Writing for Success in Business Studies
Writing for Success in Business Studies
Writing for Success in Business Studies
in business studies
Teacher’s book
Answers and teaching suggestions
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How to read a case study: a 5-step process How businesses can manage 28
How to read a case study: a 5-step process growth effectively OneShift 29
OneShift case study 30
OneShift case study (continued) 31
Writing a summary paragraph about a case study 32
Planning to write about a case study 33
Write about OneShift 34
References 82
Even if students do know the content, sometimes integrates with the syllabus for Business
they find it hard to ‘get it onto the page’ or to Studies (NSW), Business Management (VIC
answer a question under the pressure of and QLD) and the Australian Curriculum for
examination conditions. This book aims to help Economics and Business.
students to learn how to read and write about
business, so they can convey what they know and
gain the best results they possibly can.
How do we know it’s right?
The explanations and exercises in this book are
What is literacy in business based on research into successful writing in senior
secondary schooling (see reference list on page
subjects? 82). The lessons and activities in this book have
been trialled in many classrooms.
According to the authority behind the Australian
The sequence of learning activities in this book is
Curriculum, ‘success in any learning area depends
based on a body of educational research into how
on being able to use the significant, identifiable and
to teach effective writing in schools (see references
distinctive literacy that is important for learning
e.g. Rothery 1994; Rose and Martin 2012).
and representative of the content of that learning
area’ (ACARA 2013, p9).
The way of describing language is based on the
model of language that underpins the Australian
So what are the ‘significant, identifiable and
Curriculum (Systemic Functional Linguistics)
distinctive’ reading and writing practices for
(ACARA 2013; Halliday and Matthiesen 2004;
business subjects?
Martin 1992; see reference on p82 for others).
Unfortunately, the ‘rules for writing’ are not always
clear to students or to teachers. There are some About the author
official government documents which provide Dr Trish Weekes is a teacher, literacy researcher
some support for what content to include in and academic. Trish knows about the practical side
certain answers but there are few models of of business writing as she worked in business
exemplar answers. This book will fill this gap by before becoming a teacher. She gained a wide
providing models and examples of business writing. range of business writing experience while
Also, this book helps students to apply these employed in marketing and advertising with
models and to write for success in Business Procter & Gamble, George Patterson Bates and IIR
Studies or Business Management. Conferences. She has a PhD in literacy education,
focusing on writing in business subjects in senior
secondary schooling.
Writing for success in business studies (Teacher’s Book) v Literacy Works
Teaching reading and writing
How to use this book Why PEEL paragraphs?
This book has been arranged in a logical sequence, This book proposes a scaffold or structure for
so please start at the beginning and work through writing paragraphs based on PEEL (point, explain,
it in order. example, link). Many schools use PEEL paragraphs
to help students learn about paragraphs. PEEL is
The concepts in this book are arranged as a spiral only a suggestion. There are many other paragraph
curriculum, that is, each piece of knowledge builds acronyms that could work, including:
on the previous piece of knowledge. So, if you jump TEEL (Topic, Explain, Example, Link) or
ahead, the content might not make sense. SEXY (Statement, Explain, X –example, and Y
This book supplements business text books. It can See the reference list (Weekes 2014a and b) for
be used for regular classroom activities, as part of more paragraph structure ideas.
student preparation for assessment, for homework
activities, and for extra lessons if you are away. Reading a case study with
Blackline masters students
Each page in this book is a blackline master, so you Imagine this scenario.
can copy or print it as often as you like.You can
purchase a site licence for the book if you would The teacher hands out a case study and asks students
like each student in your class to have their own to read aloud, in turn. After a brief discussion, students
electronic copy. Contact are required to answer comprehension questions.
This is the typical way that Business Studies
How to teach writing teachers ‘teach’ reading. While this is a good start,
Research in secondary schooling shows that there many students of business subjects still find it
are some proven ways to teach reading and writing difficult to locate business theory in a case study.
so that all students in the class get involved and They often find it even more challenging to
learn how to write. integrate the case study in an extended response
or business report.
The most important idea is that teachers should
write with students. This book proposes an alternate, active way of
teaching reading. On pages 27-34, students are
It is very common for teachers to talk about how explicitly shown how to read a case study.
to write. They may even show an example and Following these exercises, students may be more
discuss it. However, for most students, just listening able to do research on their own. Teachers can use
is not enough to help them write well. these pages as a model for further case study
explorations in preparation for assessment tasks
All teachers hand out assessment notice sheets and assignments.
with detailed instructions for students about what
is required, including marking criteria. Yet it is not Teaching suggestions
enough for students to read about how to write. At the start of each module, there are several
teaching suggestions that might work in your
Reading and listening are not enough to classroom. These teaching suggestions are based
improve student writing. Teachers should on the model for teaching writing, the Teaching and
practise writing with students. Learning Cycle, found on the next page.
Research shows that students benefit greatly when
their teachers practise writing with them, regularly.
Page vii explains the steps in teaching writing.
Writing for success in business studies (Teacher’s Book) vi Literacy Works
The teaching and learning cycle
The teaching and learning Deconstruction
cycle After field building, the teacher leads the students
The reading and writing activities in this book are in exploring a ‘model’ text. The model text is a
based on research into how teachers can help all sample of a written text that students will have to
students to read and write in subject areas. (See create. The model ‘text’ may be a sentence or a
the reference list, e.g. Rose & Martin 2012). paragraph or a complete business report. To
deconstruct the model, the teacher explicitly
The teaching and learning cycle is based on the shows the students the language features that are
concept of scaffolding, where ‘teachers take an used in the model and how they achieve the
explicit approach to the teaching of writing while purpose of the text. This book contains many such
at the same time supporting student autonomy and models and deconstructed texts.
ownership of the writing process’ (Gibbons 2009,
pp. 106-107). While there have been several Joint construction
versions of this cycle, the one used here is shown The next stage is joint construction, when the
in Figure 1, developed by Rothery (1994). teacher leads the students in the collaborative
writing of a class text. This is the very important
stage of ‘writing with’ students. The teacher and
students write together on the board or they can
use a computer and projector to write a text
together. At first, the teacher controls the writing,
with students offering suggestions. The next time,
students can hold the pen or control the keyboard,
with the teacher supervising. In this way, the
teacher gradually releases control to the students
as they gain in confidence and skill. Many of the
pages in this book can be used as joint
construction activities with the teacher leading the
class in writing together.
Independent construction
In this stage, students apply what they have learnt
Figure 1: Teaching and learning cycle (Rothery 1994) to a new text they write in pairs or by themselves.
This stage also involves planning, writing and
gaining feedback from the teacher, as well as editing
Setting the context and and publishing.
building the field
The first step in any lesson is ‘setting context’ and Follow the cycle many times
‘building field’. Students need to know about the These stages should occur many times, as often as
‘context’, that is, why they are learning this topic you have time for. It would be ideal to write with
and how the lesson relates to other knowledge. students once a fortnight. Many teachers say that
They also need to know about how the lesson there is not enough time for this kind of writing
links with assessment and examination practice. There is no doubt that time is precious in
requirements. Building the ‘field’ means to teach the classroom and that there is a lot of content to
key concepts and terminology related to the topic cover. This book argues that teaching reading and
of the lesson. Setting the context and building field writing is critical for all students. After all, there is
can occur many times during the cycle and several little point in teaching content, if students are not
times in a lesson. able to write about the content effectively.
Writing for success in business studies (Teacher’s Book) vii Literacy Works
Curriculum links by module
The table below shows relevant links to the curriculum for each module of this book. This table may
assist teachers when integrating literacy activities into units of work, and in planning and assessment.
Writing for success in business studies (Teacher’s Book) viii Literacy Works
Curriculum links
See the table on p viii for the curriculum links relevant to each module of this book.
NSW Business Studies Syllabus Area of study 2: Managing the marketing function:
P1 discusses the nature of business, its role in society Outcome 2: On completion of this unit the student
and types of business structures should be able to analyse effective marketing strategies
P2 explains the internal and external influences on and processes and apply these strategies and processes
business to business-related situations.
P3 describes the factors contributing to the success or
failure of small to medium enterprises Unit 4: Managing people and change
H1 critically analyses the role of business in Australia Area of study 1: The human resource management
and globally function: Outcome 1: On completion of this unit the
H2 evaluates management strategies in response to student should be able to analyse and evaluate practices
changes in internal and external influences and processes related to human resource management.
