Dec. 16 Grade 9

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Teaching Dates and Time Burgos, Gomez ( Jan. 6-10, 2025) Quarter Third

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of volcanoes found in the Philippines
B. Performance No available Performance Standard on the MELC’s.
C. MELC/s Explain what happens when volcanoes erupt

Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions Preparing for and Responding Quiz on Volcanic Eruptions Introduction to Volcanic Energy Process of Tapping Volcanic
to Volcanic Eruptions and Geothermal Energy Energy
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Paper and pen, PPT Presentation, paper pen PPT Presentation, paper pen PPT Presentation, paper pen PPT Presentation, paper pen
A. Reviewing previous What happens during a What materials are released Encourage students to ask What do you remember about What is geothermal energy,
lesson or presenting volcanic eruption? What during an eruption? What are clarifying questions about topics volcanoes and their and how is it related to
the new lesson. materials are released? the effects? they’re unsure of. characteristics? volcanoes?
B. Establishing a Show photos or printed If a volcano near your home Today, we will test your Show a short video or image of a What do you think happens
purpose for the images of volcanic eruptions starts to erupt, what would you knowledge about volcanoes! geothermal power plant near a inside a geothermal plant to
Lesson (ENGAGE) and their aftermath (e.g., lava do? Don’t worry—this quiz is your volcano. produce electricity?
flows, ash clouds, affected chance to show what you’ve
towns). learned and identify areas where
you can improve.
C. Presenting
examples/ instances
of the new lesson
D. Discussing new  Students create a T- Write a checklist of "What to Activity: Quiz Proper Discuss how volcanic heat can heat Show and label key
concepts and chart in their Do During a Volcanic underground water to produce components: production well,
practicing new skills notebooks to list the Eruption. steam, which can be harnessed to turbine, cooling system, and
#1 (EXPLORE) positive and generate electricity. reinjection well.
negative impacts of
volcanic eruptions.

E. Discussing new Discuss the pros and cons of

concepts and geothermal energy in small
practicing new skills groups.

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative
G. Finding practical Can you think of a situation How can disaster preparedness Provide initial feedback by How can using geothermal energy If you lived near a volcano,
applications of where people benefited from save lives during volcanic discussing answers to the quiz: benefit people living near volcanoes? would you support building a
concepts and skills in volcanic activity? eruptions? geothermal plant? Why or why
daily living not?
 Clarify common errors
and explain the correct
 Highlight strong
answers or common

H. Making a Volcanic eruptions have both Proper preparation and Reinforce the importance of Volcanoes can provide heat that can Harnessing geothermal energy
generalizations and destructive and beneficial response can minimize the risks understanding volcanic eruptions be used to produce geothermal involves accessing heat from
abstraction about the effects on humans and the of volcanic disasters. energy, a renewable and sustainable the Earth, particularly in
lesson (ELABORATE) environment. energy source. volcanic areas, to generate
electricity efficiently and
I. Evaluating learning Write a short paragraph: What are three important Quiz Scoring: Short quiz (3 items) Short quiz (5 items)
(EVALUATE) "What are the positive and things you need to do if a  Evaluate answers for
negative effects of volcanic volcano near you erupts? completeness and
eruptions? accuracy.

