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Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Volume 2020, Article ID 4562418, 10 pages

Research Article
Pickling Behaviour of 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel Hot-Rolled
Strips in Sulfuric Acid Electrolytes

1,2 1
Jianguo Peng and Moucheng Li
Institute of Materials, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China
Research Institute, Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200431, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Jianguo Peng; peng_jianguo@baosteel.com and Moucheng Li; mouchengli@shu.edu.cn

Received 9 August 2019; Accepted 17 March 2020; Published 9 April 2020

Academic Editor: Stefano Bellucci

Copyright © 2020 Jianguo Peng and Moucheng Li. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Pickling behaviour of the oxide layer on hot-rolled 2205 duplex stainless steel (DSS) was studied in H2SO4 solutions with
electrolytic workstation. The pickling rate at 75°C increases slightly with the H2SO4 concentration from 100 to 250 g L−1 but
increases markedly as the concentration is higher than 250 g L−1. The solution temperature greatly accelerates the pickling rate.
Fe3+ ion is an effective oxidant, which shows stronger inhibitive effect. The rotating disk electrode was used to simulate the moving
state of steel strips in practice. The movement with the speed from 0 to 20 m min−1 results in weak acceleration effect on the
pickling process. Under dynamic conditions, the pickling rate increases noticeably with changing the pulse current density from 0
to 0.2 A cm−2. The industrial pickling efficiency of 2205 DSS hot-rolled strips increases from 5–8 m/min to 15–18 m/min. The
surface quality is improved.

1. Introduction neutral electrolytes with certain current densities [13–15].

The general electrolytes are Na2SO4, H2SO4, H3PO4, HCl,
Type 2205 duplex stainless steel (DSS) has been used widely HF, and H2O2. Mixed acid pickling is the final step to
in many industries for its excellent mechanical properties dissolve the oxide scales in H2SO4-HF [16], H3PO4-H2SO4
and corrosion resistance [1–6]. However, the oxide scales [17], HCl-HF [18], or HNO3-HF [19].
formed on the surface of 2205 DSS during rolling and heat Prepickling plays a critical role in the industrial pro-
treatment are stable and dense due to the high chromium, duction process of 2205 DSS hot-rolled strips. Na2SO4
molybdenum, and nitrogen contents [7]. Moreover, oxide electrolytes can conduct electricity, but they cannot dissolve
nodules may often grow on the surface of 2205 DSS for the the oxides and matrix [20]. H2SO4 solutions can dissolve the
different oxidation rates of ferritic and austenitic phases at oxide scales and matrix [16, 21]. H3PO4 solutions have good
high temperature [8, 9]. Therefore, the pickling of 2205 DSS properties of dissolving oxide scales, but their costs are
hot-rolled strips is more difficult than that of standard expensive [22]. HCl solutions can dissolve ferrous oxides,
austenitic grades [10]. but chloride corrosion is the big problem [18, 23–25]. HF
The pickling process of stainless steels is used to remove solutions can dissolve oxide scales and SiO2, but there is a
the oxide scales and chromium depleted layer in order to serious intergranular corrosion problem [16, 18]. The dis-
restore the corrosion resistance and ensure the surface finish solving effect of H2O2 is remarkable on the Cr-depleted layer
[11, 12]. The industrial pickling process includes mechanical of stainless steel but unsatisfactory on the oxide scale
descaling, prepickling, and mixed acid pickling. A me- [26, 27]. After comparison, H2SO4 solutions are extensively
chanical descaling is achieved through breaking, grinding, used in practice for their low cost and chemical stability.
roto blasting, and sand blasting processes. Prepickling is Pickling process can be simulated with static and dy-
performed either anodically or cathodically in acid or namic conditions at the laboratories. There are many studies
2 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

