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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 63– No.6, February 2013

Architecture of GSM based WSN for

Greenhouse Monitoring System in Ambient
Intelligence Environment
S.Pandikumar S.P.Kabilan S.Ambethkar
Department of Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, Dept of Computer Science &
Thiagarajar College, India. Madurai Kamaraj University Electronics, Madurai Kamaraj
College, India. University College, India.

ABSTRACT significantly to the emission and concentration of GHG in

Greenhouse monitoring is an essential one for variable atmosphere (www.environment Avoiding
climate changes. GSM technologies have been rapidly their usage may reduce the emission of GHG, but it may
developing wireless technology during recent years. not be a practical approach as they are mandatory in
Starting from telecommunication and industrial controls, it modern day-to-day life, alternatively regular monitoring
is now being applied in environmental monitoring and and reporting of GHG parameters may create awareness to
agriculture. The old wired greenhouse network would individuals and organization for effective and proper use
make the measurement system expensive and vulnerable. of human induced activities (http://climate.nasa.
Moreover, the cabled measurement points are difficult to gov/key_indicators#co2). There are very few works done
relocate once they are installed. This paper propose in developing embedded systems for computing GHG [2-
modern greenhouse measurement system using ambient 11].
intelligence, the GSM-SMS and sensors are used to sense This paper have implemented a prototype system for
climate parameters and transmit data through wireless sensing and computing the level of existence of GHG
communication. parameters (like CO2, temperature and humidity) in
atmosphere using environmental sensors, advanced micro-
Keywords: Greenhouse, GSM, Wireless Sensor Network, controllers and energy efficient wireless technologies
Environmental, Ambient Intelligence, CO2 Emission. (figure 2). Data is collected, consistency models are define
for analyzing the quality of data and the level of GHG in
1. INTRODUCTION the deployed environment is computed. The results show
Ambient intelligence involves the convergence of several that the architecture is capable for monitoring and
computing areas. Simply ambient intelligence is an computation of GHG in the deployed environment and can
emerging discipline that brings intelligence to our be applied at all levels of organization for creating
everyday environments and makes those environments awareness, performing scientific studies and to forecast
sensitive to us. Ambient intelligence (AmI) research builds remediation policies by the authorities to individuals and
upon advances in sensors and sensor networks, pervasive organization in controlling GHG parameters.
computing, and artificial intelligence, because these In particular, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) uses and
contributing fields have experienced tremendous growth in implemented in various researches particularly agriculture
the last few years [1]. and environmental because WSN is a flexible and portable.
This paper proposes new architecture of greenhouse
measurement system using GSM-SMS (Short Message
HCI service). A typical standalone greenhouse sensing unit
Network senses the climate parameter such as air temperature,
ground humidity, CO2, NO2 etc and transmits to base
AMI station through mobile SMS.
AI Perva/
Several authors proposed a novel architecture for
Sensors greenhouse monitoring through WSN. zhang Qian and
Teemu Ahonen et al [5,6] gives the idea about Zigbee
based short range WSN for greenhouse monitoring. Orazio
Fig 1: Overview of Ambient Intelligence
Mirabella S.U. Zagade and R.S. Kawitkar et al [7, 8]
proposed hybrid architecture (both wired and wireless
Monitoring and computing the greenhouse gases are a
network) for greenhouse management. In this architecture
major challenging work. Globally, over the past several
sensor units sense the climate data in greenhouses and
decades, human-induced activities like industrial
transmit it to control station through wired communication.
revolution and burning of fossil fuels in power stations,
The wireless section is located in the indoor environment-
vehicle transport systems and industries contribute

