bca 4th sem
bca 4th sem
bca 4th sem
Summer Training will be held for 4 weeks after the end of fourth semester.
Viva-Voce will be conducted in fifth semester.
In this course, the learners will be able to develop expertise related to the following:
1. Learn how to implement Object Oriented concepts through Java.
2. Identify and apply the Java thread model to program Java applications.
3. Develop GUI applications using Java swings
1. Programming fundamental
2. Object-Oriented concepts
CO5 To manage input output using console and files BT4 PO4
CO6 To apply the Java Thread model to develop multithreading applications. BT5 PO4
CO7 To understand and apply the concepts of GUI programming using swings. BT6 PO5, PO6
No. of Hours: 12 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters – 1, 2, 3, 5, 6], TB2[Chapters - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
Java Basics: Java as Object-oriented Programming Language History of Java, Features of Java, Difference between Java
and C++, Java Architecture (JDK, JVM, JRE), Java Tokens: Data types, Literals, Variables, Scope and lifetime of
variables, Operators. Control Structures, Arrays.
Introducing Classes: Creating a Class: properties, methods and constructors. Object Access modifiers, Method
Overloading, Garbage collection, this keyword, Static (variable, method, block), final keyword, Wrapper Classes, String
class and methods.
No. of Hours: 12 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters – 7, 8, 9], TB2[Chapters - 9, 10, 11]
Inheritance: Types, Super keyword, method overriding, covariant return type, abstract class.
Interfaces and Packages: Creation and implementing an interface, difference between abstract class and interface,
Packages, and importing a package.
Exception Handling: Exception Class, built-in checked and unchecked exceptions, user-defined exceptions, use of try,
catch, throw, throws, finally
No. of Hours: 10 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters – 11, 12], TB2[Chapters - 13]
Using I/O: Elementary concepts of Input/Output, using the byte streams, reading and writing using byte streams,
automatically closing a file, using the character-based streams, File I/O using character streams (using a File Writer and
using a File Reader)
Multi-threaded programming: Multithreading fundamentals, Thread class, and Runnable interface, the life cycle of
thread, creation of single and multiple threads, implementation of Thread methods, Synchronization (using Synchronized
methods, synchronized statement).
No. of Hours: 10 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters – 17, 18]
Swings Fundamentals: Components (JLabel and ImageIcon, using swing Buttons (JButton, JToggleButton, JCheckBox,
JRadioButton), JTextField, JScrollPane, JList, JComboBox) and Containers, Layout managers, event delegation Model,
event handling (event sources, event listeners, event classes and interfaces, adapter classes).
JDBC: JDBC Architecture, JDBC Drivers, Connection, Statement, Prepared Statement, Result set, Connecting to the
Database using JDBC.
TB1. Herbert Schildt, “Java 2 -The Complete Reference” – Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2010
TB2. Trilochan Tarai, “Java Core Concepts and Applications”, I.K. International Publishing house pvt. Ltd., 2015
RB1. E.Balaguruswamy,“Programming with Java A Primer”, McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 5 th
RB2. Herbert Schildt, Dale Skrien, “Java Fundamentals A Comprehensive Introduction” – Tata McGraw Hill Education
Private Limited, 2013
RB3. Cay S. Horstmann, “Core Java Volume 1 – Fundamentals”, 10th edition, Pearson, 2017
RB4. Ken Arnold, Davis Holmes, James Gosling, Prakash Goteti, “The Java Programming Language”, 3 rd edition,
Pearson, 2008.
The paper aims to understand the importance, limitations and challenges of processes involved in software development.
In this course, the learners will be able to develop expertise related to the following:
1. To gain knowledge of various software models.
2. To gain knowledge of various software design activities.
3. To learn cost estimation, software testing, Maintenance and debugging.
After completion of this course, the learners will be able to:-
CO3 Organizing a software product along with its complete documentation. BTL6 PO1
CO4 Implementing Software Development Cycle to develop a software module. BTL5 PO4
CO5 To analyze the use of techniques, skills and modern engineering tools BTL2 PO6
necessary for software development.
CO6 Organizing a complete software module BTL3 PO8
No. of Hours: 12 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters - 1, 3], TB2 [Chapters - 3, 5]
Introduction of software engineering: Software Crisis, Software life cycle models, Waterfall, Prototype, Spiral Models,
Agile model.
Software Requirements analysis & specifications: Requirement engineering, requirement elicitation techniques like
FAST, QFD, Requirement analysis using (DFD use-case, sequence and class diagram (with case studies), ER Diagrams,
Requirements documentation: SRS, Characteristics & organization of SRS
No. of Hours: 10 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter - 1, 4]
Software Project Planning: Software Metrics-Definition and Need, Types of Metrics-Product, Process and Project
Metrics, Size Estimation like lines of Code & Function Count, Halstead Software Science measure, Cost Estimation:
Need, Models COCOMO: Basic model, Intermediate model
Risk Management: Software Risks, Types of risk, risk management activities: risk assessment, risk control.
