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edition 15

of automatic
gear boxes


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The concept of an automatic transmission or automatic gearbox is based
on the ability to change gear or speed ratios automatically, without requir-
ing the driver to do this manually using the selection lever. This means
that vehicles equipped with automatic transmissions have only two pedals
(brake and accelerator) and that they therefore lack both a clutch pedal
and a conventional gear shift lever.

Automatic transmissions are being applied more and more commonly on

the market. They were initially developed in high-end vehicles where user
comfort is very important, and they are now starting to be used in the ma-
jority of models of each one of the car makes.
Today it is possible to find an endless array of vehicle models with differ-
ent types of gearboxes and the respective variations of each type, thus
achieving a particular use for each type of transmission. Different types of
automatic transmissions currently coexist:
Since there are many different types of transmissions on the market, each
• Planetary gear transmission with torque converter.
one requires periodic maintenance over the course of its operating life-
• Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). time. According to some manufacturers, maintenance is not required due
• Robotised gearbox. to the fact that the oil is intended to last for the entire life of the transmis-
• Dual-clutch gearbox. sion, while others do specify periods for replacing oil and filters.
In many cases, different adjustments or verifications need to be carried out
Each type of gearbox installed in today’s vehicles is given a specific name during the period the gearbox is in use, always following the instructions of
depending on the manufacturer, such as: DSG, PDK, Multitronic, Tiptronic the transmission or vehicle manufacturer. The adjustments may be done
(VAG Group); Easytronic (GM); Steptronic (BMW); Hypertronic (NISSAN); mechanically or electronically, using a diagnostic machine.
Q-System, Selespeed (ALFA ROMEO-FIAT); Geartronic (VOLVO); Pow-
erShift (FORD), among many other names.

Classification of automatic transmissions

The classification of automatic transmissions is complex, but they can ba- In some cases, gearboxes may integrate several systems like the ones
sically be categorized as follows: described above at the same time. For example, an automatic gearbox
with a planetary gear set that has sequential control and a device to block
access to other gears at certain times.
By control type:
Traditionally, transmission multiplication or decrease is not obtained with
• Analogue: the lever has a position for each one of the gear ratios.
gears in parallel, as in manual transmissions, but rather with sets of plan-
• Sequential: may be alone or in addition to the analogue shift. Each etary gears. By means of hydraulic or electro-hydraulic control devices,
touch of the lever or press of a button or cam on the steering wheel one or more components of these gears is selectively immobilized, obtain-
engages the next higher or lower gear. ing a suitable transmission ratio at all times while the vehicle is moving.
This type of transmission does not have a friction clutch, as in manual
By type of functions: transmissions, but rather is equipped with a hydraulic clutch or even a
• Selection: the movement of the control engages the gear. torque converter, whose purpose is to constantly transmit the force gen-
erated by the engine to the transmission. In some cases, as in the case
• Blocking: the control indicates which gears are blocked. For example, in
of dual-clutch gear gearboxes (DSG), they are equipped with multi-plate
a five-speed transmission, if the control is in third gear, the vehicle will
clutches in an oil bath or dry twin plate clutches.
not be able to change to fourth or fifth gear.

Based on the type of mechanism:

• Cylindrical gears: these are normally helical gears with synchronized
gear changes.
• Planetary gear set: gear changes are made by means of brakes or
clutches; the gears are always connected.
• Continuous variation: a belt moves between two opposing conical
plates thanks to the inertia of the rotational speed. There is no gear
change per se, but rather an infinite range of ratios between the longest
ratio and the shortest.