H5 evaluates the effectiveness of management in the Area of study 2: The management of change; Outcome
performance of business 2: On completion of this unit the student should be able
to analyse and evaluate the management of change in a
Topics large-scale organisation, and evaluate the impact of
9.1 Nature of business change on the internal environment of a large scale
9.2 Business management organisation
9.3 Business planning
10.2 Marketing Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business
10.3 Finance Year 9 and 10
10.4 Human resources The nature of innovation and why businesses seek to
create and maintain a competitive advantage in the
Queensland Business Management market, including the global market. (ACHEK041)
Dimension 1: Knowing and understanding business The ways businesses respond to changing economic
management conditions and improve productivity through
Dimension 2: Applying and analysing management organisational management and workforce
strategies management. (ACHEK054)
Dimension 3: Evaluating and communicating Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic
management strategies or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an
investigation. (ACHES043)
Victoria VCE Business Management Gather relevant and reliable data and information from
Unit 1: Small business management a range of digital, online and print sources. (ACHES044)
Area of study 1: Introducing business; Outcome 1: On Analyse data and information in different formats to
completion of this unit, the student should be able to explain cause-and-effect relationships, make predictions
explain a set of generic business characteristics and and illustrate alternative perspectives. (ACHES045)
apply them to a range of businesses Generate a range of viable options in response to an
Area of study 2: Small business decision-making, economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit
planning and evaluation: Outcome 2: On completion of analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and
this unit the student should be able to apply decision- justify a course of action and predict the potential
making and planning skills to establish and operate a consequences of the proposed action. (ACHES046)
small business, and evaluate the management of an Present reasoned arguments and evidence-based
ethical and a socially responsible small business. conclusions in a range of appropriate formats
using economics and business conventions, language and
Unit 2: Communication and management concepts. (ACHES048)
Area of study 1: Communication in business: Outcome Reflect on the intended and unintended consequences
1: On completion of this unit the student should be able of economic and business decisions. (ACHES049)
to explain, apply and justify a range of effective
communication methods used in business-related
case study
Click on ‘Sign’. Click ‘Add Text’. You should be able to type anywhere.
The sentence writing activity on page 4 can be done as a
class activity. For the first couple of examples, ask students
to suggest wordings for an ’expert’ business sentence and
write/type them on the board. Then students can write in
pairs, and students can read out their versions. The rest of
Terminology Competition the class can determine the ’best’ or ’most expert’ sentence.
(NB: Students tend to find texts created by their classmates
To help students start using business terms, split students more interesting than texts in a book.)
into groups and run a competition to think of and write as
many business words as possible that have similar meanings
to: money, people, business. Winning groups can make lists
of useful business words for the classroom wall (or a wiki).
Causes of business failure
Before teaching the expert business writing on page 5, it
would be helpful to have a class discussion about the Top 4
Money word celebrity head causes of business failure (in the box on page 5). The latest
financial news can be explored for relevant examples.
Students work in groups. The whole class can do this activity
together, depending on class size. To prepare, write different
money words on post-it notes. Each group of students
receives a pile of post-it notes, face down, so they cannot Interpreting questions
see the words. Each student takes one post-it and puts it on Page 8 introduces the purpose for writing in business. The
their own forehead. The rest of the group can see their rest of the book explains these purposes in more detail.
word, but each student cannot see his or her own word. When you introduce writing tasks to students, you can refer
Each student has to ask the rest of the group ‘yes/no’ back to this page and identify the purpose of any piece of
questions to try to guess their word. e.g. Is the word about writing. An important point to reinforce is the difference
money that flows out of a business? If the answer is ‘no’, the between a purpose and a form. For example, a business
next student has a turn at answering questions. A student report is a form, but its purpose could be evaluating or
wins if they can guess their own word. explaining or recommending (or all three).
Word families
Create and display lists of word families based on the same
Media search - dot points
terminology: Distribute some actual examples of business reports in class
e.g. invest word family - investor, investment, investing, invested or do some company searches on the internet. Ask students
e.g. profit word family - profitability, profit-generating, profitable to find examples of dot points and identify which strategy of
e.g. strategy word family - strategise, strategist, strategic dot points is being used (ie. list, separate sentences or one
e.g. economy word family - economic, economies of scale,
economist, economical long sentence). Ask students to critique the use of dot
e.g. sustain word family - sustainable, sustainability, sustaining points and assess whether or not dot points are making the
e.g. innovate word family - innovative, innovation, innovated document easier to read or understand.
use everyday or informal language use formal language and business terms
The business will be OK. The business will maximise profits.
use contractions use the written version of a contraction
don’t, can’t, they’d does not, cannot, they would
refer to money use business terms for money
The business will get more money. The business will maximise revenue.
write about people use business terms for people
People want different things. Consumers have diverse tastes.
try to sound fancy by writing long sentences write concisely and clearly using technical
without a reason business language
Strategizing for maximising the reduction of costs Economies of scale can reduce manufacturing
involve vital decision-making regarding costs.
manufacturing according to economies of scale.
give personal opinions based on personal write about business in an objective and
experience formal way
I don’t believe it went well because I haven’t seen Due to the lack of advertising, the product did
any ads about it. not succeed.
people business go badly
(outside the business)
(inside the e.g. company e.g. fail
e.g. consumers
Write a list of business) organisation, start-up, crash, be unsuccessful,
consumers, customers,
enterprise, workplace, go under, default,
business terms stakeholders, regulators, e.g. employees institution, job, trade, become bankrupt,
government, users, end-users, management, staff,
that have target market, bankers, employees, employers,
profession, factory, become insolvent
shop, corporation,
similar investors, suppliers, clientele, owners, workers,
meaning as clients etc. directors, line
managers, proprietors,
partnership, go well
these everyday executives, supervisors,
manufacturer, supplier
e.g. succeed
words businessmen/women, succeed, thrive,
entrepreneurs etc. prosper, triumph,
grow, build
1. Business confidence is a good thing.
2. There was a fast food store and it was the only one around so people had to go to that
3. Deregulation means that the government allows businesses greater freedom in how
they operate by minimising regulations.
4. If you have a business, you have to be sure that you don’t try to expand too fast or you
might not go well.
5. Successful businesses are required to manage both external and internal influences.
6. The customers didn’t like that product because they weren’t really interested in it all
that much.
7. Globalisation is a significant factor that impacts on the profitability of many businesses.
8. The business may as well try out the new product because if it does work out, they
might get lots of money from it.
Read the paragraph below. Discuss On the lines below, rewrite the
the weaknesses of this paragraph paragraph in a formal, objective way,
with your classmates.Then using business terminology.You can
underline the main points or ideas use the ideas and terminology from
in the paragraph. the fact box above.
Identify the factors that contribute to Identify the factors that contribute to
business failure in Australia business failure in Australia
If you’re a small business, you have to think a lot (Example) Small business owners must
about heaps of things that might make you fail. consider several factors that can
First off, if you don’t keep your eye on money,
contribute to business failure. Firstly,
you won’t go well. If they don’t know what’s
business owners should manage cash flow
happening in the business, they can’t get on top of
carefully so they can maintain control of
costs and expenditure. Strategic
their costs or how much they’re spending either.
management of the business is essential.
Then another thing to think about is about the
Business owners should strategically plan
people in charge, like if the boss isn’t really smart
for the direction of the business.
or hasn’t thought through the direction of the
Inexperienced staff can also be a limiting
business and all that. Maybe the people who work
factor for business success. To achieve
there haven’t spent a lot of time working in
success, each business should have a clear
similar businesses. That’s a bad idea. Speaking of
plan and model for its future direction.
the business, if the business doesn’t have a plan
Financial planning documents are essential
and a model for where it wants to go, and how to
for obtaining finance. If a business has
do it, then that can be a massive problem. And inadequate finance, it will be unable to
another thing, no-one will want to give them any grow and maximise its profit potential.
money or lend to them if they haven’t got the
right paperwork. That means they haven’t got
enough money and other things they need to keep
the business going and to really give it everything.
a list point
Punctuation: use a colon after the stem and Don’t use dot points for explaining.
use lower case letters to start each point. It is tricky to explain cause and effect
Put a full stop at the end. in a dot point.
Purposes for
Task words Sample question
explaining how How can employee rewards be See pages
why used to improve business 9-43
performance? Use an example of
give reasons
causes a specific reward to support
impacts your answer.
outline a strategy to …
iFLYdownunder. Before reading, it is important for students
to know about the topic. This stage is called ‘building the
field’. If you build the field, students will know the context
and they are more likely to read with understanding.
These teaching strategies might be helpful.
