Enhancing English language teaching and learning overseas is central to the mandate of the U.S.
Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) to increase understanding
between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. English language
programming results in expanded educational and economic opportunities for underserved
communities, builds educational capacity, and increases opportunities for collaboration and innovation
among American citizens, organizations and businesses overseas. The E-Teacher Scholarship Program,
part of ECA’s suite of English language programs, offers English teaching professionals around the
world the opportunity to participate in a distance-learning program that introduces the most recent
language teaching methods and techniques in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) field.
The following are highlights from a global evaluation of the E-Teacher Program funded by ECA and
released in 2015:
The E-Teacher program provides professional development to working English teaching professionals around the
globe with limited training opportunities. For example, 91 percent of E-Teacher participants responding to the
evaluation’s survey said the course gave them access to experts in their field which they would not have had
This program is an excellent alternative for many teachers from around the world that are unable to attend
prestigious universities, and especially so for Cuban teachers that have very limited access to the development
of language teaching. –Vocational college instructor, Cuba
The E-Teacher program connects English teaching professionals with other English language professionals around
the world. Specifically, 98 percent of respondents felt more connected to the global EFL community after the
E-Teacher participants reported that they had changed their teaching practices as a result of the program, which in
turn improved their students’ confidence and interest in English. Nine in ten E-Teacher respondents reported that
their students had become more active learners and had an increased interest in learning English, and 82% believed
they had built their students’ conversation skills.
The vast majority of survey respondents reported that their E-Teacher course participation had directly led them to
make multiple changes at their institutions. These included introducing new teaching practices (90 percent);
improving testing and assessment (83 percent); teaching new courses on the subject of their E-Teacher course (79
percent); and introducing more online resources (79 percent) into existing courses.
E-Teacher participants reported program impacts within their broader communities and at the national level.
[What I learned in] the E-Teacher [course] was cascaded to all the English language teachers/United Nations
Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) schools in Jordan (172 schools) at the time, and I was leading on that as
my capacity of being school supervisor at the time; all the ideas, strategies and thoughts learned from E-
Teacher were employed in the educational reform that UNRWA was implementing, and I took the part of
planning how to change the focus of teaching to become student-centered.
–Emergency education officer, Jordan
In 2011, EurekaFacts, LLC, was contracted to conduct an evaluation of the E-Teacher Program in
order to assess program impacts in four general areas:
Participants’ professional knowledge, expertise and development. What knowledge/skills
have participants gained? Has the program provided them with unique opportunities? How
have they sought to expand knowledge or improve practice since taking the course?
Participants’ English language teaching practices. How have participants applied what they
learned in their classes? Has this led to changes in courses that they teach?
Participants’ home institutions. How have participants shared their learning with colleagues
and/or applied it at their institutions? What have been the impacts on students, institutional
curricula and/or teaching methods?
Linkages. How have participants continued to engage with their peers/virtual communities?
During the evaluation period (2004–09), E-Teacher courses were offered by five U.S. universities; currently, all courses are offered by the
University of Oregon only.
During the participation period covered by this evaluation (2004–09), a total of 696 E-Teacher
participants residing in 78 countries/territories completed at least one E-Teacher course, as
illustrated in Figure 2.2
There was no country data for 27 of the 696 E-teachers who completed a course. Thus, the map and country/territory count are based on the
669 E-teachers for which data was available. Also, the figure of 696 represents only those participants who completed a course; approximately
1,000 E-Teacher scholarships were awarded, but the remaining participants did not complete the course.
E-Teacher Courses Fill a Void in Advanced EFL Training. The most common motivation for
taking an E-Teacher course (identified by 48 percent of respondents) is to learn more about one’s
area of specialization within the EFL field. As such, the E-Teacher participants surveyed most
commonly took advanced courses or those on teaching English to specific audiences, rather than
introductory course offerings, such as online skills.3 Respondents explained that these
specialized courses fill a void in the EFL pedagogical training available locally.
Some course titles have changed since the evaluation period. Also, the courses English for Business and English for Law are no longer
offered; now, these topics are subsumed within the course titled English for Specific Purposes.
In an asynchronous course, participants may log on to the virtual classroom—to read and post comments in online discussions, or to
complete other class activities—at different times.
Engagement with Global Professional Network. After participating in the program, nearly all survey
respondents (98%) felt more connected to the global TEFL community. Indeed, many considered the
engagement with global classmates to be
one of the most valuable aspects of the Figure 5. Gaining Knowledge of Global TEFL Practices
course. and Cultures
Most respondents reported that their (% of survey respondents)
interactions with classmates had Learned how English is taught in
increased their awareness of TEFL other parts of the world
Global TEFL
practices around the world. (See Learned strategies other
professionals use to overcome 85%
fig. 5.)