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Manufacturers of automatic transmissions D
Car manufacturers use different types of gearboxes for their models. Many It is important to know which type of gearbox and model is installed in I
makes manufacture their own gearboxes based on the engines that they each vehicle. In some cases, different vehicle makes may use the same O
are going to produce. In many cases, there are specialized manufacturers gearboxes. The table below shows a list with some of the automatic trans- N
of automatic transmissions who work with vehicle manufacturers. Some of missions used by car manufacturers.
the more well known include:
• Aisin Warner
• Getrag
• Jacto
• ZF

Manufacturer Models of automatic transmissions

ALFA ROMEO 4HP18Q, 4HP20, 4HP22, AW50-40LE (AF14), AW55-50SN, TF-80SC - 81SC
AUDI 01J (CVT), 01M, 01N, 01V (ZF5HP19), 09E, 09G, 4HP18 FL , 4HP24A, 5HP19 (01V), 5HP19FLA (01V),
5HP24A, 6HP19A, 6HP26A (09Е), 6HP28,6HP28AF (09Е), 6HP32 (09Е), 87, 89, 8HP55, 97, DQ250
(02E), TR-60SN (09D)
BMW 3HP22, 4HP22, 4HP24, 4L30E, 4L40E, 5HP18, 5HP19 (01V), 5HP24, 5HP30, 5L40E,6HP19, 6HP26
(09Е), 6HP28, 6HP32 (09Е), 6L45, 6L45R, 8HP45 \ 55 \ 70,8HP50 - 8HP75, 8HP70, RE5R01A
FIAT 4HP14, 4HP20, AL4, AW50-40LE (AF14), AW55-50SN, AW60-40LE (AF13),RE0F21A (CVT), TF-80SC -
KIA 4EAT-G (GF4A-EL), 6HP26 (09Е), A4AF3, A4CF1, A4CF2, A5GF1, A5HF1, A6GF1, A6LF1/2/3,
A6MF1/2/3, A750E, A8TR1, AL4, AW03-70 -72LE / LS (A40),AW03-71 -72LE \LS (A40), AW30-70LE,
AW50-40LE (AF14), AW50-42LE (AF22),F4A-EL, F4A42, F4A51, F4A51- V5A51, F5A51, JF405E,
RE4R01A\B, RE5R05A (JR507E)
MITSUBISHI 42RLE, 5-45RFE, A604 (40TE 41TE), AW03-70 -72LE / LS (A40), BTR4- M74LE, F1C1 (CVT), F3A22
, F4A22, F4A23 (175-177), F4A33, F4A42, F4A51, F4A51 - V5A51, F5A51, JF011E (CVT), JF506E,
JF613E, KM175-177, R4A51 V4A51, R5A51 V5A51, RE4R03A, V4A51, V4AW3, V5A51, W4A32, W4A33,
NISSAN AL4, JF011E (CVT), JF016E, JF017E, JF403E, JF404E, JF405E, JF506E, JF613E, JR403E, JR507E,
JR710E (RE7R01A), JR711E (RE7R01B), RC4A-EL, RE0F06A (CVT), RE0F08A (CVT), RE0F09A (CVT
JF010E), RE0F21A (CVT), RE4F03A, RE4F03A / B, RE4F04A, RE4F04A / B, RE4R01A \ B, RE4R03A,
RE5R01A, RE5R05A (JR507E), RL4F03, RL4R01A
RENAULT 4HP20, AD4, AD8, AL4, AW50-40LE (AF14), AW55-50SN, JF011E (CVT), JF613E, MB1, MB3, TF-80SC -
TOYOTA A132L / 131L, A140E / L, A240L \ E \ H, A241L, A242L, A243L, A244E, A245E , A246E, A247E, A340E / F
/ H, A343F / E, A40-A46DE, A42 -43 -44DE / DL, A440F, A442F, A540E \ H \ 541E, A541E, A650E, A750E,
A750F, A761E / F, A960E, AB60F, TR-60SN (09D), U140E, U140F, U151E, U240E, U241E, U250E,
U340E, U341E / F, U440E (AW80-40), U660E, U760E

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There is an endless variety of automatic transmissions depending on their nance. This scheduling is determined by the manufacturer and must be
functioning and internal components, but in general, they all have very done according to a certain number of kilometres travelled or a specific
similar maintenance. time. The table below shows an example of approximate maintenance
Maintenance must be done periodically because it is scheduled mainte- periods:

