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USENIX Association

Proceedings of the FREENIX Track:

2004 USENIX Annual Technical Conference
Boston, MA, USA
June 27–July 2, 2004

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High Performance X Servers in the Kdrive Architecture
Eric Anholt


The common usage patterns of 2D drivers for the X Window System have changed over time. New extensions
such as Render and Composite are creating new demands for 2D rendering which do not match those for previous
architectures tailored to the core protocol. This paper describes changes made to the Kdrive X server
implementation to implement new 2D acceleration, improve management of offscreen memory, implement
OpenGL, and implement XVideo in a manner compatible with the Composite extension. With these changes,
Kdrive is far better suited as a desktop X server than before and may serve as an example for desktop X server
implementations. Simple benchmarks are presented.

1. Introduction 1.2. X Server Architecture

As desktop environments have advanced, the common The X sample server developed for the MIT X
usage patterns of the X Window System [1] have Consortium by Digital Equipment Corporation in 1987
changed. In particular, the Render extension to the provides a large base of shared code. Most X servers
protocol has allowed for new graphical operations available today, including the two mentioned in this
related to blending of images [2, 3, 4]. Software paper – XFree86 and Kdrive, take advantage of this.
implementations of these operations are too slow for This shared code includes parts for handling basic X
them to be used extensively in the user interface, and server initialization and teardown, for decoding the
modern graphics hardware can provide dramatic network protocol, for breaking rendering requests into
performance improvements for many operations. The simpler operations, for performing rendering
new Composite extension is increasing the amount of operations to memory. It also includes extension
rendering to offscreen memory, and creates new implementations, among other things. Different X
requirements for rendering of older operations. At the servers using this shared code base are implemented in
same time, rendering operations provided by the core the Device Dependent X (DDX) part of the server,
protocol are being used less frequently. Improving located under the hw directory in the source tree of
performance of these new operations will enable both XFree86 and Kdrive. The DDX is responsible for
significantly greater use and permit a new user actually dealing with input and output, whether that is
experience for the Linux desktop. This paper will directly to hardware (in the case of XFree86 and
explore some of the changes made to the Kdrive-based Kdrive) or to some software layer (as in the xnest or
X server (also known as TinyX or Xkdrive), to the virtual framebuffer servers located in the XFree86
improve performance and create a server suitable for source tree).
the Linux desktop. This introduction will describe the
basic components of an X server, the features of
hardware typically found in desktop computers, and 1.3. Features of Commodity Hardware
describe some of the features and requirements of some
X extensions related to the work here. Section 2 will Most video cards in desktop computers support the
describe another X server implementation, XFree86, following 2D acceleration functions:
and how it compared to Kdrive. Section 3 will cover
the changes made to Kdrive as a result of research into Filling rectangles with a solid color
making Kdrive-based X servers useful for the desktop.
Copying one area of the screen to another
Section 4 will cover some of the tangible results of this
work, and Section 5 will describe some of the changes Drawing lines using the Bresenham algorithm
remaining to be made to Kdrive to make it into a
capable desktop X server. Performing color expansion of monochrome
Color expansion is the process of filling pixels of the from the drawable and to make coordinates outside of
screen with foreground/background colors based on a the drawable wrap around (“repeat”). The new
monochrome bitmap, which is used for non-antialiased rendering commands that can be performed on Pictures
text rendering. include:

