Neural Control and Coordination

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Coordination: Coordination is the process through

which two or more organs interact and complement

the functions of one another. Primitive animals Advanced animals

Table: Neural Control vs. Endocrine Control

They do not have (Well organised Nervous
gn crine control’| a well organised System is seen)
O Here, the Nervous System
are involved and glands work &
communicates communicate eg: eg: Vertebrates
with the help of with the help of
0 Quick response O Slower response. 14 time REPTILES, AVES, MAMMALS)
O Not long lasting effect o Long lasting
; Heffect o k—)IAPOLAR NEURON was seen]

Nervous system is made up of NEURAL TISSUE / NERVOUS TISSUE

(1) Neuron (2) Neuroglial cells

O Excitable cell that will help in O Non excitable, non conductible
O Support & packaging of Neural tissue
o Longest Cell
eg: Schwann cell, oligodendrocyte
Neural/Nervous System

Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous Syst

Pan. NG
Brain Spinal cord Somatic Nervous Autonomic Nervous System

Control Voluntary Control involuntary parts

Body parts

Sympathetic Parasympathetic
0 CNS includes brain & spinal cord & is the
Cranial Nerves
information processing unit.
Spinal Nerves o PNS consists of all the nerves of body associated
with CNS.
Ifl-—) All Nerves
" associated CNS

Fig: CNS and PNS

Nerve fibres of PNS are of 2 types

< v
Afferent Fibres/Sensory Nerve Fibres Efferent Fibres/Motor Nerve Fibres
The efferent fibres transmit regulatory impulses from
The afferent nerve fibres transmit impulses
the CNS to the concerned peripheral tissues/organs.
from tissues/organs to the CNS.

Visceral Nervous System is a part of PNS that comprises the whole complex of nerves, fibres, ganglia
plexus from where impulse travel from CNS to viscera and vice versa.
* Collection of Cell Body T waEr
Collection of Axons

Plexus: STe1/Network
Neuron Dendrites
Nissl's granules

Schwann cell


Myelin sheath ”
Node of Ranvier—" }‘
Axon terminal
Synaptic knob
Figure: Structure of a neuron

Neural Control and Coordination @

Myelinated Unmyelinated/Non-myelinated
O Myelin sheath is present o Myelin sheath is Absent
O More commonly found in CNS o More commonly found in PNS

Myelin sheath is LIPID enriched sheath which act as an insulator & hence no free conduction across them byt
there are gaps in between called NODES of RANVIER where free conduction is SEEN.

Myelinated Neuron

Oligodendrocytes O Schwann cell
forms myelin sheath secretes
myelin sheath

Types of Neurons

—> (D Unipolar Neuron eg: Embryonic Life

Single polarity @—;@

|% Only Axon is present

Type of Neuron —>® Bipolar Neuron

e.g.: *Retina of eye, olfact
ory epithelium
1 Dendrite, 1 Axon present]

L (3 Multipolar Neuron
e.g.: Cerebral cortex of Brain
i\o\i %)
Many Dendrites, One axon presen”

L ——
Apolar: Q Only cell Body'is present Dendrite receive information
absence eg: Hydra
Send to
Pseudounipolar: it


Cell Body
O Asingle protoplasmic extension aris
e from cell body which later gets ¢send it to
divided into1 Dendrite and 1 axon. Axon
eg: Dorsal Root of GANGLIA of SPINAL

@ is maintained by
Schwann cell enclosing a neuron may or may not
secrete myelin, Schwann cell that does not form —> () Presence of more negatively
myelin around
axon is common in autonomous and charged Proteins inside the Axoplasm
somatic neural systems.

GENERATION OF NERVE IMPULSE: — (ii) Na* Leak channel & K* Leak channel
working passivel
O When Neuron is at REST, the membrane of RRR Y more leaky
Neuron is known as RMP/RESTING MEMBRANE O Through Na* Leak channel: Na* comes in,
POTENTIAL or POLARISED STATE. O Through K* Leak channel: K* goes out.
O As compared K channels are more in
Number and more leaky
't is approx. ~70 mV Potentig
——> (i) Na* K* Active pump
O Utilising 1 ATP: 3 Na* pumped out and
O This state is important for the Neuron for
2K* comes into the axoplasm

ECF: Extracellular fluid|

K'LC onerrt
(Leak Channel)
K* K* K*

Na'Lc o R

il flg :
(Leak Channel)

Na'/K* active
e pump
:o negatively charged profeins
Fig: RMP explaination

Na* V6C(Voltage Gated Channel).