Automatic gearbox with torque converter Oil and filter replacement between 30,000 and 60,000 km
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) Check the oil level every 15,000 km
Oil and filter replacement every 90,000 km
Robotised gearbox Oil and filter replacement every 60,000 km
Dual clutch gearbox (DSG) Oil and filter replacement every 60,000 km or 8 years

The oil in some transmissions does not need to be replaced (provided The technical information from the manufacturer is required to carry
that it is in good condition), but it should be checked at the kilometre out any maintenance task, because this information specifies the oil
intervals specified by the manufacturer. When pulling trailers or driving capacities, the steps to be carried out, the location of replaceable ele-
in special conditions, the oil does need to be changed. ments and the tightening torque values.
The most common maintenance is based on checking the oil level, re-
placing it, and replacing the filters that it uses. Oil is drained with the engine turned off, removing a screw located in
Previously, when carrying out maintenance on the vehicle’s gearbox, it the gearbox crankcase. In some models, there is also a drain screw for
is very important to take a road test in the vehicle in order to ensure that the torque converter; in this case, you should look for openings in the
the gearbox is functioning correctly, and thus avoid problems or issues bottom of the gearbox housing and turn the engine manually to locate
that could result in customer complaints later. the screw.

It is advisable to deposit the extracted oil in a graduated container so After the oil has been drained, disassemble the filter, which may be
that you know how many litres were removed. It is also important to mounted externally on the housing or inside the gearbox. If it is located
note the colour of the oil, because this may help detect possible anoma- inside, you will need to disassemble the crankcase to access it. Some
lies in the gearbox. models even have the filter in the crankcase itself and the entire crank-
case will need to be replaced.

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Normally, oil can be refilled through the dipstick tube, a screw on the side of the gearbox, or the fill pipe located in the drain screw hole of the E
crankcase. N



Manufacturers usually give two types of capacities:
• Total capacity:this is the total quantity of oil that the gearbox can hold;
this capacity is usually filled when the gearbox is disassembled for
• Capacity of an oil change: this is the quantity of oil that must be filled
in a maintenance oil change.
In the case of oil changes for maintenance, the manufacturer’s speci-
fied capacity must be compared with the number of litres removed dur-
ing the draining process. The amount drained should be approximately
the same as the amount supplied by the manufacturer, but keep in mind
that all of the oil in the circuit is never completely drained.
After the new oil has been added, check that the level is correct. To do
this, start the engine and follow the manufacturer’s instructions, which
generally indicate that the different gear steps should be connected
several times in succession.

The oil level should be checked after the oil change at the temperature
specified by the manufacturer, so a diagnostic tool should be connected
to determine the oil temperature.

This operation is usually done while the engine is running. If the level is
checked with a dipstick, it should be between the minimum and maxi-
mum levels. If the level is checked with a side screw, the check will be
done based on the overflow, until oil stops dripping. The engine should
never be turned off, because the oil pump will stop working and oil will
come out of the side fill hole.

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Operating principle
The “classic” automatic transmission works by means of planetary gear
sets. These sets are based on a series of groups of interconnected
gears, with each one able to generate a different ratio. The gearbox
receives the movement generated by the engine through a torque con-
verter (upgraded hydraulic clutch).
The torque converter is basically made up of two turbines housed in a
sealed oil-filled compartment. The oil is the force-transmitting element,
so there is no type of friction.
Gears or speeds are managed through a hydraulic distributor, con-
trolled by an electronic unit that distributes the control pressure to posi-
tion the following elements:
• Planetary gear set
• Control element
• Overrunning
• Parking lock system
• Selector lever
• Torque converter element or the application of resistance against it. When the clutch is
• Electro-hydraulic control engaged to one of the elements to stop it, it means that the rest of the
• Electronic transmission management elements rotate freely around it or are even secured to it to form a
block. If the the clutch is applied, it creates a difference in rotation be-
The operating principle of planetary gear sets is based on a group of in-
tween the incoming and outgoing force, obtaining greater multiplication
termeshed gears that rotate freely around each other. These elements
or reduction in the transmission ratio.
are controlled by brakes or clutches that allow the total blocking of the

