) (related document(s)23 Schedule A - Real Property filed by Debtor Keith
J. Burgess, Schedule B - Personal Property, Schedule C, Schedule G,
Schedule H, Schedule I - Average Income, Schedule J - Current
06/30/2010 Expenditures, Declaration). (Gins, Richard) (Entered: 06/30/2010)

28 No Presumption of Abuse. Chapter 7 Statement of Current Monthly

(8 pgs) Income and Means Test Calculation - Form 22A on Behalf of Keith J.
Burgess Filed by Richard H. Gins (related document(s)10 Notice of
Deadline for Filing Missing Documents). (Gins, Richard) (Entered:
06/30/2010 06/30/2010)

29 Support Document Verification of Matrix Filed by Richard H. Gins

(1 pg) (related document(s)4 Support Document filed by Debtor Keith J.
06/30/2010 Burgess). (Gins, Richard) (Entered: 06/30/2010)

30 Motion for Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion Re: 5114 Bradley
(10 pgs; 4 docs) Boulevard, Chevy Chase, MD 20815. Fee Amount $150, Notice Served on
7/1/2010, Filed by PNC Mortgage, a Division of PNC Bank, N.A..
Objections due by 07/19/2010. Hearing scheduled for 07/29/2010 at 10:00
AM - Courtroom 3-C. (Attachments: 1 Notice of Motion 2 Deed of Trust3
07/01/2010 Payment History) (Devan, Mark) (Entered: 07/01/2010)

31 Receipt of filing fee for Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion(10-23525)
[motion,mrlfntc] ( 150.00). Receipt number 13841025. Fee amount 150.00
07/01/2010 (re: Doc # 30) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 07/01/2010)

32 BNC Certificate of Mailing. This document shows ONLY the persons

(2 pgs) noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional persons noticed by the
Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are viewed by clicking the silver
ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING PLEADING (related document(s)22
Returned Mail). No. of Notices: 1. Service Date 07/01/2010. (Admin.)
07/01/2010 (Entered: 07/02/2010)

33 Motion for Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion Re: 301 Broadwood
(18 pgs; 4 docs) Drive, Rockville, MD 20851. Fee Amount $150, Notice Served on
7/2/2010, Filed by Wells Fargo Bank, NA. Objections due by 07/19/2010.
Hearing scheduled for 07/29/2010 at 10:00 AM - Courtroom 3-C.
(Attachments: 1 Notice of Motion 2 Exhibit Deed3 Exhibit Note) (Brown,
07/02/2010 Kristine) (Entered: 07/02/2010)
34 Receipt of filing fee for Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion(10-23525)
[motion,mrlfntc] ( 150.00). Receipt number 13852940. Fee amount 150.00
07/06/2010 (re: Doc # 33) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 07/06/2010)

35 Trustee's Notice of Assets & Request for Notice to Creditors & Request to
(1 pg) Set Claims Bar Date Filed by Cheryl E. Rose. (Rose, Cheryl) (Entered:
07/09/2010 07/09/2010)

36 Application to Employ Cheryl E. Rose, Esq. as Attorney to Trustee and

(6 pgs; 3 docs) Verified Statement of Proposed Party Filed by Cheryl E. Rose.
(Attachments: 1 Affidavit Cheryl E. Rose, Esq.2 Proposed Order) (Rose,
07/09/2010 Cheryl) (Entered: 07/09/2010)

37 Response on behalf of Cheryl E. Rose Filed by Cheryl E. Rose (related

(3 pgs) document(s)30 Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion filed by Creditor
PNC Mortgage, a Division of PNC Bank, N.A.). (Rose, Cheryl) (Entered:
07/09/2010 07/09/2010)

38 Response on behalf of Cheryl E. Rose Filed by Cheryl E. Rose (related

(3 pgs) document(s)33 Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion filed by Creditor
07/09/2010 Wells Fargo Bank, NA). (Rose, Cheryl) (Entered: 07/09/2010)

39 Consent Motion for Relief from Stay Re: 5707 Wainwright Avenue,
(2 pgs) Rockville, MD Filed by Cheryl E. Rose. (Rose, Cheryl) Modified on
7/12/2010 (Aure-Spivey, L). CORRECTIVE ENTRY: INCORRECT
07/09/2010 07/09/2010)

