90 Degree Steering Mechanism#

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90 Degree Steering


Group members
1) Zaid Bhojani [44]
2) Mohommed Bhola [56]
3) Abhishek Pandey [69]
4) Krishna Panchal [61]
- We develop a system, In which vehicle wheel
can turn into 90 degree. This system mostly
suitable for India. We know that already some
system is using technology like automatic
parking system but this system is high costly
and takes more power of engine. So our
project gives the simple construction and also
itas chieper than other.In conventional
steering mechanism it uses Davis steering
mechanism or Ackerman steering mechanism,
but in this system some disadvantage occur
just like minimum turning radius is obtain.
With this system does not obtain the 90degree
steering radius. The idea is to use electric
motor at each of the wheel for turning the
wheel. The advantage of this system is that it
requires limited space and it reduces efforts

and time require for turning the wheel thats
why this system is more flexible than other.
Application of this system is parking, farm
vehicle, trucks etc

Now a days four wheel parking is the most difficult problem, when we travel in the city. If frequently parking
spots are located on the side of the road, leaving the driver with no option, but to attempt parallel parking.it is
challenging to the driver for parking it require vehicle to take in reverse direction and it difficult to stand in
correct motion of the car. Some driver is expert in parking the vehicleat the road but other driver have to
perform multiple correction before they park the car properly. In the worst case an accident can occur. A car
with 90 degree steering system save the driver time and effort, those who are not perfect in parallel parking. In
present days in automotive sectore 90 degree steering system is not implemented. A lot of reaserches have
been done on this field for implement thise system. The idea is to use the four motor atach wheel for turning
the whreel in 90 degree. This mechanism is works at low speed or at stationary position of vehicle .
• 1. FRAME – It is made up of mild steel
rectangular rod.The inner frame takes
weight of battery, and all other system. its

Construction measurement is 60X35 cm .

• 2. BATTERY-A battery which is conver

chemical power into electrical power. We
use the rechargeable battery of 12V 1.3A.

• 3.WHEEL- Steering wheel handles the

steering operation. It is made of plastic
material outer cver if rubre.for moving
the vehicle.

• 4.DC MOTOR – DC motor stands for

Direct Current. A machine in which
electrical energy into mechanical energy.
We use the two types of motor i) 500 rpm
4 speed motor. ii) 200 RPM speed motor.ADD A FOOTER
• Due to many number of cars and
conjucted space available in city that’s the
reason of parking difficulty for any driver.
The mostly used type of steering, are
using the front two wheels of the vehicle.
This type of steering mechanism require
larger turning circle radius it require high definition and
effort to turn the wheel. Motor mechanism
design has the advantage of a large degree
of turning radius circle.
• Due to high turning radius, parking is
difficult. In small parking area it is
difficult to steer and park. Thus to
overcome this problem, we design the new
steering mechanism which can steer the
four wheels indivisually by using the
motor mechanism.

Components used

Frame Motor Wheel Clamp

• After all the information is corrected,
analysed, optimised and finalised, we would
then proceed with the execution process.

• All the designs, prototypes, available notes,
Methodology formulas, diagrams, illustrations and models
would be used to fulfil our required aim.

• Once our development of the project is

finished, we would test our project and figure
out whether there are any issues with the
working of our model.

• If there are any issues with the model we

would try to fix the issues and re-run the
7 model again.
1. It improves cornering stability.
2. High speed straight line stability. Advantages
3. Improvemet in rapid lane changing.
4. Smaller turning radius improves steering
5. Comfortness is increases from driver point
of view
6. Improved the traction and handling ability.

1) Requires 6 motors
2) Indivisual drive system.
3) Unsuitable for engine powered vehicle
4) Only used in indivisual drive system


1. Electric vehicles
2. Parallel parking
3. Slippery road surface
4. GO kart (mini race car)

General layout
Objective of the project
• The aim is to create the specifications of the 90 degree steering system
for transverse parking system. As part of the need of the project number
of goals were produces to measure the success of the project. The main
objectives of this project are as follows:-

• 1. Better parking in home in minimum space.

• 2. This type of vehicle we can use in heavy traffic also.
• 3. Saving time.
• 4. Saving fuel.
• 5. Use of electrical equipment to increase efficiency.
• 6. Vehicle can steer easily.
• 7. Maintenance of this vehicle is very low.
Literature Review
• In standard 2 Wheel Steering System, the rear • In this report, the performance of four wheels steered
set of wheels are always directed forward and vehicle model is considered which is optimally
do not play an active role in controlling the controlled during a lane change maneuver in
steering. While in 4 Wheel Steering System, condition which is low speed maneuver and high
the rear wheels do play an active role for speed maneuver . For parking and low-speed
steering. Also in situations like low speed maneuvers, the rear Wheel steer in the opposite
cornering, vehicle parking and driving in city direction of the front wheels, allowing much sharper
conditions with heavy traffic in tight spaces, turns. At higher speeds, the rest wheels steer in the
driving would be very difficult due to a same direction as the front wheels. The result is more
sedan's larger wheelbase and track width. stability and less body lean during fast lane changes
Hence there is a requirement of a mechanism and turns because the front wheels don’t have to drag
which result in less turning radius. non-steering rear wheels onto the path.
• By Dr. Kirpal Singh • By V.B. BHANDARI.
Cost Estimation

Status of the project
Completed task:

Measurement of all components

Incompleted task:
Testing of motors
Cutting of crane and clamping them Assembly of the project
Final testing of cotroller
Testing and trouble shooting
Percentage of project completed: 50%
We know that power transmission is not possible in 90 degree, but
by using various speed motors we can turn the wheel in 90 degree
that’s why we can easily park the vehicle in side lane of the lane.
From this project protype we can create a low cost and user friendly
vehicle.We know that power transmission is not possible in 90
degree, but by using various speed motors we can turn the wheel in
90 degree that’s why we can easily park the vehicle in side lane of
the lane. From this project protype we can create a low cost and user
friendly vehicle.Also material used in this project is easy to
manufacture or easily available in market , and it is low in cost. The
1. Machine Design Book by V.B.

2. Automobile Engineering by Dr. Kirpal


3. Theory Of Machine Book by R.S.

. Most of us can’t even imagine what life would be like . The vehicle is designed in such a way that it has
with disability. We take walking, running, driving a car facilities for disabled people to enter into and out of
for granted, but for those who spend much of their day in the vehicle without any external help. Even for people
wheel chair, these things are a challenge. Although who depends fully on wheel chairs can easily enter the
accessibility has improved drastically over the past few vehicle through the inclined passage provided at the
decades, many things especially vehicles aren’t just rear side. Advantages of this system is that it can work
designed with disabled person in mind. This 90 degree in limited space and it reduces the time and effort for
mechanism can be implemented in vehicles that can be steering through 90 degrees thus making the system
designed especially for the disabled more flexible.

90 Degee steering mechanism for

Disabled person
Thank you!

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