Investigatory Project

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I.INTRODUCTION The alarming increase in the use of chemicals fungicides in agricultural production is public concerns.

Contamination in the environment with p o i s o n ou s s u b s t a n c es f r o m c h e mi c al s po s e s ha z ar ds t o t y pe pu bl i c hea l t h. Significant amount of fungicides find their way into the water reservoirs such as c r e e k s , r i v e r s , l a k e s , w e l l s a n d s e a . T h e f o o d w e e a t . E x a m p l e s : m e a t , vegetables and milk is not spread from contamination due to the faulty handling of fungicides. The shift from the use of synthetic fungicides to botanical is an important step in balanced and sell regulating agricultural system, not only will to treat to the public health be reduced but also cost agricultural production. There are many farmers and gardeners now or organic fungicides in the country and many are convinced by their beneficial used. As natural Fungicides are preferred from natural products, application of these materials has less unfavorable impact on the environment than chemicals. They are now used widely is sustainable agricultural for the control of pest and diseases. In this pamphlet a simple way of preparing different available materials are illustrated. The authors have an experience is preparing and using different botanical fungicides for the control of the pest and diseases. A s p r e s e n t d i f f e r e n t r e s e a r c h c e n t e r s a n d i n s t i t u t i o n f o r m e r s a n d g a r d e n e r s a r e i n v e s t i g a t i n g a n d d o c u m e n t i n g d i f f e r e n t p l a n t s t h a t h a v e f un g i c i d al pr op er t i es . T es t r es u l t f r om d i f f er en t r es e a r c h s t at i o n, r es e ar c h institution, farmers, gardeners experiences the use of botanical fungicides shows that botanical fungicides is effective as compared to chemical fungicides. II. OBJECTIVES y I invented the onion as an organic fungicide because I want to increase the agricultural production of our country without harming our environment and harming our own health too. y y To control the use of substances that may bring hazard to our health. To ensure as a model of others for them to search/find new things that can make our life easier and comfortable without harming others. y To inform and persuade the farmers to give more attention to the organic fungicides than those composed of chemicals.

To help for the progress of our country by means of showing alternative, effective and brilliant way to achievement.

III. SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY We, as the investigators, believed that this investigation is very important because it may bring satisfaction to the agricultural (agencies/aspect) for having progressive harvests. It is also important because it serves as a way to encourage every one of us to love and take care of our environment while making our daily lives modern and easier. This will benefit both the consumer and the producer. Farmers can be benefited because they will have a larger income to be received when their crops are in good quality. The people will also be benefited because all the fruits and vegetables they brought are safe to eat and it is harmless. It can also contribute on reducing use of chemical fungicides so that all crops are safe and cannot result to illnesses. IV. SCOPE AND LIMITATION Th i s r es e ar c h i s a l l ab o ut a n o r ga ni c f u n gi c i d e m ad e f r o m a n oni o n. There are many farmers and gardeners now or organic fungicides in the country and many are convinced by their benefits. Because of organic fungicides, our foods will be natural and safe as long as there are no chemicals found in the fungicide. As natural Fungicides are preferred from natural products, application of these materials has less unfavorable impact on the environment than chemicals. They are now used widely is sustainable agricultural for the control of pest and diseases. In this pamphlet a simple way of preparing different available materials are illustrated. The authors have an experience is preparing and using different botanical fungicides for the control of the pest and diseases. V. DEFINITION OF TERMS y Fungicide- a chemical substance that destroys or inhibits the growth of fungi y y Sieve-A utensil of wire mesh or closely perforated metal, used for straining, sifting, or pureing. Extract-To withdraw by expression, distillation, or other mechanical or chemical process; as, to extract an essence y Filter- to remove or separate (solid particles, impurities, etc.) from a liquid or gas by means of a filter: often with out

VI. METHODOLOGY MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: Clean onions 1 liter soap water

Chopping board




PROCEDURE/STEPS: 1. Collect fresh and mature onion, select onions that you think is juicy enough to be a fungicide.

