WCDMA RNP Coverage Planning
WCDMA RNP Coverage Planning
WCDMA RNP Coverage Planning
Content and flow of network planning Uplink budget and the meaning of its elements Downlink budget and the meaning of its elements
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 WCDMA Network Planning Flow Chapter 2 Uplink Budget Chapter 3 Downlink Budget Chapter 4 Coverage Enhancement Technology Chapter 5 Example of Link Budget
Section 1
Overview of Radio
Network Planning
Section 2
Concept of Huawei
Planning Flow
Network planning is oriented to select and plan proper network element (NE) equipment, finally output NEs number, NE configuration, and determine the connection mode between NEs based on network establishment, demands for network evolution and cost. All of these provided reference for further engineering implementation.
This training focuses on: radio network planning!
Core network (CN) planning Radio network planning Transport network planning
l Importance:
Equipment investment plays an important and sensitive role in mobile communication network construction. 3G network consists of radio access network, transport network and core network. Investment on radio access network accounts for more than 70% of the total investment on the entire mobile communication network. It mainly depends on the number of sites and station type configuration in the network, which are determined in radio network planning.
l Existing
How to plan a 3G radio network of high quality, low cost and strong competition?
The GSM system adopts cellular network structure and frequency planning to guarantee intra/inter-frequency interference and satisfy requirements for conversation quality.
system adopting
The capacity per WCDMA carrier wave is related to environment and neighbor cell interference and it is soft. Coverage capability of the WCDMA system is related to system load situation. The increase in system load will reduce coverage range. The WCDMA system supports multiple
In the GSM system, users supported can be calculated from carriers and timeslots if the interference meets the requirements.
services of different rate and QoS, including speech service. They have different coverage capacity. In the network planning, it is required to consider actual demands to bring system efficiency into full play with reasonable planning and radio resource management.
The GSM system provides a single speech voice. QoS index is determined and the design aim is relatively single.
Section 1
Overview of Radio
Network Planning
Section 2
Concept of Huawei
Radio Network
Radio network planning construction runs through the entire lifetime of the network. Early planning must consider demands for the subsequent development to reduce integrated network construction cost.
3G networks feature multiple service. Network resources should be allocated among services. Therefore, it is necessary to determine which service is profitable and its requirements for coverage quality, as well as plan cell radius and coverage schemes. During the early 3G network construction, targeting at high speed data service will waste lots of resources (such as too many sites) because there is no enough services.
The capacity of 3G radio networks is mainly restricted by interference. Reasonable parameter planning can reduce interference within and between cells, increase cell capacity and utilize limited resources to the greatest extent. Huawei realize reliable and efficient power control and radio resource management algorithm with a variety of actual test data and advanced simulation means, which are verified in many customer pilots globally. Besides, Huawei accumulates abundant experience.
Core services have an long-term effect on network development. Although they cannot make a profit in the short term, they can attract users and speed up service development, such as high speed data service. Therefore, optimize the quality of core service coverage in areas where it is available so as to present superiority of 3G radio network in service and performance and improve the operators brand.
Section 1
Overview of Radio
Network Planning
Section 2
Concept of Huawei
Planning Flow
l Radio
Network Estimation
Perform initial planning for future networks at the early project planning. Output the configuration and dimensioning of RAN NEs for early communication of projects and cost estimation in the process of making a contract.
l Radio
Network Preplanning
In the middle-stage project planning, perform farther detailed planning for future networks based on estimation output to determine more precise network dimensioning and theoretical site location. Output preplanning reports for project communication at the middle stage and cost estimation in the process of signing a contract.
In the later project planning, survey and verify all selected site on the spot to determine cell engineering parameters related to various types of network planning for engineering construction, according to outputs of preplanning. If they are greatly different from preplanning results, it is still required to verify cell parameters setting and planning effects through simulation. The output report is the final radio network planning scheme to guide engineering construction.
Input information
Output information
Input information
Output information
BS configuration
BS numbers
Input information
Output information
l Acquire construction cycle, economic cost and human resources cost
estimation. Methods: Select a proper propagation model, user mobility, distribution behavior, and traffic model.
l Estimate sites, cells, coverage area and capacity roughly required.
Coverage related
System dimensioning
Number of sites
System configuration
Coverage design
Capacity related
Quality related
Capacity design
Input data
Balance or not?