Explaining is important Let students briefly explore the websites of these
case studies,
The material in this module is very important for reasoning Discuss the business idea behind each case study and
and communicating about business. Research has shown that ask students for their experiences with similar
one of the most important ways of thinking in business businesses.
involves explaining the influences on a business, and also The Tanda case study is more technical as it involves
explaining the impacts of business actions. In fact, it is pay rates and awards etc. Students could discuss their
possible to view the entire syllabus of business subjects as a part time jobs and how they are paid, if they fill in
complex inter-related series of causes and effects, as shown timesheets, and so on.
in the figure below: Discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages of
running these different businesses.
Explain why managers may be resistant to change Explain the global factors that need to be
considered if they decide to use
How do employer associations influence human
outsourcing as an operations strategy.
resource management?
Analyse both the causes of workplace disputes
Maintenance is a process of human resource
and the strategies used to resolve them.
management. By referring to a specific
example, explain how maintenance could Explain why the ‘percentage of market share’ is
be used to improve business performance. important for a large-scale organisation.
(BOSTES NSW, 2014a; VCAA 2013)
Explain government influences on the financial
management of businesses.
1. If a business hires new staff, what are some possible may increase due to the new purchase of technology
effects? The new staff members could attract new and systems. Staff members will need to be trained on
customers and sell more products/services. The these new systems. As a result, they may be less
salary bill will also rise and so costs of running the productive for a period of time while they learn the
business will increase. Also, management will need to new systems. However, in the long term, the new
spend more time managing the new staff. technology and systems may improve the efficiency of
2. If a business decides to reduce its advertising budget, the organisation
what are some possible results? Costs will reduce in 4. If a business decides to start selling its products and
the short term, possibly reducing pressure on the services online, what are some of the possible
budget. However, customers will not see any outcomes? The business will face more costs
advertising or promotions so they may not buy the including the introduction of new technology and new
product, sales will decrease and profitability will be distribution / fulfilment strategies for online sales. The
reduced. company may benefit from reduced costs in staffing in
3. If a business decides to introduce new technology and the longer term.
systems, what are some of the possible effects? Costs
Writing for success in business studies (Teacher’s Book) 10 Literacy Works
Cause and effect language:
conjunctions Answers
When we explain,
we use cause and A conjunction
effect language. is a ‘word that
joins other
words, phrases
or clauses
Cause and effect can be expressed through conjunctions. We can show together in
cause and effect relationships by using conjunctions like ‘because’ or ‘so’ to logical
link ideas. For example, these sentences use conjunctions to help explain why relationships’
businesses expand: (ACARA 2013).
Businesses expand because they want to increase profits.
Businesses expand so they can increase profits.
1. New businesses do they can find a gap in the market for their
market research so products or services and maximise
Use the 3 step
model to write
6 sentences. 2. Competitor analysis competitive products and services are
since essential for business success.
Read each is vital
starter, then
3. Effective pricing pricing is one of the ways to achieve
choose a
strategies should be as competitive advantage and maximise
conjunction profits.
from the list on developed
page 11, write
4. Businesses must create products that meet these needs,
the conjunction in order to thereby increasing sales and revenue.
in the arrow, understand customer
then finish the needs
sentence in the
5. Businesses need a they need to attract passing trade in
empty box. because order to increase sales.
good location
On this page, you will read about four of Tanda’s clients. Use
conjunctions (from page 11) to explain why the businesses
have chosen to use Tanda. Use a different conjunction in
each sentence.
A noun group answers the question ‘who?’ or ‘what?’ A noun group can contain one word
e.g. ‘strategy’ or many words e.g. ‘an effective pricing strategy’.
A verb group answers the question ‘what is happening?’ A verb group can contain one word
e.g. ‘create’, or many words e.g. ‘may be able to create’.
In the following example, the verb group is in green and the noun groups are in red:
An effective pricing strategy may be able to create competitive advantage.
Read the 1. Indoor skydiving is safer than open air skydiving. Due to
sentences on superior safety, consumers may choose indoor skydiving rather
the right that than outdoor skydiving.
explain the 2. Indoor skydiving uses vertical wind tunnel technology that is
benefits of unique in Australia. Therefore, there are no other competitors for
iFLYdownunder. indoor skydiving and iFLYdownunder has a monopoly in the
Then choose a market.
text connective 3. Military personnel require a safe training environment to test
or preposition their equipment and manoeuvres. As a result, iFLYdownunder
to start a offers a convenient and safe environment for military activities.
second 4. Every year, there are fatalities from open air skydiving accidents.
sentence that As a result of these statistics, many consumers prefer the safety
explains why of indoor skydiving.
this is a benefit
for customers.
Why is the background of the Why did the owners need to hire
owners a benefit for the business? new staff for their management
Think of three reasons and explain team? Think of two reasons and
each using a range of cause and explain each using a range of cause
effect language. and effect language.
Examples Examples
Due to the fact that the owners are ex-military One of the reasons why the owners needed to hire
paratroopers, they understand the needs of their new staff in their management team, is because they
military customers. As a consequence, they are in a needed a manager with tourism experience. The
position to meet the needs of military customers and owners did not have any experience with the tourist
discuss their customer’s requirements with authority consumer market, so they needed to hire someone
and credibility. This gives them a competitive advantage with this valuable expertise. Consequently, they hired a
and may build loyalty from their military customers, Chief Marketing Officer from the tourism industry.
increasing sales and profitability.
The new hire had another benefit. It is important for
As a result of the owners’ military experience, they management teams to have individuals with
have contacts within the military. Since the military are complementary strengths and different areas of
important customers, the owners’ contacts can attract expertise. Due to the fact that the new Chief
more customers to the business, and increase revenue Marketing Officer was from a different industry to the
and profits. owners, greater diversity was brought to meetings,
which lead to strengthening of the company’s
As the owners used to be in the SAS, they can explain management, ensuring future growth and profitability.
military needs to investors with authority.
Consequently, they may attract more finance for the
business, so it can expand and grow.
conjunctions as, because, since, therefore, so, as a result of, so that, in order to, in order that,
for linking ideas thus, therefore, so, consequently, for that reason, due to, because of this, as a
within a sentence result
(a condition for cause and effect) if, in case, unless, on condition that, as long as
text therefore, so, consequently, therefore, for that reason, because of this,
connectives as a result
other useful by + verb + ing e.g. by finding Businesses can grow by finding new markets.
ways of to + verb e.g. to find Businesses expand overseas to find new markets.
explaining ‘to’ on its own may not indicate cause and effect. If you can insert ‘in order’ before ‘to’, then it does indicate cause and effect; e.g.
Businesses expand overseas in order to find new markets.
Text connectives can have other however (to show a contrasting idea)
purposes, besides cause and in addition, furthermore (to add an idea)
effect. Here are some useful although, whereas (to consider another point
examples: of view but then to disregard it)
However, in the age of internet shopping, this typical model
is changing. It is important to discuss markup and pricing
before students attempt page 24.
Page 24 introduces the concept of ‘disruptive pricing’. As
you know, ‘disruptive’ is a hot word right now for business
Build the field about Grana start ups. Wikipedia has a great article about disruptive
Before teaching in this module, it would be helpful to hold a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disruptive_innovation
brief class discussion about the context for the case study, According to the business strategist, Stephan Liozu,
Grana, an online clothing retailer. Questions to discuss could disruptive pricing means ‘taking a leadership position in value
be: and pricing management, inventing pricing models that the
Who in the class buys online clothing? From which rest of the industry wants to adopt, launching innovative
sites? Why? offerings that are priced high and right and that competitors
Why do you choose these particular sites when there cannot compete against’. http://stephanliozu.com/practitioner-papers/
are so many options?
Why can online retailers provide goods at lower
costs? Writing with students
This chapter provides a perfect opportunity to take students
Success factors for business through the teaching and learning cycle (explained on page
vii). These activities can be done in one lesson or in a few
As we know, there are many complex success factors for minutes per lesson over a week.
businesses. This chapter will focus on six factors but there MODELLING AND DECONSTRUCTION
are many more possibilities too. The six focus areas are: Pages 21 and 22 provide a model of a PEEL paragraph and
1. choosing an industry with a proven market size and clearly explain the features. On page 23, students can identify
high demand the parts of a PEEL paragraph by drawing lines between the
2. conducting market research heading (e.g. point) and the appropriate sentence.
3. planning strategies to minimise costs (e.g. effective JOINT CONSTRUCTION
logistics) On the lower half of page 23, you can write the ‘example’
4. competitive pricing strategies for a high quality stage with students by scribing on the board. Before
product attempting page 24, you can discuss disruptive pricing (see
5. strategies to maximise sales the orange box above) then help students to plan and write
6. innovative marketing strategies. the ‘explain’ and ‘example’ stages of the PEEL paragraph on
Before teaching this module, it may be useful to present page 24.
these factors to students and discuss them. You could even INDEPENDENT CONSTRUCTION
organise the class into groups, give each group one strategy Depending on student abilities, students can work in groups,
and ask students to explain the success factor and give an pairs or independently to write the PEEL paragraphs on page
example to the rest of the class. 25 and 26. An additional idea is to ask students to look at
their own writing, or another student’s writing, and to
identify cause and effect language.