on static pickling [16–26], but very few on dynamic pickling Table 1: Chemical composition of 2205 DSS specimens (wt. %).
[22]. The stainless steel strips in the industrial pickling C Si Mn S P Cr Ni Mo N
process are moving. Therefore, the studies focused on dy-
0.024 0.62 1.42 0.001 0.024 21.13 5.46 3.11 0.15
namic pickling are of practical significance.
The pickling technology and mechanism are well known
for the austenitic and ferritic stainless steels in the literature,
but there are few systematical reports focused on the pickling WE RDE
for duplex stainless steel, especially for DSS 2205 hot-rolled RE
strips. With the rapid development of economy and living
standard, the demand for 2205 DSS is increasing quickly.
However, the production of 2205 DSS is restricted greatly by
its pickling process. It is necessary to study the pickling laws
and improve the pickling efficiency for 2205 DSS hot-rolled
strips. In this work, the pickling behaviour of the 2205 DSS
hot-rolled strip in H2SO4 electrolytes under both static and 3
dynamic conditions was investigated. The pickling mecha- Electrochemical
workstation 4
nism was discussed on the basis of mass loss and surface 2
analysis. WE 1

Figure 1: Electrolytic workstation used for dynamic pickling tests.

2. Experimental 1, thermostat water bath; 2, electrolyte; 3, rotating disk; 4,
2.1. Materials. A hot-rolled 2205 duplex stainless steel strip
with a thickness of 4.0 mm was used as the test materials. Its
chemical composition is given in Table 1. calculated from the mass loss of the specimen with a pre-
cision of 0.01 mg. The specimens were characterized with
scanning electron microscopy (FEI Quanta 600) and Raman
2.2. Sample Preparation. A plate of 300 × 300 mm was cut spectroscopy (Renishaw, inVia).
from the strip and annealed at 1140°C for 4 min. After
annealing, the plate was taken out from the furnace and
cooled down in air. The annealed plate was subjected to sand 3. Results
blasting to remove its main oxides on the surface and then
3.1. Characterization of Oxide Scales. In general, the oxide
was cut into the test specimen of 5 × 5 mm. The specimens
scale of the hot-rolled 2205 DSS strip after annealing can be
were covered with epoxy resin leaving a working area of
divided into an inner layer and an outer layer [7]. Chro-
5 × 5 mm and cleaned with alcohol before pickling.
mium is rich in the inner layer while iron is rich in the outer
layer. The outer layer is consisted of Fe2O3, Fe3O4, and
2.3. Pickling Measurement. Pickling tests were carried out on FeCr2O4, and the inner layer is composed mainly of
the workstation as shown in Figure 1. A specimen fixed on FeCr2O4 [28]. The outer layer may be partially removed by
the rotating disk with a diameter of 15 cm was used as the mechanical descaling. The FeCr2O4 is the oxide with a
working electrode, a platinum sheet as the counterelectrode, spinel structure, which is insoluble in most industrial acids
and Hg/Hg2SO4 as the reference electrode. The analytically [7, 29].
pure H2SO4, ferrous sulfate, iron sulfate, and deionized As shown in Figure 2, a few oxide scales remain on the
water were used to prepare the electrolytes. The pickling surface of the test specimen after shot blasting. Raman
processes were performed with a Princeton potentiostat spectrum in Figure 3 indicates that the residual oxides on the
(PAR 273A). surface of 2205 DSS hot-rolled strip are composed of Fe2O3,
Fe3O4, and FeCr2O4. Among them, the content of FeCr2O4 is
the highest as seen from its peak intensity. This implies that
2.4. Electrochemical Measurement. The corrosion potential the pickling of the 2205 DSS hot-rolled strip is difficult.
and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) of the
test specimens were measured during the pickling process
with a Princeton potentiostat (VMP3). Each specimen was 3.2. Chemical Pickling Properties under Static Conditions.
fixed on the cell sidewall with a 1 cm2 round hole. The test The static chemical pickling of stainless steel in H2SO4
specimen was used as the working electrode; the platinum solutions is mainly related with acid concentration, pickling
sheet was used as the counterelectrode; and the Hg/Hg2SO4 temperature, and concentration of metal ions. For most
was used as the reference electrode (MSE). steels, higher pickling temperature, higher concentration of
All test samples were immersed in the electrolytes for H2SO4 solutions, and lower concentration of metal ions can
2 min. During electrolysis, the electrolytic time was 81 improve its pickling efficiency in the initial pickling stage for
seconds with three periods. For each period, the specimen its strong dissolving capacity. After pickling for a certain
was polarized anodically for 18 seconds and cathodically for time, the strong dissolving capacity may deteriorate pickling
9 seconds at various current densities. The pickling rate was result for the corrosion of matrix.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3