40 Application to Employ Andrew A. Werner, Jr. as Real Estate Agent to

(6 pgs; 3 docs) Trustee and Verified Statement of Proposed Party Filed by Cheryl E. Rose.
(Attachments: 1 Affidavit Andrew A. Werner, Jr.2 Proposed Order) (Rose,
07/09/2010 Cheryl) (Entered: 07/09/2010)

42 Consent on behalf of Cheryl E. Rose Filed by Cheryl E. Rose (related

(2 pgs) document(s)20 Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion filed by Creditor
AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC). (Aure-Spivey, L) (Entered:
07/09/2010 07/12/2010)

41 Notice of Need to File Proof of Claim Due to Recovery of Assets Issued.

(2 pgs; 2 docs) Proofs of Claims due by 10/12/2010. (Aure-Spivey, L) (Entered:
07/12/2010 07/12/2010)

Hearing Set On (related document(s)37 Response filed by Trustee Cheryl

E. Rose, 38 Response filed by Trustee Cheryl E. Rose). Hearing scheduled
for 7/29/2010 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 3-C, Greenbelt - Judge Lipp.
07/12/2010 (Aure-Spivey, L) (Entered: 07/12/2010)

Hearing Set On (related document(s)42 Consent filed by Trustee Cheryl E.

Rose). Hearing scheduled for 7/22/2010 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 3-C,
07/12/2010 Greenbelt - Judge Lipp. (Aure-Spivey, L) (Entered: 07/12/2010)

Meeting of Creditors Held and Disposition Pending (Rose, Cheryl)

07/14/2010 (Entered: 07/14/2010)
43 Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice Filed by Virginia Commerce
07/14/2010 (1 pg) Bank. (Levine, Jonathan) (Entered: 07/14/2010)

44 BNC Certificate of Mailing. This document shows ONLY the persons

(5 pgs) noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional persons noticed by the
Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are viewed by clicking the silver
ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING PLEADING (related document(s)41
Notice of Bar Date). No. of Notices: 21. Service Date 07/14/2010.
07/14/2010 (Admin.) (Entered: 07/15/2010)

07/20/2010 (2 pgs; 2 docs) Returned Mail. (Litschgi, K) (Entered: 07/20/2010)

Disposition Without Hearing: re: 20 Relief from Stay and Notice of

(related document(s) 20 Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion, 42
07/22/2010 Consent ) (Ward, S) (Entered: 07/22/2010)

46 BNC Certificate of Mailing. This document shows ONLY the persons

(2 pgs) noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional persons noticed by the
Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are viewed by clicking the silver
ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING PLEADING (related document(s)45
Returned Mail). No. of Notices: 1. Service Date 07/22/2010. (Admin.)
07/22/2010 (Entered: 07/23/2010)

47 Notice of Continuance of Hearing Re: 5117 Bradley Boulevard, Chevy

(2 pgs) Chase, MD Filed by PNC Mortgage, a Division of PNC Bank, N.A.
(related document(s)30 Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion filed by
Creditor PNC Mortgage, a Division of PNC Bank, N.A.). Hearing
scheduled for 8/19/2010 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 3-C, Greenbelt - Judge
07/28/2010 Lipp. (Devan, Mark) (Entered: 07/28/2010)

48 Notice of Continuance of Hearing Filed by Wells Fargo Bank, NA (related

(3 pgs) document(s)33 Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion filed by Creditor
Wells Fargo Bank, NA). Hearing scheduled for 9/2/2010 at 10:00 AM at
Courtroom 3-C, Greenbelt - Judge Lipp. (Brown, Kristine) (Entered:
07/28/2010 07/28/2010)

Hearing Set On (related document(s)30 Relief from Stay and Notice of

Motion filed by Creditor PNC Mortgage, a Division of PNC Bank, N.A.,
37 Response filed by Trustee Cheryl E. Rose). Hearing scheduled for
8/19/2010 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 3-C, Greenbelt - Judge Lipp. (Aure-
07/29/2010 Spivey, L) (Entered: 07/29/2010)

Hearing Set On (related document(s)33 Relief from Stay and Notice of

Motion filed by Creditor Wells Fargo Bank, NA, 38 Response filed by
Trustee Cheryl E. Rose). Hearing scheduled for 9/2/2010 at 10:00 AM at
Courtroom 3-C, Greenbelt - Judge Lipp. (Aure-Spivey, L) (Entered:
07/29/2010 07/29/2010)