Typically, each of these operations can be done with a blending of a constant color into a destination
Raster Operation (ROP) that allows various binary rectangle
operations to be done using the source or
blending of rectangles from images into the
foreground/background colors and the destination. A
planemask can also be set that allows writing to only
certain bits of each pixel. blending of triangles from images into the
Most cards also have the ability to take a video image
(which is stored in a YUV format that requires blending of trapezoids from images into the
conversion before it can be displayed on an RGB destination
display) and scale it onto the screen in places where the blending of a series of glyphs into the destination
color on the screen matches a color key.
In the sample implementation of the Render extension
The core X protocol supported these 2D capabilities used by both XFree86 and Kdrive, all of those
well, but with the advent of 3D hardware, new graphical operations are implemented using the same
possibilities are opened up for 2D rendering. By basic composite operation for blending of rectangles.
rendering rectangles using 3D hardware designed for This call (“Composite”) takes the following arguments:
OpenGL [5] or DirectX, we can perform blending of
source images into destination images, allowing for a source picture and starting x/y coordinates
fast rendering of effects like transparent windows, an optional mask picture and starting x/y
shadows, and the operations necessary for antialiased coordinates
text. A card supporting 3D typically has one or two
texture units, but sometimes more. Each texture unit a destination picture and starting x/y coordinates
can take input from a source image in card memory
the width and height of the rectangle to be rendered
(also referred to as offscreen memory or framebuffer)
into the destination
or AGP memory (system memory accessible directly
by the card) when performing rendering. These a composite operation
textures can be of varying color depths or even non-
RGB formats like YUV, can include alpha channels for For each pixel in the destination rectangle, a source
controlling blending, and can be scaled and mixed with pixel is chosen based on the offset within the
each other in various ways to produce a color value to destination currently being rendered, after modification
be written to the destination. With the final pixel by the transform and repeat requirements of the source
value, various blending functions can be used based on picture structure. If a mask is included, the source
its alpha value and the alpha value of the pixel pixel is multiplied by the alpha value of a pixel chosen
currently in the destination, which typically map to a similarly from the mask picture (unless component
set of blending functions provided by OpenGL. alpha is being used, to be discussed in the
"Complications for Render Acceleration" section).
This calculated source pixel value is then blended into
1.4. Render the destination pixel according to the composite
operation chosen, as described in Design and
The Render extension provides several new rendering Implementation of the X Rendering Extension by Keith
operations in X servers to handle the new demands of Packard [2].
desktop applications, designed to target the 3D
capabilities of newer hardware. It begins by creating a
new type, the Picture, which wraps around an X 1.5. Composite
drawable (a pixmap or a window). A Picture adds a
fourth color channel, alpha, which indicates the amount The Composite extension (not to be confused with
of opacity. The Picture also adds the ability to apply Render's Composite operation) is an X server extension
transformations to the coordinates of pixels requested that was first implemented in the Kdrive X server. It
allows an X client to control the compositing of a XFree86 is the most popular open-source X server, and
window hierarchy into a parent window. It does this is the de facto standard for comparison of other X
by redirecting the rendering of that window hierarchy servers. This section describes significant differences
(or, to simplify the discussion, a single window) into an between XFree86 and Kdrive.
offscreen pixmap. This X client (a compositing
manager) can then use the Damage extension to be
notified when an area of the window changes, and 2.1. XAA Versus KAA
draw the appropriate area in the parent window as
necessary. Because the client controls the drawing Part of the DDX is responsible for handling hardware
into the destination, it can add effects such as acceleration of drawing. In XFree86 and Kdrive this
translucency, shadows, or reshaping of windows. piece is called the XFree86 Acceleration Architecture
Composite can also be used to simply get at the pixels (XAA) or Kdrive Acceleration Architecture (KAA)
of a window that would otherwise be obscured. The [6]. The design decisions behind the two
first publicly available compositing manager was implementations vary greatly.
xcompmgr, which adds shadows to windows and
provides translucent menus. The use of xcompmgr XAA manages offscreen memory by treating it as a
also eliminates the delay between a window being large 2D area at a set number of bits per pixel (bpp).
exposed (for example after a window on top of it is Pixmaps (offscreen images) of any other bpp therefore
moved) and the redraw of the window underneath. cannot be stored in offscreen memory. Acceleration
This provides a smoother user experience, with less of hooks are implemented as two or more callbacks to the
the flicker associated with moving and resizing of driver. One is a Setup hook which sets up the hardware
windows. for the planemask and ROP, and performs other
preparation for rendering that operation. The
Subsequent hook can then be called one or more times
1.6. XVideo to actually perform rendering. This division is an
advantage because it avoids repeated Setup calls in the
The XVideo extension is used to perform conversion case where clipping results in the operation needing to