No. of Hours: 10 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter - 5, 6], TB2 [Chapter - 24]
No. of Hours: 12 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter 8, 9], TB2 [Chapter 8]
Software Testing: Testing Process, Levels of Testing: Unit testing, Integration testing and system testing. Types of
Testing: Manual testing, Automation Testing. Methods of Testing- , Black box, White box and Grey Box Testing.
Validation, Verification, Alpha-Beta testing, Acceptance testing, Functional Testing and its types, Structural Testing
Difference between: Testing and Debugging
Software Maintenance: Management of Maintenance, The Maintenance Process and Types of maintenance: Preventive,
Perceptive, Adaptive and Corrective Maintenance.Maintenance tools and techniques.
TB1. K. K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh, “Software Engineering”, 2nd Ed., New Age International, 2005.
TB2. I. Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, 9th Edition, Pearson Edu.
RB1. Jibitesh Mishra and Ashok Mohanty, “Software Engineering”, Pearson
RB2. R. S. Pressman, “Software Engineering – A practitioner’s approach”, 5th Ed., McGraw Hill Int. Ed., 2001.
RB3. James Peter, W. Pedrycz, “Software Engineering: An Engineering Approach”, John Wiley & Sons.
In this course, the learners will be able to develop expertise related to the following:
1. Development of critical thinking and to inspire students to developed an entrepreneurial mind-set.
2. Acquisition of values and attitudes towards understanding complex business problems
3. Promoting active participation in solving current business problems and preventing the future ones.
4. Encouraging students to understand the fundamentals of management
Basic awareness about the Entrepreneurship Development
After completion of this course, the learners will be able to:-
CO2 Understand the concept of entrepreneurs and to help the students BTL3 PO9, PO10, PO11
to develop an entrepreneurial mind-set
CO3 Develop critical thinking for shaping strategies and help them to BTL3 PO3, PO5, PO11
become an successful entrepreneur
CO4 Acquire values and attitudes towards understanding complex BTL4 PO3, PO10, PO11
business problems, and active participation in solving current
business problems.
CO5 Understand the concept of the fundamentals of management BTL5 PO2, PO5, PO10,
No. of Hours: 10 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters - 1, 2], TB2 [Chapters - 1, 2, 3], TB3 [Chapter - 1]
Creativity: Necessity of Creativity in the development of entrepreneur, Steps in Creativity, Defining Innovation,
importance of innovation. Identification of opportunities for problem solving with innovation. Decision making and
Problem Solving (steps indecision making). Example from industry, day to day operations
No. of Hours: 10 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter - 7], TB2 [Chapters - 10, 2, 1]
Role of an Entrepreneur: The Entrepreneur’s role in the context of contribution to society; Examples from industry; the
role of changing the mindset and the development of out of box thinking. Introduction to Design Thinking. Entrepreneurs
as role models, mentors and influencers. Entrepreneurial success stories.
Historical Perspective, Global Indian Entrepreneurs, Institutions, Modern Entrepreneurs
No. of Hours: 10 Chapter/Book Reference: TB3 [Chapters - 21, 22]
Fundamentals of Management: Meaning of Business and its management the role and importance of leadership in
entrepreneurship. Difference between Management and Leadership. The importance of planning in entrepreneurship
venture. The role and importance of business plan in entrepreneurship venture
TB1. S.S Khanka, Entrepreneurship Development, S.Chand
TB2. Sangram Keshari Mohanty, Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, PHI Learning Private Limited 2018
TB3. Abha Mathur; Entrepreneurship Development, Taxman, Fifth Edition
RB1. Srivastava S. B: A Practical Guide to Industrial Entrepreneurs; Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
RB2. Prasanna Chandra: Protect Preparation, Appraisal, Implementation; Tata McGraw Hill. New Delhi.
RB3. Chabbra, T.N, Entrepreneurship Development, Sun India
In this course, the learners will be able to develop expertise related to the following:
1. Apply mathematical principles to the analysis of data.
2. Analyze data sets in the context of real world problems.
3. Develop and implement data analysis strategies base on theoretical principles, ethical considerations, and knowledge
of the underlying data
CO4 Statistical analysis of data with the help of python BTL3 PO1, PO2, PO3
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters - 1, 2]
Introduction to data Science, Evolution of Data Science, Data Science Roles, Stages in a Data science Project,
Applications of Data Science In various fields, Data security Issues.
Data Collection Strategies, Data Pre-processing overview- Data Cleaning- Data Integration and transformation- Data
Reduction- Data Discretization.
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB2 [Chapters - 4, 6, 7, 14]
Statistics for Data Science: Describing a Single Set of Data, Central Tendencies and Dispersion.