2. Wash and clean the onion

3. Chop and pound, extract the juice or liquid.

4. Filter the juice or liquid produced in the onion.

5. Get four teaspoon of the juice on liquid and soak for one day and mix with liter of soap water. 6. Bottles of stock solutions as organic fungicide.

VII. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS U s i n g o n i on a s a n or ga n i c f u n gi c i de b r i n gs s uc c es s t o t h e f ar m er s a n d Gardeners especially to the agricultural production of the country. You can see in t he f i ndi n gs h ow ef f ec t i v e an d s a f e t hi s f u ng i c i d e i s . A s a r es ul t al s o us i ng t h i s fungicide, we can harvest fresher plants especially the vegetables and fruits. We are sure that those plants are safe to eat because of the unuse of chemicals. We therefore conclude that the onion is not only an ingredient in food, but also an effective fungicide which can kill/ control the increasing of pest and diseases in the plants to develop a good harvest in the fields of farmers and gardeners. We therefore conclude that the liquid or juice come from an onion is really effective. The gases emitted by the onion, when sliced, have strong odors and are known irritants. Naturally, household pests will shy away upon detecting those gases. Gather your onion waste and put it in a bowl. Place the bowl where you often see your much despised creepy-crawlies. Pretty soon, those insects will find other venues to terrorize, probably those without onionbased repellents. If this botanical fungicides will being known all over the country, all farmers and gardeners were be attract to used it, the environment will be contaminated of s o me poi s o no u s f u n gi c i de s an d t h e a gr i c u l t ur al pr od uc ti o n of o ur c o u nt r y w i l l increase, so that we can secured the demands/needs of the community in the following years while preventing/ controlling the increase of pollutants here on earth. This fungicide will reduce the increasing number of the pests on crops and plants of the farmers that are being harmed with insects. The crops will be safe because of this fungicide. The consumers will never doubt that their fruits and

vegetables are unsafe and not should be eaten. VIII. RECOMMENDATION We, investigators, want to control of chemical fungicides by the farmers/gardeners because it can pollute our mother earth. By using this, the pests that are seen on our agricultural lands will be reduced, reducing the threat in our health when we buy fruits and vegetables from the market that is being delivered from the farms. It is also a benefit because it is organic. Instead of using chemicals, you just use an organic fungicide to prevent pollution. We, investigators, hoping that the increasing number of pests and insects in plants will be reduced sooner by using an organic fungicide but not a chemical. We, investigators, want o practice you of using this materials that may make our daily lives easier and better but be sure that those things will not be the causes of polluted air, land and water. IX. BIBLIOGRAPHY Paul. "7 Tearfully-Pleasing Uses for Onions." Life Hackery. 4 December 2011 <>. Sangatamon, Pedro D. Practical Guide to Organic Fungicide. Dagupan City: BBd Bookshoppe, 1981.


The Leader of the group is Roland Michael Ramirez. He planned this project early so that it would be finished early. He is hardworking in terms of assignments,projects,and other paperworks. In working with this project, he is preesured to be the first time to be the leader of this investigatory project because he havent experienced becoming a leader of an investigatory project. He contributed much on taping of the video and giving the instructions to his groupmates. MEMBER NO. 2- Jomari Reguyal

A silent-type but a participative person when it comes to investigatory project. He papticipated well during the making of this project. He is one of the keys that made this investigatory project a success. He contributed much on extracting the juice of the onion that to be mixed on the 1 liter soap water.

MEMBER NO. 3-Trisha Pagurayan

Also is a hardworking person but absent during the making of the project. Aside from being hardworking, her other attributes are being cheerful and intelligent. She is very serious on what she do and her top priority is to finish the work early. MEMBER NO. 4- Kathrine Jean Pacada

One of the most active members during the making of the project. She wants to do anything that she can do that can make the project successful and be finished. In order to finish the project she gave her ownself to what task the leader has given to her.

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