4245 Course Outline Fall2011 6

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York University: Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies

AK/ADMS 4245 3.0 Fall 2011 Scheduled Lectures: Wednesdays, 7:00-10:00pm Course Instructor: Lisa Violo Office Hours: After class and by appointment REQUIRED COURSE TEXT: E-Marketing, 6th Edition (2012), Judy Strauss & Raymond Frost COURSE DESCRIPTION This course addresses how electronic marketing is changing the dynamics of commerce, including how firms determine where and how to use the Internet for such things as customer relations management, retailing, branding, and business-to-business commerce. Prerequisites: AK/ADMS 1000 3.00 and AK/ADMS 2200 3.00 or AK/ADMS 3200 3.00 (prior to Summer 2005). Course credit exclusion: None. This course explores how information technology has affected traditional marketing in recent years by providing a practical and up-to-date overview of key aspects of marketing online. Students will be introduced to e-marketing techniques through a non-technical perspective to understand how the Internet has enhanced, integrated and transformed marketing planning. Topics will include the e-marketing environment, social media, online consumer behavior, e-marketing strategies of segmenting, targeting, positioning and differentiation, performance measurement of e-business, online advertising and research, and a global perspective on e-marketing. Trends in e-business will be studied and students will learn to use the web to service and enhance customer relationships and their own presence online. COURSE OBJECTIVES Here is a sampling of what students will achieve upon successful completion of this course: Demonstrate an understanding of the core concepts of electronic marketing for consumers, organizations and society Develop an understanding of social networking and its role in online marketing Develop a personal and organizational e-marketing plan Compare online marketing media to traditional advertising media Demonstrate the importance of search engine marketing Demonstrate an understanding of online advertising and online consumer research Discuss the use of email, rich media, banners, viral marketing, affiliate programs and other online media opportunities Describe the metrics used to track and evaluate web site usage Discuss and interpret click-through rates, conversions and return on investment online Publisher: Pearson-Prentice Hall Location: HNE-034 Email: violole@yorku.ca Course website: moodle.yorku.ca

WEIGHTING OF COURSE Class Contribution -Attendance & Punctuality (5%) -Preparation & level of contribution during class and online (10%) -Group social media presentations (10%) Midterm Exam Individual E-Marketing Profile -Execution of online plan (10%) -Typed profile: 5 pages min to 8 pages max (10%) Group E-Marketing Plan -Midterm Group Plan: 10 pages min to 15 pages max (5%) -Final plan: 20 pages min. to 25 pages max (20%) Total 25%

30% 20%



COURSE REQUIREMENTS Deadlines: All assignments are submitted online through our moodle web site. Late assignments will not be accepted and will result in a grade of zero. To achieve the grade your work merits, please submit all assignments by the dates and times provided on this outline. There are no exceptions to this policy. Missed Work: Missed tests, assignments and contribution will be graded as zero. Exceptions for extreme circumstances such as illness and family emergency will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and if approved, the missed grade weighting will be added to another element of the course or a re-write will be scheduled based on the decision of the instructor. If you are ill, you must have the doctor that first-hand witnessed your symptoms complete the medical form found at this link and submit to instructor for review within 2 days of receiving it: http://www.yorku.ca/laps/council/students/documents/APS.pdf Assignment formatting: All written assignments should be typed following these instructions: Times New Roman font, 12 pt. font size, 1 inch margins, 1.5 line spacing, and page numbers on the bottom centre of every page. Include a title page on the front of each assignment that lists: your group number, each students full name and student numbers, title of the assignment, course name and date. Please name each file you submit as follows: Name of Assignment_Group#. For individual assignments name each file: Name of Assignment_FirstNameLastName. All files should be submitted in MS word, do not submit PDF files. There will be a 1 mark deduction per instruction listed above that is not followed. Report Citation style: Please use MLA citation style for all written reports. This is the only style accepted in this class. For details on how to use MLA, please visit this York library link: http://www.library.yorku.ca/ccm/BG/guides/citemla. Remember that primary sources such as in-person or phone interviews, emails, SMS, BBM etc must be cited too. A failure to reference your assignments correctly could be considered plagiarism. Please see Yorks Academic Honesty Guidelines for more. Presentation attire: For classes that you are giving a presentation or when a guest speaker is visiting, please dress professionally. In the business world, presenting yourself properly is just as important as the information that you are presenting. Laptops/BlackBerries/PDAs/cell phones: Laptops and cellular devices are permitted in class but only to be used for course work. Abuse of this policy may result in digital devices being banned. Course changes: It is your responsibility to keep up with changes to assignments, the syllabus, assigned readings etc. If you miss a class, consult with the instructor and check the course web site daily. 2