Present on Axonal Membrane works during generation of impulse
K* VGC(Voltage Gated Chann

Neural Control and Coordination

AXon membraneé————
S Gony

Stimulus is
now given \ @D POLARISED

This was threshold
t—)Na’ entry
& - > Gomy)
Stimulus 2,
\L & Na* VGC closes now, K* s . -
., I - Na* VGC open VGC open now This change in potential is known
rggumivaie stimulus as Action potential/Impulse
given to generate an Kfil——é K* VGC open

i = T @,
ANt .+
action potential 1t st 2 r

55 mV 10 60mV] g s close : la

As K* VGC takes more time to close, more K" ion goes

outside making the membrane — Hyperpolarised


L somv
[After this K* VGC & Na* VGC closed, the membrane again
. Returns Back to the polarised state (-70mV)] K* VGC takes more time to close

—>(T) RMP/Polarised state

—> @ Depolarisation (Na* V6C/voltage gated channel) open

— @ Repolarisation (K* VGC open)

— @ Hyperpolarisation

Pointsfo Rem
1. A neuron is NEGATIVELY charged inside compared to outer membrane at RMP = 70
=70 mV.mV.
2. When threshold value of stimulus is available, it cause Na* VG¢ Fo open via whic
h Na* enters into axoplasm
making inside positive upto +30 mv (action potential), this event is depolarisati
3. Now, Na* VGC closes, K* VGC opens, K* goes outside again making inside negative, event is REPOLARISATION.
e — ]

When a threshold stimulus is

- A B c applied at site A, on polarised
ThrashoIdS‘rliulus RMP | RMP | RMP membrane, the membrane at site
'5M b SR S [ + A, becomes freely permeable
|} - to Na*, i Na* comes inside ‘A’ site
o Na*e,ffer,';
Currenf Flow
Na'VeC Change in potential across
” x /_>si1-e A act as an Stimulus
T _ for nearest site (B) due to
which, current flow occurs
A—> B (inside) B—> A
Depolur:sed RMP RMP (outside), circuit complete

s eg+ A B/<‘\ c "L‘:JGC 1. Na' V6C opens af B

e 4,
e 2 b U H] L 2. Polarity reversed
O Change in potential \'E] 3. Action potential generated
across Bact as a - : at site B, impulse arises at B
Stimulus for C Repolarised Depolarised H RMP from A and this sequence is
' repeated along entire axon

Conduction across myelinated vs Non-myelinated

\_/ \/
‘Non-Myelinated' .
\Z \[Nodes of Ranvier Myelin sheath
Slower Conduction as free conduction
occurs throughout the neuron —> Conduction occurs only Insulated
across Nodes of Ranvier
—> Jumping Conduction/ free conduction is not ;;ossible
Saltatory conduction
—> Faster conduction

Newal Control and Coordination C

Junction between Neurons
Receptors for Neurotransmitter

Synaptic Vesicles Dendrite

\ Post Synaptic membrane fi‘

Synaptic cleft (gap) %
Pre Synaptic membrane.

ypes of Synapse:

O Rare in our System o[ Mostly these| are present
o Synaptic cleft is very very less o Synaptic cleft is present
o Unidirectional, as Neurotransmitters are used for

O Gap junctions present between 2 Neurons ¥ . 0 No gap junction

o Faster conduction |0 Slower conduction

Transmission of Impulse across a Chemical Synapse

Informuflor\ is (@) As the impulse arrives at the axon terminal, it leads to

being conducted Ca?* Channel opening of Ca?* channel, entry of Ca2* occurs, located on
till the Axon presynaptic membrane -
terminal A
(@) Ca? signals synaptic vesicles to fuse with
\ pre-synaptic membrane & cause exocytosis of
neurotransmitter in Synaptic Cleft

Binding of neurotransmitter to its receptor

present on post-synaptic membrane.
. vesicle withiy (B) Depending upon the nature of the
eurotransmitter heurotransmitter either of the twoi
Generated in Next EPSP (Excitatory Post Synaptic potential)
Neuron (other neuron is EXCITED)
pre-synaptic membrane or
post-synaptic membrane IPSP (Inhibitony Post Synaptic Patential)
is generated (other neuron inhibited)

@ Zoolog!

o Example of Excitatory Neurotransmitter — EPINEPHRINE, Acetylcholine etc.

o Example of Inhibitory neurotransmitter — Serotenin.