49 Order Lifting Automatic Stay (related document(s):20 Motion for Relief

(4 pgs; 2 docs) from Stay Re: 5707 Wainwright Ave., Rockville, MD 20851 and Notice of
Motion filed by Creditor AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC). (Aure-
07/30/2010 Spivey, L) (Entered: 07/30/2010)
50 Notice of Continuance of Meeting of Creditors Filed by Keith J. Burgess.
(1 pg) 341(a) meeting to be held on 8/4/2010 at 03:00 PM at 341 meeting room
6th Floor at 6305 Ivy Ln., Greenbelt. (Gins, Richard) (Entered:
07/30/2010 07/30/2010)

51 Consent Motion to Extend Time to Object to Discharge Filed by Keith J.

(4 pgs; 2 docs) Burgess. (Attachments: 1 Proposed Order) (Gins, Richard) (Entered:
07/30/2010 07/30/2010)

52 BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. This document shows

(4 pgs) ONLY the persons noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional
persons noticed by the Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are
viewed by clicking the silver ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING
PLEADING (related document(s)49 Order on Motion For Relief From
Stay). No. of Notices: 1. Service Date 08/01/2010. (Admin.) (Entered:
08/01/2010 08/02/2010)

53 Order Authorizing Employment of Cheryl E. Rose, Esq. as Counsel For

(3 pgs; 2 docs) Trustee(related document(s):36 Application to Employ Cheryl E. Rose,
Esq. as Attorney to Trustee and Verified Statement of Proposed Party Filed
08/02/2010 by Cheryl E. Rose). (Aure-Spivey, L) (Entered: 08/02/2010)

54 Order Authorizing Trustee to Employ Real Estate Agent Andrew A.

(3 pgs; 2 docs) Werner, Jr. and Remax Realty Group (related document(s):40 Application
to Employ Andrew A. Werner, Jr. as Real Estate Agent to Trustee and
Verified Statement of Proposed Party Filed by Cheryl E. Rose). (Aure-
08/02/2010 Spivey, L) (Entered: 08/02/2010)

55 Order Granting Consent Motion to Extend Deadline to File Complaints

(2 pgs; 2 docs) Objecting to Discharge (related document(s):51 Consent Motion to Extend
Time to Object to Discharge filed by Debtor Keith J. Burgess). Last day to
08/03/2010 oppose discharge is 11/12/2010. (Aure-Spivey, L) (Entered: 08/03/2010)

56 Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice Filed by Jeffery Katz.

08/03/2010 (1 pg) (Johnston, Matthew) (Entered: 08/03/2010)

57 BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. This document shows

(3 pgs) ONLY the persons noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional
persons noticed by the Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are
viewed by clicking the silver ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING
PLEADING (related document(s)53 Order on Application to Employ). No.
08/04/2010 of Notices: 2. Service Date 08/04/2010. (Admin.) (Entered: 08/05/2010)

58 BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. This document shows

(3 pgs) ONLY the persons noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional
persons noticed by the Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are
viewed by clicking the silver ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING
PLEADING (related document(s)54 Order on Application to Employ). No.
08/04/2010 of Notices: 3. Service Date 08/04/2010. (Admin.) (Entered: 08/05/2010)
59 BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. This document shows
(2 pgs) ONLY the persons noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional
persons noticed by the Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are
viewed by clicking the silver ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING
PLEADING (related document(s)55 Order on Motion to Extend Time to
Object to Discharge). No. of Notices: 28. Service Date 08/05/2010.
08/05/2010 (Admin.) (Entered: 08/06/2010)

The Debtor(s) is/are certified as having complied with all filing

requirements of 11 U.S.C. sec. 521(a)(1), with the exception of
subparagraph 521(a)(1)(B)(iv), which is not filed with the Court pursuant
08/09/2010 to Administrative Order 05-04. (Aure-Spivey, L) (Entered: 08/09/2010)

60 Second Notice of Requirement to Complete Course in Financial

08/12/2010 (2 pgs; 2 docs) Management. (admin) (Entered: 08/12/2010)

61 BNC Certificate of Mailing. This document shows ONLY the persons

(2 pgs) noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional persons noticed by the
Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are viewed by clicking the silver
ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING PLEADING (related document(s)60
Notice of Requirement to Complete Course in Financial Management).
No. of Notices: 1. Service Date 08/14/2010. (Admin.) (Entered:
08/14/2010 08/15/2010)