and scaling of video formats such as YUV in the X be done in separate pieces. The video card is set up so
server. These conversions can be very expensive if that the visible screen (offset 0) is the source and
done in software, and they are the primary time destination offset, the screen's width is the pitch, and
consumer in video playback. offscreen areas are simply areas with "y" values
beyond the height of the screen. The Setup hook is not
allowed to fail, so many flags are available for drivers
1.7. OpenGL to tell XAA about the hardware's features, such as
planemask and transparency support or limitations on
OpenGL support is necessary for X servers due to its the direction of screen-to-screen copies. Also,
widespread use in games and other applications on the accelerators have limits on coordinates for 2D
desktop. The GLX extension allows sending OpenGL acceleration, so often the memory for offscreen
commands over the X protocol to be rendered by an X pixmaps has to be limited so that offscreen areas with
server. Because the wrapping of OpenGL commands "y" values beyond the limits are not used. XAA has
into GLX requests creates significant overhead, it is hooks for copying areas, filling rectangles and
desirable to avoid that process. To avoid the overhead, trapezoids, drawing different types of lines, color
direct rendering is implemented to give the client direct expansion of monochrome bitmaps, uploading images
access to the video card. However, direct rendering from system memory to screen memory, and
introduces security risks because many cards can issue Composite operations from memory (described in
DMA requests to read or write system memory, and Section 2.2).
thus access has to be limited. Direct rendering also
requires synchronization of access to the hardware as In contrast, in KAA the offscreen memory is managed
well as kernel assistance in submitting DMA requests as a linear area. This allows pixmaps of different bpp
and handling interrupts. to be stored offscreen, which is a requirement for fast
acceleration of Render operations, where using
pixmaps of different bpp from the screen is the norm.
2. Related Work Because the offscreen memory cannot be represented
as a single 2D area, the pixmaps have to be passed in to
the acceleration hooks, and the drivers then set up the The kernel module is used by the X server to set up a
hardware's offset and pitch registers for the source and shared memory area that contains information about
destination each time. This has the added benefit that the video card. That area includes a lock, which is
there are not the same limitations on the total offscreen used cooperatively by clients and the server to arbitrate
memory due to the size of the hardware's 2D access to the card, along with card-specific state that is
coordinates. To avoid the complexity of flags for KAA managed by the clients and server. Though clients
to determine whether an operation can be accelerated, could misbehave and abuse the lock, this can at worst
the Prepare hook (equivalent to Setup in XFree86) is lead to a lockup of the hardware and should not allow a
allowed to fail, which tells KAA to fall back to security compromise. The DRM also often allows
software rendering. An additional Done hook is allocation of DMA buffers and submission of sets of
included to allow for any cleanup necessary after a commands by DMA, waiting for hardware interrupts,
rendering operation, but the Done hook is a stub in and other interactions with the hardware which cannot
most drivers. KAA implemented only two types of be handled or are difficult to handle in userspace.
acceleration before the work for this paper, which were
screen-to-screen copies and solid fills. It was decided Because of the availability of source to the DRI drivers
that the other types of acceleration supported in XAA, in XFree86, many of the drivers are very similar in
such as lines, trapezoids and color expansion were used their structure. Most drivers allocate memory for
rarely enough in modern desktops that they did not OpenGL's back and depth buffers statically at server
justify the additional complexity to accelerate. startup or when the first 3D client is started. Clipping
is used so that all clients can share the back and depth
buffers and only render to the same rectangles in the
2.2. XAA Implementation of Render back buffer as they would on the visible screen.
Acceleration Because the design decision to use these static buffers
was made originally, pbuffers (pixel buffers not
XAA implements a small subset of Render operations. associated with the screen) are not implemented,
It handles only cases where the destination picture is though they are in demand. The SiS300 driver is
located in offscreen memory and the source picture is different in that it allocates back and depth buffers per
not. Because XAA's 2D offscreen memory layout client from a static block of card memory managed by
prevents the offscreen storage of pixmaps with a bpp the kernel module. However, its design is not a good
different from the screen, many source images will be model for other drivers because it cannot handle failure
located in system memory anyway. This means that to allocate memory for buffers or textures.
typically the source picture has to be uploaded into a
scratch area each time before the hardware can perform In XFree86, all indirect rendering (OpenGL commands
acceleration from it. Furthermore, the only case where sent through GLX) is performed in software. Although
composite with a mask is supported is when the source the ability to hardware-accelerate indirect rendering is
is a 1x1 repeating picture (a solid color). The hooks desired, it has not been implemented yet. The primary
for this acceleration of compositing are implemented reason is that the interface between the server GLX
for Matrox Gx00 cards in the mga driver, the vmware code and the current software rendering core
emulator in the vmware driver, and possibly for SiS (“libGLcore”) is very different from that between
300-series cards in the sis driver. libGL and a DRI 3D driver.