Descriptive Statistics- Mean, standard Deviation, Skewness and Kurtosis, Box plots, Pivot Table, Linear Regression.
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter - 5, 6, 7]
Why Python? - Essential Python libraries
Introduction to NumPy: NumPy Basics: Arrays and Vectorized Computation- The NumPyndarray- Creating ndarrays-
Data Types for ndarrays- Arithmetic with NumPy Arrays- Basic Indexing and Slicing
Data handling using Pandas in python: Series (creation from ndarray, dictionary; mathematical operations; Head and Tail
functions), DataFrames (creation from dictionary of series, operations on rows and columns).
Statistical functions using pandas like min, max, count, sum, quartile, standard deviation, variance & DataFrame
operations like aggregation, group by, Sorting, Deleting, Renaming Index, Pivoting.
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB2 [Chapters - 15, 20, 23]
Case Studies: Checking different patterns in data, Forecasting demand, investigating clinical data
TB1. McKinney, “Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython”, O’Reilly, 2nd
TB2. Agile tools for real world data : Python for Data Analysis by Wes McKinney, O’Reilly
TB1. Applying Data Science Business Case Studies Using SAS By Gerhard Svolba · 2017
RB1. Python: The Complete Reference by Martin Brown
RB2. Programming Python, 4th Edition by Mark Lutz Released December 2010 Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
This is the associated practical paper. The learning outcomes are same as the corresponding theory paper.
List of Practicals
S. No. Detailed Statement Mapping to CO #
1. Create a pandas series from a dictionary of values and an ndarray. CO1, CO3
2. Create a Series and print all the elements that are above 75 th percentile. CO2, CO3
3. Perform sorting on Series data and DataFrames CO2, CO3
4. Write a program to implement pivot() and pivot-table() on a DataFrame. CO2, CO3, CO4
5. Write a program to find mean absolute deviation on a DataFrame. CO2, CO3, CO4
6. Two Series object, Population stores the details of four metro cities of India and CO2, CO3, CO4
another object AvgIncome stores the total average income reported in four years
in these cities. Calculate income per capita for each of these metro cities.
7. Create a DataFrame based on E-Commerce data and generate mean, mode, CO2, CO3, CO4
8. Create a DataFrame based on employee data and generate quartile and variance. CO2, CO3, CO4
9. Program to implement Skewness on Random data. CO2, CO3, CO4
10. Create a DateFrame on any Data and compute statistical function of Kurtosis. CO2, CO3, CO4
11. Series objects Temp1, temp2, temp3, temp 4 stores the temperature of days of CO2, CO3, CO4
week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4. Write a script to:-
a. Print average temperature per week
b. Print average temperature of entire month
12. Write a Program to read a CSV file and create its DataFrame. CO2, CO3, CO4
13. Consider the DataFrame QtrSales where each row contains the item category, CO2, CO3, CO4
item name and expenditure and group the rows by category, and print the
average expenditure per category.
14. Create a DataFrame having age, name, weight of five students. Write a program CO2, CO3, CO4
to display only the weight of first and fourth rows.
15. Write a program to create a DataFrame to store weight, age and name of three CO2, CO3, CO4
people. Print the DataFrame and its transpose.
1. In total 10 practicals to be implemented. 2 additional practical may be given by the course instructor.
2. This is a suggestive list of programs. However, the instructor may add programs as per the requirement of the
In this course, the learners will be able to develop expertise related to the following:
1. To learn the basics of designing intelligent agents that can solve general purpose problems.
2. To represent and process knowledge, plan and act, reason under uncertainty and can learn from
Basic Programming Skills
After completion of this course, the learners will be able to:-
CO# Detailed Statement of the CO *BT Level Mapping to PO #
CO1 To understand elements constituting problems and learn to solve it by BTL1,BTL2, PO1, PO2,PO4
various uninformed and informed (heuristics based) BTL3,
CO2 To understand formal methods for representing the knowledge and the BTL2, BTL3 PO1, PO2, PO4,
process of inference to derive new representations of the knowledge.
CO3 Analyze and apply the notion of uncertainty and some of probabilistic BTL3, BTL4 PO1, PO2, PO4,
reasoning methods to deduce inferences under uncertainty
CO4 Apply some mechanisms to create and improve AI system. BTL3, BTL5 PO4, PO6, PO8
No. of Hours: 12 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters - 1, 2, 3]; TB2 [Chapters- 1, 3, 4]
Overview of AI: Introduction to AI, Importance of AI, AI and its related field, AI techniques, Criteria for success.
Problems, problem space and search: Defining the problem as a state space search, Production Systems and its
characteristics, Issues in the design of the search programs.
