Document No. HAS-100 Rev. 0
We will achieve this goal by strictly adhering to our Health and Safety Plan and
employing qualified and experienced personnel.
S.H.E top Management adopts a policy of operating continuously under the control of Health and Safety
Management, put forth for use along with OSHA standards.
S.H.E Management aims and goal is to achieve successful business based upon continuous fulfillment
and commitment to the requirements of Client under following and carrying out effective systematic
Health and Safety Procedures conforming to OSHA requirements. S.H.E Management is in endeavor
with concentrating and devoting their efforts to fulfill the customer requirements and creating high level of
confidence in health and safety standards.
The advantage of the Health and Safety Plan (HSP) is to describe and set forth the general frame for
Health and Safety Policies, Procedures and Practices S.H.E has gained from its experience and
constructability of the tasks.
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a. Police 999
b. Fire & Civil Defense 998
1. Head protection will be worn on job sites at all times by all trades.
2. Eye protection will be worn when there are potentials of hazards from flying objects or
particles, chemicals, arcing, glare, or dust.
3. Protective footwear shall be worn to protect from falling objects, chemicals, or stepping on
sharp objects. Athletic or canvas-type shoes shall not be worn.
4. Protective gloves or clothing shall be worn when required to protect against a hazard.
5. Harnesses and lanyards shall be utilized for fall protection as required in OSHA
Construction Safety Standards.
6. Keep your mind on your work at all times. No horseplay on the job. Injury or removal from
the job site or both can be the result.
7. Precautions are necessary to prevent sunburn and to protect against burns from hot
8. If any part of your body should come in contact with an acid or caustic substance, rush to
the nearest water available and flush the affected part. Secure medical aid immediately.
9. The use of illegal drugs or alcohol or being under the influence of the same on the project
shall be cause for termination. Inform your supervisor if taking strong prescription drugs
that warn against driving or using machinery.
10. Do not distract the attention of fellow workers. Do not engage in any act which would
endanger another employee.
11. Sanitation facilities have been or will be provided for your use. Defacing or damaging
these facilities is forbidden.
12. A good job is a clean job, and a clean job is the start of a safe job. So keep your working
area free from rubbish and debris.
13. Do not use a compressor to blow dust or dirt from your clothes, hair, or hands.
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14. Never work aloft if you are afraid to do so, if you are subject to dizzy spells, or if you are
apt to be nervous or sick.
15. Never move an injured person unless it is absolutely necessary. Further injury may result.
Keep the injured as comfortable as possible and utilize job site first-aid equipment until an
ambulance arrives.
16. Know where firefighting equipment is located and be trained on how to use it.
17. Lift correctly - with legs, not the back. If the load is too heavy GET HELP. Stay fit. Control
your weight. Do stretching exercises. Approximately twenty percent of all construction
related injuries result from lifting materials.
18. Nobody but the operator shall be allowed to ride on equipment unless proper seating is
19. Do not use power tools and equipment until you have been properly instructed in the safe
work methods and become authorized to use them.
20. Be sure that all guards are in place. Do not remove, displace, damage, or destroy any
safety device or safeguard furnished or provided for use on the job, nor interfere with the
use thereof.
22. If you must work around power shovels, trucks, and dozers, make sure operators can
always see you. Barricades are required for cranes.
24. Before servicing, repairing, or adjusting any powered tool or piece of equipment,
disconnect it, lock out the source of power, and tag it out.
25. Trenches over 1.5 m deep must be shored or sloped as required. Keep out of trenches or
cuts that have not been properly shored or sloped. Excavated or other material shall not
be stored nearer than 60 cm from the edge of the excavation. Excavations less than 1.5 m
may also require cave in protection in some instances.
26. Use the "four and one" rule when using a ladder. One foot of base for every four feet of
27. Portable ladders in use shall be equipped with safety feet unless ladder is tied, blocked or
otherwise secured. Step ladders shall not be used as a straight ladder.
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28. Ladders must extend three feet above landing on roof for proper use.
29. Defective ladders must be properly tagged and removed from service.
30. Keep ladder bases free of debris, hoses, wires, materials, etc.
32. Scaffold planks shall be properly lapped, or otherwise secured to prevent shifting.
33. Use only extension cords of the three-prong type. Use ground fault circuit interrupters at
all times and when using tools in wet atmosphere (e.g. outdoors) or with any temporary
power supply. Check the electrical grounding system daily.
34. The use of harnesses with safety lines when working from unprotected high places is
mandatory. Always keep your line as tight as possible.