Make a point related to business theory. Preview the rest of the
paragraph. There should be no examples here.
Explain what the point means. Elaborate (tell us more). Use cause
and effect language to explain.
Use a case study to apply the point. Explain what the case study
company has done in relation to the point.
Link the point to revenue, costs and profits. Link to the
assignment question or instruction.
This module will explore a case study, GRANA. Grana is an online
fashion retailer started by a young entrepreneur, Luke Grana.
Above: Luke Grana (centre in the green shirt) and some of the Grana team
POINT Luke Grana spent a long time on market research before he started his
online fashion business, ‘Grana’. He worked for six months in fashion retail
stores so that he could identify what kinds of clothing consumers were
interested in and what they wanted to purchase. As a result, he learnt that
EXPLAIN consumers were interested in high quality fabrics and ‘timeless designs’
rather than items that were only in fashion for a short time.
STUDY Our Grana box comes in three sizes and are each charged different shipping
Grana.com has a system fees:
that tells customers how Small box (10 spaces): AU$10 shipping fee
much more they can buy Medium box (20 spaces): AU$15 shipping fee
before shipping costs go Large box (50 spaces): AU$20 shipping fee
To make it easy, for each of our products we indicate how many Grana Box
This encourages spaces it will consume. For example one t-shirt equals two spaces therefore a
customers to fill up their small Grana box can fit up to 5 t-shirts. Want to buy more? Time to go up to
carts to that level. the next size. (Source: www.grana.com)
Images and case study information used with permission
Look at this
information about
Grana ambassadors
from the website.
Another idea for teaching reading is to use visual organisers.
As students are looking for 3 growth strategies, it may be
helpful to have students draw this diagram and fill it in when
they skim the headings in the case study:
Before you start to read, you need to know what you are looking for. Your
KNOW purpose for reading will relate to the assignment question or instruction. For
YOUR example, you may have an extended response question like this:
PURPOSE How can businesses manage growth effectively?
We will use this question as our purpose for reading the case study of
READ IN Read the case study in detail. Only read what you Read the
DETAIL need. You may not need to read the entire case OneShift case
study. As you read, highlight wordings related to study in detail
your question. Write a summary of what you find and look for 3
in the margins. strategies to
Writing for success in business studies (Teacher’s Book) 29 Literacy Works
OneShift case study
Images and case study information used with permission
Acquires Australia’s leading mature age jobs platform Adage Words related to growth
Launches new iOS and Android app are underlined.
Sydney, Australia, 12 February, 2015: OneShift, the In less than three years, OneShift has grown its user
online job network which matches employees with base to over 400,000 jobseekers and 36,000 employers,
employers, today announced a series of strategic moves matching people with jobs across a range of industries
to kick off 2015, following a major year of growth for including hospitality, retail, events & promotions,
the online jobs platform. landscaping & gardening and administration.
This year will see the two and half year old startup Founder and CEO, Gen George, said that the major
expand its team to support a range of exciting new focus would be bolstering the team to ensure it could
clients, such as major Australian brands such support the growing popularity of the platform and
as SumoSalad, integrate the database of Australia’s improving the end-user experience of both the website
leading job site for seniors - Adage - and launch and mobile apps.
completely redesigned iOS and Android apps.
“We have major expectations for this year ahead, and
are making the necessary decisions to maintain growth
and expand our already impressive roster of clients. It’s
an intense start to the year, but one that’s absolutely
necessary to remain one foot ahead of the
Expanding the OneShift team to support new
Staffing Manager at BENCHMARQUE Hospitality & Event and Android app to make finding work even faster and
Recruitment, Michelle Watson, said as recruiters, the simpler for jobseekers on the go.
number one frustration was the time wasted waiting
More than 35 per cent of traffic for the service comes
for applications to come in from generic job board
directly from smartphones and tablets.
"For us, the genius behind OneShift is it allows us to be Using smart technology to establish compatibility
proactive about recruitment. We can view and search (based on a number of metrics, including geography,
candidate profiles to contact the people who are most previous experience and other desirable traits), the
suitably matched for the roles we are recruiting to fill. app will alert jobseekers to the best matches instantly,
It means we always have a pool of candidates to work meaning that whether they’re on public transport, at
with, and we don’t have to spend huge amounts of the movies, or just at home on the couch, they can be
money posting advertisements that may or may not job hunting 24/7.
receive any traction. Not only this, but OneShift’s
entire approach to their customers is aligned with our George said that a big focus of recent months had been
own culture of going above & beyond for our clients. improving the end user experience of the service,
Our questions are always answered, our suggestions holding focus groups and investing in research and
welcomed and we are dealing with people who enjoy development to make the product as efficient and easy
dealing with people.” -to-use as possible. With the latest data from the IAB/
Nielson Mobile Audience Panel Pilot study revealing
Acquisition of leading mature age jobs board, Adage
Australians spend 52 per cent of digital screen time on
mobile devices, taking the service mobile was the next
Due to Australia’s ageing population, the 45 year and
vital step.
above age bracket is forecasted to be the fastest
growing labour market segment over the next decade.
“Our aim is to make the process as seamless and quick
In response, OneShift has acquired Australia’s leading as possible for both businesses and jobseekers and to
mature age jobs board Adage.
take the pain out of the recruitment,” said George.
Adage is a jobs board and online community for
“Going mobile is key to enabling that flexible working
jobseekers over the age of 45. It will continue to
lifestyle, and helping promote a ‘work to live’ not ‘live
remain a free service for mature age Australians
to work’ attitude.”
looking to re-enter the workforce.
Having launched in New Zealand in February last year,
Improving the user-experience and going mobile George is now considering further International
expansion for OneShift later this year.
OneShift has recently launched its new IOS
company will
hire 10-15
new staff.
That’s a The new staff
growth will be in sales
strategy. and tech. Why?
2 buying another jobs board (Adage) Buying another jobs board (Adage) provides employers with a range
of new employees to choose from. Since new employees are
attracted to the business, the Adage jobs board will provide
OneShift’s customers with a wider range of potential staff.
Consequently, customer satisfaction can be maintained during
OneShift’s growth stage.
3 find the third strategy from your reading The third strategy is introducing new technology and a mobile app.
Introducing new technology can support OneShift’s growth stage by
introducing new technology improving access and usability for both employers and employees.
The new app can be used on all mobile devices so that users can
find a job or find staff, on the go, from any device. As a result, this
new technology improves the customer experience and provides an
important product benefit during the growth stage of the business.
One strategy to manage growth is to increase
the number of staff.
Write a PEEL
paragraph If the customer list is growing, there is a need for
more staff to service the needs of these
OneShift’s customers.
strategy to
manage growth One Shift will hire 10-15 new sales and tech
by hiring new people in the coming months in order to meet
staff, EXAMPLE the needs of customers and manage growth. New
sales people will be able to gain new business and
provide efficient service to customers and the
new tech hires will be able to ensure that the
back-end systems are effective and can cope with
This will ensure that profits can be maintained
during the growth of the business.
Sample paragraph 1 Sample paragraph 2
POINT Another way that companies The introduction of new
can manage growth is to technology and systems can
provide new products for support a company in the growth
Plan and write clients. stage.
another PEEL Customers are likely to spend When a company grows, it needs
paragraph EXPLAIN more if they have access to a ‘behind the scenes’ systems and
about a wide range of high quality technology that will enable the
products and services. company to operate smoothly and
OneShift efficiently.
growth strategy In the case of OneShift,
– you can products refer to the pool of OneShift introduced new
jobseekers that employers can technology to improve access and
choose which choose from. Buying another usability for both employers and
strategy you EXAMPLE jobs board (Adage) provides employees. A new app was
write about. employees with a range of new developed for mobile devices so
potential employees. As new that users can find a job or find
employees are attracted to the staff on the go.
business, the Adage jobs board
will provide OneShift’s
customers with more staff to
choose from. This new technology improves the
LINK customer experience and provides
Consequently, customer and important product benefits for
satisfaction can be maintained customers during this growth stage
during the growth stage, of the business, ensuring that
maintaining revenue and profits. revenue is maintained.
and have students match the term and the definition.