Satisfy or not?
Yes End !
determines the following parameters, including BS initial layout, BS theoretical location, BS location , antenna installation (height), network architecture, transmit power, antenna type, mounted height, direction and downtilt, transmit power and orthogonal factor of common and traffic channels, as well as cell scramble.
Coverage range under an unloaded condition
Radio network preplanning report
Site list
Noise test
Site survey
2G site or not
Site survey report
Confirm site conditions or not
No No
Site selection
Site survey No
System simulation
Noise test
Review Questions
1. How many processes are there in radio network planning? 2. What is the concept of Huawei radio network planning? 3. What is radio network preplanning oriented to? 4. What are output from radio network
Category of radio network planning Concept of Huawei radio network planning Difference between GSM and WCDMA radio network planning Main flows of radio network planning Input and output requirements for radio network preplanning
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 WCDMA Network Planning Flow Chapter 2 Uplink Budget Chapter 3 Downlink Budget Chapter 4 Coverage enhancement Technology
Relationship among WCDAM capacity, coverage and quality
Since the WCDMA system is self-interference, capacity, coverage and quality are closely related.
Capacity-coverage When the design load increases, capacity and interference increase but coverage decrease.
Capacity-quality Improve
environment correlation Site capacity Indoor coverage degree Coverage probability Propagation model Equipment performance
Specify area sites Specify area sites Required sites=Planning area/site coverage area
Link budget:
Estimate to system the loss certain by various affecting and signal coverage capacity acquire maximum propagation the link a under allowed
_U L
Shadow fading margin Mf
Combined duplexer
propagation of the
Algorithm Introduction
Uplink (Reverse) PL_UL=Pout_UE +Ga_BS+Ga_UE Lf_BS+Ga_SHO Mpc Mf MI Lp Lb S_BS PL_DL: downlink maximum propagation loss Pout_UE: maximum transmit power of BS traffic channel Lf_BS: feeder loss Ga_BS: BS antenna gain; Ga_UE: UE antenna gain Ga_SHO: soft handoff gain Mpc: fast power control margin Mf: slow fading margin (related to propagation environment) MI: interference margin (related to system design capacity) Lp: penetration loss of building (used when indoor coverage is required) Lb: body loss S_BS: sensitivity of the receiver (related to service and multipath conditions)
Max Power of TCH Body Loss Gain of UE Tx Antenna EIRP Gain of BS Rx Antenna Cable Loss Noise Figure (BS) EbvsNo Required (BS) Sensitivity of BS Receiver UL Cell Loading Interference Margin Background Noise Level
17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 13. 14. 15. 16.
Margin for Background Noise SHO Gain over Fast Fading Fast Fading Margin Minimum Required Penetration Loss Std. dev. of Slow Fading Edge coverage Probability Slow Fading Margin SHO Gain over Slow Fading Signal Strength
The maximum transmit power of the UE on each TCH usually refers to the rated total transmit power. In commercial networks, reasonably set this parameter during link budget, according to specifications on main commercial UEs on the market and operators suggestions Power level of UE TS 25.101 v3.7.0 2001-06 6.2.1 Power Class Nominal maximum output power 1 2 3 4 +33dBm +27dBm +24dBm +21dBm
Body loss for speech services is 3dB. Body loss for data services is 0dB because data services are mainly read and watched and the UE is faraway from the human body.
Usually suppose the antenna gain of the UE is 0dBi (receiving and transmitting are the same)
UE EIRP (dBm) = UE Tx Power (dBm) - Body Loss (dB) + Gain of UE Tx Antenna (dBi)
Kathrein 741790 Frequency range Polarization 1920~2170MHz Vertical 11dBi Vertical: 7 Fixed, 0 1387 mm 5kg
Include loss of all feeders and connectors between set top and antenna connector
Bottom jumper Connector Cable Top jumper Etc.
Loss except for cable loss is relatively fixed. Suppose the loss of the 0.8dB cable is about 2GHz.
7/8-inch cable 6.1dB / 100m 5/4-inch cable 4.5dB / 100m
Noise figure is an index to evaluate whether noise performance of the amplifier is good. It is expressed by NF and defined as the ratio of input Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) and output Signal-toNoise ratio (SNR) of the amplifier.