35. Never throw anything "overboard." Someone passing below may be seriously injured.
36. Know what emergency procedures have been established for your job site. (location of
emergency phone, first aid kit, stretcher location, fire extinguisher locations, evacuation
plan, etc.)
37. Never enter a manhole, well, shaft, tunnel or other confined space which could possibly
have an irrespirable atmosphere because of lack of oxygen, or presence of toxic or
flammable gas, or has a possibility of engulfment by solids or liquids. Make certain a
qualified person tests the confined area with an appropriate detector before entry, that the
necessary safety equipment is worn. Standby person may be required to be stationed at
the entrance.
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S.H.E plans to achieve worker safety and health by adhering to the following set forth
A. After inspecting a job site, the safety person or other designated person will identify and
evaluate all potential hazards for:
2. Probability of an accident
3. The higher the hazard the more detailed will be the training.
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H.S.E’s Fall Protection Policy is to supplement our standard safety policy by providing safety
standards specifically designed to cover fall protection on the job and will adhere to H.S.E Fall
Protection Policy as well as OHSA Fall Protection regulations. This fall protection plan
addresses the use of fall protection at a number of areas on the project. These activities
Erection, Leading Edge Work or Unprotected Sides
Unprotected Openings
This plan is designed to enable employees to recognize the fall hazards on the job and to
establish the policies and procedures that are to be followed in order to prevent falls to lower
levels or through holes and openings in walking/working surfaces. Each employee shall have
authority and responsibility to stop work when, in their opinion, they witness unsafe work or
working conditions. The employee shall stop work immediately and notify their foreman or
superintendent. The In-charge of Safety and concerned project personnel shall meet to come
up with a plan of action to correct the unsafe work condition and implement the plan prior to
commencing with the work.
Safety policies and procedures on the project cannot be administered, implemented, monitored
or enforced by any one individual. Everyone on the project is empowered and accountable for
Safety. A safe, accident free work environment can only be accomplished with rigorous effort of
every individual involved with the project from the management down to the laborer. Each
employee must understand their role and value to the success of the project. Each employee
must take safety personally and understand how they can administer and monitor the
compliance of the safety policy and procedure.
I. Excavations:
A. Excavations greater than 6 feet deep shall be protected from falling using one of the
following methods: guardrail systems, fences, or barricades.
B. Where walkways are provided across excavation deeper than 6 feet guardrails will be
provided on the walkway.
A. Holes that have a falling distance of less than 6 feet must be clearly marked out with
caution tape or a guard rail system to identify the potential fall hazard.
B. Holes that have a falling distance greater than 6 feet above lower levels must be clearly
labeled “Hole” or “Cover” and covered with a secured cover rated to withstand without
failure at least twice the maximum load of the largest piece of equipment, employee’s, or
materials that may be imposed on that cover at one time.
C. Wall openings such as windows, doors, elevator shafts, stairs, ladders access, material
receiving areas and trash chutes with a distance greater than 6 feet above lower levels
and the bottom edge of the wall opening is less than 39 inches above the walking or
working surface must be protected from falling by the use of a guardrail system, safety
net system or personal fall arrest systems.
D. Ramps, runways and other walkways shall be protected with a guardrail system when
the walking surface is greater than 6 feet above the lower level.
Guardrail System
A. Guardrails must consist of top-rail and mid-rail that must be at no smaller than one-
quarter inch nominal diameter or thickness to prevent cuts or lacerations.
B. When using wire rope rails must be flagged at not more than 6 foot intervals with high
visibility flagging material.
C. Steel banding and plastic banding shall not be used as top-rails or mid-rails.
D. Top-rail must be 42 inches plus or minus 3 inches above the walking/working level.
E. Mid-rail must be installed between the top edge of the guardrail system and the
walking/working surface when there are no walls or parapet walls at least 21 inches
F. Other structural members such as additional mid-rails shall be installed so that there are
no openings in the guardrail system greater than 19 inches wide. G. Guardrail system
must be capable of withstanding a force of at least 200 pounds in any outward or
downward direction. The guardrail shall not deflect to a height of less than 39 inches
above the walking/working level.
G. Mid-rails shall be capable of withstanding a force of at least 150 pounds in any outward
or downward direction
H. The ends of top and mid rails must not overhang terminal posts except when such
overhang does not constitute a projection hazard
I. When guardrail systems are used at hoisting areas a chain, gate or removable guardrail
section must be placed across the access opening between guardrail sections when
hoisting operations are not taking place.