2.3. OpenGL in XFree86 2.3. XVideo in XFree86

In XFree86, OpenGL is implemented using the Direct In XFree86, XVideo is almost always implemented
Rendering Infrastructure (DRI). The DRI consists of using the card's overlay scaler. With this method, the
several components: a kernel module specific to the window where the video is to be shown is painted with
video card (“Direct Rendering Module” or DRM), a a color key. The video image is loaded into offscreen
DRI-aware 2D driver in the DDX, the GLX extension, memory, and the hardware is set up to paint the image
the XF86DRI extension to the X protocol (used for appropriately into the card's video output where the
communicating information about the DRM and color key matches. Most, or most likely all, hardware
hardware setup to the client), and the 3D driver itself, has only a single overlay scaler, meaning only one
which is a card-specific shared library opened by the video can be played at once.
OpenGL library (libGL) .
One exception is the driver for the Matrox Gx00 series resolution. When component alpha is used, the mask
hardware, which offers textured video as an option value is actually a set of four alpha values instead of
along with the overlay scaler video, though enabling one. Each source channel is multiplied by the
textured video is exclusive of the DRI and overlay corresponding mask channel to produce the final
video. With textured video, the 3D hardware is used to source color value, and each mask channel is
perform the conversion and scaling of the video, and multiplied by the source alpha to produce the final
supports multiple ports (many videos being displayed source alpha value. Then, each of these source value
at once). and source alpha pairs is blended into the appropriate
destination channel using the specified composite
operation. Although it should be possible to produce
3. Acceleration in Modern X Servers the correct source color values, current hardware can
only do the alpha blending stage using a single source
In the past, Kdrive has been targeted for X server alpha value and not the componentized source alpha
development and not for general desktop use. The required. Composite operations that involve the source
changes researched for this paper were oriented alpha value will most likely require using a multiple-
towards making Kdrive an option for a desktop server stage process to accelerate, which may be difficult to
by implementing new acceleration and making an implement.
example of acceleration for other servers to follow.
This consisted of creating a better architecture for
Render acceleration, implementing GLX in the server, 3.2. Implementing Render Acceleration in
improving management of offscreen memory, and Kdrive
implementing XVideo in a manner more appropriate
for the Composite extension. There are two tasks for implementing Render
acceleration. One is to accelerate Composite using
3.1. Complications for Render existing 2D acceleration hooks whenever possible.
Acceleration The other is to create new hooks for common
operations that map well to hardware features. This
The Composite operation implemented by Render is section covers some of the work on accelerating the
complicated, and it cannot be implemented in hardware most common operations desired by current
in all cases. Having two source images for an applications.
operation (source and mask) typically requires the use
of the 3D hardware to implement. Most hardware Originally, KAA only implemented acceleration for
cannot support 8-bit alpha images (which are very Composite for CopyArea equivalents. This is when the
common) for source or destination when blending operation is "Src" and there is no repeat flag set, no
based on alpha values is necessary. Most older transform of source coordinates, and no mask. The
hardware 3D engines cannot handle textures with a xcompmgr application uses this operation very
width or height that are not a power of two number of frequently to copy windows to the backbuffer of the
pixels (NPOT), or are unable to do repeat (wrapping of screen, and to copy the backbuffer to the screen. The
texture coordinates outside the boundaries) for NPOT acceleration was implemented by using the standard
textures. Unfortunately, NPOT sources are the norm in Copy hook that all drivers had to implement.