Disposition Without Hearing: re: 30 Relief from Stay and Notice of

document(s) 30 Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion, 37 Response )
08/19/2010 (Ward, S) (Entered: 08/20/2010)

62 Consent Order For Relief From Stay as to Property Known as 5114

(4 pgs; 2 docs) Bradley Boulevard, Chevy Chase, MD (related document(s):30 Motion for
Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion Re: 5114 Bradley Boulevard,
Chevy Chase, MD 20815 filed by Creditor PNC Mortgage, a Division of
08/26/2010 PNC Bank, N.A.). (Aure-Spivey, L) (Entered: 08/26/2010)

63 BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. This document shows

(4 pgs) ONLY the persons noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional
persons noticed by the Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are
viewed by clicking the silver ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING
PLEADING (related document(s)62 Order on Motion For Relief From
Stay). No. of Notices: 1. Service Date 08/28/2010. (Admin.) (Entered:
08/28/2010 09/02/2010)

Disposition Without Hearing: re: 33 Relief from Stay and Notice of

(related document(s) 33 Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion, 38
09/02/2010 Response ) (Ward, S) (Entered: 09/02/2010)

64 Consent Order Granting Relief From Automatic Stay (related

(4 pgs; 2 docs) document(s):33 Motion for Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion Re: 301
Broadwood Drive, Rockville, MD 20851 filed by Creditor Wells Fargo
09/08/2010 Bank, NA). (Aure-Spivey, L) (Entered: 09/08/2010)

65 Creditor Request for Notices on behalf of Barron's Enterprises, Inc. Filed

09/08/2010 (2 pgs) by Barron's Enterprises, Inc. . (Aure-Spivey, L) (Entered: 09/09/2010)
66 BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. This document shows
(4 pgs) ONLY the persons noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional
persons noticed by the Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are
viewed by clicking the silver ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING
PLEADING (related document(s) 64 Order on Motion For Relief From
Stay). No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 09/10/2010. (Admin.) (Entered:
09/10/2010 09/13/2010)

67 Financial Management Course Certificate Filed on Behalf of Keith J.

(2 pgs; 2 docs) Burgess Filed by Richard H. Gins. (Attachments: # 1 Financial
09/20/2010 management certifcate) (Gins, Richard) (Entered: 09/20/2010)

68 Application to Compromise Controversy with Debtor, Filed by Cheryl E.

(6 pgs; 3 docs) Rose. (Attachments: # 1 Notice of Motion # 2 Proposed Order) (Rose,
10/28/2010 Cheryl) (Entered: 10/28/2010)

Meeting of Creditors Held and Disposition Pending . (Rose, Cheryl)

10/28/2010 (Entered: 10/28/2010)

69 Amended Schedules filed: Schedule F, on Behalf of Keith J. Burgess. Fee

(7 pgs; 2 docs) Amount $26, Declaration re: Declaration of schedules, Summary of
Schedules on behalf of Keith J. Burgess, Support Document Filed by
Richard H. Gins. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Service) (Gins, Richard)
11/04/2010 (Entered: 11/04/2010)

70 Receipt of filing fee for Amended Schedules(10-23525) [misc,amdscha] (

26.00). Receipt number 14837895. Fee amount 26.00 (U.S. Treasury)
11/04/2010 (Entered: 11/04/2010)

71 Notice Of Substitution Of Counsel And Notice Of Appearance And

(3 pgs) Request For Notices And Service Of Papers Filed by Jeffery Katz (related
document(s)56 Notice of Appearance filed by Creditor Jeffery Katz).
11/04/2010 (Gerald, Stephen) (Entered: 11/04/2010)

72 Deficiency Notice (related document(s)69 Amended Schedules filed by

(1 pg) Debtor Keith J. Burgess, Declaration, Summary of Schedules, Support
Document). [missing matrix and certificate of service on notice of meeting
of creditors] Cured Pleading due by 11/19/2010. (Aure-Spivey, L)
11/05/2010 (Entered: 11/05/2010)

73 BNC Certificate of Mailing. This document shows ONLY the persons

(3 pgs) noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional persons noticed by the
Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are viewed by clicking the silver
ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING PLEADING (related document(s) 72
Deficiency Notice). No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 11/07/2010. (Admin.)
11/07/2010 (Entered: 11/08/2010)

11/15/2010 (2 pgs) Order Discharging Debtor (Admin.) (Entered: 11/15/2010)