= -174 (dBm/Hz) + NF (dB) + 10lg(3.84MHz/1Hz) + EbvsNo required (dB) - 10lg[3.84MHz/Rb(kHz)] = -174 (dBm/Hz) + NF (dB) + 10lg[1000 * Rb (kHz)] + Eb/No (dB)
1 1+ 1 W 1 (EbvsNo ) j R j v j
Uplink load factor is an index of cell uplink load level. The higher the load factor is, the greater the uplink interference is. Uplink interference increases to an infinite value and the corresponding capacity is called limit capacity when uplink load nears 10%.
NoiseRise =
1 1 Lj
1 N
1 1 UL
Source of external electromagnetic interference: Radio transmitter GSM, microwave, radar and TV station) Autocar ignition Lightning
interference is -104dBm and the standard deviation is 2.9dB in 2GHz frequency band.
Suppose the noise floor of equipment (NodeB or UE) is X dBm and external interference power is Y dBm, external interference margin should be: Margin for Background Noise = 10log (10^(X /10 )+ 10^(Y /10 )) dBm- X dBm
SHO gain consists of the following two parts: Gain resulting from decreased demands for slow fading margin due to multiple irrelated SHO branches multicell gain SHO gain over link demodulation performancemacro diversity combining gain
SHO gain over fast fading refers to macro diversity combining gain.
Obtain this value through simulation and the typical value is 1.5dB.
In the link budget, the required demodulation performance of the receiver is estimated by the link-level simulation with the assumption of perfect power control. In the actual system, however, introduce imperfect factors to closed loop power control since transmit power at the transmitting end is limited.
Demodulate required signal strength correctly after considering various interference factors and performance deterioration factors can be understood as the sensitivity of the receiver in the running of actual networks.
Minimum Signal Strength Required = Sensitivity of Receiver (dBm) - Gain of Antenna (dBi) + Body Loss (dB) + Interference Margin (dB) + Margin for Background Noise (dB) - SHO Gain over fast fading (dB) + Fast Fading Margin (dB)
Indoor penetration loss is the difference of average signal strength outside the exterior wall close to the building and that on the first floor of the building.
Penetration loss is related to the specific building type and reference angle of electric wave. Suppose penetration loss follows logarithmic normal distribution in the link budget, adopt average value and standard deviation of penetration loss (logarithmic value).
Realize better indoor coverage adopting specific indoor coverage solutions instead of outdoor BS.
During actual commercial network construction, penetration loss margin is uniformly specified by operators to compare planning results of various manufacturers.
If the UE transmit power reaches the largest but path loss still cannot be overcome, this link is disconnected when the lowest received level is realized.
For the UE d away from the BS , its link interruption probability is:
Pr_ outage ( d ) = Pr{ P max _ UE PL ( d ) < S min } = Pr{ P max _ UE 10 lg( d ) < S min } = Pr{ P max _ UE S min 10 lg( d ) < } = Pr{ ( d ) < }
(d) = Pmax_UE S_min 10lg(d) it is physically the difference between the average value of path loss of the UE d away the BS and maximum path loss allowed to remain connection. Its average value takes zero and standard deviation takes to obey slow fading margin in logarithmic normal distribution.
SF( x, ) := dnorm ( x, 0 , )
0.8 0.7 0.6 SF_M ( x, 10) 0.5 SF_M ( x, 12) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1
0 x
0 x
Slow Fading Margin (dB) = NORMSINV (Edge Coverage Probability) Std. dev. of Slow Fading (dB)
As stated in the previous slide, SHO gain consists of the following two parts:
Gain resulting from decreased demands for slow fading margin due to multiple irrelated SHO branches multicell gain SHO gain over link demodulation performancemacro diversity combining gain
SHO gain over slow fading refers to multi-cell gain. Acquire this value through simulation.
Based on maximum path loss the link allows, calculate mid-value of path loss at the cell edge, considering Slow Fading Margin, SHO gain and Penetration Loss in the case of indoor coverage required to meet a certain edge/area coverage probability.