Example of maintenance of the Mercedes 722.6

automatic gearbox
Conditions for checking the oil level

The oil level is checked with the lever in the “P” or “N” position and to the end would be the cold measurement (25 ºC) and the other
the engine running. would be the hot measurement (80 ºC).
The dipstick is only available to the technical service and is not incorpo-
rated as part of the vehicle. It has two measurement ranges, the closest

Changing the oil and filter In early versions, there is an oil drain plug for
the converter, so turn the engine over with a key
This is recommended every 60,000 kilometres. The prerequisites are (manually) until the cover is located, if the car is
the following: equipped with one. If so, remove all of the oil that
• Engine turned off. cannot be drained through the crankcase.
• Vehicle on a level surface.
• Move the shift lever to the “P” position. When the oil is completely drained, disassemble
• Remove the covering of the bottom of the engine compartment. the crankcase. It should be noted that drops of
oil will continue to drip from the entire valve box
Carry out the following steps to correctly change the oil: during disassembly. If there are any metal shav-
Raise the vehicle on a lift for visual inspection. During the inspection, ings or excessive worn material from the disks in
look for signs of oil leaks or any other anomaly that may have occurred the lubricant, you will observe a dark grey paste
while driving the vehicle. Remove the drain plug located in the crank- on the bottom of the crankcase or even on the
case. magnet.

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To remove the filter element, proceed as follows: A
1. Unscrew the crankcase screws and remove the metal wedges T
holding the crankcase. I
2. Remove the magnet from the oil crankcase. C
3. Clean the magnet by removing the abrasion waste.
4. Remove the oil filter. G
To put it back in place:
1. Remount the filter element.
2. Put the magnet in its housing and change the crankcase seal.
3. Install the crankcase and then tighten all of the screws to 20 Nm. B

Oil for the change and capacities N
The original oil from the manufacturer is shown below: The capacities for the oil change are the following: I
• MB236.10. Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF). • Total capacity or completely empty: 9.2 litres. N
• Reference: A 001 989 2103. This fluid is manufactured by the • Capacity of an oil change: 7 litres. U
DaimlerChrysler AG brand (Mercedes Group). O
• Equivalence: ATF Dexron III U
Oil level monitoring and filling To correctly check the oil level after the oil change, L
carry out the following steps as indicated by the Y
Fill the gearbox oil by carrying out the following steps indicated by the manufacturer:
manufacturer: 1.An exact check can only be done when the V
gearbox oil is at a temperature of 80 °C. A
1.Insert the crankcase plug/screw and tighten to 8 Nm. 2.Connect the diagnostic tool and check the R
2.Add approximately 5 litres of oil through the fill tube, removing the temperature of the gearbox oil in the “R” or I
plug. “D” gear position, pressing the service brake. A
3.Add oil while the gearbox is cold. 3.Insert the oil level dipstick all the way into the B
4.Start the engine and allow it to idle briefly in the “P” gear. oil fill tube and pull it out to read the gearbox oil L
5.Slowly add the remaining quantity of oil. level. E
6.Apply the service brake and connect the gear steps briefly in succes- 4.The gearbox oil level should be between the
sion, with the vehicle stopped and the engine idling, and then move “min.” and “max.” marks when the tempera- T
the gear lever to “P”. ture reads 80 °C. R
This is a type of gearbox that can change continuously through endless I
ratios within the values pre-established by the manufacturer without O
generating steps while the vehicle is moving. This means that there is N
no interruption of forward motion each time a gear is to be selected in
the gearbox; this is the most similar option to a variable transmission in
a motorcycle or scooter. C
The CVT is based on the principle of transmission by pulleys. It consists T
of two pulleys connected by a belt or chain.

The first pulley is connected to the engine (drive) and the other pulley to
the drive shaft (driven). The pulleys are made up of two moving cone-
shaped plates that open and close, varying the distance between them.
When the opening or closing of the plates is controlled, the effective in-
terior diameter changes and different transmission ratios are obtained.