External influences
economic factors related to the economy such as
economic growth and exchange rates
External and influences on financial influences related to financial markets,
including the share market, impacting on
business the cost of obtaining finance
geographic refers to the location of countries,
The activities in this module should be taught AFTER
markets, the business, suppliers,
students learn about external and internal influences on
competitors, resources, staff and so on
business. See the definitions in the orange box on the right.
social influences related to general trends in
attitudes, beliefs and behaviour of people
Understanding external and internal influences on business
legal factors related to laws, regulations and
can be tricky. Many external influences overlap (e.g. financial
standards that a business must follow
and economic or legal and institutional). Many effects in the
political refers to the policies and ideas of political
business world (e.g. rising interest rates) are caused by a
parties and governments
number of factors. Discuss with students how influences in
institutional influences related to large organisations
the business environment are inter-connected.
related to businesses e.g. trade unions and
employer associations
The matching activities on p36 and p40 will be messy. There
technological refers to developments in hardware,
will arrows going everywhere. Conduct a class discussion
software and the internet
about students’ reasons for matching certain influences with
competitive situation
the business phenomena. These activities can help students
relates to other businesses operating in
develop business reasoning skills and to understand cause
the same market
and effect in the business environment. Rather than ‘right’
markets the features or characteristics of the
and ‘wrong’ answers, this activity can explore the complexity
business market where products and
of the business environment, while ensuring that students
services are sold
can identify examples of key external and internal influences.
Internal influences
products the range of products or services offered
by a business
location the physical or online location of the
Visual dictionary resources the people, materials and finance needed
to run a business
Create a visual dictionary (online or on paper) of external management the people who run a business as well as
and internal influences. Students pick an image from the their attitudes, values and behaviours
internet to explain each influence (e.g. the picture of a business culture the general environment and context
lawyer for legal, or a computer for technological). created within a business
wearable technology
becomes popular The Australian
government signs a Free
Trade Agreement
with China
Writing for success in business studies (Teacher’s Book) 36 Literacy Works
Finding external influences
in a case study Answers
The external influences on business in this case
study are:
Your purpose for social Skim and scan
reading this case
government / legal the case study
study is to find and underline
the external wordings
influences on economic / financial. related to the
this business Focus on these four influences when you read external
the case study. influences.
Nourished Life
is an online
skin care and
cosmetics company that sells
certified organic products.
One of the hottest buzz-words in the beauty due to its rigorous testing and research of products.
market right now is ‘organic’. According to IBIS As a result of the testing undertaken by Nourished
World research, the market for organic beauty Life, customers can be satisfied that the products
products in Australia is worth $265 million and it is sold on its website comply with the strictest
forecast to grow at 17% per year. This trend shows organic standards. Irene even provides personal
that consumers appear to be moving away from advice about organic and natural products to
toxins and chemicals and towards natural and 30,000 Facebook followers and 10,000 Instagram
healthy ingredients. One of the big winners in this followers.
market is ‘Nourished Life’, an online beauty retailer
that distributes brands such as Miranda Kerr’s Nourished Life sources
KORA Organics and international favourites like its products from
100% Pure. around the world, but
this poses several
The term ‘organic’ is not as simple as it seems. If a challenges for the
product is labelled ’organic’, it does not necessarily business. One of
mean that it meets government standards. The Nourished Life’s first
regulation authority, Australian Certified Organic brands was a lip balm
(ACO), certifies organic cosmetics under the from the USA. At the
Australian National Standard National Organic time, the exchange
Program. However, each standard has different rate was near parity, so
requirements and these can be hard for consumers Falcone paid around
to differentiate. What makes it even more confusing $1 per stick and she
for consumers is that imported products do not could sell them for
have to meet these requirements. In fact, any $5.95. Now that the
product can call itself ‘organic’ without meeting any exchange rate is not as
of these standards. favourable, Nourished Above: Irene Falcone, Founder
Life must negotiate of Nourished Life
Amongst this confusion, Irene Falcone found a with its suppliers for
niche for her business, Nourished Life. Nourished cheaper prices, so it can keep costs low for
Life calls itself ‘the strictest natural beauty store’ customers and continue to succeed.
Images and case study information used with permission
Writing for success in business studies (Teacher’s Book) 37 Literacy Works
Planning to write about
external influences Answers
Influences on a business can be positive or negative.
Some external influences on a business can be
positive, such as the new opportunity for
Nourished Life caused by the social trend towards
Our purpose for writing is to respond to this
organic beauty products. However, some
assignment instruction:
influences can be negative, such as the variable
Explain how external influences can impact
Australian exchange rate.
on business opportunities.
government / legal Regulations for organic Positive: Since the government regulations are
complex, Nourished Life can offer a service to advise
cosmetics are complex and customers on which products are truly organic.
the government cannot Negative: However, international products can claim
regulate international they are organic without providing any proof. These
international brands may become competitors for
the products sold on the Nourished Life site.
technological The owner of Nourished Life, Positive: By connecting with 30,000 Facebook
followers and 10,000 Twitter customers, Irene can
Irene Falcone, uses provide advice on the latest organic products and
(look at paragraph 3
technology to communicate thereby build loyalty and traffic to her website,
of the case study)
with her customers. leading to increased revenue and profits.
economic/financial Nourished Life imports Negative: Since the business sources products from
overseas, product prices for Australian customers
(look at paragraph 4 products so it is sensitive to rely on the exchange rate. For example, if the
exchange rate changes for the Australian dollar depreciates against the US Dollar,
of the case study - this
American goods become more expensive for
is a negative impact on Australian dollar. Australian consumers. This may lead to some
the business) products being too expensive for Australians and this
may lead to reduced sales and profits.
a business decides to
move manufacturing
INTERNAL overseas new product packaging is
INFLUENCES introduced the company introduces
new uniforms for
a new cloud-based workers
version of the product is the company introduces
developed a bonus and incentive
products scheme for sales staff the company has an IPO
(initial public offering) of
shares to obtain funds
new computers are
location some staff are
the company moves to
employees are bigger offices closer to
resources encouraged to do a day suppliers
of charity volunteering a new marketing director
during work time is hired
a new ‘innovation of the
management month’ award is
the company is introduced
restructured new product lines are
business culture
Casual Friday is
new suppliers are found
for raw materials new machinery is
a workplace diversity
policy is introduced
Writing for success in business studies (Teacher’s Book) 40 Literacy Works
Finding internal influences
in a case study Answers
Skim and scan the case study and underline wordings related to
internal influences on the business.
Relate to the
Internal SurfStitch case Explain how the influence impacts on business opportunities for SurfStitch. Use
influence study cause and effect language.
What products and Explain the positive impact of products on SurfStitch’s business.
products services are offered Releasing new products and having a huge range of brands is a benefit for customers because
by SurfStitch? customers are attracted to the website and SurfStitch can gain competitive advantage. SurfStitch
SurfStitch regularly also offers a free additional benefit for its customers, an online forum called ‘The Lens’. This
releases new website, and the surfing websites bought by SurfStitch, add value for customers and therefore give
products and it has customers an additional reason to access the website and build the credibility of the SurfStitch
900 brands and brand.
20,000 products.
SurfStitch also Negative factors related to products were not presented in case study. Can you think of any?
offers its Having 900 brands and 20,000 products could be a challenge for SurfStitch as it may be difficult to
customers a control product quality and keep stock levels high for so many different items. If inventory is not
website called ‘The managed carefully, customers could become frustrated with poor service or waiting time for their
Lens’ as well as orders, leading to reduced customer traffic to the site. There is also a risk for SurfStitch in buying
access to surfing the surfing websites because these could take the company’s attention away from their main
news websites. business, which is retail fashion.
Where is the Explain the positive impact of office location on SurfStitch’s business.
location location of the The location of the business in the Gold Coast puts SurfStitch at the heart of the surf culture in
business? Australia. Consequently, SurfStitch is located near its customers (surfers) and staff can see any
trends that are developing in the surfing world, thus helping SurfStitch stay up to date. The huge
warehouse space in the Gold Coast and in Europe helps SurfStitch keep enough inventory so that
The business has they can offer a wide range of products that are always in stock. The location in France is close to
two locations: European customers and offers French-speaking staff. Therefore, SurfStitch can offer better
Gold Coast and customer service to its European customers, ensuring that global expansion is successful and that
France. risk is spread across two markets.
What are the possible disadvantages of having offices in both Europe and Australia?
