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Topic 1: Nature of Inquiry and Research

Research - defined as the scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection,

presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that lines an individual‘s speculation with
Inquiry – defined as a seeking for truth, information or knowledge. The information is sought
through questioning.
Investigation – is a systematic examination of a certain event r phenomenon.
Immersion – is a process whereby a researcher immerses (deeply involves himself in the data
gathering activities and the data he has gathered is carefully read or examined by him in detail.
Purpose of Research:
 To discover new facts about known phenomena
 To find answers to problems
 To improve existing techniques and develop new instruments or products.
 To discover pathways of action of known substances or elements.
 To prove or generate theory
Importance of Research in Daily Life:
1. Gather Relevant Information
-The result of researches are used as a springboard in planning.
2. Improve Quality of Life
-Researches makes our lives convenient and comfortable.
3. Understand History
-Understand history can helps us better understand current society and the
behavior of the people.
4. Attain Personal and Professional Development
- Research challenges us to become better individuals through the new ideas,
perspectives and skills that we can get when doing research.

Characteristics of Research
1. Empirical. Research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher.
2. Logical. Research is based on valid procedures and principles.
3. Cyclical. Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends
with a problem.
4. Analytical. Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data,
whether historical, descriptive, and experimental and case study.
5. Critical. Research exhibits careful and precise judgment.
6. Methodical. Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using
systematic method and procedures.
7. Replicability. The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to
enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results
Research Processes:

1. Select a general problem.

2. Review the literature of the problem.
3. Select a specific research problem, question, or hypothesis.
4. Collect data.
5. Analyze and present or display data.
6. Interpret the findings and state conclusions or generalizations regarding the
7. Define new problem.
Ethics in Research
Research ethics are guidelines for the responsible conduct of research which educates and monitors researchers
to ensure high standard.
Ethics generally is considered to deal with beliefs about what is right or wrong, proper or
improper, good or bad. According to a dictionary definition (Webster‘s 1968), to be ethical is
to conform to accepted professional practice.
Ethics in Research
Ethics generally is considered to deal with beliefs about what is right or wrong, proper or
improper, good or bad. According to a dictionary definition (Webster‘s 1968), to be ethical is
to conform to accepted professional practice.
Ethical considerations in conducting research
1. Objectivity and integrity
2. Respect of the research subjects‘ right to privacy and dignity and protection of subjects
from personal harm
3. Presentation of research findings
4. Misuse of research role
5. Acknowledgement of research collaboration and assistance
6. Distortions of findings by sponsor
Unethical practices in conducting research
1. Deceiving a respondent about the true purpose of a study
2. Asking a respondent question that cause him or her extreme embarrassment; guilt
emotional turmoil by remaining him or her of an unpleasant experience
3. Invading the privacy of a respondent
4. Studying the respondents or research subjects without their knowledge


I. When to use Qualitative and Quantitative
Quantitative data can help us see the big picture
Qualitative data adds the details and can also give a human voice to your survey results.

II. Difference: Qualitative vs. Quantitative

Qualitative Quantitative

Objective/Aim It aims to create new theory based on The purpose is to test a

the gathered data. hypothesis or theory.
Data Natural Setting Measurement setting
Description Making stories out of a certain Performs measures out of a
phenomenon certain phenomenon.
Sample size Small judgment (by decision) sampling Large sample representatives of
Data Unstructured or semi structured Standardized/structured
Gathering Uses interviews, participant Uses census, survey
observation, group discussions. Ex. questionnaire, checklist,
Case Study, Field Research paperpencil test and
The researcher starts with the experimentation.
observations, an open mind without Starts from a hypothesis or
biases, gathering all exact details of already created theory
the topic and generalization or new emphasizing the previously
theory is given towards the end of the researched phenomenon from
research process. different views (tested against
Data Opinions are based on experience or Opinions are based on laws,
Discussions observation. There are no criteria used rules, or other recognized
and in data discussions. principles.
Data Analysis Synthesize data, interpret, thematic. Statistical
Subjective Objective
Outcome Cultivates understanding with high Endorse a development. Has
validity. high output replicability.
There are no conclusions formulated. Conclusion is formulated towards
the end of the research process.

III. Similarities: Qualitative vs. Quantitative

Both have the process of inquiry and investigation.
Both improve life and help us in understanding various issues of life and in giving
solutions to our problems.
Both start with a problem and end with a problem.
Both use textual forms in analyzing and interpretation of data.
Both use inductive and deductive methods of presenting data.

IV. The kinds of Research across Fields

Kinds of Description Examples
Arts-Based Personal expression in 1. The Role of Arts in Student
various art forms is use as Achievement in Reading
a primary mode of inquiry 2. How Classroom Artistic Motivates
Humanities Deals with human culture 1. Values Education in the Public
such as philosophy, Schools: Practices and Challenges
religion, literature,
linguistics and history
Sports Intended for athletes to 1. Student Involvement in Athletics and
endure their health and their Academic Performance.
wellness goals through 2. Sports and Fitness Support on
proven high-quality Students in Public Schools
Science Discover laws, postulates, 1. Utilization of Garbage and Other
theories that can explain Waste Resources as Cleaning Materials
natural or social 2. Making of COVID-19 Cure out of Heat
phenomena Transfer
Mathematics Provides mathematics Student Difficulties in General
mastery topics and helps Mathematics: Remediation and
develops confidence and Interventions
interest to solve more 2. A systematic Approach to Changing
mathematical problems. Classroom Practices for Enhancing
Mathematics Outcomes
Agriculture Improves productivity and 1. Green Space in School: Social and
quality of crops, irrigation, Environment Perspective
storage methods, effective 2. Is Urban Gardening as a Source of
farm management and Well-being?
marketing of agricultural
Fisheries Increase the productivity 1. Finding a Future: Sustaining Inland
and management of Fishery
fishery resources to 2. Fishing for Change: Fishery Policy in
provide food: protect and the Philippines
maintain different bodies
of water for sustainable
supply of aquatic
ICT Aim to adapt current 1. The Role of ICT in the New Normal
technology advancement Education
which enhances 2. Exploring the Interactive Computer
development of resources. Simulation in Public Schools
Business Acquire information in 1. Developing a Framework for Small
business to maximize the Scale Business
sales and profit. 2. Business Practices and Strategies of
Small Enterprises at Lemketkai Mall.
Social Science Find Solutions for human 1. The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
behavior gathering on Employment Opportunities
information about people 2. Implementation of Enhanced
and societies. Community Quarantined in Low-Risk
Area of Misamis Oriental

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