Weight loss rate (gm–2 min–1)



100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Figure 2: Surface image for the test specimen. H2SO4 concentration (g L–1)

Figure 4: Variation of the static pickling rate in H2SO4 at 75°C with

different concentrations.

The effect of iron ions on the static pickling of the

specimen was studied in 300 g L−1 H2SO4 solutions at 75°C
Intensity (a.u.)

Fe3O4/ Fe2O3

and the results are given in Figure 8. The pickling efficiency


has a negative correlation with the concentration of iron

ions. With increasing concentration of ferric ions from

0.5 g L−1 to 60 g L−1, the pickling rate declines sharply at first

to less than 1 g m−2 min−1 and then decreases insignificantly.
With increasing concentration of ferrous ions, the pickling
rate decreases slowly, but shows higher values in comparison
with ferric ions. The ferric ions are an effective oxidant which
200 400 600 800 1000 1200
can enhance the corrosion potential of test specimens [16]
Raman shift (cm–1) and then reduce their dissolution rate remarkably. In order
to improve the pickling rate of 2205 DSS hot-rolled strips,
Figure 3: Raman spectrum for the test specimen. new sulfuric acid solutions without iron ions are necessary.

The effect of H2SO4 concentration on static pickling rate

and typical surface images of specimens at 75°C are shown in 3.3. Chemical Pickling Properties under Dynamic Conditions.
Figures 4 and 5. The pickling efficiency has a positive cor- In order to see the difference between dynamic and static
relation with H2SO4 concentration. It can be seen that the pickling of hot-rolled 2205 DSS strips, the rotating disk was
pickling rate has a transition at about 250 g L−1. When the applied to create the movement between specimens and acid
concentration increases from 100 g L−1 to 250 g L−1, the solutions. The variation of pickling rate of the specimen in
pickling rate is accelerated slightly and many oxide scales 300 g L−1 H2SO4 solutions at 75°C with rotary speed is given
remain on the surface. When the concentration increases in Figure 9. The pickling efficiency has a positive correlation
from 250 g L−1 to 450 g L−1, the pickling rate is accelerated with moving speed of the specimen. The pickling rate is
markedly to remove most of the oxide scales. higher in the dynamic cases than in the static case. However,
Figure 6 gives the static pickling rates of specimens in with the increase of rotary speed from 5 to 20 m min−1, the
300 g L−1 H2SO4 solutions at different temperatures. The pickling rate only enlarges slightly from about 7.5 to
pickling efficiency has a positive correlation with the solu- 7.8 g m−2 min−1. It is evident that the acceleration effect of
tion temperature. With the increasing temperature from dynamic speed is very weak.
50°C to 90°C, the pickling rate increases gradually from
about 1.74 to 12.8 g m−2 min−1 and the retained oxide scales
reduced noticeably, as shown in Figure 7. 3.4. Electrolytic Pickling Properties under Dynamic
The metal ions in the H2SO4 solutions include iron, Conditions. The applied polarization plays a role in pickling
chromium, molybdenum, nickel, manganese, titanium, and process. Figure 10 gives the variation of the dynamic pickling
niobium ions. The conventional metal elements in industrial rate at 10 m min−1 for specimens in 300 g L−1 H2SO4 solu-
H2SO4 electrolytes are shown in Table 2. Among them, iron tions at 75°C with pulse current density. The pickling rate
is the main element. Therefore, the iron ions play the main becomes higher with increasing the pulse current density
impact on the pickling process. from 0 to 0.2°A cm−2. The rate is about 2.1 times larger at
4 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

(a) (b)

Figure 5: SEM surface images after static pickling in H2SO4 solutions at 75°C with different concentrations: (a) 300 g L−1 and (b) 450 g L−1.


