COVID-19 vaccination data management SOP
COVID-19 vaccination data management SOP
COVID-19 vaccination data management SOP
Ministry of Health
Ethiopia developed a National Deployment and Vaccination Plan for COVID-19 (NDVP) with the goal of
vaccinating 20% of the country's population, including health-care personnel, the highest-risk group,
other essential/frontline personnel, and the elderly aged 65 and up. As vaccine availability has increased
significantly, the necessity for target shifting has arisen, and it has been decided for all people aged 12
and higher. For COVID-19 immunization, the service delivery strategy employed is static (fixed post in
the health facility), outreach, and mobile sites.
Ethiopia adopted the WHO-recommended COVID-19 Vaccination data elements collecting and reporting,
to meet the enormous demand for data from national and subnational governments, the public, civil
society organizations, the media, and regional and global immunization partners. The District Health
Information System 2 (DHIS2) is being used in part as a national COVID vaccination data reporting
system. A Google sheet reporting system, on the other hand, has been implemented to collect and compile
daily COVID-19 campaign data at regional and National level.
The COVID-19 vaccination rollout is monitored at the community, health facility, Wereda and regional
levels through routine and periodic data generation and management. In view of this, a standard operating
procedure is required that outlines the specific processes of the data collection, collation, analysis, and use
as well as the data quality assurance processes related to COVID-19 vaccination data, from the point of
generation through the hierarchical levels of aggregation. This document provides the standard
procedures that are followed at the various stages of the data management chain. It is a living document
that is sufficiently flexible to meet the dynamic needs of the COVID-19 vaccination M&E system. The
purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for all implementers on the steps to take to ensure that
the required data are collected and are of the appropriate quality.
The general objective of the SOP is to ensure that the information generated from the service delivery
points meets the characteristics of a good quality data. This means that complete data sets of sufficient
quality are available at all levels by the agreed timeline. The data should be analyzed using standardized
indicators, and all data users should be provided with appropriate and regular reports.
• Facilitate and standardize COVID-19 Vaccination data collection and reporting at all levels of service
delivery by providing guidance and standard operating procedures (SOPs) on the use of standard data
collection and reporting tools
• Enable data to be captured electronically at the wereda and health facility levels
• Outline the responsibilities of each level of the health system
• Provide guidelines on the data retrieval, updating and back-up processes
Target Audience
The SOP is designed primarily for health care workers who are responsible for the management,
implementation, and monitoring of COVID-19 Vaccine delivery at community, health facility, Wereda,
Zone, Regional and National level. It may also be useful for any partners who provide the required
support in the country.
The following tools will be used to record and report COVID-19 vaccination data depending on the
levels of reporting.
1. COVID-19 Vaccination Register
2. COVID-19 Vaccination Tally sheet
3. COVID-19 Vaccination Card
4. COVID-19 Team Supervisor Daily Reporting Form
5. COVID-19 PHCU Daily Reporting Form
6. COVID-19 Wereda Daily Reporting Form
7. COVID-19 Zone Daily Reporting Form
8. COVID-19 Region Daily Reporting Form
9. DHIS2 tracker reporting system
10. COVID-19 AEFI reporting form
11. COVID-19 AEFI Investigation Form
12. COVID 19 AEFI Line List
Individuals should be reminded to keep the COVID-19 vaccination card in a safe place and to carry it to all vaccination
schedules (2nd dose or Booster)
How to use covid-19 vaccination card
The following steps will be used to complete the COVID-19 vaccination card
• For an individual visiting the vaccination site for the first time, health care workers will issue COVID-19 vaccination
card and fill the demographic data as well as vaccination information.