Heuristic search techniques: Generate and test, hill climbing, best first search technique, problem reduction, constraint
No. of Hours: 12 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters - 5, 6]; TB2 [Chapters - 7, 8, 9, 10]
RB1 [Chapters - 5, 6, 7]
Knowledge Representation: Definition and importance of knowledge, Knowledge representation, various approaches
used in knowledge representation, Issues in knowledge representation.
Logical Reasoning: Logical agents, propositional logic, inferences, Syntax and semantics of First Order Logic, Inference
in First Order Logic Knowledge Base, forward chaining, backward chaining, unification, resolution, Expert system :
Case study of Expert system in PROLOG
No. of Hours: 10 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters - 7, 8, 15]; TB2 [Chapters - 13, 14]
Handling Uncertainty: Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Probabilistic reasoning, Bayes ‘Theorem, Certainty factors and
Rule-based Systems, Bayesian Networks, Dempster-Shafer Theory, Introduction to Fuzzy logic. Fuzzy set definition &
types. Membership functions. Designing a fuzzy set for a given application
Natural Language Processing: Introduction, Syntactic Processing, Semantic Processing, Pragmatic
No. of Hours: 10 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter 17]; TB2 [Chapters - 18, 19]
Learning: Introduction to Learning, Rote Learning, learning by taking advice, learning in problem solving, learning
from examples: Induction, Explanation-based Learning, Discovery, Analogy, Neural Networks, and Genetic Learning.
TB1. Rich and Knight, “Artificial Intelligence”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1992.
TB2. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”, Prentice Hall, Second Edition
(Indian Reprint: Pearson Education)
RB1. Ivan brakto :”Prolog Programming for AI “, Addison Wesley
RB2. George F.Luger Artificial Intelligence Pearson Education
RB3. Ben Coppin Artificial Intelligence Illuminated Jones and Bartlett Publisher
This is the associated practical paper. The learning outcomes are same as the corresponding theory paper.
List of Practicals
S. Detailed Statement Mapping to
No. CO #
1. Write a program to implement Breadth First and Depth First Search CO1
2. Write a Program for the Best First Search and A* search algorithm CO1
3. Write a program to implement Water Jug Problem CO1
4. Write a program to implement 4-Queen Problem CO1
5. Write a program to implement AO* algorithm CO1
6. Write a program to implement hill climbing & steepest ascent hill climbing algorithm CO1
7. Write a program to implement Travelling Salesman Problem CO1
8. (a) Write a program to implement List operations (Nested List, Length, Concatenation, CO2
Membership, Iteration, Indexing and Slicing)?
(b) Write a program to implement List methods (Add, Append, and Extend & Delete).
9. Write a program to implement First Order Predicate using: CO2
a. Backward Chaining
b. Forward Chaining
10. (a) Write a program to remove stop words for a given passage from a text file using Natural CO3
Language Toolkit (NLTK)?
(b) Write a program to implement stemming for a given sentence using NLTK?
(c) Write a program to POS (Parts of Speech) tagging for the given sentence using NLTK?
(d) Write a program to implement Lemmatization using NLTK?
11. (b) Write a program for Text Classification for the given sentence using NLTK? CO3
12. Write a program to implement Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for Classification using a CO4
13. Write a program to implement Genetic Algorithm for different types of gene representation CO4
14. Write a program to implement ANN for Bayesian networks CO4
15. Write a program to implement back propagation algorithm using ANN CO4
1. In total 10 practicals to be implemented. 2 additional practical may be given by the course instructor.
2. This is a suggestive list of programs. However, the instructor may add programs as per the requirement of the
In this course, the learners will be able to develop expertise related to the following: -
1. Students will be able to learn about basic security issues and concepts of Network Security.
2. Students will be able to understand the Describe briefly the use of Cryptography and Steganography.
3. To develop graduates that can identify, analyze, and remediate network security breaches.
4. To learn about Firewall and his principles.
5. Students will be able to understand the concept of Kerberos and use of this.
6. To Design and Implement different network security algorithm by using Program.
7. Students will be able to understand the computer network and secure network communication issues along
with their remedies.
8. Students will be able to learn and evaluate the different algorithm by using Program.
1. Computer Network
2. C, C++ (Programming Knowledge of C/C++)
After completion of this course, the learners will be able to: -
CO# Detailed Statement of the CO *BT Mapping to PO #
CO1 Define and explain the issues and basic concepts of BTL1, PO7
Network Security. BTL2,
To understand how to draw a network model. BTL4
CO2 To Explain, understand and summarize the concepts, types BTL2 PO1, PO7
and features of Firewall.
CO3 Explain and implement working of authentication, BTL3, PO3, PO4, PO7
authorization, Packet security, IP Security, Firewall by BTL2
using some suitable examples.
CO4 Classify and organize the architecture of network security BTL2, PO7
management. BTL4
CO5 Evaluate different Network Security algorithms with the BTL5 PO3, PO4, PO7
help of program.