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 63– No.6, February 2013

Fig 2: Overview of Greenhouse Monitoring System

Sensor GSM GSM

Array Modem Module

Multiplexer Micro PC


Measuring Unit Base Station

Fig 3: Architecture of Greenhouse Monitoring System

where great flexibility is required, particularly in the 3. ARCHITECTURE

production area inside each greenhouse. Andrzej This paper proposes a novel architecture based on GSM-
Pawlowski and Mohammad Javad Manashti propose how SMS. This architecture has two major parts that is
the greenhouse climate control can be represented as an measuring unit and base station. Here the GSM wireless
event-based system in combination with wireless sensor technology is used to data transfer in a secured channel
networks [9, 10]. Earl Oliver et al [11] analyze the from measuring unit to base station. The measurement unit
transport behavior of the SMS and achieve efficient, low- has gas, temperature and humidity sensors, GPS receiver
bandwidth, moderate-latency in data communication and GSM modem (figure 3). The prototype model has four
between mobile devices. input channel and ADC. The ADC has 4×1 multiplexer
But many of the previous research has been done that’s converts sensors analog value into digital data. The
using Zigbee wi-fi and Bluetooth; these are short range microcontroller reads GHG parameters and location
wireless communication technologies so the control coordination then construct green SMS and it will send to
ambient is very less. The proposed research uses GSM to base station
cover around the world.
In this paper, the measurement unit sense current 3.1 Sensors
CO2, temperature and humidity level, measure the values A Sensor is a device that detects or measures a real-world
and send it to the base station. The mobile SMS can be condition, such as motion, heat or light and converts it to
used to communicate between the centralized server and an equivalent analog or digital representation [19]. In this
the measuring unit located to the different parts of the city. paper we have used CO2, temperature and humidity
The microcontroller reads the climate parameter and semiconductor sensors. A gas sensor detects particular gas
constructs special SMS based on predefined structure and molecules and produces an electrical signal whose
sends it to destination. magnitude is proportional to the concentration of the gas.
This paper uses K-33 ELG 1% CO2/Temp/RH Data

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 63– No.6, February 2013

Logging Sensor is to detect CO2 concentration in the 4.2 GSM Interface

proto- type model. The GSM receiving module acts as a gateway in this
architecture. This receiving module can be a GSM/GPRS
3.2 GPS Receiver
modem, mobile phone or any SMS send/receiving device.
The GPS module provides the physical coordinate location
This device connects with computer and microcontroller
of the Measurement unit, time and date. It continuously
through USB or serial cable [16]. The AT (Attention)
transmits serial data (RS232 protocol) in the form of
commands are used to managing connections and
sentences according to NMEA (National Marine
send/receive the SMS. Sample AT Commands are
Electronics Association) standards ( The
“AT+CMGL” List messages, “AT+CMGR” Read
latitude and longitude values of the location are contained
message, “AT+CMGS” Send message [16]. The interface
in the GPGGA sentence (refer NMEA format). In this
module communicates with GSM device and reads the
architecture, these values are extracted from the GPGGA
SMS and checks whether it’s a command SMS or ordinary
sentence and construct SMS by microcontroller.
SMS. If it’s a command SMS, this commands are executed
3.3 Data Processing of µс by the local computer.
Microcontroller (µс) is the brain of this architecture
because its control the entire component in the
The prototype model is tested in central point of Madurai
measurement unit directly. The µс reads co2 value city and receives the measurement at every half an hour.
location coordinates and time then construct the special The sensing unit fit at 5 feet top from the ground level and
structured SMS and send it through GSM network. The µс ensures the GSM coverage is in moderate level. The
uses AT (Attention) commands to access GSM modem distance between the sensing unit and base station is
[18]. In this proposed architecture the µс can support 4 around 10 Km.
sensors, one GPS and one GSM components. The µс
5.1 Measurement of CO2 Concentration
create interface with GPS and GSM components through
The prototype model measures CO2, temperature and
RS232 protocol.
humidity value at frequent intervals. In December 2012 the
average CO2 concentration in Madurai city is 379.5
4. BASE STATION sixteen hours receiving data is given below.
The base station contains GSM module, monitoring
software and centralized database. The GSM module used Table 1. Average Greenhouse parameters
to receive a data from measuring unit in the form of mobile
SMS. The monitoring software run in server computer Parameter Average Minimum Maximum
which is reads SMS from GSM module, parse the data and Value Value Value
stored in database. Co2 379.5 370 389
Temperature 29 26 32
4.1 The Monitoring System Humidity 58 48 68
The MS (Monitoring System) continuously monitors GSM
module for incoming SMS. The special SMS has unique
structure which is constructed by microcontroller of 395.00
embedded unit. Once the NEW_MESSAGE event 390.00 Co2 Concentration
generated by GSM module the MS reads newly arrived 385.00
Co2 (PPM)