Weight loss rate (gm–2 min–1)


50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Temperature (°C)
Figure 6: The static pickling rate of the specimen in 300 g L−1 H2SO4 solutions at different temperatures.

(a) (b)

Figure 7: SEM surface images after static pickling in 300 g L−1 H2SO4 solutions at temperatures 60°C (a) and 90°C (b).
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 5

Table 2: Concentration of metal ions in industrial H2SO4 solutions. 20

Ions Fe Cr Mn Ni Cu Nb Ti Mo
20.6 2.80 0.06 0.55 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.04

Weight loss rate (gm–2 min–1)



Weight loss rate (gm–2 min–1)

6 8

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20
2 Current density (A cm–2)
Figure 10: Variation of the dynamic pickling rate with current
density in 300 g L−1 H2SO4 solutions at 75°C.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
4. Discussion
Concentration of metal ions (g L–1)
Fe3+ The residual oxides on the surface of the test specimen are
Fe2+ composed of Fe2O3, Fe3O4, and FeCr2O4, as shown in
Figure 3. While pickling of 2205 DSS hot-rolled strips in
Figure 8: The static pickling rate in 300 g L−1 H2SO4 solutions at
75°C with different iron ions. H2SO4 electrolytes, it involves two processes, chemical
pickling process and electrolytic pickling process.
When chemical pickling is carried on for 2205 DSS, FeO,
10 Fe2O3, Fe3O4, and alloying elements can be dissolved in
H2SO4 solutions. The chemical pickling process involves the
9 following chemical reactions [30]:
Weight loss rate (gm–2 min–1)

FeO + H2 SO4 ⟶ FeSO4 + H2 O (1)
Fe3 O4 + 4H2 SO4 ⟶ FeSO4 + Fe2 SO4 􏼁3 + 4H2 O (2)
Fe2 O3 + 3H2 SO4 ⟶ Fe2 SO4 􏼁3 + 3H2 O (3)

4 Fe + H2 SO4 ⟶ FeSO4 + H2 ↑ (4)

3 Ni + H2 SO4 ⟶ NiSO4 + H2 ↑ (5)

Cr + H2 SO4 ⟶ CrSO4 + H2 ↑ (6)
0 5 10 15 20
Rotary speed (m min–1)
The oxide scales on the test specimen are mainly
Figure 9: Dynamic pickling rate in 300 g L−1 H2SO4 solutions at comprised of FeCr2O4, as shown in Figure 3. The FeCr2O4 is
75°C under different rotary speed conditions. insoluble in sulfuric acid solution [7]. The matrix of 2205
DSS is dissolved slowly in sulfuric acid solution for its ex-
cellent corrosion resistance. The oxide scales on the test
0.2 A cm−2 than at 0 A cm−2 (i.e., the chemical pickling). The specimen are dissolved very slowly in sulfuric acid solutions
electrolytic pickling efficiency has a positive correlation with by means of peeling mechanically. Therefore, the chemical
the pulse current density. After dynamic electrolytic pick- pickling of the 2205 DSS hot-rolled strip is very slow. For
ling, there is almost no oxide scales on the specimen surfaces most stainless steels, higher pickling temperature and sul-
compared with static electrolytic pickling. With the increase furic acid concentration do not increase their pickling ef-
of current density from 0.04 A cm−2 to 0.2 A cm−2, the Cr- ficiency after a certain level [30]. But, for 2205 DSS, the oxide
depleted layer may dissolve obviously and the surfaces be- scales still exist after chemical pickling in 450 g L−1 H2SO4 at
come smooth, as shown in Figure 11. 90°C.
6 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Oxide scale Oxide scale

Oxide scale

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f )

Figure 11: SEM surface images after static (a–c)) and dynamic (d–f)) pickling in 300 g L−1 H2SO4 solutions at 75°C with current density
0.04 A cm−2 (a and d), 0.12 A cm−2 (b and e), and 0.2 A cm−2 (c and f ).