CO6 Design and create a network security architecture for an BTL6 PO4, PO7, PO8
No. of Hours: 12 Chapter/Book Reference: TB2 [Chapters - 1, 2]
Introduction to Network Security and related issues- authentication, confidentiality, integrity, anonymity, etc. Network
Security Models, Network Security Threats, Secure socket layer (SSL)/ Transport layer security (TLS), Public Key
Infrastructure, Digital Signature Schemes.
Firewalls: Overview, Types, Features, User Management, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, Intruders, Viruses
and Related Threats, Firewall Design Principles, Packet filtering firewall, VPN.
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters - 3, 4]
Authentication applications - Kerberos, X.509, E-Mail security, pretty good privacy (PGP), Secure Multipurpose Internet
Mail Extensions (S/MIME), IP security overview, IP security policy, Encapsulating security payload (ESP).
Network Management Security: Overview of SNMP Architecture. Available software platforms/case tools,
Configuration Management.
No. of Hours: 10 Chapter/Book Reference: TB2 [Chapter - 8]
Intrusion Detection: Intruders, Intrusion Detection, Host-Based Intrusion Detection, Distributed Host-Based Intrusion
Detection, Network-Based Intrusion Detection, Distributed Adaptive Intrusion Detection, Intrusion Detection Exchange
Format, Honeypots, Virtual Private Network
TB1. Kaufman et al., Network Security, Second Edition, Publisher: Prentice Hall, 2002.
TB2. Stallings and Brown, Computer Security: Principles and Practice, Fourth Edition, Publisher: Pearson, 2018.
RB1. Trappe and Washington, Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory, Third Edition, Publisher: Pearson,
RB2. Principles of Information Security: Michael E. Whitman, Herbert J. Mattord, CENGAGE Learning, 4th Edition.
RB3. Kaufman et al., Network Security, Second Edition, Publisher: Prentice Hall, 2002.
RB4. W. Mao, “Modern Cryptography – Theory and Practice”, Pearson Education.
This is the associated practical paper. The learning outcomes are same as the corresponding theory paper.
List of Practicals
S. No. Detailed Statement Mapping to CO#
1 Implement Security Monitoring Tools CO1, CO3
2 To study and implement Public Key cryptographic systems CO1, CO3
1. In total 10 practicals to be implemented. 2 additional practical may be given by the course instructor.
2. This is a suggestive list of programs. However, the instructor may add programs as per the requirement of the
The students will be able to develop expertise related to the following:
1. Understand the model view controller (MVC) and Model View template (MVT) pattern and how it is
implemented in Django
2. Create Django templates for easy-to-modify views
3. Map views to URLs
4. Take advantage of the built-in Admin interface
5. Provide HTML form processing
6. Integrate automated tests with your code
1. All students should have a working knowledge of HTML 5, and CSS.
2. All students should have a working knowledge of Python
After completion of this course, the learners will be able to:-
CO# Detailed Statement of the CO *BT Mapping to PO #
CO1 Install and Configure Python and Django in a development and BTL1, PO4,PO5, PO6, PO8
production environment BTL2,
CO2 Understands the security implications of Django using templates BTL2, PO4, PO5, PO8
and develop secure websites with Django BTL3,
CO3 Utilize Django Models to build an interface with powerful BTL3, PO5,PO7,PO8
relational databases BTL6
CO4 Design and develop forms (both ad-hoc and from Models and BTL3, PO6,PO8
Data Models) and automate the validation and verification of BTL4,
data in those forms BTL5,
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters - 1, 2, 3]
Web development basics: Client server architecture, webserver, web browser, basic of HTML concept, basics of CSS,
basics of JavaScript, Bootstrap.
Introduction to Django: Web Framework, The MVC and MTV Design Pattern, Difference between MVC and MTV
design patterns, Django’s History, Installation of Python, Installation of Django using PIP command, Understanding
Django environment, Django Commands Overview
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter - 4]
The Basics of Dynamic Web Pages: (Views and URLconfs): Creating View, Dynamic Content, Mapping URLs to
Views, processing a Request, URL configurations and Loose Coupling, Creating View with Dynamic URLs, Django’s
Error Pages
The Django Template System:
Template System Basics, template language: variables, Boolean Operators, for loop, if, Basic Template Tags and Filters,
Comments, Using Templates in Views, Template Loading, Template Inheritance Tags, Creating a Model Manipulating
Data (CRUD) Linking Models
Django Forms: Creating a form using Django Forms, Render HTML Forms (GET & POST), Form Fields, form field
custom widgets, Simple Validation
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter - 5, 7]
Interacting with a Database: Models: Using Database Queries in Views (hard-coding the connection parameters),
Configuring the Database, Creating First App , Defining Models in Python, Creating ,Installing the Model, Basic Data
Access, Adding Model String Representations, Inserting and Updating Data, Selecting Objects, Filtering Data,
Retrieving Single Objects, Ordering Data, Chaining Lookups, Slicing Data, Deleting Objects , Making Changes to a
Database Schema , Basic model data types and fields list , Relationship Fields ,Field options, Adding Fields , Validation
on Fields in a Model , using Django Field Choices, Removing Fields, Removing Many to Many Fields, Removing
Models, creating forms using Models
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters - 6, 12, 14];
The Django Administration Site: Creating superuser for accessing the backend admin app, registering custom Django
models with the admin site, customizing admin rendering of Django models, Customizing Django admin templates look
and feel.