Having offices and warehouses in two locations could create problems for SurfStitch. As
management staff are based in Australia, they have to co-ordinate products and strategies
between two different markets in different time zones. This could lead to communication
problems within the business. Having two locations could split management’s attention and create
more work and stress for the owners, making them less effective.
business What business culture Explain the positive impact of the internal business culture on SurfStitch’s business.
has been created at If SurfStitch’s employees are young, they can understand their customer’s needs more clearly. The
culture SurfStitch has created
opportunity of international work placement may motivate employees to be innovative and to
a youth-based work hard.
management culture
which fits its youth- Can you think of any potential challenges involved in having a youth based employee culture?
oriented fashion If the workplace is not diverse, with a range of ages of employees, more mature and experienced
products. Employees employees may not be hired, leading to a deficit of skills and talent within the organisation. If
have the opportunity employees are encouraged to relocate globally, skills and talents in Australia may be lost.
to travel the world.
failures. Students can search for positive evaluation words
about success and negative evaluation words about failure.
Add any new words to a master list (based on p46) and
display in the classroom.
Is supply chain management important to this Outline two strengths of the café.
business? Justify your answer.
Assess the importance of using a mix of
Evaluate their decision to adopt a niche market promotional strategies in the marketing of
approach. goods and services.
Assess strategies that management may use to Evaluate whether low-risk practices are
respond to influences on operations. preferable to high-risk practices to achieve
effective change.
Assess strategies that management may use to
respond to key influences on human (Board of Studies NSW, 2013; 2014a; VCAA 2013)
Read this
sample answer. Pat and Robin can use their niche marketing approach to avoid direct
Underline the competition with larger department stores. They can recruit more
evaluation (in specialised staff that will have greater product knowledge and stock
the middle of more specialised equipment that will allow them to gain a competitive
the answer). advantage. This should help them to gain sales and profits. For this
Reference to reason the niche market approach would be best for them. The decision
profits in bold. to adopt a niche market by Robin and Pat may help them maximise their
profits if the niche market is big enough. (BOS 2013 Sample answers Q25b)
Positive Negative
nouns (things) nouns (things)
advantage disadvantage
benefit problem
growth decline
profits costs
revenue tax
income expenses
dividends expenditure, spending
Like any other business, we’re always asking many more successful businesses doing things the
ourselves if what we’re doing is best for the future, old fashioned way – still creating jobs and adding
and a common question that pops up is the most maximum value to their customers at the same
suitable location. Late last year I was invited to San time. We felt more inclined to do that.
Francisco and Silicon Valley to check out the
biggest startup scene in the world. It was A lot of people, upon seeing a group of young
fascinating and a really worthwhile trip, but at Aussies abroad, would ask, “So when are you all
times I found it equally uncomfortable about how going to move your startup over here?” For us it’s
different Valley culture is to what we have back an interesting question – and the answer is, “Not
home. for a while yet.” A lot of startups in our field have
taken on overseas money and put it all towards
We’ve always felt that if you make a high quality capturing US market share, and time after time we
product, then you’ll be able to successfully sell it, found their product less useful and irrelevant for
support it, and market it from wherever you Australian businesses. Paying staff in Australia is a
like, and eventually you’ll have a viable and huge and time-consuming problem and to do it
sustainable business. We also think that the best right you need software that’s specific, relevant
way to make sensible product decisions is to fund and easy-to-use. For exactly that reason, we’re
the business from our customers, because it forces excited by the prospect of being able to fix payroll
us to only build well-designed and relevant headaches for every Australian business, rather than
products that people actually want. Venture by the possibility of striking it rich in a Californian
Capitalists in Silicon Valley seemed more concerned gold mine. We get most excited by the prospect of
with getting users rather than customers. A working with our customers to build a great
particularly striking moment for me was when one product that solves problems that they have, and
VC asked me why we had charged our customers that we understand, in a market we know and
money, and why we had even bothered with love. And that, in a nutshell, is why we stayed in
revenue, when we could have just given the product Australia.
away to drive usage. Adapted from https://www.tanda.co/why-we-chose-fortitude-valley-over-
silicon-valley/. Used with permission.
That approach might work for some, but there are
Answer the
question by Should Tanda stay in Australia or move to Silicon Valley?
following the
steps below. Sample answer
State your
Tanda should stay in Australia so they can focus on a high
evaluation or quality product in a proven market. Tanda knows the
judgement of a Australian market well so they are able to solve a huge
business action or and time-consuming problem for their Australian
decision using the customers. By developing a high quality and relevant
language of evaluation product for Australian businesses, Tanda can maximise
revenue and profits in a proven market. On the other
Explain your
reasons for your
hand, by staying in Australia, Tanda may be sacrificing the
evaluation using opportunity to access the US market and also to gain
cause and effect additional funds from venture capitalists. As a result, in the
language. future, after Tanda has consolidated their market presence
in Australia, Tanda could consider expanding globally.
Therefore, Tanda can maintain their presence in the
Australian market and build their profits here, while also
reaching out to international markets to ensure the
Link your reasons to the
potential of their product is maximised.
ultimate goal of business
criticise a company’s actions too harshly acknowledge past mistakes respectfully
The business made a series of stupid and disastrous The business has identified that some past decisions
mistakes. have not been effective.
give commands to the company owners (using second recommend to the company using third person (ie. not
person, ie. you) saying ‘I’ or ‘you’)
You should implement these strategies. The business should implement these strategies.
guarantee that your strategies will work offer your recommendations as one option
If the business increases the product price, profits If the company increases the product price, profits
will rise. may increase.
assume that your recommendations can stand alone give reasons for every recommendation
Promotional pricing is the best strategy. Promotional pricing is the best strategy because sales
are falling and the business needs to renew consumer
interest in the product.
give personal opinions make your recommendations objective and impersonal
I don’t think this is a good idea. This may not be the most effective strategy for the
following reasons: …
Explanation Recommendation
Purpose (or The purpose of an explanation is to The purpose of a recommendation is
genre) show how or why something happens to advise someone about what they
should do.
Paragraph 1: Rob and Thao should buy an existing Paragraph 2: Buying an existing business has benefits but
business. As they have not run a café before, they may find also some disadvantages. If a business owner purchases a
it too difficult to start from scratch. If Rob and Thao buy a business that is already running, they can use the existing
business that is already operating, they can use the existing stock, equipment, premises and staff. As a consequence, the
stock, equipment, premises and staff, which are significant transition to the new business may be easier and more cost
advantages. Another benefit is that the café’s existing effective. Another benefit is that existing customers can
customers can continue to come to the café, giving Rob and continue to purchase goods and services, leading to a
Thao a customer base to build from. If there are any customer base for the new owners. On the other hand,
teething problems for the business, existing employees can existing employees may cause staffing problems with the
assist them. For these reasons, buying an existing business is new owners, as a result of possible hidden problems with
the most effective establishment option. the business. Buying an existing business can also be
expensive due to the purchase of goodwill.
This paragraph is a recommendation
This paragraph is an explanation
How can we tell? It advises the owners what to do ‘Rob
and Thao should …’. This makes the author powerful, as if
How can we tell? It explains the benefits and disadvantages
they are an expert. Paragraph 1 also uses modal language
of buying and existing franchise. Cause and effect language is
(should, may, can) and evaluation language. Evaluative
language: positive – advantages, benefit; negative – difficult, used, such as: if, as a consequence, leading to, cause, due to,
problems. The paragraph also gives reasons using cause and as a result of. There is no recommendation or advice given.
effect language to support the recommendation.
Recommend something to the business. Use modal
Explain the business theory behind your
recommendation. Use cause and effect language.
Relate the theory and your recommendation to the
scenario / case study and exactly how your recommendation
will impact the business.
Link the recommendation to profitability and costs.
Link to the business problem you are solving.
Facts about the fitness industry Competition in the market is fierce, especially
due to new entrants such as Anytime Fitness
The fitness industry is currently worth $1.4 who offer low cost memberships and are open
billion in Australia and it is set for continued 24 hours a day.
growth over the coming years. (Source: ABS) Competition has been driving membership fee
Fitness is increasingly popular and there is prices down for consumers.
growing awareness among consumers about Gyms can be expensive to set up, especially due
healthy living and the need to exercise regularly. to the high cost of quality fitness equipment.
Todd and Mike would have freedom to be Starting from scratch is a high risk option for
Starting from creative in the way they run their new Todd and Mike as there is no support for the
scratch business; they can start small and control new owners and the market is highly
growth; this is a cheap option as they do competitive; it may be hard for Todd and Mike
not have to pay for a franchise or goodwill. to get a business loan as they have no
experience; it may take a long time to generate
consistent revenue and to build a customer
Existing customers (gym members) from Goodwill could be expensive; there may be
Buying an existing the old business mean instant revenue; hidden problems in the existing business;
business existing stock and equipment can be employees may resent change and cause
maintained; existing employees (e.g. trainers problems for Todd and Mike; the existing image
or reception staff) can help the new owners of the business may be hard to change.
to adjust.