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The transmission of force between the two pulleys is done by means of pulleys can adopt corresponds to a different transmission ratio, and for
a belt, so that when the diameter of the pulleys changes, the transmis- that reason, this type of transmission can develop infinite speeds.
sion ratio also changes progressively, either multiplying or decreasing
the torque output of the engine.Each one of the diameter ratios that the

Example of maintenance of the JATCO RE0F10A CVT

Changing the oil and filter

The oil in the gearboxes does not need to be replaced (provided that
it is in good condition), but it should be checked every 15,000 km.
When pulling trailers or driving in special conditions, the oil is
changed every 90,000 km.

The oil filter does not need to be replaced unless the oil or gearbox
have suffered some type of degradation. Even so, changing it every
90,000 km is recommended.

In order to drain the gearbox oil, the oil must be hot. Then carry out the
following steps indicated by the manufacturer:
1. Remove the drain plug and then drain the oil from the CVT through
the crankcase.
2. Install the fill tube.
3. Fill the gearbox with CVT fluid to the specified level.
4. Start up the engine and heat up the gearbox oil. It will take approxi-
mately 10 minutes for the CVT fluid to heat to a temperature of 50
°C - 80 °C.
5. Check the CVT fluid level and its condition, removing the drain plug.

Oil for the change and capacities

The original oil of the make is original NISSAN NS-2 CVT fluid and the
capacities will depend on the type of traction:
• For 2WD models: 8.5 litres.
• For 4WD models: 9.5 litres.

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Operating principle G
The automated (piloted or robotized) gearbox is based on a manual A
gearbox, but without the need to be controlled by the driver of the ve- R
hicle. When driving the vehicle, the driver does not have to change the B
speeds or press down the clutch pedal for it to operate correctly. O
The gearbox functions like any automatic gearbox. The only difference
is the operating principle of the internal mechanisms.

In terms of users, there is no clutch pedal and there is a lever with differ-
ent operating modes. The user can select the operating mode depend-
ing on the driving situation or use.

The gear lever can be used manually (sequential mode) or allowing the
transmission to function completely automatically. The vehicle’s instru-
ment panel indicates the operating option at all times.

In order to select the gears and engage the clutch, a hydraulic system Regardless of the actuation system, the elements are managed by a
with solenoid valves and actuators can be used, or a system with elec- control unit that is responsible for controlling the different command
tric motors and gears. functions for the actuators based on the received signals, either from
other units (engine, brakes, steering, etc.) or from the gearbox itself.

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The figure below shows a hydraulic diagram of the operation of the sion Automatically Shifted) robotized transmission.
gear management system of the Easytronic MTA (Manual Transmis-

Example of maintenance of the Easytronic MTA

automated transmission
For the maintenance of this type of gearbox, remember that they are
manual transmissions with an automatic gear selection system, so they
use the same lubricating oils for the gears as manual transmissions.
Gearboxes with hydraulically driven movement of the clutch and gears
use an exclusive oil that is totally independent from the oil that is used
in the gears.

The Easytronic MTA robotized gearbox is used by OPEL and it is the

F17-5 manual gearbox with an electronically-managed hydraulic sys-
tem to select gears and engage the clutch.

In normal vehicle use, the lubricant in this gearbox does not need to
be changed. If it is changed, the manufacturer recommends “Castrol
BOT 303 Mod” or “SAE 70W” lubricant, with a total capacity of 1.6 litres.
The oil is drained through a screw located on the bottom. Filling is done The fluid used to manage the gears that is recommended by the manu-
through a side screw close to the outlet to the half-shaft. The level is facturer is NewGen F17MTA-System, with a maximum capacity of 0.4
checked by overflow in the same fill opening. litres. To change the oil and bleed the gear management circuit, use a
proper diagnostic tool.