At the beginning of the static chemical pickling process, When the test specimen serves as the relative cathode,
small gas bubbles nucleate and grow on the specimen Cr(OH)3 and Fe(OH)3 are deposited on the surface of the
surface. During the pickling process, more and more gas test specimen. H2 is precipitated between the oxide layers,
bubbles will form and adsorb on the specimen surface, which is beneficial to the separation of the deposited sedi-
which must reduce the contact areas of effective pickling. ment from the matrix. The cathodic electrolytic reactions are
As for the dynamic pickling of specimens on the rotating as follows [10, 30, 32]:
disk, the movement may decrease the adsorption and
growth of gas bubbles on the specimen surface to a certain 2H2 O + 2e ⟶ 2OH− + H2 ↑ (11)
extent [31]. Therefore, the chemical pickling rate of the
annealed 2205 DSS specimens under dynamic condition is Fe3+ + 3OH− ⟶ Fe(OH)3 ↓ (12)
higher than under static condition. Nevertheless, the ac-
celeration effect of dynamic speed is very weak, with about CrO4 2− + 4H2 O + 6e ⟶ Cr(OH)3 ↓ (13)
5∼10% increase in the pickling rates, as observed in
Figure 8.
When sulfuric acid is used as an electrolyte, it can Cr2 O7 2− + 4H2 O + 6e ⟶ 2Cr(OH)3 ↓ + 8OH− (14)
conduct electricity. The test specimen serves as the anode Electrolytic pickling is faster than normal chemical
and cathode with the alternative change. When the test pickling for most stainless steels [20]. The electrolytic
specimen serves as the relative anode, the insoluble FeCr2O4 pickling process in H2SO4 electrolytes is the combined effect
is oxidized into soluble HCrO4 − and Cr2 O7 2− . The anodic of electrolysis and chemical pickling. When the electrolytic
electrolytic reactions are as follows [10, 30, 32]: pickling is performed under static conditions, a maximum of
about 20% of the current goes to dissolution reactions,
2H2 O ⟶ O2 ↑ + 4H+ + 4e (7) whereas about 80% of the current is consumed in oxygen gas
FeCr2 O4 + 4H2 O ⟶ FeO + HCrO4 − + 7H+ + 6e (8) production [10]. For the dense and compact oxide scales of
the test specimens, spallation or peeling of the oxide scales
FeCr2 O4 + 4H2 O ⟶ FeO + Cr2 O7 2− + 8H+ + 6e (9) induced by gas evolution does not play a decisive role. As
3+ shown in Figure 11, the oxide scales are remained on the test
2FeO3 ⟶ 4Fe + 3O2 ↑ + 12e (10) specimens after static electrolytic pickling. When the
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 7




Ewe (V)



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time (s)
No iron ions
Figure 12: Corrosion potential in 300 g L−1 H2SO4 solutions at 75°C containing different Fe ions.

5 5

4 4

3 3
–Z″ (Ω cm2)

–Z″ (Ω cm2)

2 2

1 1

0 0

–1 –1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Z′(Ω cm2) Z′ (Ω cm2)
(a) (b)
500 Cf

400 Rs
–Z″(Ω cm2)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Z′ (Ω cm2)
(c) (d)

Figure 13: Nyquist plots in 300 g L−1 H2SO4 solutions at 75°C containing no ions (a), 10 g L−1 Fe2+ (b), and 10 g L−1 Fe3+ (c), and the
corresponding circuit of the impedance spectrum (d).
8 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Table 3: Fitted results for EIS spectra in 300 g L−1 H2SO4 solutions at 75°C containing different ions.
Ions Rs, Ω cm2 Y0-f Sα , Ω−1 cm−2 αf Rf, Ω cm2 Y0-dl Sα , Ω−1 cm−2 αdl Rt, Ω cm2
No ions 0.82 0.00218 0.87 2.80 0.0658 0.92 1.6
10 g L−1 Fe2+ 0.94 0.00185 0.96 3.14 0.093 0.84 10
10 g L−1 Fe3+ 1.04 0.000133 0.95 54.99 0.000281 0.68 70.6

