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audit sampling

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Audit Sampling

PAS 530 defines audit sampling as the application of audit procedures to

less than 100% of the items within an account balance or class of
transactions such that all sampling units have a chance of selection.

 Audit sampling is performed on the assumption that the sample

selected for testing is representative of the population.
 Not all testing procedures performed by auditors involve audit
 The author may decide to apply audit procedures only to those items
which have particular significance (selective testing).

Risks in Sampling

- Sampling Risk refers to the possibility that the auditor’s conclusion,

based on a sample, may be different from the conclusion reached if the
entire population were subjected to the same audit procedures.
- This exists because the sample selected for testing may not be truly
representative of a population.

2 Types

Alpha Risk is the risk the auditor will conclude:

• in the case of tests of control, the internal control is not reliable when
in fact it is effective and can be relied upon (risk of under reliance).

• in the case of substantive test, that material misstatement exists in

an account balance or transaction class when in fact such misstatement does
not exist (risk of incorrect rejection).

This type of sampling risk results in an auditor performing audit procedures

more than what is necessary, thus affecting audit efficiency.

Beta Risk is the risk that the auditor will conclude,

• in the case of tests of control, that internal control ds reliable when in

fact it is not effective and cannot be relied upon (risk of over reliance).

• in the case of substantive test, that material misstatement does not

exist when in fact material misstatement does exist (risk of incorrect

This type of sampling risk results in an auditor performing audit procedures

less than what is necessary, thus affecting audit effectiveness.
- Non-sampling Risk refers to the risk that the auditor may draw
incorrect conclusions about the account balance or class of
transactions because of human errors such as application of
inappropriate audit procedures, failure to recognize errors in the
sample tested, and misinterpretation of evidence obtained.

Controlling the Risks

Auditors do not normally attempt to eliminate sampling risks. Instead,

auditors control sampling risk by:

- Increasing the sample size

- Using an appropriate sample selection method

On the other hand, non-sampling risk can be minimized by:

- Proper planning
- Adequate direction, review, and supervision of the audit team.

General Approaches to Audit Sampling

Statistical Sampling is a sampling approach that

- Uses random based selection of sample

- Uses statistics (law of probability) to measure sampling risk and
evaluate sample results.

Non-statistical sampling is a sampling approach that purely uses auditor’s

judgement in estimating sampling risks, determining sample size, and
evaluating sample results.

The only difference between the two methods is that statistical sampling
allows auditor to measure or quantify the sampling risk by using
mathematical formula.

Audit Sampling Plans

Attribute Sampling used to estimate the frequency of occurrence of a

certain characteristics in a population (occurrence test). It is generally used
when performing tests of control to estimate the rate of deviations from
prescribed internal control policies or procedures.

Variable Sampling used to estimate a numerical measurement of a

population such as peso value. It is generally used in performing
substantive test to estimate the amount of misstatements in the financial
Basic Steps in Audit Sampling

1. Define the objective of the test. The audit objective largely

determines the audit procedures to be applied.
2. Determine the audit procedures to be performed. This step
involves defining the population and the characteristics to be tested.
3. Determine the sample size. The auditor must decide how many
sampling units to include in the sample.
4. Select the sample. A sample selection technique must be designed
to such a way that all items in the population will have an opportunity
to be selected.
5. Apply the procedures. After the sample items have been selected,
the auditor applies the planned audit procedures to the sample.
6. Evaluate the sample results. The sample results must be evaluated
to determine whether sufficient evidence has been obtained to satisfy
the objective.

Sampling for Tests of Control

Audit sampling for tests of control is generally appropriate when application

of the control leaves evidence of performance.

Determination of sample size

Acceptable sampling risk. Sampling risk is inherent in an audit sampling

application. A sample drawn can only be expected to be representative of
the population. The size of the sample is affected by the level of sampling
risk the auditor is willing to accept.

The smaller the sampling risk the author is willing to accept, the
larger the sample size would be (vice versa)

Tolerable deviation risk is the maximum rate of deviations the auditor is

willing to accept, without modifying the planned degree of reliance on the
internal control.

A decrease in the tolerable deviation rate will cause the sample size
to increase

Expected deviation rate is the rate of deviation rate the auditor expects to
find in the population before testing begins. The auditor can develop this
expectations based on the prior years results or by examining few items in
the population (pilot sample).
The larger the expected population deviation rate, the larger the
sample size would be

Remember: the expected population deviation rate should not exceed the
tolerable deviation rate.

Sample Selection Method

Random Number Selection. The auditor selects the sample by matching

random numbers, generated by a random number table or a computer
software generator, with the population numbering system such as
document number.

Systematic Selection. This method involves determining w constant

sampling interval and then selects the sample based on the size of that

Haphazard Selection. The sample is selected without following an

organized or structured technique. It is useful for non-statistical sampling,
but it is not used for statistical sampling because the auditor cannot measure
the probability of an item being selected when using this method.

In selecting, the sample and applying the appropriate audit procedures, the
auditor may encounter the ff:

- Voided documents. If the document has been properly voided, such

document should be replaced by another sample.
- Missing documents. If the auditor encounters missing documents
and he is unable to determine whether the control has been properly
performed, such item should be treated as a deviation for the purpose
of evaluating sample results.

Evaluation of Results

1. Determine the sample deviation rate

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