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Operating principle H

This transmission is used by the VAG group with the name DSG G
(Direkt-Schalt-Getriebe). There is also the PowerShift model manu- E
factured by Getrag. A
The dual-clutch transmission essentially consists of two intermedi- B
ate transmissions operating in parallel, each with its own clutch. O
Thanks to the distribution of the intermediate shafts, one of which X
has the ratios of 1st, 3rd and 5th, and the other has the ratios of
2nd, 4th, 6th and reverse, the subsequent changes can be prepared
by pre-selecting the next speed while in motion and at full power.
The gear change takes place by changing from one clutch to the
other, and is coordinated by the automatic gearbox control unit.

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Each gear train half consists of an input shaft and another second- The K1 multi-plate clutch transmits the torque to input shaft 1 in
ary tree, as well as its own multi-disk clutch. order to be able to engage gears 1, 3, 5 and reverse from this shaft.
The assembly is formed as follows: Since the torque that is transferred in 1st gear and reverse is great-
er than the torque transferred in the other speeds, the K1 clutch has
• Gear train half 1 is made up of the input shaft 1, secondary tree 1 been arranged as the exterior clutch because this makes it possible
and the K1 multi-plate clutch. (Odd speeds). to give it a larger diameter and thus better conditions for transferring
• Gear train half 2 is made up of the input shaft 2, secondary tree torque and power.
2 the intermediary shaft for the reverse inverter gear and the K2
multi-plate clutch. (Even speeds). The K2 multi-plate clutch transmits the torque to input shaft 2. It
receives the movement of the K2 multi-plate clutch (interior clutch)
and is responsible for engaging 2nd, 4th and 6th gear.

Input shafts 1 and 2 are arranged concentrically (coaxial). Input which allows for a much more robust, compact and lightweight con-
shafts 1 and 2 distribute gear selection by odd and even gears, struction of the transmission assembly.

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In DSG transmissions, each one of the clutches is engaged by rods In the case of the PowerShift transmission, the clutches are moved C
that move the thrust collars of the clutches. Speeds are changed by and the speed changes are made by rods and forks, but the move- L
selector forks. All of this is driven by hydraulic fluid that is managed ment is provided by electric motors that are also managed by a U
by a control unit and different solenoid valves. control unit. T


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Example of maintenance of the DSG 02E 6-speed
The oil and oil filter should be changed every 60,000 km. The total When changing the oil, first make sure that the temperature is less
oil capacity is 7.2 litres, but for maintenance, the quantity of oil that than 50°C by using a diagnostic tool. If it is lower, you can remove
is removed is 5.2 litres. The manufacturer recommends using VAG the drain screw and the level cannula to remove the oil. The filter is
G 052 182 oil. located at the top of the gearbox. Remove the filter housing which
is screwed directly onto the gearbox housing.

After you have drained the oil and replaced the filter, reinstall the When you have moved the lever through all of the positions, put it in
level cannula and then screw on the oil-fill tool and add 5.5 litres of the “P” position and use a diagnostic tool to verify that the oil tem-
oil. After filling, remove the tool, collect any oil that may have over- perature is between 35 and 45 °C; if it is higher, allow the oil to cool.
flowed, and when it stops dripping, hand-tighten the screw. With the engine running, remove the drain screw only and allow the
surplus oil to drip out. Once it stops coming out, replace the screw.
To check the level, start the engine, press the brake, and move the If oil does not flow out, add 1 litre of oil through the breather tube
gear selection lever through each position at 3-second intervals. and repeat the operation. The level is correct when the oil starts to

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The most common malfunctions in automatic transmissions are leading to malfunctions in internal hydraulic components. The fol-
normally due to insufficient maintenance. Failure to respect the oil lowing are the most common malfunctions in the different types of F
change frequency may cause the oil to deteriorate or drop in level, automatic transmissions: A
Malfunctions in the torque converter U
The most common symptom of malfunctioning of a torque converter To solve the problem, the torque converter should be repaired or E
is vehicle vibration; this normally becomes more noticeable at maxi- replaced. S
mum acceleration between 80 and 100 km/h, and disappears if ac-
celeration continues.