COURSE ASSIGNMENTS: Class Contribution: 1) Attendance & Punctuality: Students are expected to arrive on time and attend the full lecture for all classes including the first lecture. In order to achieve the full five percent allocated to this portion of the participation grade, a student must attend and be on time for all scheduled lectures over the course of the term. Attendance will be taken at the start of every class and after breaks. 2) Class & Online Contribution: Everyone is expected to prepare for class by reading the textbook and completing other tasks assigned each week. Students are also expected to engage in class discussion each week. The business world requires active participation in meetings; therefore, so does this course. Students receive full credit when they contribute at least twice in a meaningful manner (meaningful means that it is obvious to the instructor that you are alert, that you have prepared the readings, that you have not repeated comments made by others and that your thought enhances class learning). There will also be online activities and quizzes that will count towards contribution. Contribution grades will be posted online by the instructor within 2 days of each class and each student has 48 hours after the grades are posted to report any issues to the instructor. Grades are firm after 48 hours of posting. 3) Group Social Media Presentations: Students will form groups of 5 during the second lecture. Each group will choose a social media site, blog or another relevant web site and prepare a 20 minute presentation using PowerPoint or another presentation software to be delivered to the class. All students in the group must take part in designing and delivering the presentation. Details will be posted online. Midterm Exam: The midterm exam will take place in-class is closed book format. It will include all materials covered in class prior to the day the midterm is scheduled. This includes the textbook, slides, additional reading materials discussed in class, class presentations and guest speaker material. The midterm will consist of multiple choice, true/false and short answer questions. More details will be posted online. Individual E-Marketing profile: The individual e-marketing project is designed to encourage students to use the web in an effort to improve or begin thinking about self-branding, their online profile and professional development. Students will research and design their own online profile using websites, blogs, social networking sites and many other components. Further details will be posted on the course website and discussed in class. Group E-Marketing Plan: Groups of 5 students will be formed by second lecture (same group as the social media presentations). Each group will choose one of the following 3 topics as a basis for their final group e-marketing plan: 1) Option 1: Find a company that lacks an online marketing strategy that is interested in having your group prepare a plan for them. Students may propose any company providing the following instructions are followed: 1) no member of the group works at the company 2) the course instructor provides approval and 3) the company consents in an e-mail to participate 2) Option 2: Develop an idea for a new web site and prepare an online marketing plan to prepare for its launch. The instructor must be consulted and approve the idea in advance. Supporting research behind the market need for the site must be included as well.

More details on the final group marketing plan will be posted on the course website. A midterm plan worth 5% will be submitted early in the term to ensure that each group is on the right track. Feedback provided on this midterm report must be implemented in the final report. Group Project Self & Peer Evaluations: For the final group plan, a single grade will be given to the group. However, some team members may not receive the same grade for the team plan if the instructor determines that not all team members contributed equally. Each individual in the group should ensure that the group functions effectively and professionally. If this is not happening, it is your responsibility to bring this to the attention of the instructor as soon as possible. To evaluate whether each team member is holding their weight, twice during the semester you will rate your other team members. The feedback from this peer review may be used by the instructor to adjust the individuals grade relative to the group, if required. The peer evaluation process is to ensure fair assessment of an individuals contribution to the group project. A copy of the peer evaluation form, along with further instructions, will be posted on the course website. CLASS OUTLINE The following is an outline of the content of each lecture. The sequence of topics may vary depending on the progress of the class, guest speakers or any other extenuating circumstances. There may also articles/readings and contribution assignments covered in class that are not yet listed on this outline.

Week Week of: 1 Sept 7

Topic of lecture/discussion 1.Course outline review 2.Review of citation & report formatting 3. Introduction to e-marketing & consumer behavior online 1.Career Centre session 2. Formation of groups 3. Strategic E-Marketing & The E-Marketing Plan 1.Online Segmentation, Targeting, Differentiation & Positioning Strategies 2.E-Marketing Communication Tools 1. Alexa Presentation: Slides due online by Sun, Sept 25 at 11pm 2. Engaging Customers with Social Media 1. Guest speaker: Ali Syed, SEO Specialist, Powered by Search 2. Buying Digital Media Space 3.Midterm Group E-Marketing Plan: Due online by Sun, Oct 9 at 11pm 4. Midterm peer evaluations & group logs: Due online by Mon, Oct 10 at 11pm

Readings reqd prior to class Chapter 1 Chapter 7 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 8 Chapter 12 Chapter 13

Sept 14

Sept 21

Sept 28

Oct 5

Chapter 14

6 7

Oct 12 Oct 19

8 9

Oct 26 Nov 2


Nov 9


Nov 16


Nov 23


Nov 30

NO CLASS, READING WEEK! 1.Guest speaker: Marc Whitehead, Partner, Freshly Baked Entertainment 2. Meetup & Wordpress presentations: Slides due online by Sun, Oct 16 at 11pm 3.Midterm exam details MIDTERM EXAM 1.LinkedIn presentation: Slides due online by Sun, Oct 30 at 11pm 2. Product: The Online Offer Chapter 9 3. Price: The Online Value Chapter 10 4. Debrief of midterm exam 1. Tumblr presentation: Slides due online by Sun, Nov 6 at 11pm 2. The Internet for Distribution Chapter 11 3. Individual E-Marketing Plan: Due online by Sun, Nov 13 at 11pm 1. Twitter presentation: Slides due online by Tues, Nov 15 at 11pm 2. Online Ethical and Legal Issues Chapter 5 3. Marketing Research Chapter 6 1.Guest speaker: Rick Neuman, Director of eCommerce Operations, Sears 2. Second Life presentation: Slides due online by Sun, Nov 20 at 11pm 1. Foursquare & Flickr presentations: Slides due online by Sun, Nov 27 at 11pm 2. Demo of selected individual assignments 3. Final group e-marketing plan: Due online by Sun, Dec 4 at 11pm 4. Final peer evaluation forms & group logs: Due online by Mon, Dec 5 at 11pm

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