2D operations. Also, the alpha component of source,
mask, or destination can be located in a separate buffer The first new Composite acceleration hook
from the color data, which will be difficult to implemented in Kdrive is called "Blend." Blend is a set
implement in hardware. Often the width or height of of three hooks for a Kdrive driver: PrepareBlend,
the source or destination can be larger than the Blend, and DoneBlend. This mirrors the three hooks
hardware's limits on texture sizes (2048 pixels being each for the Copy and Solid operations already
common in newer hardware, but as low as 256 on older implemented in Kdrive. In the Blend case, there is a
hardware). source image but no mask image, and both source and
destination are located in framebuffer memory. This
Finally, component alpha will be difficult to accelerate. may be possible to accelerate using only the "front-end
Component alpha rendering is used most frequently for scaler" of a card, originally targeted for video scaling,
sub-pixel rendering of anti-aliased fonts, taking or also with the 3D hardware of cards with a single
advantage of the known order of the red, green, and texture unit. In the PrepareBlend stage, the hardware is
blue bands in LCD pixels to provide additional screen set up for the pictures and composite operation that are
passed in, and failure can be returned to signal that Properly managing offscreen memory is a critical
software fallback is necessary. The Blend call takes feature for an X server, and Render operations that read
the source and destination coordinates and height and from the destination are making the problem more
width of a rectangle to be blended, with no option to visible. This is because video cards typically have very
fail. DoneBlend is called after a set of Blends, in case slow framebuffer read speeds, making software
some teardown is necessary. Blend was first fallbacks that result in the CPU reading from card
implemented for ATI Rage 128 (R128) hardware, but memory very expensive. A test on the Rage 128
has since been disabled due to problems found using a showed a 23% slowdown when writing to framebuffer
Render extension test program. compared to system memory, versus a 99% slowdown
when reading from the framebuffer instead of memory,
The second new acceleration for Composite is to check as seen in Table 1.
for cases where the source is a 1x1 repeating picture
and there is no mask, with the "Op" operation being read write
"Src." This can be accelerated using the solid-fill
driver hook, which is also required for Kdrive drivers. R128 system 531MB/sec 247MB/sec
The source is converted in software into the X server's R128 AGP 14.4MB/sec 443MB/sec
Pixel type and passed to the Solid hook. In contrast to
other hardware acceleration, this hook prefers that the R128 FB 5.11MB/sec 192MB/sec
source be in memory rather than the framebuffer, Trident system 228MB/sec 160MB/sec
because if it is located in the framebuffer the
accelerator has to be idled before the value can be Trident FB 9.74MB/sec 15.9MB/sec
accessed by the CPU for conversion to the destination's Table 1: Read and write speed to 512KB blocks of
pixel format. system, AGP, and framebuffer memory on a 700 Mhz
Pentium 3 with ATI Rage 128 Mobility M4 and a
The next new acceleration hook provided is a set of 300Mhz Pentium 2 with Trident Cyber 9525/DVD.
PrepareComposite/Composite/DoneComposite calls,
where the only thing checked by KAA is that the The original Kdrive offscreen memory management
source, destination, and the optional mask are located system was very simple. A score is kept that marks
in framebuffer memory. The driver is responsible for whether a pixmap should be in framebuffer or system
checking everything else, including handling memory. Pixmaps with a size larger than a certain
transform, repeat, and all the various formats. This is value (some heuristic) are moved into offscreen
useful for newer hardware like the Radeon where memory when allocated. When a copy operation
almost all commonly-used Composite operations can occurs, the source pixmap has its score increased if the
be implemented in the 3D hardware. The Composite destination is in offscreen memory, or decreased if it is
acceleration was first implemented for ATI Radeon not. When an unaccelerated Composite operation
