Poster PIM 8_Artes Putri M

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The Relationship between the Level of Knowledge and Attitudes of Mothers Regarding

Early Initiation of Breastfeeding, Exclusive Breastfeeding, and Complementary Feeding

with the Incidence of Child Stunting in the Work area of the Community Health Center
Which Has the Highest Stunting Incidence Rate in Padang City
Examiner team :
ARTES PUTRI MELAYU (2010311059) Supervisor team :
Dr. dr. Rinang Mariko, Sp.A(K)
Undergraduate Study Program in Medicine, dr. Nice Rachmawati Masnadi,Sp.A(K)
dr. Mohamad Reza,Ph.D
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Andalas Dr.dr.Noza Hilbertina,M.Biomed,Sp.PA(K)
dr. Rahmani Welan,M.Biomed
Stunting is a condition of chronic malnutrition in children characterized by the child's height Stunting is a state of malnutrition that lasts for a long period of time (chronic)
growth not being appropriate to age. Low nutritional intake is the main cause of stunting. in children and still a global health problem, In 2020 the incidence of stunting
This nutritional intake includes Early Breastfeeding Initiation, Exclusive Breastfeeding and globally has increased, which is as much as 22% or 149 million children in the
Complementary Food. Providing nutritional intake to children is influenced by the mother's world experiencing stunting
knowledge and attitudes. This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of
knowledge and attitudes of mothers regarding Early Breastfeeding Initiation, Exclusive In Padang City, the prevalence of stunted children increased in 2022, which
Breastfeeding and Complementary Foods with the incidence of stunting in children. The type of increased to 19.5%. According to the Health Profile of Padang City in 2021, out
research is analytical observational research with a cross sectional research design with a of twenty-three health centers, there are three health centers that have the
sample of 67 mothers who have children aged 24-59 months in the work area of the health highest incidence of stunting, namely Seberang Padang community health
center which has the highest incidence of stunting in Padang City, namely the Ikur Koto center (15.3%), Ikur Koto community health center, and Anak Air community
Community Health Center, Anak Air Community Health Center and Seberang Padang health center with a percentage of 16% and 15.5%.
Community Health Center. The research instrument used a questionnaire and microtoise. The
data analysis used is the Chi Square. The research results showed that the frequency of The causes of stunting are multifactorial, low nutrient intake is the main
stunting incidents in children aged 24-59 months in the three health center work areas studied cause of stunting. Nutritional intake, especially the first 1000 days of life
was 47.8%. The level of knowledge of respondents is good (44.8%), and the attitude of (HPK) is very important in preventing stunting. The nutritional intake includes
respondents is positive (62.7%). Bivariate analysis obtained a value of p = 0.004 (p value < 0.05) Early Breastfeeding Initiation, exclusive breastfeeding, then complementary
for the relationship between maternal knowledge level and the incidence of stunting and a foods, and can also be influenced by the mother's knowledge and attitude in
value of p = 0.005 (p value < 0.05) for the relationship between maternal attitudes and the the process. Good maternal knowledge about child nutrition allows children to
incidence of stunting. The conclusion of this study is that the level of knowledge and attitudes get good nutrition. Widiyanto (2021)
of mothers regarding IMD, exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding show a
significant relationship with the incidence of stunting in children.

This study aims to determine the relationship between This is an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional design. It was conducted at three community health center in
the level of knowledge and attitudes of mothers padang city namely the Ikur Koto Health Center, Anak Air Health Center and Seberang Padang Health Center from January to
regarding Early Breastfeeding Initiation, Exclusive November 2023. The research respondent are mothers who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and having children aged
Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding with the 24-59 months. The instrument used for this research a questionnaire and microtoise. The data were analyzed by using the
incidence of stunting in children. Chi Square Test.

Table 1 shows that most of the respondents had a high school education, were between
Figure 1 Frequency distribution of stunting in 26-35 years old, and were employed. In addition, the gender distribution between male
children aged 24-59 months and female of the children is almost the same, this is because in children there is no
significant difference in growth. The age of children in the study was in the range of 24-35
years. This is because at this age the immune system is not yet perfect.

Based on Figure 1, the incidence of stunting in children was 47.8%. The high incidence of
stunting in this study was caused by several things including the location of the study
Normal 47.8% and caused by nutritional intake. where this is influenced by the knowledge and
attitudes of mothers in the process.

Based on Figure 2 almost half of the mothers in this study had a good level of
knowledge related to early breastfeeding initiation, exclusive breastfeeding, and
Figure 2 Frequency Distribution of Maternal complementary feeding.
Knowledge related to early breastfeeding initiation,
Based on Figure 3 more than half of the mothers in this study had a positive attitude
provision of Exclusive breastfeeding, and
related to early breastfeeding initiation, exclusive breastfeeding, and complementary
complementary feeding feeding.
Table 5 the level of maternal knowledge shows a statistically significant relationship
with the incidence of stunting The incidence of stunting in children is related to nutritional
Good intake in children. The nutritional intake given to children every day depends on the
44.8% mother, so mothers have an important role in changing the nutritional intake of children.
Mothers with a better level of knowledge are likely to apply their knowledge in caring for
their children, especially providing food according to the nutrients needed by children, so
that children do not experience a lack of food intake.
Table 6 shows that there is a significant relationship between mothers' attitudes about
early breastfeeding initiation, exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding.
Figure 3 Frequency distribution of mothers' Attitudes are not only influenced by a person's education but can also be influenced by
attitudes related to early breastfeeding other things including culture, maternal parenting, and economic conditions. If a mother
initiation, exclusive breastfeeding, and has a positive attitude towards nutrition, the behavior in choosing food to be given to her
complementary feeding child will also be good or positive. In this case, the mother will choose the right type of
complementary food and complete the composition of macro and micro nutrients, so
Negative that the child's nutritional needs can be met.
Based on research there is a significant relationship
Positive between the level of knowledge and attitudes of mothers
with the incidence of stunting in children in the work area
of community health center that have the highest
incidence of stunting in Padang City.
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