Path Loss (dB) = [ EiRP (dBm) - Minimum Signal Strength Required (dBm) ]- Penetration Loss (dB) - Slow Fading Margin (dB) + SHO Gain over Slow Fading (dB)
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 WCDMA Network Planning Flow Chapter 2 Uplink Budget Chapter 3 Downlink Budget Chapter 4 Coverage Enhancement Technology
Link budget:
system the loss certain by various affecting and signal coverage capacity to acquire maximum propagation the link a under allowed
Combined duplexer
propagation of the
Algorithm Introduction
Downlink (Forward)
PL_DL=Pout_BS Lf_BS+Ga_BS+Ga_UE +Ga_SHO Mpc Mf MI Lp Lb S_UE
PL_DL: downlink maximum propagation loss Pout_BS: maximum transmit power of BS traffic channel Lf_BS: feeder loss Ga_BS: BS antenna gain; Ga_UE: UE antenna gain Ga_SHO: soft handover gain Mpc: fast power control margin Mf: slow fading margin (related to propagation environment) MI: interference margin (related to system design capacity) Lp: penetration loss of the building (used when indoor coverage is required) Lb: body loss S_UE: sensitivity of UE receiver (related to service and multipath conditions
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11.
Max Power of TCH Cable Loss Gain of BS Tx Antenna EIRP Gain of UE Rx Antenna Body Loss Noise Figure (UE)
Margin for Background Noise SHO Gain over Fast Fading Fast Fading Margin Minimum Signal Strength Required Penetration Loss Std. dev. of Slow Fading Edge coverage Probability Slow Fading Margin SHO Gain over Slow Fading
Sensitivity of UE Receiver
DL Cell Loading Interference Margin
DL =
(1 j + i j ) (EbvsNo
vj W Rj
It has similar characteristics with uplink cell loading, such as The higher downlink cell loading is, the greater cell transmit power is and the higher the interference at the receiving end is. The corresponding capacity is called downlink limit capacity when the downlink cell loading reaches 10%.
Define downlink cell loading at the transmitting end: ratio between the current cell transmit power and BS maximum transmit power capability In this way, downlink cell loading owns the following characteristics: The higher downlink cell loading is, the greater the cell transmit power is. In addition, it is related to service type, UE receiver performance, cell size, and BS capability.
NoiseRise(j) =
N [a + f(j) ] CL(0, n) (j) P CCH = 1+ $ + S CIR_Tx(n) $ 1g CL(0, j) $ n=1 No CL(0, j) DL If defining downlink cell load at the transmitting end, the above
parameters in the above formula: Orthonormalized factor at the edge of a cell (j): obtained through simulation, related to environment type and cell radius
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 WCDMA Network Planning Flow Chapter 2 Uplink Budget Chapter 3 Downlink Budget Chapter 4 Coverage Enhancement Technology
Capacity of OTSR is close to that of the omni-directional cells. Therefore, OTSR is applicable to areas requiring small capacity but large coverage at the early stage.
Cell radius of
Adopting Amplifier)
Noise uplink
Relative to two-antenna receive diversity, four-antenna receive diversity can realize lower Eb/No .
Gain effect of four-antenna receive diversity is as follows, compared with two-antenna receive diversity.
Dense urban Urban Suburban Rural
TU3 TU3 RA120 RA120
Eb/N0 improved
2.4 2.4 2.5 2.5
Capacity gain
1.73 1.73 1.77 1.77
Coverage gain
1.37 1.37 1.39 1.39
Single cell:
SA (Smart Antenna)
SA can improve system capacity and coverage uplink/downlink and decrease requirements for transmitted power.
1x4 Capacity gain Coverage gain 1.85 1.42
2x2 1.70 1.35 2x4 3.37 2.02
Downlin k
1x4 3.54 2.07
Review Questions
How many times is the OTSR cell radius than that of the omni-directional cell?
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 WCDMA Network Planning Flow Chapter 2 Uplink Budget Chapter 3 Downlink Budget Chapter 4 Coverage Enhanced Technology Chapter 5 Example of Link Budget
Coverage EstimationExample
l l
Planning target area is 80km^2 Maximum path loss is 151dB in the case of 50% cell load (3dB).
Path loss is reduced to 131dB considering 20dB of penetration loss and slow fading margin.
Coverage EstimationExample
Review Questions
1. 2.
What elements are included in uplink budget? What is the process of coverage estimation?
Elements in radio uplink budget Effect of each element on cell radius calculation Basis of value of each element Calculation methods for coverage-based site numbers