J. Guardrail systems set up around holes must be set up on all unprotected sides or
edges. When holes are used for passage of materials the hole shall have no more than
two sides with removable guardrail.
K. Guardrail systems used around holes that are used as access points (such as ladder
ways), gates must be used or the point of access must be offset to prevent people from
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L. Guardrails used at unprotected sides or edges of ramps and runways must be erected
on each unprotected side or edge.
M. Manila, plastic or synthetic rope is discouraged for use as top and mid
rails. If manila, plastic or synthetic rope is used for top and mid rails it
must be inspected as frequently as necessary to ensure strength and
C. PFAS must be inspected prior to each use for wear damage, and other deterioration.
Defective components must be removed from service. Dee-rings must be made of drop
forged, pressed or formed steel, or made of equivalent material with a minimal tensile
strength of 5,000 pounds. Dee-rings and snap hooks shall be proof-tested by the
manufacturer to a minimum tensile load of 3,600 pounds without cracking, breaking, or
suffering permanent deformation.
D. Snap hooks shall be a locking type only snap hook designed and used to prevent
disengagement of the snap hook by the contact of the snap hook keeper by the
connected member. Effective January 1, 1998 only locking type snap hooks shall be
E. On suspended scaffolds or similar work platforms with horizontal lifelines which may
become vertical lifelines, the device used to connect to a horizontal lifeline shall be
capable of locking in both directions.
F. Horizontal lifelines shall be designed, installed and used, under the supervision of a
qualified person, as part of a complete personal fall arrest system, which maintains a
safety factor of at least two.
G. Lanyards and vertical lifelines shall have a minimum breaking strength of 5,000 pounds
J. Self-retracting lifelines and lanyards which automatically limit free fall distance of 2 feet
or less shall be capable of sustaining a minimum tensile load of 3,000 pounds applied to
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the device with the lifeline or lanyard in the fully extended position
K. Ropes and straps (webbing) used in lanyards, lifelines, and strength components of body
harnesses shall be made from synthetic fibers.
L. Anchorage used for attachment of personal fall arrest equipment shall be independent of any
anchorage being used to support or suspend platforms and capable of supporting at least 5,000
pounds per employee attached, or shall be designed, installed and used. Anchorage shall be
designed, installed and used under supervision of a qualified person, as part of a complete fall
arrest system that maintains a safety factor of at least two, i.e., capable of supporting at least
twice the weight expected to be imposed upon it.
M. The attachment point of the body harness shall be located in the center of the wearers back at
shoulder level or above the wearers head.
N. PFAS and components subject to impact loading shall immediately be removed from service and
not used again until proper inspection of equipment has been performed by equipment
manufacturer to be undamaged and suitable for reuse.
P. PFAS used in the material hoisting areas shall be rigged to allow the
movement of the employee only as far as the edge of the walking/working
Q. The employer shall provide for prompt rescue of employees in the event
of a fall or shall assure that employees are able to rescue themselves.
B. Safety nets shall extend outward from the outermost projection of the
work as follows. 5 feet vertical distance from working level to horizontal
plane minimal required horizontal of outer edge of net from edge of
working surface 8 feet. 5 feet to 10 feet vertical distance from working
level to horizontal plane minimal required horizontal of outer edge of net
from edge of working surface 10 feet. More than 10 feet vertical distance
from working level to horizontal plane minimal required horizontal of outer
edge of net from edge of working surface 13 feet.
E. Defective nets shall not be used. Safety nets shall be inspected at least
once a week for wear damage and other deterioration. Defective
components shall be removed from service. Safety nets shall also be
inspected after every occurrence which could affect the integrity of the
safety net system.
F. Materials, scrap pieces, equipment and tools which have fallen into the
safety net shall be removed as soon as possible from the net and at least
before the next work shift.
G. The maximize size of each safety net mesh opening shall not exceed 36
square inches nor be longer than 6 inches on any side and the opening
measured center to center of mesh rope for webbing, shall not be longer
than 6 inches. All mesh crossings shall be secured to prevent
enlargement of the mesh opening.
H. Each safety net shall have a border rope for webbing with a minimum
breaking strength of 5,000 pounds.
A. When guardrail systems are used to prevent materials from falling from
one level to another, any opening must be small enough to prevent
passage of potential falling objects. No materials or equipment except
masonry and mortar shall be stored within 4 feet of working edges.
Excess mortar, broken or scattered masonry units and all other materials
and debris shall be kept clear of the working area by removal at regular
B. When roofing materials and equipment shall not be stored within 6 feet of
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a roof edge unless guardrails are erected at the edge and materials piled,
ed or stacked near a roof edge must be stable and self supporting.
