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String manipulation in Java

• char p=‘m’;
• String q=“computer applications”;
Character functions
• Character.isLetter()-to check whether a given argument is an alphabet or not.
Eg: boolean p = Character.isLetter(‘c’); true

• Character.isDigit()- to check whether a given argument is a digit or not.

Eg: boolean p = Character.isLetter(‘7’); true

• Character.isLetterOrDigit()- to check whether a given argument is a letter or a digit or not.

Eg: boolean p = Character.isLetter(‘7’); true
boolean p = Character.isLetter(‘c’); true
boolean p = Character.isLetter(‘*’); false

• Character.isWhiteSpace()- to check for existing blank or gap in a string.

Eg: boolean p = Character.isWhiteSpace(‘ ’); true
boolean p = Character.isWhiteSpace(‘ *’); false

• Character.isUpperCase()- This function will return true if the given argument is an upper case letter or not.
Eg: boolean p = Character.isUpperCase(‘A ’); true
boolean p = Character.isUpperCase(‘ g’); false

• Character.isLowerCase()- This function will return true if the given argument is an lowercase letter or not.
Eg: boolean p = Character.isLowerCase(‘A ’); false
boolean p = Character.isLowerCase(‘ g’); true

• Character.toUpperCase()- This function will return the given argument in upper case .
Eg: boolean p = Character.toUpperCase(‘a ’); A
boolean p = Character.isUpperCase(‘ G’); G
boolean p = Character.isUpperCase(‘ ?’); ?

• Character.toLowerCase()- This function will return the given argument in lower case .
Eg: boolean p = Character.toLowerCase(‘a ’); a
boolean p = Character.isLowerCase(‘ G’); g
boolean p = Character.isLowerCase(‘ ?’); ?
Conversion from characters to ASCII code and vice versa
Characters ASCII Codes

0-9 48 – 57
A-Z 65 – 90
a-z 97 - 122

• Conversion of character to ASCII code

• Syntax:
int variable1 =(int) char variable2;
• Eg: char x= ‘A’;
int n=(int)x; 65
Conversion of ASCII code to character
• Syntax:
int i=98;
char c = (char) i; b
String functions
• length()- to return the length of a string Syntax: int variable = string variable.length();
eg: String str=“COMPUTER”;
int k=str.length(); 8

• charAt() – returns a character from the given index(position) of the string.

Syntax: char variable = string variable.charAt(index);
eg: String str=“COMPUTER”;
char c= str.charAt(3);  ‘P’

• indexOf() –returns the index(position)of the string.

syntax:int variable =stringvariable.indexOf(character);
eg: 1)String str=“COMPUTER”;
int k=str.indexOf(‘P’); 3
2)String s=“MALAYALAM”;
int n=s.indexOf(4,’A’); 5

• last indexOf()- to find the index of last occurrence of a charcter in a string.

eg: String s=“MALAYALAM”;
int n=s.lastindexOf(’A’); 7

• substring() - to extract a part of string.

eg: 1)String str=“COMPUTER”;
String n=str.substring(3); PUTER
String n=str.substring(3,6); PUT
• toLowerCase() - returns the charcters of the string in lowercase.
Eg: String s=“COMPUTER”;
String p=s.toLowerCase();  “computer”

• toUpperCase() – returns a string after converting all the charcters in uppercase letters.
Eg: String s= “computer”;
String p=s.toUpperCase(); “COMPUTER”

• replace() –to replace a character by another character or to replace a string by another

string at all its occurences in the given string.
Eg: 1)String s=“MXLXYXLXM”;
String p=s.replace(‘X’, ‘A’);  “MALAYALAM”
2)String s=“The green bottle is in green bag”;
String p=s.replace(‘green’, ‘red’);

• concat() –to join two strings together.

Eg: String X= “COMPUTER”;
String z= x.concat(y);  “COMPUTERAPPLICATIONS”

• equals() – to comparetwo strings together to check whether they are identical or not.
Eg: 1) String X= “COMPUTER”;
boolean z= x.equals(y);  false
2) Eg: String X= “COMPUTER”;
String y= “computer”;
if( x.equals(y)) System.out.println(“same”) ;
else System.out.println(“different”); different
• equalsIgnoreCase() – used to compare two strings
to ensure whether both are identical or not ignoring
the case.

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