SMS and check it whether special SMS or not. If it so, it 380.00

parse and extract the data. The special SMSs are always 375.00
start and end with special symbol like ‘#’,’@’,’&’, etc. and 370.00
this paper uses ‘#’ symbol. After confirming special SMS, 365.00
the MS parsing data based on <SPACE> and <ENTER> 360.00

whitespaces. For example the incoming SMS like

“#ID AA001 <enter>POS 9.58N,78.10E<enter>CO2
365<enter> TEMP 30<enter>HUM 24<enter>TIME Time (24 )hours
13:00#” In this example MS checks starting character and
Fig: 4. Co2 concentrations
then parse SMS into actual parameters like
ID : AA001 5.2 Measurement of Temperature
POSITION : LAT:9.58N, LAN:78.10E
CO2 : 365 PPM Due to high CO2 concentration the average temperature in
TEMP : 30 C Madurai city is 29’C and average humidity is 58. The
HUMIDITY : 24 figure 5 shows various levels of temperature and humidity
TIME : 13:00 from GMT 8:30 to 15:00.
This parsed data will be stored into database for future use.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 63– No.6, February 2013

80 Temp & Humidity 0.07

Avg Delivery Time(m:ss)

Temp & Humidity 70 0.06 SMS Avg Delivery Time
60 Humidity 0.05
50 0.04
20 Temperature
10 0.01
0 0.00

Time (24 hrs) Time (24 )hours
Fig: 5. Temperature and Humidity level Fig: 7. Average SMS Delay Time
5.3 Measurement of SMS Arrival Rate 6. CONCLUSION
In GSM architecture SMS messages are carried on either This paper presents an embedded system design of
SD-CCH or SACCH [13] depending on the use of the wireless sensor monitoring system for sensing and
traffic channel. When the TCH (Traffic Channels) is not computation of environmental parameters. A Co2
allocated, i.e., no voice call or data transfer in progress, the commercial sensor had been integrated with ARM
short message is carried on the SDCCH (stand alone processor to monitor and compute the level of existence of
dedicated control channel). In this architecture the GSM GHG parameters (like CO2, temperature and humidity) in
module does not commit TCH but it’s dedicate to Sending atmosphere using information and communication
SMS only so it’s always use SDCCH to send SMS. technologies. Prototype operates for data gathering and
Basically the SMS delivery is based on network, location data transmission using GSM-SMS and preliminary test
and time [12, 13]. prove that the developed prototype is capable to monitor
Let λsms, λι and λv be the arrival rates for SMS and compute CO2, temperature and humidity parameters
message, Location updation and voice call setup in the deployed environment and has several advantages in
respectively. the arrival rate of this aggregate traffic that term of fast delivery, zero data lose, low cost, flexibility,
uses SDCCH channels is given by λc = λsms + λι + λν. user friendliness and energy efficiency. The established
Let the mean service time (i.e. channel holding time) GSM network is a highly efficient and the average SMS
for a single SMS message be , and that of location deliver time is 3.5 sec. This greenhouse monitoring system
updation and voice call setup message be and for will create awareness, performing scientific studies and to
respectively. The unconditional expected service time of forecast re mediation policies by the authorities to
an arriving message is then given by individuals and organization in controlling global warming
and GHG parameters.
= + + In future this architecture will extend to allocate new
channel in GSM architecture for green data transmission,
Figure 6 shows the variations of SMS delivery time there after the environmental data will transmit with
between 8AM to 10PM. Here the lowest delivery time of specialized GSM channel for low traffic and high
green SMS is one second at 2:10PM and the highest performance.
delivery time is 6 seconds at 7:50PM. The average
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