75 Objection on behalf of Jeffery Katz Filed by Stephen B. Gerald (related

(42 pgs; 3 docs) document(s)68 Application to Compromise Controversy filed by Trustee
Cheryl E. Rose). (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B) (Gerald,
11/17/2010 Stephen) (Entered: 11/17/2010)
76 BNC Certificate of Mailing - Order of Discharge. This document shows
(5 pgs) ONLY the persons noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional
persons noticed by the Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are
viewed by clicking the silver ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING
PLEADING (related document(s) 74 Order Discharging Debtor). No. of
11/17/2010 Notices: 30. Notice Date 11/17/2010. (Admin.) (Entered: 11/18/2010)

77 Opposition on behalf of Virginia Commerce Bank Filed by Jonathan E.

(17 pgs; 4 docs) Levine (related document(s)68 Application to Compromise Controversy
filed by Trustee Cheryl E. Rose). (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Note# 2
Exhibit Deed of Trust# 3 Exhibit Payment History) (Levine, Jonathan)
11/18/2010 (Entered: 11/18/2010)

78 Order Striking Pleading for Failure of Party to Comply with Required

(1 pg) Filing Procedures (related document(s)69 Amended Schedules filed:
Schedule F, on Behalf of Keith J. Burgess. Declaration re: Declaration of
schedules, Summary of Schedules on behalf of Keith J. Burgess, Support
Document Filed by Richard H. Gins). (Aure-Spivey, L) (Entered:
11/24/2010 11/24/2010)

79 BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. This document shows

(4 pgs) ONLY the persons noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional
persons noticed by the Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are
viewed by clicking the silver ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING
PLEADING (related document(s) 78 Order Striking Deficient Pleading or
Document). No. of Notices: 37. Notice Date 11/26/2010. (Admin.)
11/26/2010 (Entered: 11/27/2010)

80 Amendment to List of Creditors. Support Document Amended Verification

(2 pgs) Filed by Richard H. Gins (related document: 72 Deficiency Notice). (Gins,
11/29/2010 Richard) (Entered: 11/29/2010)

81 Notice of Hearing (related document(s)68 Application to Compromise

(1 pg) Controversy filed by Trustee Cheryl E. Rose, 75 Objection filed by
Creditor Jeffery Katz, 77 Opposition filed by Creditor Virginia Commerce
Bank). Hearing scheduled for 1/12/2011 at 02:30 PM at Courtroom 3-C,
12/03/2010 Greenbelt - Judge Lipp. (DeGrouchy, L) (Entered: 12/03/2010)

82 BNC Certificate of Mailing - Hearing. This document shows ONLY the

(3 pgs) persons noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional persons noticed
by the Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are viewed by clicking
the silver ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING PLEADING (related
document(s) 81 Notice of Hearing). No. of Notices: 9. Notice Date
12/05/2010 12/05/2010. (Admin.) (Entered: 12/06/2010)

83 Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice on behalf of Colonial

(2 pgs) Distributors, Inc. Filed by Lawrence S. Jacobs. (Jacobs, Lawrence)
12/07/2010 (Entered: 12/07/2010)

01/05/2011 84 Affidavit of Default on behalf of PNC Mortgage, a Division of PNC Bank,

(2 pgs) N.A. as to Property Known as 5114 Bradley Boulevard, Chevy Chase, MD
Filed by Mark S. Devan (related document(s)62 Consent Order For Relief
From Stay as to Property Known as 5114 Bradley Boulevard, Chevy
Chase, MD (related document(s):30 Motion for Relief from Stay and
Notice of Motion Re: 5114 Bradley Boulevard, Chevy Chase, MD 20815
filed by Creditor PNC Mortgage, a Division of PNC Bank, N.A.). (Devan,
Mark) Modified on 1/6/2011 (Aure-Spivey, Lia). CORRECTIVE ENTRY:

85 Line Withdrawing Opposition on behalf of Virginia Commerce Bank Filed

(1 pg) by Jonathan E. Levine (related document(s)68 Application to Compromise
Controversy filed by Trustee Cheryl E. Rose). (Levine, Jonathan)
Modified on 1/13/2011 (Aure-Spivey, Lia). CORRECITVE ENTRY:
01/12/2011 ENTRY. (Entered: 01/12/2011)

