SQL is a standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases. Although SQL
is an ANSI/ISO standard, there are different versions of the SQL language, used by various RDBMS’s.
However, to be compliant with the ANSI standard, they all support at least the major commands (such
as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, WHERE) in a similar manner.
Advantages of using SQL:
1) SQL is portable: SQL is running in all servers, mainframes, PCs, laptops, and even mobile phones.
2) High speed: SQL queries can be used to retrieve large amounts of records from a database quickly
and efficiently.
3) Easy to learn and understand: SQL generally consists of English statements and as such, it is very
easy to learn and understand. Besides, it does not require much coding unlike in programming
4) SQL is used with any DBMS system with any vendor: SQL is used by all the vendors who develop
DBMS. It is also used to create databases, manage security for a database, etc. It can also be used for
updating, retrieving and sharing data with users.
5) SQL is used for relational databases: SQL is widely used for relational databases.
6) SQL acts as both programming language and interactive language: SQL can do both the jobs of
being a programming language as well as an interactive language at the same time.
7) Client/Server language: SQL is used for linking front end computers and back end databases. It
provides client server architecture (Email, and the World Wide Web - all apply the client-server
8) Supports object based programming: SQL supports the latest object based programming and is
highly flexible
Types of SQL statements
The SQL statements are categorized into different categories based upon the purpose. They are;
i) Data Definition Language (DDL) statement
ii) Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement
iii) Transaction Control Statement
iv) Session Control Statement
v) System Control Statement
vi) Embedded SQL Statement
Out of these six, we will be studying only the first two types in this course.
A database scheme is specified by a set of definitions which are expressed by a special language called
a data definition language(DDL). The result of DDL statements is a set of tables which are stored in a
special file called data dictionary.
A Data Dictionary is a file that contains “metadata” i.e., “data about data”.
The DDL provides a set of definitions to specify the storage structure and access methods used by the
database system.
Listed are few ideal DDL functions:
1. It should identify the types of data division such as data item, segment, record, and data-base file.
2. It should give a unique name to each data-item-type, record-type, file-type, database, and other data
3. It should specify the proper data types.
4. It should specify how the record types are related to each other.
5. It may define the type of encoding the program uses in the data items, binary, character, bit, string
Data Definition Language (DDL) commands allow us to perform tasks related to data definition. One
can perform the following tasks:
i. Create, alter and drop schema objects - DDL commands are used to create, define, change or
delete objects such as a table, a view or an index etc.
ii. Grant and revoke privileges and roles - DDL commands are used to grant or revoke permissions
or privileges to work upon schema objects.
iii. Maintenance commands - These commands are used to analyze information on a table with an
aim of maintaining it.
Data manipulation means:
Retrieval of information stored in database
Insertion of new information into database
Deletion of information from database
Modification of data stored in database
A Data Manipulation Language (DML) is a language that enables user to access or manipulate data as
organized by the appropriate data model. DML commands query and manipulate data in existing
schema objects. Some DML commands are as following:
INSERT INTO: Used to insert a tuple in a table.
UPDATE: Used to modify a tuple in a table.
DELETE: Used to delete a tuple in a table.
Other examples of DML commands are: SELECT, LOCK TABLE etc.
Types of DMLs:
1. Procedural DMLs - These require a user to specify what data is needed and how to get it.
2. Non-Procedural DMLs - These require a user to specify what data is needed without specifying
how to get it.
Each column in a database table is required to have a name and a data type. An SQL developer must
decide what type of data that will be stored inside each column when creating a table. The data type is
a guideline for SQL to understand what type of data is expected inside of each column, and it also
identifies how SQL will interact with the stored data.
In ANSI SQL there are three main data types: string, numeric, and date and time.
and Terminology used in SQL Query:
Keywords: Keywords are words that have a special meaning and printed in capital letters. They are
understood to be instruction.
Commands or Statements: Commands are instruction given by us to a SQL database. Commands
consist of one or more logically distinct parts called clauses.
Clauses: Clauses begin with a keyword for which they are generally named, and consist of
keywords and arguments.
Arguments: Argument complete or modify the meaning of a clause.
In the following sections we assume that we have database named SampleDB in which there
are two tables namely EMP and DEPT.
CREATE TABLE emp ( Eno integer PRIMARY KEY ,
Ename char(20),
Job char(20), Salary decimal CHECK > 2000 );
FROM emp
WHERE ( job = ‘CLERK’ OR job = ‘MANAGER’ );
2. To list the employee’s details having Job as ‘CLERK’ but salary < 1000 from table emp, logical
operator AND
will be used as:
SELECT eno, ename, job, sal
FROM emp
WHERE ( job = ‘CLERK’ AND sal < 1000);
3. To list the employee’s details having Job is other than ‘CLERK’ from table emp, logical operator
NOT will be
used as:
SELECT eno, ename, job, sal
FROM emp
WHERE ( NOT job = ‘CLERK’ );
LIKE OPERATOR is used to search a value similar to specific pattern in a column using wildcard
operator. There are two wildcard operators - percentage sign (%) and underscore ( _ ). The percentage
sign represents zero, one, or multiple characters, while the underscore represents a single number or
character. The symbols can be used in combinations.
Adno Name Class Section Fees
For example:
1. Display the names that start with letter "A".
FROM student
WHERE name LIKE "A%";
Here, % replaces one or more characters.
Anu Jain
Ajit Kumar
2. Display names, whose name's second letter is 'o'.
FROM student
WHERE name LIKE "_ o%";
Here, % replaces one or more than one character and _ replaces only one character.
Mohit Sharma
Rohan Sharma
3. Display names, whose name has 7 characters.
FROM student
WHERE name LIKE "_______";
Here, _ replaces only one character. As such, 7 underscores replace 7 characters.
IN Operator
The IN operator allows us to specify multiple values in a WHERE clause
For example:
Display students' information, who are in section A and B.
FROM student
WHERE section IN ("A","B");
Adno Name Class Section Fees
BETWEEN Operator
The BETWEEN operator is used to test whether or not a value (stated before the keyword
BETWEEN) is "between" the two values stated after the keyword BETWEEN.
For example:
Display students' information, who are paying fees between 2500 and 3500.
SELECT * FROM student
WHERE fees BETWEEN 2500 AND 3500;
[Note: In the above Query 2500 and 3500 is also included]
Adno Name Class Section Fees