Malfunctions due to improper gearbox maintenance

If the fluid level is low, the oil pump draws air along with fluid, caus- The use of incorrect fluid can cause not only poor quality in the
ing bubbles inside the hydraulic circuit. This in turn reduces the execution of gear changes, but can also lead to damage and even
hydraulic pressure, causing slow speed changes and slipping of the rupturing of the transmission.
clutches and brakes. The oil recommended by the manufacturer should be used and the
If the oil level is too high, the gears beat the fluid into foam, causing correct quantity should be added to the gearbox. If any of the inter-
the same conditions that are produced when the fluid level is too nal components of the gearbox break, they should be replaced or
low. repaired.

Slipping in clutch packages

The clutch packages become worn with use because their function It is important to respect the maintenance schedule and use the oil
is to engage and disengage. Over time, this wear causes excessive recommended by the manufacturer. If any of the internal compo-
slippage of the clutches, and consequently poor engagement of the nents of the gearbox break, they should be replaced or repaired.

Malfunctions in electronic management

Any error in the measurement of the sensors or the electro-hydrau- To solve the problem, check the malfunction log and repair or re-
lic module that controls the opening of the valves will cause the place the elements affected inside the gearbox.
gearbox to go into emergency mode.

Solenoid valve failures

The most common symptoms are: emergency mode with malfunc- In case of a malfunction, check the memory log with a diagnostic
tion codes related to the solenoid valves and knocking when chang- tool and repair or replace the damaged elements of the gearbox.
ing gears. This knocking generally occurs when engaging and dis-
engaging the gear.

Oil pump failure

If the oil pump fails, it does not deliver hydraulic pressure and can- decide whether to repair or replace it.
not transmit the different gears or reverse.
Check the electronic management system, verifying the internal
pressure values and determine the condition of the pump in order to

Burning odour
If the transmission oil becomes overheated, it can generate this Overheating is normally caused by lack of maintenance and failure
odour. Using oil other than the recommended oil can also cause to change the oil before it degrades. When the oil is not changed on
these symptoms and effects. In all cases, the quantity and type of time, it loses its properties and friction increases on the metal parts
oil recommended by the manufacturer must be respected. of the gearbox causing an increase in temperature.

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This section describes the most common malfunctions in relation to the mechanical components and electronics of automatic transmissions. Depending
on the manufacturer and the different models, the number of faults occurring over the years may vary.

These faults are selected from the online platform: www.einavts.com This platform has a series of sections that specify: make, model, line, system af-
fected, and subsystem, which can be selected independently depending on the desired search.

VW CADDY III Station wagon (2KB, 2KJ) 1.6 TDI (CAYD)
Transmission fault warning light on.
Symptoms Dashboard warning message: Gearbox malfunction.
Fault codes recorded in the transmission control unit.
The vehicle displays one or more of the aforementioned fault codes.

The following symptom is observed in the workshop:

- After starting the engine and selecting the ¨D¨, ¨R¨ or ¨TRIP¨ from the ¨P¨ position, the vehicle does not move and the afore-
mentioned message is displayed or the transmission malfunction light turns on.

NOTE: The code P72C may appear in combination with the P073A or the P072D or also in combination with P073B or P2711.
NOTE: This technical note only affects those vehicles equipped with DSG gearboxes (DQ200, 0AM, 0EG) with 7 speeds and
dry clutches.
NOTE: This newsletter only affects those vehicles that are within a specific production date.
Cause Software defect in the transmission control unit.
Solution Repair procedure:
• Read the fault codes reported by the transmission control unit with the diagnostic tool.
• Confirm that one or more of the fault codes mentioned in the symptom field of this note are recorded.
• Confirm that the symptoms indicated in the symptom field of this note occur.
• Re-program the transmission control unit with updated software.