Deploying Django Project: Real time project: E-commerce domain applications Front-End Back-
Preparing Your Codebase for Production, implementing error Templates, Setting up Error Alerts
Sessions, Users, and Registration: Getting and Setting cookies, Setting Test Cookies Django’s Session Framework:
enabling sessions, using session in views, Using Sessions Outside of Views, destroying a session using flush
Security in Django: Cross site request forgery protection, Cryptographic Signing
TB1. The Django Book freely available - https://django.book.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
TB2. Django 3 By Example, 3rd Edition,By Antonio Mele
RB1. https://docs.djangoproject.com/
RB2. Python Web Development with Django by Jeff Forcier , Paul Bissex , Wesley Chun
RB3. Django for Beginners: Build websites with Python and Django by William S. Vincent
This is the associated practical paper. The learning outcomes are same as the corresponding theory paper.
List of Practicals
14. Work with Django Template built in Tags and Filter CO2
15. Handling 404, 502 pages in Django CO2
Application Based Practicals (Implement Any one of the following App)
1. Quiz App CO4
2. To-do webapp using Django CO4
3. Weather app using Django CO4
4. Creating a Feedback Form with database submission CO4
5. Calorie Counter CO4
(i) In total 10 practicals and one small App to be implemented.
(ii) Additional practical may be given by the course instructor.
(iii) This is a suggestive list of programs. However, the instructor may add or change programs as per
the requirement of the course.
In this course, the learners will be able to develop expertise related to the following: -
1. Understand the basics of Digital Marketing.
2. Comprehend the importance of Digital Marketing Platforms.
3. Gain knowledge about the usefulness of Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
After completion of this course, the learners will be able to:-
CO2 Planning steps for digital marketing strategy and successfully executing BTL3 PO2, PO4
CO3 Understand the importance of Social Media Platforms and Social Media BTL2 PO2, PO4,
Marketing for online communication. PO6
CO4 Applying Search Engine Optimization techniques (SEO) and Search BTL3 PO2, PO4,
Engine Marketing (SEM) to maximize reach and enhance engagement PO6
of users.
CO5 Analyzing web using analytics tools and gaining insights to various tools BTL4 PO2, PO4,
for Social Media Marketing. PO6
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter – 1, 2], TB2 [Chapter – 1, 4-9],
TB3 [Chapter –1]
Digital Marketing Basics: Digital Marketing meaning and its importance, Traditional vs Digital Marketing, Benefits of
Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing basics, Digital Marketing channels, Types of Business models, Digital Marketing
strategies (P.O.E.M framework), Inbound and Outbound marketing, Digital Transformation model, 4Cs of Digital
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter –3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], TB2 [Chapter – 4], TB3 [Chapter – 8]
Social Media Marketing – Introduction, Social Media marketing strategies, Overview of Social media platforms –
Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Mobile, Twitter, Content Planning and Strategy, Influential marketing, Content
marketing, Digital Marketing campaign
Search Engine Optimization – Introduction to SEO, On-Page and Off-Page Optimization, Role of Keywords in
SEO, Organic vs Non-Organic SEO, Blogging as marketing strategy, Types of Blogs
Search Engine Marketing – Introduction to Paid marketing, Google Adwords, Types of campaigns and Campaign
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter – 1, 5, 11]
Tools for SMM and Marketing communication – Overview of Buffer, Hootsuite, Canva, Trello and Hot jar
Web Analytics: Meaning, Purpose and process, Types, Tools for analytics – Google analytics, Audience analytics,
Acquisition analytics, Behavior analytics, Conversion analytics
TB1. Rajan Gupta, Supriya Madan, “Digital Marketing”, BPB Publication, Ist Edition, 2022
TB2. Seema Gupta, “Digital Marketing”, McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2018.
TB3. Puneet Singh Bhatia, “Fundamentals of Digital Marketing”, Pearson, 2nd Edition, 2020.
RB1. Ian Dodson, “The Art of Digital Marketing”, Wiley, 2017.
RB2. Nitin Kamat, Chinmay Nitin Kamat, “Digital Marketing”, Himalaya Publishing House, 1st Edition, 2017.
RB3. Vandana Ahuja, “Digital Marketing”, Oxford University Press, 8th Edition, 2019.
