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Republic of the

Office of the Punong
Brgy. Poblacion, Poblacion
Rapu-rapu Sangguniang Kabataan


I. Identifying Information Title:

Colour Splash Fun Run

Jose Meldo Balinquit


Contact Number: 09979975353

Jerald R. Ebrada


Contact Number: 09363018652

SDG: Good Health and Well Being

Proponents: Sangguniang Kabataan Council in partnership with RRNHS
Rapu-Rapu Municipal Council and Bureau of Fire and Protection
Partner Organization: Youth Peace Ambassadors (YPA14 Action Plan)
Target Participants: Youth and other Interested People
Venue: From Rapu-rapu National Highschool going to Sta. Florentina Parish Church, Poblacion
Rapu-Rapu Albay
Time and date: August 7 2024 at 2:00 pm- 8:00 pm

II. Rationale
The Republic Act 8044 “Youth in Nation-Building Act” is an act creating
the National Youth Commission, establishing a national comprehensive and
coordinated program on youth development. One of the advocacis of the
Sangguniang Kabataan of Poblacion Rapu-Rapu Albay is to enhance the
camaraderie among the Youth of Poblacion and this will be carried out through
excitement activities.
Likewise, starting a new traditional fest activity for the celebration of the
feast of Sta. Florentina Parish and Council of Brgy. Poblacion come up with the
idea of having a Color Splash Run. This activity aims to gather the youth of
Poblacion to promote peace and camaraderie and to create opportunities for the
youth to celebrate the feast of Sta. Florentina

III. Objectives:
Ø To involve the youth in celebration of the fest
Ø To gather youth of the Barangay
Ø To promote peace and camaraderie among the youth

IV. Flow of Activities

Time Activity Venue Person/s Responsible
1:00 pm- 2:00 pm Registration Rapu-rapu National SK Council and
Highschool RRNHS

2:00 pm- 3:30 pm Start of Color Splash From Rapu-rapu SK Council and
National Highschool RRNHS
to Sta. Florentina
Parish Church

3:30 pm- 4:30 pm Start of the Program Sta. Florentina SK Council and
Church RRNHS

4:30 pm- 5:00 pm Awarding Sta. Florentina SK Council and

Church RRNHS

5:00 pm- 8:00 pm “Rain Dance” Sta. Florentina SK Council and

Church RRNHS

V. Budgetary Requirements
Particulars Quantity Unit Price Total
Color Powders
• Red 1 Kilo Gram Php 100.00 Php 100.00
• Orange 1 Kilo Gram Php 100.00 Php 100.00
• Yellow 1 Kilo Gram Php 100.00 Php 100.00
• Green 1 Kilo Gram Php 100.00 Php 100.00
• Blue 1 Kilo Gram Php 100.00 Php 100.00
• Indigo 1 Kilo Gram Php 100.00 Php 100.00
• Violet 1 Kilo Gram Php 100.00 Php 100.00

Ribbons 265 Yards Php 8.00 Php 2,110.00

Bond Paper 1 Rim Php 200.00 Php 200.00
Printing 400 Pieces Php 5.00 Php 2,000.00
Picture Frame 5 Piece Php 38.00 Php 190.00
Snacks 50 Packs Php 500.00 Php 500.00
Water 5 Container Php 30.00 Php 150,000
Plastic Cups 5 Packs Php 30.00 Php 150.00
Tarpaulin 1 Pieces Php 1,200.00 Php 1,200.00
Prize 1 Php 500.00 Php 500.00
TOTAL: 7,700.00

Contingency fund: 770.00
GRAND TOTAL: Php 8,470.00

VI. Potential Challenges

• Shortage of Budget
• Safety of the route
• Lack of human resources
• Inviting participants
VII. Indicators of Success
 Invited participants
 Participation of CPAC4 for securing the safety of the participants
 Participation of RRNHS Organization
 Use of social media and posters as advertisements
 Manpower

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