NISSAN QASHQAI (J10, JJ10) 2.0 dCi (M1D), NISSAN MURANO (Z50) 3.5 4x4 (VQ35DE), NISSAN QASHQAI (J10, JJ10) 1.5 dCi, NISSAN
QASHQAI (J10, JJ10) 1.5 dCi, NISSAN QASHQAI (J10, JJ10) 1.6 (HR 16 DE), NISSAN QASHQAI (J10, JJ10) 2.0 dCi A las 4 ruedas (M1D), NIS-
2.0 FWD (MR20DE), NISSAN X-TRAIL (T31) 2.0 dCi (M9R 760),NISSAN X-TRAIL (T31) 2.0 dCi (M9R), NISSAN X-TRAIL (T31) 2.0 dCi FWD
(M9R),NISSAN X-TRAIL (T31) 2.5 (QR25DE), NISSAN MURANO (Z51) 3.5 (VQ35DE),NISSAN MURANO (Z51) 3.5 4x4 (VQ35DE), NISSAN
MURANO (Z51) 3.5 4x4 (VQ35DE)
Symptoms Vibration in the vehicle.
Loss of traction to the wheels.
Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) on.
Vehicle in low power or emergency mode.

NOTE: This technical note only affects those vehicles equipped with CVT automatic gearboxes.
NOTE: The symptoms described in this note occur when driving on muddy roads or roads that are in poor condition.
Cause Defect in the belt of the CVT automatic gearbox. When travelling on roads that are in poor condition, the wheels apply more
force on the CVT, which could cause slight slippage of the belt. Continuing to drive in these conditions may cause dirt to be
generated by the friction between the pulley and the belt, affecting the functioning of the CVT’s control valves and reducing the
oil pressure of the system.
Solution Repair procedure:
• Disassemble the CVT gearbox
• Check the condition of the CVT pulley
• Check the condition of the CVT belt
• Replace the CVT automatic gearbox if these two components are found to be in poor condition.

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All models
2783 - Lock-up clutch of the torque converter, excessive wear. A
0741 - Lock-up clutch of the torque converter, activation not possible. L
Fault codes recorded in the gearbox control unit.
The vehicle displays one or more of the aforementioned fault codes. N
Poor acceleration. O
NOTE: This newsletter only affects those vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission. E
Cause Possible causes: S
• Excessive wear of the torque converter bearing bushing.
• Internal leaks of the ring seal between the input shaft and the torque lock-up clutch.
Solution Repair procedure (for 271 engines):
• Read the fault codes reported by the gearbox control unit with the diagnostic tool.
• Confirm that one or more of the fault codes mentioned in the symptoms field of this note are recorded.
• Confirm that the symptoms indicated in the symptom field of this note occur.
• Delete the fault codes reported by the transmission control unit with the diagnostic tool.
• Reprogram the gearbox control unit with the updated software.
• Carry out a basic adjustment of the torque converter with the diagnostic tool.

Repair procedure (for other engines):

• Read the fault codes reported by the gearbox control unit with the diagnostic tool.
• Confirm that one or more of the fault codes mentioned in the symptoms field of this note are recorded.
• Confirm that the symptoms indicated in the symptom field of this note occur.
• Rectify the input shaft with sandpaper for micro-finishing.
• Replace the torque converter.
• Carry out a basic adjustment of the torque converter with the diagnostic tool.
• Delete the fault codes reported by the transmission control unit with the diagnostic tool.
• Carry out a second reading of the fault codes on the gearbox control unit with the diagnostic tool and confirm that the fault
codes mentioned in the symptom field of this technical note are NOT displayed.

• WARNING: The following should be taken into account when replacing the torque converter:
• Eliminate possible metal shavings in the torque converter housing on the crankshaft.
• Clean the torque converter housing on the crankshaft with brake-cleaning detergent.
• Grease the torque converter support before installing it.


BMW X3 (E83) 3.0 i (M54 306 S3), BMW X3 (E83) 3.0 sd (M57 306 D5)
Improper operation of the gearbox. There is a delay in the start of motion when the D speed range is selected.
NOTE: This technical note only affects those vehicles equipped with an automatic gearbox A5S 390R (GM5).
NOTE: This newsletter only affects those vehicles equipped with a specific type of engine.
Cause Defective internal mechanism of the gearbox.
Solution Replace the gearbox with a modified version.
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Disclaimer : the information featured in this guide is not exhaustive and is provided for information purposes only.
20 — www.eurecar.org Information does not incur the liability of the author.

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