• For revisit client, health workers will update the vaccination status
The following information should be recorded in the COVID-19 vaccination card
ID.NO: - Write the individual ID Number. This should be the same with the ID number recorded in the COVID-19
vaccination register
Passport Number: - Write the passport number of the individual (if applicable)
Full Name: - Write the full name of the individual legibly
Age: - Write age in full years
Sex: - Write sex of the individual in full format (Female, Male)
Occupation: - Write the Occupation of the person
Region, Zone/Sub Cirty, Wereda, Kebelle, Village: - Write the residential region, zone/sub city, Wereda, kebelle, village,
of the individual. This can be cross referenced with the information in the individual ID
On the second page of the COVID-19 vaccination card record the following information
First Dose
• Vaccine type: - Write the full name of the vaccine type administered
• Batch Number: - Write the batch number of the vaccine administered legibly
• Date Vaccinated: - Write the date of vaccination legibly in DD-MM-YYYY format. Primarily use Ethiopian
• Next Vaccination Date: - Write the next vaccination date for subsequent doses (2nd dose or booster) in DD-MM-
YYYY format
Follow the same procedure for 2nd and booster doses
The COVID-19 Vaccination register must be available at the service delivery point all the time to ensure that all information
and vaccinations are recorded. It is the service delivery point’s primary source of information on an individual vaccination
status and needed vaccinations. This information is particularly helpful if the individual attends for a follow-up visit without
their COVID-19 vaccination card
How to use COVID-19 Vaccination Register
• The facility should ensure availability of a revised version of COVID-19 Vaccination Register – contain all the
variables to be recorded to avoid lumping together of information by the service provider
• When HF staff go to outreach/ mobile immunization service, they need to carry the register
• All vaccination data should be recorded in the COVID-19 Vaccination Register as soon as the individual received
the first dose at the health facility or outreach sites
• For every new person (never vaccinated) create a new entry in the register and create a new COVID-19 vaccination
• Once registered in the COVID-19 Vaccination Register do not create a new entry in the register each time the
individual visits the facility for subsequent doses
• In subsequent visits locate the individual’s entry by Serial Number or ID number in the register and update data for
each dose provided
o If the COVID-19 vaccination card is not available, ask the individual the details of the first
immunization to locate his/her entry in the register
• For an individual who has come to your health facility for the first time but has received first dose in
another health facility, create a new entry in the register, ask for the COVID-19 vaccination card and mark
on the register that the individual has already vaccinated for first dose. Provide the second dose or Booster
Dose, record in the register and tally for reporting.
• Region, Zone, Wereda, Kebele: - Write the respective region, zone, wereda, and Kebelle where COVID-19 Vaccine
canter is located
• Name of Vaccination Post: - Write the official name of the health facility, IDP (internally displaced people) &
Refugee camps where COVID-19 Vaccine centre is located
• S.N: - Write serial number starting from 001 in a consecutive order. This is a continuous number given once for
every individual registered in the COVID-19 vaccination register according to their order This will continue to the
last page of the register. The serial number should also be recorded in the individual COVID-19 vaccination card for
easy retrieval during the next vaccination schedule
• ID Number: - Write the person’s identification number (ID)
• Full Name: - Write the names of the person’s father & grand father
• Age: - Write the person’s age in full years
• Sex: - Write the person’s sex
• Occupation: - Write the occupation of the person
• Co-morbidity: - Write the person’s disease code as indicated at the bottom of the registration book
• Pregnant/Lactating: - Ask if she is pregnant or lactating write the status as "pregnant " or "Lactating" if not leave
it blank
• Others: - Write the codes indicated at the bottom of the registration book
Date of Vaccination
Vaccine Name: -Write the full name of COVID-19 Vaccine for each dose
(DD/MM/YY): - Write the date, month and year for each dose provided with full date format DD-MM-YY
• Doses administered are recorded legibly in the vaccination register immediately after administration of the vaccine
(and not before or much later)
Batch Number: - Write the Batch number of the booster dose of the vaccine
Phone Number: - Write the person’s mobile phone number
For each vaccination you perform, strike the printed zero vertically at the correct line on the tally sheet next to the dose you
have just given (1st dose, 2nd dose or Booster dose) according to age group and sex of the individual (12-17 years, 18-64
years, >=65 years for both Female and Male), Tally mix and match doses as a second dose.
After completing each tally sheet for the day, the total number of tallied should cumulate at the end of each age/Gender
category and in the last column of each sheet by gender. This gives the total number of vaccinations given with each dose for
the day
This report is very important and must be carefully done at each level
• It is this report that is aggregated at regional and national level
• It is the source document for determining the performance of the Wereda, zone, region, and the country.
• It is found in the right part of the reporting form, and it contain information about vaccine Logistics (Vials received,
vials used, vials damaged and wastage rate.
o Vials Received: - Fill the number of vials received for the day by the vaccination site
o Vials Used: - Fill the number of vials used in the day
o Vials Damaged: - Fill if there are any damaged vials in the vaccination site
o Wastage Rate: - Calculate and put the wastage rate for the day in the vaccination site
If there have been any adverse events following immunization during the session, the health care provider should compile
from the tally sheet accordingly. But, if there is any serious adverse event, it should be reported immediately.
After completing both sections of the form, Send the reporting form in the same day to the next administrative
level. Remember to put the date and your name in the space provided at the bottom.
*NB. The health worker should ensure that all fields in the daily reporting form are filled appropriately before
sending to the next level.
