2. Indian economy is :
(a) Centrally planned economy (b) Market Economy
(c) Mixed Economy (d) None of these
Q16 Write difference between substitute goods and complementary goods? (3 marks)
The demand for a commodity falls to 120 units in response to a rise in price by ₹
If the original demand was 150 units at a price of ₹ 20, calculate the price
Elasticity of demand
Q17. Suppose the demand and supply curves of salt are given by: (3 marks)
Q18.What is Tax revenue? Explain direct tax and indirect tax? (3 marks)
Distinguish between revenue receipts and capital receipts?
Q19. What is foreign Exchange Rate? Explain fixed and flexible exchange rate system?
(3 marks)
Write meaning and definition of Balance of Payment (BOP)? Explain BOP
Surplus and Deficit.
(a) Gross Domestic Product (b) Net Domestic Product (c) Gross National Product.
(in ₹ crore)
(i) Production of consumer goods 2,500
(ii) Production of consumer services 1,000
(iii) Production of capital goods 1,500
(iv) Production of capital services 500
(v) Net factor income from abroad 400
(vi) Cost of depreciation 100