J. Additional activities
for application or
Remediation (EXTEND)
Put a check for the appropriate remarks: Put a check for the appropriate remarks: Put a check for the appropriate remarks: Put a check for the appropriate remarks: Put a check for the appropriate remarks:
V. REMARKS ___continuation of the lesson (due to lack of ___continuation of the lesson (due to lack of time) ___continuation of the lesson (due to lack of time) ___continuation of the lesson (due to lack of time) ___continuation of the lesson (due to lack of
time)___proceed to a new lesson ___re-teach __ proceed to a new lesson __ re-teach the __ proceed to a new lesson __ re-teach the lesson __ proceed to a new lesson __ re-teach the lesson time)
the lesson__ class suspension __ others lesson __ class suspension __ others (Please elaborate: __ class suspension ___ others (Please elaborate __ proceed to a new lesson __ re-teach the
(Please elaborate: __ class suspension ___ others (Please elaborate: lesson
__ class suspension ___ others (Please
A. No. of learners who earned at least 80% mark in _____ of Learners earned at least 80% mark _____ of Learners earned at least 80% mark _____ of Learners earned at least 80% mark _____ of Learners earned at least 80% mark _____ of Learners earned at least 80% mark
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for _____ of Learners who require additional activities for _____ of Learners who require additional activities for _____ of Learners who require additional activities for _____ of Learners who require additional activities for _____ of Learners who require additional activities
remediation (those scored below 80% mark) remediation remediation remediation remediation for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? _____ YES: _____ NO _____ YES: _____ NO _____ YES: _____ NO _____ YES: _____ NO _____ YES: _____ NO
(No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson) _____ of Learners who have caught up with the _____ of Learners who have caught up with the lesson. _____ of Learners who have caught up with the lesson. _____ of Learners who have caught up with the lesson. _____ of Learners who have caught up with the
lesson. lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require _____ of Learners who continue to require _____ of Learners who continue to require remediation ____ of Learners who continue to require remediation ____ of Learners who continue to require remediation ____ of Learners who continue to require
remediation. remediation remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Strategies used that worked well: Strategies used that worked well: Strategies used that worked well: Strategies used that worked well: Strategies used that worked well:
Why did these strategies work? ___ collaborative writing ___ Slide Deck ___ collaborative writing ___ Slide Deck presentation ___ collaborative writing ___ Slide Deck presentation ___ collaborative writing ___ Slide Deck presentation ___ collaborative writing ___ Slide Deck presentation
presentation ___ Small-Group discussion ___ class debate ___ Small-Group discussion ___ class debate ___ Small-Group discussion ___ class debate ___ Small-Group discussion ___ class debate
___ Small-Group discussion ___ class debate ___ role-playing ___ answering study questions ___ role-playing ___ answering study questions ___ role-playing ___ answering study questions ___ role-playing ___ answering study questions
___ role-playing ___ answering study ___ educational games ___ class demonstration ___ educational games ___ class demonstration ___ educational games ___ class demonstration ___ educational games ___ class demonstration
questions __ discovery method __ Think-Pair & Share method __ discovery method_ Think-Pair & Share method __ discovery method__Think-Pair & Share method __ discovery method__Think-Pair & Share method
___ educational games ___ class demonstration ___ lecture method ___ lecture method ___ lecture method ___ lecture method
___ discovery method ___ Think-Pair &Share Reason(s) for the successful teaching strategy. Reason(s) for the successful teaching strategy. Reason(s) for the successful teaching strategy. Reason(s) for the successful teaching strategy.
method ___ colorful Instructional Materials ___ colorful Instructional Materials ___ colorful Instructional Materials ___ colorful Instructional Materials
___ lecture method ___ complete Instructional Materials ___ complete Instructional Materials ___ complete Instructional Materials ___ complete Instructional Materials
Reason(s) for the successful teaching strategy. ___ availability of materials ___ availability of materials ___ availability of materials ___ availability of materials
___ colorful Instructional Materials ___ students’ eagerness to learn (effective motivation) ___ students’ eagerness to learn (effective motivation) ___ students’ eagerness to learn (effective motivation) ___ students’ eagerness to learn (effective
___ complete Instructional Materials ___ group members were very cooperative to one another ___ group members were very cooperative to one another ___ group members were very cooperative to one another motivation)
___ availability of materials ___ others: _________________________ ___ others: ___________________ ___ others: __________________ ___ group members were very cooperative to one
___ students’ eagerness to learn (effective motivation) another ___ others: __________________
___ group members were very cooperative to one
another ___ others: _________________________
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my Principal ___ bullying among pupils ___ Insufficient ___ bullying among pupils ___ Insufficient Instructional ___ bullying among pupils ___ Insufficient Instructional ___ bullying among pupils ___ Insufficient Instructional ___ bullying among pupils ___ Insufficient
or Supervisor can help me solve? Instructional Materials Materials Materials Materials Instructional Materials
___ unavailability of science lab/ ICT Laboratory ___ unavailability of science lab/ ICT Laboratory ___ unavailability of science lab/ ICT Laboratory ___ unavailability of science lab/ ICT Laboratory ___ unavailability of science lab/ ICT Laboratory
___ unavailability of ICT equipment (TVs, Projectors, ___ unavailability of ICT equipment (TVs, Projectors, __ unavailability of ICT equipment (TVs, Projector,Computers __ unavailability of ICT equipment (TVs, Projector,Computers __ unavailability of ICT equipment (TVs,
Computers) Computers) ___ others: ________ ___ others: ________ Projector,Computers
___ others: _________________ ___ others: _________________ ___ others: ________
G. What teaching innovation or localized materials I ___ localized videos ___ localized videos ___ localized videos ___ localized videos ___ localized videos
used that I can share with other teachers? ___ recycling of paper/ plastics to be used as ___ recycling of paper/ plastics to be used as Instructional ___ recycling of paper/ plastics to be used as Instructional ___ recycling of paper/ plastics to be used as Instructional ___ recycling of paper/ plastics to be used as
Instructional Materials Materials Materials Materials Instructional Materials
___ local poetical/ writing composition ___ local poetical/ writing composition ___ local poetical/ writing composition ___ local poetical/ writing composition ___ local poetical/ writing composition
___ making use of local sources of information (local ___ making use of local sources of information (local __ making use of local sources of information (local sourcing) ___ making use of local sources of information (local sourcing) ___ making use of local sources of information (local
sourcing) sourcing) ___ contextualized learning materials ___ others: __ ___ contextualized learning materials ___ others: __ sourcing)
___ contextualized learning materials ___ others: ___ contextualized learning materials ___ others: ___ contextualized learning materials ___ others:
________ _______ __

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by :


Subject Teacher Master Teacher II Principal I

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