English wk 2.0
English wk 2.0
English wk 2.0
Dates: October 07, 2024 October 08, 2024 October 09, 2024 October 10, 2024 October 11, 2024
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of pre- colonial Philippines literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and the correct subject- verb agreement.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by showing appreciation for the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
standard participating in conversations using appropriate context- dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features
of speech effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject- verb agreement.
C. Learning 1. Identify conjunctions in 1. Identify conjunctions in 1. Define what is
Competencies/Objectiv To test the knowledge and an argumentative text. an argumentative text. Subordinating
es understanding based on the 2. Use conjunctions in 2. Use conjunctions in conjunctions;
Write the LC Code for previous topics. composing composing 2. Appreciate the
each argumentative text. argumentative text.
importance of using
3. Express importance of 3. Express importance of
conjunction in making conjunction in making subordinating conjunctions
sentences, clauses and sentences, clauses and in a sentence;
phrases. phrases. 3. Compose an
argumentative speech
using the appropriate
II. CONTENT Connecting ideas using Connecting ideas using Connecting ideas using
Conjunctions in an Conjunctions in an Conjunctions in an
Argumentative text Argumentative text Argumentative text
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s SLM Quarter 2 Module 2 SLM Quarter 2 Module 2 SLM Quarter 2 Module 2
materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning ative Slideshare, Net, laptop, ppt Slideshare, Net, laptop, ppt Slideshare, Net, laptop, ppt
A. Reviewing previous What is Research? The teacher will recall the
lesson or Campaign? Advocacy? topic about coordinating
Presenting the new conjunction.
B. Establishing a BREAK THE CODE! Divide
purpose for the the class now into teams of
lesson 2.
* Present the Objectives
(let the students read the
#1 dependent and Deep discussion about
independent) together. subordinating conjunctions.
There are three different
kinds of conjunctions --
subordinating, and
correlative -- each serving
its own, distinct purpose,
but all working to bring
words together.
Peter and Paul are best
(the word “and” is a
Summ conjunction. It is joining two
entities, which are Peter, Paul).
at ive
E. Discussing new
concepts and
Practicing new skills
F. Developing mastery Activity: Seek Me! Activity: Seek Me! Divide the class into 3
(Leads to Formative Look for the words in the Look for the words in the groups. Write an
Assessment 3) maze. Cross-out the words maze. Cross-out the words argumentative speech out
with red crayon. Look for these with red crayon. Look for these of the picture below. Then,
words in the maze: transition, words in the maze: transition,
use the Subordinating
nor, but, no sooner, lest, nor, but, no sooner, lest,
unless, then, or, whether. unless, then, or, whether. conjunctions in connecting
your ideas. Refer to the
rubric provided.
G. Finding Practical Fill in the proper conjunction to Fill in the proper conjunction to As a student, what is the
applications of complete the sentence. Please complete the sentence. Please importance of using correct
Concepts and skills in use a clean sheet of paper for use a clean sheet of paper for Subordinating conjunctions in
your answers. your answers.
daily living
1. She was tired when 1. She was tired when crafting your speech?
she arrived in class, she arrived in class,
________ she had studied ________ she had studied
all night. all night.
2.. I tried out for the 2.. I tried out for the
basketball team, _______ I basketball team, _______ I
didn’t make it. didn’t make it.
3. It’s snowing outside, 3. It’s snowing outside,
_______ it’s the middle of _______ it’s the middle of
summer! summer!
4. They love football, 4. They love football,
______ they gave up their ______ they gave up their
tickets to someone less tickets to someone less
fortunate. fortunate.
5. ______ far, he hasn’t 5. ______ far, he hasn’t
told her the truth. told her the truth.
H. Making Task 4.1: MIRROR, MIRROR ON Task 4.1: MIRROR, MIRROR ON What is Subordinating
generalizations and THE WALL THE WALL
Directions: Write your reflection Directions: Write your reflection
Abstractions about the
about the lessons based on the about the lessons based on the
lesson following guide questions: following guide questions:
1. My journey through this lesson 1. My journey through this lesson
enabled me to …. enabled me to ….
2. It made me realize that…… 2. It made me realize that……
3. I therefore commit to…. 3. I therefore commit to….
I. Evaluating Directions: Choose the Directions: Choose the In you ½ crosswise, combine and
learning appropriate coordinating appropriate coordinating
rewrite each pair of sentences
Prepared by: Checked by: conjunctions in completing the conjunctions in completing the
Monitored by:
SHIELA MAE L. ESPADA following sentences. Underline
ROLAN the following
S. ITANONG, the using
sentences. UnderlineDATE:
HT-III a conjunction from the word
_________________________________ correct conjunction in parenthesis. correct conjunction in parenthesis. box below.
Subject Teacher 1. He doesn’t eat meat,School
(but, Head 1. He doesn’t eat meat, (but, 1. We sang three more songs. Our
nor) does he loves to eat nor) does he loves to eat
eggs. eggs. voices were already tired from
2. My uncle didn’t want to 2. My uncle didn’t want to singing so much.
have surgery, (yet, and) have surgery, (yet, and) 2. I want to be a doctor. I want to
he knew he had to. he knew he had to.
help other people.
3. Sister Teresa prays every 3. Sister Teresa prays every
day (for, yet) she wants day (for, yet) she wants 3. My mom will stay home now.
help from God. help from God. She has quit her job.
4. He was tired of being 4. He was tired of being 4. The family will go on vacation.
overweight, (but, so) he overweight, (but, so) he
decided to go on a diet. decided to go on a diet. They have summer break.
5. Male lions have large, 5. Male lions have large, 5. Taylor goes to school. She
bushy manes, (or, but)
female lions do not.
bushy manes, (or, but)
female lions do not. brushes her teeth.