RB4. Judy Strauss, Raymond Frost, “E- Marketing”, PHI learning, 5th Edition, 2009.
RB5. Moutusy Maity, “Internet Marketing”, Oxford University Press, 2018.
RB6. Stephanie Diamond, “Digital Marketing”, Wiley, 2019.
RB7. T. N. Swaminathan, Karthik Kumar, “Digital Marketing From Fundamentals to Future”, Cengage, 1st Edition,
In this course, the learners will be able to develop expertise related to the following:
1. To get the knowledge about the important concepts & characteristics of accounting.
2. To study the application of accounting in the general business environment.
CO3 Final A/c’s (Trading A/c, Profit & Loss A/c, Balance Sheet) without adjustment BTL3 PO4
& with adjustment. BTL4
CO4 Sub division of Journal: Cash Journal, Petty Cash Book, Purchase Journal, BTL4 PO4
Purchase Return Journal, Sales Journal, Sales Return Journal.
CO5 Inventory valuation, Inventory System, Methods of valuation of Inventories BTL5 PO4
(FIFO, LIFO & Weighted Average Method).
CO6 Depreciation concept & causes, Method of recording depreciation & Method of BTL5 PO5,PO6
providing depreciation. BTL6
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter / Book Reference: TB2[Chapters - 1,2,3], RB4 [Chapters - 1, 2]
Meaning and nature of accounting, Scope of financial accounting, Interrelationship of Accounting with other disciplines,
Branches of Accounting, Accounting concepts and convention, Accounting standards in India.
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter / Book Reference: TB2 [Chapters - 6, 8], RB4 [Chapters - 5, 6]
Journal, Rules of Debit and Credit, Sub Division of Journal: Cash Journal, Petty Cash Book, Purchase Journal, Purchase
Return, Sales Journal, Sales Return Journal, Ledger, Trial Balance.
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter / Book Reference: TB2 [Chapter – 9], RB4 [Chapter – 8]
Preparation of Final Accounts, Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet-Without adjustments and with adjustments.
No. of Hours: 11 Chapter / Book Reference: TB2 [Chapters - 11, 12], RB4 [Chapters - 7, 10]
Meaning of Inventory, Objectives of Inventory Valuation, Inventory Systems, Methods of Valuation of Inventories-
FIFO, LIFO and Weighted Average Method, Concept of Deprecation, Causes of Depreciation, Meaning of Depreciation
Accounting, Method of Recording Depreciation, Methods of Providing Depreciation.
TB1. Maheshwari, S.N. and Maheshwari, S. K., (2022) An Introduction to Accountancy,
Eighth Edition, Vikas Publishing House.
TB2. Tulsian, P.C., (2020) Financial Accountancy, 2nd edition, Pearson Education.
TB3. Goyal, Bhusan Kumar , Basic Financial Accounting,2020, International Book House Pvt. Ltd.
RB1. Gupta R. L., & Gupta V.K., “Principles & Practice of Accounting”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 1999.
RB2. Monga J R, “Introduction to Financial Accounting”, Mayur Paperbacks, 2010.
RB3. Raja Sekaran/Lalitha, “Financial Accounting”, Pearsons.
RB4. Goyal V.K. & Goyal Ruchi (2022) Financial accounting ,PHI
In this course, the learners will be able to develop the following:
1. To boost student’s confidence through oral and written skills.
2. To help students develop leadership skills and teamwork.
3. To prepare students for work related challenges.
No. of Hours: 5 Chapter / Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter - 6], TB2 [Chapters - 19, 20] RB2 [Chapter - 4]
Personality Development, Professional Etiquettes, Art of Social Conversation, Basic Body Language, Meeting and
Greeting Skills
No. of Hours: 5 Chapter / Book Reference: TB3 [Chapter - 6], TB4 [Chapters - 12, 13, 16], RB3 [Chapter - 9],
RB4 [Chapter - 10]
Leadership and Team-Building Skills, Decision Making and Problem Solving through Effective Communication
Strategies. Role plays, Team building
No. of Hours: 8 Chapter / Book Reference: RB3 [Chapters - 3, 4], RB4 [Chapter - 17]
Confidence Building Skills Self-Introduction, Self-Awareness, Mock Interviews, Extempore, Group Discussion
No. of Hours: 4 Chapter / Book Reference: RB1 [Chapters - 4, 6, 9]
TB1. Business Communication by Asha Kaul- PHI
TB2. Personality Development and Communication Skills-I by Urmila Rai and S.M. Rai - Himalaya Publishing House
TB3. Communication Skills" by Sanjay Kumar and Pushp Lata, Oxford University Press.