86 Order to Approve Compromise for Debtor to Pay Non-Exempt Equity in

(2 pgs) Property to the Estate (related document(s):68 Application to Compromise
Controversy with Debtor, Filed by Cheryl E. Rose). (Aure-Spivey, Lia)
01/12/2011 (Entered: 01/12/2011)

87 Withdrawal of Document on behalf of Virginia Commerce Bank Filed by

(1 pg) Virginia Commerce Bank (related document(s)77 Opposition filed by
Creditor Virginia Commerce Bank). (Aure-Spivey, Lia) (Entered:
01/12/2011 01/13/2011)

88 Hearing Held (related document(s)68 Application to Compromise

(1 pg) Controversy filed by Trustee Cheryl E. Rose, 75 Objection filed by
Creditor Jeffery Katz, 77 Opposition filed by Creditor Virginia Commerce
01/12/2011 Bank). Motion Granted. (Aure-Spivey, Lia) (Entered: 01/13/2011)

89 BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. This document shows

(4 pgs) ONLY the persons noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional
persons noticed by the Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are
viewed by clicking the silver ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING
PLEADING (related document(s) 86 Order on Application to Compromise
Controversy). No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 01/14/2011. (Admin.)
01/14/2011 (Entered: 01/15/2011)

90 Order to Approve Compromise For Debtor to Pay Non-Exempt Equity in

(2 pgs) Property to the Estate (related document(s):68 Application to Compromise
Controversy with Debtor and Trustee Filed by Cheryl E. Rose). (Aure-
Spivey, Lia) Additional attachment(s) added on 3/8/2011 (Aure-Spivey,
Lia). Modified on 3/8/2011 (Aure-Spivey, Lia). CORRECTIVE ENTRY:
02/23/2011 THIS ORDER IS VACATED. SEE 92. (Entered: 02/23/2011)

91 BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. This document shows

(4 pgs) ONLY the persons noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional
persons noticed by the Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are
viewed by clicking the silver ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING
PLEADING (related document(s) 90 Order on Application to Compromise
Controversy). No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 02/25/2011. (Admin.)
02/25/2011 (Entered: 02/26/2011)

92 Order Vacating Order Improvidently Entered. (related document(s)90

(1 pg) Order to Approve Compromise For Debtor to Pay Non-Exempt Equity in
Property to the Estate (related document(s):68 Application to Compromise
Controversy with Debtor and Trustee Filed by Cheryl E. Rose). (Aure-
03/08/2011 Spivey, Lia) (Entered: 03/08/2011)

03/10/2011 93 BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. This document shows

(3 pgs) ONLY the persons noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional
persons noticed by the Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are
viewed by clicking the silver ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING
PLEADING (related document(s) 92 Order Vacating Order). No. of
Notices: 1. Notice Date 03/10/2011. (Admin.) (Entered: 03/11/2011)

94 Amended Schedules filed: Schedule A, Schedule D, Schedule F, on Behalf

(12 pgs; 4 docs) of Keith J. Burgess. Fee Amount $26, Summary of Schedules on behalf of
Keith J. Burgess, Support Document, Declaration re:, Certificate of
Service Filed by Richard H. Gins. (Attachments: # 1 Summary of
Schedules and Statistical Summary# 2 Declaration of Schedules# 3
05/16/2011 Certificate of Service) (Gins, Richard) (Entered: 05/16/2011)

95 Receipt of filing fee for Amended Schedules(10-23525) [misc,amdscha] (

26.00). Receipt number 16541939. Fee amount 26.00 (U.S. Treasury)
05/16/2011 (Entered: 05/16/2011)

96 Application to Compromise Controversy with Debtor, Filed by Cheryl E.

(6 pgs; 3 docs) Rose. (Attachments: # 1 Notice of Motion # 2 Proposed Order) (Rose,
05/16/2011 Cheryl) (Entered: 05/16/2011)

97 Order to Approve Compromise for Debtor to Pay Non-Exempt Equity in

(2 pgs) Real Property to the Estate (related document(s):96 Application to
Compromise Controversy filed by Trustee Cheryl E. Rose). (Johnson,
06/15/2011 Michael) (Entered: 06/15/2011)

98 BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. This document shows

(4 pgs) ONLY the persons noticed by the Clerk by paper mailing. Additional
persons noticed by the Clerk by electronic means using CM/ECF are
viewed by clicking the silver ball NEXT TO THE UNDERLYING
PLEADING (related document(s) 97 Order on Application to Compromise
Controversy). No. of Notices: 2. Notice Date 06/17/2011. (Admin.)
06/17/2011 (Entered: 06/18/2011)