100-series hardware, and subsequently for ATI Rage occurs, the source and mask have their scores
128 hardware. decreased, and when an accelerated Composite
operation occurs their scores are increased. Other
Finally, a new UploadToScratch hook was added that operations performed in software, such as core protocol
takes two pixmap pointers and makes the second a text rendering, do not modify the score. If the score
copy of the first, but with the data located in a scratch reaches the move in threshold, it is moved into
area in card memory. This allows temporary migration offscreen memory if possible, replacing other pixmaps
of a pixmap for the case where a pixmap not being in as necessary to do so. The replacement process starts
offscreen memory is all that is preventing acceleration. at the beginning of offscreen memory and continues
This occurs frequently in drawing of glyphs, which are until enough space is freed (approximately -- it does
not stored in real pixmaps and therefore will not be not start moving out pixmaps until it locates a
migrated into offscreen memory normally. The sufficient stretch without hitting locked offscreen
previous allocation to the scratch area is invalid areas). If the score goes below the move out threshold,
whenever a new UploadToScratch call occurs. the pixmap is moved back from offscreen memory to
system memory. The scores are clamped to a
minimum and maximum to make the migration more
3.3. Offscreen Memory Management responsive to changing usage of a pixmap. The score
values can be seen in Table 2, and it is not clear from
CVS logs if the values are tuned or simply based on is increased by a constant value whenever a pixmap
estimates. gets its migration score increased. Periodically the
scores of each offscreen area are reduced by a fraction
Score name Value so that the accumulated scores of offscreen areas decay
over time. When a new area is to be allocated, the set
KAA_PIXMAP_SCORE_MAX 20 of offscreen areas with the lowest total score is chosen
KAA_PIXMAP_SCORE_MOVE_IN 10 to be replaced, rather than simply the first set of areas
found. This system is not optimal, because a pixmap
KAA_PIXMAP_SCORE_INITIAL 0 that gets replaced loses all of its accumulated score.
KAA_PIXMAP_SCORE_MOVE_OUT -10 Also, the score is not a very accurate representation of
the value of a particular offscreen area being offscreen.
However, it is sufficient to reduce the thrashing
Table 2: KAA pixmap migration thresholds. problem that existed.
This initial memory management system worked well
The final change was to add a “dirty” flag to the
enough for the initial goal of getting hardware
pixmap private structure. Whenever the pixmap is
acceleration between pixmaps and to the screen, but it
modified, the dirty flag is marked, and it is cleared
has limitations. It does not migrate destination
when the pixmap is moved into or out of offscreen
pixmaps that are being software-rendered towards
memory. If the dirty flag is not set when a pixmap is to
system memory, which includes some significant core
be moved out of offscreen memory, the expensive
operations like text rendering and PutImage. It also
process of reading the pixmap from the framebuffer is
has problems with thrashing. As soon as more
pixmaps should be offscreen than there is sufficient
memory for, choosing which pixmaps to keep in
One failed experiment was based on the difference
memory becomes an issue. First, when a pixmap is
between the framebuffer and system memory speeds on
replaced by another allocation, it will not be moved
the Rage 128. That experiment was to throw out clean
back into offscreen memory until its score goes below
offscreen areas when the migration score is decreased
the move in threshold and back above it again. If the
(when the pixmap is about to be used for software
move in process is changed to move any pixmap back
rendering), along with the usual move out process of
in that has a score above the move in threshold,
pixmaps whose score goes below the threshold.
thrashing occurs when the first pixmaps in offscreen
However, the process of moving pixmaps in and out
memory are chosen to be replaced each time. This
appears to outweigh the advantage of avoiding some
state can be seen after anywhere from seconds to a few
software rendering to the framebuffer.
minutes of typical desktop usage.