TB4. Business Communication by Meenakshi Raman and Prakash Singh, Oxford University Press
RB1. Life Management and Stress Management by Shawn Chhabra
RB2. Personality Development and Communication Skills-II- by C.B. Gupta
RB3. Self-Awareness: The Hidden Driver of Success and Satisfaction – Travis Bradberry
RB4. Business Communication by Hory Sankar Mukherjee, Oxford University Press
In this course, the learners will be able to develop expertise related to:
1. Basic understanding of Object-Oriented Programming Concepts and create classes.
2. Learn Inheritance, exception handling in Java.
3. Understand and implement multithreading programming.
4. Learn building GUI applications using various controls in Swings.
PRE-REQUISITES: Prior knowledge of programming language is mandatory.
CO6 To apply the Java Thread model to develop multithreading BT5 PO4
CO7 To understand and apply the concepts of GUI BT6 PO5,PO6
programming using swings.
List of Practicals
S. No. Detailed Statement Mapping to
CO #
Core Practicals (Implement minimum 10 out of 15 practicals)
1. Write a program declaring a class Rectangle with data member’s length and CO1
breadth and member functions Input, Output and CalcArea.
2. Write a program to demonstrate use of method overloading to calculate area of CO1
square, rectangle and triangle.
3. Write a program to demonstrate the use of static variable, static method and CO1
static block.
4. Write a program to demonstrate concept of ``this``. CO1
16. Create a class employee which have name, age and address of employee, include CO1
methods getdata() and showdata(), getdata() takes the input from the user,
showdata() display the data in following format:
17. Write a Java program to perform basic Calculator operations. Make a menu CO1
driven program to select operation to perform (+ - * / ). Take 2 integers and
perform operation as chosen by user.
18. Write a program to make use of BufferedStream to read lines from the keyboard CO5
until 'STOP' is typed.
19. Write a program declaring a Java class called SavingsAccount with members CO4
``accountNumber`` and ``Balance``. Provide member functions as
``depositAmount ()`` and ``withdrawAmount ()``. If user tries to withdraw an
amount greater than their balance then throw a user-defined exception.
20. Write a program creating 2 threads using Runnable interface. Print your CO6
name in ``run ()`` method of first class and "Hello Java" in ``run ()`` method
of second thread.
21. Write program that uses swings to display combination of RGB using 3 CO7
22. Write a swing application that uses atleast 5 swing controls CO7
23. Write a program to implement border layout using Swing. CO7
24. Write a java program to insert and update details data in the database. CO7
25. Write a java program to retrieve data from database and display it on GUI. CO7
1. In total 15 practicals to be implemented. 2 additional practical may be given by the course
2. This is a suggestive list of programs. However, the instructor may add programs as per the
requirement of the course.
Students will be capable to acquire the generic software development skill through various stages of software life cycle.
Students will also be able to ensure the quality of software through software development with various protocol based
environment. After completion of course student will be able to prepare SRS, analysis the requirement, design the
requirements and generate test cases to test the project. Students will also be able to handle software development models
through rational method. Rational Rose Enterprise Edition software is used to serve the objectives.
After completion of this course, the learners will be able to:
CO # Detailed Statement of the CO BT Level Mapping to PO #
CO1 To apply the software engineering lifecycle by demonstrating BT2 PO3
competence in communication, planning, analysis, design,
construction, and deployment.
CO2 Demonstrate an understanding of and apply current theories, BT3 PO3
models, and techniques that provide a basis for the software
CO3 Analyzing and developing a software product along with its BT3 PO4
complete documentation.
CO4 Work as an individual and as part of a multidisciplinary team to BT4 PO4
develop and deliver quality software in one or more significant
application domains.
CO5 Demonstrate an ability to use the techniques and tools necessary BT4 PO4
for engineering practice
List of Practicals
S.No. Detailed Statement Mapping to
CO #
1. Select and Write down the problem statement for a real time system of relevance. CO2, CO3
2. Analyze requirement for a system and develop Software Requirement Specification CO2, CO3
Sheet (SRS) for suggested system.
3. To create the function oriented diagram: Data Flow Diagram (DFD) CO2, CO3
4. To perform the user‘s view analysis for the suggested system: Use case diagram. CO2,CO3, CO4
5. To draw the structural view diagram for the system: Class diagram CO4
6. To draw the behavioral view diagram : State-chart diagram or Activity diagram CO2, CO3,CO4
7. To perform the behavioral view diagram for the suggested system : Sequence diagram CO2, CO3,CO4
8. Draw the component diagram CO2, CO3,CO4
Suggested Applications
(i) Inventory Management
(ii) Library Management
(iii) Result Management
(iv) Hotel Management System
(v) Any Website
(vi) Any mobile application
(vii) E-Commerce website
(viii) Any other application
1. Students are required to identify an application in the beginning of the semester and conduct all
practicals for the same application.
2. In total 10 practicals to be implemented.
3. Students may use any open source software i.e. argoUML for drawing the above diagrams.
4. Students may Use testing tool such as junit.
5. Student may Use configuration management tool-libra.