Dbms Question Bank
Dbms Question Bank
Dbms Question Bank
3rd Year
Subject Co-ordinator: Mr. Sanjay Pandey
Contact Number: 9792875631
UNIT - 1
1 Define Data independence in DBMS? CO-1 L1
3 Define ER Diagram? Explain different Components of an ER Diagram with their Notation. CO-1 L1
Also make an ER Diagram for Employee Project Management System.
4 Describe Data Abstraction? How is data abstraction achieved in DBMS? CO-1 L1
8 Draw the overall structure of the DBMS and explain the various Components. CO-1 L3
10 State the procedural DML and Non procedural DML with their differences. CO-1 L1
11 List any four disadvantages if file system approach over database approach. CO-1 L1
13 A database is being constructed to keep track of the teams and games of sport league. A CO-1 L3
team has a number of players , not all of whom participate in each game. It is desired to
keep track of players participating in each game for each team, the positions they play in
that game and the result of the game.
i) Design an ER schema diagram for this application
ii) Map the ER Diagram into relational model.
14 Describe the three schema architecture. Why so we mappings between schema levels? CO-1 L3
How do different schemas definition languages support this architecture?
15 Describe different types of Data Models in DBMS? Explain them. CO-1 L2
19 State the procedural DML and non procedural DML with their differences. CO-1 L1
20 Discuss the role of database administrator and explain database architecture. CO-1 L2
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
United College of Engineering & Research, Prayagraj
Pin - 211010 (India)
UNIT - 2
1 Describe different Integrity Constraints? CO-2 L2
8 What do you understand by transitive dependencies? Explain with an example any two CO-2 L2
problems that can arise in the database if transitive dependencies are present in the
9 CO-2 L3
13 Define Joins? Discuss all types of Joins with the help of suitable examples. CO-2 L2
18 What is aggregate function in SQL? Write SQL query for aggregate function. CO-2 L1
19 What is ER Diagram? Explain different components of ER diagram with employee project CO-2 L2
management system.
20 Write difference between cross join, natural join, left outer join and right outer join with CO-2 L3
suitable example.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
United College of Engineering & Research, Prayagraj
Pin - 211010 (India)
UNIT - 3
1 What are advantages of normalization? CO-3 L1
3 (i) What is highest normal form of the Relation R(W,X,Y,Z) with the set CO-3 L2
F= { WY → XZ, X →Y }
(ii) Consider a relation R(A,B,C,D,E) with set F= { A→CD,C→B, B→AE} What are
the prime attributes of this Relation and Decompose the given relation in 3NF
4 What is Aggregate function in SQL? Write SQL queries for different Aggregate CO-3 L4
5 Explain the Procedure in SQL/PL SQL. CO-3 L2
8 What do you understand by transitive dependencies? Explain with an example any two CO-3 L2
problems that can arise in the database if transitive dependencies are present in the
9 Describe Armstong’s axioms in detail. What is the role of these rules in the database CO-3 L2
development process?
10 Describe the term MVD in the context of DBMS by giving an example. Discuss 4NF and 5NF CO-3 L2
11 List all prime and non prime attributes in Relation R(A,B,C,D,E) with FD set CO-3 L1
F = {AB →C , B→ E, C→ D}
12 A set of FDs for the relation R(A,B,C,D,E,F) is AB→C , C→A, BC →D , ACD → B, BE →C , EC → CO-3 L3
FA, CF →BD, D→E. Find a minimum cover forth us set of FDS.
13 Given the following set of FDs on schema R(V,W,X,YZ) { Z→ V, W→ Y. XY → Z, V→WX) CO-3 L3
State whether the following decomposition are loss less join decompositions or not.
i) R1 = (V,W,X) , R2 – (V,Y, Z)
ii) R1 = (V,W,X) , R2 =(X,Y,Z)
14 Consider the universal relation R = {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J} and the set of functional CO-3 L3
dependencies F = { {A,B} →{C} , {A} →{D,E}, {B} →{F}. {F} → {G,H}. {D} → {I.J}} . What is the
key for R? Decompose R into 2NF and the 3NF Relations.
15 Explain MVD with the help of suitable example. CO-3 L2
UNIT - 4
1 Discuss ACID properties of Transaction? CO-4 L2
3 Explain the method of testing the serializability. Consider the schedule CO-4 L2
S1 and S2 given below
S1: R1(A),R2(B),W1(A),W2(B)
S2: R2(B),R1(A),W2(B), W1(A)
Check whether the given schedules are conflict equivalent or not?
