There are two parts to the writing exam , and you have 1 hour and 20 minutes to write,
we advise that you split that time in half i.e. (that is) 40 minutes each.
In part one you are asked to write an essay, OK STOP, what’s an essay? An
essay is opinion writing where you analyse the topic, to make it easier, let’s
look at an example question.
The first paragraph introduces the topic, different ways in which we can
protect the environment.
The second paragraph deals with note 1 – recycle, the third, note 2 –
using bicycles etc and the third paragraph is your own ideas this needs to
be connected with the topic and you can be impartial with your opinion. You
then need to end with a conclusion.
“What if I write more than 190 words” this is a question we are often asked
at NikaTeacher. We advise that you can usually fit 10 words on each line,
so it’s easy to get a rough idea as you are writing , if you go over 190 words,
you won’t be penalised, however, you might be including irrelevant
information, this is why it’s important to plan before you write.
Top tip: PLAN for B2 FCE writing exam
PLAN, PLAN, PLAN, make some notes before you start writing, decide what
you are going to put in each paragraph with useful linking expressions
(more on those later). Planning you writing will make the task a lot easier
and you will have so much confidence when you start writing. You are
ready to go!
Useful expressions
Introduction: The aim of this essay, One of the things that, In the last few
For your second third and fourth paragraphs: Firstly, On the one hand,
On the other hand, Secondly, However, Also, Having said that.
Useful linkers
It’s essential that you use linkers in your essay, this makes it flow and is
easier for your target audience to read and understand. Here are some
useful examples….
Think about what you are writing and your target audience, in the above
exam task, you are writing for your teacher so it needs to be in a formal
style, try to avoid contractions and slang words, or words that are too
common or generic (things, stuff, get). Use past, present and future
tenses, in order to show your teacher your understanding of English. (see
what I did there, purpose link good eh!)
Once you’ve finished your essay, READ IT BACK, try to read it moving your
lips (not out loud you’re in an exam room remember) this will help you
understand the flow and also highlight any mistakes you have made. If
you still have some time, read it again, you might have missed something.
And most of all GOOD LUCK, you’ll be great!