New owners can be supported with Todd and Mike will not have as much freedom
Buying a franchise training by the franchisor; in a competitive as they have to follow the franchisor’s rules; the
market, the branding of a large franchise cost of buying a franchise can be high; profits
might minimise risk; the franchisor can must be shared with the franchisor and franchise
advise Todd and mike on advertising and fees may also increase the costs of the business;
marketing; it may be possible to get Todd and Mike have to rely on decisions made
cheaper deals on gym equipment. by the franchisor.
Explain the
business theory Equipment can be a significant expense when
EXPLAIN establishing a new business. In the fitness industry, gym
behind your
recommendation equipment is very expensive.
using cause and
effect language.
Explain the Leasing is a less expensive option because Todd and Mike will
EXAMPLE not have to pay the full price of the equipment such as
impact on the treadmills and weights machines upfront. Also, if the
business. technology for equipment improves, Todd and Mike can easily
access the new equipment under the lease agreements.
Link your main
point to profits LINK Since the costs of gym equipment are very high, leasing is
and costs. the best option for Todd and Mike to help them minimise
Possible answer
Recommendation: Todd and Mike should purchase a franchise for their fitness business.
Explain: The fitness industry is a huge market, worth $1.4 billion, so it has the potential
Write a
for growth and profits. However, the fitness industry is also highly competitive, with many
paragraph that
large players such as Fitness First and Anytime Fitness. Gyms are also expensive to set up
due to the high cost of equipment. Therefore, it could be difficult for new players to enter
the best option the market and achieve success.
that for Todd
and Mike to Evidence: Todd and Mike have no experience running a gym so the risks of starting a new
establish their business are high. As a result, buying a franchise could provide Todd and Mike with
new business. training and support, as well as marketing help. However, the costs of a setting up a
business will be high, due to the franchise fees, so Todd and Mike will have to manage
their finances carefully and they may have to wait a long time for profitability.
Link: Consequently, a franchise provides the best opportunity for Todd and Mike to
achieve success in the highly competitive fitness industry.
can practice:
task word A task word tells you what to do. A scope The scope is the specific list of
task word can be a wh-question: content to cover from the
who? what? when? where? how? why? business theory
Or a task word can be an e.g. two establishment options
instruction word: three sources of finance
e.g. analyse, explain, discuss, identify
More than one task word may be
needed to tell you what to do:
e.g. discuss the reasons why…
statement A statement is a quote that you scenario A scenario is a story that you
have to respond to, agree with or will have to address to show your
disagree with. knowledge. The scenario can be
e.g. ‘Innovation is critical for success’. factual or invented.
The statement may be in
quotation marks.
Example 1 ‘The only constant in business is change.’
With reference to this quote and to one business you have studied, scope
discuss the strategies used by the business to manage change.
task words
Example 2 Emu Uniform Manufacturers Pty Ltd are a successful business based in NSW.
They currently supply a range of school, sport and work uniforms to a large
number of customers throughout Australia. They are known for their
outstanding customer service and high quality products. Sales have been
increasing for many years and they have recently received a large long-term
contract to supply uniforms to a major company. This will require them to
significantly expand their output. To do this, the business will have to
outsource overseas or spend $5 million to expand its existing factory in NSW.
Question 1 Phillip and Janice worked in a bank, but had always wanted to scenario
run their own business. While on holiday in a small seaside
town, they noticed that the local general store and takeaway
food shop was up for sale. The business is the only one of its
type in the town, but the town is very small and seems to have
a reasonable large population only during summer and holiday
periods when the local camping and caravan park and other
holiday accommodation are all full. They are very interested in
purchasing the store, but realise they have to make a number of
important decisions before committing to making an actual offer
on the store.
Question 3 Analyse both the causes of workplace disputes and the scope
task words strategies used to resolve them.
Question 4 “When you buy a business, you get what you pay for.”
Use your knowledge of business establishment options to scope
task words discuss this comment. Refer to case studies in your response.
Question 5 Bill and Jane have owned and operated a café in a busy scenario
restaurant area for many years. They specialise in fast healthy
food that is popular with 18-30 year olds. Recently a
multinational franchise opened in the area in response to an
expected increase in the population.
These photos represent the three main establishment options for a new fast food business.
Explain three risks involved in each option and use case studies as examples to support your
ideas. Your answer should be approximately 800 words.
Advantages of buying a franchise - 100 words Case study of a franchise – 200 words
Disadvantages of buying a franchise – 100 words Case study of buying an established business –
200 words
Advantages and disadvantages of buying an
established business – 200 words Case study of starting from scratch – 200 words
Advantages and disadvantages of starting from Risks of the different establishment options – 100
scratch – 50 words words
Note the pros and cons of each plan here: Neither of these plans are suitable. Student A’s plan includes the risks of each
option but it also includes the benefits, which is not required by the question. There is no specific reference to a case study in
the plan. Some establishment options have a higher word count than others, for no reason. Student B’s plan uses case studies
which is required by the question. However, it only focuses on risks briefly at the end, in 100 words. Most of the response
provides an overview of case studies, which does not directly address the question.
Introduction: Summary of the risks of the three options 100 words
In the box on the Risks of starting from scratch (including a case study) 200 words
right, write a plan
for an extended Risks of buying a franchise (including a case study) 200 words
response that
follows the Risks of buying an existing business (including a case study) 200
instructions exactly words
in 800 words. Conclusion – summary of main risks for the case studies 100
Writing for success in business studies (Teacher’s Book) 61 Literacy Works
Module 9
Writing an
extended response
Key concepts
In this module, students will learn about: what to write in a conclusion
the stages of an extended response how to structure an extended response..
how to write an introduction
In 2011-12, the Manufacturing industry was the largest government the business can obtain there is a limited range of
user of electricity and accounted for the largest share of the grants funds for growth purposes for government
funding; the grant
expenditure, with 43.6% (or 67,400 GWh) of electricity application process is time
consumption and 27.3% (or $5.5b) of total electricity consuming and may not be
expenditure. successful
Introduction paragraph
page 64
Conclusion paragraph
page 65
Sample 2: The most significant growth strategy for OneShift is acquiring more resources like the Adage jobs board.
This is because the company needs to maintain the quality and variety of their services so they can improve
customer satisfaction
Writing for success in business studies (Teacher’s Book) 65 Literacy Works
Planning an introduction
and conclusion Answers
Read the information about a case study, Switch Automation.
Then follow the instructions below and on the next page.
Switch Automation is an
Australian company that
runs building automation
systems. Switch Founders of Switch Automation:
Automation offers cloud- Deb Noller (above)
based technology for and John Darlington (below)
monitoring and controling
energy use in large
buildings. They have
recently expanded to the
Assignment question:
How can businesses use different sources of finance to manage growth?
One source of finance is self funding, which means that business owners use
their own money and revenue from the business. Self funding is effective
Read these because it enables the business to get started and prove that it is viable. Self
PEEL funding is also important because future investors often expect owners to
paragraphs invest in their own business before they agree to offer further finance. Switch
about Switch Automation’s founders, Deb Noller and John Darlington, used their own
Automation. savings to start the business. As a result, they had the freedom to make their
own decisions and prove that they had a product that customers need.
Underline the Another way that businesses can obtain finance is to offer shares to staff instead
POINT in of high salaries. Offering employees equity in the business can be an effective
each strategy for obtaining finance in a growing business. Switch Automation’s Deb
paragraph. Noller offered equity to staff to help the company grow. She offered employees
lower salaries but also shares in the company. Consequently, the employees
Circle all the and the business owners share in future profits and success.
words related
A third source of finance involves private investors or angel investors. Angel
to the investors are individuals or groups who provide finance for a business in return
assignment for a share of the company. Switch Automation gained $1.25 million in funding
question. from Scale Investors, an Australian angel investor network. By obtaining angel
(Answers in finance, Switch Automation has been able to expand into the American market
italics) and therefore gain more customers and grow.
Highlight the Governments can also provide finance for businesses to fund growth. Some
cause and businesses may be eligible for Australian government grants for research and
development or in order to support Australian exports. At the end of 2011,
effect Switch Automation was awarded a $2 million Commercialisation Australia
language. grant to help develop their technology. Therefore, the government grant
(Answers in assisted the company to manage growth and increase profitability.
Writing for success in business studies (Teacher’s Book) 66 Images and case study information used with permission
Literacy Works
Planning an introduction and
conclusion Answers
On this page, you can plan your ideas for an introduction and conclusion to go with the PEEL paragraphs
on page 66. Write your introduction and conclusion on the pages to follow.
