Application Form for Verification - AIU
Application Form for Verification - AIU
Application Form for Verification - AIU
The Degree/ Marksheets can be verified only by an employer/ Head of the Institution/ The Embassy or High Commission/
Reputed Foreign/ Indian Credentials Verification Agencies and any other agency specified by the academic council. The
concerned office who wants the verification shall have to make formal request along with the photocopy of the Degree
Certificate or marksheets or Both.
The application/ request for the Degree or marksheets or Both verification be addressed to Controller of Examinations,
Asian International University, Ghari Awang Leikai, District- Imphal West, Manipur – 795140.
The verification process takes at least Thirty working days in Normal and Fifteen Working days in Express Mode.
Verification of degree or marksheet gets delayed as many times the VERIFICATION AGENCY does not make payment
of the required online fee. In such cases, the student must share the copy of the fee receipt with Examination Branch
at the email ID given below.
The verified document will be sent to the office from where the request has been received (not by hand). University is
not responsible for Postal delay or missing of documents, if any.
Upload all supporting documents in a single Pdf file which should be legible and clear, blur documents will be
considered an incomplete application.
Academic documents (Marksheets/Degree/Transcript) issued by the University are verified by the University, on
payment of the following fees-
INR 1500/- (One Thousand Five Hundred Rupees only) per candidate, per document in Normal Mode.
INR 2500/- (Two Thousand Five Hundred Rupees only) per candidate, per document in Express Mode.
Account Details-
For all the enquiries related to verification of documents/records the following email address may be used-
Campus : Ghari, Awang Leikai,
Imphal West, Manipur - 795140
Registration Number :
Postal Address:
E-mail ID
Purpose of Verification
Name of Candidate:
Postal Address:
We hereby declare that we have obtained consent from the candidate for verification of their credentials. We also, agree that we will use the
information provided by the university for our own purpose and not for any other organization or individual. We understand that the information
provided is not for public circulation. We also agree that disputes, if any arises by vir tue of university reply, the place of taking legal action is
subjected to the jurisdiction of Imphal West, Manipur