99 Notice of Intent to Abandon Property identified as Pending lawsuit in the

(4 pgs; 2 docs) District Court of Maryland for Anne Arundel County, Burgess v. Stoll,
Case No.: 0702-0003748-2011. Filed by Cheryl E. Rose. (Attachments: #
01/06/2012 1 Mailing Matrix) (Rose, Cheryl) (Entered: 01/06/2012)

100 Application to Employ James H. Brandon, CPA as Account to Estate and

(7 pgs; 4 docs) Verified Statement of Proposed Party Filed by Cheryl E. Rose.
(Attachments: # 1 Affidavit James H. Brandon, CPA# 2 Proposed Order #
01/20/2012 3 Mailing Matrix) (Rose, Cheryl) (Entered: 01/20/2012)

101 Order Authorizing Employment of Accountant James Brandon, CPA

(2 pgs) (related document(s):100 Application to Employ James H. Brandon, CPA
as Account to Estate and Verified Statement of Proposed Party Filed by
02/15/2012 Cheryl E. Rose). (Aure-Spivey, Lia) (Entered: 02/15/2012)

102 BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. (related document(s)101

(4 pgs) Order on Application to Employ). No. of Notices: 2. Notice Date
02/17/2012 02/17/2012. (Admin.) (Entered: 02/18/2012)

103 Trustee's Notice of Intent to Abandon Property identified as 315 Dunes

(4 pgs; 2 docs) Blvd., #1006, Naples, FL 34110 Filed by Cheryl E. Rose. (Attachments: #
1 Mailing Matrix)(Rose, Cheryl) Modified on 6/29/2012 (Aure-Spivey,
06/28/2012 Lia). (Entered: 06/28/2012)
104 Line on behalf of Keith J. Burgess Filed by Richard H. Gins. (Gins,
(1 pg) Richard) Modified on 9/19/2012 (Aure-Spivey, Lia). CORRECTIVE
09/19/2012 CORRECT ENTRY. (Entered: 09/19/2012)

105 Withdrawal of Claim(s): 13 filed on 11/5/10 in the amount of $203338.87

09/19/2012 (1 pg) Filed by Craig Strent . (Aure-Spivey, Lia) (Entered: 09/19/2012)

106 Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice Filed by Wells Fargo Bank,
09/26/2012 (3 pgs) NA. (Dyson, Renee) (Entered: 09/26/2012)

10/04/2012 (1 pg) Memo Re: Claim #5 . (Aure-Spivey, Lia) (Entered: 10/04/2012)

108 BNC Certificate of Mailing. (related document(s)107 Claims Memo). No.

10/06/2012 (3 pgs) of Notices: 2. Notice Date 10/06/2012. (Admin.) (Entered: 10/07/2012)

109 Trustee's Final Report and Account. Notice Served on 12/20/12. Filed by
(22 pgs; 2 docs) Cheryl E. Rose. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Distribution)(Rose, Cheryl)
12/20/2012 (Entered: 12/20/2012)

110 Application for Compensation for Cheryl E. Rose, Trustee Chapter 7,

(8 pgs; 3 docs) 7/5/2010 - 10/16/2012, Fee: $10751.89, Expenses: $733.53.. Filed by
Cheryl E. Rose. (Attachments: # 1 Trustee Timesheet# 2 Proposed Order)
12/20/2012 (Rose, Cheryl) (Entered: 12/20/2012)

111 Application for Compensation (Voluntarily reduced from $17,850) for

(15 pgs; 5 docs) Cheryl E. Rose, Trustee's Attorney, 8/2/2010 - 10/18/2012, Fee: $13500,
Expenses: $0.00.. Filed by Cheryl E. Rose. (Attachments: # 1 Ex A -
Bankruptcy Litigation Timesheet# 2 Ex B - Compromise Timesheet# 3 Ex
C - POC Timesheet# 4 Ex D - General Admin Timesheet) (Rose, Cheryl)
12/20/2012 (Entered: 12/20/2012)

112 Application to Destroy Books and Records Filed by Cheryl E. Rose.

12/20/2012 (2 pgs; 2 docs) (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Rose, Cheryl) (Entered: 12/20/2012)