Brain Spinal cord

Brain: (Command & Control)

0 TIiis protected well inside the Skull specifically in CRANIUM (Brain Box)
o Walnut like
o Central information processing organ

Brain is also covered within the |Cranial Meninges:

Duramater (outer)

Arachnoid (middle)

Piameter (inner)


Duramater (outermost, hard layer)

Arachnoid (middle layer, webbed)

Sub-dural space

Piamater (innermost, in contact with Brain)

Sub-arachnoid space

Tt has CSF (Cerebrospinal

Parts of Brain Midbrain (No Further division)

Neural Control and Coordination

Eorebrain —> cerebrum Hindbrain
— Cerebellum
—> Hippocampus
I—> Pons
—> Amygdala
—> Medulla
[~ Olfactory Lobes

— Epithalamus
also known as


Cerebral hemisphere


Spinal cord

Figure: Diagram showing sagittal section of the human

A. Forebrain
(1) Cerebrum: Most prominent part of forebrain
Cell bodies (outside)

Myelinated axon (inside)

folds of cerebrum Gyri (Bulged)

can accommodate maximum neurons Sulci (groove)


Outer g gray JY’ matter

Inner white matter

presence of cell bodies gives it this appearance myelinated axon

BN Zoology
Important Points

(atfafta Gyaan) 1. A deep cleft divides cerebrum longitudinally into

fiFronful (2) two halves which are Left and Right Cerebral
—>Parietal (2 i
K R0 gl \—
Temporal (2)
e Longitudin
al Cleft
Occipital (2) *Corpus Callosum

Feeling of hot, cold, E

pain, etc. Tract of nerve fibre connecting
both the hemispheres
Visual processing
area %
2 hemisphere
Intelligence, Auditory processing
Creativity, area
Logic reasoning

Cerebral cortex (outer part cerebrum):

O It has various areas

@ sensory area (@ Motor area (@) Association area

Prominent part of cerebral cortex

Associated with Memory, Communication &

Intersensory function

Motor information goes from here

Sensory input comes here

Fig: Various areas of cerebral Cortex

Neural Control and Coordinufiun @


—> Almond shaped

(2) !—(ippot:ampusI & ;flmygdak} ’ Responsible for' Anger &

conversion of short term memory into long ferm memory

¢ = Limbic system

Limbic system
ts of hu.mur! e motions like
Forms Emotional Brain — Controls various aspec ,
ngmhulumus] Happiness, sadness, fear, motivation, anger
pleasure, excitement, etc.

(3) Diencephalon: Thalamus « Epithalamus

+ Hypathalamus
Thalamus: Also known as 'RELAY CENTRE":
All the information to the cerebrum & from the Pons
cerebrum has to pass through thalamus. Medulla
O Cerebrum WRAPS around THALAMUS -
Epithalamus: Pineal gland is present here.
Hypothalamus: Connects to Spinal cord
O Connection between endocrine & Neural system. It has various centres to control
O Part of emotional brain. Heartrate, Breathing rate (RRC),
Gastric juice secretion
O Has various hormones which controls growth,
reproduction, thirst, hunger, etc. Vomiting centre
Brainstem: Midbrain + Pons + Medulla
Cerebellum: LITTLE BRAT
B. Midbrain: 2" largest part of Brain N/_\/
gF a

It is located between the Thalamus/Hypothalamus of It has convoluted surface

forebrain & Pons of HINDBRAIN.
It has 2 cerebellar hemisphere
On the Dorsal Side of Midbrain It Controls INVOLUNTARY. functions
It is involved in Body Balancing

There are 4 Swellings/Lobes

Pops: It acts like a bridge as it consists of Neurons
> which connect to different regions of
O A canal called CEREBRAL AQUEDUCT passes
through midbrain.


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