Three-quarters of respondents Learned about other
reported both gaining knowledge of Intercultural countries/cultures
other countries and cultures and Knowledge Increased students’ knowledge of
increasing their students’ other countries/cultures
intercultural knowledge. (See *Total n= Ranges from 338 to 363
†Percentages represent total of “significantly” and “somewhat” responses.
fig. 5.)
The majority of E-Teacher
respondents have stayed in touch with former classmates (67%) and/or collaborated with them
on research or other projects (55%). Many have also stayed in touch with their instructors,
whether for research collaboration (23%) or to seek professional advice (39%).
N ranges from 71 to 140.
E-Learning and Online Skills. Most E-Teacher Participants use online resources for
participants agreed that their course experience had interactive, collaborative learning.
substantially increased their skills and confidence in
using e-learning platforms and working with online [I] introduce e-learning to my students,
resources. Subsequently, 60 percent of survey connect my students with English learners
respondents reported incorporating more online around the world.
resources into their teaching, often as a tool for –University professor, Indonesia
interactive language learning.
Through the virtual environment, they can
Increased Professional Confidence. The word share and develop their writing skills.
“confidence” came up repeatedly in participants’ –University professor, Turkey
comments about the impacts of course participation on
their careers. Participants reported increased confidence in their teaching abilities and professional
duties as well as a sense of empowerment or motivation to take new initiatives in their classrooms,
institutions, or beyond.
Program Benefits Lead to Multiple Impacts. As illustrated in Figure 6, E-Teacher participants’ new
knowledge and skills together with their global professional network and increased confidence led to
impacts on their classrooms, institutions, and careers.
Figure 6. Program Benefits Lead to Impacts on E-Teachers’ Classrooms, Institutions and Careers
Direct Benefits
Nearly all the survey respondents (93%) felt that they had become “more effective” teachers overall as
a result of the E-Teacher Program, two-thirds (64%) of them to a “great extent.” In particular,
participants have implemented the following teaching methods or practices in their classrooms:
Student-Centered Teaching. Nearly all respondents (95%) reported changing from a teacher-centered
approach to a student-centered one, which represented a major shift from prevailing teaching practices
in many countries. Respondents reported that increased classroom interaction and active learning had
increased students’ confidence and interest in English, as well as improved their conversation skills.
Somewhat Significantly
Helped my students Increased my students Built my students’
become more active interest in learning English conversation skills
Program participation had a major impact on many participants’ careers, including increased stature
and/or responsibility within their home institutions, as well as new job opportunities.
Sharing Knowledge with Colleagues. The majority of survey respondents shared their learning with
colleagues at their home institution by sharing course materials (73%) and/or giving formal
presentations or workshops (62%). Many participants reported that knowledge-sharing had led directly
to other instructors applying new teaching methods.
Institutional Impacts. Most survey respondents reported making multiple changes at their institutions
as a result of the program, as shown in Figure 9.
Multiplier Effects
Participants share their new expertise with TEFL professionals in the broader community, such as at
national conferences or regional institutions. Furthermore, changes implemented by participants in
TEFL training courses will likely be replicated by students in their own classrooms around the country.
Participants infuse new teaching methods into the broader TEFL community.
I have been invited at … local institutions to conduct a few workshops on how to implement
critical thinking strategies. … I firmly believe that has made a difference in the way my peers
view our profession. –Instructor, binational center, Colombia
[The E-Teacher course led me to] arise the students’ interest and involve them to a greater
degree. These novice teachers (my students) implemented their newly acquired teaching
practices and pedagogies in their classrooms. …
–University professor/administrator, Israel
Approximately 5 percent of E-Teachers reported working for their national ministry or department of education at the time of the survey.
E-Teacher participants attributed high influence to their course experience in kick-starting them onto a
path of lifelong learning. In fact, three-quarters (75%) of survey respondents credited the course to a
“great extent” in making them more motivated to engage in professional development.
Professional Development Courses. One-third (32%) of respondents have taken more online courses
or trainings (such as additional E-Teacher courses). Among this group, nearly all respondents (97%)
rated their initial E-Teacher experience “extremely” or “very” valuable in preparing them for
additional online programs.
As an E-Teacher scholar, I have proved to myself that an eager teacher will do everything in
order to improve her craft. That continuous education of the teacher is like the usual process
of breathing. –Secondary school teacher, Philippines