This report is very important and must be carefully done at each level
• DHIS2 is the official health information system of the country
• It is accessible at all levels of the health system for program planning and monitoring
• It is this report that is aggregated at regional and national level
• It is the source document for determining the performance of the Wereda, zone, region, and the country.
Event Capture: - This is where the COVID-19 vaccination data is entered. Event Capture lets you capture and submit the
daily aggregate reports of COVID vaccination. Data can be captured while being offline and uploaded to the server when
connectivity is present. Enter data based on the disaggregation available in the tool (Vaccine type, Age, Sex, Organization,
Period). Make sure data is entered to the appropriate category
Event Report: - With the Event Report app in the DHIS2, you can analyse events in two types of reports:
• Aggregated event reports: Pivot table-style analysis with aggregated numbers of events
By selecting Aggregated values from the top-left menu you can use the Event Reports app to create pivot
tables with aggregated numbers of events. An event report is always based on a program. You can do analysis
based on a range of dimensions. Each dimension can have a corresponding filter. Dimensions can be selected
from the left-side menu.
• Individual event reports: Lists of events
By selecting Events from the top-left menu you can use the Event Reports app to make searches or queries for
events based on a flexible set of criteria. The report will be displayed as a table with one row per event. Each
dimension can be used as a column in the table or as a filter. Each dimension can have a criterion (filter). Data
elements of type option set allows for "in" criteria, where multiple options can be selected. Numeric values can
be compared to filter values using greater than, equal or less than operators.
Event Visualizer: - With the Event Visualizer app, you can create charts based on event data.
Pivot Table: - With the Pivot Table app, you can create pivot tables based on all available data dimensions in DHIS2. A
pivot table is a dynamic tool for data analysis which lets you summarize and arrange data according to its dimensions.
• data dimension itself (for example data elements, indicators, and events)
• periods (representing the time period for the data)
• organisation hierarchy (representing the geographical location of the data)
From these dimensions you can freely select dimension items to include in the pivot table. You can create additional
dimensions in DHIS2 with the group set functionality. This allows for different aggregation pathways, such as aggregation
by facility type.
A pivot table can arrange data dimensions on columns, rows, and as filters. When you place a data dimension on columns,
the pivot table will display one column per dimension item. If you place multiple data dimensions on columns, the pivot
table displays one column for all combinations of the items in the selected dimensions. When you place a data dimension on
rows, the pivot table displays one row per dimension item in a similar fashion. The dimensions you select as filters will not
be included in the pivot table but will aggregate and filter the table data based on the selected filter items.
Dashboard: - The Dashboards app makes it possible to present a high-level overview of your data, including displaying
analytical objects such as maps, charts, reports and tables, as well as displaying text-based information, resource links, and
app widgets.
To create a new dashboard, click the + button in the left corner of the dashboards bar to enter create/edit mode:
In create/edit mode, you can add or change the dashboard title, description, and dashboard items. If you do not add a title, the
dashboard will automatically be titled "Untitled dashboard"
Add items to the dashboard by searching for items using the Search for items to add to this dashboard drop down selector.
Item types are:
The following indicators measure progress with vaccination among a target population:
Vaccine uptake or vaccination rate: the number of people vaccinated with a certain dose of the vaccine in a
certain time (e.g., during a month or year), which can be expressed as an absolute number or as the proportion of a target
Vaccination coverage: the vaccinated proportion of a target population. Coverage can be estimated by accounting
for vaccination in previous time periods (weeks, months, years).
The difference between these two concepts is that uptake expresses vaccination activity over time, while coverage expresses
the resulting protection among a population. Uptake and coverage should be tracked by dose and can be annotated as
First Dose Coverage (COV-1): - The number of people receiving a first dose of the vaccine, or the proportion of a
target group that did so.
Second Dose Coverage (COV-2): - The number or proportion of people receiving a second dose of the vaccine
Fully Vaccinated Coverage: - The number of people completed the recommended vaccination series. It represents
the number of people who received a last recommended dose of any vaccine.
Booster Coverage: - The number or proportion of people receiving booster doses if relevant for future recommended
vaccination schedules.
Disaggregated monitoring
Vaccine uptake and coverage can be evaluated by dose for the entire population to show headline progress, but more
granular data will be needed to measure vaccination by product and targeted population group.
Disaggregated monitoring by vaccine product is required where several vaccine products are used, especially if different
numbers of doses are required. Furthermore, to measure whether prioritization policies are effectively implemented, and
vaccines are equitably distributed, additional dimensions of disaggregation are needed.
The recommended dimensions for disaggregating vaccine uptake and coverage are: -