electrolytic pickling is performed under dynamic conditions,

the rotary disk develops a rational way for producing active
edges efficiently, where catalytic activity of the test speci-
mens is improved and its pickling rate is accelerated [33, 34].
The dynamic electrolytic pickling rate at 0.2 A cm−2 is about
2.1 times higher than the chemical pickling, which may give
rise to a smooth specimen surface without oxide scales.
The Fe3+ ions are an effective oxidant which enhanced
the corrosion potential, as shown in Figure 12. When no Fe
ions were added in the H2SO4 solutions, the corrosion
potential quickly declined at the beginning of the immersion Figure 14: Optical surface of the 2205 DSS hot-rolled strip after
time; after about 50 s, it remained constant (approximately industrial pickling with optimized pickling process.
−0.75 VMSE) subsequently as the immersion time increased.
When 10 g L−1 Fe2+ was added in the H2SO4 solutions, the
corrosion potential quickly declined at the beginning of the production rate from 5–8 m min−1 to 15–18 m min−1. Be-
immersion time; after about 100 s, it remained unchanged. sides, the surface finish after pickling is notably enhanced, as
When 10 g L−1 Fe3+ was added in the H2SO4 solutions, the shown in Figure 14.
corrosion potential increased slowly from 0.062 VMSE to
0.137 VMSE as the immersion time increased. The EIS 6. Conclusion
Nyquist plots recorded on the test specimens immersed in
300 g L−1 H2SO4 solutions containing no ions, 10 g L−1 Fe2+, The pickling behaviour of hot-rolled 2205 DSS with
and 10 g L−1 Fe3+ under the Ecorr conditions (i.e., the free annealing and mechanical descaling treatments in H2SO4
corrosion states) is presented in Figure 13. The semicircle solutions under both static and dynamic conditions has led
size enlarged slightly with the addition of 10 g L−1 Fe 2+ but to the following conclusions:
increased noticeably with the addition of the 10 g L−1 Fe 3+ (1) In the static chemical pickling process, the pickling
for its high impedance. rate may be accelerated noticeably by increasing the
In order to show the dissolution process for the speci- solution temperature and H2SO4 concentration, but
mens in 300 g L−1 H2SO4 solutions at 75°C containing dif- be decelerated greatly by Fe3+ ions.
ferent Fe ions, the equivalent circuit model is proposed in
(2) The chemical pickling process can be enhanced
Figure 13(d) according to the EIS features in Figure 13. Rs is
weakly by the moving speed of the specimen from 0
the electrolyte resistance. Rf is the resistance of oxide layer
to 20 m min−1 because the movement decreases the
remained on the specimens. Rt is the charge transfer re-
adsorption and growth of gas bubbles on the spec-
sistance. Cf and Cdl can be replaced with constant phase
imen surface to a certain extent.
element (CPE) [35]. The impedance of CPE is written in
equation (15), where Y0 is the admittance magnitude of CPE (3) Under dynamic conditions, the electrolytic pickling
and α is the exponential term. Table 3 gives the fitted results rate increases markedly with changing the pulse
of EIS spectra. The calculated spectra are shown as a solid current density from 0.04 to 0.2 A cm−2. The electro-
curve in Figure 13, which fit the experimental data very well. lytic pickling rate at 0.2 A cm−2 is about 2.1 times larger
It can be concluded that the model provided a reliable than the chemical pickling rate in 300 g L−1 H2SO4 at
description for the corrosion systems. 75°C, resulting in the smooth and clean specimen
1 surfaces.
ZCPE � . (15)
Y0 (jω)α
Data Availability
5. Application and Performance The tables and figures data used to support the findings of
this study are available from the corresponding author upon
According to the abovementioned results, the pickling reasonable request.
process of hot-rolled 2205 DSS is optimized through the
high H2SO4 concentration, high solution temperature, and Conflicts of Interest
proper electrolysis current density in the industrial pre-
pickling of 2205 DSS hot-rolled strips. The pickling effi- The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest
ciency is improved remarkably, which increases the regarding the publication of this paper.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 9

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