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EXAMS 2026

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes at SL and Marks: 25

Exam characteristics: Sources could be, among
This paper is a source-based paper on content and concepts from the others:
core unit. Four sources are presented (see the box to the right)
● Charts

Students must answer all questions.

● Cartoon
The paper is marked using a paper-specific markscheme.
● Photographs
Students should make good use of time. The recommended time
signaled below is a suggestion but can be flexible depending on paper, ● Extract from
student, language skills, etc.
news article
● Data or excerpt
from website

● Extract from journal

Question 1
The first question tests understanding of a source in relation to the demands of the
[3 marks]
The student identifies three points and uses language of source either paraphrasing or
quoting , linking back to question.
Recommended time
5 min

No need to add theories or own definitions here

Question 2 Shows understanding a source in relation to the demands of the question. Should use
key concepts in the question

[4 marks] Two paragraphs should be enough:

One for source content responding to the question, can include quotes to justify or
Recommended time
10 min
Second paragraph for own example, a RWE, with sufficient detail from your own
knowledge which also responds to question. The example should not be taken from
another source in the paper. If it is the same case study eg. Brazil and development, it
should provide details from own knowledge or focus on a different aspect.
No need to add theories or own definitions here

The third question assesses comparing and/or contrasting the ideas or views
expressed in two of the sources in relation to the specific demands of the question
Question 3
Students should pay attention to whether the command term is:
[6 marks]
Recommended time Compare (give similarities)
15 minutes approx Example: Both sources focus on the harmful relationship between X and Y. Source
X….quote) Similarly source Y………….(quote)
Contrast (give differences)
Example 1 : While Source C warns on the potential harm that X can cause on
vulnerable populations (insert quote), source D believes that harm can be easily
avoided by…. (quote)
Example 2: Source C warns on the potential harm that X can cause on vulnerable
populations (insert quote), However/On the other hand source D believes that harm
can be easily avoided by…. (quote)
Compare and contrast (both) 1 paragraph for comparison – 1 for contrast or viceversa.
Total 3 paragraphs.
This should be written in a running fashion which means Each paragraph should refer to
both sources. Total of 3 paragraphs
Each identified point of comparison or contrast should link to question and be justified
with info or quotes from each source. This should be made explicit.
Ideally leave a line between each paragraph.
No need to add theories or own definitions here
The question asks students use evidence/info from at least 3 sources and own
knowledge to answer the question.
It is an essay requiring a structure including:
Question 4
[12 marks] ● a clear introduction (intro with definition of key concept and thesis if possible)
Recommended time
45 min approx.
● arguments and at least 1 counter-argument (at least 3 separate paragrahs). All

these containing source evidence, own RWE example and analysis through
Glopo theory if possible).These arguments should be clearly and explicitly linked
to the demands of the question (claim)

● conclusion.

There are different approaches to answer this question:

Some prefer the PEEL or PEAL approach. Point-Explanation and Evidence and link back
to question.

Others start arguments with theory: eg. Realists would say that…… and links to sources ,
examples and links back to question

No matter the approach, it is important to show understanding of the question and a

good balance between evidence/opinions from sources and own knowledge (own
examples, definitions and theory)

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