To fix this, several things were changed. The first

3.4. Issues With Direct Rendering in
improvement was to modify the pixmap migration
score to express whether there is more overall need for
that pixmap to be in framebuffer or system memory,
The Composite extension creates several challenges for
rather than how often it is used as a source image in a
implementing the DRI. The existing DRI drivers
screen to screen copy to framebuffer versus system
which we would like to use are designed only for a
memory. This means that acceleration operations like
static front/back buffer and a front buffer which is
Copy and the various solid operations were made to
actually visible onscreen. With the Composite
migrate both source and destination toward
extension, however, rendering may need to target a
framebuffer. Also, the KdCheck* software fallbacks
dynamically allocated buffer located in offscreen
that are not called as a result of a failure of one of the
memory. Therefore the kernel's knowledge of the
acceleration operations were made to migrate the
front/back buffer location (if it has any) must be per
destination toward system memory.
graphics context rather than per-device. Also, for a
direct rendering context, the server must be notified in
The next change was to keep a new score in the
some way when the client updates its front buffer, so
structure for each allocated offscreen area. Unlike the
that damage can be computed.
migration score kept in the pixmap private structure,
this one is meant to represent how important it is for a
particular offscreen area to stay there. This new score
3.5. Implementation of OpenGL in Kdrive
At the time of this writing, the work to implement
hardware-accelerated OpenGL in Kdrive is incomplete. 4. Results
The first step was to bring in a software
implementation of GLX. The GLX code was taken The Render acceleration is by far the most measurable
from XFree86 (actually DRI CVS, a separate acceleration implemented as a result of this work. Even
repository for OpenGL development in XFree86), and without support for all the operations necessary, the
the server build was modified to use a CVS checkout Composite acceleration on Radeon 100-series hardware
of Mesa (rather than including a copy of Mesa source tripled the speed of non-subpixel antialiased text
code in the server tree as in XFree86). At this time, it rendering, according to x11perf's aa24text test
is limited to only functioning when Composite is (2x533Mhz Celeron, Radeon 7500). The Rage 128
disabled, but it allows the XFree86 libGL to function. Composite implementation showed the largest
improvement, with over a fivefold improvement in
Next, the server-side component of the DRI was non-subpixel antialiased text rendering, as seen in
brought in from XFree86 and the ATI driver was Table 3. It also greatly improved the perceived speed
modified to initialize the DRM and submit its 2D of using xcompmgr, which frequently uses Composite
commands through DMA. All that remains to get Over operations with a 1x1 repeating mask picture.
direct rendering in Kdrive on par with XFree86 appears
to be debugging the ATI driver's initialization of the aa24text rgb24text
R128 software 14200/sec 11900/sec
R128 hardware 78500/sec 2550/sec
3.6. XVideo
Table 3: x11perf results for antialiased text (aa24text)
Implementing XVideo with the overlay scaler has and subpixel-rendered antialiased text (rgb24text) on a
several limitations. One limitation is that there is 700Mhz Pentium 3 with Rage 128 Mobility M4, before
usually only one overlay scaler port, so only one video and after hardware acceleration of Composite.
can be handled at once. It also prevents capturing However, at the same time as non-subpixel text
screenshots, because the screenshot will include the rendering speed increased, a near fivefold decrease in
color key instead of the scaled, converted video. subpixel rendering speed was seen. This is because at
Finally, the presence of the Composite Extension least some of the operations necessary, particularly
means that blending may occur over the video component alpha blending, are not supported by the
window's contents, so that the color key will not match Rage 128 Composite implementation, so the effort that
and a blended color key will appear instead of the goes into migrating the pixmaps (including
blended video. UploadToScratch) to make them possible to accelerate
is wasted. This suggests more offscreen memory
The solution is to use the 3D hardware or front-end management work is needed, to avoid that extra effort
scaler to do the conversion and scaling of YUV data when it is not necessary.
for XVideo. The Rage 128 and Mach64 have front-end
scalers. The ATI Radeon and Rage 128, Matrox Gx00-
series, and 3dfx Voodoo3+ should all support YUV 5. Future Work
data as textures (though the 3dfx older than the
Voodoo4 may not be useful due to limitations on At this point, it needs to be decided if Kdrive is an
texture sizes). Video using the front-end scaler was appropriate server architecture for use as a desktop
implemented on the Rage 128. However, one problem server. In particular, it lacks drivers for most hardware
with doing video scaling using the texture units is that and lacks the support for control of video modes that
there are fewer controls of the output. The overlay XFree86 offers, though it now offers better 2D
scaler typically has controls for brightness and acceleration for Render operations and improved
saturation, while the Rage 128 front-end scaler and offscreen memory management. This section will
texture capabilities appear to only have a temperature describe future work to be done on 2D acceleration
(whitepoint) control and no brightness/saturation. Lack based on the new work in the previous section, and the
of brightness or saturation control may be possible to OpenGL work necessary to make Kdrive usable as a
work around by combining the video with a secondary desktop server.
The excellent write speeds to AGP memory suggest
5.1. Render Acceleration that it might be a good choice to use for the scratch
area for the UploadToScratch hook instead of
Even after adding the catch-all Composite hook, hooks framebuffer when available, if the penalty for the card
for simpler operations such as Blend remain useful to read from AGP instead of local memory is not too
because they can be tailored to common hardware heavy.
features. These hooks free driver authors from having
to figure out the exact set of conditions under which If accessing AGP memory from the card does not
they can accelerate, and from needing to manually include much overhead, it may be valuable to set up
migrate and pull out the data. hardware with limited offscreen memory to have a
large piece of AGP memory addressable and use that as
There is at least one more Render acceleration hook an extension of the card's local memory.
that could be useful. One common operation is to do a
Composite with an ARGB source and a 1x1 repeating Another area to research would be working on a
mask to blend opaque images over the destination with method to calculate an optimal working set of pixmaps
a constant alpha value. This could be done on to be located in offscreen memory, based on how often
hardware with only one texture unit or with a front-end they are dirtied, how often they get read from and
scaler by putting the constant mask value in the written to, size, and other factors. This could be a
hardware's primitive color registers instead of using a significant improvement over the current system of
secondary texture map. KAA would synchronize the simply moving in whatever is necessary for the current
accelerator if necessary, pull the value from the mask operation. Designing a complete solution to this may
picture, and pass it, along with the same arguments as be hard, and benchmarking varying implementations is
Blend, to a new BlendMask hook. difficult due to the lack of a standard general desktop
usage benchmark to be run that would stress offscreen
memory management.
5.2. Offscreen Memory Management