113 Notice Filed by Cheryl E. Rose (related document(s)109 Trustee's Final

(6 pgs; 2 docs) Rpt/Acct-Asset filed by Trustee Cheryl E. Rose, 110 Application for
Compensation filed by Trustee Cheryl E. Rose, 111 Application for
Compensation filed by Trustee Cheryl E. Rose, 112 Application to Destroy
Books and Records filed by Trustee Cheryl E. Rose). (Attachments: # 1
12/20/2012 Certificate of Service) (Rose, Cheryl) (Entered: 12/20/2012)

114 The United States Trustee has reviewed the Chapter 7 Trustee's Final
Report, Application for Compensation and Application(s) for
Compensation of Professionals Filed by US Trustee - Greenbelt 11 (related
document(s)109 Trustee's Final Rpt/Acct-Asset filed by Trustee Cheryl E.
12/26/2012 Rose). (Vetter, Gerard) (Entered: 12/26/2012)

115 Motion for Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion Re: 315 Dunes Blvd
(37 pgs; 6 docs) Apt 1006 Naples, FL 34110. Fee Amount $176, Notice Served on
1/3/2013, Filed by The Bank of New York. Objections due by 01/22/2013.
Hearing scheduled for 01/31/2013 at 10:00 AM - Courtroom 3-C.
(Attachments: # 1 Notice of Motion # 2 Note# 3 Deed of Trust# 4 Deed of
01/03/2013 Trust Rider# 5 Assignment) (Roberts, Heather) (Entered: 01/03/2013)
116 Receipt of filing fee for Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion(10-23525)
[motion,mrlfntc] ( 176.00). Receipt number 20989877. Fee amount 176.00
01/03/2013 (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 01/03/2013)

117 Order Approving Application for Fees and Expenses (related document(s):
(2 pgs) 110 Application for Compensation filed by Trustee Cheryl E. Rose).
Granting for Cheryl E. Rose, fees awarded: $10751.89, expenses awarded:
$733.53, Granting Application For Compensation (related
document(s):111 Application for Compensation filed by Trustee Cheryl E.
Rose). Granting for Cheryl E. Rose, fees awarded: $13500.00, expenses
01/18/2013 awarded: $0.00. (Aure-Spivey, Lia) (Entered: 01/18/2013)

118 BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. (related document(s)117

(4 pgs) Order on Application for Compensation). No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date
01/20/2013 01/20/2013. (Admin.) (Entered: 01/21/2013)

Disposition Without Hearing: re: 115 Relief from Stay and Notice of
document(s) 115 Relief from Stay and Notice of Motion ) (Ward, Sophia)
01/31/2013 (Entered: 01/31/2013)

119 Order Lifting Automatic Stay (related document(s):115 RMotion for Relief
(3 pgs) from Stay and Notice of Motion Re: 315 Dunes Blvd Apt 1006 Naples, FL
34110. Filed by The Bank of New York.). (Migliore, Ashley) (Entered:
02/07/2013 02/07/2013)

120 BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. (related document(s)119

(5 pgs) Order on Motion For Relief From Stay). No. of Notices: 2. Notice Date
02/09/2013 02/09/2013. (Admin.) (Entered: 02/10/2013)

121 Trustee's Zero Bank Statement Filed by Cheryl E. Rose. (Attachments: # 1

05/01/2013 (22 pgs; 2 docs) Form 4)(Rose, Cheryl) (Entered: 05/01/2013)

The United States Trustee has reviewed the Chapter 7 Trustee's Final
Account, Certification that the Estate has been Fully Administered and
Application of Trustee to be Discharged. The United States Trustee does
not object to the relief requested. Filed by US Trustee - Greenbelt 11
(related document(s)121 Trustee's Zero Balance Report filed by Trustee
05/02/2013 Cheryl E. Rose). (Vetter, Gerard) (Entered: 05/02/2013)

122 Order Authorizing Destruction of Debtor's Books and Records (related

(1 pg) document(s):112 Application to Destroy Books and Records filed by
05/07/2013 Trustee Cheryl E. Rose). (Aure-Spivey, Lia) (Entered: 05/07/2013)

123 BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. (related document(s)122

(3 pgs) Application to Destroy Books and Records). No. of Notices: 1. Notice
05/09/2013 Date 05/09/2013. (Admin.) (Entered: 05/10/2013)

124 Final Decree and Close Bankruptcy Case . (Aure-Spivey, Lia) (Entered:
05/22/2013 (1 pg) 05/22/2013)
PACER Service Center
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