I have read and agree to adhere to the safety standards that have placed within
the S.H.E Fall Protection Policy as well as OSHA Fall Protection Policy.
__________________________________________ ____________
(Signature) (Date)
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The purpose of this procedure is to assure that employees are protected from
unintended machine motion or unintended release of energy which could cause injury.
A. Each supervisor shall train new employees and periodically instruct all of their
employees regarding provisions and requirements of this lockout procedure.
C. Each supervisor shall assure that the locks and devices required for compliance with
the lockout procedure are provided to their employees.
C. Employees shall obtain and care for the locks and other devices required to comply
with the lockout procedure.
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1. The General Foreman or assigned In-charge of Safety is the only authorized person
to remove any lock or tag that is in place.
S.H.E requires (Company) to provide a Lockout Tag out Procedure prior to any and all
work. (Company) Lockout Tag out Procedure must have a mutual agreement with the
S.H.E Project manager. The procedure will be maintained at the S.H.E job site office.
I have read and agree to adhere to the safety standards that have placed within the
S.H.E Lockout Tag Out Procedure as well as OSHA Lockout Tag Out regulations.
__________________ ____________
(Signature) (Date)
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II. Is large enough and so configured that a person can bodily enter into and perform
assigned ----------------------- work and
IV. May have a POSSIBLE HAZARDOUS ATMOSPHERE that may expose employees
to the risk of death, incapacitation, impairment of ability to self rescue
caused by:
A. Flammable gas
B. Airborne combustible dust
C. Atmospheric oxygen concentration below 19.5 or above 23.5%
D. A toxic atmosphere or substance
E. Danger of engulfment
II. An authorized person shall examine, test and evaluate a potential entry space and
determine if it is a "NON-PERMIT SPACE" and meets the following requirements:
IV. If conditions in #2 are not met and has any of the following, the PERMIT ENTRY
PROCEDURE must be followed:
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A. Contains or has a potential to contain a HAZARDOUS ATMOSPHERE.
B. Contains a material that has a potential for ENGULFING an entrant.
C. Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated
by inwardly converging wall or by a floor which slopes downward and tapers to a
smaller cross section; or
D. Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard.
I have read and agree to adhere to the safety standards that have placed within the
S.H.E Confined Space Entry Procedure as well as OSHA Confined Space Entry
_________________________ ____________
(Signature) (Date)
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Will be relying on Material Safety Data Sheets from suppliers to meet determination
A. The will be responsible for seeing that all containers coming in are properly labeled.
1. Identity
2. Hazard
3. Name and address of responsible party
C. Each shall be responsible for seeing that all portable containers used in their work
areas are labeled with identity and hazard warning.
C. MSDSs will be available for review to all employees during each work shift.
Copies will be available upon request to .
6. Where to locate MSDSs and from whom they may obtain copies.
E. Before any new hazardous chemical is introduced into the workplace, each
employee will be given information in the same manner as during the safety
A. On occasion, employees are required to do work in hazardous areas (e.g. confined spaces).
Prior to starting work in such areas, each employee will be given information about the hazards
involved in these areas.
**Please provide a hard copy of all MSDS information applicable to this job to the S.H.E Project
Manager. Hard Copies are required to be maintained on site at all times**
I have read and agree to adhere to the safety standards that have placed within the S.H.E Hazard
Communication Procedure as well as OSHA Hazard Communication regulations.
___________________________ ____________
(Signature) (Date)
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Three-Step System
All disciplinary action will result in a safety assessment to the contractor. This form must be
completed by the assigned In-charge of Safety and electronically sent to the proper S.H.E
Project Manager.
________________ ____________
(Signature) (Date)
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If a job represents a potential safety or health threat, every effort will be made
to plan a safe way to do the task. Every procedure must be a safe procedure
and follow all guidelines listed herein. Shortcuts in safe procedures by either
foremen or workers will not be tolerated. If a worker observes any unprotected
job, which may pose a potential threat to their health or safety, he or she must
inform management and management must take adequate precautions.
I have read and agree to adhere with all included policies set forth herein
accordance to the S.H.E Safety Manual as well as OSHA regulations. I will follow
all policies and procedures set forth within the S.H.E Safety Manual to ensure
the well being of all job site employees.
** S.H.E will be requesting additional safety policies and any additional relevant information
prior to the start of the job. The policies will only be accepted in electronic versions.