There are still many things that could be done to 5.3. OpenGL
improve offscreen memory management. There are
circumstances where a pixmap should be marked for The next step in developing quality OpenGL support is
migration out of framebuffer which are not being to fix the problems with Composite in the GLX
covered. However, the current system for measuring implementation. When that is completed, the major
whether a pixmap should be in framebuffer is very piece of work is to convert the software GLX
crude, being based on the number of software versus implementation to use a software-rendering DRI driver.
hardware operations, rather than any measurement of This would basically be a wrapper around the same
the cost of those operations. sort of software GLX implementation, but with a
normal DRI driver interface. Once that is completed, it
Also, there are serious weaknesses in how migration is should be straightforward to replace the software-
being dealt with for operations that are going to fail rendering DRI driver with a hardware-rendering DRI
(such as component-alpha compositing, or unsupported driver, thanks to work that has been done in Mesa CVS
composite operations). Currently, we do not migrate to produce DRI drivers that do not rely on the X
operations failing in the Setup stage away from the protocol. The drivers should soon be ready for
framebuffer, which is a major speed penalty. If we do rendering to buffers other than statically allocated
migrate failing operations away, we'll see flip-flopping back/depth buffers because of work being done to
of the migration. This is because for repeated support pbuffers in the DRI and Mesa projects.
rendering of the same failing operation, the pixmap
will always moved toward the framebuffer until it is
migrated, at which point the Prepare will start failing 5.3. XVideo
and it will start to be moved back toward system
memory. The solution will most likely require adding Despite being an improvement visually, the current
a fourth hook that performs all of the checking of the XVideo acceleration is still a large consumer of CPU
operation before any migration towards framebuffer time when playing movies. The CPU usage may be
happens and changing the Setup hook to be non-failing. attributable to the copying of data to the framebuffer,
in which case using AGP memory when available may [6] Mark Vojkovich and Marc Aurele La France,
help. XAA.HOWTO, The XFree86 Project, Inc.

Also, most overlay scaler implementations of XVideo

allow control of saturation and brightness, while the
current R128 XVideo does not offer these controls.
More work needs to be done to see if these controls can
be made for the textured video, either using the same
scaler setup as for the overlay scaler, or using texturing

6. Availability

All work described here is available under the

MIT/X11 license, and instructions for getting the code
are available at:


7. Acknowledgments

Many thanks to Keith Packard for his guidance in

understanding the Kdrive architecture and patiently
explaining Render. Thanks also to Anders Carlsson for
help in implementing parts of the KAA and Rage 128
Blend work. Thanks to Keith Packard, Carl Worth,
and Deborah Anholt for many rounds of editing of this
paper. Finally, many thanks to LinuxFund for
sponsoring my work on Kdrive.


[1] Robert W Scheifler and James Gettys, X Window

System 3d ed., Digital Press. 1992.

[2] Keith Packard, Design and Implementation of the X

Rendering Extension, FREENIX Track, 2001
Usenix Annual Technical Conference.
ender/, (2001)

[3] Keith Packard, A New Rendering Model for X,

FREENIX Track, 2000 Usenix Annual
Technical Conference. 279-284 (2000)

[4] Keith Packard, The X Rendering Extension, The

XFree86 Project, Inc.

[5] Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, Tom Davis, & Dave

Shriener, OpenGL Programming Guide 3rd
ed., (1999)

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