4 What is Functional Dependency? Explain the procedure of calculating the Canonical CO-4 L2
Cover of a given Functional Dependency Set with suitable example.
5 (i) Consider the relation R(A,B,C,D) with Set F={a→c,b→d}. Decompose this CO-4 L3
relation in 2 NF.
(ii) Explain the Loss Less Decomposition with an example.
6 What is a CLAUSE in terms of SQL? CO-4 L1
8 List the ACID properties of the transaction. Explain the usefulness of each What is the CO-4 L1
importance of log?
9 Describe the Serializable schedule. Discuss conflict serializability with a suitable example. CO-4 L32
12 Draw a state diagram and discuss the typical states that a transaction goes through during CO-4 L3
13 What is a schedule? Define the concepts of recoverable , cascade less and strict schedules, CO-4 L1
and compare them in terms of their recoverability,
14 Consider schedules S1, S2, and S3 below. Determine whether each schedule is strict, CO-4 L4
cascade less, recoverable, or non recoverable. (Determine the strictest recoverability
condition that each schedule satisfies.)
S1: r1 (X); r2 (Z); r1 (Z); r3 (X); r3 (Y); w1 (X); c1; w3 (Y); c3; r2 (Y); w2 (Z); w2
(Y); c2;
S2: r1 (X); r2 (Z); r1 (Z); r3 (X); r3 (Y); w1 (X); w3 (Y); r2 (Y); w2 (Z); w2 (Y);
c1;c2; c3;
S3: r1 (X); r2 (Z); r3 (X); r1 (Z); r2 (Y); r3 (Y); w1 (X); c1; w2 (Z); w3 (Y); w2
(Y);c3; c2;
15 Consider the three transactions T1, T2, and T3, and the schedules S1 and S2given CO-4 L3
below. State whether each schedule is serializable or not. If a schedule is serializable,
write down the equivalent serial schedule(s).
T1: r1 (X); r1 (Z); w1 (X);
T2: r2 (Z); r2 (Y); w2 (Z); w2 (Y);
T3: r3 (X); r3 (Y); w3 (Y);
S1: r1 (X); r2 (Z); r1 (Z); r3 (X); r3 (Y); w1 (X); w3 (Y); r2 (Y); w2 (Z); w2 (Y);
S2: r1 (X); r2 (Z); r3 (X); r1 (Z); r2 (Y); r3 (Y); w1 (X); w2 (Z); w3 (Y); w2 (Y);
16 Write different inference rule for functional dependency? CO-4 L1
19 What is conflict serializable? Explain the difference between conflict and view serializable CO-4 L2
schedule using suitable
20 What is log? How it is maintained? Discuss the features of deferred database modification CO-4 L2
and immediate database modification in brief.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
United College of Engineering & Research, Prayagraj
Pin - 211010 (India)
UNIT - 5
1 What are Concurrent Transactions? CO-5 L2
8 What do you mean by time stamping protocol for concurrency controlling> Discuss CO-5 L2
the multi-version scheme of concurrency control.
9 Given a schedule S for transactions T1 and T2 with set of read and write operations. CO-5 L3
S : R1(X), R2(X), R2(Y), W2(Y), R1(Y) W1(X)
Identify, whether a given schedule is equivalent to the serial schedule or not.
SUITABLE EXAMPLE. How the validation based protocols differ from 2PC?
11 Discuss Conservative 2PL and Strict 2PL. CO-5 L2
13 Discuss the immediate update recovery technique in both single-user and multiuser CO-5 L2
environments. What are the advantages and disadvantages of immediate update?
14 Discuss the timestamp ordering protocol for concurrency control. How does strict CO-5 L2
timestamp ordering differ from basic timestamp ordering?
15 How do optimistic concurrency control techniques differ from other concurrency CO-5 L2
control techniques? Why they are also called validation or certification techniques?
Discuss the typical phases of an optimistic concurrency control method.
16 Discuss 2 phase commit protocol and time stamp based protocol with suitable example. CO-5 L2
How the validation based protocols differ from 2PC?
17 What are multi version scheme of concurrency control? Describe with the help of an CO-5 L2
example. Discuss the various time stamping protocols for concurrency control also.
18 Write the salient features of graph based locking protocol with suitable example. CO-5 L2