1. What sources of finance were used during the early stages of growth in Switch Automation’s business?
In the early stages of growth, Switch Automation obtained finance through self-funding and offering equity
to staff.
2. How did these sources of finance help the business at that time? Self-funding helped launch the
business at the beginning, while offering shares to staff helped the business to grow.
3. What sources of finance are being used during the growth stage of the business? In the growth stage of
the business, Switch Automation used angel investors and government grants.
4. Why did Switch Automation need to find these additional sources of finance? Switch Automation
needed angel investors to expand globally, and they needed the government grant to develop their
technology effectively.
5. Using the list of evaluative language on page 46, find some suitable positive wordings to describe the
sources of finance used by Switch Automation during the growth of the business. effective, suitable,
appropriate, advantageous, targeted, well-planned, significant
6. From your analysis on page 66, write down all the wordings related to the question, that is, the words
related to sources of finance and growth. growth: grow, growing, expand; source of finance: self-funding,
finance, investors, money, revenue, shares, equity, angel investors, private investors, angel finance, grants.
Businesses can use a range of sources of finance to manage state the topic of
the extended
growth. Different sources of finance can help a business at response
different stages of growth. Self-funding and equity finance
preview the
are useful in the early stages of growth. In the later stages answers (about 4
of expansion, angel investors and government grants can sources of
provide the funds necessary for sustained growth. These
sources of finance will be explored in relation to the case
study, Switch Automation. identify the
case study
write a case
Switch Automation is an Australian company that offers
automation for large buildings. Switch Automation’s cloud summary
based software monitors and manages energy usage in the paragraph
PEEL paragraph 1
One source of finance is self funding, which means that business owners use their own
money and revenue from the business. Self funding is effective because it enables the Look at page
business to get started and prove that it can work. Self funding is also important
69 for the
because future investors and leaders expect self funding before they agree to offer
finance. Switch Automation’s founders, Deb Noller and John Darlington, used their next part of
own money when the business started. This gave them freedom to establish the the extended
business and make their own decisions, which provided a foundation for profitability. response
PEEL paragraph 2
Another way that businesses can obtain finance is to offer shares to staff instead of high salaries. Offering
employees equity in the business can be an effective strategy for obtaining finance in a growing business.
Switch Automation’s Deb Noller offered equity to staff to help the company grow. She offered employees
lower salaries but also shares in the company. Consequently, the employees and the business owners
share in future profits and success.
PEEL paragraph 3
A third source of finance involves private investors or angel investors. Angel investors are individuals or
groups who provide finance for a business in return for a share of the company. Switch Automation
gained $1.25 million in funding from Scale Investors, an Australian angel investor network. By obtaining
angel finance, Switch Automation has been able to expand into the American market and therefore gain
more customers and grow.
PEEL paragraph 4
Governments can also provide finance for businesses to fund growth. Some businesses may be eligible for
Australian government grants for research and development or in order to support Australian exports.
At the end of 2011, Switch Automation was awarded a $2 million Commercialisation Australia grant to
help develop their technology. Therefore, the government grant assisted the company to manage growth
summarise what
This extended response has explained four main sources of
has been covered
finance and how they helped Switch Automation to grow.
Self-funding and staff equity helped the business to start up
explain the main
and find customers. In order to expand globally, Switch impact of the topic
Automation needed further funds. As a result, they on business profits
approached private investors, Scale Investors, and also they
obtained a large grant from the Australian government.
These two sources of finance helped the company to
develop its technology and to expand to the US. The most
important source of finance so far has been the Australian Use cause and
effect language
government grant of $2 million because it does not need
to be repaid. Due to this grant, Switch Automation’s
technology could be developed to support future growth evaluate the most
important source
and profits. of finance for
Switch Automation
Writing for success in business studies (Teacher’s Book) 69 Literacy Works
Extended response template
Case study ______________________________________________
paragraph ______________________________________________
PEEL paragraph ______________________________________________
PEEL paragraph ______________________________________________
PEEL paragraph
Business reports come in different forms including annual reports, business plans, and capital raising
reports. This page shows an example of a real business report from an Australian telecommunications
company, TPG. Features of the report layout are shown below. You can use google to access the annual
reports of most publicly listed companies, and it is worthwhile exploring the different ways companies
present information to their shareholders and to the public.
Information presented
in full sentences and
dot points
Excerpt from TPG Telecom Ltd Annual Report year ended June 31, 2014
Writing for success in business studies (Teacher’s Book) 73 Literacy Works
The stages of a business report
This page shows the stages of a business report. Each stage has a
different purpose. In general, the format below is a useful structure to
master. After you learn this basic structure, you can then vary the
patterns of paragraphs based on the assignment focus question. The
page numbers listed below will show you where to look in this book
to find out more.
Executive summary
page 75
Introduction paragraph
Preview what problems or issues the report will page 64
address and what recommendations will be made
pages 6-7
Heading (third part of the question or show you how to
instruction) followed by related paragraphs write dot points
Conclusion paragraph
page 65
Executive Summary
The client, ’J&A’s Healthy Habits’, has requested a
report to advise them on the best establishment Summary of client brief
Read this
executive option for their new cafe. The report has Summary of what the
summary then identified the advantages and disadvantages of report covered
write the buying a franchise, starting from scratch and
names of the buying an existing business. It is recommended
stages in the that the best option for ‘J&A’s Healthy Habits’ is Recommendation
box on the to start a new business from scratch. This is
right. because both of the owners have expertise in the
Reasons and justification
industry and they have $300,000 in capital to
invest. The owners also seem to have the drive
and entrepreneurial spirit to make this business a
Question 1 Question 2
You have been hired by Big Dog as a business You have been hired by Big Dog as a business
consultant to advise them on their business. consultant to advise them on their business.
Write a report that addresses each of the Write a report that addresses each of the
following: following:
Outline the challenges presented at the The reasons why businesses expand
growth stage of the life cycle. globally
Describe the laws, procedures and Recommend whether or not Big Dog
regulations that Big Dog should consider should expand globally by opening an office
when growing their business. overseas.
Read the
business ACTIVITY 1
report about Find cause and effect language
Big Dog on
a. Circle all the examples of cause and effect
pages 79-81.
Then do the language in the report on pages 79-81.
activities on Find language for recommending
this page and
page 80. b. Underline the modal language (e.g. should,
must, can).
c. Highlight in green the words
that positively evaluate
ACTIVITY 2 opportunities or decisions.
In the case study report,
find all the business d. Highlight in yellow the words
terms related to money that negatively evaluate
and draw a $ symbol next opportunities or decisions.
to each one.
In the box below, show the plan that the
writer of this business report has used to
create the report. Include the main headings
and sub-headings from the report in order.
Then write a short summary of the main
ideas in each section and under each heading.
Introduction Case study information about Big Dog - 20% of products sold in
Asia, opportunities in China.
Opportunities provided by global expansion The Chinese middle class provides a possible new market for Big
Dog, so it can expand.
finding new markets
If Big Dog produces more dog food, their production costs will be
economies of scale lower per unit.
Big Dog can obtain lower costs of resources such as labour and
access to resources manufacturing in China.
management risks Big Dog’s staff would need experience in managing Australian and
Chinese operations.
Big Dog should not open operations in China. They should focus
Recommendation for Big Dog on Australia and build relationships with a Chinese partner.
Executive Summary
This report has been prepared for Big Dog Pty Ltd in order to provide recommendations on whether
the company should open an operation in China. The main opportunities of expansion include:
finding a new market and increasing sales and profits
achieving economies of scale
gaining access to cheap labour
cushioning economic cycles.
The risks of economic expansion have been identified as:
economic and political risks
social and cultural risks including language problems
pressure on management in Australia.
We recommend that the company should delay its expansion plans and focus on opportunities in
Australia and on strengthening its export capacity. The rationale for this recommendation is due to
risk and opportunity cost. The risks of expansion are significant as Big Dog’s management has limited
experience in China and there are insufficient staff to* support a Big Dog operation in China. Another
reason for this recommendation is that there are promising market opportunities in Australia that may
not have been fully exploited. Consequently, it is recommended that Big Dog secure a local partner in
China to build exports while also focusing on Australian market opportunities.
(* to + verb indicates cause and effect; only the ‘to’ has been bolded in these answers)
Note: Big Dog is a real company but this is not a real report. This report is for demonstration purposes only and does not reflect
Big Dog’s actual plans. Big Dog has kindly allowed us to use them as a case study in this book (see acknowledgements).
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